Pilipino Express Apr 1 2018

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Volume 14 • No. 7 • April 1 - 15, 2018 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Beware of tax scammers

Fraud and identity theft is a danger throughout the year but tax time is an especially active season for aggressive criminals trying to rip off honest citizens. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) continues to receive reports of e-mails, text messages and telephone calls related to tax scams. There are many types of fraud and new ones are invented daily. Some examples: • Fraudsters are calling individuals impersonating the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and claiming that a recent audit has identified discrepancies from taxes filed in the past. Repayment is required immediately. The scammers threaten consumers that if they fail to pay, they will incur additional fees, jail time, or even deportation. The swindlers may request payment via money

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service business, pre-paid cards, gift cards such as iTunes or Bitcoin. • An individual might receive an e-mail or text message indicating a refund is pending from

the CRA. The e-mail includes a link that directs the person to a web site that looks like the actual CRA. They are asked to fill in their personal information such as See SCAMMERS p17

Manitoba Government recommends private health insurance for travellers Are you planning to go to Grand Forks for the weekend? Are you going to Toronto or Vancouver to visit family for a few days? If you get sick outside of Manitoba during the days of your short vacation, are you aware that Manitoba Health can’t cover your expenses and you may have to shoulder those medical expenses on your own? Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living advised Manitobans in a recent announcement to consider purchasing private travel health insurance before trips outside the province. Health-care services in other countries, particularly the United States, can be significantly more expensive than in Manitoba. Even See TRAVELLERS p18

Photo courtesy of Hershel Matibag

Jessy Mendiola



APRIL 1 - 15, 2018


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Side-by-Side Model Not exactly as shown

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APRIL 1 - 15, 2018





APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

Holy Week Holy Week is an important season for Filipinos, and I have strong memories of the rituals that were performed in our strongly Catholic neighbourhood. As a boy I had trouble keeping up with the requirements of my faith even though I studied in a Catholic school, but Holy Week was always a chance to recharge. I have since left the church establishment, but I still view this holiday as significant because, more than the overly commercialized Christmas season, Holy Week redirects the Filipinos’ mind towards God. There are many traditions during Holy Week, but these are the ones that stand our for me: Ash Wednesday. In a way the season of Lent starts as a full circle because the ashes used on this day are from the leaves on Palm Sunday of the previous year. When I was young the faithful would line up at special masses held in churches and schools, but these days I think ashes are applied even at malls and other public places. I take to heart the reminder the priest gives to each person: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

Palaspas. Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday, and on this day the faithful attend church bringing and waving various styles of palm leaves (palaspas) in the air. It actually carries a festive atmosphere because it commemorates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem where large crowds welcomed him. It must be noted, however, that at least some of these same people would a week later literally call for his blood. Penitensiya. Literally meaning penitence, it is more than just the word’s dictionary definition of “regret for one’s wrongdoing or sinning.” In the Philippines, the penitents cover their heads with black cloth and slowly parade around the community while flagellating their bare backs with pieces of wood tied together with rope. The result is a bloody mess on their backs, and they would lead a trail of blood down the streets. We children were always told the penitents ended their ordeal with a dip in the river, but now on hindsight I realize that wasn’t possible because there was no clean river or stream anywhere

near our neighbourhood. Pabasa. For some reason our next-door neighbour would always host this every single year. The pabasa is a reading of the pasyon (passion of Jesus) in a sing-song manner, and it had been modernized with the use of sound systems so that the entire neighbourhood could hear it. I can remember three tunes, all sung in easy-to-remember pentatonic scale, but I understand that in recent years other tunes have been used also – some of them modern in order to appeal to the younger crowds. Prusisyon. I remember joining a few of these processions, in which a religious figure – usually the Virgin Mary – would be carried around the neighbourhood. Some of these processions would follow the Way of the Cross, with 14 stations positioned in various points to commemorate portions of the path Jesus took to his crucifixion. Visita Iglesia. A friend of mine and I called our version of this “bisikleta iglesia” because we would take our bicycles and visit a few churches that were near our home in Malabon. We never reached the traditional seven churches but we still felt we also accomplished something significant. It was during one of these trips that I hurt myself on my

bicycle chain, and I was afraid it would not heal because it happened on Good Friday. Most of the international media focus on the literal crucifixions performed in the province of Pampanga. Men and even women take on the role of Jesus, carrying their crosses and having themselves crucified on them. It is an extreme form of penitensya that the Catholic Church itself discourages, but it continues to this day, as people believe they have to perform some ritual that involves pain and sacrifice in order to atone for their sins. I personally believe the Gospel is exactly what it means: good news. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” That’s the entire message in one sentence, and it shows a loving God who sacrificed His own Son so that we should not have to suffer the penalty of sin ourselves. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Chief Editor of www.mindanation.com. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail. com.

Budget and debt - Part 2

by Tim St Vincent Last month we chatted about how Canadians are having a tough time managing their relationship with money, budgets and debt. We chatted about the importance of budgeting and tracking your expenses. Let’s pick up that conversation where we left off, with one basic, important budgeting concept called “pay yourself first.” I suggest starting off all budgets with this one basic behaviour. Pay yourself first. It is an easy idea but one that people often struggle with. It means just what is says. Before you start allocating your hard earned money to cover any expenses, cover your primary expense first – you. Think of your savings as an expense, and expense is nothing more than a bill, and we all want to do our best to pay our bills. This bill, though, is a bill you owe to yourself, to your future self, as these funds will go to your savings, and remember, we save money just so that we can spend money. So, just pay yourself (your savings expense) first. To start, it doesn’t have to be a large amount. After all this is about starting a new behaviour, not making a fortune – not yet anyway! Start small, maybe just a few

dollars here and there. Once you have this new behaviour well in hand, you can increase the amount until you hit a target amount. Ten per cent of your net pay is the recommended target. Right now 61 per cent of employers offer a pay yourself first program where they will divert part of your pay into a separate account. Another third are considering setting this up for their employees. Things just keeps getting easier and easier! Another important thing to realize about budgets is that they are full of goals. Most people don’t get this at first. They think, “That doesn’t make any sense. My budget has things in it like pay the mortgage or rent, make the car payment, have money for groceries.” Exactly. Those are all goals. Your goal is to have enough money to pay the mortgage or rent, to have enough money to make the car payment etc. Along those lines it is also important to realize that goals cost two things: money and time. Sometimes the money part of the goal can seem overwhelming. Maybe you want to save $2000 for a trip you want to take in a year. Well then, it is important to realize that there are four basic steps in budget and goal setting. • Identify the goal – go on a trip

• Identify the financial cost –$2000 • Identify the time cost – I want to go in one year, so the time cost is one year. We encourage you to think of the time cost in terms of paydays, so one year = 26 paydays. Then, so that the overall cost doesn’t become overwhelming break it down into paydays by dividing the financial cost ($2000) by the time cost (26 paydays in one year) and this will give you an amount of $77. So if you save $77 dollars every two weeks (paydays) then in one year you will have saved $2000 and you can afford to go on your trip! • Finally, just like the “pay yourself first” idea, it is important to set up a separate savings account to put these funds in to keep them safe from you! Sometimes we’re our own worst enemies when it comes to savings. Putting your savings in a separate bank account – one that isn’t linked to your banking card, is a great way to save yourself from yourself. Keep using this method as a way to save, budget, and plan. 1. ID your goal. 2. Determine your financial cost for the goal. 3. Determine the time cost for the goal (in terms of paydays). Divide one into another, and 4. Set up an account just for these funds and set up and automatic transfer into this account. If you can follow these basic steps and get past the fear that

many of us have around budgeting, you can be successful at managing your debt. Many Canadians – 38 per cent – rely on financial advisors and banks for advice. As a retired CFP I can state that there is value in this. A CFP would be an excellent choice to help with financial planning advice around retirement and other items. However their training is around how to make more money for you (a great goal!), how to help you invest your savings, and how to help you minimize your taxes (more great goals!). Unfortunately, their expertise is not in debt management. A better source for assistance would be an accredited credit counsellor. They specialize in only one thing: debt management. With about 50 per cent of the working country struggling with their debt, there’s no reason to be reluctant to ask for help. Good luck to all in your financial journeys. May they be full of joy, happy experiences and successful savings! Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP and is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society, a Non-Profit organization. If you wish to contact the Society for further information, assistance or to attend a webinar, please call 1-888-527-8999 or visit www.nomoredebts.org or www. mymoneycoach.ca

1045 Erin Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Publisher



EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

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E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com


The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved.

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APRIL 1 - 15, 2018





APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

A boost of inspiration Five must-read books and 10 must-watch films

Are you currently in search of a good book to help motivate you along your journey? If so, you are in luck! In this article I share an in-depth recommendation of my current top five must-read books. Not much of a “book worm” but still want a boost of inspiration? Not to worry! I will also add a bonus list of must-watch inspirational films that were suggested by my friends through Snapchat and Instagram. So stay tuned until the very end! Top five must-read books 1. Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom Genre: Biography/Memoir “An Old Man, A Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson.” I first read this book back when I was in Grade 7 and I’ve reread it multiple times since! I’ve often recommended this book to my family and friends, and have only heard of positive feedback from their own personal reading experience. This book will remind you about how precious life really is and will inspire you to live your best life today. Do not wait until it is too late. 2. The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz Genre: Self-Help “Reveals the source of selflimiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering.”

A great book to help you reassess how important it is to “protect your energy.” Living a happy life does not rely on our environment or circumstance; it is what we allow ourselves to believe and embrace. 3. Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert Genre: Self-Help “Creative living beyond fear.” For all my fellow creatives out there, if you are in need of a boost of inspiration to awaken your sleeping creative brains, this one’s for you! Or maybe you are afraid to take that “next step” in your artistic endeavours. Again this one is a must read! 4. Remembering Whitney (Whitney Houston Biography), Cissy Houston Genre: Biography “My story of love, loss, and the night the music stopped.” I enjoy reading artist biographies and this one is exceptional! This book shares an emotional story of heartache paired with triumph, all through the eyes of Cissy Houston, mother of one of the world’s most missed voices. 5. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Richard Carlson Genre: Self-Help This one is perfect for those who need quick doses of reading

and cannot commit to a full sitdown reading session. This book is a compilation of quick reads that will help you to stress less in work, in your relationships, etc. 10 Must Watch Films that will surely inspire you! In no particular order: 1. Forrest Gump 2. The Pursuit of Happyness 3. The Shawshank Redemption

4. Freedom Writers 5. Coach Carter 6. Moana 7. The Greatest Showman 8. Facing The Giants 9. The Blind Side 10. Moneyball A special thank you to those who submitted their mustwatch films over Snapchat and Instagram!

So, what do you say dreamers? I hope these books and films will help inspire you in whatever season of your journey you are in right now. Keep your heads up and hearts full. Until next time! Yvanne is a Program Manager with Career Trek Inc. She’s also an Independent Pop, R&B/Soul Singer-Songwriter.

