Pilipino Express • May 1 2023

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Volume 19 • No. 9 • May 1 - 15 , 2023 Publication Mailing Account #41721512
Glaiza De Castro
John Millar with St. Bernadette’s life-size statue he recreated for St. Malo Shrine. Story on pp 14 & 15. Pilipino Express interview and photos by Lucille Nolasco-Garrido Paul Ong and family present the $45,064 donation to Sistema Winnipeg. L-r: Ong family: Geraldine, Johhan, Alwin, Myrna, and Paul; Brent Johnson, WSO Associate Director, Education & Community; Sam Vickar and Odessa Rosati of Vickar Automotive Group, benefactor and the concert’s title sponsor. Another cheque of $1,500 donation was given to Ecolé Garden Grove School. Story on pp 10 & 11.
for music
8 Credit: Glaiza’s Instagram Oh, what a night!
Fil-Canadian artist recreates statue of beloved saint Paul Ong’s concert raises $46,564

People are wired to live with others and not in isolation. We have relationships with friends, coworkers, and in our communities. Naturally, many people find that it is their family relationships that are most important but can also be the most complicated. In one family of four, there are six relationships. In a family of five, there are 10 relationships that exist under one roof. And when you consider extended family relationships with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, there are bound to be many personalities that get along… or sometimes clash.

Most of us have experienced growing distant from a loved one or have even ended relationships. Perhaps you can identify with one of these situations:

After a disagreement about how much money to send back home to the Philippines, Jane and her mother haven’t spoken in weeks.

Miguel was frustrated with his brother Tony for constantly telling him how to live his life. Tony felt that he was only trying to help. Three major disagreements later, they stopped talking. Five years have passed by.

Is it time to end a family feud?


How open were you to the concerns of the other person?

made an effort.

Andrea was angry at her cousin Marie for not returning her texts or phone calls, so she did not invite her to her birthday party. Andrea posted pictures on social media, which upset Marie who confronted her. Marie felt that with starting a new and busy job, Andrea should have been more understanding. This caused an argument, and they now avoid each other at family parties. Conflict between two people hardly ever involves a one-way street of blame. Both parties are usually responsible to some extent. Often, long lasting disagreements can be avoided if you look at your own actions and words, rather than only focussing on the faults of the other person. If you are thinking about wanting to repair a family relationship, think about the following:

Consider your contribution to the disagreement

Did you listen and hear their side of things? Active listening means that you were paying close attention to their message and were not just busy thinking about your next point. This can be a tricky skill to master. We often get into “debate mode” rather than acknowledging the other person’s

Did you have a respectful, open expression on your face and a calm voice? Or was your body language already one of defensiveness –crossed arms and an angry or hurt expression on your face? Did you yell, slam doors, point a finger or stomp your feet? Once arguments get to this point, emotions are running high and neither person is looking at solving the problem.

Is reconciliation possible?

Both parties must want to make amends. Getting past conflict can actually strengthen the bond between two people. Ideally, the conflict is reviewed in an open way with both people taking responsibility for the hurt they caused. Talking it out can help towards avoiding future conflicts. I want to fix things. Where do I begin?

You must take action. It is not enough to hope and pray that the other will come to you first. If both people take this approach, there may be weeks, months, even years of estrangement. All because no one was willing to swallow their pride and make the first move. If you are scared to act first, just consider that the worst-case scenario is that your loved one will yell at you and tell you they never want to see you again. Yes, you will be hurt, but even if this happens, you can know that you tried and can be at peace that you

However, the likelihood that this will happen is low. Everyone has good within them, and your loved one is not a stranger. He or she is someone that you have built a close relationship with, and they are probably hurting just as much as you are.

How do I approach the other person?

Call the other person to set up a meeting in neutral territory, like a coffee shop or the park. If it’s too awkward to call, send an email without harsh words or accusations. Simply state that you want things to get better between you both and that you’d like to meet.

Once you see each other face to face, focus on how you are feeling. E.g., “After not talking to you for a month, I missed you,” or “I felt so angry after our fight that I thought I never wanted to see you again – but I realized this is not what I want.”

Some people feel awkward with these types of statements because they feel vulnerable and weak. But you’re already in a vulnerable position if you’ve initiated the meeting. Usually, the other person will offer similar sentiments, and hopefully, an honest exchange can happen.

It can be helpful to apologize for any part of the conflict you were responsible for. E.g., “I apologize for walking away while you were talking.” At the very

least, saying, “I’m sorry that we fought,” shows that you are truly sincere in wanting things to work out.

Extend an olive branch

Suggest that a truce be called and that you both start anew. If the original problem still exists, take out a piece of paper and write out the different options. Or discuss whether a third person can assist with finding alternatives. Perhaps communicating about the issue over e-mail is a better option than face-to-face. This way, people have time to think about what they want to say, rather than making a spontaneous, emotional comment that can be hurtful.

