Pilipino Express • Jun 16 2019

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Volume 15 • No. 12 • June 16 - 30, 2019 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Anne Curtis

Manitoba Filipino Street Festival a huge success

10 Lovely Miss Pilipino Express Vienna Jaime. See photos pp18-19

Vienna Jaime with Cathy Cox, MB Minister of Sport, Culture and Heritage (right)

World Elderly Abuse Awareness Day June 15th was the UN’s annual international observance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) developed and launched the observance on June 15, 2006. It involves activities to bring greater awareness of the mistreatment of older adults, wherever they may live in different parts of the world. It also highlights the need for appropriate action against any form of abuse of the elderly. This includes, and is not limited to, physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse, as well as neglect. In Manitoba, the citizens can benefit from different government services and initiatives geared toward the care and protection of our seniors. The Protection for Person In Care Act is a law to help protect adults from abuse while receiving care in personal care homes, hospitals or any other designated health facility. But, what about the seniors living alone or with their families who are the abusers themselves? Is it shame that keeps

these seniors suffering in silence? Who can they turn to for help? Saan hihingi ng tulong ang mga seniors? Read more in Lucille Nolasco’s article p7

CR E ATE MOM EN TS TH AT L A ST Mosaic Event Centre is a 6,000f t² venue that features multiple rooms, including a gorgeous chapel, reception hall, foyer, and meeting spaces. Let us help you create new memories. P R O U D LY S U P P O R T I N G THE FILIPINO COM MUNITY

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JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

JUNE 16 - 30, 2019





JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

The schemes of men These days you can’t go anywhere in Davao City – or perhaps all of Mindanao – without hearing and overhearing people talking about “investments.” Even when I take my late afternoon long walks I overhear these conversations. I once stopped on a red light at a corner where there was a sari-sari store, and I overheard a man trying to convince a woman to give him her money so he could invest it. “Mas maayo pa ‘day sa akoa na lang ni ihatag kay ma-invest pa nako. Naa kay ganansya kada bulan. (It’s better if you gave that money to me so I can invest it for you. You’ll earn a profit every month.) One of the biggest issues in Mindanao these days is the proliferation of investment schemes that are really nothing more than Ponzi schemes dressed up in various forms. There are quite a few of them, but the most famous – or infamous, depending on whether you’re an investor or a critic – is Kapa Community Ministry International. Kapa, which stands for Kabus Padatoon (make the poor rich), was founded and is headed by Joel Apolinario, a pastor whose affiliation is slightly clouded as of the moment.

(He is said to have belonged to the Seventh Day Adventist Church but the group has denied it.) His operation is all over Mindanao but is based in Bislig City, Surigao del Sur. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), his group collects investments from the public with a promise that 30 per cent of one’s investment will be paid back every month “until forever.” (Yes, the SEC used those words.) Apolinario justifies his scheme by saying what he receives are donations and not investments. The money is used for ministry, he says, but he also promises the unusually large return on investment (ROI) to his donors. Because of this he has managed to attract a large following – he claims to have five million “KAPAmilya” (a play on the Filipino word for “fellow family members”) – and they can be rather rabid about their involvement. It’s actually not hard to see through Kapa’s ruse. It is, for all intents and purposes, just a Ponzi scheme dressed up in religious garments. One puts in a P10,000 minimum investment – er, donation – and waits for the 30

per cent returns each month “until forever.” Most likely, this is done using the “robbing Peter to pay Paul” model: the early adopters do get a large return on their investment because they are paid using money from subsequent members. This can go on for a long time, but eventually the number of new members declines until there are no more to recruit; at this point the entire thing collapses, leaving the vast majority not only with no ROI but losing their initial investments as well. I’ve read some members claim Kapa is involved in bitcoins, which is how it can afford to give out the high ROI. Sure bitcoins (or other forms of crypto currency) can, in theory, give high returns, but according to Philippine Science High School, Davao City Campus, Economic Professor, Jefferson Nuñeza, the problem is it is not commensurate to actual tangible currency being used right now. “If you invest in bitcoin and the ROI becomes millions, no bank will exchange it since the amount is too big,” he said. So while Kapa may in fact be dealing in bitcoins, there is no way it can use it in its “payout” to its “donors.” The SEC issued a cease and desist order (CDO) on Kapa on February 24, 2019 “after finding

substantial evidence that it has been offering and selling securities in the form of investment contracts without the necessary license.” According to the SEC, Kapa is actually a registered corporation in the Philippines but its certificate of incorporation, dated March 3, 2017, “explicitly stated that it is not authorized to undertake business activities requiring a secondary license such as acting as broker or dealer in securities, investment house and close-end or open-end investment company.” Kapa largely ignored the SEC order, and so it found itself in the sights of President Rodrigo Duterte himself. On June 7 the President gave a cable TV interview in which he ordered the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) to close down Kapa and all other companies offering “too good to be true” investment schemes. Unfortunately, that interview was done by Pastor Apollo Quiboloy, a leader of a large religious organization, so the discourse quickly became a church war of sorts, with members of both sides throwing all sorts of foul words against each other. Perhaps aware of this, the President made another pronouncement on June 13 in General Santos City, this time calling Apolinario a swindler and, in true Duterte style, threatening to make the Kapa founder swallow his own dentures if he sees him. As for the poor “donors,” Duterte’s message was: “Katong nakuhaan ug dako sa (Those who gave a lot to) Kapa, I’m sorry. The operation will be stopped, shall stop immediately.” I was surprised to learn that I have quite a few friends who have invested in Kapa and other such companies, and until now they refuse to believe they are being hoodwinked. The next few days will tell us how this whole drama will pan out; I fear the worst not just for the investors but also for our communities. If enough people lose money, they can easily be agitated to take matters in their own hands. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Editor-InChief of the Davao City-based Mindanao Daily Mirror. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.


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JUNE 16 - 30, 2019


Sex and menopause Dear Ate Anna: I would like your help. When my husband and I try to be intimate together, I feel a lot of pain inside my body. This is a new problem and started around my 50th birthday. Other than this problem I am a strong and healthy woman. Signed, A Reader Dear Reader, Thank you for your message! It is always a good idea to see your health care provider if you feel changes in your body, especially ones that cause pain. Your health care provider may be able to help you in a number of ways. It is possible that the pain you are feeling is connected to menopause. Menopause is a process that happens to every female. Menopause usually begins after the age of 45, although some can experience menopause much earlier or later than that. During menopause our body begins to produce less of a hormone called estrogen. When our bodies produce less estrogen, we feel the effects in many ways. Our periods will come less often, or they will stop completely. We may have trouble with sleeping or with “hot flashes,� where we suddenly feel very warm for no reason. These changes are normal, though they may feel uncomfortable. Menopause also decreases the amount of blood flow to our vagina when we are sexually aroused. When less blood flows to the vagina, our body may have a harder time building lubrication during intimate times. Lubrication

refers to the slippery substance your body builds in the vagina when we are sexually turned on. Without this lubrication, we may notice that the vagina is drier. Having intimate times when your vagina feels dry may cause sex to be painful. There are a few things you can do to help this problem. First, your health care provider may be able to prescribe medication that decreases menopausal symptoms. If you are experiencing vaginal dryness, you can try using a lubricant. Lubricants are slippery gels that you can buy at any pharmacy. Placing lubricant in and around the vagina, and on the penis also, may provide relief to this problem. It is important to know that some kinds of lubricants should not be used with condoms, as they

can make the condom weaker and less effective. We recommend using lubricants that are waterbased, which are safe for condoms (and sex toys also, for those who use them). I hope this information helps, and that you find the relief you need! Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to: Ate Anna, Suite 200226 Osborne St. N., Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@ serc.mb.ca. Visit us at www.serc. mb.ca. for reliable information and links on the subject of sexuality.




JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

Limited sponsorship of excluded family members The federal Liberals continue to roll out positive changes to immigration. Rather than change the Act itself, they have been presenting a series of pilots on important changes, such as the caregiver program announced several months back, and now one dealing with “Excluded Relationships.” The term may not be familiar to you but it refers specifically to family members who were not declared on past applications for permanent residents. If the family member was not declared, then he or she was not examined and therefore is excluded from sponsorship for life. The omission is serious and something many of the expatriate Filipino community are far too aware of. But there is hope and a sign of changing times with a recent announcement by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. It is important for the reader to grasp fully the meaning of relationships excluded from

sponsorship. The wording is found in the Immigration, Refugees and Protection Regulations, section 117(9) (d): “Excluded relationships (9) A foreign national shall not be considered a member of the family class by virtue of their relationship to a sponsor if… (d) Subject to subsection (10), the sponsor previously made an application for permanent residence and became a permanent resident and, at the time of that application, the foreign national was a non-accompanying family member of the sponsor and was not examined.” The barrier is very real and difficult, but not impossible, to overcome. At this time it is possible to request an exemption from the lifetime ban on sponsorship of excluded family members. The immigration Act and Regulations do permit a request to be made for an exemption under humanitarian and compassionate grounds, IRPA s. 25(1). This provision has been a basis for

successful submissions. Rather than cite successful cases that I and others have represented, the reader should be aware of the December 2015 Supreme Court of Canada decision in Kanthasamy v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2015 SCCC 61, which argued against IRCC’s isolated use of the test of “unusual and undeserved or disproportionate hardship” in favour of equitable relief, which would excite in a reasonable person in a civilized community a desire to relieve the misfortunes of others. The Supreme Court wrote, “what warrants relief will vary depending on the facts and context of the case, but officers making humanitarian and compassionate determinations must substantively consider and weigh all the relevant facts and factors before them.” The “best interests of the child” is of particular import in section 25(1) and sponsorship of excluded family member submissions. The path forward is not easy and it is something many practitioners avoid. But IRCC is now modifying this ban

for former refugees, who can now sponsor family members they failed to disclose in their permanent resident applications. Minister Hussen acknowledges on behalf of his department the need for such a change. “Newcomers who failed to declare immediate family members as they first came to Canada were barred to sponsor them. Today, we right the wrong.” Hussen’s statement supported his department’s announcement to set up a two-year pilot for the sponsorship of excluded family members under the heading of an article in CIC News (May 31, 2019), entitled, “New pilot for family members previously excluded from Canada will ‘right that wrong,’ immigration minister says.” The details of the two-year pilot are not clearly presented in the ministerial announcement but those concerned are resettled refugees. The pilot will run from September 9, 2019, to September 9, 2021. The pilot will also apply to those applications in process. The announcement of the pilot is important because it signifies

that IRCC is aware of the unfair nature of the life-long ban and the impact on families. The twoyear pilot is limited to former refugees but it is reasonable to assume that other applicants and practitioners will call attention to this fact in future submissions or arguments and quote the Minister verbatim. Thank you Minister Hussein for acknowledging what so many, especially the families concerned, can attest to. We need to “right the wrong.” The omission of family members, by applicants for permanent residence, is serious and must be addressed but the life-long ban is excessive and the impact unfair, especially as it deals with children. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-6911166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.

Seven financial mistakes to avoid at university – Part II by Tim St Vincent Here is Part II of my article from last month. If you missed it, I suggest you get a copy of the mid-May edition or read it on line at www.pilipino-express.com, under “My Money Coach” in the Features section. To continue… 4. Spending beyond your means Living frugally doesn’t mean doing without; it means being smart with your money and getting value. It also means having a clear understanding of the things you need, the things you want, and the line that divides them, called the things you can afford. While there are some costs that you can’t control like tuition, there are lots of areas where you can minimize your spending. For example, buy used books, avoid buying the latest technology, use your student ID for discounts, and

take advantage of free or low cost events. Make every dollar count. Before spending anything, stop and ask yourself if you need to spend the money. I visited a campus last spring and was amazed at how long the line-up was for coffees and lattes at the local coffee franchise. Three lattes a week could lighten your bank account by $1,000 a year! If you need a caffeine fix, make your own and save about 90 per cent per cup! 5. Missing out on scholarships, grants, and bursaries There is over $100 million available in scholarships, grants and bursaries in Canada each year. Each year millions of dollars remain unclaimed! The big scholarships are snapped up quickly, but there are lots of $250 – $1,000 grants and bursaries available that can help cover school costs. Contact the financial

aid office at your school for more information and talk to your school counsellor. Many large campuses have smaller colleges right on them, and each of these colleges has its own bursaries, grants and scholarships. Join a college; doing so could open up more financial avenues. Investing time up front could potentially bring in hundreds to thousands of additional funds. 6. Not working part-time while attending school Working during the school year will help cover your expenses. You can build upon this by working full-time in the summer months and substantially reduce, or eliminate the amount of money you’ll need to borrow next year. Depending upon your field of study, there may be opportunities to enter into a co-op program where you attend school for part of the year and then work in your field of study. Co-op and work-

study programs don’t just help your bank account; they’re a great addition to your resume. If you’re really lucky, you may even find an employer who wants to take you on full time, and cover the costs of your continuing education. 7. Choosing a school for the wrong reasons Graduates who come to the Credit Counselling Society for assistance often question the value of their education in relation to the debt they’ve incurred. It’s not pretty and it could have been minimized if students, with some help from their parents, a high school counsellor or an academic advisor, worked through the different financial scenarios of: • Living away from vs. living at home • Attending a community college and then transferring to a university • Attending a prestigious vs. a community university

• Attending university vs. working until you have a clearer idea of your future The time spent working through these different education options could end up saving a person tens of thousands of dollars. You may even come to the realization that, overall,l things would be better if you waited a year or two so that you can gather more funds and a better idea of what you want to study. The bottom line: knowledge A solid plan and good decision making are the keys to avoiding the common money mistakes students make during their postsecondary years. While you may not be able to graduate completely debt free, if you avoid these seven money mistakes, you will graduate with a lot less debt, a lot less stress, and you’ll be able to move forward financially more quickly. Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society (CCS), a non-profit organization. If you wish to contact Tim or the Society for further information or to request / attend a workshop / webinar, please call 1-888-5278999 or go to www.nomoredebts. org or www.mymoneycoach.ca.

JUNE 16 - 30, 2019


Abusado by Lucille Nolasco Nanay Maring Linggo-linggo ay kailangang mag-dialysis si nanay Maring (hindi tunay na pangalan). Hatidsundo siya ng kaniyang anak na lalake sa ospital. Biyuda na ang 75-anyos na si nanay Maring na dating taga-Winnipeg at lumipat sa Vancouver upang makasama ng anak na siyang inaasahan niyang tutulong sa kaniya. Noong una ay ayos ang pakikitungo sa kaniya ng anak, asawa nito at mga apo. Hindi naman siya pabigat, dahil ang anak niya ang may hawak ng kaniyang pension, at doon sa account niya ibinabawas ang mahigit $1,000 na share niya buwan-buwan. Ngunit nitong mga nakalipas na buwan ay nagbago ang lahat. Madalas siyang sungitan ng kaniyang manugang. Maging ang sarili niyang anak ay tila nagsasawa na siyang tulungan at nadadalas ang kanilang pagaaway. Kaya naisip niyang bumalik na lamang ng Winnipeg. Pero payo ng kaniyang mga kapatid na magtiis na lamang daw sa Vancouver dahil walang ibang tutulong sa kaniya dahil matatanda na rin sila. Pero ayon kay nanay Maring, hindi na niya kayang pagtiisan ang hindi magandang trato sa kaniya ng anak at pamilya nito. Hiningi niya ang passport niya sa anak, pero ayaw itong ibigay sa

kaniya. Ni ang kaniyang passbook ay ayaw ring ibigay. Wala siyang mapagsumbungan. Ayaw naman niyang makasuhan ang anak. Ngayon, ay lito si nanay Maring at hindi alam kung ano ang kaniyang gagawin. Nanay Lita Kababalik lamang ng 90-anyos na si nanay Lita (hindi tunay na pangalan) mula sa anim na buwang pagbabakasyon sa Pilipinas. Laking-gulat niya sa kaniyang pagbabalik sa kaniyang apartment na putol ang linya ng kaniyang telepono at TV. Madumi at makalat rin ang kaniyang apartment. Bago siya umalis ay ini-habilin niya ang pag-aasikaso ng kaniyang apartment at mga bayarin sa kaniyang pamangkin. Tiwala rin siyang iniwanan dito ang kaniyang bankcard. Hindi na nakapag-asawa si nanay Lita ngunit tunay na anak ang turing niya sa kaniyang pamangkin. Nang tanungin niya ang pamangkin tungkol sa nangyari sa kaniyang apartment ay inaway pa siya. Nang dumating ang bank statement ay nakita ni nanay Lita na maging personal na gastusin ng kaniyang pamangkin ay nakacharge sa kaniya. Ngayon ay short ang pera ni nanay Lita, wala naman siyang ibang mapagkukunan ng panggastos kundi ang kaniyang buwanang pension. Hindi na rin niya mahagilap ang kaniyang pamangkin ngayon. Ano raw ba

