Pilipino Express • Jun 1 2020

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Volume 16 • No. 11 • June 1 - 15, 2020 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Catriona Gray Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

Paid sick leave for all workers Singh sacrifices opposition power to secure paid sick leave

122nd Anniversary of Philippine Independence June 12, 2020 Photo credit: Catriona’s Facebook


Sam Milby


Liza Soberano

MHEL ELAGO (204) 955-4654



by Malaya Marcelino As more and more businesses are being asked to reopen, federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh gave the minority Liberals the votes they needed to suspend Parliament until September 21 in exchange for Trudeau’s commitment to work with the provinces toward a new national system of 10 days of paid sick leave for every worker in Canada. COVID-19 and essential workers Recent postal code data show that COVID-19 is not impacting communities equally. Instead, COVID-19 has hit the most vulnerable communities disproportionately across Canada including essential workers. So, it is very important that public health and economic policy focuses on working and low-income groups with measures like guaranteed access to 10 days paid sick leave. More needs to be done to make workers and vulnerable populations safe, including provision for places to self-isolate, proper protections at work, and making shared spaces safer, such as public transit. COVID-19 has largely moved from devastating outbreaks in long-term care homes to workplaces like meat-packing plants and working-class neighbourhoods, home to a large percentage of essential workers in provinces including Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. Working class, essential workers, like many in

Federal NDP leader, Jagmeet Singh (right) visits Winnipeg and Manitoba NDP leader, Wab Kinew. Photo by Jamal Tajdin our Filipino community, do not get to “stay home, stay safe” and work from home. Many Filipinos are essential workers, such as homecare workers, nurses, health care aides in long term care facilities, workers in meat processing plants, production workers in factories, childcare assistants in daycares, transit drivers on buses, cashiers in supermarkets and drivethroughs. Many Filipinos work in close quarters with others or in confined spaces as part of their jobs. We also tend to live in multigenerational households so younger people doing essential work risk bringing home the virus to others – children, Nanay, Tatay, Lolo, Lola who might get very sick, or worse. The NDP is known as the party that “stands up for the little guy” and certainly, Singh’s move to push paid, sick leave provision

prioritizes and protects workers and their families at this time of COVID-19. With enough public support, this provision will remain an entrenched protection for workers even after this pandemic has passed, similar to how unemployment insurance provisions that workers also campaigned for during the Great Depression (1929-1939) continue to this day. “Every worker should have access to paid sick leave. Workers need to know they have the ability to choose to stay home with pay if they are sick,” said Singh. “No one should be forced to make the impossible choice between going to work sick or not being able to pay their bills. Workers want to go back to work. We need to make sure they can go back to work safely.” Leah Gazan, NDP MP for Winnipeg Centre added, See PAID p2



JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

PAID... From page 1

“The NDP has been fighting hard for Canadians during COVID-19 and managed to secure ten days paid sick leave for Canadians. Many individuals cannot afford to miss work and lose pay if they are sick. They have families to support. That is why I am so proud that our party was successful in getting paid sick days for Canadians so they do not have to choose between following Health Canada guidelines and being able to pay their bills.” Small business owners Mitigating the impact of paid sick leave on small business owners who would have to pay workers sick leave is very important to understand and address, especially now as most are reeling from the effects of COVID-19. According to Manitoba’s NDP leader, Wab Kinew, “It’s really important the government cover the cost of the program because we want the worker to be protected but also that small business owners who are struggling don’t have to bear the cost of the program right now. Paid sick days will make sure people can take the time to recover and flatten the curve without losing their income or job.” Neutralized Legislature At this time, when the federal government is projecting to spend an unprecedented $800 billion as it does its lion’s share to protect people and industries across Canada, the Minority Liberals will be in full control of the public purse without any real accountability since March until autumn. This was part of the sacrifice that Singh agreed to when he made his deal with Prime Minister Trudeau. Being in Opposition myself as a Manitoba NDP MLA, we are currently demanding to go back to work to the Legislature to hold the Pallister PCs to account, to fight for the concerns of the people we represent, and to shape policy. The foundation of our democracy is the legislative, the executive and the judiciary – and right now, the legislative branch is silenced. Parliament and legislatures have regular sittings, including estimates procedures where elected representatives of the people

question the premier or prime minister and their cabinets about COVID-19 responses and their decisions that greatly affect the people we represent. Regular sittings and estimates discussions are also when we have the chance to scrutinize how the public purse is being spent and prioritized. Rahm Emanuel, former mayor, congressman and Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama echoed Winston Churchill’s phrase when he said: “Never allow a good crisis go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do the things you once thought were impossible.” Making a deal with Prime Minister Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh and the NDP’s introduction of a nationally funded 10 paid sick days for every worker is one of those rare opportunities. But, it has come at the price of a neutralized legislature, unable to hold the government to account during bewildering times. Analysis and recommendations from the Samara Centre for Democracy argue that virtual sittings that allow opposition scrutiny would be best for Canadians, instead of deals by MLAs and MPs who live in urban areas or are closest with their party’s leader. Given that this pandemic may last for another year or more, parliament and legislatures across Canada need to work harder and faster to find ways to resume sitting. Note: For Manitoban essential workers who are unable to safely practice selfisolation or quarantine due to a lack of space in their family homes, there is a program called the Alternative Isolation Accommodation (AIA) program. It has been established to develop options for those requiring a safe space to isolate if they do not have access to a private bedroom and bathroom, or if they live with someone who is at greater risk from COVID-19. For more information, please see: sharedhealthmb. ca/covid19/providers/ alternative-isolationaccommodations/ or contact me at the Notre Dame Constituency at 204 788-0800. by Malaya Marcelino, MLA for Notre Dame

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020




Canada confirmed on May 30, 2020, its share of 90,934 (1.52 per cent) of the world’s 5.99 million total COVID-19 cases and 7,065 deceased (1.93 per cent) of the 366,875 deaths worldwide. Of the total deceased in Canada, much more than half of them were from long-term care homes and residential care facilities. (The term “longterm care home” is used here to encompass nursing homes and residential care facilities, also known as CHSLDs in Quebec.) The eye of the COVID-19 pandemic storm first landed at The Lynn Valley Care Centre in Lynn Valley, North Vancouver, British Columbia in the west before travelling east. The Lynn Valley Care Centre It was the morning of Friday, March 6 when the director of the centre confirmed the rumour to the outgoing night shift, nearly all of whom are middleaged Filipina Canadians, – that a co-worker nurse had earlier tested positive for COVID-19. “Why didn’t you let us know?” was the spontaneous sentiment of the anxious, shocked and angered staff at the 200bed facility, as reported by Jonathan Hayward of The Canadian Press and the Globe and Mail. A day later on March 7, British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry confirmed the outbreak and indicated that two residents and one health care provider had tested positive for the virus. It would be announced the following day on March 8 that one of the residents had died, becoming the first person in Canada to succumb to COVID-19 – a preventable death.


“This is one of the scenarios that we have been, of course, most concerned about,” said Dr. Henry at the media scrum. The subsequent two weeks documented that 18 providers of care had been infected and seven elderly residents had died. There lies the first setting for the tragedy of deaths as a consequence of COVID-19. Tragedy of COVID-19 deaths in Ontario and Quebec Chris Fox of CTV News reported on May 13 that “there have been 249 outbreaks at Ontario’s 626 long-term care homes and the sector now accounts for more than three quarters of all COVID-19 deaths.” Verity Stevenson and Benjamin Shingler of CBC News posted early on that “more than 1,000 of the 1,340 Quebecers who have died from COVID-19 were seniors in care.” Indeed, both Ontario’s long-term care homes and Quebec’s CHSLDs – a string of them – experienced such overwhelming numbers of sickened and dying patients that both provinces had to request the assistance of the Canadian Armed Forces. In explaining “how B.C. controlled COVID-19 while Ontario, Quebec face disaster,” Kathleen Harris and Ashley Burke of CBC News made the following observations on May 28th: 1. There have been 111 deaths in long-term care homes in B.C., compared to more than 2,500 in Quebec and 1,500 in Ontario; 2. B.C. took swift, coordinated and decisive actions… providing adequate protective gear and financially supporting front-line staff to restrict their movement between sites; 3. They stopped extra

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

The tragedy of deaths in long-term care homes people from coming into the homes; 4. B.C. facilities are modern infrastructure with fewer four-bed units; 5. “Canada needs stronger inspection systems with tough enforcement measures to strengthen the long-term care system nationwide,” they said, quoting CBC’s resource expert, Dr. Pat Armstrong); 6. The B.C. government had more time to warn international travellers against actions that could bring the virus home with them; 7. The B.C. government had to take over three care homes because residents were not getting the care they need; and Harris and Burke underlined the findings of the Canadian Armed Forces, of whom more than 1,600 members were deployed to assist in the crisis in Ontario and Quebec. In five of the home care facilities the military found incidents of neglect, aggressive treatment toward residents, cases of residents being improperly fed and left in soiled clothing or going unbathed for weeks, insect infestation and the smell of rotting food. In 25 facilities they found improper use of protective equipment and staffing shortages. Premiers’ and Prime Minister’s response as reported “What I am feeling, what we all are feeling is little in comparison to the hardship that these residents and their families have had to endure, “said Ontario Premier Doug Ford upon reading the military report on the provinces’ situation, and went on to promise “justice for these residents and their families.” Premier Legault of

