The Crestian | 2017

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To be on the cUSp is to be on the edge, the precipice. It’s an existence in the gray space, the moment before things change. m ■


l l l ' l itles are important; they’re a beginning. Names bring certainty. They bring direction. The problem is that we don’t always know where to begin. We can’t see where we are headed. So some things remain nameless, lost in the mess. This is how it starts. It’s how it always starts. Slowly, we tip our toes into the unknown waters. And in that precise moment, we contemplate our next step. We ride the ebb and flow of life, sometimes skittering to the safety of shore, occasionally squeezing our eyes shut and diving into the wave. The future lies before us like a foggy horizon, and we, cautiously, carefully, often blindly, scan the horizon. We hover on the cUSp of change. Pine Crest creates an environment that allows students and faculty to propel themselves and reach to grasp the “impossible.” We are always on the edge, on the cUSp. We see a boundary and push beyond it. This bravery is learned. We start off timid and afraid to leap. But soon Pine Crest becomes a comfortable environment, so we step. And then step again. Some may even begin to jump further. Soon enough this forward motion becomes commonplace. Staying in one spot becomes unnatural. We are no longer hovering, afraid to make our next move. We are embracing this


002 Itheme |

-IIA„ Each time we reach toward something new, we’re brought back to this unknown place, the nameless space. This untitled “no place” begins like all things: it’s something abstract and without real intent. But these things then become “some place.” For some this is medical school, publishinga novel, directinga movie, opening an art gallery, raising a family, being president, ending world hunger. Perhaps we’ll work our whole lives reaching and fighting to turn our nameless places into “some places.” Because that’s what Pine Crest has taught us to do. It’s taught us to live on the cLISp. It has taught us to keep reaching for the horizon, to see boundaries as a challenge begging to be conquered. We grow, we change, we adapt. We form a version of US that can be on the cUSp of new and greater things. From Pine Crest forward, we refuse to be complacent and don’t fear the change of transition. This one is for US, standing together, always on the cUSp. Love, Rebecca Schecter Editor-in-Chief Crestian 2017


004 |summer|


Idivider 1005

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where to go? The seniors don’t keep it plane” and simple as they broadcast their global summer adventures.


P h o t o g r a p h y | C a r o lin a S a la z a r ,B r itta n y S h o re , & B rian M e lle r S to ry | J o d ie K a h a n

Keeping tradition alive, the Class of 2017jaeads to the beach to symbolize the dawn of a t ’s 6:51 7TM7 on Commercial beach. The tide is low, the waves quiet. There’s not a dent to be found in the sand. The sun flashes from below the horizon. It’s ready. People in black t-shirts begin marching like! “"turtles towards the water, their heels imprinting! the sand. The howls of familiar laughter fill the! space. This is what it is to be a senior. Heat^ begins to invade the cool morning as the sun climbs higher. The seniors, of course, don’t' back down. Instead, they turn their backs, the sun illuminating the last names on their T-shirts. Cameras click away, capturing arm s1 ^^intertwined and smiles that say, “We made it!” ■"■—It’s 7:44 A.M. on Commercial beach. Boys and |P®igirls in black t-shirts turn their backs to the1 ^ .a now fully risen sun. They leave only the mark of their heels behind, a stamp that seems to scream, "SENIORS 2017 FOREVER.”




3. l.N O SUITS, NO PROBLEM! Larissa Alboucrek 112) and Maria Arboleda (12) stroll into the sunrise.

2 . NOW PUT YOUR HANDS UP! Jake Lieberfarb (12) is riding into senior year with the help of Sebastian Bell (12). S.FUN IN SUN! Senior girls do not have a problem goofing round. 1 4 . ALL SMILES, Carolina Salazar (12) and Valeria De Las Casas 3(12) enjoy each other's company and the salty air. p|5 . TAKING IT ALL IN, Hailey Karten (12), Brittany Shore jgl2), and Anastasia Golovkine (12) look out into the ocean icom m em erating their time at the Pine.

| 6 . GET THESE BOYS SOME SHADES. Mikey Mattone (12) and ■Tommy Sullivan (12) are looking cool and throwin' up duces.

P h o to g ra p h y | C aro lin a S a la z a r .B r itta n y S h o & Pedro D a m a s c e n o S to ry | J o d ie K aha

From freshmen finding their way around campus, to seniors strollin familiar halls, Pine Crest students get ready for r■ cst day.!

1. Bryce Emanuel (10) hugs Andie Weinberg (11) after a long summer.

010 | summer |

It has been said that distance makes the heart discussions only makes your cheeks a little red. (The grow fonder. Or, perhaps, distance amplifies all quivering voice is at least manageable.) Juniors don’t take much time to get acclimated. changes. The start of school is a chance to reunite with friends, share adventurous stories from a This is the year for hard work. The summer’s end means summer spent abroad (or watching movies at home, business. For the next 200 days, you’re bound to hear also very exciting). What everyone “ how was the ACT?” "Do you want has in common at the start of school, to see a scattergram?” “What's your though, is that feeling of a fresh start. GPA?” more than anything else. But It’s a chance to get better grades, everyone is in it together, and looking branch out, find new inventive ways to around, you know that you would not spice up the PC uniform. want to experience the stress with anyone else by your side. For freshmen, that first day is For the seniors, it’s a time of one of excitement (and a lot of fear). mixed emotions (what the cliche Maybe it’s a new campus, new faces, or labels -bittersweet-). It’s a time of larger class sizes that spur the nerves. reflection. We remember the days But soon all of these things become as self-conscious freshmen, the familiar, and once again, Pine Crest is confusion of finding classrooms a place where it’s easy to thrive. You quickly learn that coffee is not optional, but necessary, that first day, the chaos of switching friend groups, and that looking cute at school is a nearly impossible and switching again. On the first day the end seems like a long ways away, but we know better than this. In task, one reserved for the supremely talented. a moment, it will be over. And so we sit on the cusp, The sophomores are fierce and confident that first day back. No longer the new kids, walking down the on the edge of the next phase of epic memories and halls is now comfortable. Mary Ellen and Sandy know incredible moments. But for now, we enjoy the time we your school store number by heart; talking in Harkness have remaining at the Pine.


“What everyone has in common at the start of school, though, is that feeling of a fresh start.”


Ishani Singh (10) encourages Austin Brattli (10) to sign up for clubs at this year's fair.


Taking a break from classes. Diana Florencio (11) takes in the scenery.

4. 5. 6.

7. i\i

Leo Pernia-Hernandez (12) shares a laugh at the start of class Anastasia Golovkine (12) and Ruby He (12) rule the school as seniors. Omer Erez (9) and Jessica Nedry (9) are excited to see where the year takes them. Alii Silitsky (12) takes part in an annual senior PC tradition by painting her parking spot

Iwelcome back 1011






014 I freshmen |

Ifreshmen 1015

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016 I freshmen |


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Ifreshmen 1017




“Senioritis is when seniors zone out of school. - Rachel Sn


“When seniors start slacking off, having fun, nd appreciating what the school had to offer over their course of high school.” - Raj Kumar



018 I freshmen |



“Senioritis is best defined as the action of not car­ ing because the hard part of high school is over.” - g Ryan Zimmerman

“When you|are ou are already £ in college so you believe there is litarally no point in trying anymore.”- Lily



Ifreshmen 1019


What was the most overused catchphrase of the year? Make America Great Again

Number of Students


Lit/It's lit Harambe/ R.I.P. Harambe DAB Other



020 Ifreshmen |

3 24








|freshmen 1021





022 Ifreshmen |




|freshmen 1023


“ I expected a high GPA and a good lunch honestly.” Ceaser Ades


“ I expected an amazing amount of freedom (which I did receive), and I was very excited to join new clubs and activities!”- Katie Sullivan

024 I freshmen I

“ I was expecting to have A LOT more work than middle school, but so far it has been a decent amount. Nothing unbearable. Anna Blavatnik



camera shy:

Sophia Jafri Francesco Mastriana Chase Medrano Gabriel Moncau Ryan Morris

Ifreshmen 1025

1. PUDDING IT OUT THERE. Skylar Pollack (11) competes in m inute-towin-it games at this year's Hoco.

2. OH MY. APPLE PIE! C) Douglas (11) takes on the pie eating contest. 3. GRID IRON GIRLS. The juniors and seniors batttling it out for spirit points. 4 . HE'S GOT THIS. Jacob Honig (10) gets ready to take on a Hoco challenge.


READY TO RUMBLE. Andie Weinberg (11) is ready to take on the seniors.

6 . GET UP AND DANCE! The freshman boys charm the crowd with their routine.


Ben Schwartz (11) tries to knock out the competition.

8 . INSYNC The sophom ores dance with a passion during the Powderpuff game. 9 . I GOT THIS. Noah See (9) reaches for the Oreo and the win.

028 Ifall I

For a glorious two days, the underclassmen went all out dressing up and competing in minute to win it games, , and food events.


2 . FULL SPEED AHEAD! Lola Aloia (9) flies down the court for her team.

3. LET'S GO PANTHERS Senior girls cheer on the football team at this year's Homecoming game. 4 . THEY'VE GOT THE BEAT. The cheerleaders get the students exicted for the upcoming football game.

5. KING AND QUEEN Marisol Beaufrand (12) and Mikey Mattone (12) pose for the cameras. 6 . GET YOUR HANDS UP! The Panther mascot riles up the crowd.

7. 8.

LET’S DANCE Hip Hop Club shows off its moves.

GO HARD OR GO HOME! The football team gets ready to outwork the competition.

030 IfallI

I . DANCE OFF! Ryan Fiedler (12). Amanda .Anderson (12). Kylie DiCarolis (12). and (Audrey Louden (12) celebrate Hoco.








The Friday of Hoco week was full of fun, kicking off with the pep rally and finishing off with a Pine Crest win at the football game.

Ihoco 031

1. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! The senior girls celebrate their IPowderpuff victory. )2 .0 H BOTHER. Morgan Simonson (12) has some fun as Eeyore [ SB JflJ S .# ♦3. RINDING IT OUT, Andres Soto (12) tackles the watermelon .eating contest. |4 . FUN ON THE FIELD. Kylie Jovanovski (12) gets ready for the iHoco festivities. 5 . TURTLE POWER! Byrce Bloom (12) is ready to take on the lunderclassmen. 16. SENIORS! Ryan Berman (12) cheers on the seniors at the pep rally. 7. CLEAR AS A WHISTLE. Rebecca Schecter (12) shows off her school spirit!

j8. IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO! Richard Silverman and Ryan Fiedler (12) try and keep the beat in the pow derpuff dance Iroutine. 9 . SHOW ME THE MONEY. Anastasia Golovkine (12) dresses up for spirit days.

'P H otographyJ* C a ro lin a *S a ta za r , Br i tt a-ny . S h oYe , &Pecteo D e rfra s c e n o ',? ’

^CK-e-senior'clas-s lives up, to their • ‘ w ■ *< spirit (stick) and panther pride one-last time

status?"showing off their

Isenior hoco 1033



Seniors Joao Vitor Pereira Matt Cohen Christian Soderberg

Seniors Dane Gailitis

Juniors Adam Cohen Nico Ferrara Sophom ores Christopher Martinez Antony Novak Matthew Petreski Jacob Silberman Freshm en Jimmy Hart Elvis Kotikovski Christian Urbanek

034 I fall

Juniors Lyle Hayes-Macaluso G I R L S ’ SWIMMING Seniors Lauren Briggs Marta Ciesla Jamie Flores Evin Rothschild

Sophom ores Sandra Meszaros Julia Morrissey Lauren Noyola Rosie Rothschild Molly See Hannah Virgin Freshm en Tianna Brannan Daniela Munoz Andrea Santander Alana von Woerkom Danielle Wiesfisch G I R L S ’ DIVING

Juniors Marissa Brannan Emma Foltz Marissa G ailitis Daniela Gomez Anna Lyn Anna Montgomery Margaret Pilske Eva Sher

Seniors Juliette Pozzuoli Sophom ores Ishani Singh Ali Watson

Freshmen Shiraz Shift Co a c h e s Jay Fitzgerald Mariuz Pokoscienlny Janet Gabriel Daniel Palmiotto Katelyn Miller

his year’s swimming and diving teams splashed the competition. After beating Bolles for the first time in over 25 years, the girls’ swimming and diving team were overjoyed. Until this year, Bolles had never lost a dual meet in more than 22 years. This high energy meet with a huge student fan base set the teams up for an exciting season and a hard fight in the State Championships. Jamie Flores, one of the senior captains of the swim team, fondly remembers beating Bo lies at the meet, stating, “ It was one moment where swimming and diving truly weren’t individual sports because we all knew the team was more important.” As a leader on the swimming and diving teams, captains must bring together boys and girls ages sixth grade and higher. To do this, captain of the diving team Juliette Pozzuoli


encouraged her teammates to train with a purpose and stay motivated throughout the long season. At the State Championships, the girls fell short of beating Bolles by just ten points. Describing this second place finish, Pouzzouli states, “ I could not be prouder to be part of such an amazing team and would definitely count this season as a success because we still made history and gave the best team in the nation a run for their money.” The captains made sure to thank all of their coaches, including Coach Mariusz, Coach Katelyn, Coach Jay, Coach Janet and Coach Jim , who are at school from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day helping the teams succeed, as well as all the parents who volunteered to help run the meets and provide snacks. Overall, this season went swimmingly for both teams and the Pine Crest community looks forward to seeing what the future holds for these swimmers and divers!

