Pilipino Express • Oct 1 2020

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Volume 16 • No. 19 • October 1 -15, 2020 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Jasmine Curtis-Smith


Photo credit: Jasmine’s Instagram


Level Orange

The city of Winnipeg and 17 surrounding communities were raised to the orange, or restricted, level of Manitoba’s pandemic response system on Monday, September 28, 2020. Dr. Brent Roussin, Manitoba’s chief public health officer, announced the change at a news conference Friday, September 25, amidst a rising number of COVID-19 untraceable “non-epilink” cases in the city. The new restrictions According to the rules of the Orange Level response: • Wearing a mask in all indoor public places is now mandatory. This includes bars and restaurants, except while actually seated at a table to eat or drink. People who work with the public must wear a mask but masks are not mandatory See ORANGE p3

Virginia (Jean) Guiang-Santoro, one of RBC’s Top 25 Canadian Immigrants

Nadine Lustre & Alden Richards

11 Jennylyn Mercado & Dennis Trillo

Virginia (Jean) GuiangSantoro – a leader in Winnipeg’s Filipino-Canadian community – is one of the awardees for the 12th annual RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awards. Guiang-Santoro is the founder of the Filipino Domestic Workers Association of Manitoba (FIDWAM). Founded in 1988, the organization is dedicated to protecting the rights of live-in caregivers in the province. Guiang-Santoro was also a founding member and president of the Cosmopolitan Group of Winnipeg, a daughter organization of the Citizenship Council of Manitoba Inc.; chairperson of the Queen’s and Mayor’s Committee of the Philippine Association of Manitoba; mayor of the Philippine Pavilion in Winnipeg; a representative to the National Organization of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women of Canada; and an International Centre volunteer, welcoming new arrivals to Winnipeg. See JEAN p8

Virginia (Jean) Guiang-Santoro



OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020

ORANGE... From page 1 in other workplaces, Roussin said. • Gatherings are limited to a maximum of 10 people indoors and outdoors. This includes gatherings such as weddings and funerals. For private gatherings in homes, however, the limit of 10 applies to guests only, and does not count the number residents in the home. The 10-person limit also does not apply to places already under specific rules through current public health orders, such as schools, restaurants, child-care facilities, retail stores, museums, theatres and casinos. Those places are already subject to capacity limits and other requirements, which have not changed. However, Roussin said the rules might change for restaurants


following consultations with some restaurant owners. He said at a press conferences on September 24 that half of the recent Winnipeg cases of COVID-19 had been to a bar or restaurant within the time period when they acquired the virus. “We do need to engage with [the restaurant industry] and come up with a way that we can change the way things are happening right now.” • Previous provisions for all other sectors remain in place, but further direction or additional restrictions may be put in place implemented by public health at any time. For example, the rules for organized sports have not changed. “Those are dealt with in the [public health] order,” said Roussin. “While you’re competing, then there isn’t that distancing requirement [and]

they have a 50 per cent capacity for fans.” However, faith-based organizations that opted for cohorting, instead of following general capacity limits, will have to switch over, he added. The Orange Level restrictions will be in place for at least four weeks, which is two incubation periods for COVID-19. Locations now under Orange Level restrictions Aside from the City of Winnipeg, the new rules also apply to 17 surrounding areas because residents regularly come into the city, and to discourage Winnipeggers who might try to


evade restrictions by heading outside city limits. “When it’s so easily accessible to take a step outside the perimeter to have a large group size, we thought we’d see the unintended consequence of just easily shifting large groups to very convenient distances,” said Roussin. The 17 regions outside Winnipeg now under Orange Level restrictions are: the Rural Municipality of Cartier, Village of Dunnottar, RM of East St. Paul, RM of Headingley, RM of Macdonald, Town of Niverville, RM of Ritchot, RM of Rockwood,

RM of Rosser, City of Selkirk, RM of Springfield, RM of St. Andrews, RM of St. Clements, RM of St. François Xavier, Town of Stonewall, RM of Taché, and the RM of West St. Paul. Other now-familiar rules continue to be in effect: • Stay home when sick. • Practice social distancing, hand washing/sanitizing and cough etiquette. • Follow public health guidance on travel and selfisolation. • Vulnerable people, such as seniors, are encouraged to exercise additional caution.


On September 25th, the chief public health officer of Manitoba, Dr. Brent Roussin, announced that Winnipeg and 17 other regions would be moving to level Orange on the province’s pandemic response system. This restricted level will remain in effect for at least four weeks, two full incubation periods of the COVID-19 virus. Effective Monday September 28, masks are required in all indoor public places within these regions and all indoor and outdoor gatherings will be limited to 10 people. Manitoba recently saw the effectiveness of level orange guidelines when the Prairie Mountain health region managed a spike in covid-19 cases. As uncertainty and worrying can increase for some people, especially as we head into the fall and winter months, it is important to review our coping strategies, and what will be helpful to keep in mind. • Physical health: Keep a routine, get enough sleep and exercise, and maintain a healthy diet. We must abide by the health recommendations of hand washing and sanitizing, physical distancing, and wearing a mask in


public. • Emotional wellbeing: Allow yourself time to process feelings of frustration, worry and even anger, but in a healthy way. Talk to a trusted friend or family member, write in a journal, engage in physical exercise, or talk to a mental health professional or clergy member. Chances are, if we allow genuine feelings to have their “air time,” they will subside. We can then return to a state of calm and can problem-solve more effectively. • Social wellbeing: Humans are not built to live alone. People require social connection – some more than others. But nowadays, we must figure out how to do this safely. The colder weather will limit our ability to meet outdoors, but just as we have before, we will still be able to participate in outdoor activities if we dress warmly and appropriately. Looking at the bright side, masks will be able to keep us warmer! Telephone or video calls are the current norm, and if we work together to have the best outcome possible, these means of interacting will be temporary. Spring will come again, and outdoor gatherings will likely be an option.

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020

Getting through the fall and winter months during the pandemic We will have to rethink how we celebrate holidays and special days now. It’s difficult to realize that our traditions and gatherings such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Ramadan, and New Years Day will be different. Even Halloween and Valentine’s Day will not be the same. But humans have proven time and time again that where there is a will, there is a way. We will simply have to be creative! • Mental health: Keeping a regular routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time is an effective mental health strategy because it provides certainty and a sense of control when other things seem out of control. Finding ways to be in the present minimizes the time that we replay the regrets of the past and worry about the events of the future. These “here-andnow” activities can include deep breathing exercises, meditation, prayer, and mindfulness practices. Other strategies are going for walks and appreciating nature, putting together a puzzle, colouring in an adult colouring book, engaging in tai chi or yoga, cuddling with a

pet, singing and dancing. • Spiritual wellbeing: This includes religious practices, but also extends to finding ways to affirm that you are connected to something larger than yourself. When we serve and help others, we know that we are part of a community. Furthermore, spiritual health also involves finding meaning and purpose, and a reason to get up every day. According to Father Yolando Gamallo of St. John Cantius parish in Winnipeg, wearing a mask is a spiritual act because it serves the greater community and demonstrates love for the other. No matter what one thinks about the science behind masks and whether they are or are not effective, isn’t it enough reason to wear one if it comforts the angst of our fellow human beings? Stay safe and healthy everyone, and I hope that you find peace, comfort and meaning during these uncertain times. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

Adapting to job search change COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill, and the impact on the economy has been quite significant. In particular, many organizations have laid people off and many companies have had to implement many changes regarding the way that they operate and the way that they hire. There is no doubt that most job seekers are caught in a predicament as they try to manoeuvre around the multiple changes brought on by the pandemic. Although the way we used to look for jobs has changed, the best strategy to become successful is to adapt and accept that things have changed. Here are some pointers to help you get started. Don’t give up on your search – Despite the unique situation that most employers are in, there are employers out there that are still

trying to fill some gaps in their workforce. This is one reason to continue your search. Even if the companies of your choice are not hiring at this time, it is still important to keep searching because the pandemic is temporary and will continue to evolve. Patience is a virtue – Hiring companies are adjusting to change too. So if they have interviewed you and you have not heard back within the normal expected timeline, it’s not because they have forgotten about you. They are most likely experiencing internal delays of their own. Thousands of local companies have been forced to work remotely and this alone can make it difficult to operate as effectively as they used to. Be flexible – It would be fair to say that the role you may have been interested before COVID-19 may no longer be available for the time

being. As an example, thousands of flight attendants and airline employees have been laid off. As we know, the aviation industry has always played a critical role in tourism, and in providing transport and freight services. However, the mass exodus has forced many of their laid off employees to look for jobs that are outside of their field and expertise. Expect to be interviewed by phone or video – Zoom and MS Teams are two of the most popular platforms that employers use for their internal meetings since the temporary shift to the work-fromhome model. So, don’t be surprised if you get invited to a phone call or a video job interview. When this happens, it would be important to prepare by ensuring that your video feed and microphone are working properly on your computer or tablet prior to the actual interview. You would still want to make a good impression even if you are not meeting your potential

employer in person. Dressing up appropriately for the interview is also important. Just because you are taking the interview from your living room does not mean pyjamas is acceptable. Job searching has always been challenging, however, it has definitely become even more challenging with COVID-19 added to the equation. These times require people who are resilient and unafraid of challenges. These two qualities alone may just be all you need to be successful in landing a role during this very unique time. This article is intended for information purposes only and not to be considered as professional advice. Michele Majul-Ibarra, IPMAACP holds an Advanced Certified HR Professional Designation with the International Personnel Management Association. E-mail her at info@pilipino-express. com.

