Pilipino Express • Mar 16 2018

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Volume 14 • No. 6 • March 16 - 31, 2018 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Loisa Andalio

Pinays celebrate Women’s Day

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Photo by Rey-Ar Reyes L-R: Iris Yudai, Executive Producer, CBC Radio & TV; Flor Marcelino, MLA for Logan; Emmie Joaquin, Editor-in-Chief, Pilipino Express and Maria Buduhan, Constable, Winnipeg Police. by Lucille Nolasco

Ayra Mariano & Bruno Gabriel

WINNIPEG – In celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, Pinays MB Inc. held their annual Pinays Recognition

Luncheon on Saturday, March 10th, at the Marlborough Hotel. Now in its third year, the empowering group of women honoured three Pinay Trailblazers who excelled in their respective

fields. Nena Joy Lazo is a 2018 Pinay Trailblazer Awardee for her achievements in the field of the performing arts. Throughout See IWD p16

Columbia’s cocaine boom expected to impact Canada Due to an explosion of production following the demobilization of Colombia’s FARC guerrillas, an influx of cocaine is expected to hit Canadian cities over the next two years. According to an intelligence report from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), due to significantly increased drug manufacturing and instability associated with Colombia’s peace process, “it is expected that Canada will see increasing flows of cocaine.” The de-classified Intelligence Advisory named Panama-based COPA Airlines, as well as courier companies, mail and ships, as “primary modes” of cocaine smuggling into See COCAINE p16



MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

MARCH 16 - 31, 2018





Beautiful Basilan The mere mention of the word Basilan can send shivers down the spine of anyone who knows the place only through media reports. After all, it is the birthplace of the Abu Sayyaf, the armed group that has sown terror not just in Mindanao but also in other parts of the Philippines. The group’s founder, Abdurajik Abubakar Janjalani, was born here in 1959, and he formed the group in 1991, reportedly with six million dollars given to him by Osama Bin Laden. The island’s economy had been falling as investors pulled out due to an unfavourable economic atmosphere, and this made it easy for Janjalani to recruit young men. Together they mounted raids, kidnappings, ambushes, and assassinations in various places on the island, forcing communities to disperse and resulting in an almost complete breakdown in Basilan’s economy. The most infamous of these cases was the kidnapping of 20 people from the Dos Palmas Resort in Palawan on May 27, 2001.Among the victims were missionary couple Martin and Gracia Burnham and Peruvian-born American Guillemo Sobero, and it was their plight that caught the attention of the world. Sobero was subsequently beheaded the following June 19 (becoming the first foreigner executed by the Abu Sayyaf); the Burnhams’ ordeal would last more than a year until an operation was launched to save them. Unfortunately Martin was killed, while Gracia was rescued. But a lot has changed in the past few years, so much so that now Basileños are promoting their province as a tourist destination. I was able to visit Basilan on March 7 during the closing of the Pakaradjaan Festival, a 10-day celebration (the literal meaning of the Yakan word pakaradjaan), and saw a glimpse of these improvements. Traveling with Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, Jesus Dureza, who was the keynote speaker at the event, we took a chopper from nearby Zamboanga City and from that vantage point I saw how beautiful the island is. On our approach, the most beautiful mangrove forest I had ever seen welcomed us, followed by white sand beaches that would rival those of Boracay. Farther inland, forests still cover much of the province, punctuated by houses and buildings as well as roads and bridges that are a sign of its progress. And the people! They were

very friendly, and on this special occasion many of them were decked in Yakan finery. By the way, the Yakan are the natives of Basilan, making up 41 per cent of the population. I thought to myself that the festive atmosphere was in sharp contrast to how most of the world must perceive Basilan. Here they were, in the land that gave birth to so much pain, now celebrating the bounty with which they have been blessed. In his message to the crowd of celebrators, Basilan Governor Jim Hataman-Salliman noted the changes the province has experienced. Where violence once ruled, now there is an atmosphere of peace and unity. The crime rate is down, the economy is moving up (there’s even a Jollibee in Isabela City), and tourists are beginning to trickle in. The military is concretely felt, but unlike before, their presence invokes not fear but confidence among the people who are now able to travel freely within the island. Even the town of Al-Barka, scene of fierce fighting between government troops and Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters in late 2011, is now a peaceful place, the governor said. And to what did he attribute this change? The governor said while it is true that the government has been actively involved, it is ultimately the people themselves who brought about peace in Basilan. He noted that residents have been more active in protecting their respective areas from outside threats, and they have worked hard to ensure that the scourge of the Abu Sayyaf is not repeated. With all the positive change, Salliman challenged the residents to invite tourists to come to the island, asking them to post the beauty of Basilan on social media. For the festival, the provincial tourism office urged the people to use #pakaradjaan and #pakaradjaanfestival on Facebook and Twitter so that those outside would see that Basilan is no longer the strife-torn and lawless place it used to be. Basilan is a lovely province, and it needs help to overcome the bad press it has been getting for the longest time. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Chief Editor of www.mindanation.com. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail. com.

MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

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MARCH 16 - 31, 2018


New parents and exhaustion Ate Anna, My husband and I had our first baby about two months ago. Baby is healthy, but we have a struggle. We find it hard to do private things together. We really want to, but we feel so busy and tired! What can we do? Signed, Tired Parents Dear Tired Parents, Congratulations on your new baby! This is an exciting and exhausting time. Babies come with many new life changes, especially your first child. Many parents face the same challenge as you do. Our bodies feel the effects of a growing family. This can feel like stress, exhaustion, lack of sleep, sadness or other things. It sounds like you and your husband make it a priority to stay close together and invest in your relationship, which is a big strength and is important. It sounds like you two are exhausted. There are a few things I can suggest. When you spend private time together, do what feels good to your bodies and don’t put pressure on yourselves. Cuddling and handholding are meaningful things to do, and this type of closeness feels good during times of stress. Express your care to each other in ways that feel natural and easy and within what you are able to do in that moment. For example, taking naps together can be meaningful private time. When you are able, make time when you and your husband can be together while your baby is in the care of a friend or family member.

This is important so that you two can connect with and focus on each other. Most important, talk to each other and be honest about your feelings and struggles about sex, and about your new lives together. The more you communicate, the closer a team you will become. Sex might feel different after birth. Some people experience vaginal dryness; a solution would be to use a lubricant during sex (if you are using condoms, be sure the lubricant is water-based). Some people also experience leaking breasts during sex. To help with this, you can wear a bra during sex with leak pads in it. Also, if you breastfeed your baby right before sex, the chance of leaking is smaller. Sometimes it might feel painful after birth to have sex due to a tear; this tear can take two to three weeks to heal. This is a good time to express care in different ways to each other. There are many different ways to have sex that don’t involve touching the vaginal area. As you give that area time to heal, you can explore other parts of the body that feel good. If you want more information, there is a good information page about this at peelregion.ca. All the best to your growing family, Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to: Ate Anna, Suite 200226 Osborne St. N., Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@ serc.mb.ca. Visit us at www.serc. mb.ca. for reliable information and links on the subject of sexuality.




MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

The lonely home - using feng shui to find love One of the greatest joys of living is having someone who belongs to you and whom you belong to. Just knowing you have a partner in life to lean on provides us with fulfillment. Singles will say they have the love of friends and family, but.. The “but” is that they don’t have a partner – a wife, a husband, a girlfriend or boyfriend. They say it’s just not the same as when you have someone in your life that you are committed to and who is committed to you. And it’s true. It’s not the same, and it doesn’t matter whether you are gay or straight. Having a loving partner in your life gives you a feeling like no other. So, what can be standing in the way of your partnerships? There are a variety of things that can stop or block you from having the love you want in your life. To be honest, your house could be a lonely home. Energy in your home is a living thing, and if you go home day after day to the same place and are single a long time, your home could be holding you back. Am I suggesting you move? No, but just think about this. I have several long-term single clients and guess what they have in common? They’ve never moved. Ever. As in, they’ve been in the same apartment for 15-35 years. They say they want love in their life, but I think their single life suits them just fine, truthfully, and they don’t want to budge from their little nests. They’ve pulled up their homes around them like a giant security blanket and their

home becomes their partner in their life. Let’s think about other ways your home could be keeping you lonely. • Holding on to pain: This can be old love letters, a photo album from a past trip together or some kind of symbol of your relationship, like the bedroom furniture you bought together. Even if you cut yourself out of a picture with your former boyfriend and put that picture up, you’ll always know that when you took that photo, he was standing there beside you. Take these kinds of mementos and elements out of your living space and your life. Clear the way for someone new and something new to come into your life. This includes ashes of pets or loved ones. You must remove them from your home to invite living – and loving – energy in to your home and life. • Cold kitchen: A lonely home is often the sign of a kitchen that’s gone cold. You know how it is at every holiday gathering – everyone is in the kitchen. If you’re single, don’t reinforce that singleness by eating out every night or filling the freezer with microwave dinners for one. Get some real food in there. It’s important that you keep your kitchen fires burning by actually using your stove. Even if you bake muffins to bring into work, that warms up your home – and turns a cold kitchen into one that’s cooking and turns your house into a warm home. It makes sense, too, if you

think about how your kitchen can draw love to you. The area associated with love in feng shui is the stomach – and everyone loves to be fed (especially men!). Keep your kitchen heated up to jumpstart a cold love life. You can even add a small night-light to keep your home fires burning at night too. • The single: Whether this is a picture, a painting, or an object, when we see something that’s a single, we see one and it’s “oneness” overtakes our life. Make it a point to make sure your bed is flanked by two tables, that your artwork doesn’t depict a single woman or man, and make sure to have plenty of pairs around the house. Not only does this help your home feel more balanced, but it ads “couples” energy to the house. • Pet priorities: A lonely home can often find that the energy is centered on a pet bird, a lanky Labrador retriever, or some other fur-baby. Make sure that your pet doesn’t sleep on the bed with you and sleeps on his or her own bed, otherwise, the pet’s energies take precedence over relationships. It’s tempting to snuggle at night with fluffy, but do it on the sofa if you just have to. • Plantasia: Plants are wonderful feng shui, but there can be too much of a good thing. Whether it’s plants or flowers, it’s important to recognize that plants draw energy from earth, and earth is the energy of love and relationships. If your prized African violet collection has overtaken your guest bedroom and you’ve been single a long time, you might know why now. Check the southwest corner of

your home to see if there is a plant here that is draining your romance chi, and make absolutely certain there are no plants or flowers in your bedroom, as these will drain the romance right out of your life. And, yes, even the flowery sheets or bedding count. Add something nice and neutral and then see what happens! • Bedroom points: When it comes to feng shui and beds, there are a few hard and fast rules. One is that you should always be able to easily see the door from bed, and the other is that you should have a good, solid headboard. Many people who are having problems with money or relationships often won’t have a good solid headboard. This enables you to think clearly, too. When you’re aching to have someone in your life, your bed represents the symbol of a couple’s union, so it’s important to get it right. If you can’t or don’t want to give up your mattress that’s come from a past relationship, try to put it into sunlight for four hours. This will help you remove old energy – and give it a nice airing out too. Look for other sources of problems, such as headboards

with slats, no headboard, sagging mattress, furniture from your past partner. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: Last month on Valentine’s Day – I felt so unhappy. My husband is only interested in watching sports on TV and we don’t talk anymore, much less have any kind of romantic life. I have pictures of us from our wedding out, but wonder if they’re too old? Could those old pictures be hurting our relationship? Answer: That’s an interesting question! If the only pictures you have of the two of you are of your wedding, that makes your relationship just a point on line, a moment in time. This is easy to slip into. If you haven’t gone on vacation together in a while, make it a point to make some plans, and then while you’re there, have some pictures taken of the two of you. Too often as we grow older, we don’t always take photos of ourselves as a couple and the photos we do take end up being separate pictures of one or the other in front of the scenic view, and not one of us together. It’s important to get photos taken of See FENG SHUI p8