After beat­ ing Bolles for the first time in over 25 years...”

P h o to g r a p h y | M ic h a e l C Lyn

The Pine Crest Swimming and Diving teams continue to build tradition one stroke at a time.

2. WANT SECONDS? FOLLOW ME1Nico Ferrara (11) freestyles to a fast finish. 3. REACHING FOR THE WALL Andrea Santander (9) masters the butterfly stroke. 4. WATERSHED MOMENT. The Pine Crest swimmers amp up for the competition. 5. BACKING IT UP Elvis Kotikovski (9) starts hard and finishes fast. 6 . DIVE ON! Dane Gailitis (12) flys high off the diving board ready to make a splash.

swimming/diving| 035

P h o to g ra p h y I C a r o l i n a S a la z a r & P edro D e m a sc e n o S to r y I H ib a Ism ail

B O Y S ’ Football Seniors Matt Becker Sebastian Bell Bryce Bloom Kolin Boorom Will Buchholz Sofia Caro Chris Dunne Alex Estape Leo Malhado Max Marchetto Joseph Murciano Justin Oletsky John Page James Pierson Arjun Sandhu Jordan Schulefand Richard Silverman Andres Soto Sam Wurth Juniors Johnathan Ballou Brett Elpert Jordan Eskenazi Rob Fatovic Bailey Finkelberg Eddie Hauser Cody Katari Daniel Nakhamkin Jacob Solomon Shane Williams Sophom ores Brian Anderson Konrad Ehmke Kadin Katsch Ethan Kaufman Luke Kessinger Jeremy Oletsky Ben Pierce Nathaniel Selub Eric Shagrin Freshm en Cesar Ades Andrew

036 I fall |

Joseplf1Ang6Jlfa This fal1 season, the Pine Raul Cepero Crest Boys’ Football team

Caleb Cyr Noah Ferber Clayton Finney Anthony Gerard Jacob Goldberg Inti LouisW illiams Chase Medrano Michael Phillips Jake Rosen Noah See Blake Selesnick Matt Taylor Josh Vlessing S t a tis ic ia n Ryan Berman

Coaches Troy Harrison Tim Hibbs Ladell Betts Regiie Givens Mike Hiatki Damian Hunte Cecil McNair Traveon Henry Tim Curran Max Rubinoff


his year’s football tackled their opponents head on! Though the team was initially not projected to do so well, especially with some of their key players injured, they still remained hopeful. Their optimism paid off when they made it to the playoffs, battling it out in a suspenseful game with Benjamin. Senior captain Bryce Bloom recalls the tense match, “We had gone into the fourth quarter trailing Benjamin, but we were able to score to tie up the game and bring it into overtime. Then, they scored a touchdown, but we blocked their extra point and secured our spot in the King’s Academy Championship


Game after scoring not only a touchdown, but also an extra point thanks to kicker Leo Mahaldo.” In addition to being an exhilarating victory, their win was also a moment of school pride as they dominated on the Pine Crest field with their fans cheering them on. Though King’s Academy Championship Game didn’t go as the they had hoped, the team is happy with the overwhelming progress they made throughout the season. Bloom says, “ I am proud of my teammates, they’re like my brothers. We’re thankful towards our coaches for helping us become better men and to our fans who gave us the energy we needed to perform at our very best every game.”

“Their optimism paid off when they made it to the playoffs...”

Ifootball 1037



WE VE GOT SP]RJT! The cheer team show off its moves during the Homecoming pep rally.

3. LOUD AND PROUD! The cheer squad has ail the right moves on the field. 4. GO, FIGHT, WIN! These girls are full of Pine Crest spirit. 5. FLY1N' HIGH Madison Mulkey (11) takes off in a high flying toss.

G I R L S ’ V A R SIT Y C H E E R L E A D IN G Seniors Lilliana deSouza Maddie Hage Juniors Shaynah Boulay Ally Feeny Madi Leon Nicole McEwan Maddie Mulkey Jenna Olefson Julia Packer Tara Perez Samantha Perlman Ani Spey Sydney Sullivan Erykah Tomlinson Sophom ores Kenna Hollander Freshm en Ella Bergner Yazzy Issa Elizabeth Potter Denae Ward Coaches Jana Blackwell Sarah Paul-Hus

038 I fall I

6 . SHARING THE SPIRIT, Shynah Boulay (11) shares her love of cheer with the Pine Crest cub club.

7. GO BIG OR GO HOME. These cheerleaders rock their jumps and their spirit.

his year’s cheerleading team fed off the powerful Panther spirit! The team worked tirelessly in the time leading up to the Pep Rally to perform a perfect routine in front of the entire school’s roaring crowd. Senior co-captain Lilliana de Souza describes the exhilarating feeling, “The energy is the best thing by far. The crowd screaming while we toss girls into the air or while they yell the words to a cheer we’re leading is the best feeling for us. It’s definitely one of the things i’ll miss most when I graduate.” As the head of the team, along with de Souza,


Maddie Hage stresses the importance of setting the mood each and every day with a smile on her face in order to maintain the positivity, even in tough situations like when the team is losing. In fact, she thinks its most important to motivate the girls when things don’t seem to be going in their favor. Looking back on their final season, de Souza and Hage are proud that the girls put their hearts into it, thankful to their coaches for pushing them as hard as they do and happy that they were able to connect with so many Pine Crest fans throughout the year.

Souza and Hage are proud that the girls put their hearts in it...”

hotojg ra p h y | C; alaza r.B rittan y :P e d r o D e m a s ;c< to r y | H Iba Is m

1. LEADING THE PACK. Matthew Iordan (11) maintains a steady pace throughout the race.

ross Country has had morethan justasuccessful impressed us all with her unflagging devotion to the season this exciting school year. From their team. Vreeland, like Kennedy, had her physical ups and extensive in-school and out-of-school training downs during the season. “I really struggled with being to the girls’ incredible win at states, this united sick. Going into a couple of races, I didn’t feel too well, team has no limits. Sadly, this will be the seniors’ last but I competed because my teammates were running year competing for Pine Crest School. Although their so well and I wanted to contribute to the success of our time here at the Pine might be running out, their team ,” she explains. She tells us that being a leader for achievements and commitment will “ T IV the team is not an easy job; she plans follow them all the way to college and I R I S workouts, designs apparel, leads warmto their further endeavors. Michael . . ■■ ups and many other activities, but Kennedy, senior on the Cross Country Simone really does love every minute team had a significant impact on the . i r , . of it. The runners run extremely well team that was greatly appreciated by 1 0 3 111 Q 0 T 0 3 I 0 Q and adore the sport. Truly the whole his teammates, coaches, and peers. .1 ' 1 I jj package! Simone would like to thank A lighthearted guy, Kennedy “kept 11101X H V 3 I S . . . her coaches, specifically Coach Baur everyone relaxed in stressful situations and Coach Brittany, for always believing and motivated [his teammates] to keep running.” in her at all times! The Pine Crest Cross Country team Like any athlete, Kennedy would occasionally struggle really did have an outstanding season with a myriad of during his races. “I was constantly getting passed [by accomplishments. This outstanding team defeated their other runners] and falling further back than I expected. rivals, Bolles, for the first time in history, won districts, With my coach’s eternal wisdom, I could snap out of qualified for Nike regionals, and ranked fifth place in my funk and pass several runners to finish strong,” he the entire southeast region all in one year. Who runs the told us. Simone Vreeland, captain of the girls’ team, world? The Pine Crest Cross Country Team!



040 I fall I

G I R L S ’ V A R SIT Y C R O S S CO UN TR Y Seniors Larissa Alboucrek Isabel Farlie Emily Ferrando Drisha Gwalani Samantha Meade Morgan Simonson Simone Vreeland Sarah Walker Jamie Zipper Sophomores Samantha Gonzalez

Michael Kennedy Ron Knezevich Matthew Stein Riley Ward

Freshmen Lorrie Axelrod Maya Beleznay Emily Faulhaber Amanda Schwartz Libby Torregrosa Tsion Yared

Juniors Matt Jordan Ricky Morse


Sophomores Adrian Abedon Andrew Asnis Zach Blostein Jackson Ferrando Gabriel Ortega Jabari Owens Jack Rizzo

Seniors Matt Asnis Ben Brody Michael Cabral Alec Gugel

Sebastian Rukes Freshmen Alan Goff Joshua Koolik Ethan Leifert Nikhil Narwani Coaches Paul Baur Jim Brown Terri Arkin Brittany Carey Laura Carafiello Bavon Syvanin

2. MAKING A RUN FOR IT! Alec Gugel (12) and Adrian Abedon (10) out pace the competition. 3. EAT. RUN. SLEEP. REPEAT. Gaby Ortega (10) and Matt Jordan (11) endure the terrain and never complain. 4 . SORRY. I’VE GOT TO RUN Simone Vreeland (12) runs long and strong.


RUNNING HARD. Sarah Walker (12) focuses on crossing the finish line.

6 . RUNNING WITH HEART. Tsion Yared (9) goes the extra mile.

|cross country 1041

Girls Volleyball served, blocked, and through the season.

P h o to g ra p h y | P edro D em asceno S to r y | H a ile y K a r te n


DEFENSE WINS! Maddie Fowler (10) and Kylie Bruder (12) block a shot from the opposing team.




ump. Set. Spike! This year’s girls volleyball team had one of their strongest seasons yet. They pulled through with big wins against rival Cardinal Gibbons and State Champion Westminster Christian, whom they a beat by five sets. Captain Ariana Altier, senior, describes the memorable game as one that really showed the team ’s potential: “We weren’t really expected to win, but knowing that, we played our hearts out, were 100% confident, and played the game of our lives.” This year, volleyball truly brought the heat from all the fans at important games such as Senior Night


042 I fall I

against Park Vista. Senior Blake Kushner remembers the great night, saying “The best thing about playing in front of a home crowd is that you know they’re there to cheer the team on whether we’re down or up. It’s nice to know that they are spending their time watching you play the sport you love and support you while you’re doing it.” The team would like to thank their coaches Albert Sturgeon, Annika Barnwell, and Dennis Perry for their dedication to them throughout the season and for pushing them to reach their full potential. As the girls like to say before their games: “ PCVB YOU KNOW!!!”

...volleyball truly brought the heat...”



\ I

G IR L S ’ VARSITY Volleyball Seniors Ariana Altieri Kylie Bruder Alyssa Dern Valeria De Las Casas Blake Kushner Juniors Katie Haeffner Grace Luciano Shari Stenglein Sophomores Carley Blake Maddie Fowler Arielle Ghiloni Cassidy Robertson liana Shapiro Freshmen Ashley Gold Isabelle Hill Coaches Albert Sturgeon Annika Barnwell

G I R L S ’ JV Volleyball


LET'S SETTLE THIS AT THE NET. Grace Luciano (11), Kaitlyn Haefner (11), and Kylie Bruder (12) are ready for action.

3. REFUSE TO LOSE! The girls get ready to return the serve. 4. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING. Maddie Fowler (10) gets fast

Sophomores Aislinn Sullivan Kassidy Angelo Elizabeth Brown Megan Guido Sarah Hanncock Isabella Malaga Meghna Sharma Bianca Simons Alexa Strauch

and furious at the net.

5. SHE'S GOT GAME. Kylie Bruder (12) gets ready to serve the ball. 6 . PLAYING LIKE A CHAMPION Ariana Altieri (12) gives it all she's got,

Freshmen Taylor Dezell Julia Gordon Natalia Hauser Coaches Chantel Franzosa Wei-Hao Wu

|girls’volleyball | 43

1. GOLF IS HIS FAVORFI COURSFJ luslin Dansansky (12) outdrives the (competition.

[2. GETTING THEIR DAILY DOES OF IRON! Miles Castoro (12). Justin Danzansky (12), and .Dominic Carrera (10) ponder their next move. |3.SWINGING INTO ACTION1Rachel Rutstein (12) rips the ball off the tee. 4. NOTHING LIKE GOLF. Rhea Kumar (11) focuses on her next move. [5. THE TARGET IS HER GOAL Paige Skimming (11) taps the ball to make the shot. 6 . THAT'S HOW WE ROLL. The boys stroll to the next tee.

