Pilipino Express • Oct 1 2019

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Volume 15 • No. 19 • October 1 - 15, 2019 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Magnificent creations Filipino style and culture merge in Likha fashion show

Edwin Uy’s award winning national costumes. From l-r: Michelle Dumangan, Beatriz Patricia San Gabriel, Renalou Clare Ardes, Vienna Jaime, Bea Jaime, Ellenor Natoza and Dominique Vincent. Photos by Chito Sta. Brigida.

L-r: Joseph Guerra, Kevin Li Ping Kam, Aldrin Carmelo Deuna and Johannes Baptista. Photos by Chito Sta. Brigida.

It’s not very often that an award-winning Philippine based fashion designer comes to town. So when Edwin Uy has a fashion show for a cause in Winnipeg, it’s an opportunity not to be missed. Likha (create), a benefit fashion show gala and exhibit, was held on the evening of September 28th at Assiniboia Downs. It featured Uy’s striking and beautiful pieces, including his award-winning national costumes. Before the fashion show, attendees were able to get up close and personal with the outstanding historically based pieces at a cultural display. From the impressive headdresses to the intricately-woven, colourful threads, one couldn’t help but wonder in awe. During the fashion show, young local models wore modern and stylish Filipiniana and Barong pieces, as well as elegant and exquisite long gowns, which were put on auction. All made by Uy. The highlight of the fashion See EDWIN p14

Edwin Uy with his favourite creation, the Muslim Maranao Princess, that won the Best National Costume Award in the Miss Grand International 2015. Photo by Chito Sta. Brigida.

MHEL ELAGO (204) 955-4654







OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019





OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

The return of polio In high school I had a good friend who had been stricken by polio when he was a small child. The disease left his legs atrophied and he walked with the characteristic gait of a polio victim. He was very intelligent and had good grades, but he was also a little withdrawn and kept only a small circle of friends. And while we were buddies, he wasn’t beyond accusing me – falsely, of course – of mocking the way he walked behind his back. We remained good friends, but we lost touch after high school graduation since he went to a different school. Last year I saw him again at a mall near our house in Malabon. He looked well and we had a great chat. In a way I was happy to see that he still walked the same, but this is because I know that many polio victims become less and less mobile as they age. In fact he and I had a classmate who was similarly stricken and, based on his Facebook account, he is now already wheelchair-bound much of the time. One reason, I think, is that this second classmate was a big man and exercised his upper body so that he was muscled in that area. This may have been his way of compensating for his lower body problem, but the inadvertent result was that he grew too heavy for his legs. Don’t get me wrong: he may be in a wheelchair now,

but he still looks buff. Polio has always been a reality for me and my generation. I had two classmates who had had it, and it seemed that each grade and year level had at least one. I don’t know how it happened for them because I still remember being given the oral polio vaccine on a sugar cube when we were in kindergarten – perhaps they contracted it when they were much younger. Whatever it was, polio was still a threat and remained so until 2000 when the Philippines was declared polio-free (the last case was reported in 1993). For the past two decades the country has been safe from polio, until a few weeks ago when the Department of Health (DOH) suddenly announced an outbreak. To be clear, it takes only one case for a country to declare an outbreak, and initially there was just the case of a child in Lanao del Sur. A few days later, however, the DOH confirmed that another child had contracted it in Laguna. How did we get to this situation? Some blame it on the Dengvaxia mess that had supposedly scared parents away from all forms of vaccines. I’m sure there is some truth to that, but it doesn’t really tell the whole story. According to health authorities, the polio virus that has surfaced is not from the wild but

actually came from vaccines that have mutated. Davao City-based pediatrician Dr. Richard Mata, who is the Philippines’ consultant on dengue to the World Health Organization (WHO), wrote an explanation in Filipino, which I am translating in part here: Before 2016, there were three kinds of polio, which were labeled Polio 1, Polio 2, and Polio 3. Polio 2 is able to mutate, so aside from being used as a vaccine, it can also become a live polio virus and infect a child without polio vaccine. A child who has taken the oral polio vaccine is safe, but he defecates in an open canal or river, the virus can be transferred there. Another child who swims in that canal or river and swallows water can ingest the vaccine form of the virus. It’s OK at the start because that child would actually be getting vaccinated from polio. If that child also defecates in the canal or river, the virus again gets transferred there. This can happen several times, but eventually the type 2 polio vaccine mutates and becomes a live virus. Another child who ingests it from the canal or river can contract polio, especially if he hasn’t been vaccinated yet. This is called Vaccine Associated Paralytic Polio or VAPP. It’s very rare but it can happen. In other words, the current

outbreak is a combination of a number of factors, including the lower number of children being vaccinated and the lack of proper sanitary facilities. The virus has been detected in Manila and Davao, and now the DOH is setting a weeklong Nationwide Outbreak Response Immunization starting on October 14. It’s banking on creating herd immunity in which 80 to 85 percent immunization of the population is needed for everyone to be protected – although health officials in Davao Region are actually targeting 100 percent immunization. Now Dr. Mata notes that the oral vaccine that will be given in October contains the type 2 polio, which raises the question: won’t it mutate again? He says it can happen, which is why it is important for everyone to practice good sanitation (especially not defecating in canals or rivers). Ultimately, polio is everyone’s concern, and it takes all Filipinos doing their part to stop it from spreading. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Editor-InChief of the Davao City-based Mindanao Daily Mirror. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

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OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019



Canada Philippines Parliamentary Friendship Group by Kevin Lamoureux Over 40 Parliamentarians in Ottawa came together to form a group known as the Canada Philippines Parliamentary Friendship Group (CPPFG) and it has been in existence for almost ten years now. I am and have been the chair for the past couple of years. Before that I co-chaired the group with the late Senator Enverga. This past year has been the most active year since its inception back in 2011. By the end of October, the executive will have to decide about a pilot program we started last year and our AGM along with the election of officers will have to take place before the end of the year too. We had a few firsts last year and I wanted to share with you the different types of activities that we supported and a brief comment as to why we did. Trip to the Philippines Back in August 2018 the CPPFG worked with the Philippine Embassy here in Canada and the Department of Foreign Affairs to assist us in having our first trip to Philippines. We met with Senators, Members of Congress, Secretariats, civil servants and military personal from the Philippines. We visited Rizal Park for a formal welcome at the Dr. Jose Rizal Monument, we visited the National Art Gallery and a military base too. It was a successful trip and for some MPs it was their first time in the Philippines. Filipino Youth Internship program We also established a Filipino Youth Internship program that saw youth from all regions of Canada gain life experience and work for pay in Ottawa. This was the pilot year and I am hopeful we will be able to continue the program in to the future. ANCOP Many readers know about the efforts of ANCOP and the outstanding work that they do with answering the cry of the poor. ANCOP was the first association that we as a group of parliamentarians formally recognized the outstanding work they do. On occasions the CPPFG will also meet with visitors who want to talk about the Philippines and Canada and I am expecting that the future demand for the group will increase in that area. Philippine Independence celebrations Every year since 2011, the Canada Philippines Parliamentary Friendship Group has co-hosted a special celebration on Parliament Hill to recognize Philippine Independence. The Philippine Ambassador to Canada has always spoken along with guest federal ministers, members of the executive, and local Filipino community members from Ottawa. We always have entertainment, interesting food, and many community members

dressed in Philippine heritage clothing. In recent years we have incorporated a flag raising ceremony, which was something the late Senator Enverga proposed. One of the benefits of being the Chair of the Friendship Group is that it has provided me to get to know a number of staff members at the Philippine Embassy – in particular, the current ambassador, who I thank for all she does to support the CPPFG. I appreciate Ambassador Petronila Garcia’s friendship. The level of interest in the

CPPFG continues to grow among all political parties as Canada’s Filipino heritage community is nearing a population base of one million people. I believe the Friendship Group’s potential is great because the general feeling is that both Canada and the Philippines need to build more bridges to bring our two countries even closer than they are today – and that also means going beyond the issue of immigration. Authorized by the official agent.

Filipino youth interns in Parliament

In the House of Commons

Kevin Lamoureux with Philippine Ambassador Petronila Garcia

Philippine Independence Day in Ottawa

The CPPFG in the Philippines with Senators Ralph G. Recto, Franklin M. Drilon, Loren Legarda and Sherwin T. Gatchalian


The Manitoba election has been completed and Canada now faces a countrywide election with the general election set for October 21st. The incumbent Liberals have faced criticism for their immigration policies and practices from various sources. The most extreme of which would be Maxime Bernier and his antiimmigration polemics. I was waiting for him to bring out his own version of the “MAGA” hat with the version “Make Canada Great Again,” but his extreme position has not gained the same traction in Canada as that found with the Trump faithful in the United States. Many readers may throw their hands up into the air and say aloud, “Who should we vote for?” We have several options; chief amongst them is to vote for one of the two major national parties, Liberal or Conservative. It should come as a surprise to no one that it is easier to criticize the policies and practices of something we know, such as the sitting government. The election has just been announced but the leader of the Conservative Party, Andrew Scheer, has treated us to several months of Trudeau character assassination. Many will decry the change in civility in our politics and the shift to attacking


candidates personally instead of focusing on their policies or positions. “Judge not, lest ye be judged” is a warning we find in scripture, which can be applied to the choices we make. One candidate can question another as part of the election process but he or she should understand that we, in our turn, can and should judge them. This is true in all issues, including immigration. We judge by what we mark on the ballot. Comparing Liberal and Conservative policies We can measure some of the immigration changes brought in by the Liberals under Trudeau in comparison with the changes of practices brought in by the previous Conservative government of Stephen Harper. Consider that under the Harper government the citizenship fees were increased from $100 to $530 (plus $100 for Right of Citizenship). Residency requirement was increased to four out of the past six years. There was no credit for time spent inside the country as a temporary resident, and the requirement for the skill test was from ages 14 to 64. The Liberals under Trudeau continued the same fee structure but changed residency to three out of five years, allowed a credit for time spent inside the country under temporary residence, and