Educational exploration: Learning versus doing Phew! It has been a whirlwind the past few months and I wanted to review the series I started. These are the topics that I am speaking about in this column to help both families and educators navigate education in Manitoba. 1. Building relationships 2. Student-centred learning 3. Advocating for yourself 4. Finding balance. As mentioned in my previous article, we build communities through building relationships – and the importance of communication in this field. You must communicate with not only your students, but also your teaching team, school staff, administrators, and families. This article will focus on studentcentred learning, and what that looks like now. Educator/Parent Tips:

environment as a classroom This is directed to both educators and to our families with school-aged children. Depending on your education experience as a student, you may have remembered the “sage on the stage” model. This has the teacher up front, teaching what he or she has been teaching for years, in a style that has worked for him or her in the past. While this model has worked for some in the past, we are moving toward a “guide at the side” model. The students are at the centre, and it is their learning that we adjust to. We need to consider certain things: 1. Not all students learn at the same rate or in the same way. Imagine yourself learning how to something for the first time – let’s say riding a motorcycle. You attend a group lesson, everyone has

their motorcycle and is waiting for instruction. The instructor shows up, shows you how to do the basic functions, and then expects you to begin riding your motorcycle. For some students, they are “naturals” at this. They jump on and ride like they were born to do it. For others, it’s not so simple. There are some with anxiety at beginning. There are some who have a few questions before they feel comfortable starting. Others may have a language barrier that prevents them from understanding all the instructions. If this, as adults, is the experience of learning, it is not any different for our students. We must differentiate to meet the diverse needs of our learners. If your child comes home unsure of how to do homework, suggest different ways to find solutions to the problem instead of telling them only one tried-and-true method (especially

if that method doesn’t makes sense to them). 2. There is a difference between doing and learning. “But these kids don’t even know how to do basic multiplication.” I agree that there is an importance in doing things efficiently – spelling, computations, etc. However, there needs to be a balance. Many students fly under the radar as excellent readers because they can decode sentences perfectly – but lack the comprehension to actually understand what they are reading. Now, does this make them an excellent reader after all, or does it tell us that they know their vowel patterns and how to read words? Take that into consideration when you are working with your child or students. Make sure that they are not just doing their math, or reading, or any subject – make sure that they are learning.

Ask them “How do you know?” when they give you the answer – then help work with them to express and explain their understanding. With report cards and triconferences coming up for most school divisions, make sure to ask any questions you have to your child’s teacher. He or she is there to make sure that there is a partnership between home and school to help your child get the most out of his or her learning experience. Best of luck, and have a great learning month! Judianne is an educator teaching fourth grade in the Winnipeg School Division and is also a mentor for early service teachers. She works with youth through her youth empowerment project Dalagita and is beginning to provide cultural educational programming through her role in Mabuhay TV.

MARCH 16 - 31, 2018



Pinays Trailblazer Awardees Now in its third year, Pinays MB Inc. chose to honour three outstanding Pinay Trailblazers who have excelled in their respective fields. Surrounded by loving family and friends, the three Pinay Trailblazer awardees: Mrs. Nena Joy Lazo, MLA Flor Marcelino and Ms. Emmie Joaquin were honored at Pinay MB’s Recognition Luncheon on March 10. Let us get to know each of them. NENA JOY LAZO is a 2018 Pinay Trailblazer Awardee for her achievements in the field of performing arts. Born and raised in the Philippines, Joy’s advocacy has been volunteerism and mentorship throughout her life. Joy is a proud mother to three adult children and a doting grandmother to three grandchildren. Early in her life, Joy knew she wanted to be a professional singer but her parents did not approve of it. So, like a true good Filipino daughter, she opted to get a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Santo Tomas. It was at this university she would meet her future husband, Ramon, when she became a member of the UST Goldies Sing

Out and Sons and Daughters. After graduation, Ramon and Joy got married and she became a stay at home mom, until one day in 1978 she got a call inviting her to sing professionally. Ramon gave Joy his full support and encouraged her to pursue a singing career at a time when bands were making it big in the Manila night life scenes. Joy became the lead singer for the Prelude Band together with Zion Zuniga, Nonoy’s brother. They performed at the Holiday Inn, Inter-Continental and private functions. She then formed the Limelight Band and moved to the Regent of Manila and later to the Philippine Plaza, also performing in between in Japan. She was a front act for the Supremes in a special New Year’s event at the Regent of Kuwait. Soon Joy became a solo performer and her new group was called Joy Lazo and Friends. They became regular performers at the Manila Garden. Deciding to come to Canada was accidental. Her husband was passing by the Canadian Embassy and saw that applications for immigrants were being accepted. Destiny would bring the Lazo family to Canada, becoming See PINAYS p9

Nena Joy Lazo

Nena Joy Lazo and her family

Joy Lazo and the Highlights Performing Group



MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

Changes to inadmissibility based on excessive demand The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Ahmed Hussen, announced in February 2018 that the government is actively pursuing potential changes to the rules related to medical inadmissibility determinations. The question uppermost in his mind is the country’s controversial policy that refuses immigrants whose admission is likely to cause an “excessive demand” on the country’s health-care system. On December 13, 2017 a parliamentary subcommittee recommended repealing medical inadmissibility on grounds that the country was possibly in violation of the Canadian Human Rights Act. The minister acknowledged that the rules need to change. “I have been very clear that the policy is out of step with Canadian values on accommodating people with disabilities.” The minister promised that his department would respond to the subcommittee’s recommendation by April 2018. At this time all foreign nationals applying for Canadian

permanent residence must undergo a medical examination from an approved panel physician. This is required of all family members on an application, including spouse and children, accompanying or not. Under the current version of Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), s.38(1), the medical examination results could lead to an inadmissibility decision for one of the following reasons. The applicant: (a) is likely to be a danger to public health; (b) is likely to be a danger to public safety; or (c) might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on health or social services. The one exception to s.38(1) (c) is for applicants who are “determined to be a member of the family class and to be the spouse, common-law partner of child of a sponsor within the meaning of the regulations.” Such individuals would not be refused on grounds of “excessive medical demand.” The IRPA objections to persons who

constitute a “danger to the public health” or “danger to the public safety” are not overcome by the family exemption. What does “excessive medical demand” mean? The department uses a dollar value on health services or social services to determine whether the costs would exceed the projected average Canadian per capita health and/ or social services over a period of five years following the most recent medical examination. In 2017, the cost threshold for a demand to be considered “excessive” was set at $6,655 per year, or 33,275 over five years. In the past, appeal cases for refusals on excessive medical demand were sometimes overcome by procedural fairness questions and errors on the part of immigration staff. It is the duty of the officers to act fairly and ensure that their medical grounds for inadmissibility are reasonable. Officers routinely send out procedural fairness letters in which they outline their concerns and the likelihood of a negative

decision and give the applicant the chance to “disabuse” or argue the merits of their case. Section 38(1) (c) refusals, which are difficult to overcome, have been challenged with some success over the years. “Excessive demand” was held in Jim, Yun Jing v. S.G.C. (20093) to mean “more than what is normal or necessary” and more recently in federal court as meaning “unreasonable” or “beyond what the system provides to everyone,” Gill, Gurpal Kaur v. M.C.I (1999). There have been some changes in the use of the “excessive demand measure” since the pivotal Supreme Court of Canada decision in Hilewitz and DeJong. Even though the appeals were turned down, the cases caused medical officers to assess likely demands on social services, not merely eligibility for such services. The changes in the appeal process have been ongoing but nothing to compare with the challenges raised by the subcommittee findings in

December of last year. We need only wait for the expected April announcement from Minister Hussein on rule changes for medical inadmissibility. He has already acknowledged that the rules for judging an applicant need to be changed, especially in light of the fundamental human rights of all persons including “people with disabilities.” The current government has shown over its short tenure in office a commitment to supporting immigration to Canada and putting fairness in the process. The Trudeau government has shown that is does, in point of fact, “walk the talk.” Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.

Budget and debt - Part 1 by Tim St Vincent Budgets and debt. These are two things that Canadians seem to be afraid of. We don’t have nearly enough of the one, with only 50 per cent of Canadians having a budget. The other we have far too much of, with total Canadian consumer debt at $1.72 trillion. Within this combination, the Canadian Payroll Association reports that almost 50 per cent of working Canadians are living pay cheque to pay cheque. These are scary numbers and there are many more. Debt weighs heavily on the minds of Canadians with 35 per cent of us feeling overwhelmed by debt. Overwhelmed. That is a very strong word. It means that debt isn’t an annoying little itch that we can’t get rid of. No, it is a loud booming voice inside our heads that won’t leave us alone. Fifty per cent of employees feel that financial stress is impacting their performance at work. The average employer loses about three days of productivity per employee per month. That means for every 10 employees they are losing the equivalent of a month’s work. Financial stress is an issue for employer and employee alike. If debt is so all-pervasive, why then do we do nothing about it? Why do we not address it? Perhaps it is because there is something out there that we fear just as much,

or perhaps even more: budgets. With only about 50 per cent of the country having a budget, it appears that we fear budgeting as much as we fear our debt issues. In a way, this makes sense because the two do go hand-in-hand, but not in the way many may think. Let’s think about this for a minute. There are a lot of stats that I just quoted around the 50 per cent mark. The most important I feel is that only about 50 per cent of us has a budget. If that 50 per cent were to learn how to budget, then I have to believe that all of those other scary numbers I just mentioned would go down substantially. Then why don’t we budget? At some level we realized that by budgeting we will learn a hard truth: for all of those years when we didn’t have a budget, we weren’t in control of our lives; our money was. It was our money “telling” us what we could do and what we couldn’t do. Our money was in control of us, and that is a hard truth to face. Budgeting will also show the sometimes-hard truth of what our true financial situation is. Fifty-one per cent of us lie about our finances. We lie to our partners, we lie to our advisors, and we lie, most importantly, to ourselves. Sometimes we don’t want to know the truth. A budget isn’t something to be afraid of; just the opposite. A

budget will put you back in control of your finances. It stops money from telling you what you can and can’t afford and puts control back in your hands by telling your money, through planning, what it will do for you. Many people fear budgets because they see it as a loss of control; they want to spend and enjoy their money. When people express this concern to me I ask them one simple question. “Ultimately, what do we do with the money we save?” After sometime someone usually, cautiously, suggests “spend it?” “Exactly!” I say. We save money for one reason and for one reason only: to spend. We save to spend. And the only purpose of a budget is to help you save, so that you can spend. It is not a barrier to spending; it is a critical aid to spending. A budget exists so that you can spend; so that you can spend and enjoy your money, so that you can spend wisely and plan for your future, and potentially the future of others. A budget exists to help you spend. Period. One of the most important things to realize about budgets is that the toughest part isn’t dealing with numbers – numbers are the easy part. Most people can do the math. If you have challenges with the math, you can use calculators or spreadsheets. We have a great one at www.mymoneycoach. ca, under tools. The hard part is understanding your relationship with money, and yes, you do have a relationship with money. Like most relationships there are good parts and not-so-good parts. We

need to identify the not-so-good parts and adjust our behaviours. We need to form new patterns and new behaviours. That is the tough part. So then how do we know which parts of our relationship with money need to be adjusted? It all starts with tracking our expenses. A budget without tracking isn’t really a budget; it is a wish list. That is all a budget without tracking; a list of wishes and hopes. It expresses how you “hope” you are spending your money. Last time I checked, hoping doesn’t pay the bills. You must track your expenses and it is the reality of tracking that will give the truth to your budget. I often tell people that budgets and tracking are like a married couple. They have to talk to each other; to communicate. That means that sometimes they “fight” when the reality of tracking doesn’t meet the expectations of the budget. But that is a good thing! That gives you a starting point and tells you where you need to make changes. If tracking says you are spending your money one way, but your budget says it should be spent another way, well then, you have found an item in your money relationship that needs work and correcting! Next month I will continue this conversation and we will talk about a basic behaviour that is very important to successful budgeting. Pay yourself first. Until then, spend wisely! Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP and is a Certified Educator

in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society, a Non-Profit organization. If you wish to contact the Society for further information, assistance or to attend a webinar, please call 1-888-527-8999 or visit www.nomoredebts.org or www. mymoneycoach.ca