A spring break I turned 40 a couple years ago. Since then, the idea of my mortality has invaded my cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that plays an important role in consciousness. I’m quickly realizing that my reflexes are not as swift and that my kids can now outplay me on the basketball court and on video games. I’m also not the tallest one in the household anymore. Dale Jr. will continue to grow much taller than me as he is only 15 and is due for another growth spurt. He may not be alone; the other Burgos kids have the potential to surpass me. On the bright side, I will never be the shortest, as my wife Izzy stopped growing a looooong time ago…haha. Love you baby. Is it just me, or do we all think this way? Does the idea of our time on this Earth affect us all? I’m pretty sure the answer is yes – for most of us anyway. Over the past year, my doctor ordered me to get some scans to check on my inner organs –as a precaution. I’ve been getting

regular blood checks and getting these weird moles looked at. Oh, and how can I forget about my first prostate exam! Oh, the dreaded exam that young guys laugh about and dread at the same time. Is there no easier way to get that checked? I mean seriously. This is how it played out for me: Doc: “What are you in for today?” Me: “Got a sore throat, otherwise feeling fine.” Doc checks on my glands. Turns to his computer and types. Then exclaims that I am now over 40. I think to myself, “What does that have to do with having a sore throat?” Doc: “Have you had your prostate checked recently?” Me: “Nope, never have.” Then it hit me, my throat isn’t the only part of my body that will be probed today. Doc: “Sit up on the table and pull your pants down.” There was a moment I thought about running before assuming the position. I decided to stick

around and comply with the dude with a PhD. I won’t bore you with details, and before you ask, no, I didn’t take pictures. As for my time on this Earth, I’m finding more and more that I need to make time for the family and myself. I’m no different than many of you; I have the regular full time gig. I work to pay bills and hopefully one day, take a vacation. I have been blessed with a long and storied career that started out in broadcasting and journalism. In fact, my first ‘”real job” was as an announcer at CKJS, where I met Pilipino Express editors, Ate Emmie Joaquin and Kuya Paul Morrow over 20 years ago! Now, I spend long days working as a senior manager in a school district in BC. The job is satisfying, but I’m already looking toward retirement! At the end of the last school year, I had an epiphany, an awakening of the cerebral cortex, if you will. July came and I was told I had a bunch of vacation left over. I realized that I worked the majority of the year when I should have used up these days. This was not good! I was entitled to those days! I promised that things would

In Nanaimo, you have to watch out for wild animals crossing the road. In Phoenix, this is a more common sighting. change. And it did! I decided that I needed to fully unplug from work, and the best way to do that was to get far away from home – otherwise I would still work. Those who know me, know that one of my happy places is Arizona. I love the heat, especially since we get stuck with months of cloud and rain on the West Coast. This past spring break, we spent two glorious, fun-filled and relaxing weeks in and around Phoenix. Some days the temps cracked 30 degrees. Some days we toured around, others we

stayed by the pool. This marked the third time in less than a year that the Burgos bunch visited the sunny state and I don’t think we’ll stop any time soon. My mortality will always weigh heavily on me, but I’ve made a promise to myself that I will live my days to the fullest with no regrets. I hope you do too. Most days will be great – that is until I have to go see my doctor with another sore throat. Dale manages the communications department for a school district in BC.

APRIL 1 - 15, 2018



The numbers do not lie:

Canada is more accepting of immigrants than the United States The difference between Canada and the United States on matters of immigration are revealed in a number of recent polls. A Gallup Poll of adult Americans in 2017 and a Canadian survey taken just last month reveal how different we are in our attitudes about immigration, and the perception of immigrants echos these differences. We need only listen to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Donald Trump to confirm these findings. Canadians voters consider immigration to the country as positive while the American, widely split between Republican and Democratic Party supporters, are not nearly as enthusiastic about issues such as family reunification, refugee resettlement and even economic immigration. A Gallup poll conducted in 2017 of 1,023 American voters from all 50 states reveals their attitudes on two questions in particular: you are “somewhat dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied” with immigration to the Untied States. Roughly 77 per cent of selfidentified Republican supporters agree with the statements; while about 50 per cent of self-identified Democratic supporters agree. It is worth noting that the Gallup findings show that Republican attitudes have softened slightly on this issue, but Democratic attitudes have hardened. The findings may help us understand the support for Trump’s travel ban, anti-Muslim rhetoric, removal of funding for sanctuary cities, increase in deportations and arrest, construction of a border wall, and even his intention to end DACA. How different are we in Canada? The annual Focus Canada survey conducted in February 2018, by the Environics Institute and the Canada Race Relations Foundation, found that over 60per cent of responses, from a sample size of 2,000 Canadian voters, are positive about immigration to the country. The number actually increases to 80 per cent when immigration is tied to economic growth. “Canadians as a whole continue to be more positive than negative about the current levels of immigrants coming to the country and the legitimacy of refugees who have been arriving,” the study reports, noting that “worldwide Canadians are among the most accepting of immigrants to their country.”

On the question of the integration of newcomers there are some differences in attitudes by province. Negative views on immigration and refugees is most widespread in Alberta, among Canadian respondents 60 years of age and older with only a high school education. This compared with 66 per cent of respondents who disagreed with the statement “overall, there is too much immigration to Canada.” Alberta also led the country with 62 per cent saying that immigrants do not adopt Canadian values. This percentage can be compared with only 46 per cent of those from British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan who shared this negative attitude. However, the country as a whole is more accepting than many other countries in the world, not just the United States. “Canadian public opinion on their community as a place for immigrants is significantly more positive than for all other 34 OECD countries (where the average is 65 per cent), and has been consistently so since 2006,” the Canadian study states. What about refugees? The admission of 40,000 Syrian refugees has been a matter of contention amongst Canadian respondents. Only 46 per cent of those polled thought that the people claiming refugee status were legitimate compared with 38 per cent who were convinced they are not. The Focus Canada survey notes that a significant number of Canadians were uncertain about the motives of the claimants. “The softening trend is evident across much of the population, but is most noticeable in Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan” and especially in Quebec which became the choice province for asylum seekers from the United States in 2017, The attitudes of immigrants towards Canada and other countries are also revealing. Overall Canada is ranked third by Gallup’s Migrant Acceptance Index behind Iceland and New Zealand. The United States just made the top 20 ranked countries. The World Happiness Report, which surveys immigrants about their sense of well being in their adopted countries, ranks Canada seventh while the United States comes in 18th. The top ranked countries, rated for happiness by immigrant newcomers, were

Denmark, Switzerland, Norway and Finland. The polls demonstrate that immigration is still perceived by most Canadians as positive. This is important if our country is to continue to be competitive in attracting the brightest and the best applicants from abroad. It is equally important that we as a country are perceived as welcoming by potential applicants from abroad. We need to resist fear of immigrants, based on ignorance, intolerance and racism, like those espoused by the President of the United States, and keep Canada open to immigration. Pope Francis’ words should be our guide: “Let’s build bridges, not walls.” Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience

with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B.

Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.



APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

Your home, your health – feng shui and your body bagua The bagua map that’s most widely used to apply to our home and to determine where our love, wealth, and opportunity or career sectors are, can also be used to apply to the body. Each sector of the bagua corresponds to a portion of your body. When there are problems in a particular portion of your home, they can oftentimes show up as a problem you have with your health. Each portion of the body has a corresponding element as well, such as wood for the feet or liver. If there is an element, such as an air conditioner condenser, which is metal, comes in contact with the east corner, then there can be problems with the feet or ankles. Sometimes doing a little feng shui detective work can find problems with your health more quickly than seeing the doctor. Of course, all medical problems should be treated and this isn’t intended as medical advice but as a better way to understand how your health can show up in your life and how your health can be impacted by your home. It shows us, too, just how truly we are a part of our homes and how our homes can extend into our lives. Look for missing corners or elements that can harm the elements associated with each corner’s body part for clues as to what might be going on with your health. Northwest: The head Whether you have sinus problems or migraine headaches, a good place to look for difficulties with your head is the northwest corner. Even psychological issues like worry and extreme stress can show up as problems with the northwest sector. This corner is destroyed by fire and weakened by water. Look at the areas in your home in the northwest corner. If you have either fire or water in this corner, boost the metal energy of the northwest by adding earth, which produces metal. This can be a crystal bowl, ceramic objects, or gems and crystals. Metal here will also perk up this sector. North: The ears Problems with the ears can often show up as tinnitus, ear infections or allergies related to the ears. In Chinese medicine, it is thought that the ears are the external opening to the kidneys, and the kidneys fall along the same meridian lines as the ears. It’s no surprise, too, because the north corner of your home relates to the water element, and the kidneys are certainly water producing. The north corner relates to our income from salary or business, and problems in the kidneys can mean problems with money. If you find you are having frequent ear, kidney or bladder infections, this could be because

there is a problem in the north corner of your home. This can also be a good place to look for depression or despondency. Large, oversized plants or wooden furniture in this portion of your home can drain the energy of the ears and kidneys as can large earth objects, like boulders or stone walls. To create more beneficial energy for your ears and kidneys, add metal or water in the north sector of the home to help balance excess earth or wood located here. Northeast: The hands The northeast sector is a sector ruled by earth. It is often associated with the mind, thinking, learning and making smart decisions. This is also the sector that corresponds to the hands. Many times signs of dementia is seen in handwriting first, making the hands very important to thinking. Problems with the hands, like arthritis, are often associated with having excess metal or wood in the northeast corner of the house. A broken wrist or fingers can sometimes indicate a big decision that’s being put off. Try to bolster this corner of the house by adding light and red colours to nourish the earth energy of this corner, and improve your hand health and clear your thinking. East: Feet and liver Wood is the element associated with the feet and liver. A common belief in Chinese medicine is that anger issues can come up when the liver is out of balance. And, many times, problems show up in the feet and ankles as a sign of overall health, such as sores on the feet being a symptom of diabetes. Breaking an ankle or pain in the feet or toes can sometimes indicate a fear or stepping into a new way of being or taking a big step in life. If there is excess metal or fire, such as a fireplace in the east, add water here to control the metal or fire – and help the wood energy that will feed and support your feet or liver. Southeast: Legs and buttocks Like the east, the southeast is also a wood element. This corner of your house is associated with your legs and buttocks. Having problems with legs and buttocks can range from injuries to varicose veins to sciatica. Also like the east, it’s a good idea to be on the watch for metal or fire here. Those elements can create problems that show up in your life with ability to retain money, good investments and a growing savings account. Use water to help this part of your body. Blue colours, shells, and water fountains or features are all good ways to support the part of the body that supports you – and that builds your bank account. South: Eyes and heart Fire is the ruling element of the south sector of our homes. When something is out of balance in the south corner it can show

up as a problem with vision, eye infection, and problems with the heart such as arrhythmia or even heart attack. When water or earth is located here, health problems can ensue. Because this is the area associated with fire, other health problems can be low metabolism and lack of zest for life. Pep up your heart and outlook by adding colourful elements, bright lighting and red colours to the south corner of your home or living room to give your life more zip. Work on creating beautiful views in your home to lift your spirits and take in plenty of vistas and beautiful sights, such as visiting a museum. Seeing beautiful artwork or performances can be uplifting for both the eyes and heart. You can also wear red to help perk up pervasive blah feelings. Southwest: Stomach and abdominal area The woman is the person associated with the southwest and, often, the one who cooks, so it’s no surprise that the southwest corner is the sector associated with the stomach. Because women give birth, it’s also the corner that represents the whole abdominal area including reproductive organs. But that also applies to men as well, regardless of the ability to have children. Problems in this area are wide ranging, from constipation, to hemorrhoids, to hysterectomy. When this area is missing or has an excess of metal or plants, it can affect the stomach. For example, excess clutter in this area can result in problems with the elimination system. Keep this area clear and clutter free to help your stomach and abdominal area work more efficiently and effectively. Add lighting to the southwest corner of your home, garden or living room to boost your hard-working stomach and boost your abdominal region. West: Mouth and lungs In this metal-related sector, the body parts most affected are the mouth and lungs. Problems can show up with cold sores, tooth problems like cavities, bleeding

gums or root canals. It could also show up in the lungs such as problems with breathing or frequent respiratory infections or chronic cough. This corner of your home should be free of excessive water elements or fire. When those are present, health problems could be frequent. Bolster both the mouth and lungs by adding more metal to the west corner of your home or living room. A pendulum clock or moving metal is great for keeping these problems at bay. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: My husband and I live on different coasts and commute to our jobs. It’s stressful and I worry about being apart for so long, but this is really helping us get ahead in our careers. How can we keep our relationship strong through our long period apart? Answer: I can understand your concern. Long distance relationships are difficult even in the closest of couples. The conch shell is a terrific remedy for couples that live at a distance. Besides helping keep your romance in good shape, the conch shell will help draw opportunities for you to be together more often, and be more enjoyable when you get together. Not only that, but you may also find that you will help solidify your

relationship so that you can move where he is or he moves where you live so the two of you don’t have to be apart any longer. Place a shell in the southwest corner of your bedroom for love – and it’s a great enhancer too. Make it a point this year to meet somewhere else and to travel together as well. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. She has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

