Pilipino Express Jun 16 2017

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Volume 13 • No. 12 • June 16 - 30, 2017 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Julia Barretto

Filipinos commemorate Independence Day


Flag raising at PCCM. L-r: Flor Marcelino, MLA Logan; Jon Reyes, MLA St. Norbert; Youth Ambassador Vina Dimayuga; Nic Curry, MLA Kildonan; Adult Ambassador Aileen Madden; Wab Kinew, MLA Fort Rouge; Ronaldo Opina, Hon. Consul for Tourism; Adult Ambassador Joseph Orobia; Youth Ambassador Calia Pacle; and PHCM President, Perla Javate. Story on p9. Photo by Rey-Ar Reyes



JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

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JUNE 16 - 30, 2017





JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

Mindanao stories

Last March my friend Daryl Descallar and I traveled all over Mindanao to interview various people whose lives had been changed by the work of Kasilak Development Foundation, Inc. The NGO had tapped us to create a coffee table book to mark its 20th anniversary, featuring 20 “success stories” to mark the celebration. I personally didn’t know what to expect, but even keeping an open mind did not prepare me for what we were to experience. Daryl said it best during the launching of the book on June 9: we had set out to “capture” 20 stories, but in the process we were captured by the warmth, hospitality, and determination of Kasilak’s partners. Two, in particular, became personal for us because Daryl and I ended up raising funds for them: a printer set for the Lambukay Elementary School in South Cotabato and a start-up fund for a sari-sari store for Babu (Auntie) Libton Luminog in Bukidnon. I’d like to share excerpts from their stories: No obstacle too high It is a rainy March morning, and half of the student population of Lambukay Elementary School have decided to stay home today. “The river usually swells during heavy rains,” says principal Magelyn Canque. “If they come to school they might not be able to go home later.” The river is just one of the obstacles the school’s 418 students have to hurdle in order to get a good education. Many of them live several kilometers away and have to walk over rolling hills and rocky roads. For the less committed, this can be a strong deterrent to attending class at all. But the students of Lambukay in Banga, South Cotabato are obviously undaunted. Not only do they persevere in going to school – save for the occasional absences due to bad weather – they actually excel and outperform students in other schools. Canque credits this in part to the school’s partnership with Kasilak, which began in 2013 when the group made the school a beneficiary of its Adopt-A-School Program. The scheme involves donating English, Math, and Science books to the first grade class that year and continuing on until the batch graduates from elementary. The books they leave behind are used by the following batch, which leaves them to the next one and so on. The books have proven so effective that third grade teacher Cristine Joy B. Bico used them in coaching her student Hanna Guintolon for the District Science Quest in September 2016. “We reviewed for one hour each day for two weeks using these books,” Bico says. Hanna, who was nine at the time, won first place and

went on to bag third place in the Division Individual Science Quest held a few days later. *** Weaving magic At 67, Libton Luminog still moves around quickly and confidently, albeit with her back slightly bent. Fondly called “Babu (Auntie),” she has a cheerful demeanour that makes it easy for her to talk to people, even those she has met for the first time. “Tag-pila ning bayong (How much is this basket),” one newcomer asks. “The regular – price is P160 each,” she answers with a childlike smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes. – “But for you it’s P200.” Babu’s humour is matched by her expertise in weaving, which she does along with the 20 other members of the Pamotolon Women’s Organization in Kalilangan, Bukidnon. Like the other women, Babu’s skill was passed on to her from generation to generation of weavers. “My parents taught me to weave at an early age,” she says. “By the time I was 12, I could make a banig (native mat).” The women of Pamotolon used to create bayong (native baskets), mats, flowerpots, hampers, and other products using tikog, a kind of reed that used to grow aplenty in the area. With the tikog getting scarce as urbanization slowly creeps in, Babu and her companions now weave their magic using coloured plastic strips that had been discarded after being used to pack bananas and other products from Dole Stanfilco. The volume the group produces depends on orders from a wholesaler in the town of Talakag, also in Bukidnon; if more baskets are needed, more members are called in to weave. It is through this wholesaler that the organization’s products reach other shores. “They are sent to the US and other countries,” Babu says. Babu has also moved up from

weaver to trainer, periodically conducting workshops on weaving in other municipalities. She finds this twist funny as she remembers the first time she herself attended a workshop. “Kasilak brought in some people to train us, but we ended up training the trainers instead,” she says with a laugh. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Chief Editor of www.mindanation. com. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@ gmail.com.

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Graphic Designer/Photographer

Babu Libton Luminog

ALEX CANLAPAN Photographer


Babu Libton Luminog working on a basket

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Students of the Lambukay Elementary School have to sit on the floor to watch an educational video

The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved.

Annual subscription rate within Canada: $65.00 For advertising inquiries, call: 204-956-7845, fax: 204-956-1483 or e-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com The faculty of the Lambukay Elementary School and some of the students

Printed by: The Prolific Group.

JUNE 16 - 30, 2017


Building understanding with your teenager Dear Ate Anna, Our oldest son is 16 years old and I think he is dating a classmate, even though he knows he is not allowed to until he is 18. When I try to talk to him about it I get so angry! He does not listen. I am afraid for his future. What can I do to get him to listen to me? Thank you. Jack Dear Jack: Being a parent is very challenging, especially during teenage years! I am glad you are reaching out and trying to talk to your son about these worries. This is a time of growth for him, and many young people at this age are feeling caught between pleasing their parents and exploring their own sense of who they are. It is a healthy and natural process for teenagers to begin exploring themselves and what kind of adult they are growing into. This is an important time for them! Think back when you were his age, and how exciting it was to discover yourself in the world. I know you are afraid for him; this is also a time where some decisions may carry heavy consequences. This is a scary idea for your family, as you cannot control his actions as much as you did when he was young. We often feel at this stage of life that we need to control our children more, in order to protect them. This is a natural feeling! But if we try to control them and their actions, they won’t be able to build these life skills. And, more important, if we try to control them there is a good chance they will turn away from us and communication will break down more. I know it is challenging, but it may be helpful for you to be open to his new ideas about how he wants to live his life. I would suggest sitting him down and first asking him a lot of questions. What is he interested in? Why

does he want to date somebody at this time? Let him know that you are a safe person to talk to, and that you will not get angry. I suspect he has a lot of good things to say, and that you could learn a bit about him and what he is feeling. It may be hard not to feel upset or angry as he is talking, but do your best to really listen to him without judgement, and with an open mind. If you feel yourself reacting, try deep breathing while you are listening. He probably has some things he is worried about and some things he wants to talk about, but he first needs to know that he is supported and that you care about him. After you two build this understanding, then he will be more likely to listen to your perspective. Let him know that you care about him and his future. Make sure he knows that you support him and are there for him to ask questions to. And then tell him your concerns about his decisions in his life. If you are afraid that he is making bad decisions, tell him why you are scared. It is also good to build understanding with yourself. Why don’t you want him to date until he is 18? Is it because you are afraid he will become sexually involved with somebody? Is it because you don’t trust his judgement? That you are afraid he will stop focusing on his schoolwork? Once you know your reasons for your household rule, it is easier to communicate why they exist, and easier for him to understand why you are concerned. As much as you can, be open to compromise. This will feel very hard! But is very important for your son’s personal development. Try to come to an understanding you can both agree to. Maybe you will decide together that he is allowed to hang out with his friends a bit longer after school and on weekends. Maybe you will decide he can date somebody, but will talk to you before he becomes involved sexually.

Build understanding together on what is expected, and make sure your son knows that restrictions on his behaviour are not to punish him, but to help him grow into a adult. As much as we may want to, we cannot control the actions of our children, especially at this age. It may be hard to admit, but he is growing into an adult and will be making his own decisions about his life. Building understanding together and a supportive atmosphere will help him on his journey, and will help him know that he can come to you if he experiences any problems. All the best, Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to: Ate Anna, Suite 200226 Osborne St. N., Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@ serc.mb.ca. Please visit us at www.serc.mb.ca. You will find reliable information and links for many resources on the subject of sexuality.




JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

Express Entry: Points for siblings and other CRS enhancements Express Entry option continues to be the avenue of choice for many skilled immigrant applicants. While MPNP is going through changes with decreased numbers of invitations to apply from the EOI database, the federal counterpart is cranking out the invitations. Draw 64 sent out 3,877 invitations to apply issued with a minimum CRS (Comparative Ranking Score) of 413 on May 31, 2017. Draw 62 sent out 3,687 invitations with CRS of 415 on May 17, 2017. Draw 61 sent out 3,796 invitations with CRS of 423 on May 4, 2017 and Draw 60 sent out 3,665 invitations with a CRS of 415 on April 19, 2017. The numbers are nationwide and very impressive. The federal government is definitely honouring its word to Canadians by bringing in high skilled workers to fuel our growing economy. The numbers of invitations have remained consistently high over 2017 and continue to improve candidate’s chances for selection. Express Entry has just announced major changes in the Comprehensive Ranking System effective June 6, 2017. As of this date, candidates will receive additional points for a sibling in Canada. Candidates will also receive additional points for their proven French language ability. CIC News is correct to announce the changes along with the high number of invitations demonstrate “a more dynamic

Express Entry system that is now the main driver of economic immigration to Canada.” The changes are significant and mean that no candidate would see their potential CRS lowered. The increased points underline the importance that the current federal government places in Express Entry as a way to attract skilled immigrant workers to Canada. “Economic immigration programs managed by the Express Entry system attract highly talented and skilled immigrants that businesses need to help grow and strengthen our economy,” stated Minister of Immigration Ahmed Hussen. “As the improvements are implemented, I’m pleased that Canada will welcome more skilled immigrants with siblings in Canada who can help them quickly integrate into their new life here, and that we’ll continue to see Francophone minority communities flourish.” The specific improvements to the Express Entry CRS ranking system include the following: 15 CRS points for principal applicant or spouse/partner having a sibling in Canada; 15 CRS points for French CLB 7 or better and English CLB 4 or lower; and 30 CRS points for French CLB 7 or better and English CLB 5 or better. It is important to note that the improvement in CRS points for language is applicable to candidates with proficiency in both of Canada’s official languages.

