1 minute read

Boundaries In Our Mind

TM ShivKumar Vibhute

26th Jan 2021 became a memorable Republic day for me. I took a cycle ride 150 KM from Pune to Gateway of India, Mumbai overnight. This day made me think of celebrating each republic day differently.


I was exploring what I could do differently for Republic Day 2022, and suddenly one of my friends called me on November 21 suggesting a Cycle Trip from Pune to Goa. I wanted something different but a million-dollar question came to my mind “Will I be able to do it?” I felt 468 KM in 3 days was a big challenge. I was not confident but finally, I thought to stretch myself to do something different

Afterward managing my daily routine h I started planning for a 468 KM Cycle trip. I started assessing amount of practice I needed to do since I have to cover average 155 KM cycling daily in 8-10 hours for 3 days. I had never challenged myself so hard in the past.

All Boundaries Exist Only In Our Minds & When We Cross Them, We Enjoy The Success

At last on 26th Jan 2022 I traveled my life ’ s longest cycling distance of 185 KM followed by 155 KM on 27th Jan & 128 KM on 28th Jan without much pain. “Practice Makes Man Perfect” . My cycling practice of 150 km/day made my actual trip easy and 468 KM travel in 3 days possible.

I realized strongly that my initial thoughts were only restricting me to take up the challenge. All the boundaries exist only in our minds. They do not actually exist. We can achieve anything If we try and focus on actions rather than thoughts.

I started a daily practice of cycling 30-40 KM & on weekends 100 km/day slowly reaching 150 KM/day. I started looking forward to the trip with rigorous execution & without any excuses.

I got habituated to waking up early at 4:30 AM & do cycling up to 2 PM. I practiced on different roads like Khandala ghat, Satara Road till Katraj Ghat, etc.

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