APRIL 1 - 15, 2018



Acupuncture Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management. Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance. In contrast, many Western practitioners view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. Some believe that this stimulation boosts your body’s natural painkillers. Why it’s done Acupuncture is used mainly to relieve discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions, including: • Chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting • Dental pain • Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines • Labor pain • Low back pain • Neck pain • Osteoarthritis • Menstrual cramps • Respiratory disorders, such as allergic rhinitis Risks The risks of acupuncture are low if you have a competent, certified acupuncture practitioner

using sterile needles. Common side effects include soreness and minor bleeding or bruising where the needles were inserted. Singleuse, disposable needles are now the practice standard, so the risk of infection is minimal. Not everyone is a good candidate for acupuncture. You may be at risk of complications if you: • Have a bleeding disorder. Your chances of bleeding or bruising from the needles increase if you have a bleeding disorder or if you’re taking blood thinners. • Have a pacemaker. Acupuncture that involves applying mild electrical pulses to the needles can interfere with a pacemaker’s operation. • Are pregnant. Some types of acupuncture are thought to stimulate labour, which could result in a premature delivery. How you prepare: No special preparation is required before acupuncture treatment. Choosing a practitioner If you’re considering acupuncture, take the same steps you would to choose a doctor: • Ask people you trust for recommendations. • Check the practitioner’s training and credentials. • Interview the practitioner. Ask what’s involved in the treatment, how likely it is to help your condition and how much it will cost. • Find out whether your insurance covers the treatment. • Tell your doctor you’re considering acupuncture. He or she may be able to tell you about the success rate of using acupuncture for your condition or recommend an acupuncture practitioner.

What you can expect During an acupuncture treatment, your acupuncturist inserts very thin needles into specific spots on your body. Insertion of the needles usually causes little discomfort. Each person who performs acupuncture has a unique style, often blending aspects of Eastern and Western approaches to medicine. To determine the type of acupuncture treatment that will help you the most, your practitioner may ask you about your symptoms, behaviors and lifestyle. He or she may also closely examine: • The parts of your body that are painful • The shape, coating and colour of your tongue • The colour of your face • The strength, rhythm and quality of the pulse in your wrist • This initial evaluation and treatment may take up to 60 minutes. Subsequent appointments usually take about a half-hour. A common treatment plan for a single complaint would typically involve one or two treatments a week. The number of treatments will depend on the condition being treated and its severity. In general, it’s common to receive six to eight treatments. During the procedure Acupuncture points are situated in all areas of the body. Sometimes the appropriate points are far removed from the area of your pain. Your acupuncture practitioner will tell you the general site of the planned treatment and whether you need to remove any clothing. A gown, towel or sheet will be provided. You lie on a padded table for the treatment, which involves:

Needle insertion. Acupuncture needles are inserted to various depths at strategic points on your body. The needles are very thin, so insertion usually causes little discomfort. People often don’t feel them inserted at all. Between five and 20 needles are used in a typical treatment. You may feel a mild aching sensation when a needle reaches the correct depth. Needle manipulation. Your practitioner may gently move or twirl the needles after placement or apply heat or mild electrical pulses to the needles. Needle removal. In most cases, the needles remain in place for 10 to 20 minutes while you lie still and relax. There is usually no discomfort when the needles are removed. After the procedure Some people feel relaxed and others feel energized after an acupuncture treatment. But not everyone responds to

acupuncture. If your symptoms don’t begin to improve within a few weeks, acupuncture may not be right for you. Results The benefits of acupuncture are sometimes difficult to measure, but many people find it helpful as a means to control a variety of painful conditions. Several studies, however, indicate that some types of simulated acupuncture appear to work just as well as real acupuncture. There’s also evidence that acupuncture works best in people who expect it to work. Acupuncture has few side effects, so it may be worth a try if you’re having trouble controlling pain with more-conventional methods. By Mayo Clinic Staff – Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network



APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

Media War!

New letters spell trouble In 1889 two unusual newspapers appeared at almost the same time in Manila. What made them remarkable was that they were not written exclusively in Spanish – they both included some content in Tagalog. During the colonial period, newspapers were not written for ordinary Filipinos. Their target audience was the ruling minority of Spaniards, who lived mainly in Manila, as well as foreigners and the few welleducated mestizos and natives. The vast majority of the population did not speak Spanish and the authorities were not inclined to teach it to them. This made it easier to censor “radical” foreign ideas like liberty, justice and human rights. The first of these new publications was the conservative Revista Católica de Filipinas (Catholic Review of the Philippines) in early 1889 followed in July by a bilingual edition of the more progressive and secular La España Oriental (Eastern Spain), which had started as a Spanishonly newspaper the year before. The content of Revista Católica, for the most part, was religious, while the stated aims of La España Oriental were to provide Tagalog readers with practical information about science, agriculture, industry, commerce and dealing with government bureaucracy. In an era that was dominated by a Church authority that some people have likened to a “Catholic Taliban,” there were plenty of ways for La España Oriental to get into trouble. Surprisingly, it was not religion or politics that sparked the war between the two newspapers. Instead, it was the seemingly small matter of spelling. La España Oriental had chosen to use a new method for spelling Tagalog words that had recently been developed. In a footnote of their first Tagalog edition, the publisher, Isabelo de los Reyes, explained that they would “use the orthography [spelling] recently introduced by… learned Orientalists… believing that it better composes and represents the words of the Tagalog language.” Old way of spelling Up until that time, Tagalog spelling followed the rules of the Spanish alphabet, which does not use the letters k and w except in foreign words. Spelling all the k syllables was a bit complicated – ka, ke, ki, ko, ku were spelled ca, que, qui, co, cu. Similarly, the g syllables were spelled ga, gue, gui, go gu. Words like kain (to eat) and gawa (to do) were spelled cain and gaua but in their past tense forms these looked like completely different words – quinain and guinaua. In the old spelling, the sound of w was represented by either o or u but in no particularly logical way. The word gawa was spelled gaua but araw (sun or day) was spelled

arao. Irregularities abounded involving other letters such as y and the vowels e and i. It all made learning to read and write much more difficult than necessary for Tagalogs and other Filipinos. The new spelling would be easier and more logical. The mudslinging begins The publisher of La España Oriental probably expected some resistance to the new spelling. De los Reyes wrote in the first Tagalog edition that if enough readers objected to it, the newspaper would switch back to the old way of spelling. He probably did not expect the savage campaign of scornful and malicious attacks that his rivals at Revista Católica launched as soon as his paper hit the streets. Pascual H. Poblete of Revista Católica ridiculed the new spelling, saying that Tagalogs would not know how to pronounce the letter w and he supplied several bogus examples of how the letter would be misread. Another writer, Pablo Tecson, accused the new spelling advocates of tampering with the Tagalog language, saying that if they thought Tagalog spelling was illogical and inferior, then they were accusing the language of the same thing and therefore La España Oriental was essentially insulting its Tagalog readers and maligning the late great Tagalog poet Francisco Baltazar (a.k.a. Balagtas). La España Oriental defended its position with arguments that emphasized the technical merits of the new spelling and its value in advancing literacy. However, Revista Católica’s attacks quickly moved from the matter of language to a barrage of mudslinging that practically accused the new spelling advocates of being traitors to Spain. They called the letters k and w “German” letters – a charge that pandered to the xenophobia of the time because Germany was looking to start its own empire in Asia, and Spain was feeling threatened, especially in the Caroline group of islands, east of the Philippines. “If our religion, our laws, our customs and our entire mode of being are Spanish,” wrote Pascual Poblete, “why do we have to use some letters that are not genuinely Spanish, and why do we have to pronounce the syllables ge and gi like the Germans do and not like our brothers across the seas? Are the letters that have been taught to us not enough for us to express our ideas and thoughts?” Poblete also attacked the qualifications of the new system’s advocates, saying that none of them was a pure Tagalog. Isabelo de los Reyes, was an Ilokano who wrote fluently in Spanish and Tagalog. The person who did the most extensive work developing the new spelling, T.H. Pardo de Tavera, was a mestizo SpanishTagalog. He was also a friend of

Ferdinand Blumentritt, the German speaking Austro- Hungarian expert on Filipino culture. And although he was not mentioned by name, the future national hero, Jose Rizal, was a Tagalog with some Chinese in his background. Rizal was known to be a big fan of German culture and he actively promoted the new spelling. Thus Revista Católica had turned the issue into one of slander and breast-beating patriotism worthy of today’s Fox News. Their condescending articles reached the depths of silliness that is comparable to the farce of 2003 when some Americans decided to call French fries and French toast “Freedom fries” and “Freedom toast” after France had refused to support the US invasion of Iraq. The rise of a new alphabet But for all their bluster, Revista Católica could not keep a good idea down. While the spelling debate raged in 1889, Filipino lexicographer Pedro Serrano Laktaw (formerly Lactao) published his monumental SpanishTagalog dictionary using the new spelling. That same year, Filipino expatriates in Spain established the reformist newspaper La Solidaridad (Solidarity) in which Jose Rizal published a decisive article (in 1890) that clearly explained and defended the new spelling and also refuted the slanderous attacks of Poblete and Tecson. In January 1890, after only a few months in competition, it became apparent that the market was still too small for two Tagalog newspapers in Manila. So, putting the cause of Tagalog literacy above their differences, La España Oriental and Revista Católica merged to form a single independent newspaper called La Lectura Popular (Popular Reading). Isabelo de los Reyes became its editor-in-chief and his former rivals, Poblete and Tecson, also contributed and helped in the editing. They continued a series of articles criticizing the new spelling but it was soon abandoned and left incomplete. The matter of Tagalog spelling within the pages of La Lectura Popular itself was also left unsettled with some writers using the new spelling and others using the old. Meanwhile, as unrest grew in the 1890s, the new spelling became a symbol of Filipino independence from Spain. Members of the Propaganda movement including Mariano Ponce and Marcelo H. del Pilar y Gatmaytan (formerly Gatmaitan) were early converts to the new spelling. It was also integral to the identity of the revolutionary Katipunan society that was formed in 1892. The k was prominent in the group’s name, Kataastaasang, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (Supreme and Venerable Society of the Children of the Nation) and in the name of their newspaper, Kalayaan (Free-dom). And like La España Oriental before them, Katipunan