The other change included in the June 6, 2017 announcement deals with registration on the National Job Bank (NJB). In the past this was mandatory but the improvement changes this to voluntary. This change gives candidates more flexibility because they now can choose to register or not with the NJB. The reason for the change is flexibility but the registration is not a bad idea. It makes more sense for applicant to register with the NJB because this is a way of marketing themselves to potential employers. The advantages of such an action

go far beyond additional CRS points. The question each potential candidate must ask herself or himself is: why not register? The changes in the Express Entry system are encouraging especially for foreign skilled workers looking to immigrate to Canada, or more specifically to Manitoba. In sharp contrast to MPNP, which has been the major immigration program for skilled workers for roughly the past 15 years, Express Entry now looks like a better option. If you are interested in finding out more, contact a licensed immigration

consultant such as myself, or an immigration lawyer. Express Entry is not for everyone but it is quickly becoming the program of choice for skilled workers who want to immigrate to Manitoba. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-6911166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.

Are you an impulsive shopper?

Okay, let’s be honest. We all are, at least to some extent. Maybe I should take a quick step back and define who is an impulse shopper. Briefly put, an impulse shopper is someone who buys something they didn’t plan on purchasing. Here is a typical example; you go into 7-11 for some milk, admittedly an expensive place to get milk, but you’re in a hurry. As you walk in, the smell of the freshly made chicken hits you. You just HAVE to have some of that wonderfully smelling chicken. While you wait in line you notice that they have a special on potato wedges. And the wedges do look very, very good. Ok, so you get some wedges too. Oh, and all of that food will make you very thirsty so you just have to have a Slurpee! Congratulations, everything you

just bought that wasn’t milk (if you even remembered to get milk!) was an impulse shop. Many of us laugh off impulse shopping as ‘guilty pleasure’ or something that is cute and mischievous in a person. The reality is that impulse shopping can be very destructive with strong negative consequences in our lives as we spend money that we don’t have; money that is intended for other things like rent, car payments or food. Impulse shopping is very dangerous, especially using credit as the impact isn’t seen and appreciated until the bill arrives and we immediately think ‘that can’t be right, can it? How could I have spent that much?” As the bills pile up, and your ability to pay them goes down, so does your credit score and that can have more complicated, unintentional

impacts. Impulse shopping doesn’t have to be something large, often it can be something small, but all of those small purchases add up and can have a significant impact. Merchants know human psychology very well and rely on impulse shoppers and the thought process of ‘well, it is only a few dollars.’ Let’s look at the example of a $2 here and $3 there impulse shopper. $5 day doesn’t sound like much, but let’s run the numbers. If you impulse shop on an average of $5 a day, that totals to $1,825 a year. Yes, just $5 of impulse shopping all of a sudden became almost $2000 dollars! Let’s take this a step further. Let’s say that you are saving for your, or your child’s, education. Under the current RESP rules, for every $2500 you contribute to an RESP the government adds $500 for a combined total of $3000. Well, with your $5 a day impulse shop ($1825 per year) you are just $675 away from losing $3000. ‘Poof’ you have just impulsespent a year’s tuition!* Do you still think the ‘small’ impulse

shops don’t matter? Some people think ‘but I control my impulse shopping by shopping sales!’ Sorry, but spending money isn’t the best way to save money. Retailers understand how we think and play to that. A BOGO (Buy One Get One) sale at 50% really means that both items are effectively 25% off. Most people wouldn’t buy two of the item if the sign just said ‘25%’ off, but change it to BOGO at 50% off most people focus on the 50% off, forgetting that it really is only 25% off each item. By falling into this marketing ploy you have just bought one more item than you would have otherwise! For example, if you needed a new pair of pants and budgeted $50 for them and went into a store and found a pair for $50, but they were running an offer of BOGO at 50% so you buy two, well, you didn’t just save $25, you just spent $25 more than you budgeted for! Just because something is on sale, you don’t necessarily save money by buying it. If you don’t really need it, if it isn’t in

your budget, if it will go on sale again before you need it, don’t get it. You won’t save money by spending money that you don’t have. So why do we do this to ourselves? Well, entire books have been written on that topic and it is well beyond anything I can cover here. What I can discuss in my next article are the five main triggers for impulse shops and ways that you can combat them. If you can identify your impulse triggers, then you can find a way to manage the trigger! *($5 a day costs $1825 a year which is $675 away from $2500 and $2500 of RESP contributions gives you $3000 with the government portion)! Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP and is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society, a Non-Profit organization. If you wish to contact the Society for further information, assistance or to attend a webinar, please call 1-888-527-8999 or visit www.nomoredebts.org or www. mymoneycoach.ca

JUNE 16 - 30, 2017


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JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

Tips to stimulate your energy for a slimmer you Lots of people struggle with losing weight. We try everything and stick to nothing. We often become discouraged when diets don’t work and resolutions fail. If that’s happened to you, then maybe you should put your house on a diet instead. If weight loss has been unsuccessful, frustrated dieters will be glad to know they can make small adjustments to their home that can help them succeed in the battle with weight loss. Your body is your spiritual home and holds your inner energy and our houses hold our bodies. Interestingly, many people find that when they clean out and clear out the excess clutter in their homes, they also feel better physically. Feng shui is another way of achieving what you want in life regardless of whether it’s attracting a love interest or losing weight. That’s because we are all products of our environment, and if our environment is stuffed then we will be, too. Every scientist understands that all energy in the universe is either a positive or negative energy. The same is true in feng shui with all the energies of the earth being either “yin” or “yang.” Yin energy is dark, cold, and passive energy. Yang is light, warm, and active energy. Balancing the two complementary but opposing energies can produce results that we want, and their harmony is crucial to good feng shui. With these rules in mind, it’s possible to succeed with your weight-loss goals if diets have failed using the positive and negative energies of feng shui. Too many houses have yin energy in the house and the kitchen energy is excessively yang. When energy is out of balance, it results in negative consequences. If too much attention or yang energy is given to the kitchen, excess weight occurs because of the

appetite stimulation. Conversely, if the house suffers from too much clutter, the house has excess yin energy and the body responds in kind. For the simplest way to lose weight, focus on making the kitchen yin, to suppress appetite, and infuse the rest of the house with yang energy (raise energy, reduce clutter) to raise metabolism. Here are just a few tips to use feng shui energy correctly for losing weight: • Avoid red and yellow colours in the kitchen – these colours are yang, active colours and stimulate hunger. They’re also the two most popular colours used in fast-food restaurants. White is another colour that’s appetite stimulating and very commonly used in restaurants. Many gourmet restaurants serve giant portions on huge white platters and this is very appetite stimulating. • Use yin energy in the kitchen to curb appetite – use the yin colours of blue and even black in the kitchen to decorate and buy black or blue-coloured plates to help suppress hunger and make you feel full faster. These yin colours in the kitchen lower the energy level of the kitchen and won’t over stimulate your appetite. • Don’t enter your home through a door that opens into the kitchen. Many overweight people enter their home through the kitchen. Doing so stimulates the desire to eat. Use another door instead so you won’t be prompted to think about food as soon as you walk into the house. One success story came from a couple that took steps to block off their kitchen that looked into the family room where they watched TV. Being there just prompted them to watch TV and eat. Use a curtain or a folding screen to block views of the kitchen and curb thoughts of food and eating. • Improve the yang energy

of your home. Clear out excess clutter and anything that’s old and unused to promote healthy yang energy in the home and in your body. Our homes are often “weighed down” by the clutter in them just as we are by our excess weight. Overweight is your body’s way of holding on to excess. Clearing out the clutter just might be what you need to stimulate the energy in your home and your body and will boost the potential of letting go of your own extra weight. • Get rid of old clothes. When we want to create a new image of ourselves it means we need to take steps to eliminate the old image. One of the surest ways to do this is to get rid of our old fashions. We stay “stuck” at our present weight and image by hanging on to old clothing. Even holding on to that pair of jeans that used to fit is a way to keep us in our current weight. Be ruthless and pare down your clothing to what fits and looks the very best – and is fashionable. They say not to buy new clothes when you’re trying to lose weight and I disagree. Once you see how great you look in some new fashions, you might be more motivated to lose. Accumulation has become a way of life for many people – often turning eating and shopping into a recreational activity. Unfortunately, the accumulation is often symbolized by body weight. By paying attention to our surroundings and making them more supportive of our goals, such as losing weight, we are more in harmony with our environment and ourselves. Using the two energies of yin and yang where appropriate is another powerful step to creating the healthy home and body we desire. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: My entire living space is in the basement. I’ve had no income since 2011 due to some serious illness that has very recently resolved. I’m trying to find work

We often become discouraged when diets don’t work and resolutions fail

Maybe it’s not what you eat; it’s where you eat that’s keeping your weight up and get my own place. I’ve got to get out of here for mental and physical health continued improvement. How can I handle this? Answer: I’m so glad you wrote – and happy to hear your health has improved. That’s great news, but it’s so important that you get out of that basement. It’s harmful for your progress. Living below ground is symbolically unhealthy and isn’t good for growth and change in your life. Add some plants and plenty of light in your living space (but no plants by the bedroom/bed area). Keep something moving, too, such as a pendulum clock or fan – this is helpful for keeping energy invigorated. If you leave the house, keep the lights on and keep some music playing. You want to keep your space as energized as possible.