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

Immigration: An issue for the upcoming federal election the age requirement for the skill test was reduced to 18 to 54 years old. Many will argue that the changes under Harper were intended to limit citizenship applications to the detriment of many because Canadian citizens have rights and protections beyond those of permanent residents. Refugee resettlement How have the Liberals fared with refugee resettlement and amnesty for those in fear for their safety and their lives? Did you know that refugee resettlement is part of Canada’s international responsibilities? Canada is a signatory to international agreements dealings with the resettlement of refugees and the concern for others is one of the fundamentals of major faith groups and the golden rule. However, this message has been perverted by persons such as Donald Trump, whose message is to limit immigration to the United States – especially for persons who are not white – and to change “love thy neighbour as thyself” into “charity begins and ends at home.” Refugee resettlement is included as one of the objectives of the immigration act (IRPA). Refugees are much smaller in number than economic immigration and family class immigration, which brings in many more thousands of newcomers. Parent & grandparent sponsorship Another change was the sponsorship of parents and grandparents. The sponsorship continued throughout Conservative and Liberal governments, but note well the cap on the number of applications: The

Conservatives set the cap at 5,000 but over the tenure of Trudeau’s government, this number has increased to 20,000. At the last intake in January 2019, the online submissions were closed within 10 to 15 minutes because the cap had been reached. This reality underlines the need for a higher cap or a rethink, but it is to the credit of the Liberal government and current Minister Hussein that the number allowed represents a 400 percent increase over those under Harper. Live-in caregivers What about the Live-in Caregiver program, which benefitted many newcomer groups in Canada? The program was closed and now reopened with a two pilot programs: Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot. Both are open now and invite applications from qualified persons with education, work experience, and English/French language requirements. The initiative appears to address many of the issues experienced in the past, such as abuse by Canadian employers. Age of dependents The current government also changed the ages of dependency from under 19 years of age to under 22 years of age. The action restored the age of dependency to what was previously in place and makes more sense in terms of the objectives of the immigration act to keep dependent children with their families. Excluded family members Another major change has been the two-year pilot, which allows qualified applicants to apply for sponsorship for persons who had been excluded from sponsorship because they had not been declared by the sponsor when

he or she applied for permanent residence. Conclusion The conclusion is to check into what the Conservatives changed and the Liberals restored, or immigration policies and practices proposed by these two parties. This is the way you have control over who you vote for based on facts. Consider the Conservatives’ attempts to change tourist citizenship or the right to claim citizenship if the child is born inside Canada or on a Canadian ship, airplane etc. Do you think this is a major issue or only a concern at the extreme right wing of the immigration debate? Do you agree with the efforts of persons such as Maxime Bernier who are trying to roll back the clock, limit immigration to Canada, and keep the country white? We enjoy the right to vote for our government and therefore have a responsibility to select those who best represent us. If you are like me and consider immigration a major issue, then do some research and challenge your candidates, regardless of their party, on this issue. If they fail to convince you, then vote for someone else. It is easier to judge the government in power, but the official opposition Conservatives can be judged by what they did in past and what they propose to change now. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019





OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

Malaya Marcelino

A rookie MLA with experience by Lucille Nolasco Many consider her a rookie in Manitoba’s political scene, but newly-elected Member of the Legislative Assembly, Malaya Marcelino, is far from being a newbie when it comes to politics. Speaking English, French and Filipino, the NDP MLA for Notre Dame holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Toronto. She also worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Manitoba in the Department of Politics while she prepared for a master’s degree, and as a research and communications specialist at a Manitoba agribusiness. Perhaps her biggest qualification is her actual experience in politics. The daughter of Flor Marcelino, the former Manitoba minister of culture, heritage and tourism, and interim leader of the NDP, she often discussed important issues with her mother, accompanying her to community events, and helping out with the official speeches and planning. Marcelino also did research and writing support and coordinated fundraising for her mother for 11 years that she was a member of the NDP Provincial Council and Executive Provincial Council. She has also volunteered as a case worker for the Logan/St. Norbert

constituency. The younger Marcelino also has a track record in community service as a youth worker at Rossbrook House, a board member at Children’s House Montessori School, and as a Sunday school teacher and board member at Broadway Disciples United Church. Family support In an interview with Pilipino Express, Marcelino confessed that it was a whirlwind campaign for her team, and that entering politics was not on her radar at the time. “It was early January (this year) when Wab Kinew’s office contacted me and asked if I would be willing to put my hat in for nomination in Notre Dame. I did not say yes until April, and nobody knew at the time that an early election would be called.” On June 23, Marcelino won the nomination at a party meeting at Burton Cummings Community Centre. “At first, my parents were quite hesitant about me entering politics. Even my brother was not impressed. It was really my uncle Ted (Marcelino) and my husband Joel, who were very supportive from day one. There were people who thought that I was just in the wings waiting to replace my Nanay (mother), but we don’t roll like that. She actually had a few people she considered for the


Private Marcelino A self-confessed private person, Marcelino would rather talk about her advocacies and initiatives for a better community, but whenever her husband and her children are mentioned, her eyes just light up. “My husband teased me one time that because I got so busy with the campaign and meetings and what-not, that I have no time for him anymore. I love my family. My children and my husband mean the world to me. It’s all about trying to balance everything from here on.” With her busy schedule, Marcelino still finds time to attend Brazilian Jujitsu classes twice a week, and a bit of yoga and cello lessons. However, most of the time, she spends at her office on Notre Dame, working with her team of three, meeting and speaking with constituents, sometimes non-constituents, trying to find solutions for their concerns. Most recently, NDP leader Wab Kinew has asked Marcelino to be the Immigration and Status of Women critic for the upcoming Legislative Session. MLA Malaya Marcelino’s office is at 849 Notre Dame Avenue. It is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Contact them at 204788-0800.

MLA Marcelino, Sept. 27, 2019, sworn in at the MB Legislature

Joel Capalad and his wife Malaya and their sons

Lucille Nolasco interviews MLA Malaya Marcelino

The lonely home

Using feng shui to find love One of the greatest joys of living is having someone who belongs to you and whom you belong to. Just knowing you have a partner in life to lean on provides us with fulfillment. Singles will say they have the love of friends and family…but. The “but” is that they don’t have a partner – a wife, a husband, a girlfriend or boyfriend. They say it’s just not the same as when you have someone in your life that you are committed to and who is committed to you. And it’s true. It’s not the same, and it doesn’t matter whether you are gay or straight. Having a loving partner in your life gives you a feeling like no other. So, what can be standing in the way of your partnerships? There are a variety of things that can stop or block you from having the love you want in your life. To be honest, your house could be a lonely home. Energy in your home is a living thing, and if you go home day after day to the same place and are single a long time, your home could be holding you back.

Am I suggesting you move? No, but just think about this. I have several long-term single clients and guess what they have in common? They’ve never moved. Ever. As in, they’ve been in the same apartment for 15-35 years. They say they want love in their life, but I think their single life suits them just fine, truthfully, and they don’t want to budge from their little nests. They’ve pulled up their homes around them like a giant security blanket and their home becomes their partner in their life. Let’s think about other ways your home could be keeping you lonely. Holding on to pain This can be old love letters, a photo album from a past trip together or some kind of symbol of your relationship, like the bedroom furniture you bought together. Even if you cut yourself out of a picture with your former boyfriend and put that picture up, you’ll always know that when you took that photo, he was standing there beside you.

Take these kinds of mementos and elements out of your living space and your life. Clear the way for someone new and something new to come into your life. This includes ashes of pets or loved ones. You must remove them from your home to invite living – and loving – energy in to your home and life. Cold kitchen A lonely home is often the sign of a kitchen that’s gone cold. You know how it is at every holiday gathering – everyone is in the kitchen. If you’re single, don’t reinforce that singleness by eating out every night or filling the freezer with microwave dinners for one. Get some real food in there. It’s important that you keep your kitchen fires burning by actually using your stove. Even if you bake muffins to bring into work, that warms up your home – and turns a cold kitchen into one that’s cooking and turns your house into a warm home. It makes sense, too, if you think about how your kitchen can draw love to you. The area associated with love in feng shui is the stomach – and everyone loves to be fed (especially men!).

Keep your kitchen heated up to jump-start a cold love life. You can even add a small night-light to keep your home fires burning

at night too.