.G I R L S ’ V A R S IT Y GOLF ^Seniors I ^ R u b y He ^ R a c h e l Rutstein

Juniors Lisbeth Rubin Paige Skimming Rhea Kumar Sophom ores Avita Clarke

B O Y S ’ V A R S IT Y GOLF Seniors Miles Castoro Justin Danzansky

Juniors Eli Lenner Avyah Sharma Jonathan Shashoua Sophomores Dominic Carrera John Herin

Freshm en Avyah Sharma Rafael Salazar-Paranhos Coaches Greg Burton Karl Nitowski

The Pine Crest golf teams took to the power, accuracy, and discipline.

p h o t o g r a p h y | M a rc i D a n z a n s k y S to ry | A s h ly n J o n e s


oys’ ariaGiris teamsswunghardthis because it wa year," resulting in an unforgettable ever won a Bo season. Ruby He said, “My favorite be a leader 01 Egg memory would have to be when really special. ,^ w e beat the team that we H I IT Q n P P I P l - ^usually lose against this . ..U U i o p t-U d l ffflseason. We were so excited p. o nl P "f h P g jt o finally win that match.” U U I l u I M C 1 U C L M C wThe Boys’ golf team also c p c i c r i n P l l "t"hP"t" j|||h ad a great season. Justin b C d o U l I d l l LI I d l pDanzansky said that one r*Tll i p h I T J p r p SSo f his favorite memories IM UUII IIIU IC g&,from this year would be fl in ^ “seeing Pine Crest’s name lu ll. igjcircled on the leaderboard Mas the 1st Place winner at the Regional Coach Foster, ^Tournament. This will always be with me supporting us

3o!ja (10) and Mark Rozencwaig (10) immerse


isol Beuafrand (12) rocks it out with a Sara Bareilles


lam Cohen (11) plays some cool jazz.


/rod (12) and Noey Boldizsar (12) have some


12) croons to the crowd.


rett Koolik (12) gets the crowd feeling alright


ez( : (11) impresses the crowd with her acoustic

046 Ifall I

Pine Crest students bi-annual Playing for Change


This years cast sang and danced their h


Hannah Printz DANCE CAPTAINS P h o t o g r a p h y | C a r o l in a S a la z a r ,B r i tta n y S h o r e , SrP edro D e m a s c o S to ry | H a ile y K a r te n

Kaitlyn Ockerman JoAnn Wood FINE ARTS TECHNICIANS Mr. Braden Mr. Johnson Mr. Williams TECHNICAL CREW Alexis Adornato Danielle Bejar Julia Borisiak, Sebastian Crist Grace Correa Alejandra Egocheaga Sarah Hancock Elaina Kokinakos Brooke Luckman Leopoldo Pernia Will Prevor Hannah Printz Alexandra Rios Zia Pirani Scott Shanbom Alexandra Valad Lissy Wood Lyle Zucker



Mrs. Ortega Libby Baker Sophie Glassman Anastasia Golovkine Annika Polatsek

Matthew Dardet Drew Morris Derek Pfeffer Jena Rozanski Olivia Varughese Mr. Baudrit Ms. Clark Mr. Finn Mr. Gardner Mr. Martinez Mr. Miller Mr. Mellone Mr. Ross

PH OTOGRAPHY Pedro Damasceno Hannah Printz, Brittany Shore Mr. Schulman Ir. Perido MAKE

ain opened for this year’s musical, the audience was transported back to the 1950s, a time full of young love and rock and roll. The cast prepared for weeks putting together A ll S h o o k U p, but I_______________i _______ _ . LL L IV /I C ■for them, the ___ rehearsal time was ■well worth the crowd that they lbrought in on opening night. ISenior Ryan Fiedler remembers ■the night by saying “At first, the la rg e audience can be sort of Idaunting but once you get past lit, they bring a sort of excitement to the cast that ups everyone’s performance.” A ll S h o o k U p tells the story of a group of people in a small town who are all interconnected; in fact, all of the leading roles have a love interest in the plot. Some of the casts’ best memories are from

reh ea^ m ^ tn es^ o v^ scen es. Ryan commented, “ My favorite moment was the first day of kiss week when everyone had to kiss for the first time.” The show made the audience members smile and laugh with the incredible talent and humor tha ■i came in each and every scene.l One of the best pieces in the! show was when the entire cast! sang Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help| Falling in Love” ; it gave everyone in the audience goosebumps and| 1 11 some even shed a tear. The talenl in this year’s musical featuredl many members of the Class of 2017 including, Marisol Beaufrand, Tara Schulman, Henri Vrod„ Ryan Fiedler, Deanna Hennelly, Hunter Potak, Amanda Gomez, and more. They will certainly be missed in next year’s show.

‘ My favorite moment was the first day of kiss week.

t I

2. 3.

FOOLS FALL IN LOVE. Lorraine (Tara Schecter, 12) and Dean (Hunter Fotak. 12) finally share a dance

WONT YOU BE MY TEDDY BEAR7 “Satisfaction" girl (Noey Boldiszar. 12) has some fun in Sylvias Honky Tonk.

rl. IF 1 CAN DREAM Miss Sandra (Deanna Hennelly. 12) sings in the statue garden.


BLUE SUEDE SHOES. The local roustabout. Chad (Rodrigo Torrejon. 11) shakes things up

6 . DEVIL IN DISGUISE Mayor Matilda (Amanda Gomez. 12) warns her son. Dean (Hunter Potak. 12) about the dangers of loud music.

17.ONE OF THE GUYS! Dennis (Ryan Fiedler. 12) is excited to be the roustabout's sidekick. 8 . ALL SHOOK UP! The restless town folk share a song.

1 .LOVE ME TENDER Natalie (Marisol Beaufrand, 12) pines for her crush.

12. [variation. 3. enchanted forest. 4. dancers.

JoAnn Wood (12) leads the dancers in the ballet The dancers begin waking as flowers in an Hannah Burnstein (11) emerges from a center of

5. Using her magical powers, Juanita Garcia (11) gets the forest flowers to rise. 6. performance.

Julia Karten (10) dances with attitude during her

7. Natalie Rubenstein (9) didn't sit this one out as the dancers used a new prop in this year's performance.

Photography | Carolina Salazar.Brittany Shore. SrPedro Damasceno StoryJ Lisa Zheutlin

For the Pine Crest dancers, this year’s performances were on pointe.

1. DRESSED IN WHITE! These high school girls are all synchronized to the beat of the music

Idance etc. 1051

052 I sophomores |





054 |sophomores |

I sophomores 1055



Which teacher would you want to be



056 Isophomores |



stuck on a rollercoaster with? “ Mrs. Nisan or Dr. TurnbeM” Lauren Fromkin



Isophomores 1057

What is your favorite TV show? How I Met Your Mother The Crown i <ji Suits Once Upon a Time How to Get Away with Murder Law and Order: SVU

Designated Survivor Grey’s Anatomy Timeless

Stranger Things Last Chance U Gilmore Girls Shameless Quantico Criminal Minds Prison Break Narcos


The Flash

16% Jane the Virgin 6 %

058 I sophomores |





Isophomores 1059




060 |sophomores |





wnat is your Tavorite mmg 10 uuy at the student store? N u m b e r of Stud ents

1D 1U 5








0* O







■ z z-


2 n9


\G e









0 ^ °o ^

| sophomores 1061





062 I sophomores |





| sophomores 1063




What is Upside-down smiley fa ce .” - Ross Bauman

“ Blushing smiley face em oji.” - Megan Guido

“ Unicorn emoji” Meghna Sharma

064 I sophomores |






| sophomores 1065



066 I sophomores |

Michael Fiedel Harris Gevinson Arielle Ghiloni Julian Naranjo Caroline Nouhan

I sophomores 1067

068 Iwinter |

oys' basketoaii tnis season was really a slam dunk. The highlight of the boys’ season was beating Saint (Andrews, a team that was ranked |#1 in the division with a record of 21-1 in overtime. Twins Brett and AJ Haeffner returned .to the PC team after (two years at Saint [Andrews, which (added meaning |to the PC win. Reminiscing on the |game, Captain Chris Marzouca stated, [‘Both sides of the bleachers were [completely filled, and the noise level was insane...It was the most intense game I have ever played in.” (The boys were down in the fourth quarter, but Chris’ leadership and

e team's dedication triumphe n the end, leading to the fans storming the court. As the leader of his team, Chris spoke very highly of his fellow teammates, saying “there] is no other set of guys that I would rather be with for| my senior year.” Chris thanked the basketball program at PC fori shaping him into the person he is today, and he said, “ I am so grateful) that was able to be a part of something so special.” The team’s underclassmen had immense talent, and though the seniors will be sorely missed, their departure is not the end to the success of Pinel Crest basketball.

“ ...but Chris’ leadership and the team’s dedication triumphed...”

Playing hard, playing smart, and playing togethe made the Pine Crest Boys’ Basketball team a force to be reckoned with this year.

1. OVER HER! 1Chris Marzouca (12) signals Scotty Pippen (10) for the ball.

|0 7 0 |winter|

ItT tt

B l J m ’ V A R S IT Y B A S K E T B A LL Seniors Brett Haeffner Chris Marzouca Juniors Sam Brody Michael E g o z i . »■Travis Holt Hayden Norris' Miles Polley Chandler Polloc Sophomores Brian Anderson Scotty Pippen Freshmen Alex Vertus Managers Blake Gilbert Jason Meisel Max Rubinoff Coach Barry Connors

B O Y S ’ JV B A SK E T B A LL Sophomores Evan Dash


RISING TO THE TOP' Going for the basket. AJ Haeffner (12) tries to score one for the Panthers.

3. ATTACK THE GLASS! Alex Vertus (9) reaches for the win. 4. FAST AND FURIOUS. Evading the block. Chris Marzouca (12) tries to find an opening. 5. REACHING FOR THE SKY. Pressure mounts for Chandler Pollock (11) at the three point line. ’6 . QUEST FOR THE NET. Brett Haeffner (12) makes a strategic pass in hopes for a Panther win.

Andrew Amunategui Anthony Gerard Justin Guilfu Gabe Harbaugh Kevin Harvey Tony Marzouca B reffb rP fatn er Jake Rosen Ryan Zimmerman Manager Robert Issa





Isabella Maharaj Sydney Reid Kennady Smith Rachel Zietz

De Las C a s a s ine P rocacci hea Silitsky M a r r r B a l le s t e r o s Danielle Bejar Sophie Shapiro Andie Weinberg

Sophm ores Ashley Weymouth Freshmen Ashyln Harrison Jestine Siegel

Sophomores Salma Abuhamda Sarah Hancock Haley Mordis Freshmen Ella Bergner Yazzy Issa Elizabeth Potter Denae Ward G I R L S ’ JV B A S K E T B A L L Seniors Jeanne Blaison Emily Ferrando Hiba Ismail Rachel Mondshine Sam antha Solomon Lisa Zheutlin

' • i >\ \ 11 r ___



N ____ ■__■





■ fa r! f i m


The Pine Crest Girls’ Basketball team played hajxl. played ball, and err it ai on the court this year. 1. READY TO DEFEND’Alii Silitsky (12) shows off J her defensive stance.

his year’s girls’ basketball team’s season was morale and unparalleled skill, the girls made it all th e! really a slam dunk! After losing two pivotal way to the District Championships with only 6 losses in i players from last year, the girls a /\ Q U p In n k p H their season. Unfortunately, they!


didn’t have high expectations for the season, but they still remained hopeful with each player stepping up and playing her part. Co-captain, Alii [Silitsky, says the highlight of their season was their slim victory against

b i l e IU U r\ C U u o p l/ chp U d U r \ , o l 1C r p m p m h p r p H Ih p I d M C I I I U C I C U LI 1C

c o ^»c n n f i l l o H \ A / i l h o C d O U I I I I I I C U VV I U I one point. “One of the best parts about rn p m n rip Q p n H having such an amazing season was II I d I I U I IC O d l l U playing in front of bleachers packed |p |iah -|-p r ” [with cheering fans. The fans pushed Id U g lllC l. us to be better each game, and we could not have asiago bagels, and succeeded the way we did without them.” With their high moment during its

[Highlands Christian with a lead of only

weren’t able to clinch the victory! against long-time rival Cardinal] Gibbons. Silitsky, regardless of a | win or !oss, says leading the team ] with other co-captain, Valeria Del Las Casas’ was one of the most gratifying experiences. As shel looked back, she remembered the! season filled with memories andj laughter. “Through the black eyes,1 unhealthy eating, scarred faces airballs, this team never had a du 192 hours together.”