Quebec said he wasn’t especially surprised by the findings. He expressed great appreciation for the military’s help. “Thank you very much, we are so happy to have you.” He asked that “1,000 members of the Canadian Armed Forces remain in Quebec until September 15 to continue helping out.” Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland called it “truly heart-wrenching.” The report is “deeply disturbing,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, adding “several of the report’s findings, such as the understaffing, are among the reasons why Premier Legault asked for help from the Armed Forces a month and a half ago.” The Prime Minister also said he would further address the situation in Canada’s senior’s residences and long-term care facilities during his weekly call with Canada’s premiers. “I will once again offer our government’s support as they try to get the situation under control.” “As I’ve said many times, we need to do a better job of caring for seniors,” said Trudeau. “They raised us, they built this country.” Hon. Dr. Rey D. Pagtakhan, P.C, O.M., LL.D., Sc.D., M.D., M.Sc. is a retired lung specialist and former professor of pediatrics and child health from the Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine. Widely published and lectured, he made a presentation on “The Global Threat of Infectious Diseases” at the G-8 Countries’ Science Ministers and Advisors Carnegie Group Meeting held in June 2003 in Berlin, Germany. Contact: reypagtakhan@mail.com.

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JUNE 1 - 15, 2020



Evidence shows cloth masks may help against COVID-19 Evidence shows that cloth masks, particularly those with several layers of cotton cloth, block droplet and aerosol contamination of the environment, which may reduce transmission of COVID-19. “The point is not that some particles can penetrate the mask, but that some particles are stopped, particularly outwardly, from the wearer,” said first author Catherine Clase, associate professor of medicine at McMaster University and a nephrologist of St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. “Ideally, we would want a mask to work in both directions, protecting the wearer from the environment and reducing the contamination of the environment – air and surfaces – by the wearer.” Her international research team examined a century of evidence including recent data, and found strong

evidence showing that cloth and cloth masks can reduce contamination of air and surfaces. “Direct evidence about whether wearing a mask of any sort outside a healthcare setting reduces actual transmission of COVID-19 is lacking. This is why public-health decisions about public mask wearing have been difficult to make, and why they differ around the world,” said Clase. “Our review suggests that cloth can block particles, even aerosol-sized particles, and this supports Canadian public health policy on the issue.” The team’s opinion was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine on May 22, 2020. It can be found at https://www.acpjournals. org/doi/10.7326/M20-2567. Whether cloth masks protect others from the wearer was studied in the 1960s and 1970s. A mask

Dr. Catherine Clase is an associate professor of medicine at McMaster University and a nephrologist with St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. Photo by Georgia Kirkos made of three layers (muslinflannel-muslin) reduced surface contamination by 99 per cent, total airborne microorganisms by 99 percent, and bacteria recovered from the smaller particles, aerosols, by 88 per cent to 99 per cent.

A commercial mask made of four-layer cotton muslin was shown to reduce all particles by 99 per cent, compared with 96 per cent to 99 per cent for contemporary disposable medical masks. Even for aerosols, the cloth mask was comparable with the medical masks of the day, the researchers say. The filtration of cloth is quite variable and single layers of scarf, sweatshirt and T-shirt may be in the 10 to 40 per cent range. But multiple layers increase efficiency, and modern studies have confirmed that some combinations of cloth, for example, cotton-flannel, block more than 90 per cent of particles. “Our work is just one part of a complex puzzle,” said Clase. “In terms of making

masks, it is important to realise that more layers will give more protection, both inward and outward, but will make it harder to breathe. For this reason, it is not recommended that children under two and people with breathing difficulties wear masks.” She added that more research is also needed into the best materials and design of cloth masks, to help the many people who are sewing masks to protect people in their community. “Given the severity of this pandemic and the difficulty of control, we suggest that the possible benefit of a modest reduction in transmission likely outweighs the possibility of harm,” said Clase. Source: Brighter World, McMaster University


On May 22, 2020 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced some changes in the submission of Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) and Study Permit applications inside Canada. The changes were prompted by interruptions in services available to applicants. The coronavirus pandemic has forced many centres to close or limit their operations. The changes have impacted applicants in giving biometrics, having medical examinations, and submitting original travel documents. In response to these challenges IRCC has adopted a more flexible attitude on the submission of incomplete applications. The new policy is one of flexibility with the submission of incomplete PGWP and Study Permit


applications. The applicant must indicate why they were unable to provide all required information and IRCC will keep the applications open and continue requesting supporting documents and necessary action until they receive the missing items or have evidence of compliance in terms of steps taken. The regular requirement is that immigration applications will be returned if they are deemed incomplete, so the change is considerable. IRCC is also implementing a more flexible policy on when PGWP applicants can work. IRCC is aware that some applicants may be unable to obtain letters of completion or final transcript from their Designated Learning Institutions (DLI). IRCC will allow applicants to work following their

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

IRCC flexibility on submission of incomplete PGWP applications studies without having submitted complete PGWP applications. If international students apply for the PGWP before their study permit expires, they are now able to work full time until a decision is made on their submission. However, as indicated above, the applicant must submit a written letter of explanation that explains they are unable to submit the complete application due to the school closure. Once they receive the missing documents they can submit them using the IRCC web form, which facilitates communication

between IRCC and immigration applicants. The flexibility extends to foreign students who are applying to restore their status with a supporting letter of completion of final transcript. However, the flexibility ends with permission to work. Applicants who are restoring their status are not allowed to work while the application is being processed. IRCC is aware that many Canadian post-secondary institutions may close or cancel some classes. International students who are affected by such closures

may be forced to put their studies on hold or study part time. If any student’s status changes from fulltime to part-time for the winter and summer 2020 semesters, they may still be eligible for a PGWP. The experience is important for many students who want to follow their studies with applications to Express Entry or the Provincial Nominee Programs. Foreign students should ensure that they remain in status and inform IRCC of changes through the IRCC web form or contact the department call line at 1-888-242-2100. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-6911166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.






JUNE 1 - 15, 2020



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JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

Self-care in the time of COVID The effect of the coronavirus pandemic on mental health is a growing concern. Around the globe, there are increased reports of depression, anxiety, domestic abuse and suicidal ideation. People can feel frustrated, lonely, angry, and restless. It is common to experience concentration and memory difficulties, as well as sleep disturbances. It is important to remind yourself of what is within your control, and that includes taking good care of yourself as best as you can. We often hear about “self-care” in news articles and social media posts. But what exactly is self-care? It can be difficult to define, but it can be looked at as taking time for an activity that takes care of our mental, emotional and physical health. Small doses of stress

relief every day can avoid a big meltdown or blow-up of emotions. Remind yourself that self-care is not selfish! Taking care of your mind, body and spirit can go a long way towards helping other people. Not that long ago, many people had trouble squeezing “Me Time” into their schedules. However, since the COVID pandemic has hit, most of us have more free time. This can be a good opportunity to put self-care into our regular routines! While being mindful of all the guidelines on physical distancing, wearing masks and hand washing, here are a few ideas that are easy to try – even during a pandemic. Physical self-care ideas • Go for a walk, jog or bike ride • Shoot baskets

• Lift weights • Do stretching exercises or yoga • Dance • Learn to juggle Creative self-care ideas • Write poetry, stories, or journal • Scribble/doodle on paper • Colour in an adult colouring book • Take pictures of nature • Paint or draw a picture • Sculpt with modeling clay or play-dough • Paint your nails, do your make-up or hair Internet, streaming or social media self-care ideas • Watch a favourite TV show • Post positive messages on other others’ posts • Make a TikTok video • Watch cute and funny animal videos