ang kaniyang gagawin? World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Taun-taon, tuwing ika-15 ng Hunyo, ay ginugunita ang World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). Layunin ng mahalagang araw na ito na malaman ang mga senyales at ma-educate ang mga tao tungkol sa pang-aabuso at pagpapabaya sa mga nakatatanda sa ating lipunan. Ang pang-aabuso sa mga matatanda ay hindi lamang pisikal; ito ay maaari ring emosyonal, psychological, sekswal o pinansyal. Pang-aabuso ring maituturing ang hindi pagkalinga at pagpapabaya sa mga nakatatanda. Ayon sa Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, ang pang-aabuso sa mga nakatatanda or older adults ay anumang gawain o kawalan ng pag-aksyon ng isang taong pinagkakatiwalan, na magdudulot ng panganib sa isang nakatatanda. Nangyayari rin ang pang-aabuso sa isang matanda kapag isa nilang kakilala o nangangalaga sa kanila ay naglilimita or kumokontrol sa kanilang mga karapatan at kalayaan. Ang older adult ay hindi makalayang makapili o makagawa ng kaniyang gusto dahil natatakot na mapahiya, masaktan, makasakit, maiwanang nag-iisa o matapos ang isang relasyon. Kadalasan, ang pang-aabuso ng mga older adults ay nangyayari sa loob ng isang pamilya ng anak nito at mga apo, asawa or partner. Kapag ang isang tao ay inaabuso ng kaniyang asawa or partner, tinatawag itong domestic abuse. Ang iba pang kamaganak, mga kaibigan, kapitbahay, caregivers, landlords, spiritual at financial advisors o sinumang pinagkakatiwalaan or in a position of authority ay maaari ring makapang-abuso sa isang older adult. Mga tulong at serbisyo para sa mga matatanda Dito sa Manitoba ay may Protection for Persons in Care Office (PPCO) na nasasailalim sa Department of Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living. Ang


opisinang ito ay tumatanggap at nag-iimbestiga ng mga ulat ng hinihinalang patient/resident abuse and neglect o pagpapabaya. Ang mga pasilidad ay required na i-report ang suspected abuse or neglect in writing sa PPCO. Pero paano naman ang mga katulad nina nanay Maring na namumuhay kasama ng anak at pamilya nito at nanay Lita na namumuhay mag-isa? Una, mahalagang malaman ang mga senyales ng pangaabuso. Pangalawa, huwag mahiyang magsabi sa isang taong pinagkakatiwalaan, at maaaring makatulong. Ayon sa WRHA, available ang mga counsellor para tulungan ang mga seniors na nakakaranas ng pang-aabuso, neglect or exploitation sa kamay ng sariling pamilya o iba pang caregivers. Ang mga social workers ay makapagbibigay ng confidential counselling, support at access sa emergency accommodation para sa mga matatandang dumaranas ng pisikal, emosyonal at financial abuse or pagpapabaya. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, maaaring tawagan ang Seniors’ Abuse Support Line sa 1-888-896-7183 at kausapin ang isa sa mga trained and caring counsellors. Ito ay walang bayad at confidential. Bata man o matanda ay may karapatan sa isang ligtas at maayos na pamumuhay – isang buhay na malayo sa pangaabuso ng sinuman.



JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

Youth CEO Internship

Over 200 people including CEOs, youth participants, and community members come together to celebrate the kick off of the #YouthCEO summer internship program. Participant Angelica Placido is with Mark Chipman, Executive Chairman of True North Sports & Entertainment where Angelica will intern this summer. This initiative provides Indigenous and new Canadian youth participants with training and work experience at 15 of Manitoba’s most successful companies.

Congratulations Jamie Marvin Dumaran

Jamie Marvin Dumaran University of Manitoba graduates as Athletic Therapist with a Bachelor of Kinesiology. Jamie is also a UManitoba athlete in track & field. Proud parents Eleuterio & Menilyn Dumaran, siblings Raiden, Elmiera, Abreanne, Elden & Kyle. Congratulations and Good luck! “The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”

Winnipeg Hot Shots

Congratulations to Winnipeg Hot Shots on their victory June 2, 2019 against Regina Raptors at the Jr. NBA Global Championship. They also represented the Prairies at the National championships on June 14- 16, 2019 in Toronto. Vrisel Manalo, Lance Mangaron, Diego Presingular, EJ Hernandez, TJ Capuno, Travis LeBoutillier, Kato Jaro, Luciano Glades, Sam Sola, Jakyri Babb, & Alex Palyvoda

JUNE 16 - 30, 2019



Round: The feng shui shape of wealth In feng shui every direction, such as north, south, or northeast has a number, colour, element and a shape associated with it. Each shape has a distinct meaning. For instance, the tall, rectangular shape of wood is associated with growth. The shape associated with “big metal” or the northwest is round. This is also the shape of coins – or “change” – and wealth. The round shape is a shape that is seen as very yang and active. A round ball or coin takes very little effort to get it to roll and keep moving. Try making a block of wood move and it stops dead. But round and circular shapes have movement to them and that’s what makes them yang. Yet in many homes, the round shape is often missing. Décor elements tend to go square and rectangular versus circular or curving. But what does that circular shape have to do with wealth? For one thing, wealth comes from movement and energy. The times we make the most money most often come when we expend the most energy and movement. And think of coins. Their round shape has kept them moving in and out of our purses and pockets for thousands of years now. The round shape is also associated with “big metal” and big metal makes water in the feng shui five-element theory — and water is wealth. Therefore, adding metal to your environment adds more water based on the productive cycle and that means more money for you. When you’re interested in developing more wealth and increasing prosperity, make sure you incorporate more round shapes and circles in your home environment. The following tips will help you to put more water-producing (read: wealth producing) energy in your home – and your pocketbook! Use circles in your décor Sofas, drapes, and carpeting can all be selected with circular shapes and fabric patterns. Select soothing and muted patterns because strong circles and dots can create a restless energy that makes relaxing difficult. Dot your landscape with circles Whether you have a round fountain in your garden or circular stepping-stones, adding circles to the landscape will generate water energy that will “feed” your garden dragon. Curving shapes also induce a watery feel to the garden that generates more prosperity chi! Select circular accessories A wonderful choice for increasing wealth is a metal wealth bowl. Filled with faux jewels or semiprecious stones that “feed” the metal bowl, the wealth bowl will be even more productive at

generating watery wealth energy. Round shaped accessories that are metal are best at generating more movement and wealth energy in your home. Round plates on stands are another excellent wealth producing accessory – especially those that are gold or silver-coloured. Choose circular furnishings Too often furniture is very square, solid, and energy stopping. To bring more wealth-producing energy to your home, select chairs that are round and curved. But avoid selecting round baby cribs or beds. These are too energetic and will impede your sleep and ability to fully rest. Round jewellery You can even add round shapes to yourself. To generate more water and wealth energy, choose jewellery pieces that are round or circular. These are also especially wonderful if they have any kind of stones or jewels on them to activate them. Round gold beads symbolize heaven and are excellent for stimulating more opportunity. One of the best gems for this? Pearls! Their white, round shape is perfect for bring change, opportunity, and for attracting wealth and prosperity. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: I have a long stairway. What are some good feng shui ways I can decorate it? Answer: Decorating your stairway is a wonderful way to help bring chi up to the second floor, and doing it well is a terrific way to create good feng shui, too. I remember going to Lillian Too’s home for a party for her students. She offered an Australian friend and me a tour up to her personal meditation room, which was

astounding. The walls were covered in beautiful and large Buddhist Thangkas. I recall her home having two stairways. The stairway she led us up to was lined with bookshelves with all of Lillian’s books. This showed how she depicted her ever-reaching and growing success as an author and an expert. Anyone can use this idea in their home, especially if you work in a public way such as in film (I know my list has many film-industry readers!), acting or publishing and are looking for fame and recognition. It was an honour to be shown this room, and that she chose us to show her meditation room, but it was her stairway depicting her growth that is the lesson for anyone reaching for success and recognition. Another example of ways you can decorate your stairway comes from a client I once worked with who was experiencing trouble with being recognized and was looking to build his reputation. We lined his stairway with his newspaper clippings, articles,

and photos with famous people in chronological order so as you took each step up, you could see his reputation rising. It worked like magic! This is another excellent way to build your reputation. One more way is add images of growth, such as trees or anything that represents upward growth on your stairway. And don’t forget lighting. My good friend, Carrie Small, has her stairway lighted with electric candles that adds safety at night, and is a great way to lift energy to the second floor.

Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. She has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!