The single Whether this is a picture, a See FENG SHUI p9

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019



Saving the environment is saving humankind Youths around the world called for urgent action on the climate crisis on Friday, September 20. Hearing the call of teen activist Greta Thunberg, millions of youths and adults around the world filled city streets, including those in Quezon City. Humans only have 11 years left to prevent irreversible damage to the planet from climate change. Youths are demanding a safe future and crying out, “There is no Planet B.” They want to avoid the likelihood of extreme weather disasters, wildfires, coastal flooding, loss of animal and ocean wildlife, and air and water pollution – just to name a few. Why is it important to help? • Climate change is a humanitarian issue. Environmental crises will affect everyone and result in suffering all over the world. • Making big and positive changes will ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our children, grandchildren and generations to come. • There are personal gains that happen when you help others. Studies have shown that helpers are happier and healthier than others. • Acts toward helping the greater community reduces personal stress, negative thoughts and feelings. Helpers are more likely to focus on the gifts that

FENG SHUI... From page 8 painting, or an object, when we see something that’s a single, we see one and it’s “oneness” overtakes our life. Make it a point to make sure your bed is flanked by two tables, that your artwork doesn’t depict a single woman or man, and make sure to have plenty of pairs around the house. Not only does this help your home feel more balanced, but it ads “couples” energy to the house. Pet priorities A lonely home can often find that the energy is centered on a pet bird, a lanky Labrador retriever, or some other fur-baby. Make sure that your pet doesn’t sleep on the bed with you and sleeps on his or her own bed, otherwise, the pet’s energies take precedence over relationships. It’s tempting to snuggle at night with fluffy, but do it on the sofa if you just have to. Plantasia Plants are wonderful feng shui, but there can be too much of a good thing. Whether it’s plants or flowers, it’s important to recognize that plants draw energy from earth, and earth is the energy of love and relationships. If your prized African violet collection has overtaken your guest bedroom and you’ve been

they have been given and to practice gratitude. A lot of focus is on the changes that governments, corporations and industries can make. Although these are incredibly important, one person can also make a big impact. People often wonder, “I’m just one person. What can I possibly do to help such a big problem?” The truth is that there are many things within our own households that can make a big difference. The following is a list of things that you can do that will have a large impact on change in the world: • Eliminate or eat less meat and dairy from your diet. Meat production (raising cows, pigs and chickens) is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, water and land consumption and pollution. Eating less or no meat will help to combat climate change, as well as improve your health. The over consumption of meat is related to the risk of obesity, cancer and heart disease. So make fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes a bigger part of your diet, and buy sustainable or organic produce whenever possible. • Buy less clothing and beware of fast fashion Fast fashion refers to the trend of clothing retailers producing cheap clothes as quickly and single a long time, you might know why now. Check the southwest corner of your home to see if there is a plant here that is draining your romance chi, and make absolutely certain there are no plants or flowers in your bedroom, as these will drain the romance right out of your life. And, yes, check out your flowery sheets or bedding – that, too, it counts. Add something nice and neutral and then see what happens! Bedroom points When it comes to feng shui and beds, there are a few hard and fast rules. One is that you should always be able to easily see the door from bed, and the other is that you should have a good, solid headboard. Many people who are having problems with money or relationships often won’t have a good solid headboard. This enables you to think clearly, too. When you’re aching to have someone in your life, your bed represents the symbol of a couple’s union, so it’s important to get it right. If you can’t or don’t want to give up your mattress that’s come from a past relationship, try to put it into sunlight for four hours. This will help you remove old energy – and give it a nice airing out too. Look for other sources of problems, such as headboards with slats, no headboard, sagging mattress,

frequently as possible. Because the prices are low, consumers are likely to buy excessive amounts of clothes without thinking about how wasteful it is. Most of these clothes end up in landfills because even charities are not taking any more clothing. Furthermore, fast fashion results in water pollution and the use of toxic chemicals. In order to be a more conscientious consumer, buy fewer clothes and invest in those that are higher quality and will last longer. Buy from companies that have ethical practices and consider buying clothes from second hand stores. • Eliminate the use of plastic. Plastic products are quickly filling our landfills and oceans. Earlier this year, 1,500 tonnes of trash was sent back to Canada from the Philippines, ending a six-year dispute between the two countries. But this problem was not just an isolated one. Simply put, human beings everywhere are producing too much garbage. But the single consumer has a lot of power! Easy things to do are to stop using straws, carry around a reusable coffee mug and drink container, and stop buying plastic water bottles. Buy food from a bulk food store (e.g. cereal, pasta, rice, snacks) and bring reusable containers with you. Pack your lunch with reusable containers and stop using sandwich bags. Make your own cleaning products to eliminate all the chemicals and use of multiple plastic containers.

• Cook meals at home Not only is this a money saver, but also you will not be throwing away plastic utensils, food and drink containers. Your meals will be fresh and have less salt and additives in it. When eating out at a restaurant, consider bringing your own container to bring leftovers home in. Also, making a meal together with family members can bring you closer together. • Reduce the amount of water you use A lot of energy, chemicals and money go into treating and pumping water. This contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. So it is wise to use water carefully by simple steps such as turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing the dishes. Take shorter showers and invest in eco-friendly appliances that use less electricity and water. • Recycle Making new items from recycled ones takes less energy and fewer resources. Common things that can be recycled are aluminum cans, cardboard, glass, paper, plastic bottles, and yard waste. Ensure that you know what can and cannot be recycled in your area. For example in Winnipeg, dark-coloured coffee cup lids and food containers are not recyclable. Also, scrub and rinse containers such as peanut butter jars and yogurt containers. Know that the cleaner it is when it gets tossed into the plastic blue

bin, the higher chance that it will be remade. For more information, go to the City of Winnipeg website: https://www.winnipeg. ca/waterandwaste/recycle/ • Reduce the amount that you use your automobile A significant amount of climate change is due to the use of road vehicles. Most pollution from cars and trucks come from burning fuel; so try to use your vehicle less. This can be done by biking, walking, carpooling, and taking the bus. Consider buying a fuel-efficient, hybrid or electric vehicle. You can also help by planning your errands carefully, and going to places that are close to home. • Conserve power Small actions that will have a big impact include turning off your computer and lights when not in use, reducing the amount of heat and air conditioning that you use. Don’t leave your car idling and consider hanging your clothes to dry rather than using a dryer. It is not just coincidence that environmentally-friendly actions also promote physical health, are financially smart, and improve our relationships with other people. Doing our own part every day will undeniably have a huge impact. Never underestimate the amount that you can do to help the planet and all human beings! Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

or furniture from your previous partner. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: My fiancé and I moved into my small house and we are overloaded with stuff. I worked with you to create good energy in my home but now with all his extra stuff, there’s a ton of clutter. Does this affect my feng shui? Answer: Absolutely this affects your feng shui! You’ve gone from single girl feng shui to almost married feng shui.

Woohoo! Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Keeping your excess in the basement is a good idea. But you’re worried about whether living over clutter is bad feng shui? It is if it’s thrown in like at a hoarder’s house – into one giant pile. I doubt you would do that though. Most likely, it’s in boxes and bins and you can separate, see, and sort it. As long as it’s orderly, that’s what counts. Then you can work together on what to keep and what to let go. Just

look forward to the future ahead of you. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www.redlotusletter. com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!



OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

What did pre-colonial Filipinos look like? One of the problems of school history textbooks is that they are usually commissioned by governments to serve more as nationalist propaganda rather than impartial accounts of history. Add to this the fact that they are written for young, non-historians rather than for scholars, and it is not surprising that many errors slip through. The dubious modern portraits of people who lived before the advent of photography are especially amusing. Take for example the common image of the early Filipino printer, Tomas Pinpin, wearing a Barong Tagalog and a pair of slacks – even though he lived 400 years ago in the age of pantaloons and bahags. And there is the poet Balagtas, who lived in the early 1800s who is almost always portrayed wearing a crown of laurel like an ancient Greek. Magellan is often shown battling the natives of Mactan who look a lot like North American natives from an old Hollywood movie. What did Filipinos really look like before the Spanish invasion? It is quite a large subject to fit into a few hundred words, considering that every community had its own customs and ideas about clothing and physical appearance. The first people of the Philippines that Westerners described in detail were the Visayans that met Ferdinand Magellan’s fleet in 1521. Tattoos The Spaniards called Visayans “the painted ones” or pintados because of their tattooed skin. For Visayan men, tattoos were a symbol of bravery, which were earned in battle. A man’s first tattoos were applied to his legs near the ankle and as more tattoos were earned, they were applied farther up his body. Only the most elite warriors had tattoos on their faces, the ultimate being applied to their eyelids. Visayan women only decorated their hands with finelined tattoo designs. Tattoos were not common among Tagalogs – the men displayed their military accomplishments with a red potong, which was like a turban. Clothing Normal clothing for men in most parts of the Philippines was the bahag, which is usually translated into English as a “G-string” but this is misleading. In many communities, a bahag was actually a piece of cloth almost a metre wide and four to five metres in length. Women wore tube skirts or wrap-around skirts. Partial nudity was always an option for men and women. Visayan men especially would have wanted to display their hardearned tattoos. This is not to say that Filipinos did not have more elaborate clothing. Headdresses,

blouses, tunics, scarves or anklelength robes were worn on formal occasions and both men and women wore skirts of various styles. Clothing was made from local and imported materials such as abaca, cotton and silk. Hair and hygiene Hairstyles differed from one community to the next and they changed often but throughout the Visayan Islands men and women generally had long hair – down to the waist for some men and down to the ankles for some women. The men usually tied their hair in a knot on top of or behind their heads or they wrapped it in a head cloth similar to a turban. The women piled their hair high in elaborate styles and used flowers and sesame seed oil to treat the hair and to give it an attractive scent. Hair was cut short only as a punishment or as a sign of profound mourning. Muslim men in Manila kept their hair short and when the Spaniards began to occupy the islands they encouraged all Filipinos to cut their hair short as a way of “taming” them. Women used makeup such as face powder, nail polish (usually red) eyebrow paint, and lotions made from local roots. Both men and women regularly plucked their eyebrows to make them thin and arched. At least one Spanish missionary criticized this habit as an act of vanity. Other Spanish writers also commented on the Filipino habit of bathing everyday, which they thought was unhealthy and rather lascivious. Not a surprising attitude given the low level of personal hygiene among Europeans in the 1500s was quite disgusting by today’s standards. Jewellery Filipinos wore practically every imaginable type of jewellery – rings, earrings, bracelets, anklets, necklaces, chains, brooches, armbands, leg bands and sequinned clothing. Both men and women wore earrings. The men usually had one or two holes pierced in each ear and women had as many as four. It was stylish to expand the lowest piercing with large earplugs or to hang heavy jewellery from the hole until it stretched to a size large enough to fit a fist through it so that earrings would reach down to the shoulders. Jewellery was made of precious stones, mother-of-pearl and tortoise shells but, by far, the preferred material was gold. The amount of gold that Filipinos wore would dazzle a rap star today and it certainly got the attention of the early Spanish invaders who almost always mentioned it in their descriptions of the people. They were astounded to see men wearing little more than a bahag and thousands of pesos worth of