Challenge yourself self-care ideas • Do a word search, crossword or Sudoku puzzle • Construct a tower with Legos • Learn a new language • Put together a jigsaw puzzle Musical self-care ideas • Play or learn how to play a musical instrument • Sing • Make a playlist and listen to your favourite music Self-care ideas in nature • Sit quietly outside. Study the sky, listen to the sounds of birds, smell the grass and flowers • Plant some seeds, do some gardening • Go camping in your backyard • Sit around a fire pit • Go for a hike • Lie in a hammock or swing outside Self-care ideas when you are angry, tired, sad or upset • Punch a punching bag • Yell into a pillow • Rip paper into tiny pieces • Write out your feelings onto paper • Let yourself cry • Hug a pillow or stuffed animal • Write a letter to someone that you will not send • Contact a crisis line or have a talk with your therapist or clergy member Self-Care in the kitchen • Bake sweet treats • Try a new recipe • Have a cup of tea • Make hot chocolate, a milkshake or smoothie Self-soothing self-care

ideas • Wrap yourself in a blanket • Take a hot shower or relaxing bath • Read a good book • Give yourself a facial • Try some aromatherapy using scented oils, candles or lotion • Write yourself a kind letter Organization and cleaning ideas • Clean and organize an area of your home (e.g. closet, spice rack, bookshelf) • Put photos into an album or scrapbook • Plan your dream room (colours, furniture, decor) • Complete a project that you have been putting off Kid-friendly self-care ideas • Build a pillow fort • Jump on a trampoline or go skateboarding • Do cartwheels • Play a board game or with toys Social self-care ideas • Call or text a friend • Have FaceTime or Zoom chats with friends and family • Play with your dog or cat • Perform a random act of kindness for someone • Hug a person in your household Spiritual self-care ideas • Read inspirational quotes, poetry or scripture • Be still with prayer or meditation • Make a list of blessings in your life Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020






JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

• Pagbabago ng GCQ – Nasa yugto na tayo ng sinasabing new normal • Sharon Cuneta – Kahit bilyonaryo na, apektado rin ang bulsa • Nora Aunor – 67 years old na ang Superstar noong nakaraang May 21 • Liza Soberano – Marespeto, parehas at malalim • Catriona Gray – Sam Milby na ang boy friend ngayon • Heart Evangelista – Dinadalaw rin pala ng kalungkutan at depresyon • Kris Aquino – Nananahimik na nga tungkol sa ABS-CBN, binabash pa rin • Kathryn Bernardo – Bina-bash dahil sa makasaysayang pagkasakang • Vice Ganda – “Bait-baitan” daw ngayon, hindi na siya nagtataray Ngayong Lunes (June kailangan nating sundin ang • ABS-CBN – Nakakapanibago pa rin ang pagkawala ng ABS-CBN sa ere 1) na ang hudyat ng mga mga alituntunin ng DOH • Coco Martin – Endorsement contracts, maraming hindi nag-renew pagbabago sa ilalim ng at ng ating pamahalaan, • Take It, Per Minute. Me Ganoon – Babalik na sa Martes, ika-2 ng June GCQ. Parang nakikinita na namin na parang mga ibong ikinulong sa hawla nang dalawang buwan at kalahati na magpupulasan sa paglipad ang ating mga kababayang nasabik sa kalayaan. Iyon ang nakakatakot. Dahil sa pagiging malaya na sa paglabas ng bahay ay mas magiging malapit na tayo sa amba ng COVID-19. Sa paglabas ng bahay ay kailangang bitbit pa rin natin ang susi ng kaligtasan. Face mask, physical distancing at paghuhugas ng mga kamay. Kaya lang, siguradong may mga hindi susunod sa mga ipinagbabawal, liberasyon ito para sa mga pasaway. Pero siguradong marami ring mga Pinoy ang magiisip ngayon na huwag na munang lumabas dahil sa malaking takot na baka mawalan ng saysay ang dalawang buwan nilang pagsasakripisyo. Baka sa isang araw nga lang naman ay bigla silang dapuan ng sakit, hindi tayo sigurado sa kaganapan, kaya magpapalipas muna sila ng panahon at magmamatyag lang muna. Maraming binago ang COVID-19, naninibago ang buong mundo ngayon, pero maraming salamat pa rin dahil humihinga tayo nang walang nakatangkeng tulong ng oxygen. Nasa yugto na tayo ng sinasabing new normal. Hindi na tulad nang dati ang ating pang-araw-araw na buhay, hanggang hindi pa nadidiskubre ang gamot na panglunas sa COVID-19 ay

nakapaninibago ang kapaligiran. Nasa atin ang pagdedesisyon para sa ating kaligtasan. Hawak na natin ang mga paraan para hindi natin masagap ang salot na hindi natin nakikita. Lagi nating iisipin na iisa lang ang regalong buhay sa atin ng Diyos. Nag-iisang buhay na kapag nawala na ay hindi na maaaring palitan pa. Kahit mga bilyonaryo ay Catriona Gray Sam Milby walang kapasidad na bumili ng panibagong buhay. Hindi ipinagbibili ang buhay sa mga sikat na shop, sa palengke o saan mang merkado, kaya nasa ating mga kamay ang pagpapaigsi at pagdudugtong ng mga taon ng ating buhay. *** Hindi na nakapagtataka kung milyong kababayan natin ang sumisigaw ngayon at naglalabas Coco Martin ng mga hinaing dahil sa pinagdadaanan nilang hirap dahil sa COVID-19. Sa isang panahong hindi natin alam kung ano ang ihahatid ng kinabukasan ay tunay namang mapapatulala ka na lang dahil hindi mo kontrolado ang mga nagaganap. Hindi na iyon nakakapanibago dahil kahit nga ang bilyonaryo nang si Sharon Cuneta sa kaniyang pinakahuling IG post ay nagpahayag din ng kaniyang pangamba at panghihinayang. Anim na buwan na raw siyang walang trabaho, puro palabas ang nangyayari pero PNP trainees line up at the turnstile of LRT-2 Recto station minutes before a simulation exercise on May See CRISTY p11 26, 2020. Metro Manila eases GCQ June 1st. (Photo: George Calvelo, ABS-CBN News)

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JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

CRISTY... From page 10

wala namang pumapasok, ang mga kababayan pa kaya nating walang kinikita talaga dahil pinagbawalang magtrabaho ang hindi magrereklamo sa kanilang kalagayan? Si Sharon Cuneta na ang nagsasalita, ha? Megastar na. Bilyonaryo na. Pero nakakaramdam pa rin ang singer-actress ng pagkurot ng corona virus sa kaniyang kabuhayan Wala pang nakakaalam kung ano ang mangyayari sa hinihinging prangkisa ng ABS-CBN, mahabang proseso pa ang pagdadaanan noon, kaya ganoon din kahaba anag hihintaying panahon ng mga artista ng istasyon. At sa ABS-CBN nagseserbisyo si Sharon, habang sarado ang network ay sarado rin ang pintuan ng kaniyang karera para sa pagpasok ng mga biyaya, hinayang na hinayang siya sa senaryo. Hindi rin natuloy ang world tour nila ni Regine Velasquez, marami nang producers ang kumukuha sa kanilang concert pero apektado ang buong mundo ng corona virus, kaya nagatrasang lahat ang mga mamumuhunan para sa kanilang konsiyerto. Kahit nga magtagal pa nang ilang taon ang lockdown ay hindi naman maghihirap ang Megastar, matatalbusan lang ang kaniyang kayamanan, pero makapamumuhay pa rin siya nang masagana at paboloso. Hindi naman sinabi ni Sharon na naghihirap na siya, nahihirapan lang ang Megastar dahil walang pumapasok sa kaniyang kaban, magkaibang argumento iyon. *** Nagdiwang ng kaniyang 67-taong kaarawan noong nakaraang Mayo 21 ang Superstar. Simple lang ang selebrasyon.


Noong kasagsagan ng kasikatan ni Nora Aunor ay parang pambansang pagdiriwang ang nagaganap tuwing dumarating ang Mayo 21. Malayo pa ay pinaghahandaan na ng kaniyang mga loyalista ang gagawing sorpresa, kaliwa’t kanan ang selebrasyon niya sa mga programa sa telebisyon, partikular na sa kaniyang programa tuwing Linggo nang gabi na Superstar. Lahatin na natin ang mga nagreyna sa lokal na aliwan, pero walang makapapantay sa popularidad na naabot ni Nora Aunor, ang artistang nangwasak sa kalakaran na matatangkad at mestisa lang ang nagtatagumpay sa larangang pinasok niya. Kung ilarawan siya ng mas nakararami ay pinakamaningning na bituin sa langit. Ang nag-iisang Superstar. Pero si Nora Aunor ay barometro rin ng katotohanan na ang lahat ng bagay at pangyayari sa mundo ay temporaryo lang. Walang panghabambuhay. Naabot niya ang pinakamataas na antas ng tagumpay bilang artista at singer, wala talagang nakaabot sa narating niya, pero hindi pa rin garantiya iyon nang panghabampanahong pupularidad. Pagkatapos ng mga dekadang hinawakan niya ang trono ay nandito pa rin ang Superstar, patuloy pa ring aktibo sa kaniyang propesyon, may mga pagkakaiba na nga lang ang sitwasyon. Noong kaniyang kapanahunan ay nagsasarado ang mga sinehan dahil hindi na makayanan ng teatro ang dami ng mga kababayan nating sumusuporta sa kaniya. Malaki ang posibilidad na bumagsak ang gusali kapag pinapasok ang kaniyang mga tagahanga, masyadong maliit ang


