Pilipino Express • Sep 16 2020

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Volume 16 • No. 18 • September 16 - 30, 2020 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Kathryn Bernardo


Philippines reduces social distancing

Undeterred by the objections of the country’s health experts, the Philippines has reduced the recommended distance between commuters on public transportation – by land, sea and

air – effective September 14, 2020. In spite of the Department of Health’s warning and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendation of physical distancing of at least 1 metre, the

Department. of Transportation (DOTr) proceeded with its plan to reduce physical distancing to 0.75 m between commuters on public vehicles. The new physical See PHILIPPINES p6

Science above politics

13 Super Tekla & Boobay

Drug companies resist pressure to rush coronavirus vaccine development The chief executives of nine drug companies signed a pledge on September 8 to “uphold the integrity of the scientific process as they work towards potential global regulatory filings and approvals of the first COVID-19 vaccines.” The companies hope their pledge “will help ensure public confidence in the rigorous scientific and regulatory process by which COVID-19 vaccines are evaluated and may ultimately be approved.” Public health officials, especially in the U.S., are concerned that many Americans might refuse to take a vaccine amid suspicions that its development may be rushed due to pressure from President Trump. “We, the undersigned biopharmaceutical companies, want to make clear our on-going commitment to developing and testing potential vaccines for COVID-19 in accordance with high See SCIENCE p6



SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020




It’s September and students are heading back to school. The excitement that normally accompanies the crisp fall air this time of year is now mixed with worry, anxiety and for some, dread – because it’s not any “normal” September. It’s also 2020. It’s funny how the mere mention of 2020 now conjures up so many different feelings. At the beginning of the year, 2020 was going to be a milestone year for my firm. We will be celebrating our fifth anniversary on November 30, 2020 and we had many plans for how we would celebrate that with our clients, friends and family. We also had a lot of plans on how we wanted to expand our firm. Unfortunately, 2020 had other plans for us, indeed, for the whole world. The world has changed in many ways since that fateful day in March when COVID-19 was officially declared a worldwide pandemic. It set forth a tsunami of challenges that we either had to embrace or get caught in the waves and suffer the consequences. Millions around the world stopped doing what they normally did on a daily basis and stayed home. Many feared for their lives, their livelihood and their way of life. But people are resilient. They did what had to be done in order to survive. What survival looked like, in practical terms, depended on your job. Around the world, millions of people lost their jobs because of COVID. Millions were fortunate to keep their jobs but were sent home to work remotely. Millions more were declared essential workers by various levels of governments and had to continue to work under new and sometimes dangerous circumstances. The Province of Manitoba declared lawyers to be essential


workers and therefore could continue to operate. In what capacity was left to us. Within one week of the pandemic declaration, we made the difficult decision to physically close our office downtown and have our staff work remotely from their homes. Over the next several months, we gradually went back to working fully from our office as the Province declared each new phase for re-opening. To be honest, ninerbyos ako during this time because the phones were so quiet. Not a lot of people were calling or e-mailing. And for those clients who already had meetings scheduled prior to the pandemic, we re-scheduled them if possible or had telephone or Zoom meetings instead. For those that we had to meet in person, we took as many precautions as possible. If it were up to us, we would have conducted all our meetings by Zoom to ensure everyone’s safety. However, certain rules meant we could not do this – for example, where banks were allowing their clients to provide electronic signatures on documents. To this day, electronic signatures are still not allowed on legal documents. In time, the Law Society of Manitoba and the Provincial government implemented rules that would allow lawyers to witness real estate documents, Wills and Powers of Attorneys using video conferencing. However, the procedures put in place were strict and could pose more challenges for our clients. Lawyers had to either e-mail or courier the documents to the clients for their signatures and then witness the signing of each document using Zoom or some other video conferencing method. The original signed documents would then need to be sent to the

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020

The challenges of providing legal services during a global pandemic lawyer’s office to be signed by the lawyer. The lawyer then had to attach a statement attesting to the witnessing process. It’s a cumbersome process that means the clients need to have e-mails and good quality printers or they would need to incur additional courier costs so that the documents could be sent to their homes and back to the lawyer’s office. It’s not as simple as attaching an electronic signature. For those clients who decide they want to meet at our office, we encourage them to wear a facemask and provide us with all requested documents by e-mail prior to the meeting. When they arrive, we ask them to knock on the door because our doors are locked, and we are only meeting with clients who have scheduled appointments. We also want to ensure the safety of our clients by minimizing their contact to any doorknobs in our office. Upon arrival, we ask them to use the hand sanitizer and then we give them a pen to sign any documents. (Incidentally, since these pens must to be taken home, we’ve spent a fortune buying lots of pens.) And after each meeting, the chairs and desks are sanitized. For businesses of all sizes, staying open during the pandemic meant that we had to scramble to get hand sanitizers, masks and disinfectant wipes. I can tell you that they were hard to find in the early days. And those that were available were quite expensive.

But they are now an essential part of doing business and must be purchased to ensure everyone’s safety. These last six months have certainly been challenging. It remains to be seen how much longer this pandemic will dictate our lives. It will also be interesting to see how much of these safety procedures we are now using will carry forward in a post-pandemic world. At my office, there are six of us and we try our best to social distance whenever possible. Masks come on when clients are scheduled to arrive, the office always smells like disinfectant and our hands are dry from over washing. But the phones are ringing again, the inquiries are starting to come in and the office is beginning to adapt to our “new normal.” Disclaimer: The contents of this article are not intended as legal advice and are for information purposes only. Should you require legal advice on a specific issue relating to the contents of this article, please seek the services of a legal professional. Atty Alona C. Mercado is a partner with the law firm of MERCADO TRINH LAW LLP. She was called to the Manitoba Bar in 1999. Her preferred areas of practice include wills and estates, real estate, business law and immigration law. Alona can be reached at (204) 594-3436 or acm@mercadotrinhlaw.com. Website: www.mercadotrinhlaw. com

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SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020



College life in the age of COVID-19 Colleges and universities have re-opened for the 2020 fall semester in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new and highly contagious viral respiratory disease has created uncertainties and risks to learning. Controlling the spread of COVID-19 for the safety of students, staff and the community while providing a rich college life are the twin challenges. The United Nations August 2020 policy brief, Education during COVID-19 and beyond, stated, “The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in… all continents… When education systems collapse, peace, prosperous and productive societies cannot be sustained.” Planning for the resumption of classes has included heavy emphasis on health safety. The new disease has caused enormous illness and loss of human lives – and livelihoods – and inflicted serious disruptions to the national economy, including the financing of education. Magnitude of the toll on human life As of September 12, 2020, Johns Hopkins University has reported 32,585,798 cases of COVID-19 worldwide including with 919,081 deaths. Canada has 138,164 cases and 9,220 deaths. The Philippines: 257,863 cases and 3,325 deaths. The United States has 6,482,523 cases and 193,676 deaths. Reflected in these numbers are the more than 7.8 million patients and 83 thousand deaths added anew worldwide in the half-month since my prior commentary. Of whom over 10 thousand were diagnosed in Canada, 48 thousand in the Philippines, and more half a million (568,610) in the USA, with the average number of daily deaths calculated at seven, 65 and 792, respectively. Risk of infection spread in college environment College settings have become new hotspots for COVID-19. Could returning students become key messengers of disease spread as they gather for social events? “Five students at the University of Western Ontario have tested positive for COVID-19 less than a week after the start of classes,” reported the Globe and Mail as this commentary went to the press, “prompting the local health authority in Ontario to declare an outbreak.” This is the first major outbreak linked to a Canadian university since the fall semester opened. Large gatherings of Queen’s University students partying in disregard of physical distancing rules had been observed. Students in Atlantic Canada have also been charged for failing to self-isolate over the Labour Day weekend.