I also would like for you to have a view – something you don’t get in a basement. Why? I want you to “see” more and get perspective – and that means getting you visually out of the basement. This is helpful, too, for anyone with a room that has no windows. Get a poster of a beautiful scene of valleys or the beach – put it in a window frame type picture frame and hang it on the wall where a window would seem like a natural placement. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

UPAA-MB, Inc. – Meet & Greet – June 24 The University of the Philippines Alumni and Associates in Manitoba (UPAA-MB) invites all members and their families to the UPAA-MB, Inc. Meet & Greet on June 24 from 2 pm to 4 pm at the Nature’s Playground Assiniboine Park The invitation likewise extends to all UP alumni newcomers in Manitoba, living in the province either permanently or temporarily. It will be an afternoon of connecting and reconnecting with fellow iskolars. The UPAA-MB also

announces the members of its 2017-2018 Board of Directors. They are: Lourdes Casañares, Chairperson; Jennifer Merin, Secretary; Danjae Medina, Treasurer; Jeremy Malana, Membership Committee Head; Norman Garcia, Fundraising Committee Head; Darren Gonzales, Social Responsibility Committee Head; and Noel Generoso, Auditor. Check out details on the UPAA-MB Facebook page, upmb.net or you can email: feedback@upmb.net.

JUNE 16 - 30, 2017



Filipinos commemorate Independence Day WINNIPEG – The Philippines celebrated the 119th Independence Day remembering the country’s freedom from Spanish colonization on June 12, 1898. Amid numerous challenges to the preservation of its freedom and threats to national security, Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte in his Independence Day message called upon the citizenry to honour those who sacrificed their lives to fight for the country’s freedom: “More than a century ago, thousands have laid down their lives so that we may live with the dignity and rights befitting a free nation… Let us take inspiration from our forebears who valiantly fought and offered their lives so that we may have the liberties that we enjoy today. Let us pay homage to their heroism by preserving our sovereignty and performing our own civic rights and responsibilities.” In Manitoba, the Philippine Heritage Council of Manitoba (PHCM) with its core of volunteers spearheads the annual celebration of Philippine Independence by organizing Philippine Heritage Week. Perla Javate is the President

of PHCM, she said, “This year, we are offering 10 different events and two additional events of affiliate members … It is heart warming to see that organizations within our community can come together and unite to celebrate that which make us who we are and that which will be carried on for generations to come – our Philippine heritage, culture, traditions, and values. We still envision all 80 organizations in our community to be part of this undertaking in the future.” As Pilipino Express goes to the press for this issue, the Philippine Heritage Week 2017 celebration continues. The Philippine Independence Ball gets underway June 16 at the Marlborough Hotel. The Celebration of Faith will see various religious congregations in an ecumenical gathering at the PCCM on Saturday, June 16. On Sunday, June 18, the community gathers at Assiniboine Park for its annual Picnic in the Park where complimentary lunch with no less than 14 whole lechons (traditional roasted pig) and many more Filipino dishes will be served to everyone who will join the festivities.



JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

When cancan was a no-no Rereading El Filibusterismo anew, I noticed two chapters that dealt with the lively though disreputable dance of French origin – the cancan. Imagine the layers of restrictive (should I say, repressive?) clothing that women had to endure in those days: long dresses, gloves, stockings, corsets, petticoats, etc. Now, let us look back to Parisian dance halls of the 1830s where women did the spirited dance characterized by high kicks that would expose, in those conservative days, legs and a great deal of petticoat. This was the titillating nineteenth-century version of today’s “dirty dancing.” Later the cancan moved from dance hall to theater where it became a popular part of variety shows. Now think of the scandal the cancan produced in colonial Manila. In the Fili, Rizal describes the anticipation that greeted the French production entitled Les Cloches de Corneville, which was condemned by the guardians of morality before it was even shown. By 7:30 p.m. the large crowd outside the theatre had become restless since there were no more tickets available even from scalpers. In desperation, the crowd became a mob. People without tickets had to content themselves with watching those who did. Everyone in Manila, including the governor-general, was in attendance. The friars were conspicuously absent, but one priest disguised himself with fake nose and moustache to catch the show. On the surface, there was polite discussion about theater, art, and French culture, but in reality everyone was waiting for the can-

can. Rizal describes Tadeo thus: “From the moment the curtain rose he had been heedless of the music. He was looking only for the prurient, the indecent, the immoral in actions and dress, and with his scanty French was sharpening his ears to catch the obscenities foretold by the austere guardians of morality.” Rizal makes fun of a Dominican pastoral letter against the performance that was read by “nobody except the proof reader.” He goes on to say that: “One half of the people have come here because the friars told them not to, making it a kind of public protest, and the other half because they say to themselves, ‘Do the friars object to it? Then it must be instructive!’” Then, as now, the noisy guardians of morality were predominantly female, and Rizal says that the ones against the operetta were, the elderly ladies, jealous wives, and engaged women, while the enthusiastic pro-operetta ones were the free and beautiful women – those secure about the affections of their husbands or lovers. Teachers of the Rizal course do not tell their students that these chapters in the Fili allude to a historical event – the first cancan in Manila held in the Casa Gobierno in August 1886. Manila’s Civil Governor Justo Martin Lunas hosted a soiree that included a performance of a comic show Pascual Bailon, starring the famous Valentin and Praexedes Fernandez. Lunas was so naive he invited all the big shots in Manilaincluding the archbishop of Manila. Although the good bishop

excused himself, citing age and assorted aches and pains, he had heard about the cancan and was so scandalized that he issued a strongly worded pastoral letter against those espectaculos inmorales that were not only confined to Manila but had spread already to the provinces. Seen in the light of today’s police raids against indecent stage shows and movie houses, the pastoral letter sounds contemporary. Even in colonial times, the line between art and obscenity was not clear. The bishop stressed that those places where the cancan was performed were not theaters at all but centres of menace and corruption of good customs. He said that the pieces presented were generally dishonest in form, and because they were free, scandalous, and lecherous, those dances and songs were more suited to a bordello than to the distinguished and ever-loyal city of Manila. More intriguing is the bishop’s discreet language. He could not even bear to use the word “cancan.” Thus, he utilized the generic word baile, or dance, when obviously alluding to the cancan. Also worth noting is the irritation expressed by the bishop because “these obscene and voluptuous actions, gestures and attitudes were applauded by the public with frenetic enthusiasm.” Mores and customs may change over time, but guardians of morality never change. Source: Bonifacio’s Bolo by Ambeth R. Ocampo, Anvil Publishing. Ambeth Ocampo is a past Chairman of the National Historical Institute of the Philippines and an associate Professor in the Department of History, Ateneo de Manila University. He writes a widely read editorial page column, “Looking Back,” for the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

BMO recognizes outstanding women in Winnipeg Three women were honoured at the annual BMO Celebrating Women program in Winnipeg for their remarkable contribution to business and the community in one of three categories: Innovation and Global Growth, Community and Charitable Giving, and Expansion and Growth in Small Business. The program recognizes female leaders in local communities as part of BMO’s commitment to drive the advancement of women. At the Winnipeg event held on May 31, 2017, the following honourees were recognized: • Community and Charitable Giving: Perla Javate. Ms. Javate has been championing community-focused programs for newcomers, youth, women and seniors since she came to Canada 40 years ago. She’s the cofounder and President of Pinays Manitoba Inc., a new women’s group that serves as a resource to help all women become resilient, confident and strong. She’s also involved with Stronger Together,

a joint undertaking to connect immigrants and refugees of all cultures. • Expansion and Growth in Small Business: Edna Nabess. Ms. Nabess is the founder and principal designer of Cree-Ations & Artist Showcase, a Winnipegbased store that specializes in handmade Aboriginal arts and crafts. Ms. Nabess designs, while her sons run the day-today operations. In 2013, a set of her traditional moccasins and mukluks were sent to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for their son, William. • Expansion and Growth in Small Business: Barbara Bowes. Ms. Bowes is the President of Legacy Bowes Group, a talent management firm that serves the rural areas of Manitoba. It specializes in executive search, human resources and business advisory services, but has grown to include government departments and First Nations’ agencies. She also contributes weekly to