Igirls’ basketball 1073

PC basketball cheerleaders

this is panth G I R L S ’ V A R SIT Y CH E E R L E A D IN G Seniors Kaylee Blanchard Madeline Hage Juniors Diana Florencio Madison Leon Madison Mulkey Jenna Olefson Julia Packer Ani Spey

are girls on the sidelines ot every basketball game, pompoms in hand and voices that yell, “green and white... let’s fight!” But being the professional hype squad for (the basketball team is no easy task. “Cheerleading is a sport where you have to be willing to accept [that your idea might not be Ithe best idea and listening |to what others have to say is very important. You also Ihave to understand that you lare not perfect and you will jmake mistakes, so handling (criticism isa bigpartof your job,” said senior captain IMaddie Hage. Through ups and downs, Hage has |led the team, keeping morale high all the while. “ My favorite memory from this season is senior night Ibecause my team came together for celebration,

Freshm en Ella Bergner Samantha Finkelberg Yasmina Issa Anabella Kupchik Elizabeth Potter Coaches Jana Blackwell Sarah Paul-Hus

knew how much they appreciated tne time anc effort I put into cheer. It was an amazing night andl I never expected them to do as much as they did.” But being a leader on this team meant so muchj more to Hage than just a fun senior night, “The# most important part of being a leader on my teaml is being there for yourl teammates. Everyone[ has something else goin£ on in their lives, and ifl their head is not in it at| practice, it can mess with! the dynam ic.” With suchl a successful season, this| team certainly has several people to thank. “ I want to thank my coaches fori always pushing me to be the best I can be and my| team for always having my back. I love cheerleadinj and I’m sad to say goodbye."

“ But being the professional hype squad for the basketball team is no easy task. ”

074 Iwinter |

P h o t o g r a p h y I E rykah T o m l i n s o n & N oa W ein er S to r y I J o d ie K a h a n

. BE AGGRESSIVE! The cheerleaders hold up their teammates as they hit a high V in the stunt.

3.STRIKE A POSE Maddie Mulkey (11) poses in the air above the crowd. 4. RA RAJ, Ani Spey (11) holds her arms in the air to help pump up the fans..

5. LET'S GET PSYCHED. The cheerleading team shakes their pom-poms with excitement as the basketball team runs up and down the court.



G I R L S ’ VA R SIT Y SOCCER Seniors Kylie DiCarolis Amanda Gibson Gabi Meli Madeleine Turner Juniors Lauren Britton Tessa Gulley Karlie Pollock Skylar Pollock Abby Schwartz Olivia Schwartz Tara Shecter Ana Simon Eva Spyredes Sabrina Wittich Sophom ores Allyson Feldman Natalie Klar Rose Rothschild Isabelle Se ckle r

G I R L S ’ JV SOCCER Juniors Jackie Briggs Sophom ores Silvia Ballvian Elizabeth Brown Ashleigh Clark Gigi Cohen Athena Myers Gabrielle Pearl Sammy Restrepo Aislinn Sullivan

Freshm en Je ssica Nedry Grace Pettee Olivia Pettee

Freshmen Julia Barr Emily Davidovic Ryan Dudak Lily Hashemi Sami Heller Kaitlyn Keenan Amanda Klayman Maura Pliske

Coach Pepi Vallejo

Coach Laura Carafiello

he shoots... she scores! Both the G irls’ Varsity Soccer Team arid the Junior Varsity Team had exceptionally eventful seasons. From strenuous afternoon practices to action-packed district games, these girls were in it to win it. Madeleine Turner, U l' varsity senior captain, practically beamed when talking about the incredible season. “ Looking out and seeing packed stands motivates the whole team. Our fans motivate us to do well. They take the time to support u s,” return says Turner, “And we wi the favor!” Clearly, it did not matter if it was a home game or an away game-the PC students brought the PC Pride wherever they went. With their long­ time coach Pepi Vallejo and their new coach Chantal Franzosa, the team


was truly unstoppable. Madeleine understood that she would have to take over as a senior captain this year. “We lost six starters with the graduating class of 2016. I thought we were going to have large gaps on the field, but with the incoming teammates, the team just grew closer and stronger.” As a leader, Turner felt that putting her emotions and nerves aside for each game would ensure the success of the team, and obviously, her strategy worked, The whole team had an incessant drive to have fun, play well, and win. The ’ 16-’ 17 soccer season was filled with unforgettable memories and a myriad of victories. Knowing the PC student athletes, there will be many more successes to come.

The whole team had incessand drive to have fun, play well, and win.’”

076 I winter |

P h o to g r a p h y [ C a ro lin a S a la z a r S to ry [ N atalia H a u s e r


speed and accuracy. Amanda Gibson (12) runs for the goal

For the Pine Crest Girls Soccer team, their goal was s t o p p i n g g o a ls .,



' —


2 . K1CKIN IT Skylar Pollock (11) looks for an open teammate after saving a goal.

3. THEY'D BETTER RUN! Keeping the opponent at bay. Natalie Klar (10) goes all out this season. 4. MOVING FORWARD. Kylie DiCarolis (12) doesn’t lose sight of the ball. 5 . WATCH YOUR STEP. Going for the ball no matter what, Gabi Meli (12) attempts to snag the ball away. 6 . BEST IN FIELD. Madeleine Turner (12) waits to make her move.


CAN'T STOP THAT. Tapping the ball down the field. Eva Spyredes (11) makes a solid pass for

the Panthers.

|girls’ soccer 1077


Some teams dream about goals, the Pine Crest Boys Soccer team makes them.

P h o to g ra p h y | C a r o l in a S a la z a r & B r itta n y S h o r e S to r y | Lisa Z h e u t l i n

m r

* g*

2. COMING TO A HEAD. Sebastian Bell (12) makes a long pass to keep his team going. 3. LOOK. NO HANDS. Trying to defend the ball. Graham Gotlieb (9) blocks the ball. 4. CAN HE KICK IT? YES HE CAN! There's no stopping Elias Bajares (11) as he dribbles down




haij j

1 f(

the line.


CHASING GOALS. Making a break for the goal, Niles Boothe (10) gives it his all on the field.

6 . ARE YOU GONNA GO MY WAY? David Lederman (12) anticipates his next move.

7. FANCY FOOTWORK, Ryan Sullivan's (11) soccer skills pay off as he maintains control of the opponent.


078 I winter |



Seniors Andrew Bell Sebastian Bell Ryan Berman Markus Haig Garon Joannou Jake Kauppinen Brett Koolik David Lederman Leo Malhado Max Marchetto Joseph Murciano

Juniors Pedro Damasceno

Juniors Elias Bajares Bailey Finkelberg Ben Schwartz Ryan Sullivan Genue Wilkins Sophomores Niles Boothe Caleb Kaupinnen Allan Murciano Freshmen Stefano Galebe Graham Gotlieb Coach Todd Nobles

oys’ soccer this year really k i c k e d the competition while reaching their g o a ls . Senior captains Markus Haig, Joseph Murciano, and David Lederman led the team in an exciting and fun season. A memorable moment in the season was when the PC boys beat Oxbridge 5-1 at their first home game of the season. This early win set the boys up for a successful season. The fans this year really came out to support the soccer squad. David fondly remembered the fanbase, stating, “Our season could not have happened if it wasn’t for our home fans. I’ve never seen so many fans at one of my Pine Crest soccer events.” In the middle of the season, though, the boys had a tough three-game losing streak, in which team

Sophomores Andrew Asnis Steven Becker Ben Bernstein Daniel Bolja Diego D'Agostino Dylan Geller Jack Kirkpatrick Paul Krigger Kofi Meighan David Morales Derek Pfeffer Nicolas Simon Freshmen Cesar Ades Gavin Banta Rohan Benda Zach Cooper Bill Hung Jaimin Khakhria Adeel Markatia Tristan Pyle Eli Seiner Coach Jamie Walling

morale was down. The captains rallied together and pushed themselves and the team even harder in practice. David referred to this as the turning point in their season, as they began to dominate the field again. Though the season did not end as hoped due to a premature loss in the district quarterfinals against North Broward, David said, “the lessons we learned from defeat this season will help all of us succeed in the future.” The captains wanted to thank their coaches, teammates, parents, and fans for all the support throughout the season. Overall, the captains this year definitely achieved their goal of laying “a foundation for the incoming seniors and the underclassmen,” and we look forward to the future of the boys’ soccer team.

“The captains rallied together and pushed themselves and the team even harder...”

| boys’ soccerl


he G irls’ Weightlifting Team had a heavy but certainly outstanding season! Although the ladies made the heavy lifting look effortless, they put in a ton of work. We got to chat with the team’s senior captain Sofia Caro about the exciting season. Like any season, there were highs and lows, but Caro assured us that the team took every obstacle in stride and ended up conquering each hindrance. Weigh-ins required a good amount of exercise and dedication, but again, the team took the requirements with ease. Caro told us that weigh-ins “took the team bonding to another level.” Sofia has an extensive history with the sport


080 |winter|

- she joined the team four years ago as a freshman. “We had a total of four girls. This year, there are I more than thirty.” An exponential growth indeed! Of all the many memories, her favorite one was, without ^ a doubt, winning the District title. “When Pine Crest was announced as the winner, we all broke loose. There was so much joy and excitement. The sheer happiness was infectious.” . The win was a perfect culmination of the season, the winning title most definitely made the journey worthwhile. Coach Hibbs and Coach Stickfort undoubtedly mustered an exceptional team with pure devotion. As the team 1 always says in their cheer, 1 ...2 ...3 ...Lift!

‘“ There was so much joy and excitement.’”

For the Girls’ Weightlifting team, it’s

G I R L S ’ VARSITY WEIGHTLIFTING Seniors Ariana Altieri Kaylee Blanchard Kylie Bruder Sofia Caro Melody Khoriaty Blake Kushner Taylor Logue Hailey McEwan Evin Rothschild Juniors Briana Anglin Mikayla D'Ambra Cari-Jade Douglas Isabel Fabre Amanda Feijoo Diana Florencio Marissa Gailitis Hadley Jones Rebecca Kay Crystal Navalier Lola Nedic Maggie Pliske Jackie Rubin Carly Schulman Mia Seiner Kennady Smith Erykah Tomlinson Sophomores Lauren Fromkin Alexa Jacques Bianca Simons Allison Trebbi Freshmen Delaney Dardet Kate Heatzig Madhuri Lalwani Danna Martinez Salome Slatkoff Katie Sullivan Coaches Tim Hibbs Lynn Stickfort

2. pushes through the jerk. 3. to lift.

CJ Douglas (11) gives it her all as she

With a spotter on sight. Isabel Fabre (11) is ready

4. Evin Rothschild (12) has the support of her team as she works through her set. 5. Hailey McEwan (12) takes on a challenging set of weights as Sofia Caro (12) encourages her. 5. her next set.

After a rest, Diana Florencio (11) tackles


P h o t o g r a p h y | B re n d a G o o d e n & V ero n S to ry ] Jodie K ahan

a K ennedy

amuel Beckett once wrote, “ Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order.” The PC ballerinas are professionals at both the thinking AND the dancing. This year’s ballet, Sleeping Beauty, showcased their grace and talent. After a long two months of strenuous rehearsals, the ballet was performed with perfection. Senior ballerina Hailey Karten explains her commitment simply. “ It requires a lot of dedication, but we all


082 I winter |


do it because we love to dance.” For her, the final product makes all of the hard work worth it. “ It is so rewarding to see the whole performance come together on opening night.” This incredible production would not have been possible without all of the wonderful people who helped these dancers reach their full potential. “We have our dance teachers to thank for helping us put on an amazing and unforgettable show."

The PC ballerinas are professionals at both the thinking AND the dancing.”


1. SLEEPING BEAUTY AWAKES. Ethan Grove (12) as the Prince takes Aurora's, [oAnn Wood’s (12), hand. 2 . THEIR ROYAL MAJESTIES. Sam Brody (11) and Tara Schulman (12) as the King and Queen lead the court in a dance to welcome baby Aurora.

3. BIRD SONG. Sammy Koolik (11) and Julia Tannenbaum (10) are all aflutter during their Blue Bird performance. 4. BESTIES. Juanita Garcia (11) as Aurora joins her friends in a dance. 5. DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE. Sydney Stanley (10) as Alice joins the characters of Wonderland. 6 . SWEEPING UP. Alexis Greiner (12) as Cinderella dreams of dancing with her prince.

