Pilipino Express • Mar 1 2019

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Volume 15 • No. 5 • March 1 - 15, 2019 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

The Pinoy Pop Star Season 4 Grand Finals night is this Saturday, March 2, 2019 at the McPhillips Station Casino. Presented by The Pilipino Express and the McPhillips Station Casino, fourteen talented Winnipeg singers will vie for a Grand Prize

trophy and $2,000, a Second Prize trophy and $750, and a Third Prize trophy and $500. Find out more about each singer on page 5. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. on the second floor of the McPhillips Station Casino and the show starts at 8:00 p.m.

Tickets can be bought on line through Ticketmaster: $20.00 each plus GST and agency fees. Buy your tickets in person at the McPhillips Station Casino or the Club Regent Casino and save $3.25 on your total ticket purchase. Ticket outlets are in the gift See POP STAR p7

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MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

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MARCH 1 - 15, 2019





MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

The silver lining Miss Universe Catriona Gray’s homecoming parade is in full swing as I write this on a Thursday afternoon, so I guess this is as good a time as any to point out one thing that I wasn’t able to write about when she first won the crown. I don’t generally follow beauty contests, but I feel a sense of pride in having the Philippines at the top of the universe, so to speak. Ms Gray is certainly beautiful and, based on what friends who know her have said, her concern and work for the poor is genuine. That’s why I took some interest in her answer during the pageant’s Q&A. This was how it went down: Q: “What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life and how would you apply it to your time as Miss Universe?” A: “I work a lot in the slums of Tondo, Manila and the life there is poor and it’s very sad. And I have always taught myself to look for the beauty in it – to look in the beauty in the faces of the children and to be grateful.

And I will bring this aspect as a Miss Universe, to see situations with a silver lining…” The metaphor “silver lining” became a trending topic in the Philippines immediately after (maybe even during) the pageant, but I venture to say that not many Filipinos actually know what “silver lining” means. The definition is simple enough: According to Wikipedia, a silver lining is “a metaphor for optimism in the common English-language, which means a negative occurrence may have a positive aspect to it.” I did an informal survey with Facebook friends asking them why optimism is referred to as “silver lining,” and all of them simply gave the obvious answer: the silver lining refers to the light at the edge of clouds. To Filipinos, silver linings are simply pretty things up in the sky. To us, clouds are friends. They provide shade and make hot days cooler and more comfortable. We don’t normally associate clouds with bad days;

in fact, cloudy days are good days for us. There is a Tagalog word for it: “makulimlim.” It’s not just cloudy, it means being shaded from the heat of the sun. It’s something we look forward to. To those who live in colder countries, however, clouds can be a menacing presence. The presence of clouds can mean the temperature would drop because they would cover the sun. That’s why Western literature and music are filled with references to “sunny days” and “cloudless days.” The Carpenters sang, “Such a feeling’s coming over me / There is wonder in most every thing I see / Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes / And I won’t be surprised if it’s a dream.” Even the theme song of Sesame Street opens with, “Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away…” I never understood these references until I went to the US in 2008 on a journalism fellowship. A newly-met friend invited me to a day out and said, “It’ll be a good day because the forecast is sunny.” That left a question mark in me; for a Filipino, a sunny day is a hot and therefore an uncomfortable one. The following day was

indeed sunny, but towards noon he spotted a tiny cloud in the distance. “Oh no!” he cried, and soon I understood why. More clouds began to form, and the temperature dropped and it began to drizzle. It became a miserable day. That’s why silver linings stand for hope and optimism. The silver lining is the light of the sun getting through the edges of the cloud. That means the sun is right behind, ready to warm up everything. That’s a beautiful picture – but only for someone living in a cold country. For us Filipinos, the phrase actually has no meaning. I know all this sounds trivial, but Catriona Gray started it by using a phrase that means something to her but not to the people she represents. As Miss Philippines, her language should reflect the culture of the Filipinos. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the EditorIn- Chief of the Davao Citybased Mindanao Daily Mirror. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@ gmail.com.

Making up is hard to do, but not impossible People are wired to live connected to others, not in isolation. We have relationships with others, within our families, friend circles, at work, and in our communities. Chances are, at some point in our lives we have grown distant from a loved one, or have even ended relationships. Perhaps you can identify with one of these situations: After a disagreement about how much money to send back home to the Philippines, Jane and her mother haven’t spoken in weeks. Miguel was frustrated with his brother Tony for constantly telling him how to live his life. Tony felt that he was only trying to help. Three major disagreements later, they stopped talking. Five years have passed by. Andrea was angry at her best friend Marie who did not call on her birthday, and then did not show up at her baby’s christening. She posted this on Facebook, which caused a huge falling out between the two friends. Reality is, conflict between two people hardly ever involves a one-way street of blame. Both parties are usually responsible to some extent. Often, long lasting disagreements can be avoided if you look at your own actions and

words, rather than only focussing on the faults of the other person. Consider your contribution to the disagreement Did you listen and hear their side of things? Active listening means that you were paying close attention to their message, and were not just busy thinking about your next point. This can be a tricky skill to master. We often get into “debate mode” rather than acknowledging the other person’s feelings. How open were you to the concerns of the other person? Did you have a respectful, open expression on your face and a calm voice? Or was your body language already one of defensiveness – crossed arms and an angry or hurt expression on your face? Did you yell, slam doors, or stomp your feet? Once arguments get to this point, emotions are running high and neither person is looking at solving the problem. Is reconciliation possible? Both parties must want to make amends. Getting past conflict can actually strengthen the bond between two people. Ideally, the conflict is reviewed in an open way with both people taking responsibility for the hurt they caused. Talking it out can help towards avoiding future conflicts.

I want to fix things. Where do I begin? You must take action. It is not enough to hope and pray that the other will come to you first. If both people take this approach, there may be weeks, months, even years of estrangement. All because no one was willing to swallow their pride and make the first move. If you are scared to act first, just consider that the worst-case scenario is that your loved one will yell at you and tell you they never want to see you again. Yes, you will be hurt, but even if this happens, you can know that you tried and can be at peace that you made an effort. However, the likelihood that this will happen is low. Everyone has good within them, and your loved one is not a stranger. He or she is someone that you have built a close relationship with, and they are probably hurting just as much as you are. How do I approach the other person? Call the other person to set up a meeting in neutral territory, like a coffee shop or the park. If it’s too awkward to call, send an e-mail without harsh words or accusations. Simply state that you want things to get better between you both and that you’d like to meet. Once you see each other face to face, focus on how you are feeling. E.g. “After not talking to you for a month, I missed you,” or “I felt so angry after our fight

that I thought I never wanted to see you again – but I realized this is not what I want.” Some people feel awkward with these types of statements because they feel vulnerable and weak. But you’re already in a vulnerable position if you’ve initiated the meeting. Usually, the other person will offer similar sentiments, and hopefully, an honest exchange can happen. It can be helpful to apologize for any part of the conflict you were responsible for. E.g. “I apologize for walking away while you were talking.” At the very least, saying, “I’m sorry that we fought,” shows that you are truly sincere in wanting things to work out. Extend an olive branch Suggest that a truce be called and that you both start anew. If the original problem still exists, take out a piece of paper and write out the different options. Or discuss whether a third person can assist with finding alternatives. Perhaps communicating about the issue over e-mail is a better option than face-to-face. This way, people have time to think about what they want to say, rather than making a spontaneous, emotional comment that can be hurtful. Have realistic expectations Don’t expect that the relationship will be exactly the same as it was prior to the falling out, especially if a long time has See CHERYL p20

1045 Erin Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Publisher



EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

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Youth Contributors

Aksyon Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK)


E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Sales & Marketing Team ISAGANI BARTOLOME RODGE LOPEZ JAMES NEIL SOLIVEN The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved.

Annual subscription rate within Canada: $65.00 For advertising inquiries, call: 204-956-7845 or email: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019



Fourteen talented performers – all from Winnipeg – are vying for a Grand Prize trophy and $2,000, a Second Prize trophy and $750, and a Third Prize trophy and $500. The sequence of their upcoming performance was determined by a random draw at the culmination of the semi-final phase of the contest on January 5, 2019. Let’s meet the singers and get to know a little about them and their love of music (in order of appearance on March 2).

1. Andrea Macasaet

8. Kristina Gamurot Suban

Born and raised in Winnipeg, Andrea is a student at the University of Winnipeg. She is also a graduate of the Canadian College of Performing Arts in Victoria BC.

Music is her passion, next to being a wife and a mother of two children. She graduated from The Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba with a major in Human Resources Management and is currently employed at Great-West Life.

2. Justin Gallego

9. Keesha Mae Mari

A full time student at Red River College, Justin is currently studying Business Administration and majoring in Marketing. His hobbies include playing sports, watching Netflix, eating and sleeping.

A recipient of The Nariman Ayed Award for Music, Keesha was a featured artist at the 2018 Manitoba Filipino Street Festival and she is the regular co-host of AYOS, the Ayos Diva.

3. Rowelie Cantalejo

10. Ryan Mendoza

Currently working at St. Boniface Hospital, Rowelie has performed in the Rainbow Stage productions of Big, the Musical, Joseph & the Technicolor Dreamcoat and The King and I. She was a member of the Highlights Performing Group, Synergy Dance Production and Kayumanggi Philippine Performing Arts.

A hip hop producer, Ryan’s daily life consists of work, making music and playing video games.

4. Joey Villanueva

11. Louise Combate

A student of residential design at Red River College, Joey is also a special orders coordinator at Rona Home & Garden Centre. His hobbies include curling and swimming.

An EEG tech at The Children’s Hospital, Health Sciences Centre, Louise studied with a BSc Major in Psychology at the University of Manitoba. She plays guitar and likes badminton and volleyball. She also loves dogs and would love to rescue or foster one.

5. Robbie Ambrosio

12. Jan Eleno

He loves writing screenplays and hopes that one day he can see his work on the big screen. He has already appeared in several TV commercials. His all-time favourite singers are Stevie Wonder and Sam Smith.

Currently a Grade 12 student, Jan actively participates in her school’s choir and various student groups. Jan’s hobbies include singing and drawing.

6. Emogen Ventura

13. Marini Tagarda

Formerly a lead vocalist in The EC Jammers Orchestra in the Philippines, Emogen also sang in a band called Killer Bee and worked as a wedding singer in a hotel in the Philippines. He currently works at Maple Leaf Consumer Foods as a forklift operator and is a member of the ALIW acoustic live group.

7. Glenn Naquila

Currently an IT technician, Glenn was an undergrad of the UST Conservatory of Music in the Philippines, and a member of Coro Tomasino. He has performed with the Manila Philharmonic Orchestra and the UST Symphony Orchestra. Glenn is now in St. Peter’s Church Grand Choir and the front man of the band, No Boundaries.

A university student majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Psychology, Marini aspires to become a lawyer or have a career in government that involves helping people. She currently works at Chachi’s. She loves to read, write and, of course, sing!