Have realistic expectations

Don’t expect that the relationship will be exactly the same as it was prior to the falling out, especially if a long time has passed since you last spoke to each other. You may not be as close as you once were. On the other hand, your relationship may grow stronger, especially if respect between you both has grown.

However the situation turns out, at the end of the day, you can be at peace knowing that you took action and tried to salvage the relationship.

“I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done” – Lucille Ball

Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

Hundreds of OFWs flee strife-torn Sudan

MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Friday, April 28, 2023, said at least 496 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) have already evacuated the Sudanese capital Khartoum to neighboring countries.

Foreign Affairs spokesperson Ma. Teresita Daza said Manila is coordinating with the governments of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Greece for the passage of Filipinos continuously streaming out of the country through the respective Philippine Embassies.

On Friday, 340 Filipinos crossed the Argeen border in Egypt after they were cleared for entry following several delays in the processing of documents at the border due to the influx of evacuees.

This brings to 414 the number of Filipinos who are either at the

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Sudanese-Egyptian border or have already crossed into Egypt.

Eight Filipinos from Khartoum also arrived in Greece onboard a Greek military aircraft, with Philippine Ambassador Giovanni Palec receiving them.

The eight will be repatriated via the next available flight to Manila, Daza said.

Meanwhile, 58 Filipinos in Port Sudan are awaiting the ship that will bring them to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Daza said a total of 16 Filipinos have already been received by the team in Jeddah led by Consul General Edgar Tomas Auxilian.

In a text message to the Philippine News Agency, DFA

Undersecretary Eduardo Jose de Vega said two more governmentrented buses carrying at least 116 repatriates are in transit from

Khartoum to Egypt.

The evacuation efforts funded by the agency’s assistance-tonationals fund are continuous and DFA teams are in Athens, Jeddah, and at the Egypt-Sudan border to arrange the evacuees’ repatriation via the next available flights.

A three-day ceasefire brokered by the United States between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces began on April 25 and was extended for another 72 hours.

Data from the United Nations showed that the violent power struggle has already killed over 450 and injured more than 4,000.

Non-government organization International Medical Corps said 18 humanitarian aid workers were among the fatalities, including three in North Darfur.



Filipino evacuees at the Sudan-Egypt border in Argeen on Friday, April 28, 2023. The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said at least 496 Filipinos have already evacuated the Sudanese capital Khartoum to neighboring countries. Photo by DFA Spokesperson



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ALEX CANLAPAN: Contributor/Photographer Columnists/Contributors: DALE BURGOS JB CASARES YVANNE CABALLERO ANNE
KATHRYN WEBER Youth Contributors Aksyon Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK) Philippine Correspondents: FRANCESCO BRITANICO CRISTY FERMIN JON JOAQUIN AMBETH R. OCAMPO SALES & ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: 204-956-7845 E-Mail: info@pilipino-express.com Sales & Marketing Team: ISAGANI BARTOLOME RODGE LOPEZ NEIL SOLIVEN The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month.
Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor: PAUL MORROW
Director: REY-AR REYES
Ma. Teresita Daza

Last week, 155,000 members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) went on strike. The immediate impact was service disruptions across many federal agencies, including Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC).

It is important to note that federal employees with IRCC, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) were all affected. At this point we can safely predict a negative impact on the service provided by all federal agencies. As someone who walked the picket line for PSAC in the past as well as crossed the picket line as designated worker, my sympathies are both with former colleagues and the public at large. There are no winners when services are withdrawn, and workers have an interruption in their pay. Federal workers need to support families and live, and the public is highly dependent upon the services they provide and impacted by any withdrawal of service or delay.


It is safe to assume that inland processing of temporary status immigration applications will be delayed as a result of the strike action. This would impact submissions such as extension applications for work, study, or visitor status. Online submissions will continue but the signs are not encouraging. The IRCC website has not indicated how permanent

PSAC strike will affect immigration services

residency applications will be affected. Citizenship ceremonies and in-person appointments will be rescheduled. Urgent requests may be honoured depending upon the availability of designated staff. Overseas services through the worldwide visa offices will continue but users should expect some delays. The department is intent on holding overseas interviews and hoping the strike is only temporary and of short duration.


CBSA has announced that they will continue to provide services at Ports of Entry to travellers and businesses during the strike. International travellers can still submit online applications for temporary entry into Canada, such as work permits or study permits.

CBSA is silent on whether or not they would continue to provide “flagpole” services as border crossings, where a foreign national leaves the country and re-enters to make an immigration application. If you are not sure you would be advised to check with immigration authorities at the call centre, 1-888-242-2100, but anticipate long waits and delays.

Service Canada

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program is dependent upon the processing of Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) applications. The department will give priority to agriculture, food processing,

trucking, and health-related services, but all applications will be affected by the disruption in services.

Inland biometrics appointments are currently unavailable, and Service Canada did not indicate when normal services will be restored. The National Job Bank will be partially or fully disrupted during the strike.