A highly romanticized portrait of the 19th century Tagalog poet Francisco Baltazar (Balagtas). His spelling was the standard model for Tagalog until Jose Rizal and other reformers improved it

Pascual Poblete in 1922

Pablo Tecson in the early 1900s

Isabelo de los Reyes in 1912

Jose Rizal was a champion of spelling reform

T.H. Pardo de Tavera did the earliest and most extensive work on the new spelling documents also suffered from a short- age of k’s and w’s in their type sets and often had to substitute these letters with bold or italic versions. The letter k was also featured in several Katipunan flags, both in its Roman form and as the ancient baybayin character, k. After the wars Pascual Poblete continued to write after the wars against Spain and the United States. He was the first person to translate the Bible and Jose Rizal’s Noli me tangere into Tagalog. He also wrote a biography of Rizal in Tagalog and he even accepted some of the spelling reforms that Rizal had helped to establish – some but not all. Poblete used the letters w and y according to the new spelling but he didn’t let go of gue and gui, and he only used the letter k in place of qu; everywhere else he continued to use the letter c. Today we can see that the new spelling eventually won the media war, even though remnants of Spanish spelling can still be found in some native words – mainly in personal names like Catacutan and Lacanilao, and place names

such as Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. In some places the tugo-war continues, as in Kalookan or Caloocan in Metro Manila. Other Philippine language groups adopted the spelling reforms too, but without strong institutions to implement them, the old traditions still linger. The two spelling systems still compete in the Kapampangan literary community. Spanish spelling persists in the Bacolor camp where, ironically, it is called Tutûng Capampáñgan (True Kapampangan) while Súlat Wáwâ (Wawa writing), based in Guagua, follows the Filipino abakada. (Notice that both towns retain the Spanish spellings of their names.) But for most Kapampangans, the choice of spelling methods is seen as generational, with only traditional churches and the oldest generation still using the Spanish way of spelling. As more generations of students throughout the Philippines learn the national language, the colonial mentality is gradually fading – in spelling, at least. References: Thomas, Megan C. 2007, K is for De-Kolonization: Anti-colonial Nationalism & Orthographic Reform Pangilinan, Michael R.M. 2006, Kapampángan or Capampáñgan: Settling the Dispute on the Kapampángan Romanized Orthography.

APRIL 1 - 15, 2018




Nakakailang gabi pa lang sa Ang Probinsiyano ni Jessy Mendiola ay ninenega na ang dalaga. Sana raw ay ibang aktres na lang ang kinuha ng serye para gumanap sa papel ng nurse at hindi na lang ang girlfriend ni Luis Manzano. Napakalakas ng loob na sabihin ng mga bashers ng dalaga na malas siya, baka raw dapuan ng kamalasan ang palabas nang dahil sa kaniya, kaya patayin daw sana agad sa serye si Jessy Mendiola. Kung rating ang inaalala ng mga nangnenega kay Jessy ay wala nang magagawa ang ganoong katwiran, mula nang ipanganak ang Ang Probinsiyano ay hawak na ng serye ang pinakamataas na numero, kaya hindi makakaapekto ang pagpasok ng dalaga sa serye para mabawasan ang rating ng pinagbibidahang palabas ni Coco Martin. Napanood na namin ang unang gabi ni Jessy sa matagumpay na serye, okey naman ang kaniyang rehistro, mukhang siya ang makapagbabawas sa kalungkutan ni Ricardo Dalisay dahil sa pakikipagrelasyon ni Alyanna kay JC Santos. At buhay na buhay si Romulo Dumaguit (Lito Lapid), ang dating pinuno ng Pulang Araw na kasama na ni Cardo ngayon sa laban, naging malaking diskusyon para sa manonood kung buhay pa ba o patay na si Romulo nang pagbabarilin ni John Arcilla (Hipolito). Sabi ni prop, “Ako, alam ko nang buhay pa si Romulo kahit pa binistay na siya ng bala ng napakasarap sunugin na si John Arcilla. May misyon pa sila, kailangan pang mamatay ni Alakdan (Jhong Hilario).


“Lilipulin muna ang masasama bago mamatay si Dumaguit, kaya ayan, buhay na buhay pa rin siya kahit pa ilang bala na ang pinakain sa kaniya ni Hipolito!” humahalakhak na komento ni prop. *** Pambansang paghanga ang tinatanggap ngayon ni Joshua Garcia. Hindi lang ang kaniyang mga tagahanga ang nagbibigaypapuri sa husay niyang umarte sa The Good Son, kahit ang mga hindi pumabor sa kaniya noon sa PBB ay sumasaludo sa kaniya, may lagnat ang bayan ngayon sa magaling na young actor. Masarap namnamin ang reaksiyon ng mga tagapanood ng serye na hindi na kailangang madaliin si John Lloyd Cruz sa muling pagharap sa mga camera. Heto na si Joshua Garcia. Sa nagwawala-walaang magaling na aktor nga ikinukumpara ng mga kababayan natin ang talento ni Joshua. Mga matang nagdadayalog. Pag-arteng natural na natural. Pagbibitiw ng mga linyang nanununtok ng puso. Luha na parang galing sa gripong bukas na bukas na parang walang pagkatuyo. Siya raw ang junior ni John Lloyd, hindi man ito ginagaya ni Joshua ay kitang-kita ang matindi nilang pagkakapareho sa pagatake sa madadramang eksena, napakalayo pa ng naghihintay na magandang kapalaran para sa batang aktor. Ang mga huling eksena niya sa serye nang mabitiwan niya ang mga kamay ng kaniyang ina na naging dahilan ng pagkahulog nito sa gusali at pagkamatay ay pinalakpakan ng buong bayan. See Cristy p15

APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

• Jessy Mendiola – OK naman sa Ang Probinsiyano, pero bakit binabash? • Joshua Garcia – Mahusay na actor, may kapalit na si John Lloyd • Kathryn Bernardo – Humble, marespeto, masarap katrabaho • Jake Zyrus – Lalaking-lalake na si Charice, at ang galing pa rin! • Aiza Seguerra – Nagbitiw sa gobyerno dahil kailangang kumita • Sharon Cuneta – Nakakaloka na naman ang mga hugot sa social media • John Estrada – Makakasama ni Alden sa bagong serye sa GMA-7 • Patricia Tumulak – Siguradong uupak-upakan ng AlDub Nation • Kris Aquino – Mukhang may movie na, pero problema pa rin ang allergy

Kathryn Bernardo & Daniel Padilla Jessy Mendiola

Sen. Kiko Pangilinan, Sharon Cuneta & family

Joshua Garcia

Patricia Tumulak

John Estrada

Kris Aquino

Jake Zyrus

Aiza “Ice” Seguerra

APRIL 1 - 15, 2018






APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

Kapuso stars – Excited to party with Pinoys abroad

L-r: Dingdong Dantes, Jennylyn Mercado, Dennis Trillo, Lovi Poe, Alden Richards and Betong Sumaya

Lip Sync Battle Philippines now on GMA Pinoy TV Lip Sync Battle Philippines has returned for its third season on GMA Network. This musical-reality competition offers a whole new level of entertainment as it treats its viewers with outrageous, amusing and even more exciting performances every week. Lip Sync Battle Philippines is still be hosted by Kapuso comedy genius Michael V together with TV host-actress Iya Villania-Arellano as colour commentator. For Michael V, he is excited

to present to its viewers the changes that will happen in this season. “Excited ako kasi sinala talaga namin yung mga battlers ngayon and magkakaroon ng bagong battles. So ang masasabi ko talaga, mas aabangan ito kasi yung mga napiling battler, ready talaga sila,” he said. Iya, on the other hand, expressed her gratitude to be working with Michael V. again because of his warm personality. “I am just happy to be working with Kuya Bitoy because you know, he is very approachable





Owner Darin Hoffman & Spouse Zeny Regalado


Proudly Serving Winnipeg


1839 Inkster Blvd. 1006 Nairn Ave.

and friendly and lahat ng galaw ko sa set, he is there to help and assist me so hindi talaga ako nahihirapan,” she said. The game pits celebrities or personalities against each other in a lip sync battle for two rounds. They can lip sync the song/s of their choice. Then the crowd determines the winner of the battle after the two rounds have been completed. The winner gets the bragging rights to be the Lip Sync Battle Champion and gets the Lip Sync Battle Championship Belt.


naming pinuntahan, sobrang saya… excited ako kasi kahit pagod kami sa trip, sobrang sarap naman sa pakiramdam na magkasundo kayong lahat,” she revealed. Lovi Poe recalled her favourite part of the show with the Kapuso abroad. “Isa sa mga paborito kong part ng show last year ‘yung nag-share sila ng kuwento nila on stage and then kinantahan namin sila ng songs na bumabagay sa buhay nila.” Pambansang Bae Alden Richards, who gladly expressed being back in the cast together with his fellow Kapuso artists, said that he is looking forward to spend time with his fellow Pinoys once again following the success of their first show last year. “Marami kaming papasayahin ngayong April kaya abangan nila ang bagong pasabog na ipapakita ng Sikat Ka, Kapuso! team,” said comedian Betong Sumaya. The latest addition to the cast, Dingdong Dantes, said that it is a privilege for him as an actor to perform for the Filipino audience abroad. “Although we do not usually sing and dance on screen, we hope to bring the Philippines closer to them through our music and shows.” For ticket inquiries, contact 1-917-858-2356 for Sikat Ka, Kapuso! New Jersey and 1-866-7KAPUSO for Sikat Ka, Kapuso! Toronto.