FENG SHUI... From page 6

the two of you. I always like the ones they take on cruises or restaurants of couples. Whenever the photographer comes around, we always buy those photos. When you put them out in the house, it makes a potent reminder that you weren’t just happy then – you’re happy together NOW. So get out to a restaurant, a cruise, or go somewhere and get some photos of the two of you and start displaying the pictures of you two smiling, and together now! Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. She has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

PINAYS... From page 7 landed immigrants on November 15, 1988. Upon arrival they were welcomed by blowing snow. In 1991, Joy became a member of the Mabuhay Serenaders, a singing group that aspires to preserve Philippine culture. She currently serves as the training director for the group. In 1994 Joy decided to become a voice coach to help with family finances while allowing her to stay at home to care for her three children. She then formed a group called the Highlights Performing Group, which served as a vehicle for her voice students to showcase and further hone their talents outside of the classroom while exposing them to volunteerism and mainstream audiences. Joy Lazo is considered a highly respected voice coach in Winnipeg. Students she mentored have gone on to pursue careers in the performing arts. There are a number of them who have earned scholarships from the Canadian College of Performing Arts in British Columbia, with one receiving a $40,000 scholarship from Boston Performing Arts. Others are now professional performers on stage and in film. It was also around 1994 that Joy auditioned and became a performer with the Rainbow Stage Theater. Her first musical there was Damn Yankees. In 1997, Joy landed the plum role of Bloody Mary, for the musical South Pacific. After her Bloody Mary role, Joy was offered a role for High Life, a movie produced for the Sundance Film Festival. This was followed by roles in two other movies directed by Garry Yates. Later she got the role of Lady Thiang for the Rainbow Stage 2004 summer production of The King and I. Joy’s two daughters are as naturally gifted as she is. Marides played the role of Kim in Miss Saigon in 1998 in Stuttgart and she is still based in Berlin as a performing artist in various shows in Germany, London, Vienna and Switzerland. Nena has also played the role of Kim in the production of Miss Saigon in Vancouver. Nena is currently a voice coach herself. Both daughters are also members of Canadian Actor’s Equity. No doubt about it, Joy Lazo has conquered Manitoba! Persistence, courage, respect, gratitude and staying grounded have carried her toward her dreams. Valuable advice from Joy: “If you really want something, you have to be brave, strong, and persevering. You have to at least try. If you don’t try you will always be wondering. Know that

PILIPINO EXPRESS there are no losers; just quitters – so never quit. Always stand up to the challenges that come your way. Dream big. Even if 90 per cent is ‘no’, focus on the 10 per cent ‘yes.’” Additional career highlights and community involvement • Queen’s Golden Jubilee Award for Volunteerism • Diamond Jubilee Award for Performing Arts, mentoring young talents to pursue higher dreams • Canadians Actors’ Equity Association, Member. This organization is highly selective in their membership screening process and you have to receive recommendations from other industry professionals and qualify through a screening process. • Volunteer director and performer for various fund raising events, theater shows, gala dinners etc. for Winnipeg Harvest, Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation, Juvenile Diabetes, Siloam Mission, Seven Oaks Foundation, the PCCM and the Red Cross • Organized and handled the youth choir at St John Brebeuf Church for 12 years • Building of Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba 2000 to 2004: Fundraising coordinator and volunteer show director in various fundraising events. • Commissioned by the Addictions Foundations of Manitoba to direct Gambling Awareness for multicultural Senior’s Group Theater (Filipino/ Vi e t n a m e s e / M a i n s t r e a m ) including production of a resource film for the foundation. FLOR MARCELINO is a 2018 Pinays Trailblazer Awardee for her achievements in the field of politics and outstanding community service. Flor was born and raised in the Philippines. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree, major in English (cum laude), from the Luzonian University in Lucena City, Philippines. She is a mother of five adult children and grandmother to five grandsons aged three years to six months. In 1982, her family moved to Winnipeg. Flor became the publisher and editor of The Philippine Times, a community newspaper from 1996 to 2007. She also worked as a support staff member at Red River College from 1987 to 2006. Flor decided to venture into politics in 2007 and made political history on various levels: • She became the first woman of colour to be elected to the Manitoba Legislative Assembly in 2007. In 2011 and 2016 she was re-elected MLA for Logan. • The first female of See PINAYS p10


Flor Marcelino, and her five children, Malaya, Mayon, Lualhati, Diwa & Awit

Premier Greg Selinger congratulates Flor Marcelino on her election to the Manitoba Legislature, 2007

Flor & Orli Marcelino with their five grandchildren: Sati, Digs, Joni, Dami & Eli


PINAYS... From page 9 Philippine descent to be elected to a Canadian legislature. • The first person from a visible minority group to be given a cabinet position in the history of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly. From 2009 to 2016 she served as Minister for Culture, Heritage and Tourism, and the Minister for Multiculturalism and Literacy where she made a mark with her valuable contribution to Manitoba’s multiculturalism, adult learning and literacy. • Flor served as Interim Leader of her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition from May 2016 to September 2017 in the Manitoba Legislative Assembly. Flor and husband Orli have long been active in community service and in helping out people in need. Their friends fondly call the Marcelino home, “Hotel Rwanda.” Flor and Orli have kindly opened up their home to kababayans in need of a place to stay, including those that they meet at church or the airport. This highly recognized Pinay Trailblazer has a few nuggets to share with us: Together with her husband Orli, Flor has been in Canada for 35 years. “The journey to being a Filipino Canadian has not always been easy but in Canada we can fight for freedoms and values without being persecuted. We are on an even playing field. In Canada we can provide a decent life for our families through hard work.” “Success means getting up after overcoming hardships and failure. Success means making new friends, maintaining old friends and being a good friend. Success means devoting oneself to the service of others. Success

PILIPINO EXPRESS is hollow without seeing our families and our communities uplifted.” Additional Career Highlights: • Active community leader • Recipient of the RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) Top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2017, Vancouver, BC, June 2017 • Recipient of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada’s Award on Humanities, Public Service and Culture, Toronto, ON, Canada, November 2013 • One of five awardees for Outstanding Women Activists honoured by Grassroots Manitoba on the occasion of International Women’s Day, Winnipeg, MB Canada, March 2007 • Guest of Honour and speaker, 6th anniversary celebration of the Community Alliance for Social Justice (CASJ), Toronto, ON Canada, April 2011 • Served on the Premier’s Economic Advisory Council, Project Peacemakers, St. Stephen’s-Broadway Foundation, the Broadway Disciples United Church and it’s international affiliate, the Global Ministries Board. Reference: http://todaysndp. ca/mla/flor-marcelino-0 EMMIE JOAQUIN is a 2018 Pinays Trailblazer Awardee for her achievements in the field of radio broadcasting and outstanding community service. She was born, raised, and educated in the Philippines with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Broadcast Communication from the University of the Philippines (Diliman). Emmie’s credentials prior to leaving the Philippines were as follows: Operations Director for the Broadcast Media Council (BMC), Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas

MAFTI offers Filipino language program The Manitoba Association of Filipino Teachers Inc. (MAFTI) will be offering a Filipino language class to adults from 18-60 years old. Lessons will be taught in an oral-based program around themes with Filipino and Canadian cultural components. The Adult Filipino Program or classes are open to non-Filipino speaking adults of various backgrounds, including Filipinos born in Canada. • Tech Vocational School on Wall/ Notre Dame Streets • Every Tuesday, starting April 10, 2018 to June 26, 2018 • 6:00 p.m to 7:30 p.m • A tuition fee of $120 is required for 12 sessions It will be taught by Victoria Cabrera, an experienced Filipino teacher in the Philippines in both high school and college, who is currently a Nursery teacher at Tyndall Park School and Vice-President of the MAFTI. If interested, please contact the following by e-mail or by phone • Victoria Cabrera- 204-633-0831- vcabrera@wsd1.org • Gemma Dalayoan-204-697-1934 gdalayoan@gmail.com • Genalyn Tan -204-582-6806 genalyntan@yahoo.com

MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

Emmie Joaquin (KBP), and the Popular Music Foundation of the Philippines, which produced the Metro Pop Song Festival in the late 1970s and early 1980s. She also served as the Public Relations Manager for the multinational advertising agency, McCann Erickson (Philippines). After the February 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution, she felt a need to leave the Philippines due to the stressful political climate. Her immigration application to Canada was initiated on an impulse when, one day, Emmie found herself stuck in a three-hour traffic jam on Ayala Avenue right in front of the Canadian Embassy. On a whim, she decided to get information about the Canadian Immigration process. The approval of her immigration application went quickly and smoothly. Emmie immigrated to Winnipeg on March 5, 1988 and this year marks her 30th year in Canada. Armed with her highly sellable background in Public Relations and Media, this gutsy immigrant got a job offer within two weeks and worked as an Executive Assistant for Business People Magazine. In the 1980s, the multi-lingual ethnic radio station, CKJS, had a time slot in the evening for the program, Radio Filipino, run by volunteers led by Resty Taruc. Emmie devised ways to improve the program to serve the growing Filipino community in Manitoba. She boldly approached the general manager of CKJS, Tony Carta, to pitch her creative ideas and present him with a radio program demo. In January of 1989, she accepted the offer to be the producer and co-host of the new CKJS morning show. In April of 1989, CKJS launched the first ever-Filipino morning drive-time radio program, Good Morning Philippines. Emmie looked after the weekday threehour program’s creative elements, music and information content while her co-host, Joe Sulit, looked after advertising sales. Filipino radio soon expanded to the afternoon drive time program, Manila Sound, which Emmie also produced and hosted. With the increase in percentage share of radio listenership, Emmie also launched and hosted the Saturday daytime show, Tunog Pinoy PangSabado, in 1992. Emmie worked at CKJS for 15 years during the glorious broadcasting era, prior to the onset of social media. In 1990 Emmie spearheaded the launch of CKJS Tuklas Talino (or Talent Search), an amateur