Kapamilya network reaps awards ABS-CBN continues to get the stamp of approval from students and teachers as it ended May with 39 more recognitions from the 21st Gawad PASADO Awards, 18th Kabantugan Awards, and 7th Kagitingan Awards. Leading the Kapamilya winners in Pampelikulang Samahan ng Dalubguro (PASADO) was the afternoon show, Kadenang Ginto, which was named PinakaPASADOng Teleserye and its “lead stars Beauty Gonzalez and Albert Martinez, who were awarded PinakaPASADong Aktres sa Teleserye and PinakaPASADOng Aktor sa Teleserye, respectively. Veteran actor Ronaldo Valdez, from another Kapamilya Gold hit program Los Bastardos, earned the PASADO Lifetime Achievement Award. PASADO, an organization of master teachers that review films

as documents and materials for teaching different disciplines, also honoured Star Cinema’s Kasal as PinakaPASADOng Pelikula, together with five other films, with its lead stars Paulo Avelino and Bea Alonzo awarded as PinakaPASADOng Aktor and PinakaPASADOng Aktres, respectively. Mycko David also received the PinakaPASADOng Sinematograpiya for Kasal, while Marya Ignacio accepted the PinakaPASADOng Editing award for the Philippines’ highest-grossing film The Hows of Us. Other Kapamilya that passed PASADO’s criteria were McCoy De Leon and Maymay Entrata, who were named as PinakaPASADOng Dangal ng Kabataan awardees. ABS-CBN also earned 22 trophies at the 18th Kabantugan Awards of the Mindanao State

University – General Santos City, which honours the outsidecampus role models of the youth, such as wholesome personalities/ celebrities in local and national television. Among the awards received by the Kapamilya contingent were Most Favorite Female TV News Anchor for Karen Davila, Most Favorite TV News Program for TV Patrol, Most Favorite Movie Actress for Kathryn Bernardo, Most Favorite TV Actor and Most Favorite Movie Actor for Jericho Rosales and Most Favorite TV Actress for Angel Locsin, and Most Favorite Entertainment Show for It’s Showtime. Meanwhile, It’s Showtime and Magandang Buhay were the big winners at the Bataan State Peninsula University 7th Kagitingan Awards for Television, the first student-based media award-giving body in Central

JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

Luzon, which recognizes local television programs that promote and impart values of valour in its diverse delineation. The noontime show was named Pinakamagiting na Entertainment Program 2019, while the show of Karla Estrada, Jolina Magdangal-Escueta, and Melai Cantiveros-Francisco was hailed as Pinakamagiting na Talk Show 2019. Kapamilya

artists and personalities like Anne Curtis and Vice Ganda from It’s Showtime were hailed as Pinakamagiting na Personalidad ng Entertainment Program, while The Bottomline anchor Boy Abunda won as Pinakamagiting na Personalidad ng Talk Show, and Zaijan Jaranilla was named as Pinakamagiting na Personalidad ng Drama Anthology for his performance in MMK.

Daniel Padilla & Kathryn Bernardo

Maymay Entrata & McCoy De Leon

Anne Curtis

Angel Locsin

Vice Ganda

Karen Davila

Paolo Avelino

Jericho Rosales

The cast of Kadenang Ginto

Melai Cantiveros-Francisco, Karla Estrada, Jolina Magdangal-Escueta

Boy Abunda

JUNE 16 - 30, 2019



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JUNE 16 - 30, 2019


• Robin Robin Padilla Padilla– –Mukhang Mukhang mamamagitan mamamagitan kay kay Pres. President DU30 atDuterte ABS-CBN at ABS-CBN • Eddie Eddie Garcia Garcia– –Walang Walang tatalo tatalo sa sa propesyonalismo propesyonalismo ng ng batikang batikang actor actor • Jodi Jodi Sta. Sta.Maria Maria– –Sumosobra Sumosobra yata yata angang pagpayat pagpayat ngng magandang magandang aktres aktres • Tirso Tirso Cruz CruzIII III– –Pinarangalan Pinarangalan bilang bilang ‘Natatanging ‘Natatanging Bituin Bituin Ng Ng Siglo’ Siglo’ • Maine Maine at atArjo Arjo– –Lantaran Lantaran nana ang ang pagmamahalan pagmamahalan • Sylvia Sylvia Sanchez Sanchez– –Mahusay Mahusay nana aktres aktres ang nanay ang nanay ni Arjoni Atayde Arjo Atayde • Alden Alden Richards Richards– –Pinagawaan Pinagawaan ngng school school ang ang mga mga batang batang Mangyan Mangyan • Vice Vice Ganda Ganda––Buti Butinanalang lang at at wala wala na na si si Calvin Calvin sasa eksena eksena Malakas ang ugong ng balita na si Robin Padilla ang “nagpapalamig” ng ulo ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte para magkaroon ng posibilidad ang pagpapatuloy sa himpapawid ng ABS-CBN. Kilalang malapit sa pangulo ang action star, sinuportahan niya ang pangulo noong kampanya nito, kaya hindi siya nakakalimutan ng ating tagapamuno. Madiin ang mga pahayag ni PRRD, hindi nito palulusuting makakuha ng panibagong prangkisa ang ABS-CBN, kailangan munang makipagkita sa gitna ng network tungkol sa kanilang pagkakautang sa pamahalaan. Ang pakikipagkompromiso ng network sa mga gustong See CRISTY p15

Jodi Sta. Maria

JUNE 16 - 30, 2019



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JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

JUNE 16 - 30, 2019



What’s next for Iñigo? Fans can’t help but notice the sudden change in Iñigo Pascual’s Instagram account. A large number of his previous posts have been purged. Photos of his events and other happenings have been deleted and replaced by multiple posts of flowers. Does this mean change is blooming in his life? Meanwhile, his recent IG stories and posts revealed that the multi-talented artist is currently traveling in the United States, popping in on several online and radio shows. The 21-year old pop star also

recently did a show with fellow Tarsier Records’ artist Kiana Valenciano for international media network Viacom’s PacificAmericanHeritageMonth held in New York. Both are also featured in The Crossover, coming soon to MyxTV, in which they talk about immersing themselves in local culture to understand how music can be universal and meaningful. Iñigo also guested on the podcast The Lunch Table, YouTube entertainment news channel Holly Wire, and radio

(courtesy of @myxTV on Instagram) Iñigo Pascual’s interview on Holly Wire

(courtesy of @tarsierrecords on Instagram)

CRISTY... From page 12 mangyari ng pangulo ang tanging makapagbibigay sa kanila ng panibagong prangkisa na nakalutang pa sa ere hanggang ngayon! Napakabilis ng panahon, ang March 20 ng susunod na taon ay ilang tulog at gising na lang, napakalaking problema para sa mga empleyado at artista ng ABSCBN ang puwedeng maganap sa kanilang istasyon. Hindi totoong makakasabay ng network sa pagre-refile ng kanilang prangkisa ang TV5, noong Pebrero pa ay nakakuha na nang 25-taong lisensiya ang istasyon, kasabay ang GMA-7. Mapagbiro talaga ang kapalaran. Number one station na itinuturing ang ABS-CBN pero kung ganyan naman kalaking problema sa prangkisa ang kanilang hinaharap ay nakapanghihinayang ang posisyong pinanghahawakan nila. *** Nababahala ang mga nagmamahal kay Tito Eddie Garcia dahil sa kaniyang kalagayan ngayon. Comatose pa rin ang magaling na aktor-direktor, kailangan pa rin siyang kambalan ng life support system, walang nakatitiyak kung kailan siya magigising at kung manunumbalik ba ang dati niyang sigla pagkatapos ng pinagdadaanan niya ngayon. Napatunayan ng kaniyang mga doktor na nang bumagsak siya sa taping ng bagong serye niya sa GMA-7 ay 20-minuto siyang nawalan ng oxygen, may komunikasyon ang mga doktor kahit sa iba-ibang ospital pa sila nakatalaga, na-revive lang si Manoy Eddie nang isugod siya sa Mary Johnston’s Hospital. Ginagawa ng kaniyang mga doktor ang lahat-lahat, pero napakalaking tulong ng samasamang panalangin sa ganitong pagkakataon, dasal pa rin ang hinihingi ng kaniyang pamilya para siya magising. Ginagawa ng GMA-7 ang lahat sa kanilang kapasidad para makatulong sa pamilya, walang katotohanan ang kuwentong lumabas na pinababayaan ng network ang beteranong aktordirektor, nakikipagtulungan sila sa pamilya ni Tito Eddie. Hindi lang ipinagmamakaingay ng mga tagapamuno ng GMA7 ang kanilang mga ginagawa, pero kumikilos sila, kasabay ng

stations 99.7 NOW, Kiss FM, and Power 106. Now we can’t help but wonder; what’s up his sleeve? The rising performer is only one of the local artists who is slowly breaking into the international music scene as ABS-CBN continues to champion Filipino talent on the world stage. Last month, he released his Mr. Nice Guy music video, a collaboration with Australian YouTube superstar, Wengie. What’s next for Iñigo? We guess we’ll have to wait and see!

