Shift Happens: ALT Shift

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Shift Happens: ALT Shift Bursary Applications Pilot Theatre are pleased to be offering 3 fully funded places to Students/Under 25s to attend the 2 day Shift Happens: ALT Shift conference at York Theatre Royal on Monday 5 July and Tuesday 6 July 2010. Places at Shift usually cost £150+ VAT, and include entry to the conference along with all food and refreshments; lunch, drinks reception and BBQ on Monday 5th July and breakfast, lunch and drinks reception on Tuesday 6th July 2010. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Creative and Digital sectors, and to network with industry professionals. To be eligible for a bursary ticket you must be aged under 25 or registered as attending an educational establishment. We want to know that the three tickets which we are giving away will be going to the most creative candidates, so your application must be supported by a proven interest in the Arts and Digital sectors. A short statement may be provided by your supervisor if you think that would strengthen your application. We need to have received your application by the 1st May 2010. We’ll announce the bursary winners on 1st June 2010. To apply for one of the bursary places, please complete the attached form and write us a letter telling us why we should give you the place. If writing really isn’t for you, then feel free to make us a website, or a video, or a blog, or even a series of photographs... whatever you think shows you, your interests and your work in the best light. If something really impresses us, we might even showcase it at the Conference. You can send applications to Katherine Jewkes in the Pilot Theatre Office, her contact details can be found at the end of this application pack (Katherine is also the one to ask if you need any more help or assistance, or you have any questions about the conference). Application Tips: - We like hearing from creative people who are enthusiastic about digital innovations, don’t be afraid to show us what makes you tick. Tell us about yourself, what are you doing at the moment, and what do you want to be doing in the future. - Before you apply, take time to find out more about us. You can visit and We’re also on twitter, follow @pilot_theatre and @shift_happens. - Don’t be afraid to use Digital Technology to aid your application. We like videos, audioboos and photographs- as well as emails and letters. - Tell us where we can find out more about you on the Web; Do you have a twitter account? How about a blog? Maybe a Flickr stream? - We accept applications from people who are under 25 and not in education anymore, as well as from people who are over 25 and are registered as mature students. - Be yourself, be inventive and good luck! Pilot Theatre, York Theatre Royal, St Leonard's Place, York, YO1 7HD Registered Charity Number: 1003677 : Registered in England Number: 1956167

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