Detention reviews hearings will be delayed or rebooked during the strike. The full impact of the strike on all federal services will become clearer within days. The situation is not normal work practice and patience is

recommended for users.

My sincere sympathies are with all parties in the strike. It was not the intention of government authorities to force their workers to strike for better work conditions or pay, nor is the intention of PSAC to negotiate on the suffering to the Canadian public. Both parties publicly sympathize with users. The sooner the differences are resolved, and a new contract signed, the better it is for all concerned. However, I am reminded of the times when federal workers were legislated back to work. There is only so much that unions and workers can accomplish by withdrawing their

work before the government forces them to return. This situation is not an optimum one, but government services are essential, and the public has a right to a consistent and high level of service. Good luck to all.

Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Immigration Canada and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with Immigration Connexion International Ltd. Contact him at 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.


After her concert on March 25, 2023, at Canada Life Centre, the artist Moira posted on social media saying, “we made history,” referring to her concert being the first time a Pinay performed at the Canada Life Centre. This was a moment shared with other Filipina singers Jovelle Balani, Zachary Ignacio, and Zephanie Dimaranan. It was an important moment in the city’s history, and not only because it was a first. The Winnipeg Filipino community has a thriving events industry, with groups like ACC Events and Services and Pinoy Tribe Entertainment finding success in bringing major Filipino talent to the city. This reflects the size and desire of Winnipeg’s Filipinos for such events, but also shows how Winnipeg is “on the map” when it comes to international talent.

But I see the Moira concert as being important for the location in which it happened. GMA News Online described the Canada Life Centre as “the premier sports and entertainment venue in Winnipeg city.” It is where Canada’s national sport is played by the Winnipeg Jets and Manitoba Moose; it is where most large shows coming through the city

Moira and Filipino representation

set up. It is, in short, one of the centres of “mainstream” culture in Winnipeg. Mainstream is a tricky term most of the time, but in this case, I just mean for the entire Winnipeg community. Events such as superstar bands and singers, events like Monster Jam, as well as a host of sports events bring thousands of Winnipeggers downtown to the venue. And, while the majority of those at the Moira concert were Filipino, it speaks to how “mainstream” the Filipino community has become. It represents, as I see it, a growing recognition of the Filipino community and its cultural richness.

Now, to those already in the Filipino community, this is no surprise, and one would be right to ask why it took so long. In many ways, Filipino culture gets a lot of time in the spotlight in Winnipeg. It has been a constant at the world renowned Folklorama since its inception in 1970 and every June, various community groups take to the parks of Winnipeg and celebrate Philippine independence. But Filipinos have yet to find representation outside of these special events. I think it is very important that the Canada

Life Centre is now a venue associated with the Filipino community. It is the site of what many view as quintessential to Canada’s cultural life – hockey – and has seen numerous big acts take to the stage within its walls. Now, Moira has claimed the site for the Filipino community.

As an aside, I think it’s also important to point out and celebrate that this was the first time a female Filipino took to the stage in Canada Life Centre. The arena could easily be seen as a site of masculinity in the city, as male dominated sports are played here and events such as Monster Jam drip with testosterone. For one night, Filipinas took over the stage with the help of their fellow male musicians.

As an immigration historian, the representation that the Moira concert represents is very important. Despite the fact that Canada’s population is incredibly diverse with people from around the world, it tends to present itself culturally in a way that doesn’t reflect the depth of its population. Take hockey as an example. It is indeed a sport with an intimate history with Canada’s people, but at the same time there are many who do not identify with it as being a cultural icon. There are Filipinos who enjoy the sport, but maybe not to the extent as do other segments of Winnipeg’s population. The point is that emphasizing hockey as something integral to Canadian identity, and


narratives that not liking hockey is un-Canadian, are damaging to the inclusion of people in our country whose cultures may not value the sport quite the same.

While I would love to see Filipino cultural events like the Moira concert drawing crowds from outside the Filipino community, the growth of such events over the past few years in Winnipeg represent the strength of Filipino culture in the city. And hosting the Moira concert at Canada Life Centre was a way of the Filipino community staking a claim in Winnipeg’s cultural scene, of including itself in that “mainstream” group. The building, which is a site of major cultural events in the city, became the site of a major cultural event in the Filipino community.

In terms of representation, this means that Winnipeg as a whole should now be seeing the Filipino community as a part of the mosaic of the city’s culture. Many Filipinos have expressed that they do not feel included in Canada’s representations of itself. Years ago, when ANAK was designing its exhibit celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Filipinos in Winnipeg, it was stated that the event was in part

a response to the fact that this history was not included in wider narratives of Canadian history. Other cultural groups have found such inclusion in Winnipeg and Manitoban history, such as Ukrainians; Filipinos are not a new group in Canada, and have had innumerable contributions to Canadian society, so why the community is still excluded is a hard question to answer.