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REY-AR REYES JP SUMBILLO Graphic Designer/Photographer ALEX CANLAPAN Photographer *****




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OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020



OUR HEALTH Flu - Myths and Facts Myth: I don’t need to get a flu vaccine until someone I know is sick. Getting the vaccine early in the season is actually better for you and those around you. It can take up to two weeks for the protection in the vaccine to be effective. Once you know someone is sick they could have already passed it onto you as it can take days to start showing symptoms. The earlier you get the vaccine, the better protected you are. Myth: I never get sick, so I don’t need to get vaccinated. You can be infected with the flu and spread it, even if you’re not showing symptoms. Getting the vaccine means you can also help protect others from getting sick, especially those who have medical conditions or infants too young to get immunized who are more likely to have complications from getting the flu. Myth: I don’t have the time to get vaccinated. Getting vaccinated takes about 30 minutes. If you get sick, the flu can last for several days or weeks. It can also lead to more serious problems like pneumonia and bacterial infections that can sometimes result in hospitalization. No one has time for that. There are many different types of health care providers who can administer the vaccine including physicians, public health nurses/mass clinics, and pharmacists (for those 7 years of age and older). Myth: It’s complicated to get the vaccine because there isn’t a flu clinic near my home or work. Flu clinics are just one great option where people can get their flu vaccine. You can also go to your doctor/nurse practitioner or even to the local pharmacy.

Myth: I think flu vaccines have the potential to create strains that are vaccine-resistant, like what can happen with the overuse of antibiotics. The influenza virus already mutates frequently. That’s why there is a new flu vaccine every year. The strains that are within the vaccine changes to match the strains that are expected to be circulating and that may cause the most severe illness. Myth: It is better to be naturally exposed to the flu to keep natural defenses strong. Influenza can spread very quickly and easily. Some people may get the flu and be contagious, but never show symptoms. They may be ‘building’ their own immune system, but also could be exposing someone with a weaker immune system to the virus, leading to serious consequences for them. People infected with the flu can spread it to others up to 6 feet away from them. In addition, since the flu strains that circulate change year over year it is unknown how the flu may affect a person once infected and person could risk becoming severely ill from the flu. Creating immunity against the flu one year may not protect you from the flu in the following year because the flu virus changes so frequently. That’s why the vaccine protects both you and others. Myth: Last time I got the flu vaccine, it made me sick. Some people may get flu-like

symptoms for a few days after the vaccine and think that they are getting the flu, but that is your body building up the antibodies to learn how to fight the virus if in the event you are infected. Some people experience varying levels of these symptoms, or none at all. Every person is different. If you did get sick after getting the vaccine, it’s most likely you were incubating the illness before the vaccine could take effect. Or, it

was a different kind of respiratory illness caused by another virus or bacteria, and not the influenza virus. Myth: There isn’t much evidence that pregnant women should be vaccinated. Data shows that pregnant women are at a higher risk of complications or hospitalization related to influenza. There is also evidence that the vaccination of pregnant women protects their

newborns from influenza and influenza-related hospitalization. It is recommended that all pregnant women get immunized against the flu. If you have any questions about seasonal flu or pneumococcal immunization: Speak with a health care provider or call Health Links – Info Santé at: 204-788-8200 in Winnipeg or toll-free 1-888-315-9257



OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020

The throne speech & immigration On September 23, 2020, Governor General Julie Payette delivered the throne speech to open the second session of the 43rd parliament of Canada. She outlined four goals of the government’s plan including: fight the pandemic and save lives; support people and businesses; build a stronger Canadian economy; and stand up for basic Canadian values, including a country that is welcoming of newcomers, celebrates two official languages, promotes gender equality and reconciles with indigenous people. Immigration will continue to be key to supporting Canada’s COVID-19 recovery. “Immigration remains a driver of Canada’s economic growth. With other countries rejecting global talent that could help their economy, Canada has an opportunity to become the world’s top destination for talent, capital and jobs. When people choose Canada, help build Canada, and make sacrifices in

support of Canada, we should make it easier for them to formally become Canadian,” the Governor General noted. “As part of both the short-term plan for growth, the Government will leverage the advantage we have on immigration to keep Canada competitive on the world stage.” The throne speech did not get into the specifics of how the government’s plans will be implemented. The words are positive and now the actions. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will provide details in his new mandate letters to minsters, including immigration minister Marco Mendicino. We can expect the details to be revealed in two major events expected in October. The first will be a mandate letter to Minister Mendicino containing the government’s immigration priorities for the next few years. The second is the release of Canada’s Immigration Levels Plan 2021-2023, which includes permanent residence targets for the next three years.

The first session of the 43rd parliament also started with a Speech from the Throne on December 5, 2019 followed by mandate letters released on December 13, which informed us to be ready for the intended mandate letter on immigration. It is worthwhile noting that some of the government’s immigration agenda has been undermined by COVID-19. The pandemic has delayed the launch of a new Municipal Nominee Program and also the elimination of the Canadian citizenship application fees. We should expect that the new mandate will focus on the virus, especially how to adapt Canadian immigration policy to the new reality and how to ensure that applications will continue to move forward efficiently. There is a good deal of disappointment among sponsors and applicants because of the current delay in the processing of family class sponsorship applications. It is also worthwhile noting that the government will announce its Immigration Levels Plan for the second time in the same

year. The levels plan is usually announced each fall around the end of October as stipulated in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The levels released in 2019 include an intention to land one million permanent residents between 2020 and 2022: 341,000 in 2020, 350,000 in 2021 and 360,000 in 2022. Based on all indicators, including the positive words of the Governor General, the Canadian government intends to support immigration to the country and continue support of the infrastructure to support the full integration and economic participation of newcomers. The Prime Minister and the Governor General’s words about immigration have assured us. The next step is to wait for the mandate given to Minister Mendicino, which will include details about how the process will work. Hopefully these include a strategy to address the backlog and delay in family class sponsorship applications as well as an opening of the sponsorship of parents and grandparents. Based on the first session of Parliament, we should

not have to wait long for answers. It is important that Canada respond to the challenges of the pandemic, but also that our government is forwarding thinking enough to realize that immigration is part of the way to build the Canadian economy. The federal government has the responsibility to ensure we are protected from COVID-19, but also to find a safe way to rebuild our economy. To date, the Trudeau government, compared with that south of the border, has done a reasonable job. Let’s hope they continue in the same way, but increase immigration program efficiencies to ensure that effective actions follow their good words. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

Air filters Air filters significantly improve indoor air quality and are an essential part of forced-air heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems because they are crucial to the efficient operation of the equipment. Good indoor air quality can assist homeowners reduce their carbon footprint, enhance the health of the house and its occupants, and improve a home’s energy rating. Homeowners should understand about the various elements and proper air filter installation to maintain their HVAC system properly. Air filters are installed on the HVAC air handler’s return side to clean the air to improve indoor air quality and to protect the motor from particulate matters. If you have a heat-recovery ventilator (HRV) installed, there should be an air filter inside it to clean the outside air that is taken into the home. Furthermore, the air filter should be in easily accessible

location so it can be cleaned or replaced as necessary. Select filters with high minimum efficiency reporting values (MERV) – 12 or higher – to trap pollutants like outdoor dust, pollen, airborne bacteria, virus particles, mould spores and odours. Whatever the MERV rating is, a dirty air filter can significantly lessen air flow that increases the HVAC equipment’s run time, which eventually will cause wear on its motor and energy consumption. For the best possible operation of the HVAC system, filters should be replaced regularly (typically every three months) or cleaned frequently as per manufacturer’s recommendations. If the HVAC air handler is in an accessible location, such as a utility room or basement, the filter should be in the air handler’s return plenum side. The air handler should be outfitted with a filter media box that has an access panel with a gasket to provide an airtight

seal when closed. The filter media frame must be compatible for the size and type of the filter and can be fabricated on site by the installer or could be provided by the HVAC manufacturer. The size of the filter (thickness, length and width) impacts the air flow velocity and filter capacity. HVAC design professionals should take into account the appropriate filter size to ensure that the equipment can cope with the associated pressure drop, especially with the installation of high MERV filters. To decrease pressure drop and increase the filter surface area, several options include the use of deeply pleated filters or largerdimension filters. Proper maintenance of air filters is critical for the overall serviceability of the HVAC system. Doing the above recommendations will improve the home’s indoor air quality, increase the HVAC system’s energy efficiency, and lessen its consumption of nonrenewable energy sources. Norman Aceron Garcia, P.Eng. is an accredited professional in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design specializing in Building

Design + Construction. In 2015, Norman founded Mr. Peg Property Inspections, a social

enterprise that advocates green building design and climate change adaptation strategies.