Heart with her painting, “Upended 2020,” which was sold to Art for Life. The actress donated all proceeds to support Filipino frontliners. (Photos from Heart Evangelista’s IG)

Heart Evangelista

espasyo sa sobrang laki ng bilang ng mga loyalista niya, ganoon ang senaryo noong mga panahong iyon. Pero dahil wala ngang garantiya ang anumang kaganapan sa mundo ay unti-unting nabawasan ang kislap ng bituin ni Nora Aunor. Nagsasarado pa rin naman ang mga sinehan ngayon kapag ipinalalabas ang mga makabuluhan nyang pelikula, pero hindi na dahil sa hindi makayanan ng mga sinehan ang laksalaksang manonood, kundi dahil sa numipis na ang higanteng bilang ng makapal niyang mga tagasubaybay. At hindi kami papayag na tawaging laos na ang Superstar. At kung ipipilit pa rin ng iba na laos na si Nora Aunor ay may pambangga pa rin doon ang kaniyang mga tagahanga. See CRISTY p12

“My photo among the many of all Kapamilya stars in one of the ABSCBN corridor walls. I miss you already, my HOME.” (Photo from Sharon Cuneta’s Facebook)

CR E ATE MOM EN TS TH AT L A ST Mosaic Event Centre is a 6,000f t² venue that features multiple rooms, including a gorgeous chapel, reception hall, foyer, and meeting spaces. Let us help you create new memories. P R O U D LY S U P P O R T I N G THE FILIPINO COM MUNITY

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CRISTY... From page 11

“At least, nalaos man si Nora Aunor, e, naabot niya ang pinakamataas na antas ng kasikatan, hindi tulad ng iba d’yan na hindi pa nga sumisikat, e, nalalaos na agad!” *** Sa lahat ng mga personalidad ng ABS-CBN na umapela para sa muling pagbubukas ng istasyon ay katangi-tangi ang inilabas na pahayag ni Liza Soberano. Marespeto. Parehas. Malalim. Punumpuno iyon ng pagtanaw ng utang na loob sa kaniyang home network pero nailatag iyon ng magandang aktres sa paraang wala siyang sinusumbatan at inilalaglag. Pagkatapos naming mabasa ang apela ni Liza Soberano ay naisip namin, ibang-iba talaga ang tabas ng dila at galaw ng utak ng taong ginagamit ang kaniyang pinag-aralan at sentido komon, nasisimulan at natatapos niya ang kaniyang litanya nang wala siyang sinasaktan. Malalim ang pagpapahalaga ni Liza sa tulong at pag-aalaga sa kaniya ng ABS-CBN (bukod siyempre sa kaniyang manager na si Ogie Diaz). Ang ipinasarang istasyon ang nagtiwala sa kaniyang kapasidad bilang artista at lahat-lahat ng anumang mayroon siya ngayon ay napakalaking partisipasyon ang ginagampanan ng network. Ang mahalaga, ayon pa kay Liza, ay ang pagkakaisa. Ganoon ang pinakamakabuluhang atake. Utak ang pinagagana at hindi ang emosyon. Sa isang giyera ay si Liza Soberano dapat ang tagapamuno. Siya ang magbibigay ng senyal kung susugod na ba ang kaniyang tropa o hindi pa muna. Siya ang Heneral. Tagasunod niya lang ang iba. *** Sa napakaligayang pagamin ni Sam Milby tungkol sa tunay na relasyon nila ni Catriona Gray ay ang dating boyfriend naman siguro ng beauty queen ang pinakamalungkot na lalaki sa mundo. Matagal silang naging magkarelasyon ni Catriona,


siya ang kasama-sama ng dalaga sa lahat ng laban nito matalo man o manalo, pero ngayon ay tapos na ang yugto ng kanilang pagmamahalan. May iba nang mahal ang kaniyang dating reyna, maligaya na ito sa piling ni Sam Milby, walang makapipigil kay Clint Bondad sa paglalabas ng kaniyang saloobin ngayon sa social media. Tumatawid ang kaniyang emosyon sa publiko, lalo na nang alalahanin niya ang mga panahong silang dalawa ang magkahawak-kamay sa hirap at ginhawa, pero ngayon ay tinatanaw niya na lang nang malayuan ang kaniyang dating girlfriend. Walang paninira kay Catriona si Clint, panghihinayang lang. Ganoon talaga ang buhay, walang forever, sabi nga. Maligaya na ngayon ang beauty queen kay Sam Milby, kaya talagang wala nang ibang magagawa si Clint Bondad kundi ang tanawin na lang nang malayuan ang babaeng nakasama niya sa kaligayahan nang maraming taon, nakapanghihinayang na relasyon. *** Natutukan namin ang panayam ni Jessica Soho kay Heart Evangelista sa KMJS. Titingnan nating napakapabolosa ng aktres, nasa kaniya na yata ang lahat ng materyal na bagay sa mundo, pero dinadalaw pa rin pala siya ng kalungkutan at depresyon. Halatadong may pinagdadaanan si Heart dahil sa isang tanong lang ng TV host ay para na siyang gripong binubuksan sa pagluha. Ganoon ang taong nakapailalim sa depresyon, sa isang kalabit lang ay umiiyak na, naghahanap na ng saklay para siya makatayo. Sabi ng kaibigan naming psychiatrist, “Loneliness comes from within. May nararamdaman kang lungkot na hindi mo naman masabi talaga kung saan nanggagaling. “Kapag umaatake ang depression, all the more na kailangan tayong maging matatag, kasi, kapag nagpadala tayo, alam na natin kung saan iyon papunta,” sabi ng aming kaibigang doktor.

At kadalasan pala ay malalaking tao sa lipunan ang nagiging biktima ng depresyon, mga kilalang personalidad, dahil sensitibo ang kanilang posisyon. Hindi masamang malungkot tayo, lalong hindi krimeng maituturing ang pagtanggap na paminsanminsan ay natatalo tayo sa laban, pero iisa lang ang buhay. Kapag nawala na ay tapos na rin ang biyahe natin sa mundo bilang turista. *** Mahirap din ang kalagayan ni Kris Aquino. Kapag nananahimik siya ay gustong marinig ng bayan ang kaniyang boses. Pero kapag nagsalita naman siya ay parang nabubuhayan ng loob ang mga bashers at troll sa paghagupit at pagkontra sa kaniya. Saan nga ba naman siya lulugar? Tuloy ay nakakatikim siya ngayon ng mga paghusgang wala namang basehan. Dahil sa kaniyang pananahimik lang ay naging sentro siya ng paksa tungkol sa kawalan ng utang na loob kaugnay ng pagpapasarado ng ABS-CBN. Dapat daw, kahit pa hindi naging maganda ang paghihiwalay nila ng istasyon, kahit paano ay magparamdam naman siya ng saloobin bilang suporta sa network na nagtiwala sa kaniya. Nakakaawa si Kris sa mga pinakahuling larawang inilabas niya sa social media. Magang-maga ang kaniyang mga mata dahil nagkamali raw siya ng ininom na gamot sa kaniyang allergy. Napakasensitibo pa naman ng sistema ni Kris, makaamoy nga lang siya ng kung ano ay inaatake na siya ng allergy, hindi rin siya puwedeng magpunta sa garden dahil sa mga lumilipad na pollen na magpapahirap din sa kaniya. Sa tagal na ng mga iniinom niyang gamot ay kailangang ingatan na ni Kris ang pagdampot ng kung ano ang kailangan niya. Wala kasi siyang kasamang yaya ngayon, siya lang ang nagaasikaso sa kaniyang sarili, pati kina Josh at Bimby. Kailangang maging handa siya sa mga pagkakatoang walang mamamahala sa mga pangangailangan See CRISTY p13

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

Kathryn Bernardo

Nora Aunor plays “Lola Doc” for Tanghalang Pilipino’s “Pansamantanghalan.” Show premiered on her 67th birthday.