Dozens of universities in the United States have experienced similar outbreaks linked to parties or to students living together in residences. While the level of community spread has been much lower in Canada than in the U.S., bringing students together has raised alarm from public health officials. College and university campuses are not in a bubble. They are a community within the surrounding greater community of residents and businesses. Inside the classrooms and outside on campus and nearby off-campus settings, the venues provide ideal locations for the virus to spread from one infected individual to several other contacts with speed and unknowingly from asymptomatic students. The collective daylong activities provide the intensity of in-person interactions within compacted periods of time. The virus has several travel routes and entry points: embedded in large and small droplets in saliva, mucus and phlegm from an infected person during coughing, sneezing, talking, and singing that then enter via the nose and mouth (most frequently) and the eyes of a contact by inhalation, or transferred through handshakes, hugging, kissing, or by touching of contaminated surfaces and then one’s face. Hence the need for face masks, physical distancing, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, alternative greetings, not touching one’s face with unwashed hands, and disinfection of frequented surfaces. The thirst for independence and socialization among young adults combined with a sense of invincibility and sensitivity to peer influence are worthy of consideration. Students spend more time indoors at college and gather with more people. While being outdoors is safer, it does not equate to protection if physical distancing is not or cannot be exercised and wearing a facemask is deemed a social burden during mass gatherings. The teaching and support staff includes older adults. The over-60 age group is particularly vulnerable to the infection, especially if there is an underlying health handicap. Not to be overlooked are the families of students and staff, to whom and from whom visits and contacts are expected. Such is the college environment – a potential petri

dish for the rapid spread of COVID-19. The Canadian situation Canada’s colleges and universities have transformed campuses to comply with the recommendations of public health officials. They have confronted the following challenges: to move all or most programs via virtual learning platforms; make technology investments for course delivery online; budget for lost revenues from non-academic activities, events, and residences and from loss of international students unable to attend in person. Across the country, 54 per cent of colleges and universities have chosen to deliver programs online, 40 per cent have adopted a hybrid model, and about 4 per cent are offering courses inperson in communities where the prevalence of infection has been low and where class sizes are small with facilities able to accommodate social distancing. Challenges and solutions Getting 100 per cent of students to comply with all the safety guidelines is one of the challenges of COVID-19 that cannot be fully solved. Nonetheless, a CNN panel of contributors has polled specialists in infectious disease, teaching, counselling, and business for their insights on some of the challenges and feasible solutions. Let me distil from them some pointers: • The greatest challenge is a combination of testing and controlling the spread of COVID-19 in an environment conducive to transmission of the virus. • Colleges could keep faculty and staff safe by limiting class sizes and enabling physical distancing. Work that can be done remotely should be done so. • Acknowledge with candour that bringing people to campus from across the country or the world cannot possibly be done without witnessing large outbreaks. • The only model that will be effective is one that tests large numbers of students – those who live on and off campus – regularly and getting results quickly, coupled with effective contact tracing. • Constant use of facemasks, physical distancing and regular had washing. • There is significant risk to nearby communities. If bars and restaurants are open near a university, students will be

there. Business owners should recognize this, protect their employees and encourage good behaviour from everyone. As a resident, adjust one’s schedule and behaviour accordingly. • College students should certainly be alerted when safe and effective vaccines become available. In the meantime, they should seek medical attention promptly, if they feel unwell. • Acknowledge that international students play an important role in our universities and colleges and governments should make rules for their admission clear, coherent and timely. • Acknowledge that telling students to abstain completely from social interactions or threatening them with suspension does not work. Colleges, families, and health experts can reach this group to help them understand and follow the rules by treating these students like adults and communicating with them the dangers of COVID-19 and how it is spread, and informing them how to can protect themselves. Why some students break COVID-19 rules Collegiate rites of passage to adulthood encourage youth to take risks. Restrictions to behaviour could only lead to rebellion. Fraternity and sorority recruitment at the start of the semester involve mass gatherings and parties, notwithstanding the rules against them in the age of COVID-19. Note, however, that risky behaviours may be a function of their normal physiological and emotional development, not a conscious breach of prescribed public health rules. This much we have learned from developmental psychologists. CNN News has shared the opinions of three experts in the field – assistant professor and developmental psychologist Hannah Schacter at Wayne State University, senior director for Counselling & Psychological Services at Pennsylvania State University Ben Locke, and the director of Alvord, Baker & Associates, Mary Karapetian Alvord, who counsels young adults. All three have made the following observations: • many of the exciting firsts college promises – freedom, independence and friendships – lead students to act in ways that can expose them or others to the virus because the brain region during this age period that is

most sensitive to social rewards has developed ahead of the part responsible for consequencedriven decision-making; • they know the negative consequences of risky behaviour but are unable to regulate and control the impulses that answer to the social reward of the moment; • new friendships and peer approval influence outweigh the potential risks of restricted conduct; • their eagerness to connect overtakes their fear of the virus; • they depend on social connections to build their identities; • they may have internalized earlier medical advice given publicly that children and teens are not part of the high risk group; • conflicting messages of wearing of masks from public leaders; • they have been overwhelmed by anxiety and depression; and • they have difficulty processing the full impact of the pandemic. These three experts recommend the following approach: • Universities need to share the responsibility of keeping those on campus safe. Shifting blame onto students could stir up rebellion. • Encourage students to appreciate the mutual benefit and the sacrifice that requires everyone’s buy-in to take care of each other. • Handle them with empathy and acknowledge the sacrifices they have already made to help control humanity’s crisis. Summon the best in them. Dr. Rey D. Pagtakhan graduated from the University of the Philippines, trained at the Children’s Hospitals of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and of the University of Manitoba (UM) Faculty of Medicine in Winnipeg, and earned a Master of Science in Perinatal Physiology, with his thesis Initiation of Respiration, from the UM Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. A retired lung specialist, professor of pediatrics, and Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians, he was a former school trustee, Member of Parliament, and cabinet minister. In June 2003, he presented on “The Global Threat of Infectious Diseases” at the G-8 Science Ministers/Advisors Meeting held in Berlin.



SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020

The impact of COVID-19 on temporary residents The impact of COVID-19 has been felt across Canada. We are immediately aware of the impact of the pandemic on ourselves, and the dangers implicit in Manitoba and Canada at large, but have you fully understood the impact on our neighbours? You can consider this question by examining the answer in the gospel of Luke, or in a very specific way for the reader, by considering the neighbour as newcomers, who co-exist with Canadian permanent residents. The temporary residents include foreign students, workers and visitors. It is important for us to become aware of these neighbours and their challenges in a COVID Canada. As the pandemic continues to disrupt economic activity throughout Canada, large numbers of permanent residents, temporary workers, and international

students report a marked decline in their financial situation due to a loss of jobs and income. In her recent study, entitled How has COVID-19 Impacted the Financial Well-Being of Immigrants, Temporary Workers, and International Students in Canada, WES associate director Joan Atlin reports that 15 per cent of all respondents to a June survey reported that they lost a job as a result of the health crisis. The marketplace has seen loses and gains. Employment rose by 418,500 in July bringing to 1.7 million the number of job reclaimed over the past three months. Canada lost three million jobs in March and April as the height of the pandemic. The employment rebound in Canada has outpaced the U.S. Job loses impacted both permanent residents and permit

holders alike. Both groups included persons who lost their primary source of income. Atlin’s study showed that the effect was more strongly felt by temporary residents of Canada. She showed that more than 26 per cent of international foreign students and overseas foreign workers reported losing their primary source of income, while over a third (34 percent) found it difficult to afford rent or utilities. The impact of job loss for temporary residents was greater because many were and/ or are not eligible for emergency benefits. Despite widespread financial difficulties, temporary residents were often not eligible to collect Employment Insurance (EI) or the Canada Emergency Response Benefits (CERB). Many of the temporary residents did not meet 420-700 insurable hours of work in the last 52 weeks for EI or the previous year’s minimum income of $5,000 for CERB. The CERB

0.3 m, to allow for optimization of ridership in the weeks to come. The public is also prohibited from talking or making phone calls while on board public transport. The easing of physical distancing means standing passengers may now be accommodated in modern jeepneys and buses. For buses, this translates to an increase of one to three passengers for buses with 2x2 coaches, and six to eight more passengers for 2x3-coach type buses. As for airlines and passenger ferries, more passengers will now also be allowed to enter airports and seaports. Carlito Galvez Jr., chief of the National Task Force (NTF) against COVID-19, said that he supports this move because it will mean that more employees and workers will be able to travel to their workplaces notwithstanding strict quarantine measures imposed by government to contain the spread

of COVID-19. “Optimizing the physical distance between passengers inside PUVs without sacrificing strict health and safety protocols such as wearing of face masks and face shields, will help soothe the transportation woes of Filipino commuters. With public transportation, there is faster recovery of lives and livelihoods as we push forward under the new normal,” said Galvez. Mindful of the health professionals’ concerns, Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque said the government was willing to sit down with medical experts to further discuss the matter. He said the coronavirus task force approved the reduction of physical distancing on public vehicles in a meeting last week. “It was approved by the [task force] because we cannot reopen the economy if we do not add to our transportation capacity,” he said. As of press time, authorities indicated that they would closely monitor the effects of the new public transport social distancing policy. DOTr stated that they might recall this policy if it results in more COVID-19 infections. The local MetroManila mayors, health professionals and the general public have been very vocal about their concern that this will impact adversely the effort to flatten the curve.