MP Winnipeg North, Kevin Lamoureux and Emmie Joaquin

CKJS Good Morning Philippines hosts Joe Sulit and Emmie Joaquin with McDonalds Restaurant’s mascot at the Notre Dame branch during McHappy Days World Children’s Day, November 20, 2002. pop singing competition, from which some of the winners have moved on to become professional singers. This talent competition ran for many years, until the early 2000s – well received and supported by the community. A memorable incident of this era for Emmie was the 1993 antiracism protest rally in front of a popular big-box grocery store on McPhillips St. Approximately 2000 people showed up after the newly launched Saturday Filipino program enjoined the listeners to participate in the rally. Having 2000 people attend the rally was a validation of the strength of Filipino radio in Winnipeg. She became fondly called the “Tita ng Bayan” (loosely translated: “Aunt of the people”). To this day, young adults occasionally approach Emmie, thanking her and telling her they learned to speak Tagalog because of her and her Good Morning Philippines’ co-host, the late Joe Sulit. This would be Emmie’s legacy; she made her mark on Manitoba’s airwaves as one of the pioneers and founders of Filipino media that has been a part of the community’s everyday lives. In 2003, Emmie felt it was time to leave when she got a job offer she could not refuse – to serve as a Special Assistant for Communications for the Hon. Dr. Rey Pagtakhan, then-Federal Minister of Western Economic Diversification. In 2005, she also briefly served at Winnipeg City Hall as the Executive Assistant of then-Deputy Mayor and Councillor Mike Pagtakhan. Pilipino Express Inc. was born in 2005 when Emmie collaborated with friends Rey-ar Reyes and Paul Morrow to publish

Pilipino Express News Magazine. From radio broadcasting to print journalism, she is the news magazine’s editor-in-chief. Emmie also became a licensed life insurance advisor in 2006. She served two consecutive terms on the Life Insurance Council for the Insurance Council of Manitoba (ICM) between 2008 and 2014. She is now affiliated with W.P.G.– The Wealth Planning Group. Emmie’s family is now mostly in Canada and the U.S. Emmie’s valuable advice to us based on her journey: “There are no limits to what you can do, as long as you believe in yourself. Believe in yourself, be true to yourself, and treat people with kindness, then the natural order of things will fall into place. One of life’s greatest paradoxes is – the more you give, the more you receive.” Well-said Tita Emmie! Additional career highlights: • Recipient of the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for Media & Community Service • Recipient of the 2002 Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal for Media & Community Service • 2004 Nominee for YMYWCA Women of Distinction Award • 2003 Board Member of the Citizenship Council of Manitoba and the Community Unemployed Health Centre • 2002 – 2003 Member of the Federal Advisory Committee on Judicial Appointments (Manitoba) • 1998 & 2008 Ambassador for the Nayong Pilipino Pavilion in Manitoba’s annual Folklorama Festival

MARCH 16 - 31, 2018





MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

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MARCH 16 - 31, 2018






Marami nang bumangga sa pader na nabukulan. Marami nang nagtangkang kalabanin ang isang network, pero ang resulta, ang artista ang nawala at ang istasyon ay nakatayo pa rin. Nakakamangha ang ibang tagasuporta nina Alden Richards at Maine Mendoza dahil inilalagay nila sa kanilang mga kamay ang kahihinatnan ng GMA-7 kapag hindi binigyan ng proyekto ang kanilang iniidolong loveteam. Iboboykot daw nila ang istasyon, magra-rally daw sila sa harapan ng GMA-7. Ano kaya ang kinakain sa agahan hanggang sa hapunan ng mga taong ito para magkaroon sila ng lakas ng loob na makipaglaban sa isang network? Pati ang mga advertisers ay inuudyukan pa nilang huwag magpasok ng commercials sa istasyon. Sumuporta lang daw ang mga ito kung sina Alden at Maine ang

bumibida sa palabas. Kailangan bang tawasin ang mga fans nina Alden at Maine sa ganu’ng klase ng takbo ng isip? Mabuti na lang at mayroon namang mga tagasuprota ang AlDub na bukas ang isip. Naiintindihan nila na ang nagdedesisyon sa proyektong ibibigay sa kanilang mga artista ng istasyon ay nakahapay sa mahabang proseso. At pati ang mga artistang nakatakdang itambal kay Alden sa gagawin niyang serye ay isinusumpa na ngayon pa lang ng mga miyembro ng kanilang grupo. Kung pagsalitaan ng mga ito sina Janine Gutierrez at Sanya Lopez ay parang sa kanilang bulsa nagmumula ang kinakain ng mga inaalipusta nilang babae. Ano ba namang klase ng pagidolo ang alam ng mga taong ‘yun? Magtayo na lang sila ng sarili nilang network para See CRISTY p15

Ang Forever Ko’y Ikaw

GMA launches new rom-com GMA Network recently launched a romantic-comedy series, Ang Forever Ko’y Ikaw, that both parents and kids can enjoy. It is headlined by Camille Prats-Yambao and Neil Ryan Sese together with Ayra Mariano and Bruno Gabriel. Ang Forever Ko’y Ikaw revolves around the lives of Ginny played by Camille and Lance portrayed by Neil: two single parents who are still both attached to their past but are hoping to somehow get a new chance at love. Their lives are almost intertwined since they

live in the same condo; have the same taste in coffee; and they even follow each other’s ‘alterego’ accounts online. Camille said she loves how the show instils its message to the viewers when it comes to love. “You know I think the really good part about this show is yung message nila tungkol sa love and how it will tell us that love finds you. And that you don’t really have to find it. Kasi darating ‘yan sa ‘yo at the right time and right place,” the Kapuso actress said. On the other hand, Neil shared that he is still adjusting to his new role as Lance as he was used to

• Alden Richards – May bagong gagawing serye sa GMA 7 • Kathryn Bernardo – Di rin nakaligtas, inupakan na rin sa social media? • Raymart Santiago at Claudine Barretto – May part 2 ang patutsadahan • John Lloyd Cruz – Kailangan na ng hair transplant? • Ronnie Alonte at Loisa Andalio – Sila na nga ba? • Gretchen Barretto at Atong Ang – Magkasosyo lang sa negosyo? • Alma Moreno – Sa kabila ng pagdoble ng katawan, napakaganda pa rin • Mark Anthony Fernandez at Claudine Barretto – Balik tambalan? • Senator Manny Pacquiao – Na–wow mali sa “Bayang Magiliw” • Bernardo Bernardo – Pumanaw na ang magaling na aktor

Alden Richards & Maine Mendoza

Daniel Padilla & Kathryn Bernardo

Claudine Barretto & Mark Anthony Fernandez

Ronnie Alonte & Loisa Andalio

Ellen Adarna & John Lloyd Cruz

Bernardo Bernardo

portraying character roles in his previous shows. “Nakakapanibago. Challenge siya for me kasi sobrang iba talaga yung role ko rito. Unlike kapag kontrabida ka iba yung pag deliver mo ng lines. Dapat palaging mabigat. Dito, I need to tone it down talaga,” he said. The story also highlights their journey as single parents including the challenges and accomplishments they encounter as they take care of their children Marione portrayed by Ayra and Benjie played by Bruno. Ayra plays the daughter of Ginny. The Kapuso actress said she’s grateful to GMA for entrusting her this project and is equally happy to be working again with Bruno. “I am very thankful sa Network na binigyan kami ng chance na ipakita ‘yung kakayahan namin. At the same time, excited ako kasi magkatrabaho na naman kami ni Bruno. Very comfortable na kami sa isa’t isa kaya I know this project is going to be amazing,” she said. Bruno said he is looking forward to be working with Camille and Neil because he knows he is going to learn a lot from them. “Napapanood ko na kasi sila before and I am really amazed at how they both are great in acting—

mapa-intense man yung eksena or light lang. Kaya ako, excited ako to work with them kasi we are going to learn new things talaga,” the Kapuso heartthrob said.





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Camille Prats-Yambao & Neil Ryan Sese


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Sen. Manny Pacquiao

Joining them in this series are Cai Cortez as Doc Issa; Archie Alemania as Maoy; Odette Khan as Taneneng; Jude Paolo Diangson as Gino.

Ayra Mariano & Bruno Gabriel


Owner Darin Hoffman & Spouse Zeny Regalado

MARCH 16 - 31, 2018


MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

CRISTY... From page 14 ang mga gusto nila ang dapat mangyari. Nakakaloka ang mga taong ganito. Kahit siguro ang kanilang mga idolo ay naiinis na sa kanila, sa totoo lang! *** Wala na talagang ligtas ngayon sa social media. Kahit sino na lang, kahit ano na lang ay puwedeng ibato laban sa kahit sinong personalidad para maupakan lang, mema lang. May lumabas na larawan ang magandang young actress na si Kathryn Bernardo na ang suot niyang damit ay may kalambutan ang fabric kaya kumakapit ‘yun sa kaniyang katawan. Aysus, umarya na agad ang mga walang magawa. Pinagdudahan na agad ng mga ito na nagdadalantao raw si Kathryn. Si Daniel Padilla raw ang ama ng kaniyang dinadala. Nakakaloka! Nagdamit lang na medyo may umumbok na bilbil, nagdadalantao na. Mano man lang inisip muna ng mga naninira sa young actress na kailangan pa niyang mas dumalaw sa gym para mawala ang kaniyang bilbil. Sigaw ng mga walang magawa, buntis na raw ang magandang young actress. Halatado na raw ang kaniyang tiyan. Panagutan daw naman kaya ni Daniel ang kaniyang sitwasyon ngayon? Tawa kami nang tawa sa naging reaksiyon ng kaibigan naming propesor kahapon habang sabay kaming tumutungga ng kape. “Ang sarap-sarap sungalngalin ng pagmumukha ng mga naninira kay Kathryn! Ang sarap nilang tampal-tampalin! “Hindi ba puwedeng kakakain lang ni Kathryn noong kunan ang picture na ‘yun at nasarapan siya ng kain, nabusog, kaya umumbok ang kaniyang bilbil? “Spell I kasi ang mga grupong ‘yun dahil kitangkita naman na nagrerespetuhan at nagmamahalan sila ni DJ! Magtigil nga sila!” naiinis ding reaksiyon ni prop. *** Mukhang magkakaroon ng


part two ang pagpapatutsadahan ng matagal nang hiwalay na magasawang Raymart Santiago at Claudine Barretto na nag-ugat lang sa ipinost ng kanilang anak na si Sabina. Nilinaw ng aktres na wala siyang kinalaman sa emosyong inilabas ng kanilang anak sa social media. Hindi raw niya kino-coach si Sabina na ganu’n ang sabihin, kaya huwag siyang pagbibintangang tinuturuan niya si Sabina. Pero sa pagdedepensa ni Claudine sa kaniyang sarili ay naungkat ang mga pagkukulang ni Raymart kina Sabina at Santino. May mga pinagkasunduan daw sila sa husgado na hindi naman tinutupad ng actor. Kaya siguradong mabubuhay na naman ang kontrobersiya sa pagitan ng naghiwalay na mag-asawa. Kahit daw ang pagdalaw sa mga bata ay hindi naman ginagawa ni Raymart nang regular. Kulang na kulang sa komunikasyon ang mag-aama, madiin pang sinabi ni Claudine. Kung nagpaliwanag lang daw ang aktor sa kanilang mga anak na mayroon na itong ibang karelasyon, kaysa sa nagdedenay pa, ay wala sanang ganitong senaryo. Nauungkat na naman ang usapin ng pera. Ang sinumpaang sustentong hindi naman natutupad. Ang paggabay dapat nila nang sabay kina Sabina at Santino na hindi nangyayari dahil hindi nagkikita ang kaniyang mag-aama. At marami pang ibang senaryo. *** Guwapo pa rin at may malakas na appeal, pero ayon sa mga kababayan nating nakasabay nina John Lloyd Cruz at Ellen Adarna sa airport ay malaki ang nadagdag na edad sa aktor, bukod pa sa parang panipis na nang panipis ang kaniyang buhok. Kung dati raw ay mataas na ang hairline ni Lloydie pero nagagawan lang ng paraan ng kaniyang hairdresser ay ibangiba na ngayon ang kaniyang buhok. Nangangailangan na raw ng hair transplant ang sikat na See CRISTY p18