14. Klayd Gatdula A graduate of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Diploma program at Red River College, Klayd started singing and playing the guitar when he was in Grade 9.



MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

Feng Shui and clutter An overstuffed home robs you of vitality, opportunities and money. What can you do about it? Today, many of us share one common problem: too much stuff in our homes. And, if you’re willing to invest just a couple of weeks – or weekends — you can get a grip on clutter and start feeling more in control over all the stuff in your house. Better still, you won’t have to live in a disorganized, cluttered home that frustrates and annoys you. Having an uncluttered, organized home will repay you in time and money — and will return your peace of mind — and in just a few short weeks. Besides being a serious re-charge to your life and vitality, decluttering is good feng shui. Everything you are surrounded by exerts an influence on your life. If you’re surrounded by clutter and disorganization, it’s a serious energetic drain on your mind, your emotions and your physical body. Too much stuff quickly turns a home “yin” and that makes energy turn negative. Once that happens, the circumstances of life start changing, too. You could say that clutter becomes the sticks and mortar that dam your life and stop the opportunities that flow to you. Let’s get started with the basics. What is clutter? Clutter is anything that you don’t regularly use, things that you don’t like or enjoy or that are broken, or items kept out of guilt and obligation. Clutter includes items like old clothing, unused toys, mismatched dishes, or stacks of magazines. One of the worst sources of clutter is paper. Newspapers, mail, magazines,

old greeting cards, and various paper items all clutter up our coffee tables, desks, and refrigerator. What clutter isn’t Clutter isn’t anything you truly love or use regularly. Clutter also isn’t a valuable collectible. Some things shouldn’t go in a landfill or in a garage sale. Your grandmother’s Fostoria crystal isn’t junk and shouldn’t be treated that way. Ebay, local antiques or consignment stores are resources to help sell your collectible items. One woman made $15,000 off her clutter. Every week, she sat at her computer with five to 10 items she wanted to sell and in six months, she had made an extra $15,000 by selling her clutter on Ebay. Too much trouble to sell? Give special items away as gifts to someone who’ll appreciate them. Clutter sources There are a number of reasons for our overaccumulation. One is that we’ve moved from a disposable society to everything’s-a-collectible society and if everything is valuable, then you can’t throw anything away then, can you? We’ve also moved from a buyit-as-you-need-it outlook to a buy-it-in-bulk mindset – and if we buy in bulk, we have to live in bulk. Lastly, recreational shopping creates an overload of unused, unwanted household items. Hitting the mall every weekend just packs your house and empties your wallet. Staying present The difficulty with clutter is both past and future. Too often people are tied to items because of the past (it was a wedding gift, it was Uncle Frank’s) and the future (what if

I need a shoe buttoner again?). Yet clutter causes you problems in the present because you can’t find what you’re looking for or you have things you don’t really need or want. Other problems from the past include items we’ve inherited. Many people feel like they have to keep everything passed down from their loved ones. It’s a tremendous burden of guilt. Remember that things are not people and it’s okay to let things go. To feel like you have to hold on to the possessions of your loved ones who are no longer around is to have to build your own life and hang on to their lives, too. It makes for a crowded house. Keep just a few items that you especially love or that you’ll use on a regular basis. My favourite item from my grandmother? Her cast iron skillet that stays on my stove to this day, and gets almost daily use. Go ahead, be wasteful Have you ever heard the Depression era stories about being so poor that coffee grounds were dried in the sun and re-used? Well, it’s not the Depression anymore. It’s okay to throw things away. You have my permission and encouragement to get rid of stuff. There will be enough and you can always get more if you need it. People hang on to so many things because they don’t want to be wasteful; like holding on to a shirt with a stain that won’t come out. The stain won’t come out the longer it hangs there, so why reach for it and then put it back on the rack? Throw it away once and for all. Your role The first step to getting control over clutter is recognizing your role in creating it. Do you over shop? Do you

keep things out of guilt (it’s Aunt Mary’s!)? Do you have to buy in bulk? Are you afraid to throw things away? Taking a hard look at how and why your house has gotten cluttered helps you get it under control and from becoming cluttered in the future. So recycle when you can, and throw away, donate, or sell the rest — and at every opportunity. The physical symptoms of clutter Clutter stops the flow of energy. When energy stops flowing, there is a negative impact to our bodies, spirits, and energetic life flow in the form of money, opportunities, love, and enjoyment. Clutter manifests as excess weight, constipation, inability to think, feeling stuck in life, low vitality, and poor personal growth and movement. Once you begin decluttering, you may find yourself unburdened by heavy emotions and will begin to feel lighter, more at ease and have a greater sense of happiness and personal well-being. Clutter holds us back, like a giant weight, and creates blockages in our lives and spirits. Feel yourself feel unencumbered by lifting the burden of clutter and watch the increased flow of your life to start again. Your Decluttering Starting Points: • What’s at hand. This week, try to make a change to your habits like going shopping during lunch or letting junk mail stack up instead of throwing it out. Try to change one habit each week. Make a decision about whatever you touch to find a home for it or to relieve yourself from it. Looking at the mail? Put bills in a special location; throw out junk mail and place magazines in a holder to read later. • The bedroom. Clear out from underneath the bed, clear

out nightstand drawers and try to remove any items off the floor and clear off dressers. • The closet. Next, make your way into your closet to get rid of all stained or damaged clothes, followed by those you have never worn, followed by the ones you can’t wear, don’t like, etc. Have a giant drawer full of socks or some other clothing items? Get rid of all but the newest. Most of the time we have much more than we really need. • The kitchen. Clean out the refrigerator and pantry first, throwing away old food or small packages and doubles. Wipe down the shelves and organize items. The kitchen represents wealth and health and keeping the food organized, clean and purged frequently will help your health. Next, tackle dishes, throwing away those that are cracked or damaged. Get rid of excess plastic ware and any doubles you no longer need. Try to keep only those things you use frequently. • The office. Clean out papers, discard old files, clear out drawers. Create organization systems for your files. Get rid of old electronics you never use and consider getting a receipt scanner, like Neat Receipts, to help you keep your receipts digitally. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. She has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019



Milestone We all have them – significant times in our lives that we celebrate or remember to our dying day. I have a few milestones in my life. How many do you have? First: an observation. In the US, they spell colour without the ‘u’. What about the pronunciation of “roof.” The way they say it, it sounds like “ruff.” Seriously, we live on pretty much the same plot of land separated by an invisible border, why are we so different? Which brings me to my thought. In Canada, should we call milestones “kilometrestones,” instead? I may be on to something here… My earliest memory, or milestone, is of me trying to walk. It first started out as a dream where I struggle to stand up, but my legs would not cooperate. I remember stumbling, trying to reach a ball, and as soon as I get close, someone pulls the ball away. I believe it is because of the feeling of helplessness and frustration that this memory is

etched in my brain. Depending on whom you ask, a dream therapist could suggest that these dreams are normal and that the dream actually means that I am currently struggling with something in my life. On the flipside, articles online could tell me that the dream actually means that I’m hungry for a Fatboy burger from VJ’s Drive In on Main Street. Whom do I believe? For me, I know it isn’t a dream, because after delving deeper into my memory, I see my dad is the one pulling the ball away– and laughing. (Thanks, Dad). I eventually get the ball – that was my first milestone. Another significant moment for me was my 16th birthday. This represented a time of my life where I could finally get a taste of freedom – I got my driver’s license! My dad brought me to the McPhillips Street MPI centre. I remember nailing my parallel parking and getting only three demerits on my first attempt

at a road test. I was going for a perfect score, but seriously, I was just glad I didn’t fail. That very same day, I picked up a couple friends and took the car out for a spin. I needed gas, so I pulled into the ESSO on Jefferson. I got a bit excited and overturned the steering wheel causing my front driver’s side tire to drive over the curb beside the gas pump. Embarrassing yes, but did I care that my friends laughed at me? Nope; because they didn’t have their licenses yet. So there! I would be remiss (and in serious trouble) if I didn’t mention the day I met my wife, Elizabeth. I remember my heart skipped a beat that day. That was 18 years ago! Married a few years later and still making memories. So many, in fact, we need to keep a journal. The births of the little Burgos kids were easily my next milestone memories. Dale Jr. in 2003, Gavin in 2004 and Bella in 2006 – all Winnipeg babies, who were born at St. Boniface Hospital. My memory has been a bit jumbled up and I have forgotten which precious moments belong

POP STAR... From page 1

second floor, close to the free parking. The Club Regent gift shop is located at the north entrance, close to the Event Centre. You can also use your Club Card Player Points to

purchase tickets (in-person at Casino only). Club Card members receive a $10 Free Play. A limited number of tickets will be sold at the door on the night of the contest.

shops of either casino. The McPhillips Station Casino gift shop is located near the Skywalk entrance on the

Elizabeth & Dale Burgos to which kid, as they entered into this world. Thank goodness for video cameras! This year, Dale Jr. celebrates his 16th birthday. Will he be getting his driver’s license? Will he do better on his first attempt

of getting gas with his friends than I did almost 30 years ago? Maybe that will be one of his kilometrestones. Dale manages the communications department for a school district in B.C.



MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

Changes to the Post Graduate Work Permit Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has announced a number of changes to the Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) on February 14, 2019. The previous guidelines still apply to all applications submitted before February 14, 2019. Applicants who were refused under the previous guidelines may submit a new application (effective February 14, 2019), if they are eligible to apply. What are the major differences? International student graduates now have six months or 180 days to apply for the PGWP following their notice of graduation. This doubles the three-month or 90-day requirement under the former guidelines. The transcript issuance and official letter of graduation should be from an eligible Designated Learning

Institution (DLI) confirming that the requirements to complete the program of studies have been met. If you have any questions about the status of the DLI, you can confirm the status of the institution in the province by checking the following federal web site: https://www.canada. ca/en/immigration-refugeescitizenship/services/studycanada/study-permit/prepare/ designated-learning-institutionslist.html. Another important change is the requirement for international graduates to have a valid study permit when applying for a PGWP. IRCC now states that the study permit should have been valid “at some point” during the 180 days that the graduates have to submit their PGWP application. Study permits are generally issued for the duration of the international

student’s academic program. The relaxation of this time frame will provide applicants with adequate time to obtain the documents they require to apply without the additional stress of an expired study permit. It is important to be aware that the length of the studies has a direct impact on the duration of the PGWP. The Post Graduate Work Permit can be issued up to three years after the studies are completed, depending upon the length of the course of studies. In order to be eligible, the study period must be at least eight months long or one academic year. The longer the program of studies, the longer the PGWP is issued. However, any issuance comes with a caution that the PGWP is only issued one time without extensions. So, it is important to consider this time and the application options, to take the best advantage of this

opportunity. Another advantage of the PGWP is that international graduates do not have to have a Canadian job offer at the time of application. As an open work permit, the graduate holder of the PGWP can work in any occupation anywhere in Canada and change employers at any time. It is important for international students and graduates to be aware of their application options following the completion of their studies at a DLI and upon issuance of a PGWP. Canadian experience in occupations with a rated skill level of O, A or B, under the National Occupation Classification (NOC), can lead to an application for permanent residence through the Canada Experience Class (CEC), with Express Entry. If your NOC is O or A, then you would have to demonstrate strong English or

French language skills, such as CLB 7. If your NOC is B then the requirement would be reduced to CLB 5 for CEC, but remains at CLB 7 for the Federal Skilled Worker Program. Other potential Express Entry applicants, under the Federal Skilled Trades Program with a B skill level occupation require CLB 5 in speaking and listening and CLB 4 for reading and writing. There is also the option to apply through the provincial nominee program depending upon the province. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-6911166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.