PHILIPPINES... From page 1 distancing rule will be gradually reduced to 0.5 m after two weeks and to 0.3 m after another two weeks. This was implemented as the Department of Health (DOH) reported 4,699 additional infections that brought the overall number of confirmed COVID-19 cases to 265,888. The health professionals warned that this decision is risky and premature because of the alarming increase of cases in the country. Manila’s transportation systems are infamously crowded, characteristically involving long line-ups making it almost impossible to impose social distancing between commuters. But in a press statement released by Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade, it was revealed that the proposal to boost the carrying capacity of various public transport modes was approved by the National Task Force (NTF) against COVID-19. The DOTr justified its decision saying that with stringent health protocols now being enforced to contain the spread of COVID-19 such as the compulsory use of face masks and face shields by commuters, the one-metre physical distancing rule can be safely amended to an initial .75 m, then to 0.5 m, and then later to

is due to expire in October and those who are eligible will be transitioned to EI. International students who lost their jobs because of COVID may be eligible and can check if they are eligible. The other challenge facing temporary residents is a lack of information about support services available to them. The challenge for many of Atlin’s respondents is that some (24 per cent) thought they were not eligible for assistance and a further 11 per cent did not know how to contact a social service agency. Joan Atlin advocates for an “immigrant-inclusive recovery” and it is difficult to find fault with her recommendation. Canada is strongly invested in bringing both temporary and permanent residents from abroad. Immigration remains a key to our economic recovery from COVID-19 and helps maintain our international place as a choice destination. Effective August 24,

SCIENCE... From page 1 ethical standards and sound scientific principles,” reads the statement. Specifically, the companies pledged to: • Always make the safety and well-being of vaccinated individuals … top priority. • Continue to adhere to high scientific and ethical standards regarding the conduct of clinical trials and the rigour of manufacturing processes. • Only submit for approval or emergency use authorization after demonstrating safety and efficacy through a Phase 3 clinical study that is designed and conducted to meet requirements of expert regulatory authorities such as [the] FDA. • Work to ensure a sufficient supply and range of vaccine options, including those suitable for global access. The joint statement was signed by the CEO’s of AstraZeneca, BioNTech, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, and Sanofi. Public distrust of a vaccine is likely to rise amid concerns that Food and Drug Administration is facing political pressure from President Trump to rush the release of a vaccine before it is proved safe and effective. It

2020 Canada instituted a change to allow foreign visitors to apply for work permits inside Canada. We agree with Atlin that Canada needs to be mindful to the plight of the temporary foreign students and workers inside our country and to ensure that they are not left behind. Visitors, international foreign students, foreign workers and other classes of immigrants (family class etc.) are essential for the country’s long-term prosperity. Immigration helped build Canada and immigration will help us recover from the pandemic. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

was recently revealed that Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, sent a memo on August 3 telling health departments across the country to draft vaccination plans by October 1 “to coincide with the earliest possible release of COVID-19 vaccine.” The CDC’s director, Dr. Robert Redfield, also wrote to governors to expedite the process to get vaccine distribution sites up and running by November 1 – just before American voters go to the polls for the presidential election on November 3. Meanwhile, Canada is planning its largest-ever vaccination campaign. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is expected to release an interim statement in a few weeks listing which groups should get first access to an authorized COVID-19 vaccine, when one or many become available. So far, the Canadian government has signed deals with four companies to supply possible COVID-19 vaccines: 76 million doses of Novavax Inc.’s vaccine candidate, 38 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s candidate, 20 million doses from Pfizer Canada, which is working with BioNTech in Germany, and 56 million doses from Moderna.

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020




Are there some colours better for you than others, and if so, what are they? To find out, it’s important that you know your personal birth element. That’s right, just like the day you were born is a personal lucky number, the year that you were born has an element associated with it, and that element is your personal birth element. That means that one of the five elements is luckier for you than the others and can improve your life, bring you more money, and success. Does understanding your personal feng shui element important to know? Yes! That’s because it’s part of the key to your feng shui success story. When you know your birth element, it can help you pick out colours to use in your décor, and use colours that will make you feel and perform better than others — and that helps you tap into your success potential. Your personal success element can give you insight into your personality, both positive and negative aspects, as well as what health issues can come up for you. Best of all, knowing your feng shui birth element can give you a guide for selecting everything from gemstones that are fortunate for you to selecting bedding and linen choices, or even a car colour. To begin, you’ll select your birth element by the year you were born. Select from the table that shows the elements based on your year of birth. Feng shui birth element: Water Water element people by their nature are fluid and transformative. They’re deep thinkers who love reflection and meditation. Time spent alone is something they enjoy, as they are happy in their own solitude. Sensitive and creative are two words that describe water element people. There is a depth to them that makes them difficult to rattle. One of their key personality traits is worry and fear. Water element people can often withdraw from life and from social settings, so there is a concern with depressive tendencies. Fear is an emotion that can keep them trapped from moving forward and being afraid of the future, which keeps them from truly experiencing the present or for making progress. Their abilities to transform based on the environment can often make them seem to have multiple personalities. But it’s


this adaptability that makes them able to manage a variety of situations and maintain diplomacy. Once fear is behind them, they can be formidable and powerful, achieving great heights of success. Clothing and decor colours: Metal colours (white, gray, gold, silver) and water colours of blue, black, purple, turquoise and aqua Best element decor items: Metallic objects, images of water, mirrors, and water elements and colours. Feng shui birth element: Wood Wood element people are innovative, creative and love to bring big plans to fruition. They’re bubbling with excitement and make great project leaders. Another way to describe them is a Type A personality that’s driven, growth-oriented, assertive and sometimes confrontational. Wood element people have a lot of energy and because of that, they’ll need an outlet through creativity and physical exercise to release pent up energy. If wood people are repressed, their dynamism that can feel angry and overbearing instead of expansive. If this tendency is pronounced without an outlet, the wood element person can turn anger inward with depression and worry. This can create problems with excess drinking, blood pressure, liver and gallstone problems. One of their key personality traits is around growth, looking at the big picture and being goaloriented. As unrelenting as grass that grows in a concrete sidewalk, look to a wood element person for any job that needs someone to drive it to completion. Their environment needs to support and nourish their energy and find a way to help keep it balanced so that they can excel and use their growth energy to manifest great things. Clothing and decor colours: Wood colours (green, brown) and water colours (blue, black, purple) Best element decor items: Wood objects, plants, images of plants, nature, and water, water elements and colours. Feng shui birth element: Fire Fire element people are exciting to be around. They have a natural creative and expressive flair and a real talent for acting, speaking, and creating. When they’re around, they’re the life of the party and are affectionate and loving people.

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020

Power up your life with your feng shui personal birth element

One of their key personality traits is their confidence level. Even if they don’t always know exactly what they’re doing they take a “why not?” kind of attitude that can take them far. They will need to work on focusing their attention to see projects to the end. Health problems can tend toward eye issues, heart and blood pressure problems. Turned inside out, their enthusiasm can create anxiety. As a generally happy person, the fire element personality can sometimes also know the depths of despair and develop a tendency to be overly dramatic and negatively fixated. A good example is the actor’s persona of the happy and the sad mask. The fire person can sometimes move between them too quickly. Overall, the fire person is optimistic, bouncy and looks for the silver lining in life. Their buoyant attitude and optimism will bring them focused achievement and garner the recognition they deserve. Clothing and decor colours: Fire colours (red, magenta, pink, purple, orange) and wood colours (brown, green) Best element decor items: Wood objects, plants, and images of plants, candles, fire images, images of the sun Feng shui birth element: Earth Earth element people are those who put others ahead of themselves. They take care of others. You can trust that they will come to your aid when you need them. Time spent with friends and family means the most to earth element people. They are polite and use discretion, loving good manners and simple courtesies makes them popular. One of their key personality traits is their need for security in relationships, money, and housing. They are practical, productive and self-sufficient. They will give you the shirt off their back, as they love to take care of others. On the downside, the earth element can sometimes cause them to be martyrs and let others take advantage of them. Earth element people can also

be as immovable as a mountain with unrelenting stubbornness. In that regard, they can experience unshakable faith and will keep their nose to the grindstone long after others have given up. Earth people worry too much about what others think of them. Their health can suffer from overeating and digestive issues and weight, often not taking care of themselves the way they do of others. When committed and practice self-caring and love, the earth element person can be a steadfast leader who can bring people together that becomes their bridge to success. Clothing and decor colours: Tan, yellow, orange, ochre, terracotta, beige, red, purple Best element decor items: Fire, candles, stone or brick, crystals, earth elements Feng shui birth element: Metal Metal element people are methodical, detail-oriented and finicky (in a good way!). They are very structured and like things just so. This is the personality that is cool under pressure and has an even temperament that manages to stay above the fray and is not given to fits of drama. Their ability to remain focused is well known and they are just the right people for any job that requires follow-through. There can be a judgmental quality in the metal personality that can sometimes take an inward direction. The need to follow rules and keep order can sometimes challenge the metal element personality. If so, this can lead the metal element person to depression and feelings of despair. Metal element people are excellent scientists, doctors, and accountants. In health, concerns can focus around lungs such as COPD and asthma, problems with infection and digestive complaints such as IBS or Crohn’s disease. Any profession where an exacting personality is required will be where the metal element person can excel. It’s their mind, that when focused and freed of judgment, that can propel

