Pilot Theatre - (P)Review 2011

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is has been a momentous year for Pilot eatre - not only did we bring over our show WC School from Argentina, but we also extended our Platform 11+ work with new commissions, created our first ever Shakespeare tour of Romeo and Juliet and managed to secure a place in the new portfolio of arts organisations with Arts Council England. Our productions of Catcher, WC School, e Mystery of Jack and the Clones of Chaos, Romeo & Juliet, and Hansel & Gretel took our number of performances to 178, we have had 32 weeks on tour and reached audience numbers of 32,547. In addition to this activity on our stages we have also had activity online - including work on the artsfunding ning site and the use of Twitter hashtags during the last 12 months of change.

Our teams have visited Croatia, Finland, Estonia, USA, Germany, Portugal, Italy and France this year as part of our work, and we have made new International partnerships and been asked to present at National Conferences and events such as the RSA State of the Arts conference. We know that being a publicly funded organisation brings immense public responsibility and we are very aware of the times in which we find ourselves. It is vital that we continue to work collaboratively with our colleagues and audiences to ensure we continue to make and deliver great art for everyone across a range of platforms. We look forward to working on our new programme of work with new artists, and reaching new audiences. I want to take this opportunity of thanking the teams we work with, our Board and our Funders for their continued support in enabling Pilot eatre to move forward into its next stage of growth and development. Marcus Romer Artistic Director

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