Kris Aquino

Kris Aquino’s allergic reaction to wrong medication (Photos from Kris Aquino’s IG)

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

CRISTY... From page 12

niya. Kailangang maging independente na siya. *** Naging matinding mitsa ng giyera ng salitaan ang makasaysayang pagkasakang ni Kathryn Bernardo. Talagang literal siyang pinipintas-pintasan at nilalait-lait ng mga bashers sa social media. Kung pikon ang dalagang aktres ay talagang papatulan niya nang walang patumangga ang mga namimintas sa kaniyang mga binti. Para kasing isang malaking krimen ang pagiging sakang, para bang ang dami-dami niyang tinatapakan at sinasagasaang tao nang dahil sa pagiging sakang niya, parang ganoon ang upak ng mga bashers sa kaniya. Pero hinarap ni Kathryn nang mahinahon ang kaniyang kapintasan. Hindi krimen ang pagkakaroon ng mga binting sakang ni Kathryn. Hindi rin nag-iisip nang malaliman ang mga pumupuntirya sa mga sakang na binti ni Kathryn. Ang dapat nilang itanong sa kanilang mga sarili ay kung bakit sumikat ang dalaga ganoong mayroon siyang napakalinaw na kapintasan sa kaniyang katawan. Maliwanag ang dahilan. May talento siya, magaling siyang umarte. Ang dami-daming artistang hindi naman sakang, pero dinidinig ba ng kapalaran ang kanilang hiling? Sakang man o hindi, nang ipanganak si Kathryn Bernardo ay nakaguhit na sa kaniyang palad na isang araw ay sisikat siya, walang makakokontra sa destinasyon ng kahit sino. Kung si Daniel Padilla nga na boyfriend ni Kathryn ay tanggap na ang kaniyang kapintasan, sino ang mga bashers at trolls na ito para problemahin ang kung tutuusin ay hindi naman problema, inaagawan ba sila ng pagkain ni Kathryn sa hapag nila? Inuulit namin, napakaraming nangangarap na personalidad na walang kapintasang panlabas, pero hanggang ngayon ay nakikipagsuntukan pa rin sa


buwan para magtagumpay. Pero dahil nagsikap, nangarap at nagsipag si Kathryn Bernardo, ang mga planeta ng kaniyang pangarap ay luminya nang maayos, kaya mayroon na siyang sariling upuan ngayon sa ituktok ng tatsulok. *** Napansin ng aming mga kaibigan na ibang-iba na ang mga pananalita ngayon ni Vice Ganda sa kaniyang mga social media account. Naging pino na ang kaniyang mga komento, sa terminong ginamit ng isang kausap namin ay “baitbaitan” daw ngayon ang komedyante, hindi na siya nagtataray. Sensitibo si Vice bilang tao, alam niya na hindi ito ang mga oras na humihingi ng negatibong reaksiyon, hindi iyon napapanahon. At kahit pa sabihing kung minsan ay lumalabis ang kaniyang dila sa pagsasalita ay alam niya ang kahinahunan ang kailangang gawin sa mga panahon ng paghamon at paghihirap ng buong mundo. May mga nagkokomento nga na parang wala raw utang na loob si Vice Ganda dahil hindi siya palaban sa pagpapasarado sa kanilang istasyon. Mabuti pa raw si Coco Martin at patay kung patay ang naging postura sa pagtatanggol sa kanilang network, pero si Vice ay suwabe lang, kahit sumasangga rin naman siya. Magkakaiba ang atake sa paglaban ng iba-ibang tao. Kung nagpakabayani si Coco sa paglaban ay iba rin naman ang atake ni Vice Ganda. *** Marami kaming nakakuwentuhang mga dating katrabaho sa ABSCBN. Kung ang matinding negatibong epekto lang ng ECQ ang iniintindi natin ay doble ang sa kanila. Pagkatapos ng lockdown ay mayroon pang babalikan ang mga pinagbawalang magtrabaho, pero sila ay wala na, hanggang hindi nakakakuha ng bagong prangkisa ang kanilang network. “Alangan namang sabihin ko sa mga anak ko na huwag na muna silang kumain. Saka na lang, kapag may franchise na uli

ang pinagtatrabahuhan ko,” malungkot na sabi ng isa naming kaibigan. Ang pinakamahirap sa buhay na ito ay iyong wala ka nang babalikan. Iyon ang nawawala na ngayon sa maraming nagtatrabaho sa istasyon, lalo na’t buhay na buhay pa sa kanilang isip ang sinabi noon ni PRRD na anuman ang mangyari ay hindinghindi nito hahayaang makapagsahimpapawid pa ang network, parang punyal iyon na nakatarak sa puso at isip nila. Sa kasalukuyang panahon ay pag-asa ang nawawala na sa mga empleyado at artista ng istasyon, matagal kasi ang kailangan nilang ipaghintay, kaya ang iniintindi nila ay kung paano ang kanilang gagawin sa pagitan ng kanilang paghihintay. Masuwerte ang mga personalidad na nakapagipon habang kumikita sila nang milyones, wala silang iniintindi, kaya nga lang ay puro palabas ang pera nila at walang pumapasok. Nakakapanibago ang pagkawala ng ABS-CBN sa himpapawid. Talagang anumang nakasanayan na ay hinahanap-hanap natin. Naliligaw pa rin paminsanminsan ang aming mga daliri sa remote control. Napipindot namin ang numero dos, kapag nakita na naming blangko ang screen ay saka kami magugulat, oo nga pala. Hindi natin ikinatutuwa ang ganitong pangyayari, lalo na’t alam nating napakaraming apektado sa pagkawala ng network, buhayin natin sa ating mga puso ang pag-asa na isang umaga ay magigising na lang tayo na nandy’an na pala uli ang ABS-CBN. *** Umiikot ang kuwento ngayon na dahil sa lantarang pagsasalita ni Coco Martin bilang pagdepensa sa ipinasarado nilang istasyon ay sa kaniya bumalik ang negatibong epekto ng kadulasan ng kaniyang galit na galit na dila. Ilang buwan pa lang ang nakararaan ay parang nagkakatusak ang pageendorso niya ng iba-ibang produkto. Lahat na lang ay siya ang nagmomodelo. Kasi nga ay sikat na sikat siya bilang bida ng kaniyang seryeng walang


Liza Soberano

kamatayan, kasi nga ay epektibo siyang tagapagendorso, pero dahil nga sa sobrang paglalabas niya ng saloobin sa pagpapasarado ng ABS-CBN ay sa kaniya nag-boomerang iyon. Maraming ahensiyang hindi na raw nag-renew ng kaniyang kontrata bilang endorser, napakalaking negosyo ang nawala kay Coco, dahil hindi naman barya-barya lang ang kaniyang talent fee. Natural, puwedeng mangyari talaga ang ganoon dahil sarado na nga ang kanilang istasyon, hindi na napapanood si Cardo Dalisay gabi-gabi sa kaniyang serye. Iyon ang naglalagay sa kaniya sa itaas ng laban, iyon ang dahilan kaya siya kinukuhang tagapagendorso ng mga produkto, pero ngayong wala na ang kanilang network sa himpapawid ay hihina na talaga ang puwersa ng action star. Tama ang opinyon ng mas nakararami nating kababayan na masyadong ginasgas ng kaniyang istasyon si Coco, parang siya ang naging pambala sa kanyon, sa pag-asang magkakaroon ng mga positibong pagbabago kapag naglabas na ng saloobin ang malalaking artista ng network. *** Bago pa ipahayag ng ating pangulo na sasailalim na tayo sa GCQ ay napakarami nang nagtatanong sa amin kung kailan magbabalik sa ere ang Cristy Ferminute at ang Take It, Per Minute. Me Ganoon. Iba kasi ang panghalina ng talk show. Sabi nga, habang naghihirap ang isang bansa ay lalong nalululong ang mamamayan sa entertainment, hinahanap

Vice Ganda

natin ang nakasanayan na nating panoorin. Nangilin kami. Hindi kasi napapanahon na mag-show kami at maghalakhakan habang dumudugo ang sugat ng buong mundo dahil sa corona virus. Pero malapit na tayong magkita-kita, ilang tulog at gising na lang ay magkakabalitaan na tayo. Mas mauunang umere ang Take It, Per Minute… Me Ganoon, sa ikalawang Martes ng June ay eere na kami, susundin namin nina Manay Lolit Solis at Mr. Fu ang social distancing at pagsusuot ng facemask. Limitado lang muna ang puwedeng manood nang live sa Mga Obra Ni Nanay, ang aming prodyuser lang na si Salve Asis at ang aming mga cameraman ang nandoon, saka ang aming production designer na si Japs Gersin at ang aayudang sina Tina Roa, Richie at PJ Villarta. Dahan-dahan lang muna ang mga galawan, pasasaan ba’t isang araw ay babalik na rin tayo sa normal, nakapaninibago lang pero kailangan nating tanggapin ang katotohanan na habang wala pang bakunang madidiskubre para panglunas sa COVID-19 ay mangangapa pa tayo sa isang mundong punumpuno ng pagbabago. –CSF



JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

A COVID reflection Chef. Baker. Fitness enthusiast. Sports person. Seamstress. Entrepreneur. Teacher. The coronavirus pandemic ushered in not just a “new normal” for everyone, but also a “new me” for many. Despite the overwhelming negative effects of the disease, it also prompted us to think and act

on the many challenges and difficulties it brought to our lives. COVID-19 demanded we get out of our comfort zones into a world of endless possibilities. We are discovering we have a knack for doing things we didn’t think we could do. Talents that we never thought existed, that we are now proud to share

with others. Skimming through social media, we see people making and cooking their own food instead of ordering take-out or buying from the store. Flour and yeast have been in short supply lately because almost everyone can make their own bread now. Others get in touch with friends and relatives to share delicious recipes. Some people are making their own facemasks as added protection against the coronavirus. Others are going a step further by

making it a part of their fashion statement. Parents who only needed to provide for their families now need to be teachers to their own children. Most often, they learn with the little ones, because it’s been a long time since they took up geometry or algebra, or how to make a story summary. Some who used to be shy, now dance or sing and post videos of themselves. Tiktok, anyone? Sidewalks and parks get busy with joggers, walkers

and people who have more time now to exercise. Endless possibilities. Point is, no matter what life throws at us, people have the ability to adapt and turn a bad situation into something good and worthwhile. Until then, keep safe – practice safe distancing from others, wash hands and sanitize often, and keep a positive attitude. Cooperate and be responsible. We will get through this, together.