BMO recognizes outstanding women in Winnipeg. L-R: Perla Javate, Edna Nabess, Barbara Bowes a column on Human Resources issues in the workplace. “These women have shown incredible work centered around giving back to the community and growing their businesses in a meaningful way,” said John MacAulay, Senior Vice President,

Prairies Central Canada Division, BMO Bank of Montreal. “Their contributions are an example for women in the area looking to do the same, and we’re proud to honour them through this program.” The BMO Celebrating

Women program follows the bank’s second Catalyst Award win for its industry-leading work to accelerate diversity and inclusion in its workplace and dedication to gender equality. (SOURCE: BMO; Photo credit: BMO)

JUNE 16 - 30, 2017



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Kung kailan naman gumaganda na ang imahe ni Julia Barretto ay saka naman lumutang ang kuwento tungkol sa hidwaan nila ng kaniyang kapatid na si Daniella. Magkapatid sila sa ina, si Dani ang naging bunga ng relasyon nina Kier Legaspi at Marjorie Barretto; itinuring na tunay na anak ni Dennis Padilla si Daniella noong nagsasama pa sila ni Marjorie. Maganda ang kumbinasyon nina Dennis at Marj, artistahin ang itsura ng kanilang mga anak; hindi naman masyadong magkatugma ang dugo nina Kier at Marjorie. Sa buong panahon ay kay Marjorie nakapisan si Dani,

hindi namin nabalitaan kahit minsan na kinuha ito ni Kier. Ang mas natatandaan namin ay ang pagmamahal ni Claudine noong bata pa si Daniella. Ayon sa kuwento ay umalis na si Dani sa poder ng kaniyang ina. Ewan lang kung kaninong tita nakatira ngayon ang dalaga nang si Daniella; ang kuwento pa ay nakikisali ngayon sa gulo ng kaniyang ina at kapatid si Julia. Reaksiyon ng marami, sana raw ay si Julia ang gumawa ng paraan para magkasundo ang kaniyang mommy at kapatid, sa halip na palakihin pa niya ang gulo sa paglalabas ng mga retratong wala si Dani. See CRISTY p15

JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

• Julia Barretto – Kaaway nga ba ang kapatid na si Daniella? • Luis Manzano – Compatible kay Jessy lalo na sa pagpatol sa mga bashers • Angel Locsin – Nagkawanggawa sa Marawi pero napintasan pa • Pia Wurtzbach – Sino ba ang “nauntog” – si Pia o si Marlon? • AiAi delas Alas – Magpapakasal kay Gerald sa Pilipinas • Judy Ann Santos – Hindi excited sa planong movie na katambal si Piolo • Kathryn Bernardo – Tagumpay ang negosyo at ang relasyon kay Daniel • Tirso Cruz III – Mahusay na actor ang “Forever Idol” • Maine Mendoza – Nag-post ng sexy pictures, na-bash tuloy dahil flat-chested • Sharon Cuneta – Napakabilis mag-move on ni Megastar • Sarah Geronimo – Hindi pa huli upang ipagpatuloy ang nahintong pag-aaral • Bamboo – Tinapos ang pag-aaral kaya humiwalay noon sa Rivermaya

Luis Manzano & Jessy Mendiola

Julia Barretto

Kathryn Bernanrdo & Daniel Padilla

Piolo Pascual & Judy Ann Santos

Gerald Sibayan & Ai Ai Delas Alas

Kathryn Bernardo & Daniel Padilla





Owner Darin Hoffman & Spouse Zeny Regalado


Proudly Serving Winnipeg



1839 Inkster Blvd. 1006 Nairn Ave.

& Area Since





Darin Hoffman

Owner/General Manager

Zeny Regalado

Community Representative/ Preneed Consultant

Nap Ebora

Community Representative/ Preneed Consultant

1 0 0 6 N A I R N AV E N U E • 2 0 4 - 2 7 5 - 5 5 5 5


Linger Aragon

Event Sales Coordinator




JUNE 16 - 30, 2017






JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

Kris Bernal takes on daring dual role in Impostora GMA Network remakes the successful TV series, Impostora, with Kris Bernal on the lead. Impostora is the first GMAproduced TV drama adapted abroad. It first aired in Malaysia in 2007. In 2013, the series was adapted by Cambodia Broadcasting Service (CTN) using the title “Impostors”. Aside from Malaysia and Cambodia, it was also shown in other territories namely Hawaii, Singapore, Myanmar, Brunei, Ghana, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Korea, US, Romania and the Philippines (Fox Philippines). It is currently airing in Hawaii via Kiku TV. It tells the story of Nimfa, an ugly street vendor who willingly undergoes surgery and complete facial reconstruction to pretend to be Rosette, a wealthy and beautiful but unhappily married wife seeking to escape her husband. The series also features leading man Rafael Rosell. Kris tackles one of her toughest roles to date as Nimfa/ Rosette, “It’s very different from the last one I did. First time ko na gumawa ng isang dual role. Dito sa soap talaga ako mahahasa, at mag-go-grow. Ito na siguro yung pinaka-challenging character ko. Sa Impostora, pabago-bago ako, hindi lang sa acting, sa pananamit din, may prosthetics pa ako and

iba’t-ibang makeup at look.” Rafael is honoured to be working with Kris for this show, “Working with Kris has been an awesome experience. One of the most professional actresses I’ve worked with in GMA. Walang arte at astig siya. To prepare for our roles, Kris and I had a few workshops together where we got to know each other better. It’s really important for the dynamics and chemistry.” Playing equally important roles are versatile actors Ryan Eigenmann as Jeremy, the plastic surgeon who is obsessed with Rosette; Assunta de Rossi as Trina, Homer’s socialite elder sister; Elizabeth Oropeza as Denang, Nimfa’s adoptive mother; Aicelle Santos as Deedee, Nimfa’s confidant; Vaness del Moral as Crisel, Nimfa’s archrival who maltreats her because of her looks; Rita Daniela as Maureen, Rosette’s best friend; Leandro Baldemor as Omar, Crisel’s brother who is a policeman; Sinon Loresca as Maxi, Nimfa’s loyal gay friend; Yuan Francisco as Junic, Homer and Rosette’s youngest son; Dayara Shane as Celine, Homer and Rosette’s rebellious daughter, with the special participation of James Blanco as Eric, Nimfa’s first love. Impostora is under the helm of Albert Langitan.

Assunta De Rossi

Kris Bernal as Rosette

Kris Bernal as Nimfa Aicelle Santos

James Blanco

Rafael Rosell

Sinon Loresca

JUNE 16 - 30, 2017



CRISTY... From page 12 Naglabas kasi ng picture si Julia na kasama ang mga taong mahal niya, pero wala si Dani, tuloy ay kung anu-anong interpretasyon ang naglalabasan ngayon dahil sa ginawa ni Julia. Pero sa isang nakakuwentuhan namin ay iba ang pinagkakainteresan, ang kaniyang pang-uusisa, “Si Dani lang ba ang half-sister ni Julia? Di ba, mayroon pang isa?” sabi nito. Sabi na nga ba, hahaba nang hahaba ang istoryang ito, kaya habang maaga pa, kailangan nang tuldukan ni Marjorie ang hidwaan nilang mag-ina kung mayroon man, para wala nang lumabas pang mga dagdag na kontrobersiya. *** Sa maraming anggulo ay masasabi ngang compatible sina Luis Manzano at Jessy Mendiola. Pareho silang mahilig sa scuba diving, maraming sports silang pinagkakasunduan, idagdag pa ang hilig nilang pumatol sa kanilang mga bashers. Tawa kami nang tawa sa pakikipagkuwentuhan sa propesor naming kaibigan. Kabisado kasi nito ang kartada ng mga artista sa madalas nitong pagbababad sa social media. Ang sabi nito tungkol kina Luis at Jessy, “Nakakaloka silang dalawa! May time talaga silang sumagot sa mga bashers, nakikipagtaltalan sila, lalo na si Luis na namemersonal pa ng mga bashers niya! “Sa lahat ng mga artistang mahilig pumatol sa mga bashers, e, si Luis ang pinakamatindi. Nambabody shaming kasi siya, supernamemersonal, kaya maraming nanggigigil sa kaniya! “Ang iniisip ko lang, hindi ba siya pinangangaralan ng parents niya na mga artista rin at hindi naman palaaway na tulad niya? Tahimik ang mga magulang ni Luis, kaya nakapagtataka kung kanino niya namana ang ugaling ganyan!” seryosong komento ni prop. Compatible daw talaga sina Luis at Jessy kaya malakas ang kutob ng marami na magkakatuluyan ang dalawang ito. Madalas kasing nagiging dahilan ng mga artistang nagkakahiwalay ang incompatibility. Pero sa totoo lang naman kasi, may mga bashers na sumosobra rin kung manghusga, kung mahinahina lang at maigsi ang pisi ng pasensiya mo ay siguradong papatol ka. *** Mahirap talaga ang posisyon ng mga artista. Gumawa man sila ng kabutihan na walang kuwestiyon namang galing sa puso ay marami pa ring nasasabi laban sa kanila ang mga taong walang nakikitang maganda sa kanilang kapuwa. Tulad na lang ni Angel Locsin na inirisko na nga nag kaniyang buhay para lang makadalawmakatulong sa ating mga kapuwa Pilipinong naging biktima ng giyera sa Marawi. Hindi niya naman ipinagmakaingay iyon, nakisabay lang siya sa tropa ng DSWD na See CRISTY p18