GMA Network’s biggest stars Dennis Trillo, Jennylyn Mercado, Lovi Poe, Alden Richards, Betong Sumaya and Dingdong Dantes are thrilled to bring all-out entertainment to Pinoys in the US and Canada as they prepare for their back-toback Sikat Ka, Kapuso! shows this coming April. The all-star cast are busy rehearsing for their special performances dedicated to all Kapuso abroad. Following the successful West Coast leg last year, GMA Pinoy TV heads to the East Coast to hold back-to-back Sikat Ka, Kapuso! shows on April 7 at the Newark Symphony Hall in New Jersey, USA and April 8 at the Sony Centre for Performing Arts in Toronto, Canada. Dennis Trillo emphasized that their main goal is to make the show as intimate as possible despite the size of the venue. “Kahit isa siyang malaking show na punong puno ng malalaking artista, nagre-reach out talaga kami sa audience kasi mas masarap yung feeling na nalalapitan mo sila, at may personal experience ang bawat isa sa kanila dahil sila ‘yung totoong bida sa show,” he added. Jennylyn Mercado also shared how much she enjoyed last year’s Sikat Ka, Kapuso! in California and how she wants to experience the same fun with the group again. “Nung sa una



Darin Hoffman

Owner/General Manager

Zeny Regalado

Community Representative/ Preneed Consultant


& Area Since




1006 NAIRN AVENUE • 204-275-5555



APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

CRISTY... From page 12 Malaki ang nagagawa ng mga workshop, pinipino ng proseso ng pag-aaral umarte ang talento ng sumasailalim sa workshop, pero ang ipinakikitang pag-arte ni Joshua Garcia ay kaniyang-kaniya lang. Isa si Joshua Garcia sa mga produkto ng isang payak na nakaraan na hindi lang nginitian kundi hinalakhakan pa nga ng magandang kapalaran. Utang niya iyon sa pinagdaanan niyang kahirapan na nagtulak sa kaniya para mangarap at magsikap para sa katuparan ng kaniyang dasal na mabago ang takbo ng buhay ng kaniyang mahal na pamilya. Parang bangkay ng tunay niyang ina ang hinahagulgulan ni Joshua. Parang nasa kusina lang siya ng kanilang sariling bahay kung makipag-usap siya kay Ronnie Lazaro na gumaganap niyang lolo na ang talento ay walang kakupas-kupas. Lalong nakukuha ni Joshua ang simpatya ng manonood kapag inaaway-away at pinahihirapan siya ng kaniyang kapatid na ginagampanan ni Macoy de Leon na kailangan pang sumalang nang maraming beses sa workshop para matuto itong umarte nang natural. Kakampi ni Joshua sa kaniyang laban ang mga kababayan natin, nakikiiyak sa kaniya ang manonood kapag minamaliit siya ng pamilya ni Eula Valdez, lalo na ni Jerome Ponce na puwede na ring pakawalan sa iba’t ibang karakter. Paminsan-minsan talaga ay may ipinanganganak na artistang yayakapin at mamahalin ng publiko. Mayroong puhunang itsura si Joshua Garcia pero hindi siya ang tipong makikipagbakbakan sa kakisigan nina Piolo Pascual at Alden Richards. Pero kapag humarap na si Joshua Garcia sa mga camera ay hinuhubad na niya ang lahat-lahat, inilulublob ng batang aktor ang kaniyang sarili sa role na ipinagkatiwala sa kaniya, halimaw ang batang ito sa pagbabagong-anyo. *** Habang papunta sa airport ay nag-text sa amin ang isang malapit na kaibigan nina Kathryn Bernardo at Daniel Padilla na si Ogie Narvaez Rodriguez. Ibinigay nito sa amin ang schedule ng mga shows ng KathNiel sa Amerika. Doon na rin magdiriwang ng kaniyang kaarawan si Kathryn, sasamantalahin na ng kanilang pamilya ang bakasyon, dahil pagbalik ng sikat na loveteam ay mayroon na silang gagawing pelikula. Makapamilya si Kathryn, basta may libre siyang panahon ay prayoridad ng magandang dalaga ang kaniyang mga magulang at kapatid, nagba-bonding sila dahil minsan-minsan lang silang nagkakasama-sama dahil sa higpit ng kaniyang schedule. At aminado si Kathryn na takot siya sa kaniyang mga magulang, takot iyon na punumpuno ng respeto, kaya pinakikinggan niya ang mga payo ng parents niya. Kuwento nga ni Ogie Narvaez Rodriguez, “Tingin lang ni Tita Min, kuha na agad ni Kathryn ang ibig sabihin. Ganoon siya ka-aware, kilalangkilala niya ang mga galaw ng mommy niya. “Kaya pagdating sa ugali, e, walang makapagsasabing kulang sa breeding si Kath. Maayos ang pagsubaybay sa kaniya ng pamilya niya, mabait na bata si Kathryn,” kuwento ng kaibigan ng pamilya. Papuri naman ng produksiyon na nakakatrabaho ng dalaga ay hindi siya mareklamo, pinagagaan niya ang problema, hindi niya pinalalala. Sabi ng aming kausap, “One time, e, nasugatan siya sa isang eksena ng La Luna Sangre. May kalaliman din ang sugat niya, pero wala kaming narinig na kahit anong reklamo mula sa kaniya. “Napakabait na bata. Ang sarap niyang katrabaho, napaka-humble ni Kathryn at marespeto siya sa lahat,” kuwento ng aming source. *** Lalaking-lalaki na nga ang pakete ngayon ni Charice Pempengco bilang si Jake Zyrus. Burado na ang itsura ng batang sumali noong sa Little Big Star na nakadamit ng pambabae at


mahaba ang buhok. Naging special guest ang international performer sa last concert ng 4TH Impact, nang iluwa siya ng entablado ay talagang pormang lalaki na si Charice, itinapon na nga niya ang dati niyang anyo noong nagsisimula pa lang siya. Positibong umepekto kay Jake Zyrus ang mga iniinom at ini-inject na male hormones sa kaniya, kumapal ang kaniyang boses, plantsado na ang kaniyang dibdib pero hindi namin napansin kung mayroon nang umuumbok sa kaniyang harapan. Hindi pa nagaganap ang kaniyang pangarap na maging isandaang porsiyentong lalaki, pinag-iipunan pa siguro niya ang milyunang presyo ng proseso, kaya wala kaming napansing pagbabago na puwedeng sabihing kumpleto na ang kaniyang pagkalalaki. Nadulas ang isang miyembro ng 4TH Impact, “Noong mga bata pa po kami, nakakasama namin si Charice sa mga amateur contest,” sabi nito. Ang mabilis na sagot ni Jake Zyrus, “May problema ba tayo?” saka sila sabay-sabay na nagtawanan. Ayaw na niyang tinatawag siya sa dati niyang pangalan. Wala pa ring kupas ang talento ni Jake Zyrus, sa boses-lalaki niya ay abot na abot pa rin niya ang matataas na nota, nakakapanibago lang ang kaniyang boses na bukod sa kumapal na ay naging husky pa. Ang nagagawa nga naman ng siyensiya sa mga taong gustong baguhin ang kanilang itsura bilang pagbibigay ng kaligayahan sa kanilang sarili. See CRISTY p19



The Philippine Heritage Council of Manitoba (PHCM) hosted its fourth annual Youth Forum on Building Success (YFBS) at Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute on March 14, 2018. The event was in cooperation with Aksyon Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK) Inc., the University of Manitoba Filipino Students Group (UMPinoy), and Couples for Christ. Over 50 students and their parents came to hear inspiring stories of success from this year’s panellists at the YFBS. The event’s five panellists were: Eric Garcia, Clinical Kinesiologist and former Bisons basketball guard; Chenee Lubi, an Assistant Branch Manager for Bank of Montreal; Intensive Care Unit Nurse, Ricardo Reyes; Viz Cabrera, stylist at Hunter & Gunn; optometrist Dr. Earl Jamora; and Winnipeg Police Constable, Orlando Buduhan. The goal of the forum is to inspire high school and post-secondary students to find fulfilling careers while introducing them to prospective mentors who can answer their questions. At the start of the event, speakers were given five minutes each to talk about their lives and careers. Most speakers talked about their upbringing as Filipino-Canadians and how they found their calling. After the presentation, the students and panellists took part in a “speedmentoring” challenge, in which panellists had 15 minutes to interact with a small group before moving to another. In the breakout groups, students and their parents had the chance to get to know speakers on a more personal level, as well as to ask them questions about their careers. Clinical Kineseologist Eric Garcia stressed the importance of being involved in the community. In high school, Eric was involved in sports and was active in the Filipino dance group Magdaragat Philippines. Eric’s skills in basketball earned him a full scholarship to the University of Manitoba after he was invited to play for the Bisons Basketball Team. His involvement with Folklorama and Magdaragat also earned him other financial aids. “It’s important that you apply


for scholarships because 90 per cent of the time, only a few people apply for it, so you have a big chance of getting it,” he noted. Chenee Lubi, who is an Assistant Bank Manager at Bank of Montreal, encouraged students to develop their interpersonal skills. As an Assistant Bank Manager, 90 per cent of Chenee’s job revolves around answering people’s needs and motivating her co-workers. “Without teamwork, a branch can’t function,” she said. As an ICU Nurse, Ricardo “Rix” Reyes shared that destressing is as important as working hard. Rix’s job is physically and emotionally demanding. Often he has to be in traumatic situations such as taking someone off of life support or letting families know that their loved ones have passed. “It’s important that you do your job, but there’s no shame in getting a break,” he added. Rix spends most of his time outside work traveling and volunteering with Aksyon Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK) Inc. Hunter & Gunn stylist Viz Cabrera talked about how finding her passion helped her break out of her shell. In high school, Viz said that she was always awkward. She had no idea how to talk to people, let alone boys. Now, a hairdresser Viz meets many different people everyday who have their own problems and personalities. “You have to be empathetic with your customers, you have to know the right thing to say.” From Viz’s experience, customers do not only look for someone who can give them a good haircut; they also look for people who can understand what they’re going through. Dr. Earl Jamora is an optometrist who was born and raised in the Philippines and came to Winnipeg in early 2004. He encouraged students to follow their dreams even if they think it’s too late. Before he became an optometrist, Dr. Jamora worked at a bank in the Philippines. He comes from a family of optometrists, but he did not want to follow in their footsteps initially. However, he came to

Participants at the Youth Forum on Building Success 2018

APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

Inspiring stories shared at 4th Annual Youth Forum on Building Success a realization that being a doctor might offer more opportunities for him and his family. So, he went back to school to finish his studies. Today, Dr. Jamora is one of the most trusted optometrists in the city. “Sometimes you just have to be happy with what you have and choose,” he said. Orlando Buduhan is a Winnipeg Police Constable. As a child, Orlando experienced police violence through racial profiling. This led him to hold grudges against police officers. However, his father told him to be a bigger person. “My dad told me that I can choose to hate them, or I can prove them wrong by showing them I can be as good or even better than they are.” Orlando has a passion for serving people and educating the public. He has an undergraduate degree in education. Today his work focuses on holding safety seminars in high schools around Winnipeg. The Youth Forum on Building Success event aims to instil hard work, education, and community involvement in young FilipinoCanadians while offering learning opportunities about life and careers. The PHCM and its partner organizations would like to thank the panellists, participants, and volunteers of this year’s Youth Forum on Building Success. Karla Atanacio is a member of Aksyon Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK) Inc. and the Philippine Heritage Council of Manitoba. She is in her first year of Political Science at the University of Winnipeg.

(L-r): YFBS 2018 panellists: Eric Garcia (kineseologist), Chenee Lubi (banker), Rix Reyes (nurse), Viz Cabrera (stylist), Orlando Buduhan (police officer), Dr. Earl Jamora (optometrist)

PHCM President Perla Javate

Hairstylist, Viz Cabrera

Dr. Earl Jamora during the speed mentoring challenge

APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

SCAMMERS... From page 1 Social Insurance Number (SIN), Date of Birth (DOB) and banking information before receiving the refund through an e-mail money transfer. Victims who input their personal information are subject to identity fraud and, of course, no refund is ever issued. Protect yourself against fraud Taxpayers should be vigilant whenever they receive a suspicious communication – either by telephone, mail, text message or e-mail – that claims to be from the Canada Revenue Agency requesting personal information such as a social insurance number, credit card number, bank account number, or passport number. Here are some guidelines to identify communications that are not from the CRA: If you receive a call saying you owe money to the CRA, you can look up the number of the CRA yourself and call them or check “My Account” on the CRA web site to be sure. If you have signed up for online mail from the CRA, they will send a registration confirmation e-mail to the address you provided and they notify you when new online mail is available to view in the CRA’s secure online services portal. The CRA will not do the following: • send an e-mail with a link and ask you to divulge personal or financial information; • ask for personal information of any kind by email or text message; • request payments by prepaid credit cards; • give taxpayer information to another person, unless formal authorization is provided by the taxpayer; • leave personal information on an answering machine. When in doubt, ask yourself the following: • Did I sign up to receive online mail through the CRA • Did I provide my e-mail address on my income tax and benefit return to receive mail online? • Am I expecting more money from the CRA? • Does this sound too good to be true? • Is the requester asking for information I would not provide in my tax return?