gold chains and other jewellery. More astounding to them was the gold they found underneath the men’s bahags. The practice of palang or penis piercing was popular in the Visayas. Devices called sakras were attached to the ends of a pin called a tugbuk, which was inserted through the sides of the penis, near the tip. The device was worn to enhance pleasure during sexual intercourse. Decorative dentistry Filipinos definitely liked the “bling bling.” Even their teeth were decorated with so much gold that they had what today’s hip-hop culture would call “grills,” except that Filipino dental jewellery was not easily removed, it was more or less permanent. To have plain white, naturally shaped teeth in the 1500s was considered uncivilized, even animal-like. A 1617 Waray dictionary by Mateo Sanchez contained the phrase baga napkangnan huligan, which meant that when a person with white teeth smiled it looked like he was “chewing on coconut meat.” The civilized thing to do at that time was to colour the teeth jet-black or deep red. Chewing on anipay root or applying a protective tar-like substance called tapul coloured the teeth black while red ant eggs, kaso flowers and the regular chewing of betel nuts coloured the teeth red. Filipinos also filed their teeth to make the edges flat and even – even if it meant filing away half a tooth to do it. The space between each tooth was also filed to make equal gaps. Another option was to file all the teeth to points, like the teeth of a saw. Either way, the idea was to have even, symmetrical teeth. No decent set of teeth was complete without some gold work. The basic style of decoration was to drill holes into the teeth and then insert gold pegs, which were filed flat to give the appearance of gold dots. If the pegs had flat heads they could be overlapped to look like gold fish scales. If the peg heads were rounded, elaborate bead patterns could be made. Gold caps and plates that covered the whole tooth and even above the gum line were also riveted into place with gold pegs. Imagine that the next time you see a portrait of the stoic, unsmiling Lapulapu. Sources Scott, William Henry, Barangay: Sixteenth Century Philippine Culture and Society, 1994 Boxer Codex, The Lilly Library Digital Collections, accessed January 10, 2016, http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/ digital/collections/items/show/93 Find Paul Morrow (author) on Facebook

A Tagalog couple of the 1590s, the pair is wearing plenty of gold jewellery and the woman’s earlobe is pierced and stretched out. The man is wearing Spanish style pantaloons instead of a bahag. The image is believed to be painted by a Chinese artist commissioned by the governor of the Philippines, Luis Pérez das Mariñas.

Two Visayan warriors wearing bahags and displaying tattoos from the same book known as the Boxer Codex, which was obtained by the English scholar Charles R. Boxer in 1947 and later donated to Indiana University.

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019



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Sa mahigit na tatlong dekada naming pagdadala ng mga artista sa iba-ibang lugar ay ngayon lang kami nakaranas na umuwing sumasakit ang katawan. Si Alden Richards ang dahilan. Grabe pala talaga ang pagmamahal at pag-idolo sa Pambansang Bae ng ating mga kababayan! Nawalan ng saysay ang mga nakatalagang barangaytanod, maging ang mga security na kinuha para siya pangalagaan, tinalo sila ng mga tagahanga ng sikat na aktor na grupo-grupong nag-akyatan sa entablado para siya mayakap at mahalikan. Sa imbitasyon ni Tita Flory Estrada para sa fiesta ng


Poblacion, San Rafael, Bulacan ay parang isinabog na saku-sakong langgam ang mga nasa plaza. May mga dumayo mula sa ibaibang bayan ng Bulacan, hapon pa lang ay truck-truck nang mga fans ni Alden ang nagdaratingan, ganoon nga kalakas ngayon ang Pambansang Bae. Pero sa kabila ng pangdudumog sa kaniya ay cool na cool lang si Alden, walang iritasyon sa kaniyang itsura, puro salamat po lang ang maririnig mo sa kaniya. Napakalaki ng nagawanadagdag sa kaniyang career ng matagumpay nilang tambalan ni Kathryn Bernardo sa Hello, See CRISTY p15

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

• Alden Richards – Mahal na mahal ng publiko • Nadine Lustre – Nawindang ba ang career dahil wala nang JaDine? • Dulce – Nag-leave muna sa TNT dahil sa sobrang bashing • Angel Locsin – Ayaw na ayaw nagpapa-double sa mga eksena • Vice Ganda at Ion Perez – Nagsabihan na ng – “I Love You” • Jinkee Pacquiao – Ibebenta ang mga branded stuff para sa foundation • Nora Aunor – Bakit walang bagong project ang Superstar? • Kris Aquino – Nahuli na ng doctor kung ano ang dahilan ng allergies • Vice-Gov Jolo Revilla – Maligaya kay Angelica Alita • Morissette Amon – Sinaktan nga ba ng ama kaya bumukod?

Alden Richards

Angel Locsin


Jo Berry & Nora Aunor

Jinkee Pacquiao and her expensive designer purses

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OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019



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EDWIN... From page 1 show was Uy’s cultural or national costumes, including the Maranao Princess costume that Bb. Pilipinas 2017 Chanel Olive Thomas wore in the competition. The red and gold piece features a beautiful headdress and two matching fans. The Maranao Princess costume is made of silk and cotton. The garments are ornate, decorated with metallic thread embroidery, sequin pearls, long beads and intricate jewellery. The headdress is a work of art. Made of silk and brass, decorated with tassels and dangling beads. Another standout is the Pintados national costume. Teresita Ssen “Wynwyn” Marquez wore this national costume for the Reina Hispanoamericana 2017. Edwin Uy’s inspiration was the tattooed female warrior of the south. The costume made it to the Top 3 best national costume in the competition. Marquez was the Philippines’ first entry to the pageant and won the title of Reina Hispanoamericana 2017. The national costumes for the men were equally outstanding – such as the Philippine Eagle of Davao national costume. Mr. Universal Ambassador 2017 Paul Guarnes wore this national costume when he competed. It is tribal warrior attire inspired by the Philippine Eagle of Davao. Also known as Haribon, this King Eagle is said to be the largest eagle in the world in terms of length. This costume made it to the Top 3 of the Best National Costume of Mister Universal 2017. Paul Guarnes also placed first runner up to the title. The show also featured modern creations from local designers, as well as wonderful performances from local singers. Towards the end of the fashion show Uy expressed his gratitude to all who attended and appreciated his works, and for the very warm welcome he received from kababayans in Winnipeg. – Lucille Nolasco

More photos next issue. Photos by Chito Sta. Brigida

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019



Pair of Aces CCC Events Productions proudly brings you our latest venture to the concert scene: Pair Of Aces. The titular “pair of aces” are two of OPM’s most excellent singers. D’ Total Performer, Darren Espanto and The Fearless Diva, Jona are set to perform in Calgary on October 12, Winnipeg on October 13, 2019 and Toronto on October 19, 2019. He may be the young, but 18-year-old Darren is more than capable of holding his own in the company of veteran singers. Darren started singing at the tender age of two and rose to fame in the Philippines after placing second in Season One of The Voice Kids in 2014. His first album Darren debuted at No. 1 and has since been certified Double Platinum; his second album Be With Me also went to No. 1 and is now certified Platinum. Darren’s current single “Poison” is currently climbing the charts, and his third studio album will be released soon. Shortly after winning season one of GMA-7’s Pinoy Pop Superstar, Jona – who at the time was still going by her real name Jonalyn Viray – became an indemand performer and recording artist. Jona’s first studio album On My Own turned Gold, and her self-titled second album yielded a hit single in “Help Me Get Over.” It went on to win Song of the Year at the 2014 PMPC Star Awards for Music. A year later, she made headlines when she moved to the Kapamilya network and changed her stage name. She has released an album under ABS-CBN’s inhouse record label Star Music, which was eventually certified Platinum. She has also filled concert venues here and abroad, both as a solo performer and as part of a group. Individually, Darren and Jona are phenomenal. Put them together in one show and what do you get? – a concert that will highlight the very best of OPM, featuring two of its most excellent singers: Pair Of Aces.

