1 minute read

Journey To Mount Everest

TM Hrishikesh Gokhale

The journey of thousand miles started with one step. If you want to reach the top of the mount Everest, you must start with climbing with one step at a time. Isn ’t this true fellow toastmasters..? Yes, it’ s true. We have heard about this many times.


Mount Everest here taken here for the sake of example. The Mount Everest or the goal can be different from person to person. It can be a professional goal, a personal goal, or the toastmaster ’ s goal. What is stopping us from reaching our peak of the mountain Everest? The only person stopping us from reaching mount Everest is none other than us. Once we take that first step, we become complacent, we take things for granted. We create a comfort zone, and we want to stick ourselves to that zone. But we forgot that the growth lies beyond the borders of the comfort zone. Now how to leave our comfort zone...? The Only Person

Stopping Us From Reaching To The Top Of Our Own “Mount Everest” Is None Other Than We Ourselves.

Following are few simple ways to move beyond our comfort zone.

Get Information: Fear comes due to ignorance. Let’ s educate ourselves for what we are striving for, what benefit it may give us once we reach that goal.

Have a plan: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Have a concreate plan to achieve your goal, which will keep you motivated and focused.

Taking responsibility: You are accountable for your growth and no one else. Set benchmarks and reward yourself once you reach it. Simply accept it if you fail to do so and do not give excuses. B +ve: This is not the blood group. This is about being optimistic and hopeful that one or another day you will reach your mountain, Everest. Being sure that negative outcomes will not deter my zeal to achieve my goal.

Best of luck to all to reach their own mount Everest…��

TM Hrishikesh Gokhale VP EDUCATION-PTMC

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