them toward their highest ability and be the source of their greatest achievement. Clothing and decor colours: Metal colours (white, silver, gray, brass, metallic finishes) and earth colours (yellow, tan, beige, terracotta). Best element decor items: Metallic elements such as iron and metal objects and earth elements such as images of mountains, maps, globes, and earth items such as vases, porcelain objects and crystals. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: A single friend of mine doesn’t believe in feng shui but has miserable luck in her life. Her birthday is coming up. Is there something I can give her for her birthday to help her attract better luck in her life? Answer: Aren’t you a great friend? She’s lucky to have you, that’s for sure. Sometimes we want good fortune for others more than we do for ourselves. That’s especially true of our children. Some people are closed off and not open and receptive to good fortune. I’ve learned that when we constantly expect the worst in life, the Universe gives it to us. Never ask, “What else can happen,” because something else certainly will! Let’s go back to your question. I’d buy something for your friend that you also like because, as my mother used to tell me, if you like it, your friend will probably like it, too. Buy her something pretty with auspicious symbols. I especially like butterflies because they represent a rebirth and they’re also a wonderful symbol of love – and since you say she’s single, it might just be the symbol she needs to attract a special someone. It might also help your friend “turn over a new leaf.” I hope so. She’s already got a good start with you as her friend. Kathryn Weber has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Her witty, no-nonsense style appeals to audiences, making her a popular speaker and radio show guest. Visit www. redlotusletter.com

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020





SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020

• Liza Soberano – Sobrang iniingatan ng Kapamilya network • Lotlot de Leon – Tinatawag na maldita at walang utang na loob ng mga Noranians • Ted Failon – Selyado na ang kontratang pinirmahan sa TV5 • Darren Espanto – “Straight ako!” • Rustom Padilla – Sino ba talaga ang ‘Ilusyunada?” • Kris Aquino – May mas “more viable” daw na ipinalit sa kaniya ang TV5 • Sharon Cuneta – Tumutulong nang tahimik, walang “press release” • Jim Paredes – Umariba na naman ang sawsawerong laos

Totoong-totoo na kinukuha ng GMA-7 at TV5 ang serbisyo ni Liza Soberano. Nakausap na ng mga emisaryo ng dalawang istasyon ang kaniyang manager na si Ogie Diaz. Sa pagpapakandado sa ABSCBN ay walang ibang hinahanap ngayon ang mga artista ng network kundi trabaho. Ang iba ay mayroon na, pero mas maraming wala pa, kaya maraming personalidad na pumapailalim ngayon sa depresyon. Pero iba ang kaso ng napakagandang young actress, siya ang nilalapitan ng oportunidad, hindi siya ang naghahanap. Pero maingat sila ng kaniyang manager sa pagkilos, hindi sila agad-agad naghahangad ng pagkakakitaan, naghihintay pa sila ng hinog na pagkakataon. Isa si Liza Soberano sa mga iniingatan ng Kapamilya network. Hanggang maaari, hanggang kaya pa naman nila ng kaniyang manager, ay huwag muna silang lumundag ng bakod.

Nakalinya na ang pelikulang gagawin nila ng kaniyang boyfriend na si Enrique Gil, malaki na ang napatunayan ng kanilang loveteam sa takilya, mahirap nga namang basta pakawalan ang mga talentong tulad nila. *** Komento ng isang kaibigan namin ay hindi rin natin masisisi ang mga namba-bash kay Lotlot de Leon kung bakit siya tinatawag na maldita at walang utang na loob. Nagkumpara ang mga kumokontra kay Lotlot, hindi rin kasi maganda ang relasyon nila ng kaniyang dating biyenang si Pilita Corales, dahil sa kaniyang kamalditahan. Dagdag na impormasyon pa ng aming kausap, “Wala namang kasundo si Lotlot, di ba? Ang dati niyang biyenan, ang mommy niyang si Nora Aunor, alangan namang parehong mali ang mga mas nakatatanda sa kaniya? See CRISTY p11

Liza Soberano

Darren Espanto

Kris Aquino

Ted Failon

Ted Failon - Kapatid na!

Sharon Cuneta

Lotlot de Leon

Nora Aunor, Lotlot de Leon and Mamay Tunying

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020


CRISTY... From page 10 “Maldita kasi siya, daldal nang daldal, sarcastic pa siya. Walang pinakamaganda kundi ang manahimik na lang siya!� pahayag nito. Anuman ang pinagdaanan ng mag-ina noong bata pa si Lotlot ay tanging sila lang naman ang nakakaalam. Wala namang nakasaksi kung paano siya tinrato ng taong umampon sa kaniya. May suntok sa puso ang kuwento ni Balot na noong bata pa sila ni Ian de Leon ay wala siyang karapatang makatikim ng mga de-lata sa kanilang cabinet. Ang sabi raw kasi ng yaya ni Ian See CRISTY p14

Piolo Pascual

Rustom Padilla a.ka.a BB Gandanghari




SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020

Kathryn and Daniel lead tribute video for Filipinos ABS-CBN launched a tribute video on August 31 for Filipinos who continue to fight, serve the nation, and care for others despite the challenges faced by the country. Dubbed Tinig ng Mga Nawalan, the video features the voices of young superstars Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo, together with other Kapamilyas from within and outside the network. Among the video’s creators and singers, including its director, are ABS-CBN workers

affected by the retrenchment after the House of Representatives denied ABS-CBN’s franchise renewal. The tribute bears a message of hope for Filipinos facing tragedies like losing loved ones in the fight against COVID-19, as well as the loss of jobs during this pandemic. Also appearing in the video are artists Coco Martin, Vice Ganda, Angel Locsin, Enrique Gil, Liza Soberano, Bea Alonzo, Karla Estrada, Jolina Magdangal,

Melai Cantiveros, Jericho Rosales, Beauty Gonzales, Bianca Gonzales, Enchong Dee, Robi Domingo, Jake Cuenca, Kylie Versoza, Edward Barbers, and Alex Gonzaga, and journalists Bernadette Sembrano, Zen Hernandez, Alvin Elchico, Jeff Canoy, Chiara Zambrano, and Jacque Manabat, who have all used their voices to fight for the rights of their fellowmen and Kapamilya. See KATHNIEL p13

Kathryn Bernardo & Daniel Padilla

ABS-CBN launches online ‘edutainment hub’ Just Love Kids ABS-CBN launched an online hub on September 11 to support parents in teaching their kids and reinforce values relevant to Filipino families.

Just Love Kids is a one-stop shop interactive website that parents and guardians can access to find videos, music, and activities See KIDS p13

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020

KATHNIEL... From page 12 The launch of Tinig ng Mga Nawalan is part of the new ABSCBN campaign Lingkod ng Isa’t Isa, which celebrates the grit, tenacity, and resilience of every Filipino in transcending ordeals and painful losses, while still being able to help uplift other people’s lives. It aims to highlight how Filipinos become each other’s heroes in dark, challenging, and uncertain times. Stories of everyday heroism of Filipinos here and abroad can be found on the Lingkod ng Isa’t Isa microsite (news.abs-cbn.com/ LingkodNgIsatIsa). Everyone is encouraged to share their inspiring story via social media, use the official hashtags #LingkodPinas and #LingkodNgIsatIsa.