CRISTY... From page 12 Love, Goodbye, tinanghal siyang Box-Office Kihng, siya rin ang mayhawak ng posisyon ngayon bilang isa sa pinakamahalagang aktor ng kaniyang panahon. “Napakabait na bata,” tanging nasabi ni Tita Flory. Wala kasing kapaguran si Alden sa pagpaparetrato sa mga fans, nangangailangan na siya ng pahinga dahil kababalik lang niya mula sa isang show sa Tawi-Tawi, pero ni katiting na pagkabagot ay wala kang mararamdaman sa pakikitungo ni Alden sa kahit kaninong lumalapit sa kaniya. Inaangkin ngayon ni Alden Richards ang panahon, sinungaling ang magsasabing hindi siya pinagkakaguluhan sa mga lugar See CRISTY p17

Darren Espanto




Elaine of Butuan is Tawag ng Tanghalan’s grand champion Elaine Duran of Butuan City, Agusan del Norte was named the grand champion of Tawag ng Tanghalan on It’s Showtime last September 28 capping off an illustrious journey that began when she became the singing competition’s first-ever ten-time daily defending champion or “TNT record holder.” An early fan favorite, the 20-year-old singer sealed her victory in the grand finals’ last round by performing a medley of Basil Valdez songs Saan Ka Man Naroroon, Sana ay Ikaw na Nga, and Ngayon and Kailanman, which she finished with a perfect whistle note. Her performance gained her the highest combined average score of 41.18% from the madlang people’s votes and judges’ scores. She also thrilled the audience at the Caloocan Sports Complex and triggered positive reactions on social media when she performed her ethnic-pop-rock rendition of Shanti Dope’s hit song Nadarang, which showed off her rapping skills. As the Tawag ng Tanghalan grand champion, Elaine won a family vacation package, custom in-ear monitors, a business franchise, a talent management contract with ABS-CBN, a

recording contract under TNT Records, a brand new house and lot, and P2 million. Elaine beat fellow grand finalists John Mark Saga, who was declared the second placer and received P500,000, and John Michael Dela Cerna, who placed third and won P300,000. The other top six grand finalists Kim Nemenzo, Shaina Mae Allaga, and Jonas Oñate were awarded with P100,000 each.

One of the Baes – Primetime

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

Judy Ann fulfills wishes in Starla

A timely offering this Christmas season The much-awaited television comeback of Judy Ann Santos brings another heart-tugging story about hope, love for family, forgiveness, and granting the heart’s deepest wishes in the primetime teleserye Starla, which premieres on October 7. The series follows a fatherdaughter relationship and a mission to grant people’s wishes – a perfect and timely present for viewers of all ages this Christmas season from Dreamscape Entertainment. Joining Juday in Starla are Joel Torre, Enzo Pelojero, Jana Agoncillo, Meryl Soriano, Joem Bascon, and Raymart Santiago, with the special participation of Tirso Cruz III and Charo Santos. In Starla, Judy Ann is the ruthless Teresa, a successful lawyer who is dedicated to seeking revenge on her despised hometown Baryo Maulap, which she claims is a symbol of her defeat. Her plans are hindered by her estranged father Greggy (Joel) and his adopted son Buboy (Enzo), after one fateful night, Buboy witnesses a dance of fireflies that is said to bring luck wherever they land. Buboy manages to catch what he thinks is a firefly, named Starla (Jana), who happens to be one of the millions of playful wishing stars from the sky. Together, Buboy and Starla

slowly heal the town by granting wishes, but are fixated on Mang Greggy, whose deepest wish is to reconcile with her now-hostile daughter Teresa. In truth, Teresa blames her father for abandoning her and the townspeople for not helping her when she and her mother were in dire need—resulting in her mother’s painful demise. Will Teresa finally get the vengeance that she wants, or does her heart desire something

else? Will Buboy and Starla help Greggy and Teresa feel the warmth of home again? “Starla” is written by Dindo Perez, and directed by Onat Diaz, Darnel Villaflor, and Jerome Pobocan. Its cast members also include Grae Fernandez, Chantal Videla, Janus del Prado, Kathleen Hermosa, Anna Luna, Jordan Herrera, Simon Ibarra, Raikko Matteo, Chunsa Jeung, Myel de Leon, Heaven Peralejo, and many more.

soap now on GMA Network

Fans can now watch the the first-ever primetime series of the RitKen love team – Ken Chan and Rita Daniela – on GMA Network’s latest telebabad offering One of the Baes. Half a million Filipinos are manning ships all over the world, but rarely has a female been at the helm. The Kapuso Network’s latest romantic comedy series dubbed as “millennial fairytale” does just that – empowering women, this time, on the high seas. Jowalyn (Rita Daniela) is bent on making waves to achieve her dream of becoming a ship captain. She is so focused on making this a reality that she avoids romantic entanglements. Meanwhile, Grant (Ken Chan) is convinced he already met his one great love during his childhood and is on the verge of meeting her again. He sets out to look for her, vlogging his way around the world. When a pragmatist and a hopeless romantic meet, will it be smooth sailing or will they need to brave the rough seas? The fun, light, and familyoriented series features some of the country’s veteran actors including Roderick Paulate, Amy Austria, Tonton Gutierrez, Melanie Marquez, and Jestoni Alarcon. Joining them are Maureen Larrazabal, Edgar Allan Guzman, Rodjun Cruz, and Joyce Ching together with the hilarious ensemble of Archie Alemania, Buboy

Villar, Kenneth Medrano, and James Teng. Incidentally, the program aims to pay tribute to our Filipino seafarers. Real-life maritime students from Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP) are participating in the production of this romantic comedy series. One of the Baes is directed by King Marc Baco and Michael Christian Cardoz.

Ken Chan & Rita Daniela

The Clash Season 2, Isa laban sa lahat! GMA Network’s original musical competition – The Clash – is back and bigger than ever, featuring a new set of talented contenders, hosts, and exciting twists throughout the show. The Clash auditions were held worldwide to search for the best singers. And after months and thousands of potential contenders, the Top 64 Clashers have now been chosen and are all set to battle it out on The Clash stage – “Isa laban sa lahat.” The second season introduces the new Clash Masters Total Heartthrob Rayver Cruz and Asia’s Pop Diva Julie Anne San Jose who will present the exciting twists and intriguing turns throughout the season. Off-cam and backstage stories of the clashers will be shared by the well-loved tandem of Rita Daniela and Ken Chan as Journey Hosts. Leading the search for the newest singing sensation once again is The Clash Panel composed of Asia’s Nightingale Lani Misalucha, Asia’s Romantic Balladeer Christian Bautista, and Comedy Concert Queen Ai Ai delas Alas. For Lani, having a good voice is not enough. “‘Yung pipiliin namin ay kung sino ang karapatdapat maging grand champion. Kung minsan, nagkakasabay na pareho silang mahusay, pero ang iko-consider ko rin is star quality.” she said.

Ai AI Delas Alas, Lani Misalucha & Christian Bautista

Julie Anne San Jose, Rayver Cruz, Rita Daniela & Ken Chan Christian shared that he is looking for an all-around performer, “All-around performer. Hindi kailangan kang maganda, gwapo, kailangan talaga sa pag-perform mo, mahuli kaming lahat. Dapat may puso kapag kumanta.” Ai Ai, in turn, is also looking for someone with a “wow factor”, “May mga Clasher na pagpasok pa lang ng stage, commanding

na ‘yung presence, tapos kapag kumanta na, mapapa-wow ka talaga. Dapat ‘yung huhulihin niya kami at ‘yung audience sa buong performance niya.” Who will be proclaimed as The Clash Season 2 Grand Champion? Directed by Louie Ignacio, follow the journey of each Clasher on The Clash Season 2 on GMA-7.

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

CRISTY... From page 15 na pinupuntahan niya, napakalapit sa sinapupunan ng publiko ang walang kayabang-yabang na BoxOffice King. Mas gumuwapo ngayon si Alden, bagay na bagay sa kaniya ang nabawas niyang timbang, pero ang mas kapuri-puri sa kaniya ay ang respetong ibinibigay niya sa ating mga kababayan. Hindi siya magiging paksa ng blind item tungkol sa pagmamaldito sa mga fans, lahat ay pinagbibigyan niyang magparetrato sa tabi niya, iyon ang mayroon si Alden Richards na wala ang ibang personalidad na kasingsikat niya. Tinitipa namin ang kolum na ito ay ramdam namin ang pananakit ng aming mga braso dahil napagitna kami sa pagsugod ng mga fans kay Alden. Pero positibong pananakit, dahil minsan pa naming napatunayan kung gaano kamahal ng publiko si Alden Richards, na habambuhay na pasasalamatan ng mga taga-San Rafael, Bulacan. *** Siguradong sa pagtalikod ni James Reid sa management ng Viva Artists ay nawindang ang career ni Nadine Lustre. Natural, dahil sila ang magka-loveteam, paano na ngayon ang kaniyang career? Hindi naman siguro itutuloy ng Viva ang kanilang tambalan dahil wala na sa kanila si James, ang ama na nito ang magpapatakbo ng kaniyang karera, may bagong plano siyempre ang management ng Viva para sa dalaga. Saan na pupunta ngayon ang career ni Nadine ngayong binaklas na sa Viva ng kaniyang ama si James? Ano kaya ang magiging plano ng Viva para kay Nadine? Maganda ang takbo ng kanilang career noon bilang magka-loveteam, kumikita ang kanilang mga pelikula, sino kaya ang bagong itatambal ngayon kay Nadine? Dalawang magkasunod na pelikula ng dalaga ang hindi sinuwerte sa takilya, kung paanong matinding tagumpay ang inabot sa box-office ng isinasabong sa kaniyang si Kathryn Bernardo, iyon naman ang kabaligtaran ng naganap sa mga proyekto ni Nadine. Iyon ang mahirap kapag umaasa lang sa loveteam ang artista, kapag nabuwag ang tambalan, para na siyang naliligaw. Babalangkasin na naman ng nagaalaga sa kaniya ang magiging takbo ng kaniyang career na nagiisa na lang siya. Sayang na sayang ang kailang loveteam ni James Reid, iyon pa naman ang ipinangsasabong sa tambalang KathNiel, nakalutang ngayon ang career nila ni James. Pero hindi pa naman katapusan ng mundo ang nangyari kay Nadine sa pag-alis ni James sa Viva, magaling siyang umarte na napatunayan na niya sa maraming pelikulang ginawa niya, huwag nating kalilimutan na mayhawak na siyang parangal bilang pinakamahusay na aktres. Mahihirapan lang sa simula si Nadine Lustre pero sa katagalan ay maiisip na rin niya na ang pagkawala ng loveteam nila ni

PILIPINO EXPRESS James Reid ay hindi magpapahinto ng kaniyang mundo bilang artista. *** Depresyon ang kinahahantungan ng mga personalidad na hindi sanay sa bashing. Lalo na kapag sobrang personal na ang pamba-bash sa kanila ay dalawang bagay lang ang madalas na nangyayari. Ang una ay napupuwersa ang artista na pumatol na, talagang kapag punumpuno na ang personalidad ay tinatawag na siyang patolah, hindi na kasi niya kinakaya ang mga salitang ibinabato at ipinakakain sa kaniya ng mga bashers.