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020



A clean house is a lucky house A clean house is more than just a luxury; it’s a necessity. In the year of COVID-19, we’ve learned how vital cleaning is and how being clean can actually be life saving. From wiping down doorknobs to frequently washing our hands, we’ve learned that how clean we keep our spaces and ourselves can be a matter of life and death. But cleaning isn’t something just for really serious dirt and grime problems. When you see a home with hoarders it’s not hard to see how this can directly impact the people who live in the home. But most people don’t suffer from hoarding; they suffer from what I call the Clean-Dirty Paradigm. That’s when the house looks neat and tidy, but on closer inspection it’s grimy and nasty. Lift a rug or look a bit closer at the bathroom and you’ll see some serious ick. As a homebuyer and a feng shui consultant, I can tell you that this is a common issue in today’s homes. The problem with neat homes that are actually dirty is that old energy is trapped in the grime, dust, hairballs, and dirty windows is that it’s stagnant energy. This can create blockages and a feeling of being stuck and making minimal progress in life. Even if you keep your home neat, it needs regular cleaning and scheduled deep cleaning, such as at the spring and fall seasonal change. Seeing dirt and grime on the windowsills, ground-in dirt in the carpets, or bathrooms that need a thorough scrubbing weighs on you. Over time, there may even be a musty smell to accompany that layer of film, dirt and dust, and that’s a very yin state. Worse still, a dirty house holds you back. Even trying to ignore a grimy floor or the stain on your carpet can pull your energy down. Here’s another example of

the Clean-Dirty Paradigm. This is the item that looks dirty, but is actually clean. I’ll give you an example at my house. We replaced the toilets in our house two years ago, but even when the master bathroom toilet has been cleaned and scoured, it looks dirty because it has mineral stains that need to be removed with a pumice stone. It only takes a few minutes, but once it’s done, it will not just be clean, it will also look clean, and that will lift my energy. It doesn’t matter that it is clean but looks dirty because it looks dirty — and that brings down your energy. Your energy (and that of your home) flows to where your eye goes, and if your eye goes toward something that isn’t clean or doesn’t look clean, it takes your energy down with it. Cleaning thoroughly and consistently means your house is clean and it looks clean too. Seeing clean when you enter your home helps you attract growth and opportunity. What does it take to have a truly clean house? Consistency. Ironically, the less a house is cleaned, the more work it takes. If you don’t stay on top of your house, the house will be on top of you — with stuff piling up, and let’s not forget about that dirt and grime. Look around. Is your outer life experience mirroring your inner home experience? Think on this: A house that’s neat, but not cleaned, is a house that’s just getting by, and that represents a life that’s just getting by, not truly flourishing. Remember: Dirt and dust equal stagnant and stuck. If you’ve got dust bunnies the size of Great Danes, it’s time to get to work. Even if you don’t, it pays to live in a clean house for what it pays you in comfort, relaxation and your energy level and how you feel each day. There is nothing, and I do mean nothing,

that feels as good as a just cleaned home. Here’s a quick guide to cleaning your space, and if you’re stuck, to help get you out of the Clean-Dirty Paradigm. 1. Go to the bathroom. Why? Bathrooms that are dirty are germ fests waiting to make you sick. Clean it up and you might just feel better or get through cold and flu season without a cold or flu. 2. Take on the kitchen. This is where you eat so it should be clean. Nothing attracts bugs faster than a filthy kitchen. Make it a goal to give your kitchen a two-hour once over. Spend two hours in there and really clean — the coils on the fridge, the oven, the floors, ceilings, windows, everything. 3. Head into the bedroom. When you sleep, you’re breathing in everything that’s in the room, i.e., pet dander, dust, mites from the bed, you name it. Make it a point to clean under the bed, vacuum the blinds, and wash the curtains and bedspreads and blankets. Then vacuum, yes, vacuum, the mattress, and flip. Ahhh…clean. It feels so nice. 4. Create a paper trail. Haven’t read that magazine? Then you’re not going to, so get rid of it. Conduct your own paperectomy and get rid of all that paper that’s just taking up space. 5. Concentrate in the corners. This is where everything drifts to… the corner of the bedroom, the corners of the ceilings. Corners are magnets for stacks of papers. On the ceiling, corners attract spider webs. Clear out every corner you have, including closet corners. Use the edge tool on your vacuum to go along the walls where the carpets meet the baseboards to get to the areas where dust and debris can drift. 6. Go outside. Rent a pressure washer and wash the house, sidewalks,

patios, and driveways, or hire someone. Pressure washers are a house’s best friend. Think of it as an exfoliating scrub for your home. You will love your sparkling house. 7. Head to the top. Clean off the tops of everything. This includes dressers, tables, counters, and refrigerators — anything with a top. It also means dusting the tops of windows, door trim, and tops of baseboards. Dust just loves to hide on the tops of things. 8. Get steamed. Once a year get your carpets and upholstery steam cleaned. Why steam? It’s hot and it’s

water so it will clean well without hurting anything or leaving behind any kind of soapy residue. Many people get their carpets cleaned or use grocery-store carpet cleaner products only to find they need to do it again and again and again because the carpets get dirtier faster and faster and faster. Plain hot water is all you need. Kathryn Weber has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Her witty, no-nonsense style appeals to audiences, making her a popular speaker and radio show guest. Visit www. redlotusletter.com


JEAN... From page 1 For her efforts in supporting live-in caregivers and her community, Guiang-Santoro was the first Filipino awarded the Citation for Canadian Citizenship in Ottawa in 1991. In 1997, she was chosen as Manitoba’s YWCA Woman of Distinction, and one of 10 selected “Women on the Move” in 1999 by the Winnipeg Sun. She also received the Recognition of Service Award from the City of Winnipeg and the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal in 2003. Guiang-Santoro received the Order of Manitoba in 2004, and to date, she is the only FilipinoCanadian woman to receive this honour. Before immigrating to Canada, she earned a bachelor of arts and bachelor of science in education and a master’s degree in education in the Philippines. She was also a high school teacher at St. Theresa’s High School. Pilipino Express recently did an interview with Jean about her RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Award and the endeavours that were instrumental in achieving this honour. PE: What does this award mean to you? JGS: You never know when God is going to bless you and certainly this is the moment! Things happen when you least expect them. The RBC Award signifies that I must have done something good! It means 40 plus years of volunteer

PILIPINO EXPRESS service to my own community, the community at large, to many women immigrants, seniors, children and most importantly, the most vulnerable sector in our society, the live-in caregivers. I received this award with humility, with pride and thank the Lord for the blessings. PE: You mentioned that your work with FIDWAM was a big part of the award. Can you tell us a bit of its history? JGS: When I was president of the Philippine Association of Manitoba (PAM) in 1988, thenMember of Parliament, Dr. Rey Pagtakhan invited me to Ottawa, along with other Filipino women leaders from across Canada, to attend a national discussion on the “Plight of Filipino Domestic Workers in Canada.” I was shocked to hear the shared stories of abuse, neglect, threats, exploitation, sexual harassment, dismissal and deportation from our own Filipino domestic workers. I decided to commit myself to organizing this group of vulnerable women in Winnipeg. I met four Filipino domestic workers at an information meeting of the Immigrant Women’s Association of Manitoba, of which I was serving as its executive secretary. The four increased to 13 Filipino domestic workers, who I invited for a meeting at the Philippine Centre on Juno Street. I shared with them about what I learned from the meeting in Ottawa and invited them for another meeting at the centre. We discussed getting everybody together to talk more about protecting their rights as women and to say “no” to

exploitation and abuse. On April 24, 1988 the number increased to 33 domestic helpers and after further discussion, they decided to organize. On that same day, FIDWAM was born. We worked very hard together to bring their situation to where they are at today. With the over 100 registered members that we had, all of them are now enjoying their right of citizenship in this country. Canada is the only country in the world that allowed live-in caregivers to apply as landed immigrants upon completion of a two year commitment, thanks to the former Minister of Employment and Immigration, the Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, who created the Foreign Domestic Workers Program, now known as Live-in Caregivers Program (LCP). PE: What was FIDWAM’s mission? FIDWAM was organized to deal with exploitation and abuse issues. They deal with misuse of their trade and misunderstanding of the role they play. They lobby for legislative changes to improve the condition of domestic workers in Manitoba and assist other domestic workers in the province. They [are involved] in information sessions and attend conferences pertaining to topics related to domestic workers issues. They support charitable organizations and volunteer in the community. FIDWAM is also involved in cultural, educational and recreational activities to help improve the lives of domestic workers… Their genuineness, patience, perseverance,

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020 commitment, persistence, sacrifices, and selfless love for others contributed to their success to this day. PE: How is FIDWAM today, is it still active? Yes, in more ways than one. The entry of foreign domestic workers in Manitoba had slowed down over a few years now. Membership in FIDWAM [is] less than fifty active members. A lot of them moved to other cities and provinces in Canada – either by marriage or by individual choice … Some moved to be close to siblings and relatives. The members continue to play an active role in our society. FIDWAM members fundraise and volunteer for other groups [such as] Siloam Mission. Recently, [they have been] helping our disabled here in Manitoba with support to L’ARCHE Winnipeg. After more than 30 years, my experience with FIDWAM has grown stronger than ever. I am extremely proud of what they have accomplished and I want to convey to all of them my sincere “thumbs up” for their hard work, great patience, perseverance, determination, sacrifice, strong character, humility, simplicity and more importantly, for their loyalty. As Filipinos in Winnipeg and Manitoba, we all stand to benefit from their undertaking. PE: Anything else you’d like to impart to our readers? JGS: There are many issues confronting our society today and it’s only by working together that we can accomplish a lot more. I pass on the torch to our young people so that our community

will continue to grow and prosper … We need to help Filipinos and others who are here now and those who are yet to come. I strongly urge everyone to get involved. Be active. Commit yourself to the things you want to do in helping others and take responsibility for it. Do things in a credible manner, in an honest, sincere, open and friendly way. Share your skills and talents. And don’t forget one very important thing: that in one’s life, when you are faced with difficulties as I did in my life, we all have a God to turn to for help. Christ has always been my refuge and my strength. Prayers are powerful; no one is left unanswered. To this end, I thank the good Lord for all the blessings and thank my community and the community at large in Winnipeg, Manitoba for all the unselfish love, support, kindness, inspiration and encouragement. *** This year, in honour of the RBC Top 25 winners, RBC has donated $50,000 to Windmill Microlending, a charity that helps internationally trained newcomers pay for the Canadian credentials they need. The donation will specifically support re-accreditation of 50 internationally trained immigrants in the healthcare profession who are helping in the frontlines in the fight against COVID-19. The RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Award winners will receive a commemorative plaque and ceremonial gift package. The RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrants Award is an annual campaign by Canadian Immigrant magazine, presented by the Royal Bank of Canada. See Jean’s photos p9

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020



Congratulations to Jean Guiang-Santoro - RBC’s Top 25 Canadian Immigrants Awardee

Left photo: Jean Guiang-Santoro (back, far right) celebrating FIDWAM’s 25th Anniversary 2013 with: (l-r back) Dr. Rey Pagtakhan; Fr. Tchaoule; Dr. Tursonova; Larry Vickar; Glo Magpali, FIDWAM President. (Front, l-r): Hon. Lloyd Axworthy, Mrs. Lee, Former Lt. Governor Philip Lee, and Cabinet Minister Christine Melnick. Right photo: Jean with the FIDWAM members.