See CRISTY p16



MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

A union’s duty of fair representation: gift or grief? A labour union’s duty of fair representation (DFR) for its rankand-file member dismissed from employment is a highly valued gift if diligently performed, but becomes a source of grief if neglected. What does DFR exactly mean? Clarity of labour law Labour law is clear on this duty. “In the case of the dismissal of the employee,” Section 20 of the Manitoba Labour Relations Act, reads: “Every bargaining agent which is a party to a collective agreement, and every person acting on behalf of the bargaining agent, which or who, in representing the rights of any employee under the collective agreement, (i) acts in a manner which is arbitrary, discriminatory or in bad faith, or (ii) fails to take reasonable care to represent the interests of the employee; commits an unfair labour practice.” Yes, a union is derelict in its duty to its individual members and becomes subject to appropriate remedial orders when it fails to advance their termination grievance to arbitration in a manner and conduct that violates any of the four elements of standards as written in law. Background As a community volunteer, I only became acutely aware of DFR when called upon for advice and assistance by a fellow citizen whose employment, I agreed, was unjustly and wrongfully terminated. Deprived of a significant source of livelihood for his family and naturally anguished and financially unable to hire a labour lawyer, he almost gave up fighting for his cause. It is laudable that the Manitoba Labour Board allows non-lawyers to offer help.

IWD... From page 1 her life, Joy’s advocacy has been for volunteerism and mentorship. She believes that if you do a good deed, you will have a sense of fulfillment, and having a purpose makes you a better person. Lazo was out of the country so her niece Teresa Joy Laud accepted the award on her behalf. Laud read a letter from Lazo expressing her happiness and gratefulness for the award accorded her. MLA Flor Marcelino is also an awardee this year for her achievements in the field of politics and outstanding community service. Flor is real trailblazer who made history in Manitoba politics. Among her political firsts: she was the first woman of colour elected to the Manitoba Legislative Assembly and the first female of Philippine descent to be elected to a Canadian legislature, to name a

Made aware of his legal right under the provisions of the Act, he filed a complaint against his union for breach of DFR. Against the replies of the lawyers for both the union and the employer who argued for dismissal of the complaint, the Manitoba Labour Board ruled to hold a full hearing on the complaint and recommended that the parties (the employee, the union, and the employer) hold a mediation conference. Said ruling and recommendation have rebuilt the complainant’s confidence and strengthened his trust in the rule of law and in the doctrine of natural justice. [This doctrine, which is about fundamental fairness and due process, will be a topic for my next column.] Finally, a mediated settlement was achieved – a true measure of triumph for labour justice. While it is better to achieve less through peace than to achieve more through war, far better still is to prevent unnecessary injury and injustice. What then, are some lessons society can collectively learn from this experience? Discouraging trends First, I should say that my encounter with this community experience was an eye-opener. As a strong supporter of collective bargaining, I do remember history lessons of the bloody battles between coal miners and mine owners who cared little for the sacrifice of life and limb that workers made to haul their coal from the earth. I found it very disturbing that today a union member had to file and win a complaint against his own union to obtain labour justice. It has always been my expectation that unions exist to champion the well-being of their collective and individual membership and not to block the only final avenue for labour justice – an arbitration hearing – for its aggrieved rank-and-file members.

Also, I found it discouraging to know that, on average, only about 5 per cent of the cases filed and heard (that is, one in 20 complaints) are won. There must be more than one reason for this very low chance of success, but there is no space to fully explore them here. Lack of representation by a lawyer very likely plays a dominant role. Be that as it may, unions dread being found in breach of DFR. Powerful take-away lessons The above notwithstanding, I am encouraged to realize that DFR has continued to positively evolve in the USA and in Canada since the mid-1940s to prevent an individual employee from being pitted against the economic giants of big business and big labour. More and more, application of the “due process analysis” on complaints brought forward for judicial and quasijudicial adjudication has balanced the sole authoritative discretion of unions to handle grievances with its DFR obligation to protect the rights of its individual members. But we should go beyond this laudatory tradition. Even as I see the first and the fourth elements in the Manitoba Labour Relations Act (prohibition against arbitrary conduct and failure to take reasonable care, respectively,) as the bastions of strength for individual union members, an aggrieved individual member needs a lawyer at many stages. Legal aid program A program of legal aid for employees dismissed makes eminent sense. Dismissal is so damaging financially and psychologically to the individual person and relief looks distant. Moreover, the employees’ families are at once adversely affected. Meanwhile, the impact on union and employer is not directly personal and the two have ready access to hire their lawyers. Providing legal aid to union members levels the playing field.

A funding model for such a program may involve contributions from government, a union, law society, and faculty of law. I see such legal aid playing a vital role at many stages: during preparation and filing of the grievance, during preparation and filing of the complaint against DFR, during rebuttal to replies of the union and employer, at the hearing before the Manitoba Labour Board, and during arbitration. Intuitively, a legal aid program, as envisioned, would not only ensure adequate representation of the employee, but also may actually decrease the occurrence both of unfair union representation and bad-faith and unjust dismissal by employer. Value of a mediated settlement One immediate benefit of a mediated settlement is the realization that a decision agreed to is not imposed. While this is true, I feel the employee should also be given guidance by his own lawyer via legal aid. Moreover, offers and counter offers from the three parties must preferably be in writing under the leadership of a mediator to avoid misunderstanding. The process for consideration of options must be clearly explained and a deadline for settlement must be agreed upon in advance, in relation to the start of hearing the case. Need for record keeping Employees are well advised to keep a diary of their workplace environment: of upsetting and exciting events, of disciplinary or non-disciplinary meetings, and of notices of meetings attended. They should promptly ask their union representatives for a copy of notes taken during such meetings and following their meetings preparatory to filing of the grievance. Also, they should request an updated copy of their personnel file shortly following a meeting with the human resources consultant and periodically once a year.

few. Flor and husband Orli have often kindly opened their home to kababayans in need of a place to stay, including those that they meet at church or at the airport. Friends fondly call the Marcelino home, “Hotel Rwanda.” Emmie Joaquin is the third awardee, honoured for her achievements in the field of radio broadcasting and outstanding community service. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Pilipino Express News Magazine and she is also a licensed insurance advisor. This trailblazer produced and cohosted the first drive time Filipino program to air on Manitoba radio, Good Morning, Philippines! Emmie also helped to establish and strengthen the Filipino onair presence with programs like Manila Sound and Tunog-Pinoy Pang Sabado. She worked at CKJS Radio for 15 years during the glorious broadcasting era prior to the onset of social media.

Emceed by Winnie Navarro and Lucille Nolasco, Pinays MB Inc.’s recognition luncheon also featured powerful and inspiring guest speakers, Iris Yudai and P/ Constable Maria Buduhan. Yudai, Executive producer for CBC Radio and TV, spoke about how important family, especially her loving parents, and community support are in achieving one’s goals in life. While Buduhan, a Constable in the Winnipeg Police Service, bravely spoke about how she endured and triumphed over an abusive relationship with the love and support of her family. Providing entertainment were Liezel Araneta Jacinto, Paul Ong and Johsa Manzanilla. They shared their wonderful singing talents to the delight of the attendees, which included friends, families and politicians from different levels of government. The program ended with a Friendship Circle led by Pinays

MB Inc. president, Perla Javate while Flor and Emmie jointly recited the group wishes. Pinays MB Inc. is the start of a dynamic empowering group for Filipino Women in Manitoba. The vision and purpose of creating this group is to have a resource within the community to help and guide Filipino women of all ages. Among its objectives are: to recognize women in the community who have made outstanding contributions to the Philippine and the mainstream community; to support Filipino women through confidence building, leadership andcommunication training, participation in organized activities; to identify and address issues of Filipino women, including the settlement of new immigrants, domestic violence prevention, parenting and seniors’ issues; and to write the history of Filipino women in Manitoba. The group was founded on January 6, 2016.

In a similar vein, they should attend meetings of their union membership and board of directors and ask for copies of the minutes of meetings to stay informed. Particularly, they should ask for the minutes of the board that considered their grievance. They should also keep records of these minutes. It is advisable to make their requests in writing. Need for new public policies Since an employer has to show proof for allegations of cause for dismissal, such proof must automatically accompany any letter of dismissal. In this way, employees would have the assured opportunity to give their side, point-by-point, to their union reps. Also, such accountability on the part of the employer’s agent would make that agent careful and respectful, not callous and humiliating. Intuitively, such new policy on the part of the employer would, I anticipate, engender a more humane and productive workplace environment. Moreover, the boards of Directors of unions must assume some personal accountability for decisions made by the board to reflect dutiful attention to ethical corporate responsibility as similarly asked for of other boards of directors in the province. As an example, the union’s board of directors should make it established policy, codified in its by-laws if need be, that a member whose grievance is before the board for decision whether to advance to arbitration or not should automatically be given due notice of the forthcoming meeting and be invited, with or without his or her legal representative, to present his or her side. Also, members of the board should be briefed on the doctrine of natural justice and the principle of recusal during board deliberations. Dr. Rey Pagtakhan is a community volunteer and a retired physician, professor and parliamentarian.

COCAINE... From page 1 Canada during the first half of 2017. “Cocaine production [in Colombia] over 2016 more than tripled compared to 2012, the year the peace process began,” said the June 2017 report. Border officials seized nearly 830 kilograms of cocaine between January 1 and May 25 last year, the report said. Police agencies in Ontario and Alberta made record cocaine seizures, as the OPP netted 1,062 kilograms of the drug valued at $250 million in one investigation and Alberta CBSA seized 84 bricks of suspected cocaine weighing almost 100 kilograms. Paul Thorne, a former superintendent with Peel Police in charge of Pearson Airport, said an increase in cocaine trafficking will be a “multi-pronged” problem for both security agencies and health officials.

MARCH 16 - 31, 2018



ZES Mario Gutierrez leads Zumba® fundraiser for St. Patrick’s Church by Lucille Nolasco The PhilippineCanadian Centre of Manitoba in Winnipeg was the place to be on Friday, March 10th, for Zumba enthusiasts in and around Winnipeg. Attendees were treated to a heartpumping, hip-swaying 90-minute master class led by Zumba Education Specialist and international presenter, Mario Gutierrez.

He travelled more than 18 hours to share some Zumba love with Canadians. His three-city stop was to take him to Winnipeg, Vancouver and Whistler, BC. Originally from Chile, Gutierrez moved to Israel in 2004 and is currently the official representative of Zumba worldwide in Israel and is the only authorized person to lead instructor trainings in Israel

(zumbamario.com). The crowd cheered loudly when ZES Mario took to the stage and began his enjoyable master class. Hosted by ZINs Rhiz Aco and Rhemy Caguisano, the event was also a fundraiser for St. Patrick’s Church, whose patron saint’s feast day falls on March 17th. There were raffle draws and food after the master class, as ZES Mario gamely and happily posed for

Photos by: Rey-Ar Reyes

pictures with the attendees. “The support from people was overwhelming,” Aco said. “Someone from outside Winnipeg even contacted me and asked to reserve 20 tickets, saying they really love Mario and would love to meet him!” “Yes, thank you to all who supported, to our generous sponsors and to ZES Mario for visiting us here in Winnipeg!” Caguisano added.