• Is the requester asking for information I know the CRA already has on file for me? Warning signs • In most cases, the CRA will use registered mail to contact taxpayers – not email or phone. • Never provide personal information over the telephone, by text or email. • The CRA would never request payment by money service business, iTunes gift cards or bitcoin. • For more information about frauds involving the CRA, visit the Canada Revenue Agency. • If you’ve shared personal information, contact Equifax and Trans Union to place fraud alerts on your account. • If you’ve shared banking information with the scammers, contact your financial institution to place alerts on your account. What to do if you’re a victim Step 1: Gather all information about the fraud. This includes documents, receipts, copies of emails and/or text messages. Step 2: Report the incident to your local law enforcement. This ensures that your police of jurisdiction is aware of what scams are targeting their residents and businesses. Keep a log of all your calls and record all file or occurrence numbers. Step 3: Contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre toll free at 1-888-495-8501 or through the Fraud Reporting System (FRS). Step 4: Report the incident to the financial institution where the money was sent (e.g., money service business such as Western Union or MoneyGram, bank or credit union, credit card company or internet payment service provider). Step 5: If the fraud took place online through Facebook, eBay, a classified ad such as Kijiji or a dating website, be sure to report the incident directly to the website. These details can be found under “report abuse” or “report an ad.” Step 6: Victims of identity fraud should place flags on all their accounts and report to both credit bureaus, Equifax and TransUnion. Also beware of recovery scams. Victims of fraud are often targeted a second or third time with the promise of recovering money previously lost. Always do your due diligence and never send money to recover money. Source: Canada Revenue Agency




APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

“Gusto ko nang umiyak”: Undercover Anne sells rags on street A defeated Anne Curtis felt like crying at one point during her stint as an undercover street vendor, as part of the Lenten special of It’s Showtime last Holy Tuesday. Curtis took up the challenge of doing the job of Maring Cinco and her grandson Carlos for a day, while the rag-maker and vendor, together with their family, were given the VIP treatment by other hosts of the noontime show. Curtis, known for her sartorial taste and regular OOTDs, was given a “makeover” – apart from practical clothes to wear on the street, she wore a wig, a hat, and a face mask to conceal her identity. Initially, Curtis stayed on a footbridge, until she was told by a barangay official that vendors are prohibited there. Agreeing that, “…laws should be respected,” the actress instead went on a sidewalk to sell the rags to passing drivers. Her turn as a street vendor was met with several rejections,

to a point that Curtis admitted she felt like crying, now realizing the daily experience of Cinco and the difficulty of earning enough for food and other daily expenses. She said: “‘Yung pinaka mahirap doon, kahit ano’ng effort mo, ‘yung mga tao, hindi ka pa papansinin. Dadaanan ka lang nila, kahit ‘hi,’ ‘hello,’ pagbibigay man lang ng recognition na nandiyan ka, as in wala. “At one point, gusto ko nang umiyak, kasi ito ang nangyayari sa kanila. Dadaanan lang sila ng mga tao. Imagine, you’re there trying to sell pieces given to you by your lola or your mom, gusto mong makabenta kasi wala kayong kakainin, or kailangan mo ng pambaon bukas, tapos walang pumapansin sa ‘yo. Sabi ko, ‘Gosh, ang hirap ng ginagawa nila.’ Nilalagay ko ‘yung sarili ko [sa posisyon nila].” As the day passed, however, Curtis managed to sell several pieces of the rags, for a total

income of P1,670. She turned this over to Cinco and her family at the end of the segment, but that wasn’t the only thing they received. They were surprised with groceries, a laptop, a washing machine, a television set, as well as a four-year college scholarship for Cinco’s grandson, Carlos. Reflecting on her experience as a street vendor, Curtis said: “Doon ko na-realize, that’s how hard it is. ‘Yun lang ‘yung way of them to have a living, ang magbenta ng basahan, e hindi nga lahat ng tao, kailangan ng basahan every day. “Iba ‘yung respeto ko. ‘Di ba, tayo, we take them for granted, hindi natin pinapansin ‘yung mga kumakatok, ni hindi nga natin na-a-acknowledge. Iba na ‘yung [pananaw] ko – ‘Sige na, bili tayo, para makauwi na sila.’ Now na alam ko kung ano ang istorya ng isang basahan na ‘yun, iba na ‘yung respeto ko sa mga nagtitinda.” – ABS-CBN News

Balladeer Bert Nievera passes away Bert Nievera, called the “timeless balladeer” who rose to fame in the 1960s, passed away March 27 2018. He was 81. The announcement was made by his son, Martin Nievera, in a post on Instagram, with a photo of him and his father. “I can’t believe you’re gone. Life will never be the same again,” Martin wrote in the caption, with the hashtag #RobertInParadise. Bert died of organ failure caused by sepsis at Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center in Las Vegas. Born Roberto Jose Nievera, Bert entered showbiz via singing contests, including a Student Canteen search for the “Johnny Mathis of the Philippines,” which he won. That moment spurred his decades-long music career, eventually earning the moniker “timeless” in the 1990s, following his string of concerts that carried the title. Within those years, Bert fulfilled what he had referred to as three of his biggest ambitions –

TRAVELLERS... From page 1 within other Canadian provinces, some medical treatments are not covered by Manitoba’s provincial heath insurance. If a Manitoban is admitted to a hospital in another province or territory, benefits are paid at the rates established by the health insurance plan of that province. Payments will be made directly to the hospital through reciprocal agreements between provinces. Medical practitioners billing through the reciprocal agreement between provinces, accept their provincial fee schedule as payment

Bert Nievera & Martin Nievera to go to America, record an album in Hollywood, and perform in Las Vegas. Another achievement, according to Bert, was his son Martin’s own success in show business, he told columnist Ricky Lo in a 2001 interview. He said at the time: “After 47 years in showbiz, I’m now

being recognized as ‘the father of Martin Nievera.’ It doesn’t make me feel insecure. In fact, I’m proud of being the father of Martin. He’s one of my best trophies.” This passion for music was also passed on to his grandchildren, including Martin’s son with singer Pops Fernandez,

in full. Medical practitioners who elect to bill the patient or who bill the patient’s “home province” directly may charge additional amounts. If charged, these additional amounts remain the responsibility of the patient. Private Canadian clinics may charge patients directly for the use of the facility as well as for any drugs, materials or supplies used. These charges are not insured benefits under the provincial health plan when provided in a private facility and the patient will be responsible for these costs. Outside of Canada, the Manitoba government covers emergency medical services

provided at the rates paid in Manitoba. If a Manitoban is admitted to hospital outside of Canada on an emergency basis, the province will pay for emergency services based on established daily rates. Coverage for Manitobans seen as an outpatient in hospital or in an emergency department outside of Canada is limited to a maximum of $100 Canadian per visit. Physician services are covered at the same rates paid to Manitoba doctors. These payments may not fully cover the amount charged by a foreign facility. Any balance between what the Manitoba government pays and the fees

Bert with Martin and his grandchildren OPM performer Robin. Fittingly, in his Instagram post, Robin referred to his late grandfather as “…the one that started it all, the one the keeps singing even though he ‘forgot the stupid words’…” “Thank you for the memories, Lolo. I love you and I will miss you,” he wrote. Singer Pops Fernandez, who

remains a close friend of Martin following their separation, called Bert her “second dad” in an Instagram post condoling with the Nieveras. “May you rest in peace,” she wrote. “So saddened to hear this news. Thank you for all the beautiful memories.” – ABS-CBN NEWS; Photos from Martin’s and Robin’s IG

charged are the responsibility of the traveller from Manitoba. If the doctor or hospital bills directly, Manitobans should get original itemized receipt(s). These should be submitted within six months from date of service, along with an English translation if necessary, to the province’s Insured Benefits Branch to be considered for reimbursement at the same rates that would have been paid

if the care had been provided in Manitoba. Ambulance services are not insured in Manitoba, so residents are responsible for these costs unless they are covered in the private travel insurance they buy. For more information on health care coverage when travelling, visit www.gov.mb.ca/ health/mhsip/leavingmanitoba. html.


APRIL 1 - 15, 2018



#YouthCEO Career Connections

Career opportunities for Indigenous and new Canadian youth Over 200 youth, including Indigenous and new Canadians, heard from seven of Manitoba’s largest companies about careers available and how to get on the path to employment opportunities at #YouthCEO Career Connections at the Neeginan Centre on March 1. The Business Council of Manitoba organized #YouthCEO Career Connections in partnership with the Centre for Aboriginal

CRISTY... From page 15 May nakausap kaming source na may alam tungkol sa pagbibitiw ni Aiza Seguerra bilang tagapamuno ng National Youth Commission. Mahal na mahal ni Ice ang kaniyang trabaho pero kailangan niyang magpaalam. Sabi ng aming kausap, “Masyado kasi siyang taling-tali sa NYC. Nakakapag-show pa rin naman siya, pero di ba, bawal na sa kanila ang mga regular performances dahil nasa gobyerno na nga sila? “E, paano naman ang family niya? Balita kasing maysakit ang parents niya, kailangan ng regular maintenance, saan nga naman niya kukunin ang malaking pangangailangan ng mga magulang niya kung wala siyang malaking kinikita? “So, kahit napamahal na sa kaniya ang trabaho niya at nakapag-deliver naman siya as head ng commission, kailangan