Maging marunong sa panahong ito Dahil sa COVID 19 pandemic, nauubos ang yaman ng maraming mga bansa at patuloy na hinahamon nito ang kaalaman ng mga expert sa medical science sa loob lamang ng ilang buwan. Natatakot ang maraming tao dahil nakikita natin na patuloy na winawasak ng virus ang iba’t ibang aspeto ng buhay natin. Ang pandemic ay isang malupit na paalala sa atin na tayong mga nilalalang ay may hangganan. May hangganan ang ating talino, yaman at kakayanan. Paalala rin ito sa atin na ang buhay natin dito sa mundo ay may katapusan. Sa biblia, sa Awit 90:12, mababasa natin ang dasal ng isang taong makadiyos “Ipaunawa ninyo sa amin na ang buhay namin ay maiksi lang upang matuto kaming mamuhay nang may karunungan” Ang sumulat ng awit ay humihiling sa Diyos na turuan siyang bilangin

ang araw ng buhay niya. Ang pagbibilang ng araw ng buhay ay hindi nangangahulugan na pagkalkula kung ilang taon, buwan o araw ang natitira pa sa ating buhay dito sa mundo. Ang Diyos lang ang nakaaalam niyan. Sa halip, ito ay ang pang-unawa sa posibilidad na ngayon araw ay maaaring ang huling araw natin dito sa lupa. Nais ng Diyos na palagi natin isaisip na tumatakbo ang oras at lubusin natin ang panahon na mayroon tayo. Sa halip na aksayahin ang oras sa mga bagay na walang saysay, magsipag tayo na gumawa ng kabutihan. Ang sabi ni Apsotol Pablo sa Epeso 5:15-16 “Kaya mag-ingat kayo kung paano kayo mamuhay. Huwag kayong mamuhay tulad ng mga mangmang kundi tulad ng marurunong na nakakaalam ng kalooban ng Diyos. Huwag ninyong sayangin ang panahon n’yo; gamitin n’yo ito sa paggawa

ng mabuti, dahil maraming gumagawa ng kasamaan sa panahong ito.” Sinamantala ni apostol Pablo ang bawat pagkakataon. Binahagi niya ang salita ng Diyos, nagtayo siya ng mga simbahan, tumulong siya sa mga nangangailangan at namuhay siya nang walang pagsisisi. Ito pa ang sabi ng apostol sa Efeso 5:17 Huwag kayong magpakamangmang kundi alamin n’yo kung ano ang kalooban ng Panginoon at ito ang gawin ninyo.” Alam n’yo bang dating rebelde si apostol Pablo? Ang tawag sa kaniya ay Saul. Galit siya sa mga nananalig kay Hesus. Ginugulpi, kinukulong at pinapapatay niya ang mga ito. Pero isang araw, nakatagpo niya Ang Panginoong Hesus at nalaman niya na mali ang kaniyang ginagawa. Kinilala niya si Hesus bilang kaniyang Panginoon at nagpasiya siyang sumunod sa Kaniya. At doon sinabi sa kaniya ni Hesus ang misyon

niya sa buhay. Mula sa isang hangal na panatiko, si Pablo ay nakapagbago ng buhay ng hindi mabilang na tao tungo sa kabutihan. May mga kuwento na mga taong nag-ho-hoard ng mga produktong panlinis at mga gamot. Mayroon ding nagbebenta ng mga ito sa napakalaking presyo. Mayroon namang walang ginawa kundi ang mag-alala at naparalisa na sila sa takot. Pero mayroon ding mga taong tinataya ang kanilang buhay sa pagtulong sa may mga sakit at nangangailngan nang walang inaasahang kapalit. Sila yong mga tumutulong na magdala ng grocery sa mga matatanda at mga pamilyang hindi makaaalis sa bahay dahil sa may malillit silang mga

anak. Sila ‘yong humahanap ng paraan na tugunan ang pangangailangan ng kapuwa kahit na mismo sila ay may sariling pangangailangan. Sa kasalukuyang krisis, maaari pa rin tayo makapili kung paano tayo mamumuhay. Bakit hindi tayo magsimula tuwing umaga. Ihandog natin ang araw sa Diyos at humiling na gabayan niya tayo na makagawa ng mga bagay na may halaga at magtatagal nang magpasawalang hanggan? Gayahin natin si apostol Pablo na nagpasakop sa pangunguna ng Panginoon sa buhay niya Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St.

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020



Filipino-Canadian scientist Alexander Bello part of the coronavirus research team By Teodoro “Ted” Alcuitas, Editor, Philippine CanadianNews.com

WINNIPEG – He is part of a team of researchers that has been hunkered down at the microbiology lab since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in March. Their study is also part of a worldwide effort that is racing to contain, if not stop, the spread of the deadly virus. Last week, the team released a study that found that COVID-19 appears to be infectious only for the first eight days after patients experience symptoms. In the largest study of its kind so far, researchers from the National Microbiology Laboratory, Cadham Provincial Laboratory and the University of Manitoba looked at nasal or throat samples from 90 Manitobans who tested positive for COVID-19 from March 12 to the first week of April. If confirmed by further work, the findings could have implications for the way the disease is treated, isolated and prevented. Unsung heroes Working behind the scenes, these scientists are the “unsung heroes” in the fight against the coronavirus. For, while they are not on the “frontline”’ like doctors and nurses in hospitals, their work is just as important. And they are taking enormous risks; exposing themselves to the very disease that they want to control. For hours and days on end, they peer into microscopes, take samples from lab animals and actually look at human cells and viruses in their

sleuthing. So dangerous is the work that the Winnipeg lab is the only one in Canada that has the Level 4 containment space needed to work on the world’s most dangerous pathogens. Team of scientists They’re scientists – doctors, epidemiologists, Ph.D’s and other medical professionals who team up in their laboratories looking for that elusive solution, sharing their findings with others in Canada and throughout the world engaged in the same search. One of them is Alexander A. Bello, (Ph.D.), a young Filipino-Canadian biologist at Winnipeg’s Public Health Agency of Canada, the leading research facility in the country for infectious diseases. The lab is well known for identifying the Ebola virus that was ravaging West Africa in 2016. The vaccine that they developed helped put a stop to the spread of the deadly virus in the African country and its neighbours. “I never thought I’d actually experience a pandemic quite like this. My whole career has been spent combating comparatively smaller epidemics like Zika and Ebola, but never have I imagined to see the day that the whole world would go into a lock down … It’s the kind of stuff you only see in movies.” says Alexander Bello. Fresh from university Bello was then finishing his doctorate at the University of Manitoba and worked in the virology lab under Gary Kobinger. Their research put the small Winnipeg laboratory on the world map, making it a virtual powerhouse for Ebola research.

Alexander Bello, Ph.D. is part of the team that works on the study that found COVID-19 infectious in the first eight days. He is seen here with wife Levilyn and son Logan.(Facebook) Son of immigrants Born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the 39-year old Bello is the son of Alfred Bello, Sr. of Masbate and Myrna Arquillano of San Francisco, Camotes in Cebu. He has two brothers and four sisters. Married to Levilyn Galvez, they have a four-year old son, Logan. Bello went to the Jesuit-run St. Paul’s High School and completed his doctorate in Medical Microbiology from the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg in 2014. He took further studies in Clinical Microbiology with a Fellowship at the University of Alberta in Edmonton as well as a post doctoral fellowship at the Public Health Agency of Canada in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Extensive experience in virus research Bello said the time he spent in his father’s province of Masbate somewhat prepared him during his stint in Sierra

Leone and Guinea. “I spent almost a year in the Philippines in my dad’s province where there was no running water and limited electricity, so this prepared me somewhat during my time in Sierra Leone and Guinea because conditions were similar. Having seen hardships first hand such as famine, poverty, and a country with the highest maternal mortality has given me a better appreciation of the healthcare system and opportunities that we have access to in Canada,” he told Philippine Canadiannews. com in an e-mail. Bello has extensive experience working in a BSL4 laboratory with emerging infectious diseases such as the Ebola virus, Marburg virus, avian influenza A (H5N1), Lassa virus, and the 1918 pandemic H1N1. World Health Organization (WHO) consultant During the 2013–2016 Ebola outbreak in West

Africa, Bello was deployed twice to Sierra Leone as a team leader to help aid Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) or Doctors Without Borders and its partners. He helped in diagnostics for suspected and confirmed Ebola virus patients, as well as demobilization of the onsite laboratory. He then travelled to Guinea as a consultant for the World Health Organization (WHO) where he installed a diagnostic laboratory and provided technical support for Ebola diagnostics. His work in Guinea included assembling the lab and performing diagnostics on samples from corpses, live patients and known Ebola contacts for the detection of the Ebola virus. Bello has authored or co-authored 45 publications in medical journals with 2,439 citations according to Research Gate. This article first appeared in PhilippineCanadianNews. com.