KIDS... From page 12

to entertain and educate the little ones. Intended to supplement kids with additional avenues for discovery and fun as they go through online schooling this year, Just Love Kids houses parent-trusted, child-friendly selections not just for learning but also for entertainment and play. The showpage features kidapproved playlists consisting of various ABS-CBN content that is themed for easy selection and navigation. The themes range from good habits, proper conduct, and important family values presented in colourful stories that children can easily comprehend. The selections are further categorized into three age buckets— preschool for kids ages 2 to 5; primary for 6 to 8-year-old children; and intermediate for older kids ages 9 to 12—to ensure that they are age-appropriate and suitable for young minds. The young visitors can also listen to TuTuBee musical learning videos and enrol in online classes on singing, acting, and dancing led by Star Magic Workshops. Just Love Kids will also introduce printable worksheets and activities that will engage children offline and allow for some bonding time as parents and kids work on them together. Apart from the kids’ online hub, ABS-CBN continues to feature child-friendly shows on Kapamilya Channel for the new Just Love Kids morning block airing every weekend starting Saturday (September 12). Well-loved cartoons Robo Car Poli and Adventures of Tom Sawyer, with preschool musical Pop Babies, and popular edutainment live action Team YeY, complete the Saturday roster. Educational programs Wikaharian for Filipino, MathDali for Math, Bayani for Araling Panlipunan, and Hirayamanawari for values education round up the Sunday line-up. Check out justlovekids.abs-cbn. com. For more details on Just Love Kids, like @JustLoveKidsPH on Facebook. For updates, follow @ ABSCBNPR on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or visit www.abscbn.com/newsroom.



Wish Ko Lang! celebrates women’s winning moments in life Well-loved and awardwinning public service program Wish Ko Lang! celebrates women’s strength and winning moments in life this September with a series of four fresh episodes bannered by some of the country’s topnotch actresses: Glydel Mercado, Rochelle Pangilinan, Arra San Agustin, Thea Tolentino, and Jean Garcia. Glydel Mercado brings to life the story of a mother who will do everything to save her children from a flash flood that threatens their lives. Joining Glydel in this episode entitled Nalunod are award-winning actors Allen Dizon and Therese Malvar. The following week, Rochelle Pangilinan headlines the Inararo episode, a story about a couple who lost their jobs amid the pandemic and became fruit vendors to earn a living. Jason Abalos plays Rochelle’s husband in the story. Also in the episode are Shayne Sava, Lexi Gonzales, and Irma Adlawan. Arra San Agustin, Thea Tolentino, and Juancho Triviño are siblings whose relationship will be tested because of Herlene Budol’s character in the episode entitled Nasunog. In the story, Almira Muhlach plays the mother of Arra, Thea, and Juancho. Rounding off the fresh stories this month is the Inilibing episode, bannered by no less than Jean Garcia. Inilibing also features Vaness del Moral and Adrian

Ara San Agustin Alandy. In the story, Lorna (Jean) thought that Efren (Adrian) was the perfect guy only to find out otherwise. Wish Ko Lang! has been airing fresh episodes amid the pandemic. Host Vicky Morales is grateful for the positive feedback the show has been getting. “I’m thankful to all the people who spend their Saturday afternoons watching our special fresh episodes,” she said. “More than the assistance we get to extend to our case studies and our show’s followers, I am happy that Wish Ko Lang! is able to inspire people to hope and help one another amid these trying times. Maraming salamat sa patuloy ninyong panunuod at pagsuporta sa Wish Ko Lang! Lagi po natin tatandaan, hangga’t ‘di tayo

Glydel Mercado

Jean Garcia

Rochelle Pangilinan

Thea Tolentino

napapagod humiling at maniwala, hindi rin tayo mapapagod lumaban sa buhay.” Catch the Winner September line-up of Wish Ko Lang! which

also airs abroad via GMA’s flagship international channel, GMA Pinoy TV. For the program guide, visit www.gmapinoytv. com. (30)

The Boobay and Tekla Show Following several months of hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Boobay and Tekla express their excitement on returning to work and tease their loyal viewers on what’s in store for their much-awaited comeback. “Mapalad kami ni Boobay na makabalik at mabigyan ng chance na makapagpasaya ulit ng tao. Sobrang thankful kami dahil alam namin na mahirap ngayon ang buhay. Gagalingan namin para kahit papaano ay maibsan ‘yung nararamdaman ng viewers natin ngayong panahon ng pandemic,” says Tekla. “Napakaraming dapat abangan ng viewers gaya na lang ng bagong segments at hindi lang sila basta manonood dahil may segment kami na ang audience mismo ang bibida. At syempre, makikisaya rin ang naglalakihang Kapuso stars sa aming bagong episodes,” teases Boobay. The comedic duo also shares how their entire team carefully complied and observed all the safety protocols before and during the taping. “Sinunod talaga naman ang lahat ng protocols and testing,” shares Boobay. “In terms of paghahanda,

talagang maingat kami. Kung ano ang protocol ng aming kumpanya, sinunod namin ‘yun para na rin sa safety ng lahat,” adds Tekla. International stage actor Mark Bautista took the hot seat to tackle some of the naughtiest questions in the controversial interview segment called, Feeling the Blank. Some of the biggest stars dropped by the studio with the roster of Kapuso artists inlcuding Dingdong Dantes, Jennylyn Mercado, Rocco Nacino, Glaiza de Castro, Kylie Padilla, Sanya Lopez and Gabbi Garcia. Jose Mari Chan together with Boobay and Tekla ushered in the start of “ber” months with a live

rendition of Christmas in Our Hearts. Viewers can catch The Boobay and Tekla Show via GMA’s

flagship international channel, GMA Pinoy TV. For the program guide, visit www.gmapinoytv. com.

Physical distancing during the show - Boobay & Super Tekla

Boobay & Super Tekla




SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020

Bisikleters of Winnipeg at Caddy Lake

CRISTY... From page 11 ay para lang iyon sa kaniyang kapatid na itinuturing. De-lata pa lang iyon. Paano pa ang mas malalaking kuwentong nakagarahe lang sa utak at puso ni Lotlot? Alam ba iyon ng mga humuhusga at bumibira sa kaniya ngayon? Inuulit namin, maglabas man ng mga kuwento si Lotlot tungkol sa malungkot niyang pagkabata sa poder ni Nora Aunor ay siya pa rin ang mapapasama. Magiging dakila pa rin ang Superstar sa mata ng publiko dahil hindi lahat ay magkakaroon ng pusong kumupkop, magmahal, magpalaki at kumandili sa mga sanggol na ni gapatak na dugo ay walang kuneksiyon sa kaniya. Sa totoong-totoo lang. *** Selyado na ang kontratang pinirmahan ng magaling na broadcaster na si Ted Failon at ng mga ehekutibo ng TV5. Wala nang urungan ito. Plantsado na ang programang gagawin niya sa Radyo Singko, 92.3 News FM, kasama ang matagal na niyang kabig na si DJ Chacha. Apat na oras tuwing umaga ang nakaplantilyang oras ng kanilang programa sa Radyo Singko. Natural lang na kapag may bagong personalidad na papasok ay magkaroon ng mga pagbabago sa programming. Ang tanong ng marami, kani-kaninong programa kaya ang mawawala o mauurong ng oras, para maibigay kay Kuyang Ted. Isang napakalaking karagdagan sa Radyo Singko ang pagdating ni Ted Failon dahil matindi na ang kaniyang napatunayan sa tatlong dekadang paglilingkod niya nang tapat sa DZMM ng ABS-CBN.

Nanatili siyang nakikipaglaban para sa kaniyang paninindigan, isang dating pangulo pa nga ang nagtangkang ipatanggal siya sa puwesto dahil sa mga opinyong pinakakawalan niya sa kaniyang programa, pero hindi ito nagtagumpay. Hindi natinag si Ted Failon sa kaniyang paniniwala, inilalantad niya ang mga katiwaliang nagaganap, palaging ang kapakanan ng ating mga kababayan ang una para sa kaniya. Tabi-tabi na lang sa mga tiwaling pulitiko, sorry na lang sa mga opisyal ng pamahalaan na ginagamit ang kanilang kapangyarihan sa pangungurakot ng pera ng bayan, nandito na uli si Ted Failon! Maraming kaibigan ang tumatawag sa amin, winewelkam nila sa Radyo Singko ang magaling na broadcaster, hindi na raw sila maglilipat ng istasyon ngayong Kapatid na si Ted Failon. Aba, may Raffy Tulfo na ang Radyo Singko na matagumpay, kakambalan pa ito ng isang Ted Failon na wala ring inuurungan, saan pa nga naman tayo? Siguradong tumatayo na ang mga balahibo ngayon ng mga pulitikong hindi tapat sa sinumpaan nilang tungkulin. Babalahibuhan sila ni Ted, ilalantad niya ang mga katiwaliang suportado ng mga ebidensiya, kaya wala silang lusot! Iniingatan ni Ted Failon ang kaniyang propesyon, hindi niya ibinebenta ang kaniyang mga atake, kung gaano siya katinding bumira sa mga tiwali ay ganoon din kabukas ang kaniyang bibig sa pagpuri sa mga taong-pamahalaan kapag wasto ang kanilang ginagawa para sa ating bayan. *** Buong-ningning na isinigaw ni Darren Espanto, “Straight ako!” Napapanahon ang matapang na komento ng magaling na singer