Human Resource Development (CAHRD) and the Winnipeg Aboriginal Sport Achievement Centre (WASAC). “This morning is all about recognizing the talents of our young people and seeing their potential and possibility,” said Kevin Chief, Vice President, Business Council of Manitoba. “Manitoba has one of the youngest and fastest growing populations, including Indigenous

and new Canadians. These young people need jobs and careers and our companies need this incredible workforce to succeed.” The Business Council companies involved included: New Flyer Industries, True North Sports and Entertainment, Wawanesa Insurance, Conviron, Payworks, Duha Group, and Bank of Montreal. Students included young people from across Winnipeg, four Northern

communities, and adult education students from CAHRD. “Today’s event helps students learn about the different career paths available in Manitoba companies,” said #YouthCEO participant Kelsey Lands. “Taking part in the program last summer has led me to a full-time job with Payworks and a chance to give my two year old daughter a better future.” The Business Council

of Manitoba launched the #YouthCEO initiative in the summer of 2017 to provide Indigenous and new Canadian youth with exposure to the different job opportunities that exist within the business community. The morning concluded with a keynote address by the Honourable Senator Murray Sinclair. Source: Business Council of Manitoba

na niyang magpaalam,” pahayag ng aming kausap. Nag-iisa lang siyang anak, hindi na bumabata sina Daddy Dick at Mommy Caring, siya lang ang inaasahan ng kaniyang pamilya. Kung minsan talaga ay dumarating tayo sa sangandaan ng buhay kung saan kailangan nating mamili sa pagitan ng bokasyon at obligasyon para sa mga mahal natin sa buhay. Ngayong wala na siya sa NYC ay malaya na siyang makakatanggap ng mga shows dito at sa iba-ibang bansa man, wala nang makakukuwestiyon sa kaniya, saka puwede pa rin namang makatulong si Ice sa mga proyekto ng gobyerno kahit wala na siyang posisyon. Marami siyang pinakakawalang offer na magtanghal dahil sa kaniyang pagiging NYC head. Sumusunod siya sa alituntunin ng mga nakaupo sa pamahalaan pero kakambal naman noon ang matinding pangangailangan ng

kaniyang pamilya. *** May mga pagkakataong hindi na malaman ng aming mga nakakausap kung anu-ano at alinaling posts ni Sharon Cuneta ang kanilang paniniwalaan. Sabi pa ng kaibigan naming si Sonia ay nalulukring na raw ito sa kaniyang mga nababasa. Reklamo ni Mareng Sonia, “Naloloka na kasi ako sa mga posts ng Megastar! Minsan, alam mong galit siya kay Senator Kiko Pangilinan, kung anu-anong sama ng loob ang inilalabas niya. “Ang dami-dami! Tapos, sa pagbabasa mo uli ng mga posts niya, todo naman ang papuri niya sa husband niya! Naloloka na ako pati ang mga friends ko, alin daw ba sa mga sinasabi ni Mega ang totoo?” tanong ng aming kaibigan. Iyon din ang naging paksa ng magkakatropang artista sa kanilang pagtsitsismisan. Hindi lang naman mga reporters ang nagpipista sa mga isyu tungkol sa mga personalidad, ang mga artista ay mayroon ding sariling

bersiyon ng kanilang “talk show,” at ang dami-dami nilang alam na kuwento. Pinakamaganda ang payo ng kaibigan naming propesor, ang sabi nito, “Kailangang lumayo muna si Sharon sa kaniyang mga gadgets kapag emotional siya. Gasgas na ang linyang think before you click, mas magandang huwag na lang muna siyang magpost, dahil kinakain niya naman ang mga pinagsasasabi niya, e! “Kung wala siyang ipino-post, wala siyang babawiin-kakainin, tahimik ang buhay niya, walang mamba-bash sa kaniya dahil sa paiba-iba niyang pinagsasasabi!” May katwiran ang katwiran! *** Isang source na hindi nanununog at nangunguryente ang nagbalita sa amin na nasa GMA7 na ngayon si John Estrada. May nakatakda na siyang gawing serye sa network at kung hindi magbabago ang plano ay kasama siya sa pagbibidahang serye ni Alden Richards. Ilang linggo na lang mula

ngayon at magtatapos na ang The Good Son, maganda ang papel na ginagampanan ng aktor sa palabas pero kinailangan siyang “patayin,” dahil sa naging away nila ni Mylene Dizon. Ayaw lang magkomento ng mga nakasaksi sa kontrobersiyal na engkuwentro, pero totoo iyon, nakatikim ng sampal si John mula kay Mylene Dizon. Puro flashback na lang ang partisipasyon ni John sa papatapos nang serye, siya pa ang itinuturong utak sa pagkawala nang milyunmilyong pera sa kumpanya, sumama ang image ni attorney. Pareho na silang patay sa istorya ngayon ni Mylene, nahulog ito sa building, hindi kinayang iligtas ng anak nitong si Joshua Garcia na kapala-palakpak ang pagganap sa mga sumunod na eksena. Malakas ang kutob namin na si Willie Revillame ang nagtulay sa pagkabilang-bakod ni John Estrada. Ganoon naman palagi ang papel na ginagampanan ng See CRISTY p20






NO. 297

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Pagdadalamhati 5. Gawing payapa 12. Kaibigan ni Papa 13. Ampon 14. Marka 15. Bagaso 16. Laki 20. Kilabot 24. Tabako 25. Matibay na hibla 26. Lango 27. Linamnam 28. Lilinisin 30. Pangalso PABABA 1. Sukat 2. Bahagi ng maghapon 3. Walang magulang 4. Taling 6. Tatay 7. Babaliktad 8. Panawag pansin 9. Higit

10. Destinasyon 11. Tuyo 16. Lamlam 17. Api 18. Sabi nila 19. Ingay ng palaka 20. Isang sakramento 21. Ilalim 22. Unlapi 23. Daig 29. Nota musikal


APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

ABRIL 1 - 15, 2018 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Bago pa lang ang inyong relasyon at normal lang na magkaroon ng kaunting hindi pagkakaunawaan. Maaaring nasa isip lang niya ang problema dahil hindi pa siya sigurado kung tunay at kung tatagal ang inyong pagmamahalan. Intindihin mo siya. Best days ang ika-4, 5 6 14 at 15. Alalay ka sa ika-1, 7 at 8.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Kung may mahal ka na, huwag ka nang maghanap pa ng iba. Kung naiinip ka dahil matagal na ang inyong relasyon, ikaw ang gumawa ng paraan upang maging mas excting ang inyong romansa. Gugulo ang buhay mo kapag namangka ka sa dawalang ilog. OK ka sa ika-4, 5, 6, 14 at 15. Ingat sa ika-2, 3, 9, 10 at 11.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) May mga pangyayaring hindi mo talaga maiiwasan. Kailangang ibukas ang iyong isip upang huwag kang masaktan sa mga pagbabagong mangyayari. Hindi naman makakasama sa iyo, sa halip ay baka makabuti pa nga dahil mababawasan ang pasanin mo. Masaya ang ika-4, 5, 6, 14 at 15. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-12 at 13.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Makakaramdam ka ng pangamba dahil sa pagbabago ng iyong kalusugan. M a a a r i n g pansamantala lang ito pero mas mabuting isangguni mo agad sa iyong doctor. Sana nga ay stress lamang ito sanhi ng mga pagbabagong ginawa mo sa iyong buhay. Ingat. Lucky ang ika-7 at 8. Ingat ka sa ika-2, 3, 9, 10 at 11.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) May maganda kang reputasyon na dapat alagaan. Huwag kang basta papasok sa kasunduan lalo na kung hindi mo pa ito kilalangkilala. Baka sakyan lang nila ang maganda mong pangalan at pagkatapos ay iiwanan ka lang pala. Mag-ingat ka ngayon. Suwerte ang ika-7 at 8. Alalay ka sa ika-4, 5, 6, 12 at 13.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Baka magkasubukan kayo ng iyong malapit na kaibigan dahil sa pera. Kailangan mong protektahan ang iyong sarili – pera mo iyan, ikaw ang mawawalan. Kung gusto niyang mamuhunan sa negosyo, hayaan mo siya. Hindi ka obligadong sumosyo sa kaniya. Good days ang ika-7 at 8. Stressful ka sa ika-1, 14 at 15.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Buwenas ang pasok ng pera sa buwang ito. Iwasan mo ang bumiyahe sa malalayong lugar sa unang linggo ng Abril. Hindi rin ngayon ang panahon upang mamuhunan ka sa bagong negosyo. Maghintay ka muna ng feedback tungkol sa negosyong iyon. OK ang ika-1, 9, 10 at 11. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-4, 5, 6, 12 at 13.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) K u n g nakakaramdam ka ng panghihina ng katawan, marahil ay kailangan mo lang maghinayhinay sa mga pang-araw-araw na gawain. Kailangan mong magkaroon ng quiet time para sa sarili. Walang istorbo, walang gulo. Makikita mong sisigla kang muli. OK ang ika-1, 9, 10 at 11. Ingat ka sa ika-7, 8, 14 at 15.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Kailangan mong mag-exercise. Kailangan mong alagaan ang kalusugan mo. Mas masarap maghanapbuhay kung wala kang dinaramdam. Bantayan mo ang pagkain – ikaw din ang magdurusa sa kapabayaan mo. Ibalik mo sana ang tamang lifestyle mo noon. Lucky ka sa ika-1, 9. 10 at 11. Ingat ka sa ika-2 at 3.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Alam mo bang marami nang umasenso ang kabuhayan dahil sa iyo? Kung tatanggihan mo siya, wala siyang karapatang magtampo. Kung ano ang sa palagay mo ay makakabuti sa lahat, gawin mo. Huwag mong pasanin ang problema niya at pamilya niya. OK sa ika-2, 3, 12 at 13. Stressful sa ika-1, 7, 8, 14 at 15.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Lumaki ka na may sariling paninindigan at iyon ay nakatanim na sa iyong puso. Ngayon ay may humahamon sa iyong prinsipyo at naguguluhan ka. Marahil ay kailangan mong lumayo muna at kalmahin ang iyong damdamin. Gawin mo ang tama. Lucky ang ika-2, 3, 12 at 13. Bantay ka sa ika-9, 10 at 11.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Dahan-dahan lang sa shopping. Ang pinakamalaki mong problema ay dahil sa kulang ang pera. Kung kulang, maghigpit ka ng sinturon, huwag kang makisabay sa iba. Ang pera ay mahalaga pero kung magiging dahilan ng pagkakasakit mo, umiwas ka sana. OK ang ika2, 3, 12 at 13. Ingat ka sa ika-4, 5 at 6.

kay Alden Richards, baka siya raw kasi ang maging kapareha ng Pambansang Bae sa gagawin nitong serye sa network. May gumugulo kasi sa isip ng ibang miyembro ng AlDub Nation, naniniwala ang mga ito na matagal na silang may relasyon ni Alden, lihim na lihim lang daw iyon at maganda lang silang magdala ng kanilang relasyon. Ilang ulit nang nagpaliwanag ang dalawa na wala, wala, wala! Hanggang pagkakaibigan lang ang mayroon sila. Pero ayaw magpaawat ang mga nagduduldol kay Maine Mendoza sa Pambansang Bae, totoo raw na sila na, kaya kailangang mawasak agad ang kanilang closeness. Hindi kaya nahihiya sa kanilang mga sarili ang mga taong iyon na pilit na pinagmumukhang

engot si Maine Mendoza? Lantad na ang sinabi ng dalaga na wala silang relasyon ni Alden, hindi rin naman nagpapanggap ang sikat na aktor na sila ni Maine, pero hayan pa rin sila at kahit babaeng langgam at bubuyog ay bina-bash na agad nila kapag naging malapit sa Pambansang Bae. Saang diksiyunaryo ng buhay kaya matatagpuan ang ganoong klase ng atake? Mga pasaway! *** Iba-ibang reaksiyon ang tinanggap namin tungkol sa balitang gagawa ng pelikula si Kris Aquino sa Star Cinema kasama ang isang pambatong loveteam ng ABS-CBN. May masasaya dahil sa wakas nga naman ay mukhang maganda ang hudyat ng 2018 para sa aktresSee CRISTY p21

CRISTY... From page 19 sikat na aktor-TV host. Personal na problema man ang ilapit sa kaniya o tungkol sa career ng kaniyang mga kaibigan ay palaging nand’yan lang ang host ng matagumpay na Wowowin. *** Kailangan nang ihanda ngayon ni Patricia Tumulak ang kaniyang sarili. Pasemyentuhan na niya ang palibot ng kaniyang puso dahil siguradong uupakupakan na naman siya ng ibang miyembro ng AlDub Nation na matagal nang galit sa kaniya dahil sa sobrang pagseselos. Pumirma ng kontrata sa GMA Artists Center si Patty Push, kaya nagrerebelde ang utak ng mga matagal nang naglalayo sa kaniya