Jean Guiang - Santoro (5th from right) with FIDWAM members


Handang-handa na ang magaling na broadcaster na si Ted Failon sa kaniyang bagong programang mapapanood sa Radyo Singko (92.3 News FM) ng TV5. Sa Linggo (Oct. 4) nang umaga ay magda-dry run na si Ted kasama ang kaniyang partner na si DJ Chacha, pinaghandaang mabuti ni Ted Failon ang kaniyang pagsalang, siguradong susundan siya ng kaniyang mga tagasuporta noon sa DZMM. Ayon sa kuwentong nakarating sa amin ay magkahalong pagkokomentaryo at musika ang magiging takbo ng kaniyang programa. Balanseng-balanse ang atake ni Kuyang Ted, matatalim na opinyon at komentaryo ang kaniyang pakakawalan, pero may sahog na musika iyon na matagal na niyang pangarap. “Perfectionist pala si Sir Ted,” komento ng isang staff ng Radyo Singko. Totoo, napaka-hands-on niya, kaya naman pulido ang mga nakaraan niyang programa. Sa October 5 na, alas sais nang umaga, magsisimula ang kanilang programa ni DJ Chacha sa Radyo Singko at One PH Cignal Channel 1. *** Pinagtitripan ngayon sa social media ang mahiwagang ilong ni Nadine Lustre. Nagaaway-away sila, marami kasing nagkokomento na sumailalim sa nose enhancement ang young actress, galit naman ang kaniyang mga tagahanga dahil wala raw katotohanan iyon. Nag-ugat ang argumento sa pinagsamahang TVC nina Nadine at Alden Richards para sa isang


kilalang produktong de-lata. Pansin na pansin daw ang biglang pagtangos ng ilong ni Nadine. Kung totoo ngang sumailalim sa proseso ng nose enhancement si Nadine ay karapatan niya iyon. Namumuhunan ang mga artista, kailangang maganda at sexy sila sa paningin ng publiko, isa iyon sa mga puhunan nila sa pag-aartista. Ano naman ang krimen kung sakali, ang mga Korean stars nga, bago sumalang sa harap ng mga camera ay kailangang pulido na ang kanilang itsura. Namumuhunan sila, halos lahat ng parte ng kanilang mukha at katawan ay dumadaan sa heringgilya, mayroon pa nga silang iniinom na kung ano para mapanatili ang kinis ng kanilang kutis na kung tutuusi’y dati nang maganda. Hanggang hindi inaabala ni Nadine ang ibang tao para pagbayarin sa kaniyang pagpapaganda ay walang problema. Hanggang nababayaran niya ang mga doktor na gumagawa sa kaniya ay lalong wala tayong dapat problemahin sa pagpapabago niya sa itsura. Isa si Nadine Lustre sa biniyayaan ng magandang katawan, kinakambalan pa niya iyon ng husay niya sa projection sa mga pictorial, sa totoo lang. *** Positibo ang pananaw ni Regine Velasquez sa ginawa niyang paglipat sa ABS-CBN mula sa GMA-7 na dekada rin niyang itinuring na tahanan. Wala siyang pinagsisisihan. Na dapat lang talaga dahil desisyon niya iyon, wala namang

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020

• Ted Failon – Handang-handa na ang programa sa Radyo Singko • Nadine Lustre – Pinagtitripan ngayon sa social media ang mahiwagang ilong • Regine Velasquez – Walang pinagsisisihan sa paglipat sa nagsarang ABS-CBN • Liza Soberano – Sinampahan ng kasong cybercrime ang isang staff ng Converge • James Reid – Bagong Food Security Ambassador ng Department of Agriculture • Raffy Tulfo at Willie Revillame – Maraming lumiligaw para tumakbo sa Election 2022 • Julia Barretto – Kinasuhan ang King of Fake News na si Jay Sonza • Korina Sanchez – Okey na sa kaniya ang Rated Korina sa TV5 • Alex Gonzaga – Makasama nga kaya sa cast ng TV5’s Lunch Out Loud? • Sharon Cuneta – Inilantad sa mga bashers ang multi-milyong Rolex collection • Alden Richards –Panahon ng pandemya pero siya ang nilalapitan ng suwerte • Raymart Santiago at Jodi Sta. Maria – Sila na ba ngayon? • Vice-Ganda – Ina-atake ng depression dahil sa pandemic

Ted Failon

DJ Chacha

James Reid

Alex Gonzaga Nadine Lustre & Alden Richards

See CRISTY p13

Liza Soberano Julia Barretto

Vice Ganda

Regine Velasquez Raymart Santiago

Jodi Sta. Maria

Willie Revillame

Raffy Tulfo

Sharon Cuneta

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020


GMA Network launches star-studded drama anthology ‘I Can See You’ Do you ever get the sense that you are being watched? Or, that you are not alone? If you have ever felt like being spied upon whether by someone or something, more often than not, your instincts are correct. Researchers believe that humans are sensitive to gaze as it signals intimacy as well as danger; two of the things we need to pay attention to for our own well-being. Last September 28, GMA Network launches a one-of-a-kind program featuring the biggest and brightest Kapuso stars in the drama anthology ‘I Can See You’ on the Telebabad block. This unique drama anthology highlights four mini-series – Love On The Balcony, High Rise Lovers, The Promise, and Truly. Madly. Deadly. It dwells on its common visual storytelling mnemonic device which is the use of a camera as a witness to the tales of love and mystery from everyday people; hence the title – I Can See You. The ground-breaking program gifts viewers with compelling, contemporary, and unique stories produced by four different teams in a remarkable four-week viewing experience. In observance of antiCOVID-19 protocols alongside the Network’s precautionary measures, the cast and crew of the show underwent RT-PCR tests, lock-in tapings and strictly practiced government-mandated safety and health protocols on the set. Kick-starting the drama anthology is Love On The Balcony top-billed by Alden Richards, Pancho Magno, and Jasmine Curtis-Smith. It tells the timely story of a wedding videographer, Gio (Alden), who crosses paths with a frontline nurse, Lea (Jasmine). Uninspired and creatively drained, Gio is encouraged by his business partner and friend Val (Pancho) to search for a potential fling during quarantine. After their unfortunate encounter, romance eventually

blossoms between Gio and Lea amidst the pandemic. Is this the beginning of a beautiful chapter in their love story or is it just destiny’s way of putting people in our lives for a purpose? Completing the cast are Denise Barbacena and Shyr Valdez. Love On The Balcony is directed by LA Madridejos. Heating up primetime TV viewing on October 5 is the second installment of the series High Rise Lovers which stars Lovi

Poe, Winwyn Marquez and Tom Rodriguez. It follows the story of married couple Samantha (Lovi) and Luis (Tom) whose relationship dwindles as their opposing goals in life get the best of them. After moving into a new condominium unit, Samantha continues to strive for a big promotion at work while Luis, an unemployed contractor, is forced to accept a renovation job for another occupant – the mysterious and sultry Ysabel See GMA p13

Alden Richards & Jasmine Curtis-Smith

Jennylyn Mercado & Dennis Trillo

Winwyn Marquez & Lovi Poe

Rhian Ramos

Tom Rodriguez

Pancho Magno

Benjamin Alves, Paolo Contis, Yasmien Kurdi & Maey Bautista




It’s Showtime welcomes Kim Chiu as its newest host After a number of appearances as a guest host, Kim Chiu officially joined It’s Showtime” as its newest host effective September 28. Kim, who also opened the live episode with an explosive song and dance number, shared her excitement to finally be part of the noontime show’s family. “Thank you for welcoming me and for allowing me to be part of the program. I’m really happy that I will get to spend every day and have fun with the ‘madlang people.’ Thank you very much. Kapamilya Forever,” she said while holding back her tears. Kim also took part in the new guessing game segment,

“Name It To Win It” along with the rest of the It’s Showtime hosts Vice Ganda, Vhong Navarro, Jhong Hilario, Karylle, Amy Perez, Ryan Bang, Jugs Jugueta,

and Teddy Corpuz. Don’t miss It’s Showtime at noon from Mondays to Saturdays on TFC IPTV, cable and on the iWantTFC app.

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020

Magandang buhay ‘returns’ on iWantTFC Momshies Melai Cantiveros, Karla Estrada, and Jolina Magdangal returned Sept. 28 to impart to Filipinos the importance of unity while providing relief and entertainment amid the pandemic as new episodes of Magandang Buhay. The momshies will continue to give inspiration to Kapamilyas by bringing stories of inspiration and triumphs of celebrities and their families in these times. Join Prince of Pop Erik Santos as he celebrates his birthday with the momshies. Get ready for the surprises the trio prepared for him and the stories that Erik will share with the Kapamilyas. Don’t miss the new episodes of Magandang Buhay weekdays on TFC IPTV, cable or the iWantTFC (previously TFC.tv) app.