Ang ikalawang posibilidad ay nagde-deactivate na lang ng account ang bina-bash, damay sa kaniyang desisyon pati ang kaniyang mga tagasuporta, ibabalik niya na lang ang komunikasyon kapag lumipas na ang init ng pamba-bash sa kaniya. Isa ang Asia’s Diva na si Dulce sa nakaranas nang matinding panlalait mula sa mga bashers. Pinagmumumura siya, pinipintasan nang mula ulo hanggang paa, pati ang kaniyang mga anak ay idinadamay pa ng mga bashers. iyon ang dahilan kung bakit See CRISTY p18


Vice Gov. Jolo Revilla & Angelica Alita




OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

BCBP Winnipeg Mission breakfast meeting by Luis Santiago On a bright, sunny morning of September 14th, the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) Winnipeg Mission held its second breakfast fellowship meeting at the Canad Inns Destination Centre Garden City on McPhillips Street. The good weather in the run up to the fall season added to the excitement and positive vibes in what turned out to be another successful gathering of business people and professionals over a cup of coffee and hot breakfast. This sequel to the inaugural breakfast held in July was highlighted by an inspirational talk given by a guest couple who had flown all the way from Toronto, Ontario. About 50 people gathered for the breakfast, almost half of whom were first-time attendees. Some of the attendees were active members of BCBP and other Catholic faith communities in the Philippines, while others were there to discover what the BCBP breakfast meeting was all about. Attendees to breakfast meetings are invited by members to spend about two hours of Saturday mornings to share a meal, meet friends old and new, do networking, laugh a bit, and share nostalgia about community life. Breakfast meetings are also sources of inspiration and encouragement, and to some people, they are an enriching experience to build relationships and grow in the Christian faith. The meeting held in September did just that, as couple Mark Anthony and Patricia Co, who live in Toronto with their two young kids, generously shared their time by coming over to Winnipeg to speak about life challenges and how they have overcome through their faith and Christian conviction. Their

CRISTY... From page 17 ilang araw siyang hindi naupo bilang hurado ng Tawag Ng Tanghalan sa It’s Showtime, nakiusap siya sa produksiyon na magpapahinga lang muna siya, dahil nagkakaroon siya ng palpitation na hindi makagaganda sa kaniyang kalusugan. Lahat ng mga hurado sa TNT ay nakakatanggap ng mga salitang nakasasakit ng damdamin, hinuhusgahan ang kanilang desisyon bilang hurado, samantalang ginagawa lang naman nila ang kanilang trabaho. Makahulugan ang binitiwang pahayag ni Dulce bago siya pansamantalang nagpahinga sa pagiging hurado, “Hindi po ako magso-sorry sa ginawa kong paghusga sa mga naglaban, ginawa ko lang ang nararapat at karapat-dapat.” *** Kung panonoorin natin ang mga eksena ni Angel Locsin sa pinagbibidahan niyang The General’s Daughter ay parang wala nang bukas. Talagang

testimonials definitely provided inspiration and encouragement, a food for thought that easily made one’s Saturday morning more meaningful (and soulful). BCBP is a Christian community that draws its members from among business leaders and professionals who seek to practice Christian values in all aspect of their daily lives, most particularly in the workplace. BCBP has its roots in the Philippines, when it was founded in July 1980, and has since grown to over 117 full chapters in the Philippines with outreach missions in the US and Canada. In Canada alone, BCBP is present in major cities such as in the Greater Toronto Area, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, and in Hamilton. BCBP Canada is headed by Etchin Sumagang, while BCBP Winnipeg is currently headed by Ramon Sales. BCBP Winnipeg is the youngest mission in Canada. Its inaugural breakfast was only recently held in July. Two more breakfast meetings are slated to be held before the year ends. If you would like to break bread and experience the BCBP fellowship, do come and join forthcoming meetings set on October 19th and November 30th. BCBP Winnipeg is recognized as a Catholic lay organization by the Archdiocese of Winnipeg. Its current mission team is composed of Ramon Sales (Mission Head), Joseph Lachica (Formation Head), Abraham Salvador (Breakfast Head), Joseph Resurreccion (Program Services Head), Leila Eugenio Guerrero (Teaching Ministry Head) and Doris Reyes (Treasurer). Interested in joining a breakfast meeting? Contact the BCBP Winnipeg Secretariat at bcbpwinnipeg@gmail.com.

nakakanerbiyos ang mga ginagawa niyang eksena. Ganoong may iniinda siyang sakit sa likod ay ayaw na ayaw niyang nagpapa-double, puwede namang iba na ang gumagawa sa mga eksenang nakakatakot, pero kinakausap niya talaga ang produksiyon na gusto niyang siya mismo ang magtatawid sa mga tagpong makapigil-hininga. Kuwento ni Maricel Soriano, “Ibang klase ang babaeng iyon! Para siyang may nakareserbang buhay! Kinakausap siya ng production staff kung kailangan ba nilang kumuha ng stuntwoman para sa eksena, pero ayaw niya! “Magpapaturo lang siya sandali ng routine, tapos, execution na! Siya mismo ang gumagawa ng mga action scenes, iyong pagsakay sa ilalim ng truck, lahat-lahat!” nagugulat na kuwento ng Diamond Star. Isa lang ang tawag sa ganoong klase ng artista. Propesyonal! *** Kinilig ang buong bayan noong Biyernes (Sept. 27) nang tanghali nang parang mga ikinakasal nang nagpalitan ng, “I love you,” sa ere

BCBP Winnipeg Core Group with guest speakers and some of the guests.

BCBP Winnipeg’s second breakfast meeting guests, speakers, and regular members.

Couple sharers Mark and Patricia Co from Toronto

sina Vice Ganda at Ion Perez. Ang kilig ay nahaluan pa ng kakaibang emosyon nang napaluha sina Vice at Ion sa ipinakita nilang pagmamahalan sa harap ng mga camera. Maraming humanga sa dalawa, pero siyempre’y hindi mawawala ang mga bashers, ang komento ng mga hindi nagkagusto sa kanilang ginawa ay binababoy raw nina Vice at Ion ang kanilang lunchtime show. Sabi ng isa, “Ano ba naman ang mga baklang ‘yan? Sana, in private na lang sila nagsasabihan ng I love you, huwag na in public! Uwian ng mga eskuwela ang tanghalian, maraming batang nanonood sa show nila, tapos, ganyan ang makikitang ginagawa nila? “Ilagay naman nila sa tamang lugar ang pagmamahalan nila! Kung ang ibang matatanda nga, e, hindi pa masyadong tanggap ang man-to-man relationship, ang mga bata pa kaya ang makakaintindi sa mga ginagawa nila?” pagpuna ng isang kababayan natin kina Vice at Ion. May punto naman ang argumento. Maraming batang

nakatutok sa It’s Showtime, pampamilya ang pakete ng programa, kaya siguradong may mga magulang ding nag-alala para sa kanilang mga anak noong magpalitan ng I love you sa himapapawid sina Vice at Ion. Pero sabi nga, ang pagpaparamdam ng pagmamahal ay walang pinipiling panahon, naitatawid iyon sa iba-ibang hugis at paraan, kaya hindi na nakapagpigil sina Vice Ganda at Ion sa kanilang nararamdaman. Mukhang sinsero naman si Ion Perez sa kaniyang pagmamahal kay Vice, ikinaliligaya nga nito ang makitang maligayang-maligaya ang TV host, kaya napaluha si Kuya Escort. *** Palaging bina-bash si Jinkee Pacquiao sa pagkakaroon niya ng mga branded stuff. Milyunan kasi ang halaga ng kaniyang mga branded bags, daang libo naman ang halaga ng kaniyang mga sapatos, napaka-flaunty raw ng misis ng Pambansang Kamao. Pero pera naman nila ang ipinambibili ni Jinkee, wala naman silang inaabalang ibang tao

Kris Aquino para sa kaniyang mga granatsa, pinaghihirapan ng kaniyang mister sa lona ang ipinambibili ni Jinkee ng mga kagamitang makapagpapasaya sa kaniya. Pero siguro’y hindi na masyadong aasintahin ngayon ng mga bashers si Jinkee dahil ibinebenta niya na ang mga mamahalin niyang gamit para sa isang makabuluhang proyekto. Ang bahagi ng pagbebentahan ng kaniyang mga pre-owned stuff ay gagamitin nila sa See CRISTY p20