7. TOGETHER AGAIN. Deborah Ades (10) as Little Bo Peep who has found her sheep.

Cesar Ades Deborah Ades Chase Anderson Emily Aronson Hanna Belcher Emily Blaze Ben Brody Sam Brody Hannah Burnstein Alexandra Carr Grace Correa Camy Fischer Juanita Garcia Alexis Greiner Madison Hawthorne Julia Karten Hailey Karten Sammy Koolik Elena Malchevskaya Megan McGinn Emma O’Byrne Kaitlyn Ockerman Sajani Panchal Shaina Pearl Nicole Phillips Michael Philips Dimitri Politano Alice Rau Lindsey Robertson Muguet Rodriguez Mark Rozencwaig Natalie Rubenstein Lauren Shamie Madison Smith Rachel Snyder Lea Srebrenik Peyton Stanley Sydney Stanley Julia Tannenbaum Alex Valad Erin Wiegman Jenni Wolters JoAnn Wood Elisabeth Wood Alessandra Yoldas

Iballet 1083


Sumeet Gulati (10) lights up the stage with his dance



Henri Vrod (12) and Marisol Beaufrand (12) sing a passionate French

love song.


Chris Marzouca (12) and Isabella Faife (12) smile big after a

graceful twirl.


Devyn Simon (12) waltzes across the stage.

6. The BSA delivered a powerful performance with a step rouline and spoken word.

7. Rohan Sundararaman (12) celebrates the success of the multicultural assembly. 8. dance.

9. performance.

084 Iwinter |

The German club wowed the school with their Clara Nguyen (10) gives a show stopping

Ph o t o g r a p h y | Brittany Shor e

PC takes a day to feature the talented and diverse student body. The "Multi" assembly is a way to

1. Rodrigo Torrejon till belts a passionate performance of this show tune.

Imulitcultural 1085

P h o t o g r a p h y | C a r o lin a S a la z a r

little*sugar and a l6t of fun, Pine Crest was in the holiday spirt dressing up in their ugly sweaters and participating in the cookie exchange. n

086 Iwinter |

1. Rohan Sundararaman (12) gets creative with his homeade ugly sweater.

2. Senior girls smile big for what should be a holiday card. 3. iii' iv Erin |Carr (12) enjoys the barely cold temperatures. . CHOCO Hot! Hot! Hailey arten's (12) got it as she makes holiday emories with Ben Snyder (12) and Mikey attone (12). Kaylee Blanchard. ariana Paez. and Alexandra Folleco (12) take break from the cookie exchange. EFCI shines bright.

Sammy Koolik's (11)

1 Farlie does not seem to mind as she about her ugly sweater.

|holiday cookie exchange 1087

all the high school students celebrate multicultural day with fun and games.

088 I winter |

er Pine Crest tradition, in anticipation for the upcoming Ski Break, the Upper School students had a blast celebrating Feb Fest. The week began with the Sadie Hawkins dance put together by STUCO on February 4th. The theme was decades, and everyone went all out for the event; there were people in everything from 80s aerobic dance gear to classic 50s attire. After a quiet Monday and Tuesday, the festivities started back up again with the club fair on Wednesday, Multicultural Day on Thursday, and the annual Student-Teacher basketball game where the faculty prevailed. In addition, on Thursday, students had the opportunity to dress up and showcase their cultures


for Multi. On Friday, students dressed up as different stages of life. The freshmen were babies with bottles and pacifiers in tow, the sophomores were tweens with high side ponytails and middle school t-shirts, and the juniors were adults, dressing up like their parents in mom jeans and baseball hats. The seniors continued the tradition of dressing up as senior citizens with grey hair and glasses, and walked up the stairs of the Upper School with the help of a cane. Student Council President Jake Lieberfarb states, “the main goal of Feb Fest is to bring all of the grades and faculty together to enjoy the events.” They definitely had a successful week with this year’s festivities.

“The theme was decades, and everyone went all out for the event...”


Hiba Ismail (12) carries Isabel Farlie (12) with a smile.


Cassidy Robertson (10). Haley Mordis (10), and Ally Feldman (10) show their peace signs as tweens.


4. 5.

Junior girls line up and smile dressed up as moms in their workout gear. Brooke Greenfield (9), Jestine Siegel (9). and Natalia Hauser (9) wear their onesies and bibs with pride. Anastasia Golovkine (12). Emily Ferrando (12), and Jeanne Blaison (12) strike a pose in their senior citizen

wear. 6.

Valeria De Las Casas (12) struggles to get the ball from Mr. Solomon.


Mr. Kranstover looks for an

open player to pass the ball. 8. Coach Johnson dribbles the ball toward the end of the court.


Bailey Finkelberg (11)

chases after the ball.

10 . Michael Kennedy (12) reaches for the ball as it soars in the air.

11. , Mr. Stival passes the ball to a team player.


P h o t o g r a p h y I B ritta n y S h o r e , & Mr. G ary F rie d m a n S to r y | H a ile y K a r te n


F fCd

hat’s your favorite type of tea? Green tea, iced tea, maybe matcha? Well, mine’s sovereignTEA! This is one of the countless puns that come with the annual Model UN conferences worldwide. This year, Pine Crest delegates attended conferences in Washington D.C. and New York City. Each student was paired with a country and sat in different committee meetings, ranging from Legal to the World Health Organization to come up with solutions to many problems. Senior Hiba Ismail serves as president of the International


Relations Club and attended the DC trip as a delegate of the Czech Republic. Through her involvement in Model UN, she, along with the other delegates, has learned to “conduct solid research, adopt a country’s position, and improved on public speaking” all while having fun. She says that although it is fairly difficult and a lot of work, “ I see the advantages of Model UN and feel more motivated to work hard” The delegates thank Mr. Snyder and Ms. Bass for their fun and memorable trips. Our Pine Crest students are truly going to make a difference in the world someday.

This year, Pine Crest delegates attended conferences in Washington D.C. and New York City.”

090 I winter


Model UN & Model Congress gain some new knowlege about today’s international issues while having fun.

2. IN COMMITTEE1Seniors and juniors smile for a photo during a break from committee. 3. YAY OR NAY Juniors and sophomores prepare for their congressional activities. 4. MONUMENTS AND MORE. Brittany Shore (12), Jack Steinberg (12). and Jake Lieberfarb (12) take time to explore Washington DC .

5. i A APITOL MUN, Seniors and juniors smile in front of a painting in the Capitol Building. 6 . CONGRESS SQUAD Model Congress posses upon arriving at the State House.

model un & model congress 091


092 |winter|


Morris Family Courtyard was turned into our very own Globe Theatre.

1. ROMEO. ROMEO! Katherine [ovanovic (12) calls for her Romeo in her sollioquy.

2. 3.


Caroline Sachse (12) recites lines from Romeo and Juliet.

POE FIC f LET JoAnn Wood (12) offers an interpretive dance to the Bard's words.

4. NOT WASTING THEIR SHOT. Daniela Gomez 111) and

Emily Blaze (11) share their rhymes and rap for the student



MAKING FACES. Lower School students make masks from Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream.

6 . AND THE WINNER IS Ms. Doolittle, Mrs. Jaramillo, and Mrs. Metzger judge cakes for the annual Shake and Bake baking competition.

7. HERE YE. HERE YE! Leah Simon (12) and Mariana Paez (12) entertain the crowd. 8 . LYRICAL POETRY. Marissa Gailitis (11) strums along to Shakespeare. 9 . AND. SCENE. Andre Radensky (12) has some fun on stage. 1 0 . TO EAT OR NOT TO EAT, Gigi Cohen (10) enjoys some cake from this year's baking competition.

■: , w








096 Ijuniors |

Ijuniors | 097 i



“The sarcastic class with Mr. Lemole” - Juanita



098 Ijuniorsl





ljuniors 1099 i



100 |juniors|






Favori during

Ijuniors 1101




102 Ijuniorsl





|juniors 110 3

Number of Students y

Chubby Cheeks



Flower Crown



104 Ijuniors |


Rainbow Mouth










|juniors 1105 i

if u n i

n the story of yourr life? Mr Perez” - Zain Chaudry

“ Ms. B a s s ” Tessa Gulley

Mr. Schwartz Torrejon

- Rodrigo


106 Ijuniors |

camera shy:

Ben Badnani Marc Blattner Robert Fatovic Julian Forgues Ryan Goldfarb Genue Wilkins

|juniors 1107 i


108 Ispring|


Idivider 1109


m i l

u n c d i

hen it comes earn building this year, making thi towar I% # team, looks can be deceiving. While year’s group of boys closer than ever. “We'r 1 # 1 # they may seem like just some high looking forward to getting lacrossed, gettin w V school boys with swaggy hair and some big wins, and beating Douglas,” Fiedler] boat shoes, their skills on ( commented. Part of [the field show them to be FrOITI * s n i o r y e a r being a team leader is iso much more. From senior , , e h n w c ’ la v keePi n 8 morale h'8 h. a U U yo I <3A job these senior boys TO HOW, T [year to now, the boys' lax [captains have cradled their p o n t p i n Q P \/P r r p H I p r l take verV seriously:, a v c b ic iu ic u “When we !ose we -ust way to the top, and certainly p Ld 11 lo come a long way. Captain t h p j r W 3 V o th e to o v kiave to come ^ack '' next day with a goodl Ryan Fiedler reflects on his ^ attitude.” After hard time playing PC lax with a ikmd of amazement. “We had so much to learn practices, some injury, and a lot of fun, Fiedler] freshman year and made a lot of mistakes. Now contemplates the words he wants to leave fon we’re watching the underclassmen make those the team. He gets serious in our final minute same mistakes and helping them fix them.” The of speaking, “ I’d just say just trust the coaches Icaptains have focused much of their energy and their systems, and keep working hard.” t

110 Ispringl

B O Y S ’ V A R SIT Y LACROSSE P h o to g r a p h y | B ritta n y S h o r e S to ry | Jo d ie K ahan

yourself The boys’ lacrosse team way into a winning season

Seniors Matt B ecker Chris Dunne Ryan Fiedler Justin Oletsky Andres Soto Juniors Jonathan Blyer Jordan Eskenazi Jacob Shift Jonny Snyder Hutch Torregrosa Sophomores Christian Garvin Paul Krigger Josh Lehrman Jeremy Oletsky David Radvany-Roth Conor Zimmerman Freshmen Kevin Harvey Ethan Jones Coaches Mike Derrenberger George Harris B O Y S ’ JY LACROSSE Juniors Michael Stolzenberg

Zach Cooper Anthony Gerard Dylan Glatt David Nakhamkin Jake Rosen

1. READY TO CLEAR THE BALL. Ryan Fiedler (12) looks for open players. 2 . LOOKING TO PASS THE BALL. Matt Becker (12) winds up towards his teammates

3. CHASING THE BALL. Josh Lehrman (10) runs to be the first player to the endline 4. PROTECTING HIS STICK, Jacob Shiff (11) bypasses the opponent. 5. PREPARED. Jacob Shiff (11) is in perfect position to battle for the ball.

Iboys’ lacrosse 1111

G I R L S ’ V A R S IT Y LA C RO SSE Seniors Amanda Anderson Sofia Caro Samantha Meade Evin Rothschild Chase Shea Ivanna Sheinberg Dani Swords Juniors Caroline Adkins Sam Gould Stefy Grau Tessa Gulley Bella Maharaj Maggie Pliske Sam Printz Alison Schwartz Sophie Shapiro Tara Shecter Kennady Smith Rachel Zietz Sophomores Rosie Rothschild Freshmen Lizzie Kaplan Jordan Vital Coaches Emily Becker Ivy Pisani Eileen Pliske Terri Savin Docal

G I R L S ’ JUNIOR V A R S IT Y Lacrosse Juniors Lauren Britton Mikayla D’Ambra Isabel Fabre Bella Musa Rachel Rader Carly Schulman Ani Spey Sophomores Silvia Ballivian Catherine Conklin Maddie Dearman Julia Engelhardt Sofia Restrepo Mackenzie Snyder Julie Weiss Freshmen Liz Buehl Giuliana Cascarano Emily Davidovic Omer Erez Brooke Greenfield Paige Hawthorne Taryn Herman Chloe Maister Maura Pliske Halle Rossnan Jolie Shapiro Biddi Solomon Katie Sullivan Vanessa Wildman Coaches Sara Paul-Hus Caitlin Hampton

heck these girls out! Both the Varsity Lacrosse Team and the Junior Varsity Lacrosse Team 1 -had beyond eventful seasons. Observing as a fan, it was evident that every girl on the team pulls her respective weight to ensure the team’s success. Senior team captain, Amanda Anderson, spoke of the team’s cherished memories and unforgettable moments. As a leader, Anderson always aimed to positively influence younger athletes, and help them become the people, and of course, the players, they wanted to be. Over the span



Wmmw'"'" WwJKQmM m ■r-



of the season, Anderson certainly achieved her goal. The team was unbelievably unified-team sleepovers were not unusual and long hours of practices were attended together. Not only was the team exceptionally cohesive, but the season was also filled with athletic improvements, hard work, and school spirit. The team never failed to appreciate their devout fans. The ,, ne)<t school year patiently waits for the new lax season, including the new underclassmen, but the seniors will undoubtedly be missed. PCGLAX to the max!