APRIL 1 - 15, 2018


Una sa lahat, buong puso at taos ang aking pasalamat sa lahat ng mga bumati noong ika-15 ng Marso na araw ng aking pagsilang. *** Kung may parusa sa mga driver na bawal makipag-usap through their mobile phones, marahil kailangang mapagsabihan din ang sino man na huwag makikipag-usap or mag-text kung tumatawid kahit sa predestrian lane para maiwasan ang possible accidents na nangyayari ngayon dito sa Winnipeg. *** Ang cannabis legalization na nakapaloob sa Bill C-45 ng gobyernng Trudeau ay nakapasa na sa ikalawang basa ng mga senador. Patuloy pa rin daw pag-aaralan at kung makakapasa sa ikatlo at huling reading with amendments, including the legalized marijuana issues, bago ipabalik sa Ottawa. *** Nagbigay na babala si US president Trump na kamatayan ang magiging parusa sa mga illegal drug traffickers. Sa kaniyang diskurso sa New Hampshire noong ika-20 ng Marso, sinabi ni Trump na kung hindi iyon gagawin ay nag-aaksaya lang ng panahon. Umano’y may 2.4 million Americans ang addicted to opioids. Pilipinas Pinipilit ng mga kalaban sa politika si President Duterte na tutukan ang patuloy na militarization sa West Philippine Sea and/or South China Sea. Tila hindi naman nagkaroon ng asim. Ang China at Pilipinas ay nagkasundo na raw sa panukalang joint oil exploration sa nabanggit na karagatan. *** Patuloy ang hangarin ng Duterte administration na magkaroon ng pagbabago sa gobyerno.

Pangunahing hangad umano ay malunasan ang nagaganap na kaguluhan sa iba’t ibang lugar ng bansa. Ang kabuhayan ng mga mamamayan ay hindi raw uunlad kung may mga nangyayaring kaguluhan. *** Hinahangad din ng gobyerno na mapakipot ang malapad na agwat sa pagitan ng mga mayayaman at ng mayoryang bilang ng mga mahihirap na mamamayan. Federal system of government ang inaakalang solusyon sa problema na kapalit ng kasalukuyang sistema. Nangangamba naman ang mga kritiko na sa ilalim ng federal system ay baka lalong madagdagan ang oligarchs. Mahirap din daw mawala ang political dynasty. Sinabing wala raw katiyakang makakalampas sa kasalukuyang kapulungan ng mga kongresista at senador. *** Pinaghahandaan na ng PDPLaban na partido ng Pangulong Duterte ang 2019 mid-term elections. Sinabi umano ni Senate President Aquilino Koko Pimentel na hindi tatanggapin ng kanilang partido ang sinumang kandidato na hindi sang-ayon sa federal system of government na nais ng Pangulong Duterte. About 30,000 sa Bulakan at 5,000 sa Kaloocan ang kasama na daw ngayon sa PDP-Laban party. *** Ang pahayag ni Pimentel ay waring nagbunga ng problema sa ruling political party. May mga reelectionist senators na supporters ng pangulong Duterte ay hindi raw kasama sa mga binibigyan ng importasiya ni Pimentel. Tinukoy sina J.V. Ejercito, Grace Poe, Nancy Binay, Cynthia Villar. Nabalitang sa ilalim ng partidong Hugong sa Pagbabago ni Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio


Sakim Ang isang ugaling dapat ay iwasan na taglay ng tao sa ating lipunan ay yaong may mga iwing katakawan, Hindi lang sa pera at kapangyarihan! *** Asal kahit na nga sa magkakadugo, Nagiging dahilan ng pagkakalayo; Namuno sa bayan, kung kaya nabigo ay dahil sa kilos na hindi matino! *** Hangad makaahon sa bangin ng dusa, Walang makapitang baging ng pag-asa; Nasadlak ang buhay sa pangungulila, Dahil iniwasan ng mga kasama! *** Dahilan sa taglay na ugaling sakim, Larawan ng buhay ay naging madilim! Paquito Rey Pacheco

sila tatakbo. Wala pang naririnig na reaksiyon ang pangulo tungkol sa nabanggit na pangyayari. Marahil hindi lang ako ang nagtataka kung bakit naisip ni Davao Mayor Sara na magtayo ng isang political party eh mayroon namang PDP-Laban ang kaniyang Ama. Sa madali at malaon malalaman ng taumbayan kung ano at bakit nagaganap ang nabalitang pangyayari. *** Maganda nga ang federal system of government. Subalit dahil sa kasalukuyang political scenario na bunga ng kasalukuyang constitution, marami ang mga nag-aakala na mahirap magtagumpay hanggang hindi nababago at naging guided ang pag-iral ng multi-political party system sa bansa. Sabagay nga ang kailangan ng Pilipinas ay presidential federal system na kaparis ng sa US. May multi-party subalit ang mahalagang papel sa pamamahala ay nasa two dominant political parties. Hindi kaparis ng nangyayari ngayon sa Pilipinas. Kabit system for personal and political convenience. *** Nakalampas na sa kapulungan ng mga Kongresista ang planong impeachment case vs CJ Maria Lourdes Sereno. Sakaling matuloy at bago magkaroon ng aksiyon ang senado na magiging hukuman na didinig sa kaso, marahil mga limang buwan pa bago masimulan ang pagdinig. Inulit ng on leave na CJ, hindi raw siya magbibitiw sa kaniyang katungkulan. Waring ampaw ang kaniyang pinagbabasihang katwiran. Particular the tungkol sa SALN na akusasyon kay Sereno. Ginagawa raw ng iba pang mga Associate

CRISTY... From page 20 TV host, mula sa dalawang taong kawalan ng proyekto sa pelikula at telebisyon ay heto na siya, haharap na uli sa mga camera ang parang pinagtampuhan ng kapalarang si Kris. Si Kris ang naging paksa naming magkakaibigan noong isang gabi. Wala kasing nakakaalam kung nasaan ngayon ang aktres-TV host, wala siyang inilalabas na impormasyon kung nasaan siya, isinangtabi rin muna niya ngayon ang pagtutok sa kaniyang mga social media account. Ang kaniyang allergy ang pinoproblema ni Kris, paulit-ulit daw kasi iyon, malaking abala sa



*** Naku, ang mali po ay mali. Kailanman ay hindi magiging tama. Ang Judicial and Bar Council pa ang kaniyang sinisisi. Niluwagan daw nito ang rules na kaparis ng ibang appointed Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, kabilang ang ngayo’y Acting CJ Antonio Carpio. Sinagot naman ng acting CJ. Hindi raw totoo ang sinabi ni Sereno. Mismong ang Judicial Bar Council ang nagpatotoo sa sabi ni Carpio. Nagkaloob daw ito sa kanila ng 14 years SALN na lampas pa sa 10 years requirement to qualify for the position as CJ. Talagang lumalaaon ay tila patuloy lumalambot ang pagmamatigas ni Sereno na she will not resign. Resignation na lang ang kailangan. Alalahaning sinumang government official, elected or appointed na may hawak na katungkulan ay kailangang marangal. Tiyak na darating ang panahong sa gusto at hindi ay mawawala na din siya sa katungkulan. Without dignity is really a bad legacy. *** Pinangako ni President Duterte na may mga karagdagang mga opisyal ng gobyerno na mawawala sa kanilang hawak na katungkulan pagkaraan ng Mahal na Araw. Subalit sinabing mula sa Executive Department lamang. Si Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque kailan lang ay may pahiwatig na. Ang pangulo daw ay hindi nasisiyahan sa performance ng mga matatanggal sa katungkulan. *** Ang panukalang divorce law ay malamang mapagtibay. Batay sa mga lumabas na balita, kaya

maraming bilang ng mga Filipino ang umiiwas sa church weddings ay sanhi sa malaking gastusin. Isa pang dahilan ng broken marriage ang hindi tunay na pagmamahalan. May mga nagpapakasal na batay lang sa kasunduan ng mga magulang. Gayon din, ang tungkol security ng alinman sa panig ng babae at lalaki kaya hindi nagtatagal ang kanilang pagsasama sa buhay. Sinabi ng pangulong Duterte na hindi siya pabor sa proposed divorce law sapagkat ang nagiging kaawaawa ay ang nagiging kalagayan kanilang mga anak. Katas Maraming halal at hindi na mga opisyal ng gobyerno ang hindi pabor sa panukalang legalizing divorce law bagaman hindi kaila sa mga tao ang problemang nakapaloob sa usyu. • Ang karaniwang ugat ay kayamanan at hindi tapat na pagmamahalan. • Karaniwang sira ang kabuhayan ng isang pamilya. Kapabayaan din naman sa mga anak ang resulta. • Imoral at bawal na relasyon ng lalake at babae. Sa lalake ang karaniwang taguri ay may kinakasama at kabit naman ang sa babae. • Maliban sa Vatican, Pilipinas lang ang walang batas tungkol sa diborsiyo. Kasabihan Ang ano mang problema ay kailangang magkaroon ng solusyon. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

kaniyang pagtatrabaho ang pagatake ng kaniyang allergy. Nagkabiruan ang grupo, ang mga yayamanin daw talaga kapag nagkakasakit nang kahit simple lang, sa ibang bansa pa nagpapagamot. Samantalang tayo, kapag may nangati sa ating katawan ay papahid-pahid lang ng ointment, ang iba nga ay naglalaga lang ng madre de cacao para ipampaligo. Pero wala sa balat ang allergy ni Kris, napakakinis pa rin ng kaniyang kutis, ang manipestasyon ng kaniyang allergy ay mas matindi. Hindi siya makahinga, hindi rin siya puwedeng basta uminom ng mga gamot, dahil parang sinasakal siya. Kailangan na talaga niyang

magpagamot para malaman ng mga espesyalista kung ano ang pinag-uugatan ng kaniyang allergy. Ang karaniwang dahilan ay alikabok, pero hindi naman siya naaalikabukan, maghapon at magdamag siyang naka-aircon. Piling-pili rin ang kaniyang pagkain, alam ni Kris kung anu-ano ang puwede at bawal sa kaniya, pero umaariba pa rin ang kaniyang sakit. Gusto niyang ma-trace talaga kung ano ang nagiging sanhi ng kaniyang allergy. Totoo, hindi nga ibinibigay sa isang tao lang ang lahat ng mga katangian at biyaya, sikat si Kris at milyonarya pero may pinoproblema naman siyang sakit. – CSF



APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

UNIFOR members bargaining for a fair contract with New Flyer

UNIFOR Bargaining Committee from UNIFOR local 3003 standing strong to represent the New Flyer Inds. UNIFOR membership. From left to right: Neil Soliven-Machine Shop Rep., Dave Zastre-President Local 3003, Marcel Simard Production Rep., Dale Emms- Stockeeping Rep., Michael Deley-Chairperson, Renel Berard-Weld Shop Rep., Calvin Saedal-Skill Trade Rep., Frank Wright-National Rep., Sonny Atamanchuk-Paint Shop Rep., Eddie Francisco-Co-Chair

APRIL 1 - 15, 2018





APRIL 1 - 15, 2018

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