L-r: ZIN™ Rhiz Aco, ZES Mario Gutierrez and ZIN™ Rhemy Caguisano



MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

Now’s the time for a Filipino Bilingual Program! Times have changed a lot since I grew up here as a kid. For me, being Filipino-Canadian in the 1980s meant being part of an immigrant and blue-collar subculture that hammered home the merits of hard work and sacrifice. I recall the focus then from our schools was to assimilate us children, to perfect our English or to learn French, so that we could go further in our professional life as adults. Now decades later, as many of us have matured under this philosophy, what did we do with our Filipino-Canadian identity? It was not until I reached my mid-20s that I could comfortably say I spoke Filipino. Although I continue to speak English with greater ease, there are a myriad of Filipino-only words I use to better express my feelings and from them my culture as well. It would take a lot of practice, a stop in the Philippines, and numerous (yet willing) patient conversation partners with their bemused smiles to learn the language. I have had to swallow my pride about pronunciation and try again with incorrect terms to be told I sounded “slang,” again and again. It’s quite the process to reinvent oneself back to the cultural direction we come from. Second-generation FilipinoCanadians (or Canadian-born Filipinos) like myself range in their ability to speak or understand Filipino. It all points to the ways we navigated through

CRISTY... From page 15 aktor, para maiwasan ang maaga niyang pagkakalbo. “Siya pa rin ang John Lloyd na hinahangaan ng mga Pinoy. Maganda naman kasi talaga ang kumbinasyon ng pagsikat niya. Guwapo na, super-galing pa niyang umarte. Bibihira lang naman ang ganoon, karamihan, e, kaguwapuhan lang ang puhunan. Si Lloydie, guwapo na, e, napakagaling pang umarte! Pero halatadong medyo tumanda siya; nawala ang freshness niya. Alam mo ‘yung feeling na sa sobrang pahinga, e, parang napabayaan pa nga niya ang katawan niya? Saka ang hair niya, mataas na ang noo niya, halatado nang kaunting panahon pa at mapapanot na siya. Well, mayaman naman siya, may magagawa siyang paraan para sa pataas nang pataas na niyang hairline,” pagpansin ng aming source. Anuman ang sabihin, John Lloyd Cruz is John Lloyd Cruz pa rin, ‘yun lang. *** Panauhin ni Vice Ganda sa kaniyang programa noong Linggo ng gabi sina Ronnie Alonte at Loisa Andalio. Nagasgas na ang dila ng TV host sa katatanong kung sila na ba,

our adolescence. From only hearing Filipino at home to only communicating in English (or French) at school to wanting to fit in among a diverse group of peers, we chose to communicate in Filipino consciously or sparingly. Undoubtedly, many of us will have had little to no formal instruction in Filipino. And now that we have grown up using as little or as much of the language, the foundation of our Filipino language knowledge now rests tenuously to be passed onto the next generation. That is, if they rely entirely on us (the way we did on our parents) to teach them what we know or don’t know. It is an important time now for our community to acknowledge that the Filipino language also belongs in our schools. Just as French, Spanish, Hebrew, Ukrainian, German, and Ojibwe language programs are taught in classrooms throughout Manitoba, the Filipino Bilingual language program is set to be offered at the Seven Oaks School Division in September 2018. The Filipino Bilingual program will give the next generation an important opportunity to build their own positive self-identity. Our children will not feel the need to compromise parts of who they are in order to gain acceptance or to succeed. Instead, they will realize that being Filipino-Canadian is but one kind of Canadian in this very diverse country of ours. To be multilingual and truly

pero kung anu-anong palusot ang sinasabi ng kaniyang mga guests, kaya umariba ang taklesang dila ni Vice Ganda. Ang sabi ni Vice, “Naku, ayaw n’yo pang umamin, e, ganiyan na kayo ka-sweet in public, paano pa kung kayong dalawa na lang, magkapatong na kayo? Pasok sa banga ang komento ni Vice. Palakpak nang palakpak ang mga katabi naming nanonood, oo nga naman! Sige sila sa kadedenay, pero sila naman mismo ang nagkakanulo sa tunay nilang relasyon, ano nga naman ‘yun? Sabi nu’ng girl na ex daw ni Joshua Garcia na kasama rin sa The Good Son na kung tawagin ni prop ay “monotone starlet” dahil iisa raw ang tono ng boses at acting ke nagagalit, natutuwa, nagugulat ang young actress ay gagawin daw nito ang lahat-lahat para sa kaniyang pagmamahal kay Ronnie Alonte. E, becki si Vice, natural lang na ang kaniyang reaksiyon sa sinabi ni Loisa ay “Serbis!” Hagalpakan ang mga kasama naming nanonood. Ibang klase raw talagang bumanat ang sikat na komedyante-TV host. Patagilid lang pero sapul na sapul ang kaniyang kaharap. Sino naman ang bibili sa panindang pagdedenay nina Ronnie at Loisa na totoong sila na ngayon samantalang nagyayakapan na

multicultural with a confident understanding of their own heritage will make them stand taller, stronger, and confidently among the rest. Darlyne Bautista is a past director of ANAK. She served as School Board Trustee for the Winnipeg School Division from 2010 to 2014. She is presently volunteering with the Seven Oaks Employees Association to promote the Seven Oaks Filipino Bilingual Program. Forty students from grades K to 3 must register by April 30, 2018 to ensure that the program will run in September 2018. For more information contact Dr. Porfiria Pedrina at (204) 632-6641 or porfiria. pedrina@7oaks.org.

Former school trustees, Cory Juan and Darlyne Bautista

Community delegates make presentations to the Seven Oaks School Division Board in support of the Filipino Bilingual Program last December

nga sila sa harap ng mga camera at sige sa paglalambingan? Matagal nang pinagpipistahan ang kuwentong si Ronnie Alonte ang pinakaespesyal kay Vice Ganda sa hanay ng Hashtags. Kung anu-ano nang istorya ang lumabas tungkol sa kanila na idinedenay naman ng young actor. Pero on national television noong Linggo ng gabi ay sinabi ni Ronnie Alonte, “Ikaw ang unang bakla sa buhay ko!” habang nakatingin nang diretso sa komedyante-TV host. Napakahaba naman talaga ng buhok ni Vice Ganda. Mula ‘yun sa Monumento hanggang sa Baclaran! *** Ang dami-daming nagtatanong sa amin. Nangungulit ang mga miron, ano raw ba ang relasyong mayroon sina Gretchen Barretto at Atong Ang? Bakit daw silang dalawa ang palaging magkasama at hindi ang businessman na si Mr. Tony “Boy” Cojuangco? Ayon sa isang source na nakakakuwentuhan namin ay abala raw kasi ngayon sina Gretchen at Atong Ang sa pakikipagtransaksiyon sa pagbebenta ng isang kilalang casino. Ibinebenta na raw kasi ‘yon ng mga banyagang nagpapatakbo, Ihinahanap daw ngayon ng buyer nina Atong

Ang at Gretchen ang naturang sosyal na pasugalan, kaya palagi silang magkasama. Siguro naman ay nakararating sa ama ni Dominique ang palaging pagsasama ng aktres at ni Atong. Alangan namang walang kaalam-alam tungkol doon ang negosyante. Alam nito siyempre ang mga nangyayari. Pero bago pa ba naman ang isyung may ibang kasama si Gretchen? Matagal nang nangyayari ang ganiyan. Mas matindi pa nga ang iba, pero sa kabila noon ay buo pa rin naman ang relayon nila ni Mr. Cojuangco. Kapag nagpo-post si Gretchen ng mensahe niya para sa ama ng kaniyang kaisa-isang anak ay iisipin mong walang anumang problema sa kanilang relasyon dahil sa sobrang pagpaparamdam ng pagmamahal ng aktres sa kaniyang ka-live-in. At ang pinakamatinding ebidensiya ay sila pa rin hanggang ngayon ni Mr. Tony “Boy” Cojuangco, kaya puwedeng totoo ang istoryang magkasosyo lang sina Gretchen at Atong Ang sa negosyo, tama? *** Sa kabila ng pagdoble ng kaniyang katawan ay napakaganda pa rin ni Alma Moreno. Wala na ang bakas ng pagiging Ms. Eva Fonda niya noon pero ang kaniyang ganda

ay marami pa ring pakakainin ng alikabok. Mas binibigyan na ng tutok ngayon ni Ness ang pag-arte kaysa sa pulitika. Ito naman kasi talaga ang una niyang minahal. Namulat na lang siya sa pulitika nang magkaroon sila ng relasyon ni dating Mayor Joey Marquez. Kahanga-hanga rin ang katatagan ng kalooban ni Alma Moreno. Marami siyang pampamilyang problemang pinagdaanan at pinagtagumpayan mula pa kina Mark Anthony Fernandez at Vandolph. At ilang pakikipagrelasyon na bang hindi nagtagal ang pinagdaanan ni Alma? Ang dami-dami na pero hindi pa rin siya tumitigil sa pagtitiwala sa pag-asang isang araw ay matatagpuan din niya ang lalaking makakasama niya nang panghabambuhay. Isa si Alma Moreno sa iilang artistang napakaganda may make-up man o wala. Walang maling parte ng kaniyang mukha at walang binago ng siyensiya sa kaniyang itsura. Isa lang ang palagi niyang sinasabi, “Katawan ko lang ang hindi nagpapigil. Kasama na ito sa pagdadagdag ng age. Kahit anong diet pa ang gawin mo, kapag nagkakaedad ka na, talagang dodoble ang katawan mo!” Pero magandang-maganda See CRISTY p19

MARCH 16 - 31, 2018



Usapang Eskwela Issue No.1: Snow Ang huling hirit na snow storm noong mga nakaraang linggo ay nagdulot ng pasakit sa mga Manitobans. Kabi-kabila ang traffic. Late ang mga buses. Maraming nabalaho, marami ang na late or hindi na nakapasok at maraming mga school divisions ang nagdeklara ng walang pasok maliban sa Winnipeg School Division. Bagama’t may pasok sa mga eskwelahan na nasa ilalim ng Winnipeg School Division, ay halos lahat naman ng school bus services ay kanselado. Dahil dito, nag-init ang ulo ng mga magulang dahil sa hindi maayos na regulasyon o polisiya (kung mayroon man) sa pagitan ng school bus operators at ng mga paaralan. Simple lang naman ang tanong ng mga magulang: “Paano ko papapasukin ang anak ko kung kanselado ang school bus services? Bakit hindi nagkakatugma ang mga desisyon ng school buses at ng mga namamalakad sa Winnipeg School Division? “ Hindi ko pinupulaan ang mga nakaupo ngayon sa school division, bagkus ako ay nagtatanong. Dapat bang mag-usap ang school bus operators at pamunuan ng Winnipeg School Division sa mga desisyon na kanilang gagawin kung dumarating ang ganitong mga pagkakataon para naman hindi nalalagay sa alanganin ang desisyon ng mga magulang. Siguro, maraming mga magulang ang nakaramdam ng “bahala kayo sa buhay n’yo” kung papapasukin nila ang kanilang mga anak noong panahon ng snow storm. Kaugnay pa rin ng nakaraang snow storm, sino ba ang may responsabilidad sa snow removal sa school areas? Ang paaralan ba o ang siyudad? Ayon sa Winnipeg Public Works: “CLAUSE D-9 - CURRENT POLICY APPROVED BY WORKS & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 Windrows of snow on boulevards adjacent to schools are not removed unless the lack of adequate storage has resulted in the adjacent sidewalk becoming

CRISTY... From page 18 pa rin.