Representation is important because it tells people that they are welcome and appreciated in Canada, that they are seen, and that their voices contribute to the country’s society. Often, Filipinos are celebrated as being great workers, but this cannot be the only reason Filipinos are valued in Canada – it has to be more than the work they give, but their very presence as individuals with a unique culture. This is representation and while a concert at Canada Life Centre will not make this happen over night, it is a sign that things are moving in the right direction. Jon Malek received his PhD from Western University and currently teaches history at the University of Manitoba. He is working on a book manuscript on the history of the Winnipeg Filipino community.

The Moira concert at the Canada Life Centre was a milestone for Filipino representation in Winnipeg. Photo by Jan Tugado Images accompanying

Daniel Padilla is making a huge comeback on the big screen

Daniel Padilla is set to star in two new movies from ABSCBN Films to finally end his film hiatus.

The announcement came a month after his girlfriend Kathryn Bernardo revealed her upcoming projects.

Just in time for his birthday, Padilla said he will be doing a buddy comedy and a dark-themed

thriller that will redefine his image as a leading man.

“The beauty of DJ is niredefine niya who a true leading man is – the definition of a leading man. Kami sa ABS-CBN Films, and the audience, we admire DJ because of his box-office and cinematic excellence. Kasi si DJ ‘yung great combination nun e,” ABS-CBN Films head Kriz Gazmen said during the New

Media Alert press conference.

Padilla assured that the upcoming projects are different from his previous characters.

“It’s been a while. Itong mga proyektong gagawin natin ngayon ay handpicked. Na-feel nila ‘yung gusto kong gawin ngayon e. Now is the perfect time,” the ABSCBN heartthrob said.

The Guest Padilla will be leading the psychological suspense-thriller movie The Guest which they described as mind-blowing.

According to director Jerrold Tarog, the film features many twists and turns.

“Kind of imagining it na nasa modern-themed war. Marami siyang twists and turns bilang nasa puso ko ‘yung kadiliman. Medyo mindf**k na pelikula siya,” the director said.

Padilla will be working with award-winning actor John Arcilla in the Black Sheep movie, which also serves as the latter’s reunion film with Tarog after the hit biopic Heneral Luna.

The movie is set to be shot this year but will be aired next year.

Nang Mapagod si Kamatayan

Padilla was also excited to share that he will be making a

Daniel Padilla

GMA Pinoy TV’s new series – The Seed of Love

It is an intense and gripping tale of love and revenge starring Glaiza de Castro and highlytalented leading man Mike Tan. Playing important roles are dramatic actress Valerie Concepcion and well-rounded actor Boy2 Quizon.

“The Seed of Love” follows the story of Bobby (Mike) who decides to have his sperm frozen due to cancer scare. He has been in a long, tedious relationship with a bratty socialite Alexa (Valerie) until Bobby finally breaks up with her.

Later on, Bobby meets the optimistic and doting Eileen (Glaiza). Their love blossoms and soon, the two get married. Bobby

See SEED p13

See DANIEL p12 FREE CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION 204-924-7530 MNPdebt.ca Licensed Insolvency Trustees
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“We have the
a better tomorrow.”
Kapamilya leading man
This month, The Seed of Love premieres on the GMA Network. Glaiza De Castro & Mike Tan Ashley Rivera Bernadette Allyson Valerie Concepcion

Paul Ong’s concert raises $46,564 for music education

Oh, what a night!

Paul Ong’s annual Concert for a Cause held at Calvary Temple on Saturday, April 29, 2023, not only raised $46,564 but also saw the community united through music.

As Paul Ong, accompanied by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (WSO), performed before the 1,500 strong audience, everyone knew it was time well spent because they were not only

listening to Ong’s powerful and beautiful voice, but they were also helping Winnipeg’s youth.

WSO conductor Naomi Woo led the 70-piece Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra through impressive arrangements of classical, contemporary and even an OPM medley of Filipino composer Willy Cruz’s songs. Among the highlights of the show was when

the Ecolé Garden Grove School choir, composed of 80 young singers, and Ong gave an inspiring rendition of Louis Armstrong’s song What a Wonderful World. Another special feature was when the Sistema Winnipeg choir and Ong sang Wavin’ Flag, a song by Somali Canadian artist K’naan. Since 2014, 100 per cent of the proceeds of Ong’s Concerts for a Cause have been used to support military families, the Children’s See PAUL p11

Nancy Karpinsky, principal of Ecolé Garden Grove School, receives the $1,500 donation to Ecolé Garden Grove School from Paul Ong. L-r: Ong family: Geraldine, Johhan, Alwin, Myrna, and Paul; and Principal Nancy Karpinsky. Paul Ong WSO conductor Naomi Woo led the 70-piece Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra through impressive arrangements of classical, contemporary music, and OPM. Woo is also the Sistema Music Director. Brent Johnson, WSO Associate Director, Education & Community.
The Sistema Winnipeg choir and Paul Ong sing Wavin’ Flag, a song by Somali Canadian artist K’naan Ecolé Garden Grove School choir and Paul Ong sing
What a Wonderful
World. Photos by Rey-Ar Reyes


From page 10

Heritage Fund, food and shelter programs, Siloam Mission, Hands of Hope and Cancer Care Manitoba.