One night of ULAM Recently, ANAK and Manila Nights hosted a screening event for the film ULAM: Main Dish at Winnipeg’s own Park Theatre. The movie by filmmaker Alexandra Cuerdo, gives us an inside look at the struggles and triumphs of Filipino-American chefs who have been carving out space for Filipino food in the mainstream food scene. Audience members were treated to the beautiful colours and sounds of the Filipino kitchen with dishes like bulalo, sinigang, Bicol Express, and tuyong dilis finally on the big screen like starlets making their Hollywood debuts. The documentary gave contributors like Nicole Ponseca of Jeepney in New York City a platform to share her story as a second-generation immigrant, as well as what finding passion for the food of her culture has meant to her. Her restaurant and its menu stands as an unapologetic testament to the love she has for her Filipino heritage. Alvin Cailan of Eggslut, Amboy, and Unit 120 opened up with his own experience telling his parents about his decision to start a career in the food industry. Cailan’s parents strongly disapproved, and he was left to pave his own path without the support of those closest to him. Despite the start of his career being undoubtedly difficult, he was eventually able to mend those familial relationships, and share his success with them. With Winnipeg having such large Filipino community, the event gave some of our local

Filipino-Canadian chefs and entrepreneurs a chance to weigh in on the movie. Winnipeg panelists: Allan Pineda of Manila Nights, Charlie Villapando of Charlee’s Restaurant & Lounge, Ejay Chua of Manila Nights, Lord Sale of Lolo’s Premium Food Co., Nikki Mallari of Sugar Blooms and Cakes, and Roddy Seradilla of Pimp My Rice / Bisita shared their wisdom on what it took for all of them to break in to the business. Although they faced challenges like “crab mentality” and having to make Filipino flavours more approachable to a North American palate, they persevered and stayed true to their original vision. The common thread in both our local panel and in the film ULAM: Main Dish is that what the Filipino Food Movement needs most is support within our own community. For us to pick up our own spotlights and shine it on the Filipinos around us who go in to work with the intention of paying homage to our culture with their craft. With every underground pop-up Filipino theme dinner, every bowl of sinigang, every link of longganisa, and every pan of special ensaymada, the people who make our food their life’s work showcase our culture on the plates of their patrons every single day. Vizlumin Cabrera is the Public Relations officer for ANAK and a fellow food enthusiast. To learn more about ANAK programs and events, or how to become a volunteer, visit www.anak.ca or email info@anak.ca.

Members of Manila Nights and ANAK

Panel discussion with local Filipino-Canadian chefs and entrepreneurs

Vizlumin Cabrera and Allan Pineda open the Winnipeg screening

Diners enjoy an eat-with-your-hands, kamayan-style feast at Jeepney in ULAM: Main Dish. Photo courtesy of Kidlat Entertainment.

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019



Workplace happiness and stress Winter is daunting and difficult for most of us. Particularly in Winnipeg, the combination of extreme drops in temperature and shorter days, no doubt, has caused a lot of folks to feel stressed and anxious for spring to arrive. We all have heard of winter blues and how cold weather can cause seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder. Increased stress levels can unfortunately be a symptom of that. The Mayo Clinic describes Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) as “a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you’re like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. Less often, SAD causes depression in the spring or early summer.” According to the Mayo Clinic, treatment for SAD may include light therapy (phototherapy), medications and psychotherapy. So, it is no surprise that we all long for bright, sunny days after the long

winter months. Regardless, no matter which season we are in, stress is a fact of life. We have all experienced stress and anxiety at one point or another. However, because we spend the majority of our time at work, the most common source of stress comes from our workplace and certainly, cold weather may contribute to that stress. New research has actually found that workplace happiness comes least to millennials. A company called Cygnet Jobs did the study in the UK and their findings revealed that 73 per cent of 25 to 35 year olds have recently taken their workplace stresses home and 62 per cent of individuals in this age bracket reported feelings of sleep deprivation due to career stress in the past. Also, 22 per cent reported weight loss as a result of stress. On the other hand, nine per cent in the age bracket of 55+ stated that they have recently taken their work-related stress home. This is indicative that workplace happiness becomes more important as a person

matures. In relation to the study, Rowan Marriott, the Head of Resourcing at Cygnet stated that people aged 25 to 55 in the UK appear to be overworked and stressed. He also stated that the long-term effects of being unhappy or stressed in the workplace can have a negative impact on someone’s mental and physical health. In Canada, the statistics is no different. One in four Canadians mention stress as the reason for leaving their job while 73 per cent of aged 20 to 64 reported some level of stress. Based on Statistics Canada’s data, 23 per cent of people aged 15 say that most days are “quite a bit” or “extremely” stressful and the figure appears to be higher among 35 to 54 age group at 30 per cent. Further research also suggests that stress is contagious. The University of Calgary published a study in the journal Nature Neuroscience regarding an examination of pairs of sibling mice – one exposed to stress and one relaxing in a cage. The experiment revealed that when the pair was reunited, the chemical stress signal transferred

to the non-stressed mouse. Despite of this observation, the experiment also found that stressed female mice were able to reverse the negative effects of stress by hanging out with nonstressed partners. This finding was exclusive to the females according to the study. Whatever the cause may be, work appears to be the leading cause of stress among our population and of course with other contributing factors such as the weather, our finances, our personal life, our environment and other demands on our time, the stress that we already experience at work can worsen. The good news is that stress can be managed. Building our defences will not only reduce stress but also improve our overall health. Some ways to reduce stress, as an example, is getting enough sleep, doing relaxation exercises, regular physical activity and engaging in hobbies such as music, reading, and dancing, to name a few. It is also important to remember that while there are ways to manage work-related stress, it is also very important to recognize symptoms that could signal

more than just stress. Seasonal affective disorder or depression, for example, may show the same symptoms as stress, however they require more attention and may require specific treatment from a health professional. This article is intended for information purposes only and not to be considered as professional advice. Sources: h t t p s : / / w w w . openaccessgovernment. org/millennials-strugglingworkplace-stress/56305/ https://www.mayoclinic.org/ diseases-conditions/seasonalaffective-disorder/symptomscauses/syc-20364651 https://globalnews.ca/ news/4138006/stress-causestoday/ Michele Majul-Ibarra, IPMA-ACP is an Advanced Certified HR Professional with the International Personnel Management Association. She graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Human Resource Management. She also holds the C.I.M. professional designation (Certified in Management).



MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

Why isn’t it spelled “Phillippino?” “Filipino? I thought it was spelled Philippino because you’re from the Philippines, right? And why do you say, Pilipino?” We’ve all heard these questions before. This uncertainty in spelling is due to the intertwined history of three languages – Spanish, English and Filipino. The country we call the Philippines today is a collection of about 7,100 islands in Southeast Asia that was once a colony of the Spanish empire. When the Spaniards arrived in the early 1500s, there was no single nation united under one name but many autonomous chiefdoms, each with it’s own name and leader. The Spaniards called various parts of the archipelago by various names – New Castile, the Spanish East Indies, St. Lazarus and others, but eventually they settled on one name for all the islands; Las Islas Filipinas. This name was given to honour their Prince Philip who eventually became King Philip II. Anglos might remember him as the king who sent his Armada to attack Queen Elizabeth’s England in 1588.

Filipinas Of course, Philip is just the English version of the Spanish name Felipe, so Filipinas was usually spelled with an F. I say usually because spelling was not yet standardized during the early part of the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines. Practically every possible variation of spelling can be found for the word Filipinas in books of the 1500s and 1600s – Filippinas, Philipinas, Philippinas and even Piliphinas. It is one of history’s cruel and ironic twists that the Filipinos and their country were named after a monarch whose name began with a sound that was completely foreign to their own tongues – the sound of F. Philippines When translated into English, Las Islas Filipinas is “the Philippine Islands,” spelled with PH to match the spelling of Philip. Sometime shortly after World War II, the “Islands” part of the name was dropped, so now we just call it the Philippines. Filipino The Spanish word for a person from Las Islas Filipinas

was naturally Filipino, with an F. Originally this referred to a Spaniard born in the Philippines, not to an indigenous inhabitant of the islands. The people we know as Filipinos today, the Spaniards once called Indios, which is the same misnomer that my ancestors gave to the original inhabitants of North America – Indians. English never had a suitable equivalent for Filipino – a “Philippine,” “Philippian” or “Philippinian” probably just didn’t sound right, so English adopted the Spanish word Filipino, keeping the F and the “ino.” Pilipino After the Spanish-American war at the end of the 1800s, the Americans held the Philippines for almost 50 years. During that time Filipinos developed a national language of their own. This language was called Pilipino. It was based mainly on Tagalog, which is the language of the region around the capitol, Manila. (Some traditions say that the name Tagalog is from taga-ilog, which refers to people “from the river area.”) Pilipino was spelled with a P because the sound of F was foreign to Tagalog and to most of the other 170 languages and dialects of the islands. Also, since the ancient Filipino script called baybayin didn’t have an F, it was not included in the official Pilipino alphabet, known as the abakada. So, the national language became, Pilipino, the people called themselves Pilipino and Pilipina, and they called their country Pilipinas. Of course, foreigners continued to use their own words for the country. Back to Filipino As time went on, the authorities in charge of developing the national language had to accept the fact that foreign words and sounds were already a part of everyday Pilipino speech. They overhauled the official alphabet in the 1970s and again in the 1980s, so it now includes foreign letters such as F. Today the language is officially called Filipino and the country is Filipinas, though Philippines is still the name used when speaking English. The official Filipino language recognizes