*** Ayon sa aming impormante ay maayos na maayos na ang katawan ngayon ni Mark Anthony Fernandez. Bumabalik na raw ang sigla ng guwapong actor. Ilang panahon pa at handa na siyang sumalang uli sa harap ng mga camera. Halos sa gym na pala siya nakatira ngayon dahil malaking-malaki ang kailangan niyang habulin sa napabayaan niyang katawan habang

obstructed so as to prevent the reasonable movement of pedestrian traffic. High snow piles at the entrances to school parking lots, bus staging areas are the responsibility of the schools. School Bus Loading Zones are the responsibility of the schools.” (Reference: http://www. winnipeg.ca/publicworks/snow) Walang partikular na alituntunin na nagsasaad ng snow removal sa Policy and Administration Guidelines ng Winnipeg School Division. As of this writing ay wala pang sagot sa aking email ang WSD kaugnay ng aking request to provide me with the Snow Removal Policy of the school division. Sa susunod na issue ng Batang North End ay ibabahagi ko ang policy kaugnay nito kung makakatanggap ako ng response mula sa kanila. Otherwise, tatawag ako sa kanila upang i-klaro ang usaping ito. Nabuksan ko ang topic na ito kaugnay pa rin ng katatapos na snow storm. Hindi alam ng mga magulang kung saan tatawag kaugnay ng snow removal requests sa mga daan sa loob ng properties ng mga schools. Kapag tumawag ka kasi sa 311 ay sasabihin sa iyo na hindi pananagutan ito ng siyudad. Kaya nga, ang tanging magagawa lamang ng mga magulang ay maghintay kung sino man ang magtatanggal ng mga gabundok na snow sa mga paaralan. Ang snow removal within the school premises ay mahalaga dahil ito ay related sa safety ng ating mga estudyante, ng mga teachers, mga magulang at ng publiko. Kung hindi pananagutan ng City of Winnipeg ang snow removal sa mga paaralan ay hindi natin pare-pareho alam kung kailan ang schedule para ma-aksyunan ito. Kanino ngayon makakakuha ng impormasyon ang mga magulang? Sino ang magbibigay ng impormasyon sa kanila? Anong numero ang kailangan nilang tawagan? Sino ang dapat tanungin? Siguro ay dapat maging visible at proactive ang mga namumuno sa ating nirerespetong WSD. Para

sa kaalaman ng lahat, sa bawat property tax na ating binabayaran ay bahagi nito ang school taxes. Dahil dito, may karapatan po tayong magtanong kaugnay ng kanilang serbisyo at governance. Kamakailan lamang ay lumabas sa mga pahayagan na ang Winnipeg School Division ay nagpo-propose ng tax increase ng 3.29 per cent para sa upcoming school year. Bagama’t draft pa lamang ang budget ay maganda sigurong maging informed tayo sa mga services ng ating paaralan at kung gusto natin o kung may kakayahan tayo ay makialam tayo sa pamamagitan ng pag-contact sa ating mga school board trustees, kung kilala ninyo sila. School trustees are elected officials whose prime responsibility is to function as a board to set policy regarding the provision of educational services. Ang susunod nating article ay tatalakay sa iba pang mga issues sa ating mga paaralan at komunidad. Kung may partikular kayong issue na gusto ninyong ipahayag o talakayin, ay mag-email lamang po sa akin sa noellapuz@gmail. com. Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang

Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng BataBatuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host

at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

nakakulong siya. “Naka-ready na ang script ng gagawin nilang movie ni Claudine Barretto. Sila na lang ang hinihintay ng Viva. Oras na okey na silang dalawa, diretso na ang trabaho,” kuwento ng aming source. At malapit na ring mapanood si Mark Anthony sa seryeng Ang Probinsiyano na pinagbibidahan ni Coco Martin. ‘Yon ang magsisilbing binyag ng apoy para sa guwapo at magaling na aktor mula nang makalaya siya. Kaabang-abang ang partisipasyon niya sa palabas na gabi-gabing inaabangan ng buong bayan. Sa mga huling

pictures ni Mark Anthony ay hindi pa rin maitatago ang kaniyang kaguwapuhan. ‘Yun pa rin ang itsurang nagpasikat sa kaniya. Parang binatang Rudy Fernandez ang dating ni Mark. Tama ang palaging sinasabi ni Alma Moreno; dasal lang, walang hindi kayang baguhin ang panalanging sinsero para sa mga mahal natin sa buhay. Sabi pa ng aktres na maganda pa rin sa kabila ng paglusog, “Nakakalimutan ko na ngang ipagdasal ang sarili ko. Para sa mga anak ko na lang ang hinihingi ko. Wala naman akong ibang magagawa kundi ang

ipagdasal na lang sila. “Kapag magkausap kami ni Mark, sinasabi ko sa kaniya na mas mahirap ang magsimula uli, pero kakayanin niya ang lahat. Tiwala lang ang kailangan ng anak ko. Kailangang maramdaman niya na marami pa ring nagmamahal at nagtitiwala sa kaniya,” komento ni Ness. *** Sana naman ay magkaroon nang kahit kaunting pang-unawa ang mga umuupak ngayon kay Senador Manny Pacquiao dahil sa kaniyang pagsasabing “Bayang Magiliw” at hindi “Lupang

Hinirang” ang titulo ng ating national anthem. Mali na kung sa mali, pero kailanman ay hindi nagpanggap ang Pambansang Kamao na alam niya ang lahat. Paulit-ulit niyang sinasabi na marami pa siyang kailangang matutuhan. Saka pass na ‘yon. Sa laki naman ng karangalang ibinigay ng senador-boksingero sa ating bayan ay ipakadidiin pa ba natin ang kaniyang kakapusan? Paano naman ang pagsusulat niya nang ilang ulit sa pangalan ng ating bayan sa mapa ng mundo? Nagkaroon ng karagdagang See CRISTY p20

Si Noel Lapuz sa tabi ng snow bank sa harap ng Tyndall Park Community School, kuha ilang linggo matapos ang snow storm.

Walang makitang daan sa sidewalk papunta sa Tyndall Park School. Ang bus loop ang nagsilbing daanan ng mga bata. Napaka-delikado. Kuha, ilang linggo matapos ang snow storm.






NO. 296

MARSO 16 – 31, 2018

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Kikisay-kisay 5. Nakabitin 12. Istorbo 13. Katulong 14. Hakbang 15. Alagang panlaban 16. Embes 20. Pagapangan 24. Ikandado 25. Dahilan 26. Hulog 27. Tilamsik 28. Tamad 30. Pinakukuluan PABABA 1. Klase ng tinapay 2. Ilista 3. Ibilad 4. Sigurado 6. Api 7. Hugis ng buwan 8. Sisidlan 9. Kamote

10. Hinagisan 11. Aliw 16. Inggit 17. Batay 18. Isama 19. Pindot 20. Dalisay 21. Ampon 22. Labi sa sunog 23. Patnubay 29. Pang-ukol


MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Iwasan mo muna ang mahabang biyahe sa buwang ito kung hindi rin lang kaugnay ng hanapbuhay o negosyo. Mas marami kang dapat asikasuhin sa iyong trabaho ngayon – makisama ka sa mga kaibigan o kasosyo. Pag-aralan muli ang mga plano. OK ang ika16, 17, 24 at 25. Ingat sa ika-18, 19 at 31.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Mahalagang asikasuhin mo ang iyong negosyo o trabaho. Napapabayaan mo dahil maganda ang takbo noong nakaraang taon. 2018 na at napakaraming pagbabagong dapat mong pagaralan. Iba noon – baka hindi ka makasabay sa bagong kaalaman. Mapalad ka sa ika-16, 17, 24 at 25. Ingat sa ika-20, 21, 27 at 28.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Huwag mo nang balikan ang nakaraan. Importante ay maging positibo ka sa mga darating na araw upang umasenso ka. Ang nabubuhay sa alaala ay parang natutulog nang gising. Lumalampas ang mga oportunidad dahil nakatali ka pa sa mga lumipas. OK ang ika20, 21, 29 at 30. Kuwidaw sa ika18, 19, 24, 25 at 31.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Gusto mong tapusin ang proyekto subalit napapansin mong napakabagal ng asenso at tila laging may problemang nasasalubong. Hayaan mo lang. Magtiyaga ka at darating din ang araw na makukumpleto mo ito. Huwag kang panghihinaan ng loob. Lucky days mo ang ika-18, 19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-20 at 21.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Mahalaga ang pakikisama subalit kung napapansin mong inaabuso ang iyong kabaitan, oras na para layuan mo ang nagsasamantala. Kulay rosas ang pag-ibig para sa iyo ngayon. Mas matindi ang inyong pagmamahalan. Kung single, baka siya na nga! OK sa ika-22, 23 at 31. Stressful ang ika-18, 19, 24 at 25.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Mahalin mo muna ang sarili mo at makikita mong mas marami kang matutulungan sa pamilya mo. Iwasan mong isakripisyo ang iyong sarili sa pagtulong sa iba dahil lalo lang lalaki ang problema. Kung masaya ka, mas mahahawa sila. Tandaan: Ikaw muna! OK ang ika-18, 19, 27 at 28. May tensyon sa ika-24, 25 at 31.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Tandaan mo sana ang anumang kabiguan na nararanasan mo. Hindi uubrang palagi ka na lang talo. Ganiyan lang ang buhay talaga. May darating na buwenas sa iyo at doon mo mapapatunayan na ang mga naranasan mo ang dahilan ng iyong pagwawagi. OK ang ika-20, 21, 29 at 30. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 22 at 23.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Kalusugan ang dapat na intindihin mo ngayon. Kung sumasakit ang iyong tuhod o likod, huwag mong balewalain ito. Bigyang-pansin ang mga buto dahil mas mahirap kung lalala ito. Makipagkita sa iyong doctor at siyasatin ang problema mo. Masaya ang ika-16, 17, 24 at 25. May tension sa ika22, 23, 29 at 30.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Gamitin mo ang buwang ito upang ayusin ang sarili, pamilya at mga balak mo sa kabuhayan. Ilatag mo ang plano upang maging batayan mo ito ng mga dapat mong gawin sa mga darating na buwan. Kailangan mong maghanda. Alagaan mo ang iyong puso. Lucky ka sa ika-20, 21, 29 at 30. Careful sa ika-27 at 28.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Minsan kahit walang problema, n a g i g i n g problema sa paningin mo dahil madali kang mainis. Magpahinga ka. Minsan ang pagiging bugnutin ay bunga ng pagod. Intindihin mo rin na ang ibang tao ay may pasan-pasan ding krus sa kanilang buhay. OK ang ika-18, 19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 22, 23, 29 at 30.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Kung ihahambing mo ang nakaraang taon sa taon na ito, mas maganda ang magiging buhay mo kung gagamitin mo ang mga naipundar mo – sa personal na relasyon, maging sa hanapbuhay. Mahigpit ang pasok ng pera sa iyo subalit hindi magtatagal ito. OK mo ang ika-22, 23 at 31. Ingat sa ika-20, 21, 27 at 28.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Maganda ang iyong hinaharap sa mga darating na buwan. Maayos ang iyong personal na relasyon at tuluy-tuloy din ang tagumpay ng iyong proyekto. Iwasan mong maging maramdamin kung may nangyayaring taliwas sa gusto mo. Iyon ang makakabagal sa iyo. OK ang ika-22, 23 at 31. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 29 at 30.

