Sport Development Strategy Leaflet

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‘Active Guildford’ Sport Development Strategy 2016-2021

Year 3 Review (1 January to 31 December 2018)

Our plan to enhance sports provision and engage all our community in sport so that by 2021, Guildford will be one of the most active boroughs in South East England.

‘Active Guildford’, Sport Development Strategy 2016-2021

‘Active Guildford’ Year 3 Review Welcome to the year 3 review of our ‘Active Guildford’ Sport Development Strategy 2016-2021. This review covers sporting developments that occurred through the delivery of our year 3 action plan between January and December 2018. We would like to share the positive outcomes of these, to highlight local success stories and raise the profile of our sporting community. We thank everyone who has contributed to the success of our third year.

Our Strategy The aim of our strategy is to improve the health and wellbeing of our community through participation in sport, whilst supporting our valuable workforce and organisations that deliver sports in Guildford. Leading up to the launch of our strategy in January 2016, we undertook extensive consultation with our residents, users and key stakeholders to ensure our priorities and annual action plans were shaped by local need. This led to the creation of our four themes:



to encourage our community to get active and stay active.


Inclusive Sport

to encourage those from underrepresented groups to get active and stay active.



support the development of sports coaches and volunteers.



maximise the usage of local places for sport and active leisure.

Our vision is to enhance quality sports provision and engage all our community in sport so that by 2021, Guildford will be one of the most active boroughs in South East England.

Read in full, our ‘Active Guildford’, Sport Development Strategy 2016-2021.


‘Active Guildford’, Sport Development Strategy 2016-2021

You Said

We Did

Theme 1: Participation - to encourage our community to get active and stay active. You agreed that we should help young people get active.

Last year we: • involved 247 local young people in the free taster session programme that led up to the Specsavers Surrey Youth Games (SSYG) weekend. We exceeded our target of 80% utilisation of available taster session spaces • involved 87 young people from less advantaged areas of the borough in the SSYG taster sessions • delivered free SSYG taster sessions in Ash for the first time. This resulted in a significant increase in the number of young participants from Ash.

You agreed that we should help improve pathways for talented athletes.

Last year we: • celebrated the success of elite athletes, local coaches and volunteers at the ‘Sport Guildford Awards’, held in November.

Theme 2: Inclusive Sport - to encourage those from underrepresented groups to get active and stay active. Our ‘50+’ and ‘disability sport’ focus groups told us there was a local need to overcome cost barriers and a genuine fear of new opportunities.

Last year we: • worked with three local clubs to plan the delivery of low cost football opportunities for over 50’s and disabled people at the new state of the art, 3G football pitch at Kings College from September 2019 • extended the Sport England Get Active 50+ project to our day centres. 25 participants aged 65+ took part in free indoor golf sessions at both Park Barn and Shawfield Day Centres. We also supported the Centres to run a free mini golf inter-centre tournament at Stoke Park.


‘Active Guildford’, Sport Development Strategy 2016-2021

You Said

We Did

Theme 3: Workforce - support the development of sports coaches and volunteers. Our workforce asked us to identify and promote local funding streams for coaches.

Last year we:

Our workforce asked us to support young volunteers in sport.

• recruited 30 new Young Ambassador volunteers across 16 schools, for the Surrey Youth Games, exceeding the target of 25 ambassadors across 10 schools.

• enabled 8 local coaches to gain qualifications in their sport, thanks to partner funding from Active Surrey and Sport England

Theme 4: Places - maximise the usage of local places for sport and active leisure. Kings College artificial 3G football pitch.

Last year we: • worked in partnership with Kings College School to submit a successful, joint application to the Football Foundation • secured £546,736 of funding; £120k of Council funds, £80k from Guildford Education Partnership and £346,736 from the Football Foundation • worked in partnership with the Football Foundation to replace the old astroturf pitch at the school site, with a full 11-a-side artificial grass FIFA 1* pitch. Works have started on site and the pitch is due to open in May 2019 • planned a community football programme in partnership with the three local partner football clubs, to offer low cost, beginner football sessions to all ages and abilities.

For pitch booking enquiries please email:

For more information on the community football opportunities email:

Challenges There were challenges over the course of the year for both the Sport Development Officer and local sports organisations. Temporary closure of the Spectrum athletics track meant that the number of children at the Council’s Startrack Athletics schemes was 22 short of the target of 60.


Guildford Spectrum found local promotion of the ‘Get Up & Get Active’ event in August a challenge, which meant low numbers of local residents attended. The event attracted a higher regional audience of visitors to the centre, who participated in a wide range of free and low cost activities. Many of our local sports clubs supported the event by offering free taster sessions. continued


‘Active Guildford’, Sport Development Strategy 2016-2021

Sport Guildford, the independent Sports Council for Guildford, also experienced challenges this year, with low numbers of nominations for their ‘Sport Guildford Awards’. Sport Guildford’s pilot, ‘Free Access for County Sports people Scheme’ (FACS) also received a low number of applications. The FACS scheme offered young Guildford residents who played sport at County level, the chance to apply for free off-peak access to Council owned leisure training facilities. Sport Guildford will be reviewing these initiatives and considering better ways to engage the local sporting community in 2019. The Sports Development Officer has offered to support this work.

Plans for Year 4 We will continue to work with our partners in year 4 to deliver some exciting new projects including: • a new Guildford 5k & 10k road-running event in October 2019 • the launch of the new community football programme at Kings College School. We will also continue to work on major projects such as: • the feasibility study for the replacement of the Guildford Spectrum Leisure Complex • writing the rationale document for a new 15-year Playing Pitch Strategy. The Playing Pitch Strategy will identify requirements for outdoor development, maintenance, and improvement of both existing and new outdoor sports pitches and changing facilities.

Wider Impact Our strategy is continuing to improve the health and wellbeing of our borough and contribute towards the increase in the number of physically active adults in Surrey. According to Sport England’s annual ‘Active Lives’ survey, the number of active adults in Surrey (those participating in more than 30 mins physical activity per week) has increased by 1.2% to 68.4% (651,400 people). This means that Surrey is currently the 3rd most active county in the UK.

We would like to thank all our local partners for all their help this year and we look forward to working with you next year.

Contact Details Sport Development Officer 01483 444766

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