both Filipino and Pilipino, and the feminine Filipina and Pilipina, as acceptable terms for the citizens of the Philippines. Pinoy The slang terms Pinoy (for men) and Pinay (for women) also arose during the 20th century. They were first used by Filipinos in the United States in the 1920s, and then later adopted in the Philippines. These words are similar to “Canuck,” for Canadians or “Yankee” for Americans, except that they don’t have the derogatory sense that outsiders sometimes apply to Canuck or Yankee. The Filipino language Another question I’m asked from time to time is, “What do Filipinos speak? It’s like Spanish, right? What’s it called? Tag-A-Log? Some people who are not familiar with Filipino culture have different ideas about what Filipinos speak. Some think it is a kind of pidgin or Creole based on Spanish while others assume it is like Chinese or Vietnamese. However, Tagalog and the other major languages of the Philippines are, in fact, languages in their own right. And even though Filipinos sometimes talk about their own particular “dialects,” like Cebuano or Ilokano, these are actually distinct languages. These languages are related to each other and they each have their own variations or dialects. The languages of the Philippines share a common ancestry with the languages of Malaysia and Indonesia. Many basic Malaysian words, like the numbers and the parts of the body, are so similar to Philippine languages that a Tagalog person might even mistake the sound of Malaysian or Indonesian as one of the languages from somewhere in the southern Philippines. All these languages are part of the Austronesian family of languages, also known as Malayo-Polynesian, which reaches from Madagascar, just east of Africa, through the islands of Southeast Asia, all the way to Guam, Hawaii and even to Easter Island (Rapa Nui), just west of South America. Filipino and the regional languages of the Philippines have a rich vocabulary with borrowings from many sources, thanks to a long history of trade

contact with many neighbouring countries. The Chinese brought many words related to food, cooking, business and even family related terms like kuya and ate for eldest brother and eldest sister. Hindus and Muslims from Malaysia and Indonesia brought words with roots going back to the ancient Sanskrit language of India – words related to the arts and religion, like katha, likha, and diwata (literary work, creation and goddess). The Spaniards brought words related to Christianity, government and technology up to the 19th century. And due to their long occupation, Spanish words even displaced some basic native words like bisig for arm, which is more commonly called by the Spanish-derived term braso. The word boses, from the Spanish voz, for “voice” is used more often than the Tagalog word tinig. English now supplies the majority of words related to modern technology and pop culture. With this mixture of accepted borrowings, various regional languages and the common use of Taglish (Tagalog/English slang), it’s no wonder that some non-Filipinos might not know how to describe what they hear when Filipinos are talking. To sum it all up: • Philippines is the English name for the country, while – • Filipinas is both the Spanish and Filipino name for the Philippines. • The people are called Filipinos in English, Spanish and Filipino, • but many Filipinos still prefer to call themselves Pilipino and their country Pilipinas. • The national language is based on Tagalog but it has many words borrowed from languages near and far. For a time it was called Pilipino but now its official name in all three languages is Filipino. Oh, and Philipino, Philippino and Phillippino? Well, those are just wrong. E-mail the author at feedback@pilipino-express. com or visit www.paulmorrow. ca for more articles about Filipino language and history. Also find Paul Morrow on Facebook.

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019




Sobrang saya ng hatid sa amin ng pagkakaroon ng isang show sa social media. Sa isang tulad namin na mas piniling walang anumang social media account, ang pagkapanganak ng Take It… Per Minute ay isang bagong atake, grabe pala ang naaabot ng ganoong palabas. Ang mga kaibigan naming matagal nang naninirahan sa Canada, Amerika, Saudi Arabia, Australia at United Kingdom ay tumutok sa unang sultada ng show namin ni Manay Lolit Solis sa PSN Facebook Page. Isang oras na chikahan iyon na walang break, tuluy-tuloy lang ang kuwentuhan, kaya sabi ni Salve Asis na patnugot namin kay Manay Lolit, “Nay, dyuminggel ka na! Walang break ito!” Maraming-maraming salamat kay Boss Miguel Belmonte na may pabulaklak pa sa amin ni Manay Lolit, maraming salamat sa PSN staff at kay Salve Asis na tunay namang nagpakahirap para sa ikagaganda ng show, maraming salamat sa mga regular naming tagapakinig-tagapanood sa Cristy Ferminute sa Cignal Channel 6 na tumutok mula sa umpisa hanggang sa dulo ng Take It… Per Minute. At maraming salamat sa aming assistant na si Japs Gersin na nagdisenyo sa aming set, kay Ahwel Paz na may pa-lunch sa buong grupo, at sa mag-asawang Senador Bam Aquino at Timi na humanap ng panahon para makasama namin sa programa. Sa darating na Martes, alas dose nang tanghali, ay tinatrabaho namin ang pagge-guest ng isang napakakontrobersiyal na female personality para makasama namin ni Manay Lolit. Ang tanong, kakasya ba ang isang oras lang ng Take It… Per Minute kapag pumayag siyang maging panauhin namin, si Salve Asis na at ang PSN staff ang bahalang magdagdag ng oras kapag kinailangan. Mula po sa amin ni Manay Lolit Solis, mula sa pamunuan ng PSN, maraming-maraming salamat sa napakainit na pagtanggap sa unang sultada ng Take It… Per Minute! Hanggang sa susunod na Martes, alas dose nang tanghali sa Pilipino Star Ngayon Facebook Page, kitakits! *** Bahala na ang kampo nina Matteo Guidicelli at Sarah Geronimo kung paano nila tatanggapin at ipagkakaila ang sariwang-sariwang balitang nakarating sa amin. Una, ayon sa aming source ay secretly married na sina Matteo at Sarah. Ikalawa, noong nakaraang Huwebes ay magkasama silang


nag-scout ng condo unit at nakakita na sila. 50M ang halaga ng unit pero nakikipagnegosasyon pa rin sila para mabawasan ang presyo. Ang napili nila ay isang unit sa Amorsolo Condo Building sa harapan ng Edades Condo sa Rockwell area. Ayon sa aming source ay malaki ang posibilidad na idenay ng magkarelasyon ang kuwentong ito dahil baka walang alam ang pamilya ng singer-actress pero naninindigan ang aming kausap na hindi multo ang nakita ng mga nakatira na sa Amorsolo Condo Building. Isa pa ay nasa tamang edad na sina Matteo at Sarah para bumuo ng sarili nilang mundo. Balitang nagpaalam na ang aktor sa pamilya ng singer-actress pero hindi pumayag ang pamilya ni Sarah sa plano na sana nilang lumagay sa tahimik. Sundot pa ng aming source, “Kapag nagdenay sila tungkol sa pag-scout ng condo unit, mag-imbestiga na lang kayo sa building.” *** Ilang linggo nang malungkot ang mundo ng industriya ng pelikulang Pilipino dahil sa sunud-sunod na hindi pagtatagumpay sa takilya ng mga pelikulang ipinalalabas. Ang ibang pelikula ay binabawasan na agad ng mga sinehan sa ikatlong araw pa lang, wala nang panahon para man lang makabawi sa puhunan, subsob ang mga proyektong ipinalalabas nitong mga nakararaang linggo. Pero parang sinaksakan ngayon ng suwero ang industriya, milyones ang kinita sa unang araw pa lang ng pelikulang pinagtambalan ng LizQuen, ang Alone/Together at patuloy pa ring sinusuportahan ngayon ng ating mga kababayan. Minsan pa ay lumutang ang kasabihan na walang masamang panahon para sa isang magandang pelikula. Hindi problema ang mahigpit na traffic kung gusto nating mapanood ang isang proyektong maayos na sinulat at ginawa ang kabuuan ng kuwento. Isang magandang senyal din ang pagkita ng Alone/Together na may fan base nga ang tambalan nina Liza Soberano at Enrique Gil. Puwede silang sugalan, puwede na silang pakawalan, pakikinabangan talaga sila ng produksiyon. At huwag menosin ang kakayahan ng sumulat at nagdirek ng pelikula, magaling talaga si Antonette Jadaone, tahimik lang pero rock na rock ang dating ng kaniyang mga obra. Sabi ng isang kaibigan ay See CRISTY p14

• • • • • • • • • • • •

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

Take It… Per Minute! – Tuwing Martes, 12 noon sa Pilipino Star Ngayon FB page Matteo Guidicelli at Sarah Geronimo – Nagpakasal na ba? LizQuen – Sinuportahan ng fans ang Alone/Together Coco Martin – Ang FPJ ng kasalukuyang panahon Kris Aquino – Ibinasura ng piskalya ang mga kaso laban kay Falcis Sam Milby – Napaka-guapo! Mas maganda pa siya kay Yen! John Lloyd Cruz – Mukhang babalik na sa trabaho Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo – Totoo bang nagkabalikan na? Regine Velasquez – Ipinagtanggol si Morisette Amon Angel Locsin – Nag-walk out sa sa taping ng The General’s Daughter Mar Roxas at Korina Sanchez – May kambal na anak, sina Pepe at Pilar Catriona Gray – Trabaho muna ang priority bago si Clint Bondad

Lolit Solis, Pilipino Express’ Rey-Ar Reyes, Nay Cristy & Salve Asis sa Take it...per minute!

Sarah Geronimo at Matteo Guidicelli – Naghahanap na ng condo

Enrique Gil at Liza Soberano – Malakas sa takilya ang Alone/Together

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019





MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

Coco Martin – Napakalaki ng tulong para sa mga kapuwa artista at kasama sa industriya

CRISTY... From page 12 nakatulong daw ang pag-amin ng LizQuen tungkol sa dalawang taon na nilang relasyon. Naging kapani-paniwala raw ang kanilang mga lambingan sa pelikula. Hindi kami sang-ayon doon dahil maraming loveteam na

Peace of Mind.