Melai Cantiveros, Karla Estrada & Jolina Magdangal

“Jake and Charice” docu film earns 2020 international Emmy’s nod The Jake Zyrus-centric documentary Jake and Charice has scored a Best Arts programming nomination at the distinguished 2020 International Emmy Awards. The docu film will be competing against Brazil’s Refavela 40, France’s Vertige de la Chute (Ressaca), and United Kingdom’s Why do we Dance? during the awarding ceremony produced from New York City on November 23 (Monday). Produced by NHK Documentary Japan and coproduced by ABS-CBN, Jake and Charice chronicles the Filipino artist’s journey from being the renowned belter Charice to his life-changing metamorphosis as a transman Jake Zyrus. Its release in Japan in November 2019 coincided with See JAKE p13

Natividad-Bouchard Nuptials, September 20,2020

Lea’s family

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Lea Bouchard

Joe’s family

Lea & Joe’s family and friends

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020

GMA... From page 11 (Winwyn). Will Luis yield to the temptation of a new lover who comforts his bruised ego or will Samantha realize that her marriage is still worth saving? Also starring in the episode are Teresa Loyzaga and Kenneth “Tetay” Ocampo. High Rise Lovers is under the helm of Monti Parungao. Bannered by talented Kapuso stars Andrea Torres, Yasmien Kurdi, Benjamin Alves and Paolo Contis, The Promise gives viewers more reasons to believe in the power of love this October 12. The story begins with a rich widowed man named Frank (Paolo) who loses his passion for life and became a recluse after losing his wife Clarisse (Yasmien) from an accident. When Jude (Benjamin), his cousin and righthand man in the company, visits him in the lake house where he stays at, Frank takes an interest in the latter’s girlfriend Ivy (Andrea), an aspiring artist who is willing to do anything to take her family out of poverty. Also playing an exciting role in this series is Maey Bautista. The Promise is directed by Zig Dulay. Finally, set to bring mystery and romance is the last installment “Truly. Madly. Deadly.” headlined by Dennis Trillo, Rhian Ramos, and Jennylyn Mercado premiering on October 19. Coleen (Jennylyn) is a professional woman who, after being ridiculed online for a scandal with a married man, moves out of the city and


works in a remote resort where she meets the mysterious resident IT guy named Drew (Dennis). Life seems to be going well for the recovering Coleen until her best friend turned enemy Abby (Rhian) shows up and her past begins to haunt her once again. Joining the talented cast of this episode is Jhoana Marie Tan and with the special participation of Ruby Rodriguez. Truly. Madly. Deadly is directed by Jorron Lee Monroy.

JAKE... From page 12 the drop of Jake’s latest album under Star Music titled Evolution, which likewise tackles what he defined as “the evolution of my life.” The production and creative processes of the seven-track album, co-produced by Jake with ABS-CBN Music’s creative director Jonathan Manalo, was also covered in the documentary, and its songs like Love Even If and Diamond were also heavily featured in key moments of the docu film. The documentary also recently bagged the Gold Camera award in this year’s US International Film and Video Festival. Stream Jake Zyrus’ “Evolution” album and his latest single “Miss You in the Moonlight” on various digital streaming platforms. For more details, like Star Music on facebook.com/starmusicph), and follow it on Instagram (@ StarMusicPH


CRISTY... From page 10 pumilit sa kaniya, gusto niyang matikman ang mamuhay sa ibang istasyon. Nagkataon naman na sa kaniyang paglipat, dalawang taon pagkatapos, ay saka nagsarado ang ABS-CBN. Maraming humusga kay Regine, siguro raw ay sising-alipin siya ngayon dahil wala siyang mainstream na trabaho, kundi raw siya lumundag ng bakod ay siya pa rin sana ang reyna ng mga musical shows ng GMA-7. At ang pinakamasakit na salitang ipinakain sa kaniya ay siya raw ang may hatid na malas sa ipinsaradong network. Napakamaling paghusga dahil wala namang kasalanan si Regine sa bintang na hindi nagbabayad ng buwis at maraming trabahador na pinahihirapan ang kumpanya. Pagtanggap lang ang pinakamahalaga sa buhay na ito, panindigan na lang natin ang desisyong tayo lang ang nagkagusto, para walang pagsisisi. *** Tinuluyan ni Liza Soberano na sampahan ng kasong cybercrime ang isang staff ng Converge na nag-post ng malisyosong banta laban sa kaniya. Isyung rape na naman ang pinag-ugatan ng demandang ito na tulad ng nangyari sa anak nina Sharon Cuneta at Senador Kiko Pangilinan. “Sarap ipa-rape sa… ewan!” post ng empleyado ng telecommunications company. Humingi na ng dispensa ang staff, inilabas din nito ang kanilang

Gerald Anderson & Julia Barretto

Korina Sanchez with her kids, Pepe & Pilar kumpanya sa kaniyang ginawa, pero hindi iyon nakapigil sa magandang aktres para kasuhan ito. Ginagawang biro ng ibang tao ang kasong rape. Parang wala silang kamalayan tungkol sa krimen ng panggagahasa. Tanging kayamanan ng babae ang puri na inilulugso. Kasingseryoso ng ganoong kaso ang pagsasabing may bomba

sa bagahe ng pasahero ng eroplano. Marami nang naparusahan tungkol sa ganoong biro, marami nang nabigyan ng leksiyon, dahil buhay ng maraming tao ang nalalagay sa peligro sa ganoong biro. Panahon na talaga para bigyan ng leksiyon ang mga taong hindi muna nag-iisip nang maraming beses bago mag-click. Seryoso ang rape, krimen ang pagbabanta ng See CRISTY p15



OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020

COVID-19 and the seasonal flu: A fearful duo Autumn has come and the annual fall-winter influenza season – the flu – is on its way to Canada and the USA. The arrival of the seasonal flu in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic makes for a fearful duo. Alluding to the recent surges of COVID-19 cases across many American states and the flu season that could “pile up on top of the pandemic,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, a world leading infectious disease expert at the US National Institute of Health, recently wondered, “Are we prepared for the challenges of the fall and the winter?” Both the Public Health Agency of Canada and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have expressed similar concern. The 2020-2021 fall-winter season may probably be one of the most difficult times in North American public health experience. These concerns are all about the dual threats of two contagious respiratory illnesses in the same patient. Canadian headlines on COVID-19 These headlines during the preceding week capture the current COVID-19 situation in Canada: • “As caseloads spike in four provinces, Trudeau warns that pandemic will be worse this fall” – CBC News, September 23 • “B.C. reports 98 new COVID-19 cases, one new death” – The Canadian Press, September 25; • “65 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Manitoba, bringing active caseload to 545” – Winnipeg Free Press, September 26 • “Ontario, Quebec stress risk of socializing amid surge in COVID-19 cases” – The Globe and Mail, September 27 • “Ontario’s second wave of COVID-19 forecast to peak in October’” – CBC News, September 28. The toll of the two diseases on human life Going into the tenth month since its onset in late December 2019 in China, and the eighth month since it was officially named, COVID-19 has sickened over 33 million people and claimed the lives of at least million worldwide. It has caused severe disruption to social, financial and economic health. According to the John Hopkins University coronavirus dashboard as of Monday, September 28, 2020, the worldwide count is 33,173,176 total cases and 998,696 deaths. • Canada: 155,428 total cases and 9,318 deaths. • The Philippines: 307,288 total cases and 5,381 deaths. • USA: 7,118,523 total cases and 204,790 deaths. Reflected in these numbers

are the more than half a million patients added anew to the over seven million total caseload and 200 thousand deaths in the USA. This is an average of 42,000 cases daily during the preceding two weeks. The added cases in Canada during the same period are over 17,000, an average of over 1,000 cases daily, and a total caseload of over 150 thousand. Thus, the toll on human life in North America remains huge. Influenza’s toll on human life Worldwide, seasonal flu is estimated to cause one billion cases, a quarter to half a million deaths, and three to five million patients with severe illness. In Canada, it is estimated to result in 12,500 hospitalizations and 3,500 deaths. Comparison of the two diseases The differences and similarities, some of which are superficial, between the two diseases are shown in tabulated format to better understand and appreciate the gravity of each ailment should anyone have the misfortune of contracting either or both. (See the table on this page.) Dangers of Flu/COVID-19 dual infections Reportedly, between two and 20 per cent of COVID-19 cases have been associated with another respiratory virus infection. Although no one knows for certain, the occurrence of COVID-19 and the flu in the same patient at the same time could, intuitively, pose the following clinical dangers: an additional challenge to differential clinical diagnosis; catastrophic injury to one’s immune system; vulnerability to develop a more severe infection with either or both diseases; a greater potential for respiratory failure and other multi-organ complications; increased risk of longer-term effects of any of those organ systems; and greater predisposition to secondary bacterial infection. Also, a greater burden on the health care system can be anticipated. The duo could precipitate a health care crisis unlike any other. On the brighter side of medical life, the positive behavioural changes to flatten the COVID-19 pandemic curve – the preventive personal and community public health measures already learned and adopted as a habit of daily living – could conceivably lessen the impact of the seasonal flu. These would be the same personal and community public health measures we would need to guard against the dual threats. And yes, get a flu vaccination. Effectiveness, safety & benefits of flu vaccination The flu vaccine is effective and safe. The protection provided by a flu vaccine varies from See COVID-19 p15

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020



Emotional exhaustion during times of unrest Local and world events have brought out strong emotions and stressors this year, often one right after another. They include COVID-19, social distancing, quarantines, stay-at-home orders, furloughs, job loss, masking, racial injustice, protests and demonstrations. There’s no question 2020 has been a year full of change and trauma. In addition to social unrest, you may be experiencing a highpressure job, financial stress or poverty, being a caregiver, raising children, chronic illness or death of a family member or friend. You may be wondering what’s next or what else you will have to endure. As these events unfold, you may begin to feel unwell and irritable, and struggle to concentrate and motivate yourself. You may not even know what is causing how you are feeling. You can feel trapped or stuck. You’re emotionally exhausted. What is emotional exhaustion?