“ Not only was the team exceptionally cohesive, but the season was also filled with athletic improvements, hard work, and school spirit.

112 I spring |


With this year’s motto being 'Experience,"

2. 3.

P h o to g r a p h y | D a n S h e in b e r g S to rv I N a ta lia H a u s e r

READING THE FIELD. Kennady Smith (11) plans her next move. CRADLING THE BALL. Sofia Caro (12) dodges a defender.

4 . READY TO FIGHT FOR THE BALL. Rachel Zietz (11) positions herself at the draw.


AFTER GREAT DEFENDING. Chase Shea (12) carries the ball towards the offensive side.

6 .SPRINTING DOWN THE FIELD. Tara Shecter (11) handles the ball with perfection.

|girls’ lacrosse 1113 i

Boys' Track Seniors Bryce Bloom Michael Cabral Carsen Coggeshall Alex Estape Alec Gugel Jason Kelman Michael Kennedy Ron Knezevich Jake Lieberfarb John Page Johnny Pereira Arjun Sandhu Matt Stein Riley Ward Juniors Chase Anderson Johnathan Ballou Tony Bridges Brett Elpert Robert Fatovic Bailey Finkelberg Saagar Jain Matt Jordan Ricky Morse Miles Polley Chandler Pollock Zach Shevin Sophomores Niles Boothe Bryce Emanuel Nathan Goldman Kadin Katsch Gabriel Ortega Jabari Owens Derek Pfeffer Ben Pierce Jack Rizzo Sebastian Rukes

Freshm en Lucas Abrams Harold Bergner Matthew Buehl Evan Cholerton James Dudgeon Noah Ferber Clayton Finney Joshua Gellman Alan Goff Jacob Goldberg Zachary Goldstein Joshua Grover Bill Hung Joshua Koolik Ethan Leifert Joshua Mahabeer Chase Medrano Ezra Mishkel Nikhil Narwani Justin Perelman Matt Taylor Inti Louis-Williams G ir l s ’ Track Seniors Kylie Bruder Erin Carr Isabella Faife Taylor Logue Simon Vreeland Sarah Walker Jamie Zipper Juniors Isabella Alvarez Brianna Anglin Shaynah Boulay Kat Del Viscio CJ Douglas Nia Simpson Erykah Tomlinson

Maddie Driscoll Marissa Gailitis Hadley Jones Brooke Luckman Gabrielle Mahabeer Sophia Molea Kylee Opperman Emily Perelman Jena Rozanski Sophomores Salma Abuhamda Elizabeth Brown Ashleigh Clark Samantha Gonzalez Isabella Malaga Mackenzie Manofesky Madison Mazer Athena Myers Gabriella Pearl Zia Pirani Shayne Pollock Isabelle Seckler Britta Strain Lily Volper Freshmen Lorrie Axelrod Maya Beleznay Alexandra Carr

eing a part of the track team is more than just running. As stated by senior Alec Gugel, it “means motivating your teammates both in practice and races and pushing people to things they didn’t think they were capable of.” The Pine Crest track team had a very successful season. Records were broken and personal bests were achieved. Long hours of practice and hard work payed off, as team members were able to reach and exceed their goals, and support their teammates in doing the same. In one event, this motivation is particularly important. “The 4x400 is the last race of the meet and everyone on the team pulls


114 I spring|

Ryan Dudak Emily Faulhaber Samara Ginsberg Kate Heatzig Heaven Infinity Catrina Reyes Sarah Sanda Amanda Schwartz Jessy Siegel Libby Toregrosa Tsion Yared Co ache s Paul Baur

together for this relay to finish the meet strong,” said senior Ron Knezevich. Gugel further said that “a typical track meet isn’t quite like a football game where the stands are packed and the noise levels are high, but the closest thing that comes to that is Panther Relays. As much as it may seem like there is more pressure to perform well in front of a large audience, the energy is contagious, and for me at least, it overshadows the nerves.” For the seniors who have been running together for many years and for the freshmen who are just getting a taste of the sport, track is a rewarding, sometimes frustrating, but ultimately exhilarating experience.

“ Records were broken and personal bests were achieved.”

1Tony Bridges (11) begins his sprint as he gets ready to out jump his opponents.


Chase Anderson (11). Clayton Finney (9), Zachary Goldstein (9). and Joshua Gellman (9) take on their competition.


Amanda Schwartz

(9) runs with great form down the track. 4. Gaby Ortega (10) passes on the baton to Jabari Owens (10) as they leave their opponents in the dust.


KING Of' Zach Shevin (11) jumps over the hurdles with one goal in mind: winning

From the 100m to the 3200m, the pole vault to the discuss, E S

P h o to g r a p h y I W ill B ridges S to ry | lia n a H u tz le r

Itrack &field 1115

2. AND ‘ i 1 3.

IS SAI-E Nikki Kone (11) slides into home plate as Alii Silitsky (12) gives her guidance.

Ml V i A I f ER RATTEF Allison Trebbi (10) gets ready to catch in the next inning.

4. 11MI OUT. The whole infield receives advice from Coach Thompson. 5. I OCUSI i'i \NF> AI ER7 Samantha Solomon (12) is determined to make a big play. 6 . vll IN Karlie Pollock (11) steps up to bat with her head in the game. 7. IN THE TON! Danielle Bejar (11) shows us her skills as she awaits the next ground ball.

116 I spring |

PC’s softball team proves diamonds really are a girl’s best friend for their 2017 season.

G I R L S 'V A R S I T Y SOFTBALL Seniors Valeria De Las Casa Katherine Poppiti Alii Silitsky Samantha Solomon Juniors Danielle Bejar Diana Florencio Nicole Kone Morgan O’Keefe Karlie Pollock Skylar Pollock Sydney Popkin Sydney Reid Andie Weinberg Sophomores Samantha Restrepo-Stier Allison Trebbi Freshmen Madison Metz Coaches Mike Thompson Laura Stanford Brittany Valez

his season has been an exciting one for the girls' softball team. They see a GAR., and the softball team is going shopping. Not only has this been a great season on the field, but off the field as well. Senior captain Alii Silitsky states with pride, “ Everyone has become really close and no matter the situation we’re always able to laugh with or at each other, which is something that’s also allowed us to do well this year.” However, it’s not always laughs and smiles. She explains, “ It’s especially tough to play at the highest potential when our games go longer than 2 hours. So when we have these games that we lose our lead and have to keep playing it’s tough to keep the team engaged and


focused. But we’ve done a good job and usually finish with the win.” Besides Silitsky’s leadership, she passionately says she has the fans to thank. “ Playing in front of a home crowd is great. Having friends and family to support really encourages the team to play at the highest level and beat teams that we would have trouble with if we played somewhere else.” With all their success, she has plenty of people to thank. “Throughout the season, we have to thank everyone who supported us and helped us be successful. All of our coaches, the strength training staff, and the athletic trainers were all big parts of helping us succeed and stay healthy.”

“ ‘Everyone has become really close and no matter the situation we’re always able to laugh”

softball 1117

The sailing team glided their way through the turbulent competition. E BOAT. The team prepares to place it in the water.

2. COLLABORATING! Ethan Grove (12). Noah Fischer (10), Audrey Hollo (10), and other teamates make a game plan. 3. FUN IN SUN! The boys sailing glides through the water. 4 . BETWEEN RACES. The team helps to set up the sailing boats.

5. NAVIGATING SMOOTHLY the sailing team enjoys the breezy day.

118 I spring |

P h o to g r a p h y | M egan Place S to ry | H ailey K a rte n

the day n only its third year as a varsity sport, the Sailing Team has already made its mark on the Pine Crest Athletics Department. The team has competed in many regattas, sailing in six // A . . . . . to eight races each time they compete. As individualized as the sport is, the team has truly grown, taking pride in each win and coming together to support each other. Senior team captain Ethan Grove works hard during the season “to get everyone motivated, so that [their] practices are competitive and productive.” Together, the team has improved

tremendously this past season, having first place finishers and competing nationwide. Ethan cites his favorite experience this year as “traveling] to Rochester, NY to sail at the Atlantic Coast

As individualized as the sport is, the team has truly grown, taking pride in each win and coming together to support each other.”


against so many great team s.” The sailing team wants to thank their coaches, Megan Place and Arthur Blodgett, as well as the parents who chaperoned all of their regattas. We cannot wait to watch this team in the upcoming years, as they sail into the future.



Seniors Ariel Casaretto Ethan Grove Juniors Jack Bilello Michael Gabe Leah Schulman Caroline Shrock |

C0AST guard

Sophomores Noah Fischer Harrison Freedman Audrey Hollo Hannah Sternthal Coaches Arthur Blodgett Megan Place

Isailing 11 1 9

P h o t o g r a p h y | Liz F ine S to ry I-Ashlyn J o n e s

he baseball team certainly did not strike out with this year’s incredible season. While there were many great memories, senior Michael Rothenberg cited his greatest memory as their walk-off win against last year’s state champion Calvary Christian. “Sam Wurth pitched an amazing complete game, and we won on a walk-off in the last inning. It was an awesome team win, especially against such a quality opponent.” As a leaderon the team, Rothenberg has a large responsibility, one he handles with ease. “ Being a leader on the baseball team is awesome. Leading our team is relatively easy because all of our guys are so focused on bringing a district title to


120 I spring|

Pine Crest. We have such great team unity, and it will take us a long way this season.” The team has worked very hard this year, and it has definitely helped lead them to success. In the Calvary game, “they hit a homerun in the first inning to put us down 3-0. We batted back; Sam did not give up a run for the rest of the game, and we won 4-3.” Rothenberg would like to thank Coach Green and the rest of the baseball staff for “preparing [them] for every game,” as well as the PC fans. “All of the PC students are so supportive. They come out as much as possible. We can hear all of our fans cheering for us during the game, and it certainly helps us and gives us a solid home field advantage.”

“As a leader on the team, Rothenberg has a large responsibility, one he handles with ease.”

B O Y S ’ VARSITY BA SEBA LL Seniors Andrew Bell Matthew Line Jake Kessinger Evan Oaks Michael Rothenberg Max Rubinoff Jordan Schulefand Jacob Singer Noah Stollman Sam Wurth Juniors Sam Brody Jared deFaria Maxx Estrin Nicholas Pagano Jake Solomon Shane Williams Sophomores Ryan Keenan Coaches Mike Green Brett Scarberry Rob Solomon B O Y S ’ JV BA SEBA LL Sophomores Konrad Ehmke Michael Fiedel Mitch Gray John Meany Chris Russo Aaron Bloch Freshmen Raul Cepero Caleb Cyr Michael Phillips Jared Gould Jordan Taney Johnny Thraum Blake Kravitz Coaches Robbie Conver Ken Hileman Jason Van Tol 1. PITCHING THAT FAST BALL! Sam Wurth (12) fires a speedy ball for his next pitch.


GROUNDER! lake Kessinger (12) efficiently reaches down for the ground ball.

3 . ANTICIPATING THE CATCH. Matt Fine (12) waits prepared for the ball to come his way. 4 . BATTER BATTER SWING, Andrew Bell (12) takes a swing for a home run.


PREPARING FOR THE RUN. Jacob Singer (12) awaits his next run.

6 . HEADING TOWARD HOME. Jordan Schulefand (12) finishing up his run around the bases.


DROP IT LIKE A SQUAT. Michael Rothenberg (12) waits patiently to retreive the ball.

|boys’baseball 1121

The boys’ volleyball team


P h o t o g r a p h y iB ritta n y S h o r e S to ry | Lisa Z h e u t l i n

BOYS'VARSITY VOLLEYBALL Seniors Sebastian Bell Ben Brody Owen Scrudders Juniors Christian Catanese Blake Guillaume David Edelson Isaac Masimore Miles Polley

— rl L.


Sophomores John Herin Henry Pliske Jonathan Shah Freshmen Justin Guilfu Adeel Markatia Brence Platner Co aches Albert Sturgeon Stan Rozenberg Annika Barnwe Dennis Perry Anna Durie 1. WM Owen Scrudders (12) gives a great pass for the spike.