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019








NO. 333

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Saranggola 5. Siil 8. Sugpo 10. Prubado 13. Asar 14. Tutop 15. Panghalip 16. Ibilad sa araw 17. Panawag pansin 18. Liping minorya 19. Solo 20. Pang-ukol 22. Saka 24. Pagpapatubo 27. Wala nang magulang 29. Makakapagtiis 31. Tulyapis 32. Isang hayop 33. Tatangayin PABABA 1. Di makapagsalita 2. Maingay pag umulan 3. Edipisyo 4. Buhaghag 5. Lasa 6. Walang halo

7. Uri ng pagkain 9. Isusulong 11. Insulto 12. Ginto 20. Kabuuan 21. Batay 22. Mataas na baraha 23. Daig 25. Lilok 26. Halina 27. Pasimuno 28. Isang punong kahoy 30. Barkilyos


OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

OKTUBRE 1–15, 2019 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Sa ayaw mo man o hindi, madadala ka ng agos. Huwag mong tanggihan o labanan lalo na kung sa kutob mo ay para sa ikabubuti ng buhay mo sa kinabukasan. Ang pinakamagandang ganti sa mga nanglamang sa iyo ay ang makita nilang masaya at nagtatagumpay ka. OK sa ika-4, 5, 12 at 13. Ingat ka sa ika-10 at 11.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Busy ka. Marami kang dapat tapusin at ang mga iyon ay obligasyon at responsibilidad mo. May maaapektuhan kung hindi mo gagawing mabuti kaya tanggihan mo ang mga nanunukso sa iyo na talikuran mo muna ang mga gawain. Panagutan mo. OK ang ika-4, 5, 12 at 13. Ingat ka sa ika1, 2, 3, 8, 9 at 14.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Pera, kabuhayan, negosyo. Ang mga ito ang dapat nasa isip mo ngayon. Buwenas ang Oktubre kaya’t samantalahin mo ang dating ng magandang kapalaran. Babagal ang daloy ng oportunidad pagpasok ng Nobyembre kaya humataw ka ngayon. OK ang ika6, 7, 14 at 15. Bantay ka sa ika-4, 5, 10 at 11.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Kung balak mong humingi ng bonus o promotion sa trabaho, ngayon na ang panahon. Makikita mong pabor sa iyo ang kapalaran dahil maayos ang buhay mo at gayon din ang mga mahal mo. Ngayon ka humiling at matutupad iyon. Buwenas ang Oktubre mo. OK ang ika-6, 7, 14 at 15. Ingat sa ika-12 at 13.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Gusto mo ay maayos ang lahat. Hindi mo kayang tanggapin kung may nangyayaring hindi sunod sa gusto mo sa iyong buhay. Walang masama sa gayon kaya lang ikaw ang naglalagay ng stress sa buhay mo. Hindi ka puwedeng magreklamo, nasa sa iyo na iyon. OK sa ika-6, 7, 14 at 15. Stressful ka sa ika-1, 2, 3, 8 at 9.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Huwag mong pigilin ang masidhi mong pagnanais na makapagbakasyon sa ibang lugar. Kung hindi ngayon, kailan pa? Habang buo pa ang pamilya o habang malakas ka pa at kaya pang mapagod nang hindi magkakaproblema ang kalusugan. Larga na! Best days mo ang ika-8 at 9. Alalay ka sa ika-1, 2, 3, 14 at 15.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Kumuha ka ng papel at lapis. Maupo ka. Isulat mo ang mga gusto mong gawin sa mga darating na buwan. May mga pagkakamali ka na ayaw mo nang maulit. Hindi pa huli ang lahat. Magpatawad ka at humingi ka rin ng tawad. OK ang ika-1, 2, 3, 10 at 11. Stressful ka sa ika-8, 9, 14 at 15.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Eto na ang taglamig! Oras na para mag-isip-isip ka, Bigyan mo ng kalayaan ang sarili na magsaya. Kalimutan mo muna ang mga maliliit na bagay na nagiging dahilan upang mag-worry ka. Turuan mo ang sarili na maging maligaya, walang masama doon. Mapalad ka sa ika-8 at 9. Bantay ka sa ika-4, 5, 10 at 11.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Isang paalaala, kailangan mong magpahinga. Masyado mong pinapagod ang utak, ang katawan, at ang puso mo. May mga bagay na kailangan mong pabayaan na lang dahil wala kang magagawa para baguhin ang mga iyon. Magrelax ka dahil ubos na ang lakas mo. OK ang ika-4, 5, 12 at 13. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-6 at 7.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Masaya ka dahil lahat ng nangyayari ay ayon sa iyong plano. Magpapatuloy ang kaligayahan sa buong buwan na ito. Wala ring problema sa kalusugan mo. Ang nararamdaman mong karamdaman ay pansamantala lamang, magpahinga ka lang. Masaya ang ika-8 at 9. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-6, 7, 12 at 13.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Ang tungkol sa pera o mana ay kailangan ninyong ayusin agad. Hindi ito malulutas kung walang magaasikaso. Huwag mong solohin. Kapag pinatagal mo ito, malamang na hindi kayo magkakaunawaan sa pamilya. Walang mangyayari kung mahihiya ka sa kanila. OK ang ika-1, 2, 3, 10 at 11. Ingat sa ika-4 at 5.

ng isang barangay para sa buong taon. Ganoon katindi ang halaga ng mga branded stuff ng misis ni Senador Manny Pacquiao. *** Maraming tagasuporta ng Superstar ang nagtatampo sa GMA-7. Bakit daw walang proyekto sa network si Nora Aunor, samantalang si Jo Berry na kasama lang noon sa seryeng Onanay, mayroon? Sana raw ay si Nora Aunor na ang kinuha para sa papel na manghuhula ngayon sa The Gift na pinagbibidahan ni Alden Richards, siya na lang daw sana ang gumaganap na lola ng Pambansang Bae sa serye, hindi si Elizabeth Oropesa. Maganda ang role na ginagampanan ni Jo Berry sa The Gift, halos sa kanilang dalawa ni

Alden ang ikot ng kuwento, dahil ito ang pangalawang ina ng bida sa istorya. Lalo na ngayong binata na si Joseph (Alden) sa kuwento, mas interesante na ang daloy ng serye, sa huling sultada ay nagkita na sila ng kaniyang tunay na inang si Jean Garcia na ilang dekada nang naghahanap sa kaniya. Baka naman may nakahandang ibang proyekto ang GMA-7 para sa Superstar, walang dapat ipagtampo ang kaniyang mga tagahanga dahil pana-panahon lang naman ‘yan, kapag may babagay na role para kay Nora ay siguradong kukunin siya ng istasyon. Ang isang magaling at markadong aktres na tulad ni Nora Aunor ay hindi mababakante. Sobra pa sa kailangan ang See CRISTY p21

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Mag-focus ka sa pamilya mo. Huwag kang magpapadala sa pressure lalo na doon sa mga nag-aaya sa iyong sumama sa kanilang mga lakad. Kung saan ka mas magiging masaya, doon ka. Sa ngayon, masaya ka kung kasama ang pamilya, kaya sa kanila ka. Suwerte ang ika-1, 2, 3, 10 at 11. Alalay ka sa ika-6, 7, 12 at 13.

CRISTY... From page 18 Emmanuel and Jinkee Heart Foundation. Malayo ang mararating ng makakalap nilang halaga, maraming kababayan natin ang matutulungan, isang napakagandang ehemplo. Siguradong maraming magkakainteres sa mga inoauction na branded bags and shoes ni Jinkee dahil bagung-bago pa ang kaniyang mga nabiling kagamitan. Baka nga minsan lang niyang nagamit ang mga iyon dahil sa dami ng kaniyang magagarang gamit. Ang mahalaga ay may pupuntahan ang pagbebenta niya ng mga pre-owned items niya na pangyayamanin. Isang bag lang ni Jinkee ay sobra pa sa sapat na maging budget


OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

Ang federal election campaign ay nagsimula noong ika-11 ng Setyembre. Dito sa Winnipeg, Manitoba, malamang maging mainit ang labanan for MPs sa pagitan ng LPs and Conservatives sanhi sa nakaraan snap elections na si Brian Pallister ay re-elected. Ang sitting MPs dito ngayon na malamang maghangad ng reelection ay pito ang LPs, limang Conservatives at dalawang NDP. *** Sa US pinag-aaralan daw ng mga nasa opposition ang possible impeachment sa pangulong Donald Trump. Kung sabagay, ang pagpapatalsik na paraan sa sitting president ay ginagawa sa gayong pamamaraan. Ewan lang kung mapatutupad. *** Ang immigration sa US ay open pa raw, subalit sa ngayon ang mga bagong applications are not yet welcome. Ang petition naman ng isang US citizen sa kaniyang pinakasalang asawa na foreigner ay magdadaan pa rin sa masusing imbestigasyon. Ang pagdinig sa kaso ay hindi rin madaling mabigyan ng patibay. *** Ang mga aktibista sa Hongkong ay nanawagan ng US support tungkol sa kanilang protesta na pro-democracy movement. Hanggang nananatili ang kasalukuyang sitwasyon sa nabanggit na teritoryo, marahil ay magpapatuloy din ang pangit na kalagayang pangkatahimikan at pangkabuhayan ng mga mamamayan doon. Pilipinas Patuloy na tinututukan ng gobyernong Duterte ang mga pangunahing issues tungkol sa pangkabuhayan at katahimikan ng bansa. Sa corruption issues ay nangibabaw ang tungkol sa Bureau of Correction (BuCor). Ang