Iñigo Pascual’s interview for MyxTV pag-iimbestiga nila sa naganap sa taping ay hindi sila nagpapabaya sa responsibilidad na kailangan nilang panagutan sa naganap kay Eddie Garcia. Pagdating sa propesyonalismo bilang aktor at direktor ay walang makakukuwestiyon kay Tito Eddie Garcia. Dumarating siya nang mas maaga sa kaniyang calltime. Kahit sa mga awards night ay isa siya sa mga nauunang dumating, pinakahuli rin siyang umaalis, tinatapos niya ang pagbibigay ng parangal. Pagdating sa disiplina sa oras ay sensitibo siya, alam niya kasi ang gastos ng produksiyon kapag may artistang wala pa sa set, kapaniwalaan nga ng marami niyang katrabaho sa pelikula at serye ay mas nauuna pa siyang dumating sa lokasyon kesa sa generator. Kuwento ni Bayani Agbayani na nakatrabaho ng premyadong aktor, “Hindi mo talaga siya mauunahan sa set, palagi siyang nauuna. Ganoon siya kaprofessional. “Minsan, e, tinanong ko si Tito Eddie, ‘Anong oras po ang calltime n’yo bukas?’ Sabi niya, alas singko nang madaling-araw. So, ako naman, pinaghandaan ko iyon! “Gusto kong maunahan sa set si Tito Eddie kahit minsan lang ba! Maagang-maaga akong umalis sa bahay, sabi ko, mauuna na siguro ako kesa sa kaniya noon! “Aba, pagdating ko, e, nandoon na si Tito Eddie! Tinanong ko siya, ‘Anong oras po kayo dumating?’ Alas kuwatro, sabi niya, kaya natawa ako, hindi ko pa rin siya naunahang dumating!” tawa nang tawang kuwento ng magaling na komedyante. Noong isang gabi ay dumalaw See CRISTY p16

Iñigo Pascual in New York (courtesy of @inigopascual on Instagram)

Iñigo Pascual for Viacom in New York (courtesy of @ inigopascual on Instagram)



JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

StarStruck Season 7 The search is on for the next Ultimate Female and Male Survivors The stage is set and the cameras are rolling as GMA Network brings forth a brand new season of its original reality-based artista search, StarStruck 7. The talent search that started it all introduces a tougher, more exciting competition that promises diverse and entertaining challenges, a thrilling judging system, real life drama, and interesting reality-based stories as hopefuls compete to become the next Ultimate Female and Male Survivors. Ultimate Star and StarStruck Season 1 Ultimate Female Survivor Jennylyn Mercado and Kapuso Primetime King Dingdong Dantes host this season of StarStruck. No less than three of the entertainment industry’s most respected personalities – Queen of Creative Collaborations Heart Evangelista, actress par excellence Ms. Cherie Gil, comedy lodi Jose Manalo – will take their seats as this season’s StarStruck Council. As judges, they will be mentoring the finalists and be involved in the story telling of the program. Multitalented Kapuso actress

CRISTY... From page 15 si Senadora Grace Poe, ang kaniyang sabi, “Kung walang Eddie Garcia, wala ring FPJ.” Madaling-araw namang dumalaw si Coco Martin na matagal na nakasama ni Tito Eddie sa seryeng Ang Probinsiyano. *** Tama ang obersbasyon ng mga nakakausap namin na tumatapang ang ganda ni Jodi Sta. Maria dahil sa sobra niyang kapayatan ngayon. Malayung-malayo ang itsura niya ngayon sa dating Jodi na napapanood ng ating mga kababayan. Sabi ng isang kaibigan namin, “Hindi ba natatakot si Jodi na baka isang araw, e, mauwi sa kung ano ang sobrang kapayatan niya ngayon? “Una, ang health niya, baka maging anorexic siya. Ikalawa, tumatapang ang itsura niya, parang palagi siyang nagagalit! Mas maganda sa kaniya ang may konting laman. “Totoong very vain sila sa itsura nila, ayaw nilang tumaba, pero huwag naman sanang ganyan kapayat si Jodi!” nagmamalasakit na komento ng aming kausap. Pero hindi maitatago na isa pa rin si Jodi Sta. Maria sa nagmamayari ng pinakamagandang mukha sa industriya. Payat o anuman, ang maganda ay maganda pa rin sa kahit anong anggulo, hindi maikakaila iyon. Tuloy ay may nagkokomento na kaya raw nangayayat nang husto ang aktres ay dahil hindi pa

Kyline Alcantara joins the program as the StarStruck Insider, the host of Starstruck’s online show, Inside StarStruck. It’s the show’s official Youtube channel every Monday to Friday at 6:00 p.m. Out of thousands who auditioned across the country, 11 boys and 11 girls were chosen through a series of demanding tests dubbed the StarStruck Experience. After the gruelling process, these 22 hopefuls will face their final audition on the pilot episode as they compete for a spot in the Final 14. Kapuso viewers will be able to vote and take part in the judging process as they watch the finalists physically transform on-air through workshops and challenges to help them look and perform better as the reality search unfolds every week. Dream, believe, and survive anew with StarStruck Season 7, which will air back-to-back episodes for Kapuso viewers abroad via GMA Pinoy TV beginning June 16. For the program guide, visit www. gmapinoytv.com.

Cherie Gil

Dingdong Dantes

Heart Evangelista

Jennylyn Mercado

Jose Manalo

Kyline Alcantara

rin siya nakapagmu-move-on sa hiwalayan nila ni Vice-Governor Jolo Revilla. Hindi nga naman maigsing panahon lang ang kanilang pinagsamahan, marami ngang umaasang sa altar na iyon hahantong, pero hindi nga garantiya ang ganoon katagal na panahon para maging panghabambuhay na ang kanilang relasyon. Mahirap din ang kalagayan ng mga pamosong artista. Kapag tumaba sila ay nagdadalantao raw, kapag pumayat naman ay maysakit, wala silang pupuntahan. *** Napakahusay ni Tirso Cruz III bilang ang kontrabidang si Tiago sa The General’s Daughter. Napakasarap niyang sapakin sa role na buong ningning niyang nabibigyan ng hustisya. Walanghiya si Heneral Tiago, puro ilegal ang kaniyang negosyo, kalaban siyang mortal ni Albert Martinez na nakaagawan niya sa puso ni Eula Valdez. Si Tiago ang nagpapahirap sa bidang si Angel Locsin, palibhasa’y siya ang nagpalaki kay Rhian, na ang tunay na mga magulang ay sina Albert at Eula. Hindi pa man humuhupa ang paghanga ng manonood kay Pip sa matagal nang natapos na seryeng Wildflower bilang kontrabida rin ay heto na naman siya sa The General’s Daughter. Ang galing-galing ni Pip, talagang mamumuhi ang manonood sa kaniyang karakter, napakaepektibong aktor ni Tirso na nagsimula bilang ka-loveteam

ni Nora Aunor noong dekada ‘70. Ang sabi, kapag naghiwalay raw ang magka-loveteam, ay ang lalaki ang napag-iiwanan. Winasak iyon ni Tirso dahil mula nang hindi na maging aktibo ang tambalang Guy & Pip ay hindi siya nawalan ng trabaho. Buhay na buhay pa rin ang career ni Tirso Cruz III, hindi siya lumiban sa magaling na pagganap, ibinibigay niya ang lahat-lahat. Napapanahon lang na bigyan siya ng parangal bilang Natatanging Bituin Ng Siglo. Maraming salamat sa PMPC-Star Awards dahil binigyan nila ng importansiya ang walang palyang mahusay na pagganap ni Tirso Cruz III. Si Pip, na mula noon hanggang ngayon ay hindi pinagbago ng kasikatan ang ugali, sa phonebook ng aming cellphone ay “Forever Idol” ang pangalang nakalagay sa numero ng nag-iisang idolo ng aming kabataan. *** Kailangan nang magtaas ng magkabilang kamay bilang pagsuko ang mga tagasuporta nina Alden Richards at Maine Mendoza. Lantaran na ang pagmamahalan nina Maine at Arjo Atayde. Wala na silang itinatago, talagang hayagan na silang bumibiyahe nang silang dalawa lang, nagpo-post na rin sila ng mga nilalanggam sa katamisan nilang retrato kapag magkasama sila. Siguro naman ay napakalaking ebidensiya na ng mga iyon para huminto na sa pag-asa ang mga See CRISTY p17