na straight siya, iyon kasi ang gustong isubo ng isang beking namamalimos ng awa mula sa isang male personality, pero hindi naman ito pinapansin. Matagal na nga namang pinagdududahan ang kaniyang gender, noong nasa The Voice Teens pa lang siya ay may alimuom na tungkol doon, dahil lang sa ang mga piyesang kinakanta niya ay pambabae. Mataas pa kasi ang boses noon ni Darren dahil binatilyo pa lang ang kaniyang edad, naaabot niya ang pinakamatataas na nota, pero ngayong binata na siya ay mahihirapan na siyang bumirit. Sa mga huling episodes ng ASAP Natin ‘To ay napanood namin si Darren, nasa Calgary, Canada siya noon, via Zoom ang kaniyang performance. Ibang-iba na ang kaniyang boses, bumaba na ang kaniyang pitch, napakasuwabe niyang kumanta na sinasabayan pa niya ng pagsayaw na mahirap gawin. Ang isyu tungkol sa kaniyang gender ang sumira sa pagkakaibigan nila ni JK Labajo na kapareho niyang produkto ng TVT, humantong pa nga iyon sa husgado, tahimik ang magkabilang panig tungkol sa issue. Sabi ng kaibigan naming professor, “Nakakaawa ang mga personalities na hinuhusgahan nang dahil lang sa mga songs na pinipili nilang kantahin. “Porke ba pambabae ang kanta, e, bading na ang singer? Porke ba bumibirit, e, bakla na? Huwag naman sanang ganoon. Secure na secure si Darren sa masculinity niya. “Kaya niyang ipagsigawan na straight siya dahil kilalang-kilala niya ang sarili niya. Nice one!” sabi pa ni prop. *** Naglagutukan ang mga buto sa buong katawan ni Rustom

Jim Paredes - Tama na! Manahimik na lang kasi! Padilla sa hindi niya inaasahang pagngangalit ng publiko lalo na ng mga miyembro ng LGBTQ na humusga, kumuwestiyon at tumawag sa kaniyang ilusyunada dahil sa mga rebelasyon niya tungkol kay Piolo Pascual. Akala siguro ni Rustom ay makakaya niyang paniwalain ang lahat ng tao sa lahat ng pagkakataon. Pero sumpa ng mga sumpa! Sa kaniyang mukha mismo bumalandra ang kaniyang mga kadramahang siya lang naman ang naniniwala. Umurong na sa laban si Rustom. Ipagpapatuloy pa rin daw niya ang kaniyang mga rebelasyon sa You Tube, pero hindi na iyon para sa lahat, eksklusibo na ang gagawin niyang atake. Pero may bayad. May membership fee na ang pagtutok sa kaniyang You Tube vlog, humihingi siya ng tulong ngayon sa kaniyang mga tagasuporta na ipagpatuloy ang pagtutok sa kaniya, pero may kailangan silang bayaran para maging regular silang viewer ng mga kadramahan ni Rustom Padilla.

Pinabulaanan niya ang komento ng mas nakararami na kaya lang daw niya isinasangkot sa kaniyang vlog ang mga sikat na personalidad ay para tumaas ang kaniyang views. Wala raw katotohanan iyon. Kaya para patunayan niyang walang katotohanan iyon ay hindi na para sa malayang publiko ang magiging paraan niya, by membership na lang daw, kailangang magbayad ang tututok sa kaniya nang 199-299$. Umaaringking pa hanggang ngayon ang katawan ng dating aktor na transgender na ngayon dahil sa masasakit na salitang ikinukulapol sa kaniya sa social media. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit may exclusivity na ang pagtutok sa kaniya. Sa mga panahong ito nga naman ng pandemya ay paraparaan lang ang kailangan. Tawa kami nang tawa nina Manay Lolit Solis at Ogie Diaz dahil pati kaming tatlo ay isinali na rin ni Rustom Padilla a.k.a. BB Gandanghari sa kaniyang mga kalokahan. See CRISTY p16

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020





SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020

Coronavirus vs. flu: Similarities and differences COVID-19 (coronavirus) and the flu have many similarities and differences. Testing may be done to see if you have COVID-19 or the flu. You can also have both diseases at the same time. Find out what to know and how to protect yourself from these diseases. During the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have heard that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is similar to the flu (influenza). COVID-19 and the flu are both contagious respiratory diseases caused by viruses. They have some common symptoms. But through closer comparison, they can affect people differently. Also, since the flu has been around much longer, doctors know more about how to treat and prevent it, while they continue to learn more about COVID-19. How are COVID-19 and the flu similar? The viruses that cause COVID-19 and the flu spread in similar ways. They can both spread between people who are in close contact (within 6 feet, or 2 meters). The viruses spread through respiratory droplets or aerosols released through talking, sneezing or coughing. These droplets can land in the mouth or nose of someone nearby or be inhaled. These viruses can also spread if a person touches a surface with one of the viruses on it and then touches his or her mouth, nose or eyes. COVID-19 and the flu have many signs and symptoms in common, including: • Fever • Cough • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing • Tiredness • Sore throat • Runny or stuffy nose • Muscle aches • Headache • Nausea or vomiting, but this is more common in children than in adults The signs and symptoms of both diseases can range from no symptoms to mild or severe symptoms. Because COVID-19 and the flu have similar symptoms, it can be hard to diagnose which condition you have based on your symptoms alone. Testing may be

CRISTY... From page 14 Bakit daw namin siya sinasabihang ilusyunada? Nandoon daw ba kami sa hotel noong may mangyari sa kanila ng male personality na itinago niya sa pangalang Jonathan? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Mga sinungaling daw kami, mga tsismosoa, wala raw naman kaming alam tungkol sa tunay na namagitan sa kanila ni Jonathan na paminsan-minsan ay natatawag niyang Piolo sa kaniyang vlog. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Baril nang baril si Rustom nang walang direksiyon, pinakikialaman niya pati ang

done to see if you have COVID-19 or the flu. You can also have both diseases at the same time. Both COVID-19 and the flu can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, organ failure, heart attacks, heart or brain inflammation, stroke, and death. Many people with the flu or mild symptoms of COVID-19 can recover at home with rest and fluids. But some people become seriously ill from the flu or COVID-19 and need to stay in the hospital. What’s the difference between COVID-19 and the flu? COVID-19 and the flu have several differences. COVID-19 and the flu are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by a new coronavirus called SARSCoV-2, while influenza is caused by influenza A and B viruses. Symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu appear at different times and have some differences. With COVID-19, you may experience loss of taste or smell. COVID-19 symptoms generally appear two to 14 days after exposure. Flu symptoms usually appear about one to four days after exposure. COVID-19 appears to be more contagious and to spread more quickly than the flu. Severe illness such as lung injury may be more frequent with COVID-19 than with influenza. The mortality rate also appears to be higher with COVID-19 than the flu. COVID-19 can cause different complications from the flu, such as blood clots and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. Another difference is that the flu can be treated with antiviral drugs. No antiviral drugs are currently approved to treat COVID-19. Researchers are evaluating many drugs and treatments for COVID-19. Some drugs may help reduce the severity of COVID-19. You can get an annual flu vaccine to help reduce your risk of the flu. The flu vaccine can also reduce the severity of the flu and the risk of serious complications. Each year’s flu vaccine provides protection from the three or four

influenza viruses that are expected to be the most common during that year’s flu season. The vaccine can be given as a shot (injection) or as a nasal spray. The flu vaccine doesn’t protect you from getting COVID-19. Research also shows that getting the flu vaccine does not make you more likely to get COVID-19 or other respiratory infections. No vaccine is currently available for the virus that causes COVID-19. But researchers are working to develop vaccines to prevent COVID-19. How may COVID-19 affect this year’s flu season? Flu season in North America typically occurs between October and May. It’s possible that the viruses that cause COVID-19 and the flu may spread in your community at the same time during the flu season. If this happens, people could become ill with one or both diseases at the same time. Testing can determine which virus you may have and help guide doctors to the appropriate treatment. People who become seriously ill from either disease may need to stay in the hospital at the same time, which could cause the hospitals to become full. How can you avoid getting COVID-19 and the flu? The good news is you can take the same steps to reduce your risk of infection from the viruses that cause COVID-19, the flu and other respiratory infections by following several standard precautions. In fact, some research has found that following these measures, such as social distancing and wearing a face mask, may have helped shorten the length of the flu season and lessened the number of people affected in the 2019-2020 flu season. Standard precautions to reduce your risk of COVID-19, the flu and other respiratory infections include: • Avoiding large events and mass gatherings • Avoiding close contact (within 6 feet, or 2 meters) with anyone outside your household, especially if you have a higher risk of serious illness • Washing your hands often

with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or using an alcoholbased hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol • Wearing a cloth face mask when you’re in public spaces, such as the grocery store, where it’s difficult to avoid close contact with others • Covering your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze • Avoiding touching your eyes,

nose and mouth • Cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, electronics and counters, daily Taking these prevention measures can help you stay healthy and reduce your risk of becoming ill with COVID-19 or the flu. By Mayo Clinic Staff. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network

opinyon at komento ng mga kumokontra sa kaniya, ang gusto niya ay maniwala rin kaming tatlo sa kaniyang mga ilusyon. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Sabi pa ni Rustom ay mas malaswa raw ang ginagawa ng mga kloseta, ng mga pamintang durog na sa dilim ginagawa ang kanilang mga kababalaghan, iyon daw ang dapat naming kalampagin at hindi siya na nagsisiwalat lang naman ng katotohanan tungkol sa naganap sa kanila ni Jonathan. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! At dati raw ay kami pa ang nagba-blind item kay Piolo, tumitigil lang daw kami kapag binigyan na kami ng pera ng aktor, mas matindi ang ilusyong iyon ni