COVID-19... From page 14 season to season. It depends in part on the age and health status of the person getting the vaccine, and the similarity or “good match” between the viruses used in the production of the vaccine and those circulating in the community. It is not perfect, but it offers the best prevention that we have. The influenza that one may get even after vaccination would likely be less severe and recovery would be faster. The viruses in the flu shot vaccine have been killed (inactivated), hence, the flu shot cannot cause a flu illness. The viruses in the nasal spray haven been weakened, hence, only

CRISTY... From page 13 panghahalay sa mga kababaihan, tama lang ang desisyon ni Liza Soberano na seryosohin ang bagay na ito. Siguradong sising-alipin ngayon ang empleyado ng telecommunications company na nag-post ng pagbabanta kay Liza Soberano, hindi ito kinunsinti ng kumpanya, dahil personal na FB account ng babae ang ginamit sa pagbabanta sa aktres. *** Si James Reid ang napisil ng Department of Agriculture (DA) bilang Food Security Ambassador ng departamento. Dalawa na sila ni Alden Richards na nageendorso ngayon ng mga sangay ng ating pamahalaan. Pero mukhang sablay ang DA sa pagkuha sa guwapong aktor, simpleng tanong lang kung anong gulay ang paborito niya ay nahirapang sumagot si James, nauwi iyon sa kangkong na kinakain niya raw sa sinigang. Dapat sana’y ipinakabisa muna kay James ang Bahay-Kubo,

When stress begins to accumulate from negative or challenging events in life that just keep coming, you can find yourself in a state of feeling emotionally worn out and drained. This is called emotional exhaustion. For most people, emotional exhaustion tends to slowly build up over time. Emotional exhaustion includes emotional, physical and performance symptoms. Emotional symptoms include: • Anxiety • Apathy • Depression • Feeling hopeless • Feeling powerless or trapped • Irritability • Lack of motivation • Nervousness • Tearfulness Physical symptoms include: • Fatigue • Headaches • Lack of appetite • Sore muscles or muscle tension

Performance symptoms include: • Failing to meet deadlines • Lower workplace commitment • More absences • Performing work duties more slowly Emotional exhaustion treatment Emotional exhaustion can be treated by recognizing the stressors you are able to minimize or eliminate. When you are unable to change a stressor because it is out of your control, it is important to focus on the present moment. In your present, there are many neutral or positive events occurring. When you focus on these types of events, it gives perspective about what is happening around you. Stress often is interpreted as a threat to survival. When this happens, it increases the release of stress hormones from your brain, further contributing to your experience of emotional exhaustion. When you are able to

focus on small neutral or positive events, your brain is able to understand that the threat is not as dire as it may first seem. The amount of stress hormone released is decreased so you are able are able to feel more emotionally balanced. Other strategies to reduce emotional exhaustion include: • Eliminate or minimize the stressor when possible • Eat a healthy, balanced diet • Exercise • Get enough sleep • Practice mindfulness to

engage in the present moment Talk with a mental health provider if you believe that you are suffering from emotional exhaustion. They can help you sort through the causes and symptoms you are experiencing to determine a plan that will help you regain a sense of well being. This article is written by Jennifer Wickham, a Mayo Clinic Health System licensed professional Behavioural Health counsellor in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network

transient minor reactions may occur and are much less than one gets from the actual flu illness. Other known benefits from flu vaccination include a reduced risk of flu-associated hospitalization for children, working age adults, and older adults. It is also a preventive tool for people with chronic health conditions. It helps protect women during and after pregnancy and it can be lifesaving in children. It may also protect people around you, including those who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness, like babies and young children, older people, and people with certain chronic health conditions. My wife and I get the flu shot every season for two reasons: our immune protection from

the previous year’s vaccination would have declined by now; and to get the best opportunity of a “good match” between the viruses used in the production of the current vaccine and those circulating in the community. We know that by getting vaccinated and being protected against the flu, we also help others with whom we interact, indirectly. The development of antibodies following a vaccination takes about two weeks. To ensure protection, we should get it early. Since the risk of getting the flu in Canada is higher in the: late fall, and winter. (Fall starts on September 1st and winter on December 1st), we plan to get our “flu shot” before the end of October, and

well before the start of the flu season. Children who need two doses of vaccine should start the vaccination process sooner, because the two doses must be given at least four weeks apart. The good news: well over 55 per cent of Canadians are now planning to have their flu vaccination – by flu shot or by nasal spray – in contrast to a lower percentage in prior years. Indeed, I encourage everyone, as recommended by public health authorities and medical experts, to get the flu vaccine. It is imperative. It is our best protection against the fearful duo. Dr. Rey D. Pagtakhan graduated from the University of the Philippines, trained at the

St. Louis Children’s Hospitals of Washington University School of Medicine and the Winnipeg Children’s Hospital of the University of Manitoba (UM) Faculty of Medicine, and earned a Master of Science in Perinatal Physiology, with his thesis Initiation of Respiration, from the UM Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. A retired lung specialist, professor of pediatrics, and Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians, he was a former school trustee, Member of Parliament, and cabinet minister. In June 2003, he presented on “The Global Threat of Infectious Diseases” at the G-8 Science Ministers/ Advisors Meeting held in Berlin.

nasa piyesang iyon ang mga pangalan ng gulay, para hindi siya nangangapa ng isasagot. Paano naman natin maaasahan si James na maglitanya ng iba’t ibang klase ng gulay samantalang hindi naman siya dito lumaki? Sa Australia siya nanggaling, natural lang na puro steak ang kinakain nila doon, kaya paano siya magiging pamilyar sa mga gulay na kinakain natin dito sa Pilipinas? Kangkong lang ang naisagot niya, na idinikta pa nga sa kaniya, hindi niya kasi alam ang talong, ampalaya, sigarilyas, saluyot, kalabasa at iba pang klase ng mga gulay. Mahirap isalang ang isang personalidad sa isang trabahong hindi muna niya pinag-aralan. Talagang mag-aapuhap siya ng isasagot tungkol sa mga paborito niyang gulay dahil hindi naman siya kumakain noon. Ang sakop pa naman ng pagiging ambassador niya ng DA ay ang mga magsasaka at mangingisda. Baka kapag tinanong siya kung anong klase naman ng isda ang paborito niyang kainin ay mangapa na naman siya

ng isasagot? Kailangang maipakilala na agad kay James ang bangus, tilapya, galunggong, hito, kapak, pompano, liwalo, dalag at iba pang mga klase ng isda na mabenta dito sa atin. Pero kung kaguwapuhan ang pag-uusapan ay panalung-panalo naman ang ambassador ng DA, siguradong pagpipistahan si James Reid sa mga probinsiyang pupuntahan nila ng mga tagapamuno ng ahensiya. Sa presensiya pa lang ng guwapong aktor ay hindi na siguro mapapansin ng mga kababayan natin na kangkong lang na ihinahalo sa sinigang ang alam niyang gulay. Pero siguro naman ay kabisado ni James Reid ang sibuyas, kamatis, bawang at luya, dahil pangsangkap din naman ang mga nabanggit sa pagluluto nila ng mga nakasanayan niyang kaining putahe sa Australia. *** Dalawang sikat at mapusong personalidad ang nakakatanggap na ng mga alok na tumakbo sa susunod na halalan. Pinatatakbo

sila bilang senador para mas lumawak pa ang kasalukuyang pagtulong nila sa ating mga kababayan. Sina Raffy Tulfo at Willie Revillame ang ngayon pa lang ay “nililigawan” nang makilahok sa mundo ng pulitika sa 2022. May mga lumalapit nang emisaryo ng iba-ibang partido sa kanila. Ayon sa aming kausap ay idinaan daw sa survey ang paglitaw ng mga pangalan nina Raffy Tulfo at Willie Revillame. Sila ang nangunguna sa listahan dahil sa ginagawa nilang pagtulong sa mga kababayan natin lalo na ngayong panahon ng pandemya. Kung pag-ayuda sa mga kababayan natin ang pag-uusapan ay saksi naman ang publiko sa kagandahan ng puso ng dalawang TV personalities. Sa kaniyang mga programang Idol In Action at Wanted Sa Radyo ng TV5 ay libu-libo nang mga lumalapit kay Raffy Tulfo ang binabahaginan niya ng suportang pampinansiyal. Sa kaniya rin lumalapit ang mga kababayan nating gustong magsumbong tungkol sa mga

personal nilang problema. Mabilis kasing nasosolusyunan ng palabang news anchorkomentarista ang mga inilalapit sa kaniya. Bukas na bukas naman ang palad ni Willie Revillame sa kaniyang programang Tutok To Win, hindi na nga game show ang Wowowin ngayon, parang naging public service program na sa dami ng kaniyang natutulungan. Wala siyang anumang posisyon sa ating pamahalaan, pero anim na milyong piso ang ibinigay niyang ayuda sa mga nawalan ng trabahong jeepney drivers, bukod pa iyon sa mga araw-araw niyang pinepremyuhan sa Tutok To Win. Ang limang milyong pisong ayuda niya para sa mga jeepney drivers ay dinagdagan pa niya ng isang milyon. Nakarating kasi sa kaniya ang impormasyon na hindi nabigyang lahat ang mga miyembro ng ibaibang asosasyon ng mga jeepney drivers. Bukod sa pinansiyal na ayuda ay namigay rin ng bigas si Willie, See CRISTY p16




NO. 354

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Isinasandal 10. Tagpian 11. Sabaw ng sinaing 13. Palagi 14. Panghalip 15. Katamtaman 17. Riwasa 19. Panghalip 20. Paborito ng matsing 21. Hulapi 22. Minahal 25. Inog 28. Nakakuha ng tiyempo 30. Kabiyak 31. Magnanakaw 32. Alaga 33. Impo 34. Uri ng pagkain PABABA 1. Ipalusot 2. Hudyat sa taguan 3. Talaga 4. Dalawang dalaw 5. Pamalo 6. Handugan 7. Lakbay-dagat 8. Hulapi

9. Timbang 12. Pino 14. Esperma 16. 3.1416 18. Notang musikal 20. Silab 21. Milagro 22. Laman-loob 23. Inari 24. Labag sa patakaran 25. Ikubli 26. Ukab 27. Halakhak 29. Pangatnig