planong amendment ng Duterte administration na nagkakaloob ng karagdagang kapangyarihan sa Department of Justice ay kinatigan umano ni Senador Frank Drilon. Nabanggit ko na sa nakaraang pitak na ito ang tungkol loophole sa Good Conduct Time Allowance (GCTA), na nakaplaoob sa Republic Act 10592. Ang author ay sina Senador Leila De Lima at Mar Roxas na former Secretary of Interior during the presidency of former President Noynoy Aquino. Ang mga papeles ay nagdadaan at may mga initial na ng mga kawaning dinatnan ng sino mang bagong pinuno ng departamento. Kaya naman ang presumption ay ok na para sa pirma ng pinuno. Siya ang nagpapasan ng pananagutan sa tiwaling transactions. Kahit ano pa ang sinasabi ng mga nasa kongreso na may mataas ng pinag-aralan, ang aking sariling pangunawa sa GCTA ay may loophole in simple English na kahinaang ng batas. Bakit nakalusot sa mga well learned members of congress? Maliwanag na salamin ‘yon ng kapabayaan. Nagpapatibay ng mga panukalang batas na may loophole? Ngayon, ang sinasabi ay kailangan daw maamyendahan ang batas. Nasayang ang pondong nagastos at panahon. *** Kaparis din ngayon ng pamamaraan sa pagangkat ng bigas. Pinaubaya sa mga pribadong negosyante. Nangutang ng kanilang pinuhunan sa mga bangko ng gobyerno. Maraming bodega ang napuno ng NFA rice na hindi maaaring imbakin nang matagal na tulad ng palay. Nabayaran na ba ng mga umangkat ng bigas ang inaasahang kaukulang tariff sa gobyerno? Noong nakaraan buwan nabalitang hindi pa. Ngayon ay kailangang maamyendahan na rin


Ang Katotohanan Sa isip ng tao una’y katapatan, Kung ang nakatanim ay katotohanan; Pinagtagni-tagning kasinungalingan, Tunay na nangyari ang magpapatunay! *** Katulad ng mga nagaganap ngayon, Sa nilisang bayang marami ang gutom; Pamana ng mga namahala noon, Ang sistemang bulok, kusang nangangamoy! *** Sa mga hikahos walang pakialam, Ang mga bihasa sa kapabayaan; Masamang gawain, noon pinagtakpan ng maraming ganid na may katungkulan! *** Sa ngayon ay waring nabago ang lahat, Dahil sa hangaring ang bansa’y umunlad! Paquito Rey Pacheco

daw ang Rice Tarriffication Law. *** Ang isa pang mainit na issue ay tungkol sa South China Sea dispute na nangangailangan ng dalawang pronged approach. Sinabi ni Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana na kanilang igigiit ang karapatan ng Pilipinas sa West Philippine Sea na Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) na kung saan ang China ay paulit-ulit na pumapasok sa nabanggit na teritoryo. Sinabing gagawin sa pamamagitan ng diplomatic approach. Ginawa na nga raw ng pangulong Duterte nang unang magsadya sa China noong 2016. May apat na larangan daw na kasunduan ang natalakay sa pamamagitan ng Bilateral Consultation Meeting (BCM). Political and security, Oil and Gas, Fisheries and Marine scientific research projects ng Manila and Beijing. Ang Senior Associate Supreme Court Justice Antonio Carpio ay nagbabala na hindi dapat makalimutan ang arbital ruling sa West Philippine Sea.


*** Isang mataas na leader ng Chinese Communist Party ang naging bisita ng pangulong Duterte sa Malacañang noong ika-6 ng Setyembre. Kinilalang Mr. Chen’er na sinamahan sa palasyo ng Beijing Ambassador sa Maynila. Naroon din ang head ng PDP-Laban at iba pang tauhan na nasa executive office. Ang nangyayari ay baka magkaloob ng karagdagang sigla sa Communists Party of the Philippines. Sa simula pa lang nang ang dating naging Mayor ng Davao City for 33 years ay maluklok sa Malacañang ay hinangad na nilang mapatalsik sa katungkulan. *** Nananatili pa rin na isang problema sa anti-illegal drug campaign ng Duterte ang umano ay maraming mga former police officials ang sangkot sa tinaguriang “narco generals.” Hindi lang ‘yon. Nabalitang may mga local officials na sangkot din sa illegal drug trade. Totoo nga po, maraming nagiging marupok sa kapangyarihang taglay

ng salapi.

*** History might repeat itself sa pagbabago ng sistema sa pagpapalit ng liderato sa gobyerno. Hindi sa pamamagitan ng armed revolution. Malamang through political but issues on peace and order pa rin. Ang sanhi ay patuloy na population explosion na ang pangkabuhayan ng taumbayan ang tiyak na apektado. Ang problema tungkol sa peace and order ng bansa ay mananatiling problema ng pangulong Duterte hanggang sa katapusan ng kaniyang mandato sa 2022. Lubhang marami nang mga licenced and non-registered na mga armas ngayon. Hindi katulad noong about 1972. Kasabihan Nakita ang uling sa muka ng iba, ang nasa sarili ay hindi nakikita! Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

CRISTY... From page 20 kaniyang napatunayan na. *** Maganda na nga ang sitwasyon ni Kris Aquino, mukhang naugat na ng kaniyang mga doktor na banyaga kung ano at saan nagmumula ang kaniyang allergies, nadadagdagan na ang kaniyang timbang ngayon. Aktibo na uli siya sa social media, marami siyang kuwento at inilalabas na video, senyal na maayos na ang kaniyang kalusugan ngayon. Ang pinananabikan ng kaniyang mga tagasuporta ay ang muli niyang pagbabalik sa telebisyon na mukhang mailap pa sa ngayon. Gumagawa ng mga paraan si Kris, hindi na lang niya iyon ipinamamalita, pero hindi niya kakampi ang panahon. Nakapanghihinayang ang mga pagkakataong lumilipas dahil sa totoo lang, napakagaling na host ni Kris Aquino, walang makakakabog sa kaniyang talento sa paghawak ng talk show. Masyadong masakit ang biro sa kaniya ng tadhana, sino ba ang mag-aakala na ang poste ng ABS-CBN nang halos dalawang dekada ay magkakaganyan pala, pagsasaraduhan ng lahat ng butas na puwede niyang lusutan para makabalik lang siya? Pero hindi pa naman katapusan ng lahat, baka sa susunod na taon ay biglang kumambiyo ang kaniyang career, muli na siyang mapapanood sa linyang kaniyangkaniya lang. *** Sa panayam namin kay Senador Bong Revilla sa digital show namin nina Manay Lolit Solis at Mr. Fu na Take It. Per Minute, Me Ganoon ay nagkataon namang dumalaw sa kaniyang ama si Vice-Governor Jolo Revilla. Natural, hindi na namin pinalampas pa ang pagkakataon, pinaupo na rin namin sa interbyu ang vice-governor ng Cavite na maaliwalas na maaliwalas ang

Morissette and her dad Amay Amon aura ngayon. Ang nagagawa nga naman ng pag-ibig. Ang nagagawa nga naman ng inspirasyon mula sa isang minamahal at nagmamahal din sa kaniya na si Angelica Alita. Ayaw pang magbigay ng mga detalye ni Vice-Governor Jolo tungkol sa nalalapit nilang pagpapakasal ng beauty queen, pero malakas ang ikot ng balita na magaganap na ang kasalan sa December, sa Amerika sila magpapakasal. Maraming nanghihinahyang sa halos dekada na nilang naging relasyon ni Jodi Sta. Maria, pero sabi nga ni Senador Bong, “Kung saan maligaya ang mga anak namin, maligaya na rin kami para sa kanila.” Nagniningning ang mga mata ng batambatang aktor-pulitiko, kitang-kitang maligaya siya sa piling ni Angelica, hindi na kailangan pang ipagtanong iyon. *** Sumpa ng ama ni Morissette Amon, never daw nitong sinaktan nang pisikal ang kaniyang anak, iyon kasi ang lumabas na dahilan kung bakit nagsarili na ang magaling na singer. May kani-kaniyang paraan ang mga magulang sa pagpapalaki ng kanilang mga anak, may kani-kaniyang disiplina rin silang pinaiiral sa pagbibigay ng leksiyon, ang ibang mga magulang ay gumagamit ng pamamalo at ang ibang magulang naman ay

naniniwalang mas tumatatak sa isip ng mga anak ang pangaral kesa sa pananakit nang pisikal. Pero ang ama ni Morissette ay naninindigan na hindi nito sinaktan ang kaniyang anak. Maaaring nagkakaroon daw sila ng mga argumento pero never nitong sinaktan ang magaling na singer. Pero dapat ding maisip ng mga magulang na ang masasakit na salitang binibitiwan nila ay mas lumalatay. Hindi nga lang pisikal pero napakasakit noon sa isip at puso. At mukhang nagising na si Mr. Amay Amon sa katotohanan na mali ang ginawa nitong pagbabahagi ng kanilang problemang personal sa publiko. Ang social media ay isang napakalawak na mundo para pakisawsawan ng kahit sino. Ang problemang dapat ay silasila lang ang umaayos ay sukat ba namang ilantad sa social media ng ama ni Morissette, ano tuloy ang kinalabasan, mas malaking gulo! At ngayon lang namin nalaman na napakarami palang nagkakagusto kay Morissette, tahimik lang ang mga nagmamahal sa kaniya, pero nang mismong ama na niya ang naglabas ng kanilang problema ay nakatagpo siya ng mga abogadong tagapagtanggol sa kaniyang pinagdadaanan. Ibang-iba ang husgado ng bayan. At napatunayan iyon ng ama ni Morissette Amon. – CSF



OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

United Way Plane Pull – September 13, 2019

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019





OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2019

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