Rustom. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Pati si AiAi delas Alas na nagpayo lang naman sa kaniya na tantanan na niya ang nananahimik na si Piolo ay tinawag pa niyang plastic, ipokrita at kaibigang putik. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ang gusto kasi ni Rustom Padilla, ang lahat ng isinusubo niyang impormasyon sa kaniyang vlog ay kailangang paniwalaan ng buong mundo, kahit pa alam niya naman sa kaniyang sarili na kathang-isip lang ang mga pinagsasasabi niya. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ilusyunada! *** Pinagpipistahan na ang

balita na si Korina Sanchez ang ipinalit kay Kris Aquino sa isang programang plantsado na sanang eere sa TV5. Si Korina pala ang tinutukoy ni Kris na “more viable” sa kaniyang IG post. Diretsong inanunsiyo ni Kris na wala na siyang gagawing programa sa network dahil pinalitan na siya ng mga prodyuser. Nagtatakang tanong ni SOS na hindi napag-iiwanan sa mga nagaganap sa showbiz, “Iyon po ang sabi ni Kris sa IG post niya. Kaya raw hindi na tuloy ang show niya sa TV5, e, dahil pinalitan na siya ng producer ng isang mas viable kesa sa kaniya. “Iyon daw ang truth from her.

Ang tanong lang po namin, e, sino naman kaya ang mas viable na ipinampalit sa kaniya? May mas viable pa ba kay Kris when it comes to TV hosting? “Bukod sa talent niya, e, marami pa siyang kilala at connection sa endorsements. Kris Aquino is Kris Aquino po. A bratinella is always a bratinella. “Iyon na po talaga ang core niya. Ang naturalesa niya. Sayang lang talaga, makababalik na sana siya after almost four years of absence, pero nagka-falling out pa sila ng producer niya. “A great talent without the right attitude is useless,” konklusyon ni SOS. Maraming salamat sa opinyon. See CRISTY p18

This is a picture of an influenza virus. Influenza A viruses are classified by subtypes based on the properties of their hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) surface proteins. There are 18 different HA subtypes and 11 different NA subtypes. Subtypes are named by combining the H and N numbers – e.g., A(H1N1), A(H3N2).


SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020



Popular myths about the causes of cancer Misconceptions about cancer causes can lead to unnecessary worry about your health. Find out whether there’s any truth to these common myths about the causes of cancer. Scary claims circulate on the Internet that everyday objects and products, such as plastic and deodorant, cause cancer. Beyond being wrong, many of these myths may cause you to worry unnecessarily about your own health and the health of your family. Before you panic, take a look at the reality behind these common myths. Myth: Antiperspirants or deodorants can cause breast cancer. Fact: There’s no conclusive evidence linking the use of underarm antiperspirants or deodorants with breast cancer. Some reports have suggested that these products contain harmful substances such as aluminum compounds and parabens that can be absorbed through the skin or enter the body

through nicks caused by shaving. No clinical studies have yet given a definitive answer to the question of whether these products cause breast cancer. But the evidence to date suggests these products don’t cause cancer. If you’re still concerned that your underarm antiperspirant or deodorant could increase your risk of cancer, choose products that don’t contain chemicals that worry you. Myth: Microwaving food in plastic containers and wraps releases harmful, cancercausing substances. Fact: Plastic containers and wraps labeled as safe for use in the microwave don’t pose a threat. There is some evidence that plastic containers that aren’t intended for use in the microwave could melt and potentially leak chemicals into your food. Avoid microwaving plastic containers that were never intended for the microwave, such as margarine tubs, takeout containers or whipped topping bowls. Check to see that any container

you use in the microwave is labeled as microwave-safe. Myth: People who have cancer shouldn’t eat sugar, since it can cause cancer to grow faster. Fact: More research is needed to understand the relationship between sugar in the diet and cancer. All kinds of cells, including cancer cells, depend on blood sugar (glucose) for energy. But giving more sugar to cancer cells doesn’t make them grow faster. Likewise, depriving cancer cells of sugar doesn’t make them grow more slowly. This misconception may be based in part on a misunderstanding of positron emission tomography (PET) scans, which use a small amount of radioactive tracer — typically a form of glucose. All tissues in your body absorb some of this tracer, but tissues that are using more energy — including cancer cells — absorb greater amounts. For this reason, some people have concluded that cancer cells grow faster on sugar. But this isn’t true.

There is some evidence that consuming large amounts of sugar is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, including oesophageal cancer. Eating too much sugar can also lead to weight gain and increase the risk of obesity and diabetes, which may increase the risk of cancer. Myth: Cancer is contagious. Fact: There’s no need to avoid someone who has cancer. You can’t catch it. It’s OK to touch and spend time with someone who has cancer. In fact, your support may never be more valuable. Though cancer itself isn’t contagious, sometimes viruses, which are contagious, can lead

What to do if you have any Covid-19 symptoms Anyone who develops symptoms of Covid-19 should self-isolate and visit www. manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888315-9257 for health guidance on how to seek testing.

Symptoms may include: • Cough • Headache • Fever/ chills • Muscle aches • Sore throat/ hoarse voice • Shortness of breath/ breathing difficulties • Loss of taste or smell

• Vomiting, or diarrhea for more than 24 hours • Poor feeding if an infant • Runny nose • Fatigue • Nausea or loss of appetite • Conjunctivitis (pink eye) • Skin rash of unknown cause

While many people will develop only mild symptoms, some groups appear to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Those at higher risk typically develop more serious, even fatal, symptoms such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure.

to the development of cancer. Examples of viruses that can cause cancer include: • Human papillomavirus (HPV) — a sexually transmitted infection — that can cause cervical cancer and other forms of cancer • Hepatitis B or C — viruses transmitted through sexual intercourse or use of infected IV needles — that can cause liver cancer Talk to your doctor about vaccines and other ways to protect yourself from these viruses. – By Mayo Clinic Staff. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network

High risk groups include those: • 60 years of age and older • living with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart, renal or chronic lung conditions) • with weakened immune systems (e.g. cancer) Symptoms of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.





NO. 353

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Kulay ng balat 4. Sigasig 7. Simple 8. Bista 11. Tulo 14. Ibubunyag 16. Ugali 17. Supling 18. Lugar sa Muntinlupa 19. Gawa 21. Gamit ng boksingero 23. Habag 24. Una sa oras 26. Gapas 27. Hilera 29. Pananda 31. Bulaslas ng nabigla 32. Sapa 34. Tiyo 35. Isang opisyal PABABA 1. Kasiyahan 2. Ihihirang 3. Pawid 4. Sosyo 5. Ikalso

6. Padudugtungan 9. Tulyapis 10. Pabawasan ang halaga 12. Ilaw 13. Anaki 15. Tauhan 20. Sigalot 22. Sapi 24. Sitaw 25. Bighani 28. Maralita 30. Sungayang hayop 33. Notang musikal