122 I spring|

2. Henry Pliske (10) is in perfect sync with his teamate as he goes to block the ball. 3. Brody (12) hits a killer serve.



David Edelson (11) gets high off the ground to block the incoming ball.

5. Miles Polley (11) serves the ball to the opposing team 6. the Volleyball team comes together to celebrate.

7. Sebastian Bell (12) stays focused in the game.

umping and setting their way to the top, the boys’ volleyball team aced the competition. Captain Benjamin Brody describes his team as “a great group of diverse students from ninth grade to twelfth.” Coming together from all grades and experience levels, the volleyball team was able to bond and succeed on the court. *\s leaders on the team, the captains “teach new skills and offer personal advice to the new and /oung players.” Though the season began with a slight learning curve as “the team had a limited amount of time to learn the fundamentals and apply them at a high and competitive level,” eventually “the team seemed to click.” With their renewed faith and confidence, the team had a big district game against St. Thomas Aquinas. This game was “an intense match that saw many


lead changes and momentum shifts.” Despite falling short after a tough fight, this game served as a chance for the team to rebound. Throughout the rest of the season, the boys used the valuable lessons they learned during this match and began to dominate. Home games were a special experience for the team, as Brody fondly mentions, “every time the crowd joins in on a team cheer, my teammates are met with a sense of added vigor and excitement.” Feeding off of the “ rowdy and electric atmosphere,” the boys are able to push themselves even harder in the matches. The team would like to thank the coaches as well as the the members of the girls’ volleyball team who practiced with them. Overall, the season was a spiking success and PC fans look forward to cheering on another season of volleyball!

“ Despite falling short after a tough fight, this game served as a chance for the team to rebound.”

| boys’ volleyball 1123


2. NEVER MISS A SHOT David Lins (9) jumps to catch a shot. 3. GET ON YOUR FEET


Seniors Carly Feldman Amanda Rabin Stephanie Taylor

Seniors Parsa Hoghooghi

Juniors Rhea Kumar

Chris Kotite (11) ready to

hit the ball 4 . NICE SHOT! Parsa Hoghooghi (12) walks off the court proud of his point.

5. DON'T MISS! On the court, Demi Snyder squares up to hit a killer forehand. 6 . SERVES UP! Mimi Lavin (9) focuses on hitting a powerful serve.

124 I spring|


Sophomores Juliana Kislin Amanda Klafter Demi Snyder

Juniors Chris Kotite Sophomores Daniel Gale Sergey Golovnev Freshmen Robert Genovese Raj Kumar David Lins Zachary Printz Ari Wilson

Freshmen Lauren James Mary Lavin Danna Martinez Espej o Coaches Co ache s Farhan Ma Alessio Mollo

a racquet P h o t o g r a p h y l C a r o l in a S ala zar S tor y | A shl yn l o n e s

You just got The Pine Crest tennis teams show their talents on the court.

team definitely served up an amazing season this year. While tennis takes physical strength, it is a sport that requires a large degree of mental strength as well. Captains of both the girls’ and boys’ teams perhaps demonstrate this best. Parsa Hoghooghi, captain of the boys’ tennis team speaks to this level of leadership. “Being the co-captain of the tennis team for the past three years has allowed me to appreciate what it means to be a leader. Starting as the youngest captain my sophomore year, I’ve learned a leader is someone that anyone on the team can look up to, regardless of age. I like to think when I play my matches that I not only play for the team but also Pine Crest, representing the best the school has to offer (sportsmanship, focus, etiquette, e tc.).” And while this job is tough, there are plenty of memories that

make it worthwhile. G irls’ senic Stephanie Taylor recalls her time two years ago: “ My favorite memory from the six years I have played on the Varsity Tenni Team has been in my sophomore year wh we won states for the very first time i years. It felt like a huge accomplishing Even though these seniors are leaving Pine Crest, they have high expectations for their upcoming seasons and are excited to see how their teammates do in the future. Hoghooghi said, “Every season I have had the honor to be on a team that has been better than the last. Last season was the first time in several years we reached regional finals, which was great, and this year we hope to make it an even more competitive one. With every season, we say goodbye to some players and welcome new ones. Every season is unique in its own way, so I think it’s all about keeping an optimistic outlook and just having fun!”

“While tennis takes physical strength, it is a sport that requires a large degree of mental strength as well.”

|tennis 1125



Sophom ores Brian Anderson Mason Berger Kadin Katsch Ethan Kaufman Ben Pierce Jacob Wallberg Freshmen Gavin Banta Noah Ferber Clayton Finney Jacob Goldberg Inti Louis-Williams Chase Medrano Ezra Mishkel Matthew Taylor Co ache s Timothy Hibbs

Seniors Bryce Bloom Justin Danzansky Alex Estape Ethan Grove Ben Kelman Leo Malhado John Page Arjun Sandhu Scott Shanbom Richard Silverman Thomas Sullivan Juniors Lance Alboucrek Chase Anderson Johnathan Ballou Christian Catanese Charles D'Ambra Pedro Damasceno David Edelson Brett Elpert Robbie Fatovic Bailey Finkelberg Ethan Lewis Matias Litewka Isaac Masimore Ben Queen Zach Vlessing


Justin Danzansky (12) focuses as he lifts the bar.


Ben Kelman (12) lifts the weights with all his might.

3. Inti Louis-Williams (9) successfully holds the weights above his head, making his teammates proud. 4. above his head.

Scott Shambom (12) prepares to lift the bar


Bryce Bloom (12) bench presses the

heavy weights with ease. 6.

In perfect squating position, Arjun

Sandhu (12) prepares to push the bar above his head.

126 | spring

Ph o to g r a p h y | Brittany Shore & Pedro D a m a s c e n o Story | Jodie Kahan


ou can spot a weightlifter from across the hall with no trouble at all: they’re the boys eating protein bars and carrying a gallon jug of water to and from class. Senior weightlifter Justin Danzansky fits exactly this mold. His diet during season? Strictly protein. But weightlifting is about more than physical shape; it takes a great deal of mental dedication. Danzansky set his goals early on in the season, saying, “ I wanted to clean 200 lbs and bench 225, and I did it midway through the season. I’m still moving up weight.’’ While weightlifting is an individual sport, there’s certainly

a team-like atmosphere amongst this group of boys. This is reflected most in Danzansky’s answer when asked his favorite memory of the season. “A highlight from this season was watching Junior Robbie Fatovick clean and jerk 275 pounds. The entire team was super supportive.” And so beyond their uniforms, the boys’ weightlifting team comprises many dedicated athletes, many of whom will continue the weightlifting legacy at the Pine next season after the seniors graduate. “ It’s cool to see the younger guys start on the team and get stronger throughout the season and meet their goals. I know they’ll do great next season.”

“Senior weightlifter Justin Danzansky fits exactly this mold. His diet during season? Strictly protein.”

boys weightlifting | 127 i

P h o t o g r a p h y [ Fred Guido Story | Jodie Kahan


hese rowers are certainly a motley CREW. From various grades and with various personalities, these boys and girls come together with a common interest: they love to row. Over the years, the Crew teams have undergone a few changes. Senior and boys captain Adam Osman has been witness to these changes, as he’s been on the team since his freshman year. However, he s e e l this as a positive. “ Each coach has made a big difference, and they each gave us very different workouts.” This


new members joined the team,! somethingOsman isquiteproud| of. “ It’s great to see how the new people improve and get faster.” While there have been| many amazing memories, hie favorite comes easily. “Whenl I was a sophomore on the| second varsity boat, we got third place at States and that was huge. We didn’t think we were going to, so that wasl great.” Adam would like tol thank Coach Fisher and Coachl Swartz for a great four years. year,

“ ...these boys and girls come together with a common interest: they love to row.”

'V ■i'V

i- S . f l* *a

B O Y S ’ CR E W Seniors Kevin Borisiak Matthew Cohan Andrew Haeffner Brett Haeffner Connor Jones Adam Osman Juniors George Aloia Marc Blattner Adam Cohen Jack Crissy Jordan Moldow Jack Osborn Jake Shapiro Michael Valdes

128 Ispring|

I.I l l l ^



' *

* 'i?; S^|gL,


Sophomores Evan Dash Alex Fernandez-Guckes Jackson Ferrando Joseph Gingold Matthew Lopez David Mannis Ian Pollock Christian Prestegard Nicholas Prigoda Jacob Rosenthal Ethan Smith Michael Vega Jordan Zelch Freshmen Rohan Benda Jack Bressler Zach Fiedler Grant Fields

Eddie Hoffman Brandon Karp Jack Mickow Ethan Oaks J-ason M anaw a Pete Perri Enrico Pradines Owen Seiner Connor Tomchin Allen Yang Jordan Zietz G I R L S ’ CR E W W -A— ■— = Seniors Melody Khoriaty Juniors Amanda Feijoo Danielle Gross

Rebecca Kay Alana Koslies Crystal Navellier Lola Nedic Samantha Perlman Jacqueline Rubin Mia Seiner Sophomores Julia Borisiak Nina Couture Lauren Fromkin Megan Guido Alexa Jacques Amanda Klafter Lauren Pollock Alexandra Rios Bianca Simons Aislinn Sullivan

« & Freshmen Anna Blavatnik Delaney Dardet Lauren Dawson-Scully Rayna Gordon Mallory Marrero Leah Martinez Megan McGinn Alice Rau Sydni Zfira Coaches David Fisher Kristen Larson Christopher Swartz Sarah Sullivan

A plus to late practices? The sunsets are beautiful.

L. THEY WORK OUT The girls’varsity 8 boat gets focused before the big ace.


The boys’ freshman

8 boat rows to victory

. IT'S NOT AN EITHER OAR’ SITUATION Mia Seiner and crew work hard nd have fun.

5. WE AREJfl^ IN THE SAME BOAT HERE. The girls work hard even outside the water. EXTRAOAR DIN/Y Y The boys' third varisity 8 boat push themselves in he final stretches of the race.

Photography ] H oward Schulm an S to r y | Lisa Z h e u t l i n

A MIPS nigh t was a LMidsummer’s Night] Dream to watch the play this year! After a week of shaking and baking, the Midsummer Night’s Dream cast took the Morris Family Courtyard by storm to present months of hard work to their audience. Senior Tara Schulman, a lead role in the play, says her favorite memory was “watching people’s faces as they walk by our rehearsals. This show is very physical and we have some fake violence that goes on...The physical aspect of this show attracts people to stop and watch.” The audience also loved the humor in the show, as the crowd erupted into laughter multiple times during the performance. As a senior leader, Schulman enjoys mentoring the underclassmen, as well as students who have never been in the play


We have a lot of weird rituals and traditions ...’” before. On this topic, she says, “We have a lot of weird rituals and traditions that are fun to expose people to for the first time. I’ve gotten to meet so many new people in the play this year, and I know they will do great things in the years to come.” Rehearsals for this show took place outside, and Schulman fondly remembers the Saturday morning rehearsals. During warm ups, the cast spends “about an hour playing games and doing crazy exercises to work on technique and get energized.” Also, as the play is written by the literary genius Shakespeare (a.k.a. Willy), the cast members “worked really hard on the language and movement to create a fun and entertaining show.” They tried to really delve into character and understand the meaning behind their lines. Overall, the members of the cast are ecstatic with their performance and would like to thank Mrs. Ortega for her dedication and direction throughout the show. The Pine Crest community commends this dreamy cast for performing #Shakespeare at such an advanced level.

130 I spring |

1. Deanna Hennelly (12) dealing with her fairy Cast Marisol Beaut rand Noey Boldizsar Lilliana de Souza Amanda Gomez-Rivera Deanna Hennelly Hank Ingham Sammy Koolik Matias Litewka Leo Malhado Brian Meller Drew Morris Puck Ortega

Leo Pernia-Hernandez Cayleigh Pine Mark Rozencwaig Natalie Rubenstein Caroline Sachse Carolina Salazar Tara Schulman Zachary Shevin Richard Silverman Tommy Sullivan Rodrigo Torrejon Henri Vrod Noa Weiner

Crew Libby Baker Sebastian Crist Hannah Maister Annika Polatsek Hunter Potak Hannah Printz Lyle Zucker Director Marissa Ortega



Tara Schulman (12) accidentally finds Tommy Sullivan (12).


Henri Vrod (12) devises a plan to get back at his lover.

4. to be called.

One of the show's mechanicals. Marisol Beaufrand (12). waits for her part


111 \ ii ’i

The funny sprite Puck was played by Amanda Gomez (12).