Pre-Arrangement relieves your family of last-minute planning and lets you choose how you’ll be remembered. Pre-arrange with Mosaic and we’ll provide peace of mind to those involved during this emotional time.

matagal nang lantad tungkol sa kanilang mga relasyon pero hindi naman kumita ang mga pelikula. Word of mouth ang mas kapani-paniwalang pambenta ng isang produkto. Kapag nagpasapasa na sa iba-ibang bibig ang kaayusan ng isang pelikula ay nagkakaroon ng interes ang publiko na panoorin din iyon. Pinutol ng LizQuen ang

tanikala ng sinasabing kamalasan sa mundo ng industriya ng pelikulang Pilipino. Sana’y masundan pa ang kanilang pelikula ng mas maraming proyektong mamimiruya rin ng pera sa takilya. *** Sa pagsasalba ni Coco Martin sa matinding problemang See CRISTY p15


Feel at Home. I M M E D I AT E N E E D? C A L L ( 2 0 4 ) 2 7 5 - 5 5 5 5 , W E ’ R E AVA I L A B L E 2 4 / 7 18 3 9 I N K S T E R B O U L E VA R D M O S A I C F U N E R A L S .C A I N F O @ M O S A I C F U N E R A L S .C A

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

CRISTY... From page 14 dinadala ng mga naiwan ng sumakabilang-buhay na aktor na si Kristoffer King ay sumariwa sa aming alaala ang namayapang Hari Ng Aksiyon na si Fernando Poe, Jr. noong kaniyang kapanahunan. Pampalibing. Pampaospital. Pambili ng gamot. Pambayad ng ilaw at renta sa bahay. Pampaaral ng mga anak. Lahat na yata ng problema ng kaniyang mga kasamahang artista ay inilalapit noon kay Da King. Walang nabibigo, lahat ay umuuwing may maluwag na kalooban, dahil hindi tumatanggi ang FPJ ng ating bayan sa kahit sinong humihingi ng tulong sa kaniya. Ganyang-ganyan din ang imaheng mayroon ngayon ang bumibida sa Ang Probinsiyano na si Coco Martin. Siya ang takbuhan ng mga nangangailangang personalidad, siya ang hinihingan ng ayuda ng maliliit na manggagawa ng telebisyon at pelikula, binubuhay ni Coco Martin si FPJ sa maraming paraan at dahilan. Bukas ang kaniyang palad sa pagtulong, pati nga nag takbo ng kuwento ng pinagbibidahan niyang serye ay ipinasusulat niya para maipasok lang sa daloy ng istorya ang lumalapit na personalidad sa kaniya para magkatrabaho, si Coco Martin na talaga ang FPJ ng kasalukuyang panahon. Napakalaki ng tulong na ibinigay niya sa pamilya ng namayapang si Kristoffer King na nakasama niya sa mga pelikulang indie. Pambayad sa ospital, pampalibing, tulong para sa mga anak ng namayapa at iba pang mga aspetong kakailanganin ng naiwang pamilya. Lahat ng iyon ay ibinigay ni Coco, ganoon siyang magpahalaga sa kaniyang mga kasamahan, marunong siyang magbahagi ng kaniyang mga biyaya dahil sobra-sobrang suwerte rin naman ang hawak niya ngayon. Iyon si Coco Martin. Hindi lang siya magaling sa bakbakan, hindi lang siya guwapo, mas makisig ang kaniyang puso na hindi nakikita ng mas nakararami. Sa ngalan ng pamilya ni Kristoffer King, maramingmaraming salamat, Coco Martin. Mabuhay ka! *** Dalawang asunto nang ihinain ni Kris Aquino laban kay Nicko Falcis ang ibinabasura ng piskalya. Nauna lang nang ilang araw ang resolusyon ng Makati Prosecutors Office sa pagbabasura ng kasong qualified theft pero agaran ding lumabas ang desisyon ng piskalya ng Pasig City. May balita pang lumulutang ngayon na malapit na ring lumabas ang resolusyon ng Taguig at Manila, dismissed din diumano ang kasong isinampa ni Kris laban kay Nicko Falcis, kaya maraming nag-oopinyon na humihina ang mga kasong ihinain ng aktres-TV host laban sa dati niyang kasama sa KCA


Productions. Nakaaalarma ang ganitong senaryo para kay Kris. Kung nababasura ang mga kasong isinampa niya ay puwedeng isipin na mahina ang kaniyang kaso laban kay Nicko. Puwede ring isipin na wala na kasi sa posisyon ang pamilya ni Kris, ang kapangyarihang hawak nila noon ay wala na, kaya nangyayari ang ganito. Kailangan nang magmunimuni ni Kris, bigyan niya dapat ng panahon ang pagbabalanse sa kaniyang buhay, sunud-sunod kasing paghamon at kabiguan ang kaniyang nakakaengkuwentro Ang unang malakas na bigwas sa kaniya ay nang pagsaraduhan siya ng pintuan ng ABS-CBN mahigit na dalawang taon na ang nakararaan. Ikalawa ay ang pagkakaroon niya ng problema sa kaniyang kalusugan. Napakatinding problema para kay Kris ang pagkakaroon ng sakit na matagal na panahon bago natuklasan kung saan nag-uugat. Mabuti na lang at sobra-sobra ang kaniyang kayamanan na kayang tumustos sa lahat ng kaniyang mga pangangailangang medikal. Tapos ay heto ang mga kasong isinampa niya laban sa isang taong binigyan niya ng pagtitiwala. Nakatagpo siya ng katapat kay Nicko Falcis, palaban din itong katulad niya, hindi magpapagapi nang basta-basta. Tatluhan daw ang pag-atake sa atin ng suwerte at ng mga hindi kagandahang pangyayari. Sana nga ay ito na ang huli para kay Kris Aquino, wala na sanang sumunod pa, para magkaroon na siya ng katiwasayan ng isip at kalooban. *** Mukhang nakarating kay Sam Milby ang madalas mapansin ng mga manonood sa acting na ipinakikita niya sa seryeng Halik. Kumikiwal-kiwal kasi ang kaniyang bibig, palaging napapakagat ng kaniyang labi, hindi nga naman maganda iyon. Sa mga huling episodes ng serye ay mukhang alam na ni Sam ang kaniyang gagawin, iniiwasan na niya ang pagalawgalaw ng labi, mas maganda na siyang panoorin. Dapat lang namang malaman iyon ni Sam para kapag magkaeksena sila ng bumibidang si Jericho Rosales ay nakakasabay siya, hindi siya napag-iiwanan, dahil para lang kumakain ng kornik si Echo kahit sa madadramang tagpo. Sobrang pinasama na ang karakter ni Sam sa Halik, kasumpa-sumpa na ang mga pinaggagawa niya kay Yen Santos pati kay Yam Concepcion, pero may komento ang kaibigan naming propesor sa ginagampanang papel ng guwapong singer-actor. Sabi ni prop, “Napakaganda ng mga mata ni Sam Milby, kung ganoon naman ang mangangawawa sa iyo, e, okey na rin! Honestly, napakaguwapo niya, ibang-iba ang charisma niya. “Sa mga eksena nga nila ni Yen, e, mas maganda pa siya!” komento ng sutil naming kaibigang propesor.


Kris Aquino, kasama si Bimby, sa kanilang pagpunta sa korte *** Tumawag ang isang source namin mula sa ABS-CBN. Nandoon daw si John Lloyd Cruz nitong February 26. May kakausapin daw na ehekutibo ng network ang kinasasabikang bumalik nang aktor ng ating mga kababayan. “Ibang-iba na ang itsura niya! Tumaba siya, saka parang hindi clean-looking, may balbas at bigote kasi siya. Ang layu-layo sa John Lloyd na nakikita ko dati!” excited na kuwento ng aming source. Pero mukhang masaya raw ang magaling na aktor, kitangkita iyon sa bukas ng kaniyang mukha, parang natagpuan na nga ni JLC ang kaligayahang hinahanap niya. Pero naniniwala kaming hindi basta pagdalaw lang sa network ang ipinunta niya doon, may kailangan siyang kausapin para sa kaniyang pagbabalik, ganoon din ang paniwala ng lahat ng mga nakakita sa kaniya sa bakuran ng ABS-CBN. Napakagandang senyal noon kung magbabalik na nga sa pagtatrabaho si Lloydie. Napakarami nang nakaabang sa pag-arte niya uli sa telebisyon man iyon o sa pelikula. Palaging may espasyo ang showbiz para sa mga personalidad na nagmarka na. Hindi matatawaran ang galing sa pagganap ni Lloydie at pruweba ng tagumpay niya ang kaban ng yaman ng Star Cinema na malaking halaga ang galing sa kaniyang mga obra. Puwede niya namang pagsabayin ang peronal niyang kaligayahan ngayon sa pagtatrabaho, mas maganda nga kaniyang estado ngayon, mayroon siyang inspirasyong anak na pag-uukulan ng kaniyang pagpapagod at pagpupuyat. “Nagtagal din siya sa pakikipag-usap sa mga executives. Sana nga, magbalik See CRISTY p16

Sam Milby – Nag-improve na ang acting sa Halik

John Lloyd Cruz – Handa na bang bumalik sa showbiz?


CRISTY... From page 15 na siya sa pagtatrabaho, ang dami-dami nang nakaka-miss sa kaniya!” sabi ng kaibigan namin sa Dos. *** Ayon kay Ogie Narvaez Rodriguez, anak-anakan naming malapit sa KathNiel, ay masasaya raw ang mga tagasuprota ng loveteam dahil hindi totoong nagkakaroon sila ng problema. Sana nga ay totoo iyon, sana nga ay walang pinagdadaanan ngayon sina Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo, dahil tunay na nakapanghihinayang ang mahabang panahong pinagsamahan nila at parehong iningatan. Pero wala kasing lalabas na mga kuwento kung walang pinagugatan. Kahit anong pagtatakip pa ang kanilang gawin ay makakahalata pa rin ang marami sa mga kakaibang nagaganap ngayon sa kanilang relasyon. Nabigyan tuloy ng kakaibang pakahulugan ang sinabi ni Daniel sa isang interview na masarap lang sa mga unang panahon ang relasyon dahil masaya, pero kapag nagtagal na ay palagi nang nagkakaroon ng mga away, ng hindi pagkakaintindihan. Ano raw ang ibig sabihin noon? Na hindi na masaya si Daniel sa relasyon nila ni Kathryn ngayon? Na parang nagsasawa na ang binata sa kaniyang girlfriend? Lahat ng kanilang mga pahayag ay puwedeng bigyan ng kakaibang interpretasyon, kahit wala namang negatibong ibig sabihin, kaya kailangan nilang mag-ingat sa mga binibitiwan nilang mga salita. Natural lang naman sa mga nagmamahalan ang pagkakaroon ng problema paminsan-minsan, sabi nga ay kumbinasyon ng tamis at asim ang mas nagpapatibay sa isang relasyon, pero kung mayroon nga sa pagitan nina DJ at Kath ngayon ay mas maaga sana nilang matagpian ang kung anumang hindi pagkakaintindihang pinagdadaanan nila. Hindi biro-biro ang pitong taon. Sayang. Nakapanghihinayang. *** Kahangahanga ang naging aksiyon ng Asia’s Songbird nang i-bash ng kaniyang mga tagasuporta si Morisette Amon dahil sa pagkakatiwala niya ng kaniyang piyesa sa magaling na female singer. Walang kiyaw-kiyaw, talagang sinagot nang diretso ni Regine Velasquez ang kaniyang mga fans na kung anu-anong masasakit na salita ang ibinato laban kay Morisette. Tama lang ang kaniyang ginawa, paminsan-minsan ay kailangang nakakatikim ng latigong mga salita ang mga taong walang kunsiderasyon sa kanilang kapuwa, walang masama sa ginawa ng magaling na singer. Ipinahiya nga naman siya ng mga ito, siya ang nagdesisyong ipa-record ang kanta kay Morisette, tapos ay hahadlangan siya ng mga taong walang