This year, Ong’s beneficiaries are the Sistema Winnipeg, an after-school music program for kids living in lower-income areas, and the students at Garden Grove School where he is the VicePrincipal. Ong handed $45,064 to Sistema Winnipeg while Garden Grove School received $1,500.

“Paul’s energy, passion, and dedication to our community are incredible. We are grateful for Sistema Winnipeg to be the beneficiary of the 2023 Concert for a Cause, providing vital funds to help support our program, which is entirely donor, funder, and sponsor supported,” said Brent Johnson, WSO Associate Director, Education & Community. “Paul’s vision and that of Sistema Winnipeg align beautifully, and not only will this concert be a terrific experience for the students in the choir, but these funds will further our mission of social change through music.”

“I am deeply honoured to have the privilege of using my gifts as a platform for community building and engagement to support community causes like Sistema Winnipeg. Sistema Winnipeg is such an important program and is a prime exemplar of what music can do to the lives of youth and for social change. I am so excited to share the stage with Sistema Winnipeg and Garden Grove students, and the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and Naomi Woo,” said Ong. “To our community whose support has made the annual concert for a

cause series possible, maraming salamat po! It is only with the collective community support that we are able to make this happen. Sa uulitin po, and see you all next year for our 10th annual concert for a cause!”

Next year will mark the tenth anniversary of Concert for a Cause. Proceeds from that concert will go to ANCOP, to build homes for poor communities in the Philippines.

What is Sistema Winnipeg?

Sistema Winnipeg was founded in 2011 and serves youth in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in what are considered at-risk communities. These communities have the fewest resources but some of the greatest needs, and Sistema Winnipeg aims to help inspire youth to make a difference in their world and communities.

The program is a unique partnership between the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, the Seven Oaks School Division (SOSD) and the Winnipeg School Division (WSD) and provides music education to children for two hours after every school day throughout the entire school year. Students are provided an instrument, a nutritious snack, a safe space to learn, grow, and flourish where they make friends and memories to last a lifetime – all at no cost to families.

Currently, Sistema Winnipeg serves up to 150 children from grades 1-12 at two main school communities: Elwick Community School (SOSD) and King Edward Community School (WSD), along with satellite instruction provided weekly with Isaac Newton School (WSD) and St. John’s High School (WSD). (Source: wso.ca/sistema)


Summer of Love will brighten your summer

Summer of Love will make viewers feel the love and fun under the sun, the latest Kapuso summer campaign features some of the Network’s current programs that further highlight why people love summer: spending time together wherever they are. Viewers are treated to GMA Afternoon prime dramas that portray acts of love and kindness in various forms. Some of these shows that make them love summer more include Abot-Kamay na Pangarap, Arabella, and Underage, Mga Lihim ni Urduja, Hearts on Ice, and The Write One.

Summer days are also definitely made brighter with some of the Network’s most entertaining

weekday shows TiktoClock, Fast Talk with Boy Abunda, Family Feud, and Bubble Gang.

Weekends are extra special when shared with loved ones while watching the Sarap Di Ba, Amazing Earth, Magpakailanman, Pepito Manaloto, Ibilib, All-Out Sundays, The Boobay and Tekla Show, The Clash, and ‘Daig Kayo ng Lola Ko.

The GMA summer plug jingle titled Summer of Love was performed by the talented Sparkle artists Sean Lucas, Tanya Ramos, Lexi Gonzales, and Matt Lozano. Stay tuned for Summer of Love on GMA-7, GMANetwork. com, and the official social media pages of the network.

All Out Sundays cast

The Boobay and Tekla Show brings more laughter and surprises

Kapuso viewers’ will love the revived The Boobay and Tekla Show.

The comedic tandem of Boobay and Tekla continues to spread good vibes and brings unlimited laughter and surprises to Filipinos as the late-night comedy talk show features live celebrity guests, games, and other gimmicks.

The Boobay and Tekla Show started on YouTube in 2018 and has gained online success since then. In 2019, it premiered

on GMA Network with its hit performances, funny pranks, and amusing skits for everyone. Now, the program gets more thrilling and entertaining as it becomes a comedy talk show with its newest tagline: TBATS is life. Tawa is life and brand new segments and games.

The program is also being livestreamed on the official YouTube and Facebook accounts of GMA Network and YouLOL. Viewers abroad can also catch the program via GMA Pinoy TV.

Tito Sotto ‘nanggigil’ nang sabihing hindi mabubuhay kung walang Eat Bulaga

No holds barred ang dating senador at TV host na si Tito Sotto sa paglalahad ng katotohanan patungkol sa isyung kinakaharap ngayon ng Eat Bulaga

Sa kaniyang interview kay Cristy Fermin (April 27), diretsahang nilinaw ng isa sa mga original hosts ng longest running noontime show ang mga naging pahayag ni Dapitan Mayor Bullet Jalosjos, ang kasalukuyang chief finance officer ng TAPE Inc.