Alden Richards - ang entrepreneur

In love! Maine Mendoza & Arjo Atayde

Vice Ganda & at kaniyang ex na si Calvin Abueva

JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

CRISTY... From page 16 tagasuporta nina Alden at Maine na magiging sila pa rin sa bandang huli. Bilang magkapareha ay puwedeng mangyari ang kanilang gusto, pero sa personal na buhay ay nakapagdesisyon na si Menggay, si Arjo ang pinakamalapit na lalaki sa kaniyang puso ngayon. At maganda ang ginagawa nina Arjo at Maine, nagpapakatotoo lang sila, ang pagmamahalan nga namang tulad ng sa kanila ay kailangang ipinaaalam at hindi ikinukubli. Maraming pinagkakasunduan sina Arjo Atayde at Maine Mendoza. Pareho silang mahilig sa adventure. Gustung-gusto nilang bumibiyahe dito man o sa ibang bansa. Umalis sila nang maagangmaaga noong minsan, namasyal lang sila sa Singapore at nagkapekape, pagkatapos ay umuwi rin sila kinagabihan. Pareho rin silang diretsong magsalita, hindi uso sa kanila ang paliguy-ligoy, hindi sila nagpapaapekto sa mga bashers na kung anu-anong paninira ang ibinabato laban sa kanila. Tama lang ang kanilang ginagawa dahil ang importante ay silang dalawa, ang nararamdaman nila para sa isa’t isa, hindi kayang ibigay ng ibang tao iyon sa kanila. Hindi sila nagpapabaya sa kanilang trabaho, inspirasyon nila ang isa’t isa, kaya siguradong magtatagal sina Arjo at Menggay. *** Inihihelera na namin ngayon ang pangalan ni Sylvia Sanchez kina Sharon Cuneta, Kris Aquino, Dina Bonnevie at Maricel Soriano na napakasarap interbyuhin. Sila ang mga personalidad na bihirang-bihirang sumagot ng “no comment.” Wala silang pinalalampas na tanong, diretso silang sumagot, kaya paborito sila ng mga manunulat. Naging guest namin si Sylvia Sanchez sa Take It… Per Minute. Nagkaroon ng ekstensiyon ang programa dahil nakakapanghinayang putulin ang kaniyang mga kuwento. Mula sa pagiging misis niya kay Art Atayde, sa pagiging ulirang ina ng kaniyang mga anak, hanggang sa pagiging magaling na aktres. Hindi siya nagkusang magkuwento tungkol kay Maine Mendoza, halinhinan namin siyang tinanong ni Manay Lolit, kailangang maging malinaw iyon dahil baka na naman siya i-bash at pagbintangang laos na aktres kaya kailangan pa niyang gamitin ang Dubsmash Queen sa kaniyang mga panayam. Ipinakilala na sa kanila ni Arjo si Maine, “Nicomaine ang pagpapakilala niya, kaya hindi siya si Maine na artista nang pumasok sa bahay namin. Mabait ang bata, walang kayabang-yabang, gusto ko siya,” sabi ni Ibyang. Pinakamaligayang anak niya ngayon si Arjo dahil sa inspirasyon nito, hindi man magkuwento ang binata ay ramdam na ramdam ng ina ang emosyon ng kaniyang anak, walang maitatago ang magaling na aktor kay Sylvia.


Unti-unti ay natututuhan na niyang huwag pansinin ang mga taong walang magawa sa buhay, hindi na siya naaapektuhan ng kung anu-anong pamba-bash, dahil kilalang-kilala niya naman ang kaniyang sarili. Isa lang naman ang pinakamahinang parte ng buhay ni Sylvia Sanchez, ang kaniyang mga anak, isa siyang kapapanganak na tigre sa bangis kapag ang mga ito na ang lantarang sinasaktan. *** Talagang pepremyuhan ng kapalaran si Alden Richards. Bukod sa masipag na ang aktor at mapagpakumbaba ay hindi siya mawawala sa aksiyon kahit tapos na ang kinakikiligan nilang tambalan ni Maine Mendoza dahil sa mga bukal sa pusong ginagawa niya para sa ating mga kababayan. Nagbukas siya ng sikat na food chain sa Biñan, Laguna, marami siyang nabigyan ng trabaho, maraming nagpapasalamat sa kaniya. May dalawang restaurants din siya, ang Concha’s Garden, ilang kababayan din natin ang nagtatrabaho para sa kaniya na palaging nagdarasal para sa kaniyang mas pag-unlad pa. May mga kaibigan kaming taga-Mindoro na nagpapasalamat din ngayon sa Pambansang Bae dahil malaking suporta ang ibinigay niya para makapagpatayo ng eskuwelahan para sa mga batang Mangyan. Kuwento ng aming kaibigan, “Nakakaawa ang mga batang Mangyan. Nakatira sila sa bundok ng Sablayan, para makapagaral sila, apat na kilometro ang kailangan nilang lakarin sa umaga at hapon. “Bundok ang nilalakad nila, may tinatawiran din silang mga ilog, kaya talagang napakalaking sakripisyo para sa kanila ang makatungtong sa elementarya. “Napakalaki ng tulong na ibinigay sa kanila ni Alden Richards. Todo ang suporta niya para maipagtayo ng school ang mga batang Mangyan. “Tanungin mo ang mga batang Mangyan ngayon kung sinong artista lang ang kilala nila, Alden Richards lang ang ang isasagot nila. Pangarap kasi nila ang tinugunan ni Alden, hinding-hindi na siya makakalimutan ng mga pamilyang Mangyan,” kuwento ng aming kaibigan. Napakaganda ng puso ng Pambansang Bae, hindi niya sinasarili lang ang mga biyayang tinatanggap niya, ibinabahagi niya iyon sa mga kababayan nating mas nangangailangan. Uulanin talaga ng suwerte si Alden Richards, gagantihan siya ng kapalaran sa kagandahan ng kaniyang puso, mga tulong iyon na ni hindi nga niya ipinagmamakaingay. Maligaya si Alden sa kaniyang pag-iisa, ang tutok ng kaniyang buhay ngayon ay sa kaniyang career at pagnenegosyo, hindi niya kailangang mabilisang makipagrelasyon din para lang patunayan niyang maligaya rin siya. Ang kaligayahan ay hindi nasusukat sa pakikipagmahalan See CRISTY p20

L-r: Robin Padilla, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, First Lady Honeylet and Mariel Rodriguez

Sylvia Sanchez and her family


Eddie Garcia & Coco Martin

Tirso Cruz III



JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

Manitoba Filipino Street Festival 2019

Photos by Josel Media Photography. More photos next issue.

JUNE 16 - 30, 2019



Mabuhay ang MB Filipino Street Festival!

Photos by Josel Media Photography. More photos next issue.






NO. 326

HUNYO 16 - 30, 2019

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Musa 8. Alipato 11. Sulyap 14. Binibiyayaan 16. Tangay 17. Sitaw 18. Panghalip 19. Hambog 20. Nota musikal 21. Lisan 23. Palos 25. Hiniwa nang hiniwa 28. Gapusin 29. Nginig 30. Banaag ng bituin PABABA 2. Silong 3. Uga 4. Talab 5. Muni-muni 6. Napahawak 7. Ipapalista

9. Inasar 10. Panalangin 12. Ipausisa 13. Pakukuluan 15. Putol ang ulo 22. Siniil 24. Biglang pagtigil 26. Patnubay 27. Bighani


JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Itabi mo muna ang mga pinagkakaabalahan mo. May babala sa iyong kalusugan. Kung napapansin mong nanghihina ka kahit na galing ka sa pahinga, sign iyan na kailangan mong magpunta sa iyong doctor. Huwag mo sanang balewalain ang sinasabi ng kapalaran mo. OK ang ika-16, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-18 at 19.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Manahimik ka. Iwasan mo muna ang sobrang sosyalan sa buwan na ito. Huwag mong buksan ang pinto para malapitan ka ng mga tao na gusto ka lang pagsamantalahan dahil lagi kang “available” sa kanila. Oras na para i-protect mo ang sarili at pamilya mo. OK ang ika-16, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-20, 21, 27, 28 at 29.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Umiibig ka at iniibig ka rin naman niya. Huwag ka lang masyadong magseselos dahil baka masakal mo siya at mabawasan ang pagmamahal niya sa iyo. Trust at respect ang basehan ng mabuting relasyon. Kung naiinsecure ka, alamin mo ang puno’t dulo niyan. OK ang ika-16, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-23, 24 at 30.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Kung balak mong mag-aral, ituloy mo. Kung may magsasabi na matanda ka na para mag-improve ng kaalaman, alam mong naiinggit ang taong iyon sa iyo. Walang maling edad sa pagpapalago ng kaalaman. Asahan mong aasenso ka kapag itinuloy mo ito. OK ang ika-18, 19, 27, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-20 at 21.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Masaya ang Hunyo at laging may magandang resulta ang anumang pagkakaabalahan mo. Iwasan mo lang na ipagmagaling iyan o maging “showy” ka dahil baka maging mitsa ng selos at inggit sa mga nakakasama mo. Mas mabuting tahimik ka lang ngayon. OK ang ika-18, 19, 27, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-16, 23, 24 at 30.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Under pressure kayong pareho ng iyong partner. Huwag mong isipin na ikaw lang ang nagdurusa sa mga kamalasang nangyayari sa inyo ngayon. Saluhan mo siya sa paghahanap ng solusyon. Kung pera, baka may puwede kayong ibenta. May kalutasan ang lahat. OK ang ika-18, 19, 27, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-25 at 26.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Walang problema, bagkus ay maamo ang buwenas sa iyo ngayon. Panahon upang mag-invest sa negosyo o sa pakikisama sa mga bago mong kakilala. Pero, bago ka magbigay ng pera para sa puhunan, kilatisin mo munang mabuti ang pagbibigyan mo nang walang sisihan. OK sa ika-20, 21 at 30. Ingat sa ika-16, 23 at 24.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Kayod ka nang kayod. Masipag ka at mapagbigay kapag may nangangailangan. Pero, kailangan mong bawasan ang pagiging “generous” mo dahil kumakalat na ikaw ay maawain at madaling lapitan. Iwasan mo ang paglabaslabas sa gabi. Mag-ingat ka ngayon. OK ang ika-20, 21 at 30. Ingat sa ika-18, 19, 25 at 26.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Minsan ang solusyon sa problema ay pabayaan mo lang at itulog mo. Paggising mo, mas malinaw ang isip at makikita mong hindi naman pala katapusan ng mundo. Iwasan mong magpakalunod sa kalungkutan. Paligiran mo ang sarili ng mga hindi toxic na tao. OK ang ika-20, 21 at 30. Ingat sa ika-27, 28 at 29.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Isang mahal mo sa buhay – maaaring kamag-anak na tinulungan mo ang magbibigay sa iyo ng sobrang kaulungkutan at matinding pagsisisi. Gawin mo itong aral dahil tapos na. Iwasan mo ang self-pity dahil lalo ka lang malulungkot. Kilala mo na kaya iwasan mo na. OK ang ika-23 at 24. Ingat sa ika-18, 19, 25 at 26.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Detox ang kailangan mo ngayon. Maaaring sa pagkain o sa paggasta o sa pagpunta sa mga party. Tingnan mo ang kalooban mo. Masaya ka ba? O baka nagkukunwari ka lang? Sa totoo, ikaw lang ang makakapagsabi kung ano ang nasa kalooban mo. OK ang ika-23 at 24. Ingat sa ika20, 21, 27, 28 at 29.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Bantayan mo ang mga kinakain mo ngayon. Baka nalilibang ka dahil sa dami ng handaan na pinupuntahan mo. Kung matataba ang nakahain, iwasan mo. Mabuti na ang nag-iingat dahil hindi kaya ng katawan mong tunawin ang mga mantika mula sa kinakain mo. Mag-ingat. OK ang ika-23 at 24. Ingat sa ika-16 at 30.

basketbolista. Kaligayahan na niyang mambalya, manakit-manahod ng kapuwa niya manlalaro, parang iyon na ang ikinabubuhay niya sa hardcourt. Brusko ring maglaro ang The Living Legend na si dating Senador Robert Jaworski, ang tapang nito ang hinahangaan ng sambayanang Pinoy, pero marespeto pa rin sa kaniyang mga kapuwa basketbolista si Big J.

Liyebo sitenta na ngayon si Robert Jaworski, pero kasabay ng kaniyang pagkakaedad ang respeto ng buong bayan sa kaniya, hindi ito tatawaging The Living Legend nang walang dahilan. Komento ng mga becki ay ipinag-aadya pa rin ng kapalaran si Vice Ganda. Mabuti na lang daw at tapos na ang kuwento ng romansa espesyal nila ng bruskong basketbolistang si Calvin Abueva. – CSF

CRISTY... From page 17 lang. Nararamdaman iyon sa ibaibang sitwasyon, sa iba-ibang porma at hugis, ang may katawan lang ang puwedeng magsabi kung gaano siya kaligaya. *** Si Calvin Abueva, ang basketbolistang minsang naugnay ang panglaan kay Vice Ganda, ay pinatawan ng indefinite suspension ng pamunuan ng PBA. Bukod kasi sa napakabarubal niyang paglalaro ay pumapatol din siya sa mga babaeng miron, nakikipagtalakan siya, may bonus pang pangdi-dirty finger iyon. Dapat lang lapatan ng parusa ang maruming paglalaro ni Abueva, matagal na siyang ganyan, pakiramdam ng mokong na ito ay siya na ang pinakamagaling na


JUNE 16 - 30, 2019


Nabalita ang tungkol sa nangyayari ngayon dito sa Winnipeg ang mahabang oras na paghihintay na nararanasan ng may mga pasyente sa mga emergency room at urgent care centre bago matingnan ng doctor. Binanggit na 2.17 hours noong March compare to the average noong April 2018 na 1.63 hours lamang. *** Waring wala pa rin daw maliwanag na resulta ang naganap na meeting nina Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau na ginanap sa Ottawa tungkol sa planong hydro line to Minnesota. Gayonman, ayon sa premier hindi siya makikipagusap sa PM kung hindi mahalaga. *** Hindi malayong magkaroon ng recession sa US sanhi ng umiiral ngayong trade war ng US at China. Wala raw positive effect na maidudulot sa mga mamamayan, hindi lang sa nabanggit na dalawang super power. Nagtaas na ng tariff ang China sa mga pumapasok na prudukto mula US at gayon din ang mga Chinese products na pumapasok sa US. Ang negative effect ay hindi lang sa mga mamamayan ng US. Damay din ang mga maunlad na at umuunlad na ekonomiya ng mga bansa. *** Nangibabaw ang Brexit Party sa ginanap na European Parliament elections na nanguna sa kilusang kumalas sa European Union (EU) sa October 31, 2019. Waring hindi naging maganda sa US ang epekto nito sa EU. *** November 2020 ang US presidential elections. Dalawang Democrats ang nangunguna

sa makakalaban ng Pangulong Donald Trump. Sina former VP Joe Biden at Senator Bernie Sanders ang sa ngayon ay mahigpit na makakalaban ng Pangulong Trump. *** Ang US ay naghihigpit na sa immigration at citizenships services. Sarado na after July 31 ang tanggapan ng US sa Pilipinas. Hindi malayong ang nangyayari sa US ay pamarisan din dito sa Canada. Pilipinas Ang larawan ng political scenario ngayon sa bansa ay maliwanag na ang mayoryang bilang ng mga mamamayan ay nakakita ng matatag na liderato sa pagkatao ng Pangulong Duterte. Kahit ang tungkol sa isyu ng basura ay pinakita ni DU30 ang kaniyang pagiging tunay na lider ng bansa. Pagkaraan ng 18 days matapos ganapin ang 2019 midterm national and local elections, lalong naging matibay ang liderato ng pangulo. Magpapatuloy na ang kaniyang ginagawang paglilinis sa mga opisyal ng gobyerno at ng mga nasa pribadong sector na nagsasamantala sa taumbayan. Kailangan ang kaukulang parusa sa kanilang kasalanan. Gayunman, lahat ng kaso sa mga tanggapan ng gobyerno at pribadong ahensya ay kailangan din naman na imbestigahan muna para ang parusa sa mga nagkasala ay maging balido. *** Magkakasama na ang mga luma at bagong kagawad ng Upper House. Tatlong senator ang tapos na ang kanilang termino ngayong July 1st na simula ng 18th congress. Katulad nina Loren Legarda, Francis “Chiz” Escudero at Greg Honasan. May mga