CRISTY... From page 15 may pa-jacket pa ang grupo, kung umuwing maligaya ang mga kababayan nating nawalan ng trabaho ay mas maligaya ang aktor-TV host. Tama ang resulta ng survey, kung pagtulong sa mga nangangailangan ang pag-uusapan ay karapat-dapat ngang pumasok sa mundo ng pulitika sina Raffy Tulfo at Willie Revillame, pero nakahanda na ba ang kanilang kalooban? Pareho namin silang regular na nakakausap, sa timpla namin sa kanilang pananalita ay parehong malayo ang kanilang bituka sa mundo ng pulitika, mas gusto nilang tumulong nang wala silang upuan sa gobyerno. Wala silang hinihintay na kapalit sa kabutihang ginagawa nila, hindi sila tumutulong para lang maging mabango ang kanilang pangalan sa publiko, kusang-loob iyon at dikta ng kanilang puso na hindi na kailangang pang katukin para lang magbukas. *** Si Julia Barretto ang nakatapat ng tinguriang King OF Fake News sa social media na si Jay Sonza. Marami nang kuryenteng kuwentong inilabas ang beteranong broadcaster sa kaniyang FB account pero walang naghain ng asunto laban sa kaniya. Sinaktan na ni G. Sonza si Kris Aquino sa lantarang pagkutya kay Bimby bilang becki. Binigyan din niya ng ibang interpretasyon ang pamamaril sa van ni Kim Chiu. Siya rin ang “naka-scoop” na nagpakasal na raw sina Alden Richards at Maine Mendoza at mayroon na silang anak na lalaki na Theo ang pangalan. Kung tutuusin ay latak na lang ang kaniyang kuwentong nagdadalantao si Julia Barretto kortesiya raw ni Gerald Anderson, marami nang naunang kuryenteng kuwentong inilabas si Mang Jay, pero dito pa sa huli siya naasunto. Nagsadya sa NBI ang magandang aktres kasama ang kaniyang inang si Marjorie Barretto at ang kanilang abogado, sa Cybercrime Division ng ahensiya sila naghain ng kaso laban sa beteranong broadcaster, naglabas ng emosyon si Julia tungkol sa fake news.

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020 Kauna-unawa ang kaniyang pahayag na dahil sa maling balitang inilabas sa FB ni Jay Sonza ay naapektuhan ito nang todo, pati ang kaniyang pamilya ay nasaktan, kasama na rin ang mga taong matagal nang nagtitiwala at sumusuporta sa kaniya. Pagkatapos ilabas ni Mr. Sonza ang kaniyang kuwentong siguradung-siguradong nagdadalantao si Julia, pagkatapos maglabas ng ebidensiya ang aktres na walang katotohanan ang kaniyang impormasyon, ay humingi ng dispensa si Mang Jay sa kaniyang fake news, pero hindi iyo pinakinggan ng pamilya ni Julia. Paglabas na paglabas pa lang ng kuwento na pinagpistahan ng buong bayan ay nakikipag-usap na pala ang pamilya sa kanilang abogado, buung-buo na ang kanilang desisyon na kasuhan ang tinaguriang King Of Fake News sa social media ngayon. *** Bukod sa kaniyang dating programa sa ABS-CBN na bitbit ni Korina Sanchez sa kaniyang paglipat sa TV5 ay mayroon pa sanang ibang shows na iniaalok sa kaniya. Isang primetime news program pa sana ang gagawin niya kasama ang kumpirmado na ring nasa TV5 na si Ted Failon pero tinanggihan na ni Korina. Okey na sa kaniya ang Rated Korina, iyon na lang ang kaniyang pagkakaabalahan, ayaw na niyang tumanggap pa ng trabahong pangaraw-araw. Kuwento ng aming source, na malapit sa magaling na news anchor, “Ayaw na niyang magpamake-up araw-araw. Imagine nga naman, kapag daily ang show, e, araw-araw rin siyang magpapa-make-up at talagang paghahandaan niya ang programa, di ba? “Siguro, sa ilang dekada na rin niyang pagpapa-make-up daily, e, nagsawa na rin siya! Alangan namang humarap siya sa mga camera nang walang kaayus-ayos? “Siguradong maba-bash siya! Kung iyong naghahanda na nga ang mga personalities sa show nila, e, may nasasabi pa rin ang mga bashers, ang hindi pa kaya pag-aayos ang palalampasin nila?” natatawang pahayag ng aming source. Pryoridad ni Korina ngayon ang kanilang mga anak ni Kuyang

Mar Roxas na sina Pepe at Pilar. Mga kamay niya talaga ang nagpapala sa kambal. “Sobrang hands-on mom si Koring. Hanggang maaari, e, siya talaga ang nag-aalaga sa kambal, kaya ayaw na niyang tumanggap ng daily show. Tama na ang isang programa para sa kaniya. “Ang kambal ang mundo ngayon ni Korina, kung malapit siya sa mga pamangkin niya, e, di lalo na sa mga anak niya?” pagtatapos ng aming source. *** Urong-sulong ang balita tungkol sa partisipasyon ni Alex Gonzaga sa bagong bubuksang noontime show ng TV5 sa pamamagitan ng Brightlights Productions na si Direk Johnny Manahan ang mamamahala. Sa simula pa lang ay kasama na ang pangalan ni Alex Gonzaga sa mga magiging hosts ng pangtanghaling programa, pero biglang nawala ang kaniyang pangalan sa listahan, hindi na pala siya kasama. Pagkatapos nang ilang araw ay lumutang ang balitang kasali na siya, kasama sina Billy Crawford, Bayani Agbayani at iba pa, aling bersiyon kaya ng balita ang totoo? Matagal na nagtrabaho sa TV5 si Alex, matagal namin siyang nakasama sa talk show na Juicy, nagbida rin siya sa maraming proyekto ng network. Maraming nagulat nang bigla siyang lumundag sa ABSCBN, mayroon daw kasing isang ehekutibo ng network na sadya siyang pababagsakin, kaya naunahan ng takot ang aktres. “May lihim na galit daw ang TV executive kay Toni noon pa, kaya kay Alex bubuwelta iyong tao, pinaniwalaan naman agad ng family ni Alex ang kuwento,” pagalala ng aming source. Umikot ang gulong ng buhay, ipinasarado ang ABSCBN, maraming personalidad ng istasyon ang naglipatan na sa TV5. Sa October 19 na magsisimula ang Lunch Out Loud, maraming nagtatanong kung kasama si Alex sa mga magiging hosts ng show, dahil urong-sulong nga ang balita. *** Sinoplak nang malakas ng Megastar ang kaniyang mga bashers sa paglalantad ng kaniyang mga koleksiyon ng relo na milyunan ang halaga. See CRISTY p17

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020


New GMA shows in store for Kapuso viewers This October, GMA Pinoy TV is set to air the third season of reality singing competition The Clash as well as the highly anticipated continuation of Descendants of the Sun PH and drama series Prima Donnas. Airing on October 3 is GMA News and Public Affairs’ special documentary Lockdown: Food Diaries hosted by Alden Richards. The documentary presents how COVID-19 changed the landscape of the food industry in the Philippines. Viewers are falling in love with the newest primetime drama anthology I Can See You in four mini-series. The first mini-series, dubbed Love On The Balcony, which debuted on the small screens on September 28 is top-billed by Alden Richards, Pancho Magno, and Jasmine Curtis-Smith. In observance of anti-COVID-19 protocols alongside the Network’s

CRISTY... From page 16 Aminado naman si Sharon Cuneta na para sa mga bashers ang desisyon niyang idetalye ang mga multi-milyong halaga ng kaniyang mga relo. At para sa mga Sharonians na rin na matagal nang hinihiling na ilabas niya ang kaniyang mga koleksiyon. Nang ilabas kasi ni Mega ang kaniyang Rolex Daytona ay may mga bashers na nagkomentong ang yabang-yabang niya naman. Para dadalawang Rolex lang daw naman ang mayroon siya pero ganoon na lang ang kaniyang pagmamalaki. Ayan tuloy, kinagat ni Sharon ang hamon, hindi lang pala dalawang Rolex ang mayroon siya kundi pagkarami-rami. May solid gold, may platinum, may twotone, na ang kabuuang halaga ay puwede nang ipagpatayo ng isang mansiyon. Bukod sa mga relong iniregalo ng kaniyang ama, ang pumanaw na si Mayor Pablo Cuneta sa kaniyang inang si Mommy Elaine, ay kumpleto siya ng ibaibang disenyo ng Rolex. At may matinding karapatan at kakayahan naman siyang bumili noon anumang oras niyang gusto dahil bilyonarya siya. Iyon ang pinakapremyo ni Sharon sa kaniyang sarili sa ilang dekada na niyang pagtatrabaho. Suutan man ng Rolex ni Sharon kahit ang kaniyang mga paa ay puwede niyang gawin dahil ang ipinambili niya naman doon ay perang kinita at pinaghirapan niya at hindi naman salapi ng bayan. Siguradong may maikokomento pa rin ang mga bashers sa kaniyang ginawa, pero isa lang ang mahalaga, walang kahit sinong makapanunumbatmakapagtatanong sa Megastar kung saan nanggaling ang kaniyang kayamanan. *** Pinakamasuwerteng personalidad sa balat ng showbiz ngayon si Alden Richards. Sa panahon ng pandemya na trabaho

precautionary measures, the cast and crew of the show underwent RT-PCR tests, lock-in tapings and strictly practiced governmentmandated safety and health protocols on the set. Watch out for more new episodes of Anak ni Waray vs Anak ni Biday, Magkaagaw, and Love of My Life in the coming months on GMA Pinoy TV. GMA Life TV lifestyle programs feature all-new episodes of Mars Pa More, Taste Buddies, Idol sa Kusina, Turbo Zone, Sarap Diba?, iBilib, Tunay na Buhay, AHA!, Glow Up, Pinoy MD, and newscast Balitanghali. GMA News TV International brings non-stop news starting with the TV simulcast of Super Radyo DZBB via Dobol B sa News TV, New Normal: The Survival Guide, Quick Response Team (QRT), and State of the Nation with Jessica Soho (SONA). In addition to

the latest national news and fresh episodes of public affairs programs, Pinoys can also get the latest updates from the regions via GMA Regional TV’s Balitang Amianan, Balitang Bisdak, One Western Visayas, One Mindanao, Early Edition and Weekend News. Visit www.gmanetwork.com/ international to see the program guide in your area for GMA Pinoy TV, GMA Life TV, and GMA News TV International.