“Noong lumabas kasi ang kontrobersiya, umpisa ng January yan pagkatapos umabot ng February. Nagpatawag ng general assembly ‘yung Television and Production Exponents (TAPE Inc.) ‘Yung mga sinasabi sa amin, sa tingin namin, hindi maganda. Wala sa timing. Hindi katanggaptanggap,” paglalahad ni Tito Sotto.

Noong una raw ay nagkaroon sila ng “status quo” dahil may mga kagustuhan raw ang mga bagong namamahala na ayaw nila at eventually, matapos ang ilang meetings ay pumayag na ang mga

Jalosjos sa mga kagustuhan nila walang papalitan ang mga staff ng show kaya kahit na maraming nagtatanong at nagri-reach out sa kaniya para hingiin ang kaniyang pahayag ay hindi nila ito pinaunlakan.

Kaya ngayon na may mga diumano’y hindi makatotohanang pahayag si Mayor Bullet ay nagsasalita na si Tito.

Una niyang nilinaw na walang

katotohanan na bago pa ang pandemya ay nagpapaalam na si Tony Tuviera sa Eat Bulaga

“Hindi. Wala kaming alam na ganoon. As a matter of fact, ang pagkakaalam ko, nagulat nga ako noong January-February, naguumpisa na kaming kausapin at ang dialog ay nire-retire si Tony dahil may edad na,” lahad ni Tito Sen.

Sinabi rin niya na may mga nire-retire at may mga pinagreresign at sinabihang ire-rehire na lamang muli ngunit walang guarantee namaibabalik sila kundi ang mga salita ng bagong namamahala.

Ani Tito, naguguluhan sila dahil kaya raw may mga bagong pumapasok sa TAPE Inc. at Eat Bulaga dahil nalulugi ngunit may mga tataasan na sahod sa bagong pasok at may lumang empleyado na ibababa ang sahod dahil nga sa pagkalugi.

“So inalam ko at nakuha namin sa SEC (Sscurities and Exchange Commission) na 2021 na lang muna, e mayroong net profit na 213 million.

“So nako-confuse kami sa mga sinasabing nalulugi. Eh kasi ‘yung 2022 daw, e teka muna, eleksyon yun e,” lahad ni Tito at sinabing paniguradong kumita ang programa mula sa election campaign ads.

Tanong ni Cristy, may kinalaman kaya ang pagsasabi ng mga Jalosjos na nalulugi ang

programa dahil may utang itong P30.5 million kina Vic Sotto at Joey de Leon

‘Yun daw ang hindi niya maintindihan dahil kung delay lang ang pag-uusapan ay palagi raw talagang may delay dahil late magbayad ang mga ahensiya pero ang magkaroon ng almost one year na utang at may mga sales employee na hindi nakukuha ang mga komisyon, nagtataka si Tito Sen kung saan napupunta ang pera.

Ito rin daw ang dahilan kung bakit iniiwasan nila ang magsalita ng mga isyu hangga’t maaari ay dahil mahal nila ang programa at ayaw nilang madawit ito sa kontrobersiya ngunit kinakailangan na ngayon dahil sa mga pahayag ni Mayor Bullet.

“Kung anu-ano nang sinabi na noong marinig namin, we were hurt. We were surprised. We were disappointed,” pag-amin ni Tito.

Wala rin daw katotohanan na ang ama ni Bullet na si Romy Jalosjos ang may last say sa mga segment ng programa.

Kaya nga inalmahan rin nila Tito ang kagustuhan ng mga namamahala na tanggalin ang ibang mga executive na nasa likod ng mga matatagumpay na segment ng programa at palitan ng mga baguhan sa industriya.

Bukod pa rito, inamin rin niya na nasaktan sila nang sabihing pwede lang silang “i-retain” at para bang pagbibigyan lang sila

kaya sila mananatili. Tila nainsulto rin sina Tito nang sabihin na hindi sila mabubuhay kung wala ang Eat


“Naku, si Vic at si Joey kagabi noong pinag-uusapan namin yan, galit na galit. Bakit? Remember, 1979 ang Eat Bulaga. Kami ang nag-create but 1976, Discorama na kami. TVJ na kami. Baka hindi pa sila pinapanganak kaya hindi


From page 8 project based on a story written by National Artist for Film and Broadcast Ricky Lee

With his close friend Dan Villegas at the helm, the half of KathNiel is starring in the adaptation of Nang Mapagod si Kamatayan from Lee’s book Kung Alam N’yo Lang.

Unlike the other film, the second movie is a light-hearted comedy featuring Padilla and his best friend in real life Zanjoe

pa nila alam. 1978 Iskul Bukol, number 1 primetime show for 10 years.

“Aside from Eat Bulaga, si Joey nagkaroon ng mga mahigit isang dosenang TV shows. Si Vic ganoon rin… Ako rin naman [may mga shows]. Sa ngayon mayroon kaming tig-iisang programa sa Net 25 kaya the statement is false,” say ni Tito.

