8 minute read

Mentors Talk Pillars, Plans, and Propelling into the New Year

by Elizabeth Denham


This issue is all about women in franchising. As a woman, Kristin, and as men who have female family members in the business, David, Jerry and Ray, how do you see women thriving in franchising? What makes it a great opportunity for women?

KS: We know that women are the primary decision-makers at home. We also know that depending on the product or service a franchise may offer, women like doing business with women! (And we all want to do business with people we like). For me, as an executive outside of the home, three kids, three dogs, travel hockey, travel baseball, theatre and speech activities, I can relate to most women in one way or another! Franchising helps lay out your business strategy and set your operational standards. Women are already great at handling multiple demands, and we know how to get things done! The franchising model makes it feasible for women to make career changes into business ownership. Franchising allows women to find more of a balance for family time! For my family, 16 years ago, it was the best decision I could have made!

JA: I think Franchising overall has a gender neutral stance on business! I have seen so many successful women in franchising that it is hard to imagine many, if any brands with gender bias! My daughters lead our Great Clips organization which is one of the largest groups in the largest hair care brand in franchising and every brand I am involved with has a solid place where women can be successful.

DK: It comes down to passion and desire. If one is passionate about being in control of their own success, or a particular industry or just want to make a difference in some way, then they should go for it. Of course, doubts and fears creep into everyone. That is why franchising is so important for someone just starting out. It helps eliminate a lot of the unknowns and gives confidence that you can succeed.

RP: Being an entrepreneur requires a considerable amount of tenacity (stick-to-itiveness), which I feel women may have the edge over men. In other words, you must be able to begin with the end in mind overcoming every pitfall in-between.

How did being in franchising influence the way you raised your children and what lessons you have taught them about professional opportunities?

KS: Franchising was a critical part of raising my family! It allowed my children to see a mom that was working hard at growing business and relationships in the community. The best part was that because I could control my schedule, I was extremely active at the schools they attended. With three kids, I bounced from room party to room party and volunteered as the PTA President for three years! We had family time for the weekends, holidays and vacations! I love that we were a stronger family unit than we would have been if I were still working for someone else! Now that my kids are in high school and preparing for college, they are more interested in what I’m doing in the businesses. My son has been focusing on accounting, marketing and finance. All of my kids are required to learn a second language and continue throughout high school. With my new role at Pillars of Franchising, they are very excited to see how we build a company outside of franchising but all about franchising!

JA: Overall, franchising is a microcosm of business success principals. Hard work, taking risks, being true to your model, etc.are facets of any successful business! Showing that franchising offers a larger peer group you can lean on for help and great voices for franchising like the International Franchise Association made it much easier for our children to find their way in this business.

DK: They saw the dedication and hard work it took to be successful.

They saw the ups and downs and the perseverance needed to succeed. They have taken those lessons to their professional careers.

RP: My children were in the process of leaving the household when I was starting the franchise. That doesn’t mean they have stopped learning. Having one son and a daughter-in-law in the business with me now, the learning never stops.

As we move further into 2022, what are you looking forward to with your businesses?

KS: I am now at a point where I am looking to grow key employees into larger leadership roles. I’m looking forward to bringing my kids into the business, so they have the opportunity to see first-hand what it takes to run this sized business. My goal is to begin my serious planning of “virtual” retirement… (for me, that simply means not living in the snow during the winter months)!

JA: Growing back to nearer past customer count and revenue levels post Covid. Getting staffing back to a normal level leading to less struggles in the future. Continuing the transition to the next generation.

DK: Looking forward to the challenge of beginning in a brandnew industry and starting a brand new business.

RP: As we learned recently life is full of surprises. I do expect that beginning in the second quarter we will see significant improvement in all aspects of the business. But I am an optimist.

What trends do you anticipate in franchising for the coming year?

KS: I believe that services will continue to grow! There are more people who can no longer do things they used to do or know how to do. Some people have more income with less time to perform tasks or repairs, and then there are those with disposable income but a lack of skills! (As you can see by the lack of tradespeople today). I wasn’t even allowed to drive until I could change my own oil and help my dad do a brake job! Most of my employees today don’t even know how to jump their cars when faced with a dead battery! Today, and in the future, I see the “Do It For Me” industries doing very well!

JA: More people looking to franchising as an option for their future. Greater opportunities for all in franchising.

DK: It amazes me how many great opportunities there are. I would have to think that people buying into franchise concepts will be on the rise. It’s the simplest way to get started in your own business.

RP: When is the best time to buy a franchise? There has never been a better time, as we have discussed on the show for a multitude of reason. More people want more control over their lives.

What are you looking forward to this year as Pillars of Franchising continues to grow?

KS: This is going to be a groundbreaking year for Pillars of Franchising! At this point we have such great people on our team with an abundance of talent! I personally look forward to helping more people find the perfect franchise for their lifestyles and goals. My goal is to bring the Pillars of Franchising brand to the forefront! When people think of franchising, when the have questions about franchising, I want them to think “Pillars of Franchising!” Building our brand by providing consulting, mentoring, marketing and investment / management opportunities throughout the industry is what I see in the future!

JA: Continuing to provide meaningful mentoring for franchisees leading to their enhanced success. Kickoff of the investment arm of Pillars.

DK: Helping others find the opportunity that sets them up for a lifetime of success

RP: When Fred asked if I wanted to create a podcast with him, my answer was “yes.” I wanted to spread the word about this wonderful business concept called “franchising.” Our audience has grown from nothing to thousands in a few short years. Its growth always allow me to tell more people about what I have learned in my business and from our guests.

Any New Year’s resolutions?

KS: Lol! Don’t I always start with losing weight and getting in shape? But seriously, this year I will start each day looking for the positive in the things I do, the conversations I have, the people I meet, the places I go… maybe even the weather… I try to remember that tomorrow is never promised. I hug, kiss and remind my kids I love them every day! I believe that if you are happy inside, people see that in you, and it can become contagious. Our world needs a bit more happiness, don’t you think?

JA: Find six more franchises to become involved in!

DK: Consistency compounds. The start of a new year is not a catalyst for change to me. If I start slacking in my routine, would I really wait until the new year to get back on track? Makes no sense to me. RP: I usually don’t commit to anything I may not complete well. With that said, I have ideas about how to improve many aspects of my life and business.

RP: I usually don’t commit to anything I may not complete well. With that said, I have ideas about how to improve many aspects of my life and business.

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