CRISTY... From page 16 Pero sa impormasyong nakarating sa amin ay ibang producer na ang maghahatid sa publiko ng magazine show ni Korina Sanchez sa TV5. Ang malakas na ugong ay si Congressman Albee Benitez ang mamumuhunan sa bagong show ni Ate Koring na iba-blocktime sa TV5. So, magkaibang producers ang tinutukoy sa kuwento, pero napakaraming nanghihinayang sa dapat sana’y pagbabalik-TV na ng Queen Of All Media. Napakatagal siyang hinintay ng kaniyang mga tagahanga, ng mga kababayan nating naaaliw sa sarili niyang atake sa pagho-host, pero nabulilyaso pa. May nagkomento sa IG account ni Kris na nasa kaniya ang problema at wala sa TV5, sinagot naman iyon ni Kris na oo nga, nasa kaniya ang problema, “Hindi kasi nila ako bet.” Mayroon pang ganoong komento? Hindi raw siya bet ng network? Ano naman ang kinalaman ng mga tagapamuno ng TV5 sa hindi pagkatuloy ng kaniyang programa samantalang hindi naman iyon station produced? Ang mismong prodyuser niya ang nakasamaan niya ng loob kaya umurong na, hindi naman ang mga ehekutibo ng network, kaya bakit mayroon pa siyang kataklesang komentong hindi kasi siya bet ng TV5? *** Ang dami-dami palang kuwento tungkol kay Sharon Cuneta na hindi lumalabas. Puro magagandang kuwento iyon na hindi nanggagaling sa Megastar kundi mula sa mga taong tinulungan niya nang walang press

release. Si Daddie Wowie Rojas, manager ni Mayor Isko Moreno at marami pang ibang personalidad, ay may hindi makakalimutang karanasan kay Sharon. “Dancer pa ako ng Blackgold noon, nag-rehearse kami sa show ni Sharon, nawala ang wallet ko, kaya ako na lang ang naiiwang dancer sa studio. Tinanong niya ako kung bakit. “Sinabi ko sa kaniya na nawala ang wallet ko, hindi ako makauwi, wala kasi akong pamasahe. Agadagad, inabutan niya ako ng pera, three hundred pesos! “Malaking halaga noon ang three hundred, magtatagal sa bulsa mo ang amount na iyon! Saka hindi naman lahat ng mga artista, e, tulad ni Sharon na tutulong sa iyo,” pag-alala ni Daddie Wowie Rojas. May kuwento rin tungkol sa isang kilalang personalidad na pumanaw na hindi mailabaslabas sa ICU dahil walang pera ang pamilya nito. Ang Megastar din ang nagpadala nang milyon bilang pagtanaw ng utang na loob sa pumanaw. Isang composer ang pumanaw na wala sa bansa ang Megastar, pero sa kabila noon, may pinagasikaso siyang staff para ayusin ang lamay at libing ng composer. Siya ang sumagot sa lahat-lahat ng gastusin, mula sa puso ang kaniyang pagtulong, hindi na iyon malilimutan pa magpakailanman ng pamilya ni Mr. Willy Cruz. Ang dami-dami pang kuwento ng pagmamagandang-loob sa kaniyang kapuwa ng Megastar ang nakarating sa amin. Wala siyang pinipiling estado sa buhay, basta nalaman niya ang sitwasyon ay agad siyang tumutulong, hindi niya iyon ipinagmamakaingay. Tama ang mga linya sa isa niyang piyesa na anuman ang

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020 maganap sa kaniyang buhay ay itatayo siya ng panahon. Hindi siya nawawala sa gitna ng aksiyon. *** Umariba na naman ang sawsawerong laos na si Jim Paredes. Pansamantalang tumigil ang pag-iingay ng singer na ito pagkatapos pandirihan ng publiko ang kaniyang sex video. Pero buhay na naman siya sa pagpapalaganap ng kaniyang kasarkastikuhan at pagbibigay ng mga opinyong kinokontra naman ng mga netizens. Dilawan si Jim Paredes, inaaway niya ang mga pulitkong kaalyado ni PRRD, inuupakan din niya ang mga DDS. At dahil kadalasan ay nagiging kritiko ng mga Dilawan ang magaling na broadcaster na si Ted Failon ay tinawag niyang “spreader of fake news” ang walang inuurungang news anchor. Ayun, dahil sa kaniyang pahayag ay umani si Jim Paredes ng bashing, binalikan ng mga kababayan natin ang kahalayang ginawa niya habang nilalaru-laro ang kaniyang sariling ari. Mema lang. Makakontra lang. May maiopinyon lang. Anong fake news naman kaya ang ibinibintang ng singer na ito kay Ted Failon? Sino kaya ang panay-panay ang paglalabas ng mga kuwentong puro kababalaghan lang naman? Sino ba ang madalas mabuking ng bayan na nag-iimbento ng mga senaryong puro kathang-isip lang naman. Siya iyon. Si Jim Paredes iyon at hindi si Ted Failon. Hindi na nahiya ang huklubang singer na ito sa pambabato ng mga bintang na kapos naman sa ebidensiya at malayo sa katotohanan. Pagkatapos kumalat ang kaniyang sex video na pinagpistahan ng buong bayan habang napapa-yuck ay heto na naman si Jim Paredes, nanggugulo na naman, kung anuanong paghusga na naman ang pinalulutang niya laban sa mga broadcaster at personalidad na sa kaniyang isip ay hindi nila kakampi. Ano kaya ang nararamdaman ngayon ng kaniyang mga kasamahang sina Danny Javier at Buboy Garovillo sa mga pinaggagagawa ni Jim Paredes? Nakakahiya! –CSF

SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020




2020 Corolla XSE



56 1.69






89 4.99





WITH $1,999 DOWN*





WITH $1,799 DOWN**




Local dealer may charge additional administration/documentation fees or other fees up to $888. Fees may vary by dealer. See toyota.ca for complete details. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on shoptoyota.ca and that contained on toyota.ca, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. Lease or finance offers based on new and previously unregistered 2020 Corolla models and 2020 RAV4 Models *Lease a 2020 Corolla LE CVT (BURLEC A) for $56 weekly with a down payment or equivalent trade of $1,999. Based on a vehicle price of $23,814 and 1.69% lease APR. Total lease obligation is $16,481.02; lease end value (for personal use only) is $8,615.08. Example based on a 60-month walk-away lease with 24,000 km per year. If km limit is exceeded, an additional km charge of $0.10 per km will apply. Total of 260 weekly lease payments required during the lease term. Representative purchase finance example based on a 2020 Corolla LE CVT (BURLEC A): $23,814 at 1.09% APR for 60 months equals weekly payments of $86. Cost of borrowing is $609.75 for a total obligation of $24,423.45. Down payment of $1999 is required. Lease and finance offers include a maximum of $2,023.70 for freight and delivery, tire tax and air conditioning tax.** Lease a 2020 RAV4 AWD LE (B1RFVT A) for $89 weekly with a down payment or equivalent trade of $1,799. Based on a vehicle price of $32,577 and 4.99% lease APR. Total lease obligation is $24,887.95; lease end value (for personal use only) is $13,207.85. Example based on a 60-month walk-away lease with 24,000 km per year. If km limit is exceeded, an additional km charge of $0.10 per km will apply. Total of 260 weekly lease payments required during the lease term. Representative purchase finance example based on a 2020 RAV4 AWD LE (BFREVT B): $32,577 at 3.99% APR for 60 months equals weekly payments of $131. Cost of borrowing is $3,223.11 for a total obligation of $35,800.29. Down payment of $1,799 is required. Lease and finance offers include a maximum of $2,387.18 for freight and delivery, tire tax and air conditioning tax. Weekly lease offers available through Toyota Financial Services on approved credit to qualified retail lease customers of new and demonstrator Toyota vehicles. Down payment and first weekly payment are due at lease inception, and next weekly payment is due approximately seven days later and weekly thereafter throughout the term. Visit your Toyota Dealer or shoptoyota.ca for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less. Each specific model may not be available at each dealer at all times; factory order or dealer trade may be necessary. Offers valid until September 30, 2020.



SEPTEMBER 16 - 30, 2020

In our family, we make our plans together. Sa aming pamilya, sama-sama kaming nagpaplano. For all your important family events, it’s only natural that you plan ahead. It makes sense. And the same holds true for your funeral and cemetery arrangements. Take the time now to discuss your final wishes with loved ones - and with a trusted representative from Arbor Memorial. Call your local Filipino professional at Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery and ask about our FREE customized planning kit. Para sa mga mahahalagang family events, natural lang ang magplano ng maaga. Totoo rin ito para sa iyong funeral at cemetery arrangements. Maglaan ng oras upang makausap ang iyong mga mahal sa buhay tungkol sa iyong mga huling kahilingan—kasama ang isang trusted representative mula sa Arbor Memorial. Tawagan ang Filipino representative sa Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery at magtanong tungkol sa aming FREE customized planning kit.

Ruben Vila Family Services Director

Joseph/Macy De Guzman Family Services Director

Liza Cordoviz Family Services Director

Charito de Borja Family Services Director




204- 998-1494

Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery by Arbor Memorial

4477 Main Street, West St. Paul, MB • glenedenmemorial.ca

Arbor Memorial Inc.


Arbor Memorial


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