ang hinahanap ng kaniyang mga kapuwa artista ay siya ang nilalapitan ng suwerte. Habang inip na inip na at nabuburyong ang maraming personalidad sa kawalan ng trabaho ay heto naman ang Pambansang Bae, halos wala nang pahinga, dahil sa kaliwa’t kanang oportunidad na dumarating sa kaniya. May ginagawa siyang serye, may musical show, may arawaraw na hosting sa Eat… Bulaga at siya ang paboritong kuning tagapag-endorso ng mga proyekto ng gobyerno. Idagdag pa ang mga ginagawa niyang TVC, tapos na ang iba at ipalalabas pa lang ang mas marami pa, napakabukod na pinagpalang artista nga naman ni Alden Richards. Hindi dumating sa guwapong aktor ang tagumpay na ito nang magdamagan lang. Mahabang panahon ang kaniyang hinintay. Magsasampung taon na si Alden sa mahal niyang propesyon. Markado ang pahayag ng kaibigan naming propesor, “Lahat ng magagandang nangyayari kay Alden ngayon, e, matagal nang para sa kaniya. Nakasalansan na ang mga oportunidad na ito para sa kaniya talaga. “Walang aksidente, kapalaran ang nagbibigay sa kaniya ng lahat, dahil maganda ang puso niya. Marunong siyang rumespeto at makisama sa mga co-stars niya, wala siyang kayabang-yabang, marunong siyang lumingon sa pinagmulan niya. “Napakabuti niyang anak, kapatid at apo, bakit pa natin kukuwestiyunin ang magagandang nagaganap sa buhay at career niya ngayon? Premyo ‘yan ni Alden Richards sa kabutihan ng puso niya. “Matagal nang nakabalot ang mga regalo para sa kaniya ng kapalaran, ngayon lang iniabot sa kaniya,” makabuluhang opinyon ni prop. At nang tanggapin ni Alden Richards ang mga premyo sa kaniyang kabutihan ay nagkasabay-sabay, halos wala na

siyang paglagyan, punumpuno na ang kaniyang kaban. *** Maraming nasorpresa sa paglabas ng balita na may namamagitang romansa kina Raymart Santiago at Jodi Sta. Maria. Pareho kasi silang tahimik lang. Ang pagkakaalam ng marami ay si AC Legarda pa rin ang karelasyon ng action star pero matagal na pala silang hiwalay. Si Raymart ang balitang nakipaghiwalay sa pinsan ni dating Senador Loren Legarda. Sa mahabang panahon ay tahimik lang si Jodi tungkol sa paghihiwalay nila ni ViceGovernor Jolo Revilla. Nanatiling tikom ang bibig ng aktres, wala siyang pinakawalang pahayag kung bakit at ano ang dahilan ng pagkakani-kaniya nila ng landas, hanggang sa magpakasal na nga ang aktor-pulitiko sa isang beauty queen. Kung totoo ngang nagkakamabutihan na sina Raymart at Jodi ay magandang balita ito. Pareho silang libreng magmahal, at may karapatan silang lumigaya, maraming magiging masaya para sa kanila. Responsableng ama naman si Raymart sa dalawang anak nila ni Claudine Barretto, mapagalaga at mapagmahal na ina si Jodi sa kaniyang anak na si Thirdy, hanggang hindi sila nagpapabaya sa kanilang responsibilidad bilang mga magulang ay nasaan ang problema kung sila na nga ngayon? Pero hindi pa siguro kukumpirmahin nina Raymart at Jodi ang kanilang relasyon kung totoo nga, pareho silang maingat sa pagsasalita, titimplahin muna siguro nila ang sitwasyon bago sila magbukas ng puso tungkol sa magandang pagtitinginang mayroon sila ngayon. Dadaanin lang muna ni Raymart Santiago sa pagngiti ang mga tanong ngayon, ganoon din si Jodi na marespeto sa pagsagot, maghihintay pa tayo nang ilang panahon bago natin marinig kung See CRISTY p18

Alden Richards & Jasmine Curtis-Smith

Dingdong Dantes & Jennylyn Mercado

Sofia Pablo, Jillian Ward & Althea Ablan

Camille Prats & Iya Villania





OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020

Summer Ride Ends for the Sisig Voiz Bikers

Summer passed by like a flash but the camaraderie will last. Another one for the book for the Sisig Voiz Bikers of Winnipeg, Manitoba. We conquered Grand Beach, Granite Groove, Morden, Gravel Pit, Bur Oak and Ingolf trails. We are looking for more rides next summer and more members to join. Thank you to all who keep on pedalling. See you soon.

What to do if you have any Covid-19 symptoms Anyone who develops symptoms of Covid-19 should self-isolate and visit www. manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888315-9257 for health guidance on how to seek testing. Symptoms may include: • Cough • Headache • Fever/ chills • Muscle aches • Sore throat/ hoarse voice • Shortness of breath/

breathing difficulties • Loss of taste or smell • Vomiting, or diarrhea for more than 24 hours • Poor feeding if an infant • Runny nose • Fatigue • Nausea or loss of appetite • Conjunctivitis (pink eye) • Skin rash of unknown cause While many people will develop only mild symptoms, some groups appear to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Those at higher risk typically

develop more serious, even fatal, symptoms such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure. High risk groups include those: • 60 years of age and older • living with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart, renal or chronic lung conditions) • with weakened immune systems (e.g. cancer) Symptoms of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.

CRISTY... From page 17 paano, saan at kailan nagsimula ang kanilang pagmamahalan. *** Hindi naging maganda ang kinalabasan ng pagpapakatotoo ni Vice Ganda tungkol sa nararamdaman niyang depresyon nang dahil sa pandemya. Inamin ng sikat na komedyante-TV host na sobra siyang nalulungkot ngayon, inaatake ng depresyon, ngayon lang daw niya naramdaman ang ganito. May mga nakakaunawa sa kaniya, pero mas marami ang bumato sa kaniya at nagbalik sa nakaraan, hinusgahan ang nalulungkot na komedyante. Binalikan ng marami ang kaniyang nakaraan bilang standup comedian. Marami siyang kasamahan na ni hindi man lang niya nakukumusta, kaya ipinalagay ng mga ito na tumabang na siya, pinagbago na siya ng kasikatan. Mayroon ding mga hindi nagkakagusto sa kaniyang tatak ng pagkokomedya, isinumbat kay Vice ang lantarang pamamahiya na ginagawa niya sa mga kalahok sa It’s Showtime, wala raw siyang respeto. Komento ng isang source, “Ang tawag namin sa kaniya, e, hindi Vice Ganda kundi hindi magandang bisyo dahil may mga panahong nambabastos na siya.

“Sumosobra na ang katabilan niya sa ere, ginagawa niyang comedy bar ang show, hindi man lang niya maisip na napapahiya ang taong nililibak niya,” sabi nito. Walang forever, sabi naman ng iba, pana-panahon lang ‘yan. Wala siyang pelikula ngayon, napapanood man siya ay wala naman sa free TV ang kanilang programa, kaya siguro siya inaatake ng depresyon. Komento ng isang source, “Pero masuwerte pa rin si Vice dahil mapera siya. Malaki ang naipon niya, mayroon siyang pambayad sa doktor kung magpapa-checkup siya sa depression na napi-feel niya ngayon. “Mayroon siyang gagastusin, samantalang ang dami-daming nade-depress ngayon na hindi makapunta sa doktor dahil wala silang pera,” komento ng impormante. Sinabi rin ni Vice sa kaniyang post na hindi niya na alam kung sinu-sino ang mga tunay niyang kaibigan ngayon. Doon siya mas hinusgahan. “Kundi niya kinalimutan ang mga kaibigan at kasamahan niya noon, e, di sana, hindi niya mararamdaman ang ganyan ngayon? Nakalimot kasi siya sa mga taong totoong nagmamahal at nagmamalasakit sa kaniya,” sabi ng isang source na nakatrabaho niya dati sa comedy bar. –CSF

OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020





OCTOBER 1 - 15 , 2020

Are you continuing your career as a sales professional or just starting out? Glen Lawn Cemetery, a member of the Arbor Memorial family, is seeking a Sales Representative (Pre Planning Director) who is interested in a long-term and rewarding career. When you work at an Arbor Memorial cemetery, you will provide advice and guidance to families who are planning their arrangements ahead of time and help them save time and money. You’ll also help families faced with making difficult decisions when a loved one has passed away. We are seeking candidates who are: • • • •

Driven by success Self-motivated Willing to work a flexible schedule Active in the community

We offer a wide range of benefits for Sales Representatives including: • • • • • •

Generous pay structure Paid training On-going field training Marketing and administrative support Flexible Benefit Plan Employer-matched company Pension Plan

If you are a compassionate person who would like to make a difference in people’s lives, you will have a fulfilling career at Arbor! Sales experience is an asset but not mandatory as we will train to ensure success. Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills: verbal, written and presentation in both official languages would be an asset – English and French; any additional languages would be an asset; a valid driver’s license and personal vehicle are required. We thank all candidates for applying, and only those that are being considered will be contacted.

Please forward your resume to Darin Penner, Branch Manager at dpenner@arbormemorial.com

A Career at Arbor: It’s About Life. Arbor Memorial is a 2018 Winner of Canada’s Best Managed Companies.

Arbor Memorial Inc.

Glen Lawn

Funeral Home & Cemetery by Arbor Memorial

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