HINAGAP Anong Kalayaan? Ang mga bilanggo, hangad makalabas, Sa silid na pader, rehas na matigas; Bansa ay gayon din sa malaong hangad; Kahit mamalimos ng kaunting habag! *** Ang kalayaan na pinagdiriwang? Sa bayang sininta na kinamulatan; Naturingang bansa na may kalayaan, Pagiging alipin ang kinabubuhay! *** Maraming kabayan, nabigo ang mithi, Sa pamamahalang tunay na tiwali; Ang dugong inalay sa laya na binhi, ng mga bayani, nasayang na mithi! *** Langit ang mabuhay sa bayang malaya, Na ang mamamayan, may hustong kalinga! Paquito Rey Pacheco

kahalili na silang newly elected senators. Tiyak na mabibigyan naman sila ng mga katungkulan na babakantihin ng mga tapos na ang termino. *** Sa Lower House of Congress, Speaker, Rep. Gloria MacapagalArroyo ay nag-step down noong June 4. Gayunman, sinabing kaniyang patuloy na susuportahan ang pamumuno ng pangulo. Sa totoo lang, ang nagawa ni Gloria as Speaker ay hindi nagawa ng kaniyang mga sinundang namuno sa mababang kapulungan ng kongreso. Napagtibay ni Gloria ang lahat ng mga panunahing panukalang batas na kailangan ng Duterte administration. *** Sa July 1st, malaman na kung sino na ang bagong speaker na kapalit ni GMA sa mababang kapulungan ng kongreso. Nabalitang may lima ang bilang ng mga naghahangad na maging bagong speaker. Nabanggit ang mga pangalan nina Taguig Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano, Leyte Rep. Martin Romualdez, Marinduque Rep. Lord Allan Velasco, Davao Del Norte Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez at Pampanga Rep. Aurelio Gonzales. Sana ang mapipili ay tunay na may kakayahang masunod ang nais ng pangulong Duterte sa kaniyang mga hinahangad na pagbabago. *** Sa upper house, ang kasalukuyang Senate President Tito Sotto ay mananatili sa hawak na puwesto. Magkakaroon din ang election for President Pro-tempore at Senate Majority leader. Sa lower and upper house ay malamang na magkakaroon ng pagbabago sa mga kagawad ng iba’t ibang lupon. Ang inaugural session ng 18th congress ay nakatakda sa July 22. *** Sanhi sa nangyaring aberya sa conduct of the 2019 elections, sinabi ng pangulong Duterte na dapat nang palitan ang Venezuelan Smartmatic Vote Counting Machine (VCM) dahil maraming pumalpak. Kasi nga may mga tatlong taon na hindi nagamit at hindi naman inilagay ng Comelec sa kondisyon ang lahat ng VCM. Marami nang nakaboto, subalit naghihintay ng kapalit na VCM kaya naatraso ang proseso na nagresulta sa maraming botante ang nakapila. *** Nanawagan ang pangulong Duterte sa US at China na sana ay wakasan na nila ang umiiral na trade war. Sinabing ang kanilang pagmamatigasan ay nakakasira sa mga pangkabuhayan ng maraming bansa. Ang panawagan ni President DU30 ay ginawa nang magsalita sa ika-25 International Conference na ginanap sa Tokyo

noong ika-30 ng Mayo. Noong unang araw ng Hunyo nagbabala ang US sa China tungkol sa umano ay hindi maayos na pagtrato ng China sa mga kalapit na bansa sa Asean. Sa ngayon, hindi lang trade war ang nangyayaring irigan ng Washington at Beijing. Sana manatiling word war na lang. Ang South Korea ay pinahaharian na ng tension. Kung magpapatuloy, baka daw pagmulan ng armed conflict sa rehiyon na sangkot ang Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia at Pilipinas. *** Binalita ng pangulong Duterte sa pagtitipon ng may 1,200 Filipino OFWs sa Japan na siya ay inanyayahan na muling bumisita sa South Korea na kasama ang Russian President Vladimir Putin. Noong 2018, ang pangulong DU30 ay nakapunta na rin doon at may nilagdaan na silang kasunduan ng SK leader Moon Jae-in na halagang 4.8 billion dollars trade agreement. Nag-alok din daw ang SK ng one billion dollars for Philippine infrastructure projects. *** Waring ang US ay nagseselos din daw sa ginagawang pakikitungo ng Pangulong Duterte sa China at ngayon ay sa Russia naman. Binabatikos ang independent foreign policies na pinaiiral sa mamahala ng Philippine president. Naungkat tuloy ang tungkol sa Philippine military arm forces equipment na dapat daw ay sa US manggaling. *** Samantala, nagbabala ang China na gagamitan ng military forces ng Beijing para ipaglaban ang kanilang karapatan sa Taiwan, kabilang ang Singapore sa South China Sea. Giniit ng China na ang Taiwan ay bahagi daw ng main land. Waring hindi naman papayagan ng US sapagkat ang South Korea ay kanilang baby mula nang ang Korea ay mahati sa North and South. *** Ang 17th congress ends June 7 but will return on July 22 for the 18th Congress. Maraming mga mahalagang panukalang batas na napagtibay subalit marami rin na for economic development na kailangang masusugan para patatagin ang mga larangang pangkabuhayan ng bansa na hindi nabigyan ng mga kaukuang amyenda. Kaparis ng foreign investment Act, Public Service Act, and Retail Trade Nationalization Act. *** Sinabi ni Senador Bam Aquino na ang LP ay magbabagong tatag. Opo nga madaling sabihin subalit hindi katulad ng gabi na may araw na kasunod. Nakalubog na ngayon. Malayo nang makaparis ng araw at gabi. May kalayaan ang minoryang political opposition

PAGE 21 party na magsabi ng kanilang saloobin na maaaring matanggap ng taumbayan. Ang kasikatan ngayon ng pangulong Duterte ay waring mahirap pang mapalubog kahit kasama sa Senado na sina Senador Frank Drilon, Francis Panglinan, Risa Hontiveros na ngayon ay nasa mataas na kapulungan ng Kongreso. Si former Senator Chiz Escudero na dati ay kasama nila ay wala na sa national kundi nasa local government as governor ng Sorsogon. *** Ang panalo sa kandidatura ni Senador Koko Pimentel ay sinampahan ng mga petisyon sa PET na ang saligan ay labag daw sa 1987 Constitution dahil magiging third term. Nabanggit ko na ‘yon sa pitak na ito noong nakaraang isyu na baka magkaroon ng protesta sa nabanggit noon na mga pangalan na four candidates kung sila ay magwagi sa senatorial derby. Kasi nga po maliwanag na nasa Constitution. Article VI, Sec.4. Ang Head ng PET ay ang Senior Associate Supreme Court Justice Antonio Carpio. Sinabi naman ng senator-elect Koko Pimentel, hindi na raw siya magbigay ng komento tungkol sa kaniyang kaso. *** Sa nakaraang selebrasyon ng ika-121 Independence Day, sinabi ng pangulong Duterte na sikapin natin na ang bansa ay magkaroon ng tunay na kalayaan. Opo naman, kasi nga ang Pilipinas ay laging umaasa sa mga sa mga dayuhan. Kaya naman malaya silang nakikialam sa mga nangyayari sa bansa at hinahawakan sa leeg ang mga naging pangulo ng mga Filipno. Ang Kalayaan ng Pilipinas mula noong July 4, 1946 na kaloob ng US ay Commonwealth Form of government. Hanggang ngayon na ika-121 araw ng kalayaan ay patuloy na sinisira ng mga dayuhan. Sinasali sa gulo ng dalawang super powers. Ginagamit nila ang ilang mga media outlets, sindikato ng mga criminal and terrorists. Mula noong panahon ng former President Manuel Roxas, ang gobyernong Filipino ay hawak sa leeg ng US sa pamamagitan ng CIA, hanggang sa panahon ng Former President Elpidio Quirino 1948-1953 at former President Ramon Magsaysay 1953-1957. Sa panahon naman ni Former Diosdado Macapagal nagkaroon ng bagong Constitution na June 12 ang Araw ng Kalayaan at ang July 4 ay naging friendship Day ng US at Pilipinas. Kasabihan Bihirang balita ang matapat, totoo man, marami ang dagdag. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.



JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

PCCM 21st Anniversary and induction of new officers 2019

The newly elected officers and board of directors of the Philippine-Canadian Centre of Manitoba (PCCM) with Ricky Yasay and Councillor Kevin Klein (far left)

PCCM President Ramon Cairo and Councillor Kevin Klein

The newly elected 2019 PCCM officers and board of directors

L-r: Lito Taruc, Councillor Kevin Klein, Lucille Nolasco, Dr. Rey Pagtakhan, Donna Natividad-Arenas and Mari Laudato

Special Zumba dance by the Winnipeg ZINâ„¢sistarZ

JUNE 16 - 30, 2019





JUNE 16 - 30, 2019

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