Sarah Geronimo

Maine Mendoza



JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

Celebrating Philippine Heritage Week 2017

JUNE 16 - 30, 2017


Celebrating Philippine Heritage Week 2017




JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

CRISTY... From page 15 mamamahagi ng tulong sa mga taga-Lanao del Norte; hindi rin siya ang naglabas ng mga retrato at video tungkol sa kaniyang pagdalaw sa mga Muslim. Pero ano ang napala ng aktres? May mga nagpatutsada pa sa kaniya na ang pagtulong daw ay hindi ipinagmamakaingay, ginagawa na lang daw iyon nang tahimik. Nakakaawa naman si Angel na tinanggap na nga ang hamon na delikado ang kaniyang gagawin pero sinunod pa rin niya ang dikta ng kaniyang puso. Sa dinami-dami ng mga artistang mayroon tayo ngayon ay hindi pa ba naman mapupuri ang tapang na ipinamalas ni Angel? Siya lang naman ang nagkaisip na personal na damayan ang mga kababayan natin sa Mindanao. Kulang pa ba ang kagandahan ng puso na ipinakita niya, kailangan pa bang magbuwis ng buhay si Angel Locsin para pahalagahan ang mabuti niyang puso? Ang mga pumupuna-umuupak sa kaniya, may nagawa naman kaya itong makabubuti sa buhay ng mga kababayan nating nasukol sa giyera sa Marawi, nakapagambag man lang kaya sila kahit paano? *** Mukhang nagkakaroon ng problema sa pagitan ng beauty queen na si Pia Wurtzbach at sa kaniyang boyfriend na si Marlon Stockinger. Nauntog na nga ba sa katotohanan ang dalaga? Mula nang malantad ang nakaraan ng boyfriend ni Pia sa pagkakaroon ng dalawang anak na hindi man lang nito kinilala at binigyan ng suporta ay napakarami nang nag-uudyok sa beauty queen na makipaghiwalay na kay Marlon. Wala raw magandang kinabukasang maibibigay sa kaniya ang isang iresponsableng lalaking tulad ni Marlon. Kung ano raw ang ginawa nito sa kaniyang mga anak ay siguradong gagawin din nito kay Pia kapag nagpamilya na sila pero hindi nakinig si Pia sa mga sinasabi sa kaniya ng mga nagmamalasakit niyang kaibigan. Pero nitong mga huling araw ay wala nang mga retrato ni Marlon na ipino-post si Pia, mukhang hindi na rin nila sinusundan ang isa’t isa sa social media, kaya maraming kaibigan ng dalaga ang natuwa. Sabi ni prop, “Hindi kasi magandang tingnan sa isang beauty queen na tulad niya ang labas nang labas ng mga pictures nila ng BF niya. “Nakakabawas iyon sa premium niya. Pero tama rin ang opinion ng isang kausap ko na baka naman si Marlon ang nakipaghiwalay kay Pia dahil sa controversy nila ng family niya? Di ba, galit na galit ngayon kay Pia ang stepmon at half-brother niya? “Aba, they deserve each other naman pala, kung ganoon? Isang iresponsableng lalaki at isang sinungaling na babae, kung totoo nga ang bintang sa kaniya ng mga kadugo niya? “Baka naman pareho lang silang nauntog sa katotohanan, hindi kaya?” komento ni prop. *** Bago matapos ang taon ay

Angel Locsin – Nag-volunteer sa Marawi magpapakasal na sina Gerald Sibayan at AiAi delas Alas sa Pilipinas. Burado na ang planong sa Amerika muna sila magpapakasal sa Nobyembre at sa susunod na taon na ang pagpapakasal nila dito. Biglaan ang mga pangyayari. Kinausap ni AiAi ang mga kaibigan niyang pari para humingi ng gabay at basbas tungkol sa plano nilang pagpapakasal ni Gerald. Sa bandang huli ng kanilang usapan ay nagbago na ang kanilang mga plano. Kailangan na nilang magpakasal bago matapos ang 2017 at hindi na sila magpapakasal sa ibang bansa. Naniniwala si AiAi na may dahilan ang pagbabago ng kanilang mga plano ni Gerald, hindi iyon basta ipinanganak lang sa pakikipag-usap niya sa mga pari, may malalim na dahilan iyon. Mahihirapan lang sila sa biglaang pagpaplano, pero iyon na lang naman ang kanilang tututukan, wala nang problema sa kanilang relasyon at sa kanikanilang pamilya. Akalain n’yo iyon? Ang relasyong hinusgahan dahil sa malaking agwat ng kanilang edad, ang pagmamahalang pinagdudahan na ipinaglaban, sa altar pala ang uwi? Noong minsang nagkausap kami ni Gerald, pinahanga kami ng binata dahil sa kaniyang napakahabang pisi ng pasensiya at pang-unawa, ipinagkikibitbalikat lang nito ang kaniyang mga nababasa at naririnig. Simple lang ang kaniyang sinabi, “Okey lang po iyon. Ang mga nagdududa lang naman po sa akin, eh, ang mga taong hindi ako kilala.” iyon lang. Si Gerald Sibayan ang nagpamulat sa amin ng kapositibuhan ng buhay. Sa halip na sabihin nating mayroon tayong problema ay sabihin na lang natin na may dumadaang pagbabago sa ating buhay na may kakambal na leksiyon. Sa halip na sabihin nating wala tayong pera ay sabihin na lang natin na may mga padating na biyaya pero hindi pa nga lang natin hawak. Malaki kasi ang tiwala ni Gerald sa kaniyang sarili, hindi madaling makipagrelasyon sa isang sikat na sikat na personalidad, pero kinakaya iyon ng binata dahil alam nito na malinis ang kaniyang hangarin sa pakikipagrelasyon sa Philippine Comedy Queen. Sa isang pag-uumpukan

naming magkakaibigan ay ibinahagi namin sa kanila ang isang kuwento. Dalawang lalaki pa lang ang nasaksihan naming hindi nahihiyang bitbitin ang bag ng kanilang karelasyong artista. Una ay si Senador Win Gatchalian noong sila pa ni Pauleen Luna. Lalaking-lalaki kasi ang mambabatas, kaya anuman ang sabihin ng iba, may tiwala ito sa kaniyang kasarian. Ang ikalawa ay si Gerald Sibayan. Kapag may nagpaparetrato kay AiAi, ito ang humahawak ng bag ng komedyana, walang pagdadalawang-isip nitong binibitbit ang bag ng kaniyang girlfriend. *** Maraming nakakahalata na hindi seryoso si Judy Ann Santos sa ideya ng muli nilang pagtatambal sa pelikula ni Piolo Pascual. Parang oo na parang hindi ang reaksiyon ni Juday sa posibilidad ng pagtatrabaho uli nila ng hunk actor. Walang makakukuwestiyon sa inabot ng kasikatan ng kanilang loveteam noon, panalo ang lahat ng mga ginagawa nilang pelikula, mataas palagi ang rating ng mga seryeng pinagbibidahan nila. Pero naunsiyami ang kanilang mga tagahanga nang maugnay si Juday kay Ryan Agoncillo, na nauwi na nga sa kasalan, naiwan si Piolo na walang katambal. Sinubukan ng Star Cinema na ipareha ang aktor sa ibang artista, pero hindi iyon kasinglakas ng tambalan nila ni Judy Ann, ang loveteam pa rin nila ang hinahanap ng ating mga kababayan. Kung matatandaan ay nagkaroon nang matinding isyu sa pagitan nina Ryan at Piolo nang gawin nila ni Juday ang huli nilang pelikulang kinunan sa Baguio. Matindi ang kontrobersiya, pinersonal pa nga noon ni Ryan si Piolo, naipit sa dalawang naguumpugang bato noon si Judy Ann. Siguro nga ay umiiwas na lang ngayon si Judy Ann sa maaari pang mangyari kung sakaling magtambal uli sila ni Piolo kaya parang hindi siya seryoso sa haliktambalan nila. Tutal naman ay pareho nilang kinaya ang senaryo nang magkahiwalay sila bilang magkaloveteam, hindi naman sila nawala sa gitna ng aksiyon sa sarili nilang kapasidad, kaya mas okey kung wala na lang ganoong ideya. Pabiro pang sabi ni Juday ay