magawa sa buhay? Malinaw na pagkapahiya iyon dahil sa halip na pahalagahan ng kaniyang mga tagasuporta ang puso niyang walang karamutan ay sinaktan pa ng mga ito si Morisette Amon. Kapala-palakpak ang kaniyang sinabi na “Bakit, pag-aari n’yo ba ako?” at ang kumakagat niyang buweltang “Bakit mas marunong pa kayo sa akin?” Ganoon kung magbigay ng proteksiyon si Regine Velasquez sa kaniyang mga kapuwa singers. Hindi siya papayag na basta na lang apihin ang isang taong wala namang kasalanan. Ganoon ang makikipagkaibigan. Hindi nangiiwan sa gitna ng laban. *** Nilinaw ng isang source sa amin ang totoong bersiyon daw kung bakit nag-walkout si Angel Locsin sa taping ng The General’s Daughter noong nakaraang Biyernes. Ang wardrobe department pala ang nagpa-init ng ulo ni Angel. Palagi na lang daw kasing nangyayari na hindi nagkakasya ang mga ipinasusuot sa kaniya sa taping. “Maagang bumiyahe si Angel papuntang Tagaytay, napakalayo ng place, ang traffic-traffic pa! May kukunang eksena na magdi-disguise siya, kasi nga, undercover agent siya sa istorya, di ba? “Palpak ang wardrobe, hindi kasya sa kaniya. Puwedeng lagyan ng mga perdible, pero sino ba namang artista ang makaaarte nang kumportable kapag ganoon?” kuwento ng aming kausap. Iyon ang palaging iniiwasang problema ni Susan Roces, si Manang Inday, namumuhunan ang Reyna Ng Pelikulang Pilipino sa mga isinusuot nito. Sabi ng aming source, “Kailangan naman talagang namumuhunan ang mga artista sa linya ng trabaho nila. Ganoon ang ginagawa ni Manang Inday para maiwasan ang problema sa wardrobe. “Bumibili siya ng mga damit niya, nagpapatahi siya, para fit na fit sa kaniya. Kahit si Maricel Soriano, namumuhunan din. Hindi siya umaasa sa wardrobe lang ng production. “May namimili para sa kaniya, gumagastos siya, kasi nga, hindi talaga maiiwasan ang ganoong problema sa shooting at taping,” impormasyon pa ng aming source. Iyon daw ang talagang naging problema kaya umalis si Angel Locsin sa taping. Ang hirap-hirap na nga ng role na ginagampanan niya pero nagkakaroon pa ng problema sa kaniyang mga isinusuot. *** Nakahabol pa rin sa huling biyahe sina dating Senador Mar Roxas at Korina Sanchez. Sa kanilang edad ngayon ay mahirap na silang magkaanak sa normal na proseso pero ano ang ginagawa ng kanilang salapi? May milagro kahit saan, maging sa pagkakaroon ng anak na hatid ng siyensiya, kaya

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo – Totoo bang nagkabalikan na?

Morisette Amon at Regine Velasquez

Nag-walk out si Angel Locsin sa taping ng The General’s Daughter - Bakit? kasama na nila ngayon ang kanilang kambal na sina Pepe at Pilar. Butas ang bulsa ng mga magulang na dumadaan sa proseso ng surrogacy, ang

pinagsama nilang itlog kapag nabuo ay iniineksiyon sa isang babae, ito ang magpapalaki sa punla sa loob ng kaniyang tiyan. Matagumpay ang lahat, siyam na buwang naghintay sina

Kuyang Mar at Ate Koring, hanggang sa iluwal na ng surrogate mother ang kanilang kambal. Sila ang magkatuwang na nagSee CRISTY p17

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019


Ang kambal: si Pepe at Pilar

CRISTY... From page 16

aalaga ngayon sa kanilang anak sa ospital kung saan nanganak ang babae. Hindi pa nila maiuuwi ang kambal, dahil may mga dokumentong kailangan nilang kumpletohin pero mauuna na sa pagbabalik sa bansa ang tatay dahil sa kampanyang inaasikaso nito sa kaniyang pagbabalik sa Senado. Regalo ng langit ang turing ni Ate Koring kina Pepe at Pilar. Tunay namang milagro talaga ang naganap dahil sino nga ba ang mag-aakalang magkakaanak pa sila, at kambal pa, sa kanilang edad ngayon? Maraming kababayan natin ang masayang-masaya sa pagdating ng kambal sa buhay ng mag-asawa. Mahal ang proseso, milyunan ang ginastos nila, pero natupad naman ang kanilang pangarap na magkaroon ng mga anak na mula pa rin sa kanilang punla. Sina Pepe at Pilar ang magsisilbing gabay nina Kuyang Mar at Ate Koring sa kanilang pagtanda. Mas masarap maging

gabay ang mga kamay ng anak kesa sa tungkod na walang buhay. *** Malakas ang kutob naming magkakaibigan na mayroon nang pormal na usapan sina Clint Bondad at Miss Universe Catriona Gray tungkol sa magiging estado ng kanilang relasyon. Hindi ganoon kadaling kalimutan ang anim na taong relasyon. Bumubukadkad pa lang kumbaga sa bulaklak si Catriona ay sila na ang nagmamahalan. Nang dahil lang sa isang korona ay nanaisin ba nilang basta na lang mabalewala ang pagmamahalang pareho nilang iningatan at ipinaglaban? Sabi ng isang kaibigan namin, na sinasang-ayunan ng buong grupo, “Madalas nang nangyayari ang ganyan. Kapag nanalo sa malakihang beauty pageant ang babae, kailangan niyang i-set aside ang personal life niya. “Iyon kasi ang kailangan at nararapat, magiging malaking abala kasi sa mga responsibilidad niya ang pagkakaroon ng boyfriend. Saka parang ang feeling kasi ng buong bansa, e,


Korina Sanchez at Mar Roxas – Hindi pa huli ang lahat, masaya sa pagdating ng kambal na anak pag-aari nila si Catriona bilang kinatawan nating nagtagumpay,” komento ng aming kaibigan. Maraming naaawa ngayon kay Clint Bondad, parang tissue paper lang daw ito na pagkatapos gamitin ay basta itinapon na lang sa basurahan, ganoon ang pakikisimpatya ng mga kababayan natin sa guwapong modelo. Pero ayon kay Catriona, bago pa man siya pumagitna sa laban ay mayroon na silang mga problema ni Clint, ayaw nilang palakihin ang sitwasyon kaya nagkasundo na lang silang maghiwalay. Lahat ay puwede nilang sabihin ngayon pero mas maraming naniniwala na kapag natapos na ni Catriona Gray ang kaniyang mga sinumpaang tungkulin bilang Miss Universe ay balik pa rin siya sa mga bisig ni Clint Bondad. Hindi biro ang anim na taon. Si Clint ang nagmulat sa ating Miss Universe sa mundo ng pagibig. Hindi madaling kalimutan ang kanilang pinasamahan at mga pinagsaluhang paghamon na pareho nilang nalampasan. –CSF

Nag-break na si Miss Universe at boyfriend Clint Bondad

Yasmien Kurdi stars in Hiram na Anak They say a mother’s love is unconditional. But how can you love a child whom you have treated as your own, after finding out that her true parents ruined your dreams of raising your real daughter? Watch it on GMA Pinoy TV. This captivating tale of a mother’s love for a daughter she raised as her own in Hiram Na Anak, top bills highly-talented artists Yasmien Kurdi and Dion Ignacio, together with Paolo Contis and Lauren Young. Joining them are equally versatile artists Paolo Contis as Benjo, a street-smart and arrogant former seafarer; and Lauren Young as Dessa, a strong-willed woman who never got over her anger towards her parents. Playing a very special role in the series is Empress Schuck as Wena. Talented actors and actresses in the series are: Rita See YASMIEN p19

Yasmien Kurdi and Dion Ignacio with Leanne Bautista (centre) – the family in Hiram na Anak

Yasmien Kurdi



MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

Agape Table in remembrance of Him Mainit na pagtanggap ang isinalubong sa amin ni Pastor Ruel Camia at ng kaniyang kabiyak na si Ate Dang ng bisitahin (sugurin) namin siya sa kanilang maaliwalas na tahanan. Ang init ng kanilang hospitality ay nakapagpapawi ng nginig namin dulot ng lamig ng weather sa kasagsagan ng winter sa buwan ng Pebrero. Nag-confirm si Pastor sa aming request na kung puwede ay makipagkita sa kaniya. Ang nakakatuwa at nakaka-bilib ay ni hindi man lamang tinanong ni Pastor kung ano ang pakay namin sa aming pagdalaw. Nangyari ang confirmation sa pamamagitan ng Facebook messenger. Madali siyang kausap. Confirmed agad. Walang tanung-tanong. Ang pakay namin ay tubig. Ngunit higit pa sa tubig nauwi ang aming masaya at nakaka-inspire na kuwentuhan. Sabi ko nga sa aming kuwentuhan, parang may Divine intervention na nangyari sa aming pagkikita. Sa dami ng ating mga ginagawa sa buhay ay madalas nating makalimutan ang ating spiritual na pangangailangan. Guilty ako dito. Sapol ako sa mga ibinahagi sa amin ni Pastor lalung-lalo na nang ipinaliwanag niya sa amin ang definition ng panalangin at ang isinisimbulo ng piging, pagsasalu-salo sa pagkain at ng communion.

Hindi ako theologian kaya’t pasensya na kayo kung hindi maayos ang aking pagkakakuwento sa mga ibinihagi sa amin ni Pastor. Ang paggunita natin sa kadakilaan ng pag-ibig ng Diyos ay nangyayari sa tuwing tayo ay nagsasalu-salo. Ganoon kasagrado ang bawa’t breakfast, lunch or dinner na ating ginagawa. Kaya nga itinuring itong communion dahil ito ang kaisahan natin sa Kaniya. Dito ko lalong napagtibay ang omnipresence ng Diyos. Kaya nga, sa tuwing tayo’y nagsasalusalo ay isipin sana natin ang kaisahan ng ating diwa at puso sa pagpupuri sa Diyos. We partake each meal in remembrance of Him! Sorry kung masyado akong naging spiritual sa article ko ngayon at salamat sa kalayaan nating lahat na magpahayag ng ating pananampalataya. Kinabukasan ay nakaschedule kaming i-feature ang Agape Table sa aming food blog. Sinorpresa na naman ako ng pagkakataon! Habang approaching ako sa building ng Agape Table sa West End area ng Winnipeg ay nakita ko ang mga taong nagkukumpulan sa harap ng entrance. Ang buong akala ko ay pumipila sila upang kumuha ng pagkain ngunit higit

pa pala dito ang kanilang dakilang ginagawa. Ako at ang dalawa kong kasama sa food blog na sina Ana at Aldous ay pumasok sa loob ng basement ng building kung saan nandoon ang Agape Table. Laking gulat ko na punung-puno pala ng tao ang kanilang hapag. Mga taong gutom sa pagkain, gutom sa pagibig, gutom sa pagkalinga, gutom ang spiritual na katawan. Tinungo muna namin ang opisina ng Agape Table upang kapanayamin sila tungkol sa kanilang mission sa community ng Winnipeg. Habang ipinapaliwanag ni Jen, isang volunteer ng Agape Table ang kanilang ginagawa ay bumalik sa isip ko ang ibinahagi sa amin ni Pastor Ruel tungkol sa simbolo ng piging at ng simple nating pagsasalu-salo sa pagkain. We do this in Remembrance of Him. Hindi ko napigilang umiyak habang ibinabahagi ko sa mga volunteers ng Agape Table ang mensahe ng Diyos tungkol pagasasalu-salo. Nakakamangha ang unconditional love na ibinabahagi ng Agape Table sa napakaraming gutom na tao. Ramdam na ramdam ko ang presensya ng Diyos na nakikiisa sa simpleng piging ng mga taong ito na kitang-kita ang kasalatan at kahirapan ng buhay. Totoo po ang poverty at