Kung sana’y nagmamarunong ang Pambansang Kamao. Kung sana’y nagpapanggap siyang perpekto. Kung sana’y wala siyang karangalang ihinandog sa ating bayan. *** Sumuko na sa pakikipaglaban sa pancreatic cancer ang magaling na aktor ng entablado, telebisyon at pelikula na si Bernadro Bernardo. Si BB, si Bernie, ang masayahing aktor na maraming kaibigan sa industriya. Kuwento ni Richard Reynoso, ang namuno sa ibinigay naming benefit show para sa komedyante, “Noong dalawin namin siya ni Bebang (Beverly Salviejo) para iabot ang nalikom natin sa benefit show, napansin ko na ibangiba na ang itsaura at kulay niya. “Valentine’s Day ‘yun, nag-try pa siyang magpakasigla, gusto

niyang ipakita sa amin ni Beverly na matapang siyang lumalaban. Payat na payat na siya. Makikita mo ang napakalaking deteroration ng katawan niya. “Noong paalis na kami, e, inakbayan ko ang nag-aalaga sa kaniya. Ang sabi ko, e, tapatin niya ako, sabihin niya ang totoo. Sinabi sa akin ng kasama ni Bernie na halos hindi na siya nakakakain, kaya wala rin siyang idinudumi. “Ang ihi niya, e, kulay itim na. Makakain man siya nang kaunti, isinusuka rin agad niya. Sabi ko, dasal na lang talaga ang kailangan nating gawin,” kuwento ng mapusong singer. Ang taos-puso po naming pakikiramay sa mga iniwan ng isang magaling na anak ng lokal na aliwan, ng isang kaibigan, isang mapayapang paglalakbay kay Bernardo Bernardo. – CSF

CRISTY... From page 19

magandang imahe ang Pilipinas nang dahil kay Pacman. Sa ibang bansa nga, kapag sinabi mong Pilipino ka ay agad nang sasabihin ng kausap mong banyaga, “Oh, Manny Pacquiao! He’s a great boxer!” Doon man lang sana ay magkaroon na ng kunsiderasyon ang mga nangangalampag ngayon sa kaniya sa social media. At tanggapin natin ang katotohanan na mas nakararaming Pinoy ang nakakaalam na Bayang Magiliw ang titulo ng ating national anthem at hindi Lupang Hinirang. At hindi nag-iisa ang Pambansang Kamao. Noong kantahin ni Christian Bautista ang ating pambansang awit sa isang okasyon ay nakalimutan nito ang mga lyrics ng Lupang Hinirang.


MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

Sa ika-25 ng kasalukuyang buwan ay simula ng isang linggong Mahal na Araw. Pangungunahan ng mga alagad ng Simbahang Katoliko Romano ang pitong araw at gabi na nasa isipan ng mga tao. *** Ang gobyerno ng Manitoba at Winnipeg and other Municipalities ay nabalita na nagkaroon ng mga isyu tungkol sa infrastructure financing projects. Ang Premier ng Manitoba, Brian Pallister ay inakusahan ni Scott Gillingham, Chairman of the Winnipeg City Finance Council. Sinabing hindi tumupad sa kaniyang mga pangako. Nakikialam daw sa mga priority projects ng lunsod. *** Sa nakaraang ika-7 round of talks tungkol sa NAFTA ng US, Canada at Mexico na ginanap mismo doon ay tumagal hanggang noong ika-5 ng Marso. Kaugnay nito, nabalita na ang Canada ay inakusahan ni US President Trump as trade mastermind at malaon nang dinadaya ang US. Hanggang sa mga sandaling hinahanda ko ang pitak na ito, wala pa akong balita na reaksiyon from PM Justin Trudeau. Sa totoo lang, talagang kailangan ng Canada na ang mga produkto nito ay doon magpadala sa mga bansang higit na mababa ang foreign money exchange kumpara sa US-Canadian money. Kung sa US ipadadala ang mga produkto ng Canada, maliit lang ang pakinabang. *** Malubha ang problmeng kinakaharap ngayon ng Organization of Oil Producing Countries na umaasa sa mga Gitnang Silangang bansa. Higit na apektado ang mga bansang umaasa lang sa OPEC. Baka magresulta na ang Amerika pa


ang maging susunod na global energy leader. Pilipinas Ang gobyernong Duterte ay patuloy ang kampanya laban sa illegal drugs, corruption sa mga tanggapan ng gobyerno at kriminalidad. Gagamiting lahat ng pangulo ang kapangyarihan nito batay sa nilalaman ng 1987 Constitution. Nanghihina ang epekto ng malayang demokrasya sa bansa, samantalang ang leadership naman ng pangulong Duterte ay nananatiling suportado ng mayoryang bilang ng mga mamamayan. *** Gayunpaman, ang kaguluhan sa Mindanao ay patuloy na nakababahala. Dahil sa nabigong malunasan ang kaguluhan sa gitnang silangan, ang katimugang bahagi ng Pilipinas tulad ng Cotabato at Iligan ay maaaring maging landing pad ng ISIS. Nagagamait na ang Maute-Abu Sayaff. Kailangang masupil, para maiwasan ang kaparis ng nangyari sa Marawi City. *** Ang federal form of government na nais daw ipalit ng Duterte administration sa ngayon ay para sa national security, economy, peace and order. May dalawang pamamaraan. Ang nais ng mga mamamayan, lalo na sa mga key cities ay through constitutional convention (ConCon) sa halip na constitutional assembly (Con-Ass.) *** Sa kabila ng mga sinusulong na panukalang Bangsamoro Basic Law, kung maging batas man ay waring walang katiyakang magkakaroon ng katahimikan sa maraming lugar ng Mindanao. Kailan lang ay nabalitang nakasagupa ang pangkat ng MILF at MNLF. Mismong ang


Semana Santa Ang Mahal na Araw sa tuwing sasapit, Buhay na larawan sa silong ng langit; Sa tao ay tampok ang binatang sakit, ng Haring sinugong wagas ang pag-ibig! *** Isang linggong araw ng ligaya’t lungkot, Hapis, pagtitika, sa damdami’y taos; Maligayang buhay ala-ala’y lubos, Masiglang pagtanggap humalili’y puot! *** Tagubilin noon nang Huling hapunan, Ang lahat ng tao, dapat magmahalan; Manaig palagi ang katahimikan at buhay na hindi pansarili lamang! *** Ang mga nagbunyi sa Haring dumating, Nagpako sa Kruz ay sila-sila din! Paquito Rey Pacheco

Chairman ng MILF, Murad Ibrahin ang nagbalita tungkol sa kasalukuyang sitwasyong sa dakong timog ng bansa. *** Sila-sila ay naglalaban-laban sa PDP-Laban. Sina Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez at Senate President Koko Pimentel ay naguupakan. Kung baga sa kural ng kabayo ay nagsisipaan. Ang mga nadadamay ay walang kinalaman. Kung natutuwa o hindi si Pangulong Duterte sa nangyayari, ‘yon ang hindi natin alam? Naalala ko tuloy ang kasabihang “divide and rule.” *** Sa kabila ng masalimuot na territorial dispute sa West Philippine Sea/South China Sea ng Pilipinas at China, malapit ang possibility na magkaroon ng joint exploration ang Manila at Beijng sa nabanggit na lugar. May dalawang lugar na may plano doon. Noon 2005-2016 nagkaroon na ng service contract (SC 57). Nagkaroon din ng SC 72 noong 2013 subalit hindi rin nangyari during BS Aquino administration. Ang planong joint exploration sa nabanggit na lugar ay muling lumutang na umano ay may mina ng oil and gasoline. Nabalitang si Senate Protempore President Ralph Recto ay pabor pero hindi nga naman dapat na isuko ang kapangyarihan ng Pilipinas sa binanggit na lugar ng karagatan. Ang China ay hindi naman daw humihingi ng katapat na pamumuhunan.

Sa ngayon, tunay na kailangan ng Pilipinas ang ibang lugar na maaaring mapagkukunan ng krudo. Malabo na ang pag-asa, na ang pagmumulan ng krudo ay manggagaling sa Gitnang Silangan. Tiyak na apektado din nito ang hindi maiiwasang pagtataas sa presyo ng mga bilihin at ibang mga pangkabuhayang kailangan ng bansa. *** Nasa ikatlo at huling reading na sa mababang kapulungan ng kongreso ang bill 6779 regarding the divorce law. Mahigpit na tinututulan ng mga obispo ng Simbahang Katoliko Romano. Alinsunod sa latest survey ng SWS, 53 per cent ng mga Filipino ang pabor sa panukalang divorce law. Kung sakali, sana naman hindi malaking pera ang magagastos na makakaya ng mga mahihirap. Bale-wala ang batas kung lalabas na para lang sa mga mayayaman na naman. Alinman sa parte ng babae at lalaki, ang kanilang relasyon ay walang iniwan sa langis at tubig sa loob ng bote. Wala nang pag-asang magkabalikan. *** Waring malabo na for CJ Maria Lourdes Sereno na manatili sa hawak na katungkulan. Ang Acting Supreme Court CJ, Antonio T. Carpio ang nagpaliwanag nang tungkol sa indefinite leave of absence ng CJ, not merely taking a “wellness leave.” Waring may katiyakan nang makakalusot sa kapulungan ng mga kongresista

PAGE 21 ang impeachment case ni CJ Sereno. Senado na ang hahatol sa kaniyang kaso. Ang former Senate President, Juan Ponce Enrile ay nagkusang sumama sa pangkat ng mga uusig sa impeachment case ni Sereno. Napakabigat ang kaniyang kinakaharap na kaso. Resignation ang higit na dignified solution. Kung hindi mababago ang pasiya at handang mapahiya, kaysa sa kaniyang dignidad, parang hindi nga dapat na si Sereno ay manatiling CJ ng Korte Suprema. Katas Ang telenovella sa kaso ni CJ Maria Lourdes Sereno malamang mapagpatuloy sa Mayo. • Hiniling sa Korte Suprema ni Solicitor General Jose Calida na ang appointment ng CJ ay mabale-wala. • Kung patulan ng Supreme Court en banc, malamang hindi na matuloy ang impeachment case ni SC CJ Sereno. • Sinabi naman ng mga senador, ang tanging paraan lamang na ang CJ ay mapaalis sa katungkulan ay through impeachment or resignation. • Abangan kung magkakaroon na ng liwanag before the 2019 local and national mid-term elections. Kasabihan May katapusan ang lahat ng nangyayari sa ating buhay. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.




MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

Pinays Recognition Luncheon, March 10, 2018 In celebration of International Women’s Day

Winnie Navarro and Lucille Nolasco

Perla Javate

Iris Yudai

Liezel Araneta Jacinto

Johsa Manzanilla

Paul Ong

MARCH 16 - 31, 2018



Pinays Recognition Luncheon, March 10, 2018 In celebration of International Women’s Day

The Pinays MB organization

L-r: Connie De Villa; Perla Javate; Bernadette Smith, MLA Point Douglas; Nahani Fontaine, MLA St. Johns; Flor Marcelino, MLA Logan; Robert Falcon Ouellette, MP Winnipeg Centre and Ted Marcelino, MLA Tyndall



MARCH 16 - 31, 2018

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