Tirso Cruz III

Pia Wurtzbach & Marlon Stockinger hindi pa niya maa-achieve ang liit ng waistline ni Piolo Pascual, isang pahayag na binigyan ng iba-ibang interpretasyon ng mga nakarinig, kaya alam na! *** Masayang-masaya ngayon si Kathryn Bernardo dahil wala na silang mahihiling pa. maayos ang kanilang relasyon ni Daniel Padilla, may bago na naman siyang proyekto sa ABSCBN, at kabubukas pa lang pero napakarami nang kliyente ng kaniyang KathNails. “Ganoon talaga ang kinahihinatnan ng mga anak na marespeto sa magulang at ng artistang marunong magbalik ng pasasalamat sa mga taong nakatutulong sa career niya, lalo na sa mga fans. “Iyon si Kathryn, malakingmalaki ang role ng mga fans nila ni Daniel sa buhay niya. Hindi lang siya marunong magpasalamat, mapagmalasakit pa siya sa mga taong sumusuporta sa kaniya,” papuri ng anak-anakan naming si Ogie Narvaez-Rodriguez na palaging nakakasama ang pamilya ng magandang young actress. Sa pagitan ng taping ng La Luna Sangre, ang bago nilang serye ni DJ, ay gumagawa ng paraan si Kathryn Bernardo para masilip ang kaniyang business na nang buksan ay akala mo may theatre tour ang KathNiel sa The Block-SM North EDSA. Regalo iyon ng dalaga para sa kaniyang Mommy Min, isang paraan na rin iyon para maipakita niya sa publiko kung paano niya pinahahalagahan ang kinikita niya, masinop sa pera ang young actress. At siguro nga ay pinaguusapan nila ni Daniel ang kanilang kinabukasan dahil pagkatapos ng KathNails ay ang guwapong young actor naman ang magbubukas ng isang bar. May mga kasosyong basketball players si DJ, tulad

ni Kathryn ay inilalagay rin ni Daniel ang kaniyang kinikita sa makabuluhang paraan, iba na nga naman iyong kumikita na ito sa pag-aartista ay may negosyo pang nasasandalan at kinalilibangan. Maganda ang impluwensiya nila sa isa’t isa, ibang-iba talaga kapag nagagabayan ng mga magulang ang mga kabataang milenyal, maagang natututong pahalagahan ang kanilang pinaghihirapan. *** Hindi kinalawang ang husay sa pag-arte ni Tirso Cruz III sa paglipas ng panahon. Ang heartthrob noong dekada ‘70 ay naging magaling na aktor. Isang gabi ay napanood namin ang komprontasyon nila ni Bea Alonzo sa A Love To Last. Makabuluhan ang pagpapalitan nila ng mga dayalog hanggang sa angkinin na ni Tirso ang mga camera sa kaniyang pagmomonologue. Tuhog ang eksena, tuluy-tuloy ang kaniyang pagsasalita, pero sa paraan iyon na hindi napabayaan ng singer-actor ang kaniyang pagarte. Ang galing-galing umarte ni Pip. Kontrabida siya sa pagmamahalan nina Anton at Andeng kung tutuusin pero bumibida siya sa magaling niyang acting. Sa aming cellphone ay hindi mababasa ang pangalang Tirso Cruz III o Pip sa aming phone book. Walang nakasulat na ganoon. Pero may nakasulat na Forever Idol sa aming telepono. Si Tirso Cruz III iyon. Deklarado kaming tagahanga ng tambalang Guy & Pip noong kanilang kapanahunan. At mula noon hanggang ngayon ay buhay na buhay pa rin ang paghanga namin kay Tirso Cruz III, isang idolo, isang anakanakan at isang kaibigan. *** See CRISTY p20

JUNE 16 - 30, 2017


Celebrating Philippine Heritage Week 2017







NO. 278

HUNYO 16 – 30, 2017

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Naging resulta 5. Gagawing matibay 12. Ihagis 13. Ipasyal 14. Sigaw 16. Lamang-loob 17. Sinusumpong 18. Nota musikal 19. Over time 21. Itago 25. Lambot 28. Lalaki sa arko 29. Ibenta 31. Pangalan ng babae 32. Napakasama PABABA 1. Hawak 2. Tuliro 4. Ulirang babae 6. Kasuotan ng pari 7. Pisi 8. Di kanila 9. Liksi 10. Katas ng niyog 11. Itinda

15. Libro ng mga mapa 18. Labo 20. Tigil 21. Nangingitlog 22. Unlapi 23. Pansin 24. Dati 26. Api 28. ____ Mina 30. Mga rebelde pag inulit 31. Palayaw ng lalaki


JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

Aries (March 21 – April 19) May nagagawa ang magandang panahon sa iyo. Mas marami ang nakakapansin na mabuti kang makisama at gusto ka nilang kaibigan o kasama sa trabaho. Hindi ka nila kasi kilala noon. Mas marami kang magiging totoong kabigan. Kung single, oras mo ngayon! OK ang ika-18, 19, 26 at 27. Alalay ka sa ika-24, 25 at 30.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Kung single ka, may mapupusuan kang mas bata sa iyo. Hindi naman siya menor de edad pero, takot kang baka hindi ka niya magustuhan dahil sa pagkakaiba ng inyong edad. Pero, sino ang makakapagsabi? Malay mo, baka sa kaniya ka magiging maligaya. Mapalad ka sa ika-18, 19, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika-20 at 21.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Mukhang tuloy na tuloy na ang plano mong bumiyahe sa malayong ugar. Siguraduhin mong malusog ka at ang mga kasama mo. Kung may gamot na dapat dalhin, tiyakin mong sapat ang baon mo. Humanda ka sa mga hindi inaasahang pangyayari. Masaya ang ika-18, 19, 26 at 27. May tension sa ika-16, 22, 23, 28 at 29.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Buwenas ang trabaho sa panahong ito. Gamitin mo itong oportunidad upang makakilala ng mga importanteng tao na makakapagbigay sa iyo ng negosyo o projects. Hindi maganda ang ekonomiya ngayon kaya bantayan mo ang iyong mga gastos. Lucky days mo ang ika-20, 21, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-26 at 27.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Huwag kang matakot sabihin ang nasa loob mo. Mas mabuti ang nagsasabi ng tapat sa umpisa. Huwag kang magkukunwari dahil nahihiya ka. Gusto mo bang magtagal ang pagsasama ninyo? Ilatag mo ang mga baraha mo ngayon din. Lakasan mo ang loob mo. OK ang ika-20, 21, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-16, 22 at 23.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Mas mabuti ang maraming utak na nag-iisip kaysa isa lang. Huwag ka sanang kontra nang kontra para maka-kontra lang. Igalang mo ang opinion ng mga kasama mo dahil para sa ikabubuti ng lahat ang mga desisyon ninyong gagawin. Good days ang ika-20, 21, 28 at 29. May tensyon sa ika18, 19, 24, 25 at 30.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Mag-break ka muna. Huwag mong palampasin ang tag-araw na nakatago ka sa iyong bahay o sa iyong trabaho. Kung puwede kang magbakasyon, gawin mo. Kailangan mong magpalit pansamantala ng kapaligiran. Ito ang magbibigay sa iyo ng bagong sigla. OK ang ika-22, 23 at 30. Ingat sa ika-16, 28 at 29.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Magtanong ka. Hindi ka magiging maligaya kung susundin mo ang mga gusto nila kahit sa palagay mo ay taliwas sa gusto mo. Wala naman silang magagawa sa iyo kung ayaw mong sumama sa agos. Mas mabuting alam nila ang totoong nasa isip mo. OK ang ika-22, 23 at 30. Kuwidaw sa ika18, 19, 24 at 25.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Humanap ka ng bagong pagkakalibangan nang mabawasan ang stress sa buhay. Maari rin namang balikan mo ang dati mong libangan kung iyon ang nakakakalma sa iyo noong araw. Hanapin mo ang mga bagay na nagpapasaya sa iyo. Alagaan mo ang puso. Lucky ka sa ika-22, 23 at 30. Careful sa ika-20, 21, 26 at 27.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Pag-aralan mong mabuti kung ano ang direksyon na tatahakin mo at nang ang mga umaasa sa iyo ay hindi nakabitin sa balag ng alanganin. Kung problema ito para sa iyo, tingnan mo ang aspetong ispirituwal. Mas makakapag-plano ka kung hindi magulo ang isip. OK sa ika-16, 24 at 25. Stressful ang ika-18, 19 at 20.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Kung may pera kang puwedeng gawing puhunan, pag-aralan mo ang detalye. Mahirap nang mabawi ang pera kapag nakapirma ka na. Ang pagpasok sa negosyo ay parang sugal, walang katiyakan kung ano ang magiging resulta. Pakikipagsapalaran ito. OK mo ang ika-16, 24 at 25. Ingat sa ika20, 21, 26 at 27.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Kausapin mo ang pamilya. Hindi ka na nila nakakasama sa mga lakaran. Akala mo ba ay masaya sila? Mas sasaya sila kung buo kayo sa pasyalan. Nasa trabaho ka palagi para sa kanila, di ba? Magpahinga ka at enjoy mo ang bunga ng trabaho mo na kasama sila. OK ang ika-16, 24 at 25. Ingat sa ika-22, 23, 28 at 29.