According to Padilla, the movie navigates the mysteries of life, love, friendship, and death.

“Nandoon ‘yung comedy pero di siya slapstick na pagpapatawa. Nakakatawa ang buhay. Doon siya. ‘Di siya slapstick,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, Padilla also confirmed that he and Bernardo will be finally pushing through with their film with director Cathy Garcia-Molina

And while he did not disclose any details, the actor said the project will be a gift to their fans,

Boobay & Tekla Tito Sotto, Vic Sotto & Joey De Leon (TVJ)
See DANIEL p13

Quezon Province Association of Manitoba (QPAM) Fundraising at Max’s Restaurant, April 16, 2023


From page 12

who have been clamoring to see them on big screen for several years already.

The real-life couple’s last movie The Hows of Us became one of the highest-grossing Filipino films.

“Galing kami ng serye pero it’s been a while na makita kami sa box-office ulit. Masyado nang nakaka-miss manood ng pelikula ulit. Hindi kasi natuloy ‘yung huli naming gagawin,” he said.

“Pero nag-evolve na siya into this, ito na. May mga rason ‘yung mga bagay kaya ‘di natutuloy. Alam ko na ‘yung storyline. Ito literal na bago talaga ‘yung gagawin namin. Medyo matrabaho pero very exciting.”

The project is set to be released next year.

By Karl Cedrick Basco, ABSCBN News. Photo by Alyssa Gonzales


From page 8 and Eileen agree to have their child via in-vitro fertilization using his preserved sperm cell.

But Alexa will do everything to destroy the couple and win her ex-boyfriend back. One day, Alexa steals the embryo of Eileen and Bobby. She does this in connivance with Peter (Boy2), her obsessed and hopeless

romantic lover. Peter then implants the stolen embryo in Alexa’s uterus and replaces Eileen’s with a random embryo. Alexa eventually convinces Bobby that he impregnated her after a recent one-night stand.

How will the truth unravel? Is it really goodbye for Eileen and Bobby’s happy family? How far can Alexa and Peter go for the sake of their wrong and unfair love?

Starring in this daring and intriguing series are Alan Paule as Nelson, a self-made millionaire and Bobby’s supportive father; Bernadette Allyson as Ginny, Bobby’s loving sister-inlaw and Eileen’s OB-GYNE; Tina Paner as Ludy, the kind and caring sister of Eileen; Ervic Vijandre as Mandy, Bobby’s trusted friend and colleague in their real estate business.

Completing the star-studded cast are Ashley Rivera as Frieda, Alexa’s best friend and partnerin-crime; Yanna Asistio as Mona, the funny and protective best friend of Eileen.

“The Seed of Love” is an original concept of RJ Nuevas and Nehemiarey Debad Dallego.

The show is made possible under the supervision of GMA SVP for Entertainment Group Lilybeth G. Rasonable; VP for Drama Cheryl ChingSy; AVP for Drama Ali NokomSee SEED p14



Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

Fil-Canadian artist recreates statue of beloved saint

St. Malo, Manitoba is known for its provincial park, a man-made lake, and year-round activities. But perhaps it is best known for the St. Malo Shrine and Grotto, where thousands of visitors marvel at the picturesque reproduction of the Grotto in Lourdes, France. One of the central figures in this hallowed ground located within a peaceful woodland is a statue of St. Bernadette kneeling in front of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as a lifelike reclining statue of the saint inside the small chapel.

But June of last year, this very statue, which was resting in glass coffin inside the chapel, was stolen. Church officials at the Blessed Margaret Parish hoped to have it found and returned in time for the annual pilgrimage to the grotto, scheduled every August. But despite reporting the incident to the RCMP, no leads as to its whereabouts were received.

Learning about the theft through Facebook postings, a recent fine arts graduate did not think twice to help. He sculpted a replacement.

Pilipino Express spoke with virtual artist and small businessowner, John R. Millar, the day before St. Bernadette’s statue was officially enshrined on Sunday, April 23.

NO. 415

PE: Who commissioned you to recreate a statue of St. Bernadette for St. Malo?

JM: I heard about the original statue being stolen from the shrine in November of 2022. My church-active friends shared a post made by the Parish of St. Malo’s Facebook account announcing the theft. I offered to make them a new statue, because this kind of religious art is not common in the market anymore. Nobody makes it in Canada. It is made in the style of a mannequin, which is more common in Europe and the

Philippines. Given my knowledge and experience in religious art, I thought it would be best if they could get someone local to make it. I charged only for the materials to make the statue – estimated at $500 – because it didn’t feel right to charge them for something that I offered to them. I was thinking more about replacing something that had sentimental value to the community but also to the heritage of Manitoba due to the shrine’s history. The project was officially commissioned by the parish’s board of caretakers that look after the shrine, and it was sponsored by the Manitoba Metís Federation.

PE: Take us through the process of your creation.