Right now the world is experiencing a “global grief” because of the coronavirus pandemic. Our lives, health, relationships, jobs, and the economy has suffered tremendously because of this virus. The scenes we are witnessing around the world are distressing, and unfortunately are here to stay for the foreseeable future. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed. Maybe practicing mindfulness can give us a little light at the end of the tunnel. The word mindfulness has been getting a lot of attention lately. Perhaps it is the result of studies showing the many health benefits that come from this exercise. In addition, mindfulness exercises can easily be done in the comfort of your own home at no cost or supplies! Contrary to popular


belief, mindfulness does not involve sitting in a lotus position for hours. (But you can still try it!) It is a state of mind that enables you to sharpen your focus while being conscious of your surroundings during and after meditation. Put it simply, mindfulness is simply being “in the moment.” It may sound simple but taking your mind off of distractions takes a lot of practice. This is especially prevalent in our society where everyone has some sort of obligation. This includes checking in with our loved ones, urgent e-mails, and worrying about other day-to-day responsibilities. So why practice mindfulness, you say? Improved concentration and self-control are just a few of its many benefits. There is plenty of evidence that

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

How mindfulness can help us through COVID-19 shows how it can improve every aspect of your life. Mindfulness can: 1. Reduce stress Studies show that mindfulness meditation increases positive affect and decreases anxiety and negative affect. Patients with chronic diseases exhibited increased physical and mental well being after meditation. 2. Improve memory and academic performance In research, teachers assigned students to do attention-building exercises. As a result, students had improved memory, focus, and better grades. Workers who practiced mindfulness also found that they became more engaged with their tasks. 3. Decrease “emotional

reactivity” Researchers have found that mindfulness meditation practice helped people to disengage from emotionally upsetting circumstances, therefore, allowing them to do their tasks effectively. Unfortunately, mindfulness cannot be perfected overnight. It requires practice on a weekly or daily basis. Luckily, there are over 700 apps that can help you to be more mindful. 1. Headspace (Free) Emma Watson called this app “genius”. Headspace gives you comfort in your pocket. Change your life profoundly with the help of its easy and guided meditation, progress page, and Buddy System where you can add friends and motivate each other in your journey to mindfulness. Headspace will surely clear your mind of clutter. 2. Smiling Mind (Free) This app was developed by a team of psychologists specializing in Mindfulness Meditation, youth therapy, and wellness programs. Smiling Mind is an app that provides mindfulness programs according to the user’s age. 3. Calm (Free + Subscription option) Providing a wide variety of guided meditation, Calm will give you superb meditation techniques in the comfort of your own device. There is no “correct way” to achieve mindfulness; you can do it while showering, walking the dog, or listening to audio materials. Your

mission is to make time to be aware of your surroundings and take a mental break once in a while. Let yourself grow and prosper using these techniques. Happy meditating! Sources Robins, C. J., Keng, S.-L., Ekblad, A. G., & Brantley, J. G. (2012). “Effects of mindfulnessbased stress reduction on emotional experience and expression: A randomized controlled trial.” Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68(1), 117–131. https://doi. org/10.1002/jclp.20857 Bränström, R., Kvillemo, P., Brandberg, Y., & Moskowitz, J. T. (2010). “Self-report Mindfulness as a Mediator of Psychological Wellbeing in a Stress Reduction Intervention for Cancer Patients—A Randomized Study.” Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 39(2), 151–161. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s12160-010-9168-6 Karla Atanacio is currently in International Development Studies at the University of Winnipeg. At 13, she moved with her family to Canada to seek a better future. Karla enjoys being involved in the community and volunteers with different Filipino-Canadian heritage organizations. In her spare time, Karla enjoys fusion cuisine and listening to podcasts. To learn more about ANAK, visit anak.ca or send us an e-mail at info@ anak.ca.

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020


ANAK Liwayway Scholarship for Leadership Excellence 2020 Deadline: June 30, 2020 ANAK is pleased to present its fourteenth annual “Liwayway Scholarship for Leadership Excellence” to Filipino-Canadian students in Grade 12, who demonstrate a commitment to preserving and promoting Philippine heritage. Two (2) scholarships of $500 will be awarded on July 31, 2020 To be eligible for this scholarship, the applicant must: • Provide official school transcripts demonstrating a B (70% or 3.0) grade point average or better in three 40S courses (including English) • Review the following resources: Danan, Karla. “Jezebel.” Youtube, uploaded by Karla Danan, 10 Dec. 2018, https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=ZwN_ np2sYZM&feature=youtu. be. Madarang, Catalina. “The History Behind the Philippines’ Culture of ‘Colorism’.” Interaksyon, 11 Jun. 2018, https://www. interaksyon.com/breakingnews/2018/06/11/128496/ history-behind-philippinesculture-colorism-skindiscrimination. Nadal, Kevin. “Out Talk with Dr. Kevin Nadal, Episode 1.1: Microaggressions.” Youtube, uploaded by Kevin Nadal, 15 May 2014, https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=_EijZrhvGg8 Pasion, Abby. “Addressing Toxic Behaviors in Filipino Families.” One Down, 7 Jan. 2020, https://www. one-down.com/addressing-

toxic-behaviors-in-filipinofamilies-your-mind-ourmovement. • With reference to at least two of the articles and using the MLA style guide, complete a 500-word (two pages double-spaced) typed essay in response to the following question: How does an open dialogue about mental wellness impact the way Filipinos engage with the global community in the future? Successful applicants are subject to an interview process via Zoom on July 14, 2020 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Download the application now! Scholarship Application Form https://drive. google.com/file/d/1jzdDu8 Kg7HvaVymhjjaJeNNR8m 7b2uqm/view




JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

Non-medical masks and face coverings How to protect others

The best thing you can do to prevent spreading COVID-19 is to wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. If none is available, use hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60 per cent alcohol base. To protect others, you should also: • stay at home if you are ill • maintain a two-metre physical distance from others. When physical distancing cannot be maintained, consider wearing a non-medical mask or homemade face covering • avoid touching your face, mouth, nose or eyes Wearing a homemade non-medical mask/ facial covering in the community is recommended for periods of time when it is not possible to consistently maintain a two-metre physical distance from

others, particularly in crowded public settings, such as stores, shopping areas, and public transportation. Public health officials will make recommendations based on a number of factors, including the rates of infection and/or transmission in the community. Recommendations may vary from location to location. If you do choose to wear a non-medical mask, follow the appropriate use and understand the recommendations for their use in community settings. These recommendations have been prepared by the Special Advisory Committee on COVID-19. Wearing a mask alone will not prevent the spread of COVID-19. You must consistently and strictly adhere to good hygiene and public health measures, including frequent hand washing and physical (social) distancing.