ng Dubsmash Queen ang pagkakaroon noon, pero ano ang natitikman niyang pamimintas ngayon sa social media? Mas inatupag pa raw ni Maine ang pagkakaroon ng abs kesa sa dibdib niya. Mas malaki pa raw ang abs niya kesa sa boobs niya na flat na flat na parang pritong itlog. Aysus, pinagpipistahan talaga ang abs ni Maine, mabuti pa raw ang bukol niya sa tiyan at ang nguso niya at napapansin pero ang dibdib niya ay walang ginagampanang papel sa katawan niya. Nand’yan naman siyempre ang mga loyalistang tagasuporta sa pagtatanggol ni Maine, pero mas matitindi ang upak ng mga bashers sa dalaga, ganyan daw talaga ang mga personalidad na palaos na. “Tapos na kasi ang career niya na talaga namang hindi

magtatagal. Pasalamat siya kay Alden Richards, nakilala siya. Since patapos na nga ang career niya, natural, kung anu-ano na lang ang ipinakikita niya para mapansin siya! “Pero sorry, mas malaki pa ang abs niya kesa sa boobs niya. May sariling buhay ang nguso niya, kinakabog noon ang boobs niya!” isa lang sa sangkatutak na pambabash kay Maine Mendoza. *** Nakakahawa ang pagbungisngis ni Sharon Cuneta. Kumbaga sa virus ay airborne iyon, malakas kumalat, napakasarap niyang humalakhak na para bang wala nang bukas. Kahit saang programa siya isalang ay ganoon si Sharon, mababaw ang kaniyang kaligayahan, maraming nagsasabi See CRISTY p21

CRISTY... From page 18 Kung hindi nagpo-post si Maine Mendoza ng mga sexy pictures niya habang nagbabakasyon sa Maldives ay hindi rin sana siya bina-bash ngayon sa social media. Si Maine ang nagbukas ng pintuan para siya punahin, laitlaitin at pintas-pintasan ng mga taong hindi natutuwa sa kaniya. Simple lang naman ang senaryo, kung walang sexy photos, di wala rin sanang bashing na nagaganap ngayon. Ang mga tao pa namang walang magawa sa buhay, mas maraming nagagawa, ang manakit at mamintas ng mga artistang hindi naman sila inaano at pinakikialaman. May abs si Maine, pinaghirapan


JUNE 16 - 30, 2017


Dito sa Canada, muling ginunita ng mga FilipinoCanadians ang ika-119 na taon ng kasarinlan ng Pilipinas. Sa kabila ng lahat, tama lang na ang pamana ng lahing Filipino ay ating ipagdiwang. Bagaman nawalay tayo sa bayang sinilangan, ang pagkaFilipino ay hindi natin dapat kalimutan. Nakakalungkot isipin ang kalayaang binabata ng mayoryang bilang ng mga mamamayang ating iniwan. Hanggang sa ngayon ay sisinghap-singhap pa rin sila sa dagat ng kahirapan. *** Kasalukuyan nang umiinit dito sa Winnipeg ang election weather sa pagitan ng PC at NDP. Pangunahin ang nangyayari sa komunidad ng Point Douglas at Tyndall Park. *** Nabalita na ang Ottawa umano ay nakatakdang magbigay ng $46M sa Manitoba para sa Child Care sa susunod na tatlong taon. Ang pera ay gagastusin umano sa pagtatayo ng child care spaces. Magandang balita subalit waring overdue? Feedback Maraming nakapuna sa aking nakaraang komento. Salamat po. Tungkol ‘yon sa aking pahayag na “Dapat ang export ng Pilipinas ay finished product.” Nauubos ang likas na yaman ng bansa mula sa mga minahan at napapanot ang mga bundok ng torso. Dinadala sa ibayong bayan. Ibabalik sa Pilipinas na hindi mga Filipino ang higit na nakinabang. Pilipinas Pinangunahan ni VP Leni Robredo ang selebrasyon sa Maynila ng ika-119 na taon ng Philippine Independence noong Ika-12 ng buwang kasalukuyan. Hindi nakadalo si PDU30.

Sobrang pagod umano kaya ang seremonya sa wreath laying at flag raising ay hindi niya nagampanan. Ang mensahe ng Pangulong Duterte ay binasa ni Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Cayetano. Ang buod ay pagpapa-alala na mahalagang ipakita ng mga mamamayan sa buong mundo ang pagmamahal sa bayan. Kaparis ng maraming nabuwal sa dilim alang-alang sa kalayaan. Sinabi niyang hindi dapat na ang malayang talakayan tungkol sa mga isyung pambayan ay magbunga ng hindi maganda. Iwasang magbunga ng pagkakahati-hati ng mga Filipino sa bayang tinalaga ng Diyos na kanilang panahanan. *** Amerika ang nagkaloob ng political independence sa Pilipinas noong 1946. Naganap ito matapos na ang bansa ay pagharian ng Amerika na ilang taon matapos ang WWII. Sa ngayon, ang kalayaan sa pamamahala ng Pilipinas ay hindi na rin ginagalang ng ilang foreigners. Sadyang nakikialam na sila sa pamamahala ng pangulo na mismong ang mga tao ang nagluklok sa kapangyarihan. *** Ang Martial Law (ML) declaration sa Mindanao – bagaman positive ang layunin – ay may negative effect din naman na mahirap maiwasan. Unang damay ay ang mga nanahimik na civilian. Gayun din ang mga sundalo na aksidenteng napapatay mismo ng mga kasamahan. Ang ML ay giyera sa pagitan ng puwersa ng pamahalaan laban sa mga gumagawa ng kaguluhan. Layong maputol ang kaguluhang nagaganap sa iba’t ibang lugar ng bansa. Kabuhayan ng mga mamamayan at katatagan ng bansa ang nakataya na nakasaad

HINAGAP Ang Dapat Subok na matibay, malaya’t masigla, Ang diwang sa tao’y lubhang mahalaga; Ngunit ang pagsuyong bihag ng pangamba, Dahon at bulaklak madaling malanta! *** Patungkol sa mga may isipang gapok, Sa puso at diwa tanggapin ng lubos; Wala nang iba pa, bukod tanging Diyos, Ang dapat handugan ng pagsambang taos! *** Ikalawang Utos, kung pagiisipan, Habiling mataos ay malilinawan; Ang katagang Diyos ay dapat ingatan, Nang hindi magamit ng makasalanan! *** Imaheng nililok, ginto man ay huwag, Sasamba ang tao sa Diyos na huwad! Paquito Rey Pacheco

sa Konstitusyon. Nabalita na ang US military forces ay tumutulong para mabawi ang Marawi City, subalit ito ay not by fighting but technical support lamang daw sa tropa ng mga sundalong Filipino. Hindi daw alam ni President DU30 at ng US Embassy sa Maynila kung sino ang nagutos. Marahil isang kaibigan ng pangulo ang nagboluntaryo ng tulong? Nagpasalamat naman ang pangulo sa US. Sakaling tuluyan nang maging tahimik ang Marawi City, kailangan pa rin na patuloy pairalin ang Batas Militar sa Mindanao. Lalu pa ngayong maraming nakalutang na nagpapanggap at nagkukunwang makabayan pero mula sa taxpayers’ money ang kanilang kinabubuhay. Sa totoo lang, mula nang umiral ang Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao during former President Fidel V. Ramos, nagsimula na ang kaguluhan sa nabanggit na lugar. Ang mga Muslim doon ay nahati sa MNLF at MILF. Karaniwang mga breakaways from the two major Muslim groups ay sumanib sa pangkat ng bandidong Abu SayyafMaute. Sila ang hayagang grupo na nagtataguyod ng Iraq-Syria Islamic State (ISIS). Posibleng ang perang ginagastos nila ay nanggagaling sa Islamic State. *** Ang isyu sa Mindanao ML declaration ni President Duterte ay napasok na ng pulitika. Maaaring magkaroon din ng negative effect sa peace and order campaign ng pamahalaan. Halimbawa ang kampanya ng gobyerno against illegal drugs at iba’t ibang uri ng kriminalidad na nakaatang sa balikat ng PNP. Gayon din ang tungkol sa food production at infrastructure project ng gobyerno sa iba’t ibang lugar ng bansa. Ang pangako ng China at Japan na pamumuhunan para sa kaunlaran ng Mindanao ay hindi malayong maging

CRISTY... From page 20 na lumaki man daw ang kaniyang katawan ay ang madalas niyang pagbungisngis ang dahilan kung bakti hindi siya tumatanda. Sa totoo lag, tama ang ganoong obserbasyon, lumusog lang ang Megastar pero ang ganda niya ay nand’yan pa rin at hindi nagbabago. Kapag nakikita-napapanood naming humahagalpak si Sharon ay bigla naming naiisip na baka naman hindi siya ang mismong nagpo-post ng mga hilahil niya sa buhay? Napakabilis niya kasing makapag-move-on. Parang kelan lang iyon noong umalis siyang mag-isa papunta sa ibang bansa at nag-post nang nag-post ng mga problema niya sa negosyo at personal niyang buhay. Parang sobrang nakakaawa si Sharon, maraming nagbigay ng reaksiyon na kahit pala ang isang bilyonaryang tulad niya at sikat na sikat na personalidad ay dinadalaw rin nang matitinding problema,