homelessness sa Winnipeg. Ang nasaksihan kong pagpapakain ng Agape Table sa napakaraming taong nagugutom ay sumasalamin sa malaking porsyento ng mga tao sa Canada at sa buong mundo na salat sa pagkain. Agape means unconditional love. Ganito ang pagmamahal sa atin ng Diyos. Gaano man tayo kasama, kinalimutan man natin Siya at madalas ipagwalang bahala ay hindi nagbabago ang pagmamahal Niya sa atin. Natural sa mga tao ang maghintay ng kapalit sa maraming kanilang mga ginagawa sa kanilang kapuwa. Laging mayroong hinihintay na kapalit. Laging nag-aantay ng return of investment at tubo. Laging may inaantay na pabor. Nakakalungkot dahil ang mundo ay punung-puno na ng pekeng pag-ibig. Lagi na lamang may karampatang reward o incentive o bayad ang ating mga ginagawa. Halos lahat tayo siguro ay guilty sa ganitong pag-uugali. Again, ayokong mag ala Pari or Pastor sa artikulong ito. Ang gusto ko lang ibahagi sa inyo ay sana naman ay bigyan natin ng pagkakataon na dumaloy sa atin ang unconditional love sa anumang ating ginagawa. Ang sarap sabihing ginagawa natin ang isang bagay dahil “we love doing it” at wala tayong hinihintay na recognition o bayad.

Ang Agape Table ay simbolo ng unconditional love sa atin ng Diyos. At sa bawa’t pagsasalusalo natin ng pagkain, simple man ito o engrandeng piging ay nagpapa-alala ng kadakilaan ng pag-ibig ng Diyos. Let us spread His unconditional love and let us always remember Him.

Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng BataBatuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP). Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng mayakda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga tagalathala ng Pilipino Express.

FILKAM Golf Group donates Php200,000 to PGH

Winnipeg’s golf enthusiasts attended the 4th Annual FILKAM Golf Tournament at the Philippine Navy Golf Course in Pasay City, Philippines last January 30, 2019. General Pete Bulaong sponsored it.

The tournament winners were General Pete Bulaong who declined receiving the Championship Trophy and awarded the trophy instead to the 2nd Runner up Bob Luna. This, in

turn, made Thorn Asperin the 2nd Place Winner. Rey Lozano won 12 holes skins in their grouping. The golfers’ day was filled with activities as they also battled the hectic traffic jam of Manila. After

the FILKAM Tournament, the group headed to the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) to sign an agreement between FILKAM Golf Group and PGH’s Sagip Buhay Foundation. The FILKAM

Golf Group’s charity work in the Philippines generated a donation of Php P200,000 given to PGH to help cancer patients.This is their annual charity project. Reported by Felino De Jesus from Manila

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019



Death of a president Magsaysay was a name I vaguely connected with a prestigious award, an endangered hospital-school, a marble building on Roxas Boulevard, a shipping company, and a couple of Manila streets. In school I was told that Magsaysay was a well-loved Philippine president, but since I was a Martial Law baby growing up in the shadow of the late unlamented Ferdinand Marcos, I could not imagine a lovable president until Cory Aquino came along in 1986. In the early days of EDSA, I remember radio and TV playing a catchy tune whose refrain was Mambo Mambo Magsaysay. Although dated, it brought back nostalgia for a bygone age before Marcos and Martial Law. Reading old newspapers that appeared on and around March 17, 1957, the date of the Magsaysay plane crash, I found traces of a nation in real grief over a departed president. What better proof than a short Daily Mirror report datelined San Juan, Rizal, March 20: Five American soldiers and marines were arrested last night by the police in a surprise raid on Morena’s bar in barrio Culi-Culi… Six girls were also apprehended by the raiding party… The owner of the bar also was asked to explain why he should not be prosecuted for violating an order of the mayor to close his establishment temporarily

out of respect for the death of President Magsaysay. Earlier, Mayor Maximo Estrella went around the town and personally advised nightclub and bar owners to close their establishments until after the end of the national mourning for the president’s death on April 18. Such declaration in Culi-Culi of a moratorium on funhouses for the sake of a dead president does reflect something of the love people had for Ramon Magsaysay. Before his death, Magsaysay was in a political climate heating up like the coming summer of 1957. He was at odds with Claro M. Recto, which made some newspapers allude to the “Ides of March.” Shortly after 1 P.M. on March 16, 1957, Magsaysay left for Cebu aboard an old C-47 refitted into a presidential plane named Mt. Pinatubo. When they were aloft, Magsaysay told newsmen about the aircraft: “I named it after Mt. Pinatubo, the highest peak in Zambales. You know, it was where we hid and fought during my guerrilla days. This plane used to be air-conditioned, but I had it removed because there were many critical remarks, so we’ll all just have to sweat it out.” Imagine, a presidential plane without air-conditioning? Three hours later, Mt. Pinatubo landed in Lahug where Magsaysay was

greeted by the usual large crowd. He then went on a motorcade around town, paid a courtesy call on exPresident Sergio Osmeña and the Archbishop of Cebu Julio (later Cardinal) Rosales, received an honorary doctorate from the University of the Visayas, and capped his day with a dinner and ball. Magsaysay and his party left Cebu at 1:15 A.M. Fifteen minutes later, the presidential C-47 crashed on the side of Mt. Manunggal. For a whole day until the official announcement of the president’s death was made, the nation prayed that Magsaysay survived the crash. Only one of the twenty-six passengers on that flight survived – journalist Nestor Mata – and only because he did not fasten his seat belt. Rumours began to fly: sabotage, a bomb, overloading, pilots tipsy after partying in Cebu, a tampered altimeter, etc. I am amazed to still hear half of these rumours today. Official investigation later ruled out direct sabotage because there was adequate ground security for the presidential plane before it took off. Indirect sabotage was also dismissed when autopsies of the pilots revealed no trace of intoxication or poisoning. The plane was not overloaded and visibility was clear. As a matter of fact the last radio message from the pilot was “Climbing VFR to 5,000, leaving tower frequency, good morning.” The crash, according to

Empress Schuck

Rita Avila

President Ramon Magsaysay photographed just days before his death in March 1957

the investigation, was a technical error on the part of the pilot due to the “failure of the lighting system… seriously hampered the vision of the pilots, not only with respect to the reading and check-up of the instruments but also with respect to depth and space perceptions.” On the morning of March 16, Magsaysay had told a nephew, “I dreamed I shot somebody.” Perhaps he meant the men arrested in September for looting the presidential plane of cash and small firearms while it was still burning. How they could do this to the beloved

Magsaysay or anyone else is beyond comprehension. Disaster does bring out the best and worst in people. Source: Luna’s Moustache by Ambeth R. Ocampo, Anvil Publishing. Ambeth Ocampo is a past-Chairman of the National Historical Institute of the Philippines and an associate Professor in the Department of History, Ateneo de Manila University. He writes a widely read editorial page column, Looking Back, for the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

YASMIEN... From page 17 Avila as Hilda; Vaness del Moral as Alma; Sef Cadayona as Vince; Maey Bautista as Engke; Leanne Bautista as Duday, a smart kid and the couple’s adopted daughter who will change the lives of everyone around her. Hiram na Anak, under the helm of Director Gil Tejada, Jr., shows how a parent’s love remains selfless in the face of adversity, and how far they will always be willing to go. GMA NETWORK

Leanne Bautista






NO. 319

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Mahal na Araw 5. Kinastigo 12. Ginagawang lubid 13. Katulong 14. Pangamba 15. Sira 16. Akala 20. Liksi 24. Uri ng kahoy 25. Silong 26. Dumi 27. Basura 28. Tamad 30. Ipahipo PABABA 1. Walang sinabi 2. Kapara 3. Istorbo 4. Erosyon 6. Hindi pareho 8. Koponan sa football 9. Isang isda pag inulit 10. Hinagkan

11. Dating boksingero 16. Lala 17. Batay 18. Sabi nila 19. Pawi 20. Dalisay 21. Niyugyog 22. Ilaw ng tahanan 23. Isahan 29. Kung


MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

MARSO 1 – 15, 2019 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Huwag mo munang patulan ang hiling ng iyong puso sa buwang ito. Kung ano man ang napapansin mo sa isang bagong kakilala, hayaan mo munang magkakilalanan kayong mabuti. Ituring mo muna siyang kaibigan. Iba ang pakiramdam kapag bago pa lang ang relasyon. OK ang ika8 at 9. Ingat sa ika-1, 2 at 15.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Sa larangan ng pag-ibig, kailangang maging praktikal ka. Piliin mo ang tao na kapareho mo ang pag-iisip, pananalig at kung mayroon, kapareho mo rin ang linya ng hanapbuhay. Mas magiging maligaya ka kung hindi kayo nagkakalayo ng ambisyon sa buhay. Mapalad ka sa ika-8 at 9. Bantay ka sa ika-3, 4, 10 at 11.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Gamitin mo ang mga darating na araw upang pagaralan ang mga nangyari at gawin mong leksyon ang karanasan para sa mga gagawin mo sa kabuuan ng taon. Huwag ka munang gagawa ng anumang final decision ngayon Maghintay ka ng tamang panahon. OK ang ika-8 at 9. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-5, 6, 7, 13 at 14.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Kahit maganda ang finances mo ngayon, hindi sapat iyon upang maging masyadong komportable ka na. Mauubos din iyon kung hindi mo palalaguin o kung hindi mo titipirin. Mayroon ka na ng lahat ng kailangan mo. Huwag kang gagastos sa hindi kailangan. Lucky ang ika-1, 2, 10 at 11. Ingat ka sa ika-3 at 4. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Bantayan mo ang iyong kalusugan. Huwag mong ubusin ang araw na hindi ka

