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p (i) l o t architecture platform
p (i) l o t architecture platform is a communication and culture platform generated by students from the University of Architecture and Urbanism ''Ion Mincu'' Bucharest. The main purpose is to generate discussions among people with ideas and similar interests: Architecture, Design, Urbanism, Arts, Culture, Sociology. The environment is one of informal discussions. ''Spoken lesons, without formality, antiacademic without stylistic and literary ambitions, full of repetitions and the formulation of fleeting thoughts, interrupted by reversals stray, strolling along the boards.''*

vec tor

Alina Voinescu

Oleg Danilceac

Dragos Dan

Raluca P.

nipat dithipen

Andrei Habalau

Ferastrau Laura

Alexandra Mălinici


Moi proiect

Daniel Reiiel

Oana Voicu

Anda Roman

Mircea Mesesan

sergiu grigore

Petrică Maier

Cornelia Florescu

Alina Antoane

Ali Shwan

Karis Balôck

Serin Geambazu

Mariana David

hedi HD

Tatiana SAU