panaginip na lang kung patuloy ang kaguluhan sa nabanggit na lugar. *** Tungkol naman sa China’s man-made Island sa West Philippine Sea. Nabalitang ang pinangtambak ay sa Zambales nanggaling. Nangyari ‘yon sa panahon ng 6-years of Aquino administration. Hindi kaya alam ng US military forces ‘yon? May mga joint military exercises na ginanap ang mga sundalong Filipino during those years. Ano nga kaya ang intension sa waring pag-papel ngayon ni SC senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio. Waring nais isubo si Rody sa gulo. Kasama ba siya ng mga nagnanais na si DU30 ay mapatalsik sa puwesto? Sabi ni DU30, ginagalang daw naman niya ang senior associate justice ng Korte Suprema. *** Sa ngayon si DU30 ang nasa itaas. Mataas pa rin ang suporta sa kaniya ng mayoryang bilang ng taumbayan. Gayunpaman, muli kong pinaaalala ang sinabi ko noon: “Nasa itaas, wala sa ibaba ang bumabagsak. Ang nadadapa naman ay nagsisikap makabangon.” President DU30 is not immortal. Marami din siyang mga sinasabing nagsisilbing anay sa kaniyang pagkatao. Hindi lahat ay mapapaniwala niya sa kaniyang mga sinasabing pabigla-bigla, tapos babawiin. Alalahaning ang lahat ng mga nangyayari, maganda at pangit ay may hangganan. *** Nagmungkahi si former senator Bongbong Marcos, Jr. sa Supreme Court, Presidential Election Tribunal (PET) ng mga paraan para mapadali ang resulta ng kaniyang sinampang protesta tungkol sa 2016 VP race. Gayunpaman, ang preliminary hearing na unang tinakda ng PET for June 21 ay pinagpaliban sa July 11. Kaugnay nito, ang panig ng Marcos Jr. at Leni Robredo ay kapuwa inatasan na

maghain ng kani-kanilang mga preliminary briefs, 5-days before the preliminary conference. Ang resulta ng hinihiling na vote re-count ng Marcos Jr. mula sa mga 36,465 voting precincts will define kung sino ang totoong nanalo sa VP derby. Sana ang proseso ay hindi matulad sa basketball na pairalin ang waiting time sa pamamamagitan ng padribol-dribol at teka-teka sa pagbuslo ng bola. Katas Marami nang petisyon ang nakahain sa Korte Suprema vs PDU30’s Martial Law declaration sa Mindanao. Nang sandaling hinahanda ko ang pitak na ito. Wala pang pinalabas na resulta ang SC. • Layunin ng Batas-Militar ay upang masugpo ang nangyayaring kaguluhan sa alin mang bahagi ng bansa. • Maliwanag na walang pagasang magkaroon ng kaunlaran at katatanggang pangkabuhayan ang mga mamamayan sa alin mang bahagi ng bansa na may nagaganap na kaguluhan. • Kaparis ng nangyari sa Marawi City. Ang naghasik ng kaguluhan ay nagmula sa MauteAbu Sayyaf with, breakaways from MILF, MNLF and Islamist sympathizers. • Pera ng illegal drug syndicate and Islamist sympathizers ang umano’y backers ng kaguluhan. Ang lider ng Abu Sayyaf na si Isnilon Hapilon na financiers ng Maute ay hindi malaman kung nasaan na ngayon. • Mananatiling malabo ang pangarap ng gobyernong DU30 tungkol sa magandang kinabukasan ng Mindanao sanhi ng maruming politika na nangyayari sa bansa. Kasabihan Nasa itaas ang bumabagsak, ang nasa ibaba ay nadadapa. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

wala ngang taong ligtas sa mga pagsubok. Pero kapag humahalakhak na siya sa himpapawid na may pahiga-higa pa siya sa stage ay maiisip mo na lang na ibang Sharon na iyon. Kabaligtaran na ng problemadong Megastar na nagsasabing ninakawan ng nurse ang kaniyang ina, na kesyo pati ang kanilang mga mamanahin ay itinakas ng ibang tao, ang layulayo na ng comparison. Nakakaaliw si Sharon Cuneta. A siya ngayon, pero bukas lang, B na siya. At bibihira ang taong nakagagamot sa kanilang sarili, ang may positibong pananaw, ang parang laro lang sa kanila ang katotohanan ng buhay. *** Dalawang magkakontrang deklarasyon nina Bamboo at Sarah Geronimo ang umagaw ng aming pansin sa pagsilip sa The Voice Teens. Ngayon lang namin nalaman na hindi man lang pala natapos ni Sarah ang third year high school? Sa pakikipag-usap niya kasi sa isang kalahok na siya ang piniling

coach ay malungkot na nagsabi ang kalahok na kinailangan nitong huminto sa pag-aaral para makatulong sa kanilang pamilya. Napakakaswal ng sagot ni Sarah, “Ang sakit, di ba? Ako rin, hindi ko natapos ang third year high school.” Natulala kami. Bakit pumayag ang kaniyang mga magulang na hindi man lang nagtapos ng high school ang kanilang anak? Ipagpalagay nang nagsisimula nang makilala noon si Sarah, sana’y iniraos na niya ang high school, marami namang paraan para mapagsabay ng personalidad ang kaniyang career at ang pagaaral niya. Kasikatan ni Sharon Cuneta. Dinadatnan namin sa set ang Megastar na nakahalayhay ang kaniyang mga notebooks sa isang baun-baon nitong mesa. Kapag walang take si Sharon ay nagrerebyu ito ng kaniyang mga homework. Napakaabala rin noon ng aktres, napakarami nitong trabaho bilang artista, pero tuluy-tuloy ang See CRISTY p22



JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

LIVE to compete in the World Dance Championships (HHI) Local hip-hop group, LIVE Dance Crew, will be competing in the Hip Hop International World Championships in Phoenix, Arizona, August 7 to 12, 2017. After competing in Ottawa on June 3rd against the best teams in Canada, LIVE Dance Crew placed and qualified as one of the three teams that will represent Canada in the MegCrew Division of the competition. According to LIVE’s Shaira Gem Espiritu, “Our crew’s main goal was to get a spot to compete in the World Dance Championships (HHI). For dancers, this competition is the biggest one internationally. It is said that it’s the olympics of dance. More than 50 countries around the world are expected to go against each other. We have tried for three years and failed, yet managed to come back up and try over and over again.” LIVE was created by Angel Advincula and JM Licardo in 2014. Angel Advincula is a DMCI alumnus. He danced with the Kayumanggi Performing Arts that performed in Folklorama’s Nayong Pilipino Pavilion. He has also taught and choreographed dance teams all over Canada, as well as in the Philippines. Co-founder JM Licardo was also active in Sisler High School’s dance programs and participated in local talent competitions in Winnipeg.

CRISTY... From page 21 kaniyang pag-aaral. At natagpusan ng Megastar ang high school. Si Kris Aquino. Sobrang abala rin noon ang TV host pero ang tinatanggap lang nitong oras para

Shaira added, “We would like to ask everyone for support in order to make this trip to the Hip Hop International World Championships possible. Any amount will surely help us. We

have been working really hard to get to where we are right now, and there’s no stopping us. “As part of Team Canada, we will work twice as hard and do our very best to represent our families,

our city and our country. “As we are a large group travelling to the USA, it will be expensive because of the exchange rate. We have a GoFundMe page at www.gofundme.com/lives-

road-to-hhi-arizona-2017 to raise at least $15,000. Any donation we can get will be a tremendous help.” Photos courtesy of Shaira Espiritu

sa kaniyang pag-aartista ay kapag tapos na ang kaniyang klase sa Ateneo. At maraming-marami pang artistang nagsusunog ng kilay sa pagrerebyu habang nasa linya sila ng trabaho. Pinagsabay nila ang karera at edukasyon. Ang iba

nga sa kanila ay nagtapos pa with honors. Naisip lang namin, bakit hindi gumawa ng paraan si Sarah at ang kaniyang pamilya para makapagtapos siya ng high school? Para siyang kalabaw na isinuga agad sa bukid para mag-

araro. Hindi sinunod ng pamilya ang pagkakasunud-sunod ng senaryo tungkol sa edukasyon. Learn, earn, return. Baligtad. Earn agad bago learn sa kaso ni Sarah Geronimo. *** Iba naman ang patotoo ng

pamosong singer na si Bamboo. Sinabi niya sa ikino-coach niyang contestant na kaya siya umalis sa Rivermaya ay para maipagpatuloy ang kaniyang pag-aaral. Pansamantala siyang nawala sa aksiyon dahil binigyan ni Bamboo ng pagpapahalaga ang kaniyang edukasyon, pero nang magkadiploma na siya, bumalik uli siya sa pagkanta. At ipinagmalaki ni Bamboo na ang pagpapatuloy ng kaniyang pag-aaral ang pinakamagandang desisyong nagawa niya sa buong buhay niya. Iyon nga naman ang kayamanang walang kahit sinong makapagnanakaw at makaaangkin. Iyon ang pader na magiging sandalan ng kahit sino sa buhay na ito. Maraming nagalit na manonood noon kay Rosanna Roces nang buong-ningning nitong ipagsigawan sa Startalk na hindi na kailangan ng mga anak nitong sina Grace at Onyok ang edukasyon. “Ang mahalaga, eh, may pera ka. Bakit pa nila kailangang magaral?” mayabang na pahayag ng sexy star. Wala pang social media noon pero ang tinanggap na galit ng bayan ni Osang ay mas mataas pa sa kaniyang ulo. Ngayon ang pag-uusapan natin. Nasaan na ang ipinagmamalaking pera ni Rosanna Roces? Nasaan na ang mga naipundar nitong ari-arian? At nasaan na ang mabulaklak nitong karera noon? Ang salapi ay nauubos, ang mga proyedad ay natutunaw, pero ang edukasyon ay mananatiling atin habambuhay. – CSF

JUNE 16 - 30, 2017





JUNE 16 - 30, 2017

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