JM: I started with sculpting the face and hands in modelling clay, using historical pictures of St. Bernadette and pictures that people have taken of her body, which is preserved and displayed in a crystal coffin at a convent in Nevers, France. That process alone took almost 100 hours. I then moulded it in silicone and had it cast in resin, finished with acrylic paint, and applied animal hair fibres from a brush for the eyelashes and eyebrows. The body has a skeleton made with wood and copper tubing that was cut and put together by my dad. I covered it in spray foam and carved it to create the shape of the limbs, then wrapped in duct tape. The body is dressed in polyester fabric that I altered to match St. Bernadette’s clothes. The statue also has three custom-made pillows made from imported silk brocade fabric. The project took from November to April, but the hours spent on the project totalled up to almost one month. There were a lot of difficulties accomplishing the project because this is my first life-sized work and the first time that I attempted the style of hyper-

realism. Getting the facial features correct so that it looks like St. Bernadette’s actual face was painstaking. It was also the first time I used a sewing machine.

PE: What was going through your mind during the process and afterwards?

JM: It was stressful getting it accomplished because I really pushed myself to create this oneof-a-kind piece to restore hope to people who were upset by the theft. The figure of St. Bernadette is also important to the shrine in general because the story of Lourdes revolves around her personal story; the reason the shrine was built in the first place. During the process I had unwavering faith in myself, and it was rewarding when I finally had it finished because it got a lot of attention from the media. Everyone online was very supportive and encouraging of the final product. I was really proud of myself and in a state of disbelief because I never would have imagined that it would turn out as beautiful as it did.

PE: What does this mean to you, as a Roman Catholic, as an artist

JM: The process of creating it was something I considered a spiritual experience in itself because I had a lot of time to reflect on my spirituality and what kind of inspiration we can take from St. Bernadette’s life. Her life story is about having faith and hope in the midst of suffering even if the world ridicules you. No one is exempt from suffering regardless of their social status or religion, but what matters is how we make use of that suffering to keep pushing forward. I think that idea is something that people can benefit from even from a secular perspective. As an artist this project was my biggest undertaking so far,

From page 13

Dedicatoria; Senior Program Manager Redgynn S. Alba; and Executive Producer Michele Robles Borja.

The creative team behind this incredible drama is composed of Creative Director Aloy Adlawan; Creative Head for Afternoon Prime Dode Cruz; Creative Consultant Denoy Navarro-Punio; Head Writer RJ Nuevas; and Writers Ken De Leon, Nehemiarey Debad Dallego, Benjamin Benson Logronio.

Catch “The Seed of Love” beginning May 8, Mondays to Fridays at 4:05 p.m. on GMA Afternoon Prime.

Viewers abroad can also catch the program via GMA Pinoy TV.


See FIL-CAN p15
PAHALANG 1. Ngayon mismo 5. Pinalaya 12. Ipakiusap 13. Kabiyak 14. Madaya 16. Hidwaan 17. Pagiging batugan 18. Pang-ukol 19. General Manager 21. Dumaing 25. Bukot 27. Pamalit sa bigas 29. Ampon 31. Magpakamangmang
Tuta 4. Ilaw
tahanan 6. Iduwal 7. Hangad 8. Pakiusap 9. Inis 10. Dagat-dagatan 11. Pagitan 15. Patibong 18. Tanyag 20. Gamit sa misa 21. Puting buhok 22. Pintog 23. Tagulamin 24. Lamang 26. Muli 28. Tuyo 30. Saka 31. Hulapi


From page 14 but also the biggest milestone. The project garnered a lot of interest from the public and I’m happy that I’ve gained the support of so many strangers who are as equally proud of my work as I am.

PE: Are there any statues or creation of yours that are as special as St. Bernadette’s?

JM: A previous work that I consider closely related to this project is a restoration I did for St. Francois Xavier Parish, west of Winnipeg. Several of their statues were vandalized and broken, but I was able to restore one, the statue of Our Lady of Grace. The community in that town was happy to have it back because I believe it was also a donation of the Manitoba Metís Federation over a century ago, so it had historical significance as well.

PE: What are your expectations for the future of this sculpture?

JM: The statue was enshrined on Sunday, April 23rd, where I hope it will rest permanently without ever being stolen. Given the amount of attention by the public and the media towards the project, the shrine caretakers and I are hoping that it will attract an increased number of visitors to this very special place. It is a sanctuary for people from all walks of life and any religion who seek a sense of serenity and healing. ***

A ceremony will be held on May 31st at St. Malo Shrine and Grotto in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and to bless the new statue of St. Bernadette.

Bernadette Soubirous also known as Bernadette of Lourdes, was a French nun who lived in the 1800s. As a young teenager, she had a series of visions of the Virgin Mary in the Massabielle grotto, ultimately leading to the founding of the shrine of Lourdes, France.

St. Bernadette is the patron saint of illness and poverty.

Photos by Lucille Nolasco-Garrido

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