Appropriate use of nonmedical mask or face covering When worn properly, a person wearing a nonmedical mask or face covering can reduce the spread of his or her own infectious respiratory droplets. Non-medical face masks or face coverings should: • allow for easy breathing • fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops • maintain their shape after washing and drying • be changed as soon as possible if damp or dirty • be comfortable and not require frequent adjustment • be made of at least two layers of tightly woven material fabric (such as cotton or linen) • be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose and mouth without gaping Some masks also include a pocket to accommodate a paper towel or disposable coffee filter, for increased

benefit. Non-medical masks or face coverings should not: • be shared with others • impair vision or interfere with tasks • be placed on children under the age of two years • be made of plastic or other non-breathable materials • be secured with tape or other inappropriate materials • be made exclusively of materials that easily fall apart, such as tissues • be placed on anyone unable to remove them without assistance or anyone who has trouble breathing Limitations Homemade masks are not medical devices and are not regulated like medical masks and respirators. Their use poses a number of limitations: • they have not been tested to recognized standards • the fabrics are not the same as used in surgical masks or respirators • the edges are not designed to form a seal around the

nose and mouth • they may not provide complete protection against virus-sized particles • they can be difficult to breathe through and can prevent you from getting the required amount of oxygen needed by your body These types of masks may not be effective in blocking virus particles that may be transmitted by coughing, sneezing or certain medical procedures. They do not provide complete protection from virus particles because of a potential loose fit and the materials used. Medical masks, including surgical, medical procedure face masks and respirators (like N95 masks), must be kept for health care workers and others providing direct care to COVID-19 patients. Source: Canada.ca

Alzheimer Society of Manitoba to receive $300K for education programs The Manitoba govern-ment is providing $300,000 to provide education programs offered by the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba for individuals living with dementia and their families, Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen announced on May 29. “Dementia has a tremendous impact on families, the health-care system and our economy. Today, more than 23,000 Manitobans are living

with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia, and this number is expected to double in the next generation,” said Friesen. “This funding will support the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba as it continue its work to make a difference in the lives of people living with dementia by providing education to families across the province.” The minister said the funding will be used to expand the family education and first-link client support services programs that cover the full disease range

from the beginning to the end of illness, with topics such as the progression of dementia, communication skills and preventing and responding to changing behaviours. “This much-needed funding helps support a comprehensive education series to support Manitobans living with dementia along the continuum of the disease,” said Wendy Schettler, CEO, Alzheimer Society of Manitoba. “Families count on this information so that they are better equipped to

face the daily challenges of dementia with reliable information, resources, and an understanding of what’s to come.” The minister noted that caregivers of older adults with dementia provide an average of 26 hours of care each week, which is substantially higher than the 17 hours provided by caregivers of those without dementia. “These family education programs are key to helping caregivers better understand the disease and how it affects their loved one,”

said Friesen. “These programs also give them valuable information on caregiving, community and health-system resources and supports, legal information and self-care.” While some in-person seminars have been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the society has been offering online sessions. For more information, visit https://alzheimer. mb.ca. Source: Government of Manitoba

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020



Support for low-income Manitobans with disabilities The province is extending $4.6 million in direct and immediate financial support to lowincome Manitobans with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic through the new Disability Economic Support Program, Premier Brian Pallister announced on May 26. “COVID-19 is creating new challenges and causing financial

difficulties for some of our province’s most vulnerable people,” said Pallister. “Manitobans living with disabilities may be facing additional costs to adjust to the new realities of daily life during the pandemic. As we respond to these challenges together, our government is making an important investment to help address urgent needs.” More than 23,000 Manitobans receive monthly

benefits under the disability category of Employment and Income Assistance. Under the Disability Economic Support Program, each of these Manitobans will be mailed a $200 cheque in early June for one-time support. This payment will not be considered taxable income and will not affect any other benefits received. “The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in hardship for many

Manitobans with disabilities and this payment will provide economic relief to thousands of people,” said Janet Forbes, executive director, Inclusion Winnipeg Inc. “We appreciate the province recognizing the financial challenges faced by people with disabilities and providing additional support during this difficult time.” The Disability Economic Support Program is part of

the expanded Manitoba Protection Plan, a coordinated government response to challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. More information about the Disability Economic Support Program is available at: www.manitoba.ca/ covid19/infomanitobans/ desp.html. Source: Government of Manitoba

Emergency rent assistance for small business Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced on May 25 that applications are now being accepted for Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) for small businesses. Over the course of the program, property owners can reduce rent by at least 75 per cent for the months of April and May (retroactive), and June, for their small business tenants. CECRA

will cover 50 per cent of the rent, with the tenant paying up to 25 per cent and the property owner forgiving at least 25 per cent. “Small business owners from coast to coast to coast have told us that one of their biggest worries during this pandemic has been being able to pay rent when they’ve had to temporarily close their doors,” said Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade.

With our rent assistance applications now open, small business owners and entrepreneurs will be able to get the help they need, so they can focus on rehiring their team and preparing their businesses for reopening.” The Prime Minister’s Office noted that applying for CECRA makes financial sense for property owners, as their success depends on the success of their tenants. If a tenant declares

bankruptcy and is evicted, the property owner receives zero rental income and faces additional costs while they search for new tenants. With this program, property owners will continue to receive income, and small business tenants will receive the help they need to recover and come back after the pandemic. Applications are accepted through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

(CMHC) website. The program is for small business tenants that are paying less than $50,000 per month in gross rent, with annual consolidated revenues of less than $2 million, and that have experienced at least a 70 per cent drop in preCOVID-19 revenues. It will also be available to non-profit and charitable organizations. Source: Prime Minister’s Office



JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

JUNE 1 - 15, 2020



Second phase of re-opening Manitoba Phase Two of the Manitoba government’s plan to open more businesses while ensuring physical distancing goes into effect today. Premier Brian Pallister made the announcement on May 27. “I want to thank Manitobans for their input, and as a result of these discussions and advice from public health experts, we are in a position to move forward with phase two of our plan to safely restore our services,” said Pallister. “I also want to thank Manitobans for continuing to respect physical distancing guidelines and ask everyone to keep taking steps to protect themselves and others as we continue to ease restrictions.” As of June 1, limited access to educational facilities, where physical distancing can be maintained, is allowed for additional tutorial days, such as one-on-one learning, assessment and specific programming. Manitoba Education will continue planning and consulting with school divisions and other education stakeholders, the premier noted. The plan for Phase Two was revised from the original draft document, released May 21, based on input from the public

and businesses, as well as additional input from public health officials. Changes include: • detailed guidance for post-secondary educational institutions and vocational colleges; • removing occupancy limits for therapeutic and health-care services; • detailed guidance for senior’s clubs; • additional details on requirements for the safe operation of splash pads; • updated guidance for community centres; • the reopening of arts and cultural activities, such as dance, art and theatre; • clarifications on the opening of bars, beverage rooms, brew pubs, microbrewers and distilleries to allow sites that do not serve food to open, as well as updated guidance from public health that all patrons must be seated at tables and stand-up service is not allowed; and • detailed public health guidelines for film productions. A number of measures initially outlined in the draft plan for Phase Two can resume effective June 1 including: • increasing child-care centre occupancy to up to 24 children plus staffing; • increasing day camp

group sizes to 24; • resuming sports, arts and cultural activities for children and adults; • lifting occupancy limits at outdoor recreation facilities and golf courses outdoors, as long as physical distancing can be maintained and allowing limited access to indoor spaces; • allowing direct travel to northern parks, campgrounds, cabins, lodges and resorts while ensuring physical distancing; • allowing public/ private swimming pools, spas, fitness clubs, gyms and community/service centres to reopen with some limitations; • allowing religious or other organizations to hold outdoor services or events without limitation on numbers if people stay in their vehicles; • reopening manicurists and pedicurists, tattoo parlours, estheticians, cosmetologists, electrologists and tanning parlours at 50 per cent capacity; • allowing restaurants to reopen indoor spaces at 50 per cent capacity and continue to offer patio services at that capacity level; and • allowing bars, beverage rooms, micro-brewers

and similar businesses to operate patio service at 50 per cent of site capacity and to reopen indoor spaces at 50 per cent capacity. No changes will be made to the requirements for reopening museums, galleries and libraries, and parks, campgrounds yurts and vacation cabins. Detailed information on the plan for Phase Two of service restoration and steps people can take to reduce their risk and workplace guidance for businesses can be found at: w w w. m a n i t o b a . c a / restoringsafeservices. Other changes that came into effect on May 22 included increasing gathering sizes to 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoors, and allowing professional sports teams to resume practicing. “Case numbers and positive test rates continue to be low and other key factors are also positive,” said Dr. Brent Roussin, Manitoba’s chief provincial public health officer. “These additional steps to safely restore services will help ease the impacts on Manitobans and ensure the health system continues to be able to respond if case numbers increase slightly.” Mass gatherings such as concerts, festivals and

major sporting events will not be considered before September 2020, Roussin noted. He also noted that it is key for people to stay home if they are sick to further reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Roussin continued to encourage businesses to take steps to help staff, patrons and visitors stay safe including: • ensuring people are able to reasonably maintain two metres of distance; • only conducting necessary and brief exchanges within two metres of others; • applying enhanced cleaning protocols, especially in common areas like washrooms; • maintaining physical distancing and foodhandling protocols in workplace areas including lunch and common areas; • staying home when feeling sick; and • following personal risk reduction measures. Manitoba businesses can submit questions about how the plan applies to them by visiting https://engagemb. ca. A comprehensive list of Manitoba government COVID-19 measures can be found at: https://manitoba.ca/ bg/2020/04/covid19.html.




JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

1 IN 10



Do you know if your kidneys are healthy or sick? You may not experience symptoms of Kidney Disease until 80% of your kidney function is lost. Visit: knowyourkidneys.ca to learn if you’re at risk for Kidney Disease.


manitoba renal program

A message from Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Manitoba Renal Program & Kidney Foundation of Canada.



JUNE 1 - 15, 2020





JUNE 1 - 15, 2020

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