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Sumunod ka muna sa agos. Iwasan mong kalabanin ang ideya o gawain ng mga kasama mo. Mas magiging magaan ang pakiramdam mo kung aayon ka sa kanila ngayon. Hindi naman ito palagian. Umayon ka ngayon at sila naman ang aayon sa iyo sa susunod. OK ang ika-1, 2, 10 at 11. Ingat sa ika-5, 6, 7, 13 at 14.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Alam mo bang sa buwan na ito ay maaari mo nang makita ang matagal mo nang hinahanap? Kung nag-iisa ka, marahil ay narito na ang gagamot sa iyong pangungulila. Naging masyadong malungkot ang iyong 2018 dahil sa nawalang pag-ibig. Sana nga’y siya na. OK ang ika-1, 2, 10 at 11. Stressful ka sa ika-8, 9 at 15.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Mabuti naman at binibigyan mo ng atensyon ang iyong kalusugan. May mga nakakalito at iba’t ibang opinion kang naririnig sa iyong mga doctor subalit, kaunting pasensya pa, at malalaman na nila kung ano ang nagiging dahilan ng problema mo ngayon. OK sa ika-3, 4, 13 at 14. Ingat sa ika-1, 2, 8, 9 at 15.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Iwasan mo muna ang makipagsapalaran sa mga darating na araw kahit na parang siguradong-sigurado ka na. Pagaralan mo muna lalo na kung hindi mo pa talagang kilala ang mga makakasama mo. Mahirap magsisi lalo na kung hindi ka na makaka-atras. Ok sa ika-3, 4, 13 at 14. Ingat ka sa ika-10 at 11.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) May mga relasyon na matibay dahil marami nang pinagdaanan. Wala pa kayo sa gayong sitwasyon. Paramihin mo ang mga araw na exciting ang romansa pero huwag mo ring kalimutan ang mga oras na kailangan niya lang ang kausap at karamay sa buhay. Ok ang ika-5, 6, 7 at 15. Ingat sa ika-3, 4, 10 at 11.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Kailan ka huling bumili ng bagong damit, gumasta para ayusin ang itsura mo? Matagal na, di ba? Ayusin mo ang iyong sarili kung gusto mong umasenso at pahalagahan ng ibang tao. Hindi sapat ang matalino ka kung wala namang may interes na makinig sa iyo. OK ang ika-5, 6, 7 at 15. Ingat ka sa ika-13 at 14.

nakakapagpahinga kahit sandali. Sa bandang huli, pagsisisihan mo ang pang-aabusong ginagawa mo sa katawan at isip mo. Kung may partner ka, magbakasyon at magrelax kayo. OK ang ika-3, 4, 13 at 14. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-5, 6 at 7. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Ito na ang pagkakataon! Kung may offer, tanggapin mo na! Hindi na mauulit ang buwenas na ito. Linisin mo ang iyong utak at pilitin mong tanggalin ang mga tila sapot ng gagamba na humaharang sa magandang kapalaran mo. Hawak mo ang magiging resulta nito. OK sa ika-5, 6, 7 at 15. Ingat sa ika-1, 2, 8 at 9.

CHERYL... From page 4 passed since you last spoke to each other. You may not be as close as you once were. On the other hand, your relationship may grow stronger, especially if respect between you both has grown. However the situation turns out, at the end of the day you can be at peace knowing that you took action and tried to salvage the relationship. “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done” – Lucille Ball Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019



The extraordinary life of Pippin Sevillo & Caldo perform in the Broadway musical

Joseph Sevillo (left) and Josh Caldo

Winnipeg Studio Theatre, in collaboration with The Village Conservatory for Music Theatre, presents their re-imagined version of Broadway’s Pippin. The musical tells the story of Pippin, an idealistic and inexperienced young man who returns from university, certain that he will find a fulfilling purpose in life. His journey takes him through some of the darkest parts of the human experience to discover that true happiness is more complicated than he thought. Included in the cast are

HINAGAP Kasakiman Ang pag-uugali na taglay ni Cain’ Sa Banal na Aklat binigyan ng diin; Marami sa ngayon, ang gawi’y gayun din, Hangarin sa buhay, lahat ay maangkin! -o0oBukod sa salapi, ibang kayamanan, at pagka-sugapa sa kapangyarihan; Asal nang laganap sa maraming bayan, Hindi lang sa bansa na ating nilisan! -o0oNagbigay ng diin ay ang Santo Papa, Ang dulot ng imbot sa Mundo ay dusa; Kasakimang lungkot ang ipamamana, Sa buhay ng madlang hangad ay ginhawa! -o0oKaragdagang dasal na lubhang taimtim, Parusang mabigat ang dapat sa sakim! Paquito Rey Pacheco

Joseph Sevillo and Josh Caldo; two local actors who share a mentor/mentee relationship. The two first met during the Division 1 School production of The Lion King including thenhigh school senior Josh playing Simba; Joseph took on duties of stage manager and assistant director/choreographer. Joseph then became Josh’s mentor through the career internship program at Daniel McIntyre Collegiate where they put in 30 hours of work experience, ranging from following Joseph’s preparation for auditions and observing

his classes, to watching productions and learning the basics of performing. After graduating, Josh was thrown into the audition circuit, landing three contracts right out of high school under Joseph’s mentorship. “Nothing brings me more joy than to see Josh thrive in this world of performing arts,” Joseph explains. “It makes the time investment worth it to see him realize his potential as an artist in musical theatre.” The duo are currently cowriting a musical about three young Filipino singers from different economic/family upbringings searching to rise out of their present situations through a nation-wide singing contest. This musical reading will be featured in the Carol Shields Festival in May.




MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

Kris Aquino tells Phillip Salvador “I made the mistake of loving you,”

Kris Aquino on Wednesday, February 27, lashed out at her former partner, actor Phillip Salvador, for taking part in a “hurtful” skit with senatorial candidate Christopher “Bong” Go about their past relationship. In a Facebook live video that lasted a half hour, Aquino showed clips of the on-stage exchange between Go and Salvador during the former presidential aide’s February 14 campaign sortie in Davao City. “Naloko mo nga si Kris Aquino,” Go quipped, after Salvador protested an earlier joke that he had fathered four children in Davao. Salvador responded: “Hindi ko siya niloko kahit kailan. Minahal ko siya. Hindi ko niloko si Kris.” Aquino, in her live video, then played another clip showing Go’s public apology to her during another campaign sortie, also with Salvador on stage. That apology came after Aquino took to Instagram on Tuesday to say she was “hurt” by the running joke. “Ma’am Kris Aquino, paumanhin po,” Go said. “Gusto lang po namin kayo pasayahin, kaya may script kami ni Ipe na pinapatawa namin kayo. Ngayon, kung mayroon po akong medyo nasaktan, paumanhin po, script lang namin ‘to. Pagpapatawa lang. Joke lang namin ‘to ni Ipe.” “Hindi na namin gagamitin ‘yung joke na ‘yon. Ang importante po, mapatawa namin kayo at mapangiti, kasi puro politika na lang po ang naririnig ninyo,” he added. According to Aquino, Go also called her on Tuesday night to apologize. “I admire him because he was man enough to call me. I’m not saying it erases the sin, hindi ko sinasabi na nakakalimutan ko na ‘yung sakit. Ang sinasabi ko, humanga ako dahil nagpakalalaki siya at tumawag siya,” she said. In contrast, Aquino pointed out, Salvador has not reached out to her nor their son, 23-year-old Joshua. “It really hurt. The hurt there comes from being made a joke of. And I am not blaming Bong Go. This is on you, Phillip Salvador. Tatay ka ni Josh,” she said. As recently as February 14, Aquino’s birthday, the actress said she was grateful to Salvador for being respectful of her and her family, and for publicly praising how she has raised their son following their separation. But on Wednesday, Aquino sang a different tune: “Ang mali ko kasi, I let you off easily. Pinuri pa kita. Ang hindi ko nabanggit sa mga tao, 16 years kang walang inabot kahit piso kay Josh.” “Sana naisip mo, that line — ‘Naloko mo si Kris Aquino’ — what does that make of your son?

Produkto siya ng panloloko?” she added. Dredging up her past relationship with Salvador, which bloomed on the set of their film Nandito Ako in 1994, Aquino alluded to infidelity. “I was 23 years old when the relationship started. How many times did I hear, ‘Naka isa si Ipe,’ ‘Siya ang naka una kay Kris’? Yes, totoo ‘yon, I was a virgin, and I got pregnant, and I left my family. I chose him. “I turned a blind eye to the gambling, I turned a blind eye to the nights na hindi ma-explain kung bakit hindi umuuwi, kahit alam ko alam na ang shooting,” she said. Aquino also mentioned the time when actress Rosanna Roces confirmed having an affair with Salvador when they were still together. “If I am just part of a skit or part of a joke or part of a way to entertain people, what kind of country is this? Sana naisip lang ninyo na in the midst of your campaign, there is a 23-yearold boy who is special, who is autistic, who watches you — and I’m directing this message to Phillip Salvador,” she said. Aquino claimed that Salvador last met Joshua in 2012 inside the ABS-CBN compound in Quezon City. She recalled that Joshua was warm towards his father then. “Nanahimik ako for so long, because I thought you were a good man,” she went on, addressing Salvador. “I equated goodness because hindi mo nga kami ginulo. Pero mali, e. Mali na kinalimutan mo si Josh… That’s not a big deal because I’ve done a good job in raising him. Pero mali na ginagawa mong biro ang anak ko.” “I deserve that. I made the mistake of falling for you. I made the mistake of loving you. You did not love me. Because had you loved me, 20 years after, hindi ako magiging biro sa isang skit sa bawat entabladong inaakyat mo. “Pero sana man lang, ‘yung bata na minahal ka… Sana man lang siya, naisip mo, dahil kadugo mo siya, e. Who cares about Kris Aquino? You don’t have to care about me, but you should care about Joshua, because that child never hurt you. And to this day, that child says mahal ka niya,” she added. Aquino, who has repeatedly denied plans of seeking a government post in the future, clarified that her strong statements on Wednesday had nothing to do with politics. Aquino is one of the children of the late former President Corazon Aquino and slain senator Ninoy Aquino, and a sister to former President Benigno Aquino III. Go has been the visible right

Kris Aquino addresses her former partner Phillip Salvador after he took part in a campaign skit that mentioned their past relationship. Facebook: Kris Aquino

Former couple Phillip Salvador and Kris Aquino.

Christopher “Bong” Go hand man of President Rodrigo Duterte. Aside from Go, the president has formally endorsed the senatorial bid of Ilocos Norte Gov. Imee Marcos, the daughter of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos under whose martial rule Ninoy Aquino was incarcerated. “This is not politics,” Kris emphasized. “This was about a

Kris with sons Bimby and Josh child, a special child, a child with autism who did not deserve this.” Addressing Go, Aquino continued: “I hope that you understand masakit pa rin, dahil ginawa niyong biro ang buhay ko. Ang pinaka masakit, ginawa niyong biro ‘yung buhay ng anak ko.” “I chose the wrong man to

love, and my son is now paying for that,” she said, referring to Salvador. “Life moves forward, and the only thing I can do is try my best to be the best possible mother for this child, because he did not deserve to be made a joke of.” SOURCE: ABS-CBN News/ Photos – ABS-CBN files

MARCH 1 - 15, 2019





MARCH 1 - 15, 2019

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