6. Marisol Beaufrand (12) transformed into the donkey that Deanna Hennelly (12) falls in love with.

7. Zach Shevin (11) and Tommy Sullivan (12) hold Noey Boldizsar (12) back as she lets out her anger.

I play I 131

Larissa Alboucrek

"Not the ones speaking the same language, but the ones sharing the same feeling understand each other”. -Rumi

Ariana Altieri

"If you like water, then you already like 72% of me.” - Ariana Altieri

Maya Anand

"Distance and difference are the secret tonic of creativity. When we get home, home is still the same. But something in our mind has changed, and that changes everything.”- Anonymous

Amanda Anderson

“Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen"- Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl

Grant Andreas

“Climb the ladder to success escalator style”- The Notorious B.I.G.

Ana Maria Arboleda

"Need a new username and I have a great one: little kid lover. That way people will know exactly where my priorities are.” - Michael Scott, The Office

Matthew Asnis

“It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.’’ -Mark Twain

Shannon Ballou

"The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Abraham Lincoln

Abigail Barrett

“The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.”- Henry Longfellow

Marisol Beaufrand

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach...just make sure you thrust upward through his ribcage.” - Stephen Colbert

Matthew Becker

"Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human ra ce ” - Calvin Coolidge

Andrew Bell

“Trust the Process.” - Philadelphia 76ers

Sebastian Bell

"I have no idea what I’m doing but I know I’m doing it really, really well."- Andy Dwyer, Parks and Recreation

Joshua Berger

"I never put off till tomorrow what I can possibly do - the day after." - Oscar Wilde

Ryan Berman

“Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better."- Pat Riley

134 I seniors |

Zachary Berman

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.” - Jack Handey

Julian Billini

“In matters of style, move with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson

Jeanne Blaison

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Kaylee Blanchard Gabriel Blanco

“To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail."- Abraham Maslow

Tiffany Blanco “Life is but a dream" -Beyonce

Bryce Bloom

“Cause I'd get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs” - Owl City

Noelia Boldizsar

“The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.” - Patrick Star, SpongeBob Square Pants

Kolin Boorom

“You aren't doing it wrong if no one gets what you're doing." Anonymous

Kevin Borisiak

“I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.” - Oscar Wilde

Lauren Briggs

“If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.” - Fred DeVito

Benjamin Brody

“I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.” - Edna Mode, The Incredibles

Cameron Brody

“words words words words words words punchline" - Eric Andre

Kylie Bruder William Buchholz

“I’m just here so I won't get fined.” - Marshawn Lynch

|alboucrek// buchholz| 135

136 I seniors |

WORST CASE OF & Michael CabraL

IORST DRIVERS // Cailyn Herman & Leo lalhado A

■ j ■|

iHMinragn |superlatives | 137

138 I seniors |

Iseniors | 139

Michael Cabral

“Dedication never stops."- Me

Sofia Caro

Blood, sweat and respect. First two yon give, last one you earn."- Dwayne “the Rock" Johnson

Erin Carr

“I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you’ve actually left them." - Andy Bernard, The Office

Ariel Casaretto Miles Castoro

“This is the End."- Jim Morrison

Nicholas Child

“Gym. Tan. Laundry."- Ronnie, Jersey Shore

Marta Ciesla

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you're right.”- Henry Ford

Carsen Coggeshall

“So it goes.” - KurtVonnegut

Hannah Cohen

“Life is good.” - Life is Good

Matthew Cohen

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” -Henry David Thoreau

Jacob Couture

"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir one's blood and probably themselves will not be realized.” -Daniel Burnham

Sebastian Crist

“The happier I get, the less I can see." - Andre Radensky

Justin Danzansky

'Tupac was one of the biggest thugs I know and he always wore his seat belt” -Ice Cube

Matthew Dardet

"Is mayonnaise an instrument?" - Patrick Star, SpongeBob Square Pants

Valeria De Las Casas

"Do you have a plan?" “I don’t even have a “pla”..."- Phoebe Buffay, Friends

140 I seniors |


Lilliana da Souza

“There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.” - The Beatles

Alyssa Dern

“Every song ends, but that's no reason not to enjoy the music." One Tree Hill

Kylie DiCarolis

“Stupid people aren't annoying.They're free entertainment.” Bugs Bunny

Daniel Dreval

“The universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest." - Kurt Vonnegut

Christopher Dunne

“Finally Dunne” - Chris Dunne

Alexander Edep

“I don't know how many years on this Earth I got left. I'm going to get real weird with it.” - Danny DeVito

Alexander Estape

“Watch your back, but more importantly when you get out the shower, dry your back. It's a cold world out there.” - DJ Khaled

Isabella Faife

“Be your own kind of beautiful.” - Marilyn Monroe

Kai Isabela Farlie

“I like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can’t wear dresses, but we can wear the pants." - Whitney Houston


Gariy Feldman

“I didn’t choose the pug life, the pug life chose me."- Clyde

Emily Ferrando

“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” - Abraham Lincoln

Ryan Fiedler

“Is that a gum ball?” - Dr. Wu

Matthew Fine

“My parents live in Ohio, I live in the moment.” - Ted Moseby

Jamie Flores

“I can fix a lot of things, but I can't fix stupid.” - Coach Jay Fitzgerald

Alexandra Folleco

“Life is full of surprises, and you don't know how much you'd miss something until you almost lose it." -Daniella Folleco

|cabral//folleco | 141

142 Iseniors |

CON GR A T UL A T 10 N Si ■ stNioRj. r j # r ■ rac Hu . II SA J(A


2 0 ia

| seniors | 143

Jessica Friedman Dane Gailitis

“ If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.” - Steven Wright

Jared Geller

“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there’d be a shortage of sand.” - Milton Friedman

Michael Gelman

“You don't need a license to drive a sandw ich.” - Spongebob

Amanda Gibson

“ Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.” - Marilyn Monroe

Anastasia Golovkine

“I’m pretty but tough, like a diamond. Or beef jerky in a ball gown.”- Titus Andromedon, Unbreakable KimmySchmidt

Amanda Gomez-Rivera

“I am 100% certain that I am 0% sure of what I’m going to do.” - Chris Traeger, Parks and Recreation

Jubin Gorji

“Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” - Miles Kington

Max Greenberg

“I'm the leader of my own nation, procrastination." - Unknown

Alexis Greiner

“I walk around like everything is fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off." - Anonymous

Ethan Grove Alec Gugel

“Capitalism; God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor.” - Ron Swanson, The Office

Drisha Gwalani

“Life has no remote...get up and change it yourself!" - Mark A. Cooper

Rachel Hackman

“Laughter is tim eless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever." - Walt Disney

Bryce Hackmeyer

'"‘Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." - William Shakespeare

144 I seniors |

Andrew Haeffner

“The only relevant test of the validity of a hypothesis is comparison of prediction with experience.' - Milton Friedman

Brett Haeffner

"Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.' - Bruce Lee

Madeline Hage

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” - Dr. Seuss

Markus Haig

“The ceiling is the roof.” - Michael Jordan

Ruby He

“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Deanna Hennelly

"If you stick with [your dreams] and surround yourself with people who love you, you can do anything.” - Karen Olivo

Cailyn Herman

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because in the end those who matter don't mind and those who mind don’t matter.” - Dr. Seuss

Sterlin Hirsch

"I don't want a never-ending life, I just want to be alive while I'm here.” - The Strumbellas

Parsa Hoghooghi

“These young guys are playing checkers. I'm out there playing chess." - Kobe Bryant

David Isenberg

“You're just jealous that my hair color can be found in rainbows and yours can only be found in dirt.” - Unknown

Ronni Isenberg

“One thing about being on the top of the world.. It gives you a long long way to fall.” - Gossip Girl, Gossip Girl

Hiba Ismail

“Nostalgia is truly one of the great human weaknesses...second only to the neck.” - Dwight Schrute, The Office

Joshua Jacobs

“Debate is not a sport. ” - Josh Jacobs

Garon Joannou

“wait, w hat?” - Garon Joannou

Ashlyn Jones

“Graduated from home." - Ashlyn Jones

|friedman // jones | 145

146 I seniors |

Iseniors | 147

Connor Jones

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

John Jones

“They say you only live once, and I'm about to prove it." • Dwight Schrute, The Office

Katherine Jovanovic

““Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.” -J.K. Rowling

Kylie Jovanovski

“I am just winking happy thoughts into a little tiddle cup.” Vladimir Nabokov

Chelsea Jubitana

“Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.” - Michael Jackson

Jodie Kahan

“(They can kill you, but the legalities of eating you are quite a bit dicier)."- David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Hailey Karten

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don’t mind.” - Dr. Seuss

Sabine Katsoulos

“The most amazing things that can happen to a human being will happen to you if you just lower your expectations.” Phil Dunpliy, Modern Family

Jacob Kauppinen

“All I'm gonna do is just go on and do what I feel1 - Jimi Hendrix

Benjamin Kelman

“If something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” - Elon Musk

Jason Kelman

“I have weird insprirations, like I really want to kick a pigeon.” - Hannibal Buress

Seth Kelman ”

“ - WALL-E

Benjamin Kelsky

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” - Albert Einstein

Michael Kennedy

"I’m sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later.” - Mitch Hedberg

Jacob Kessinger

"Today I will do what others won't so tomorrow I can do what others can't.” - Jerry Rice

148 I seniors |

Grant Kessler Melody Khoriaty

“When trouble strikes,head to the library.You will either be able to solve the problem.or simply have something to read as the world crashes down around you."- Lemony Snicket

Ronald Knezevich

“Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy."- Sheldon James Plankton, SpongeBob Square Pants

Brett Koolik

“Today I am in charge and today I say recess." - Dewey Finn, School of Rock

Peter Kos

“High school was phantastic!” - Me

Jackson Krauss

“Eighty percent of success is just showing up." - Woody Allen

Meagan Kronengold

“Happiness is a warm puppy" - Anonymous

Blake Kushner

“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” - Margaret Mead

David Lederman

“I am not arguing. I am simply explaining why I am right.” Anonymous

Jacob Lieberfarb

“What is this a school for ants?" - Derek Zoolander, Zoolander

Taylor Logue

“I can and I will. Watch me." - Unknown

Audrey Louden

“I'm just chillin' in Cedar Rapids.” - Hillary Clinton

Ryan Mahatme Leonardo Malhado

“Fortune favors the bold." - Virgil

Kyle Malove

“This is the strangest life I’ve ever known." - Jim Morrison

Ijones// malovel 149


150 I seniors |

I superlatives | 151


LIFER S Maya Anand Matthew Becker Andrew Bell Sebastian Bell Joshua Berger Tiffany Blanco Bryce Bloom Cameron Brody Ariel Casaretto Miles Castoro Hannah Cohen Justin Danzansky Matthew Dardet Alyssa Dern Kylie DiCarolis Alexander Edep Alexander Estape Kai Farlie Carly Feldman Ryan Fiedler Matthew Fine Jamie Flores Alexandra Folleco Amanda Gibson Alexis Greiner Ethan Grove Rachel Hackman

152 I seniors |

Deanna Hennelly Sterlin Hirsch Joshua Jacobs Jodie Kahan Hailey Karten Sabine Katsoulos Jacob Kauppinen Seth Kelman Michael Kennedy Grant Kessler Melody Khoriaty Ronald Knezevich Jake Lieberfarb Taylor Logue Max Marchetto Michael Mattone Zachary Mazer Jason Meisel Gabrielle Meli Brian Meller Emily Mims Aviva Mishkel Emma O’Byrne John Page Hunter Potak Juliette Pozzuoli Hannah Printz Jacqueline Procacci Amanda Rabin

Andre Radensky Lindsey Robertson Michael Rothenberg Evin Rothschild Max Rubinotf Rachel Rutstein Tara Schulnian Chase Shea Ivanna Sheinberg Richard Silverman Leah Simon Morgan Simonson Benjamin Snyder Andres Soto Jack Steinberg Daniel Stephany Noah Stollman Thomas Sullivan Rohan Sundararaman Danielle Swords Stephanie Taylor Alison Todd Simone Vreeland Henri Vrod JoAnn Wood Lisa Zheutlin Lyle Zucker

Story | Jodie Kahan & Brian Meller

or most of us, staying in one place for more than an hour is a difficult task. Yet, for the last fourteen years, the PC lifers have been at The Pine, making friends and learning lots. It is incomprehensible to think that the faces you saw on the first day of Pre-K, (the faces of those you were afraid to talk to as well as those who had a visceral reaction to naptime), are the same faces you’ll see when you get your high school diploma. A quick fourteen years have passed and most of us did not even realize. But upon reflection, it’s clear that this lifer journey is an incredible one. It all began in Pre-K or Kindergarten, when the Boca kids were fed Mario’s pizza...every single day for lunch. It was then that we all learned “ left from right, and...right from wrong...” and we sang goodbye in a song. Years passed quickly: a sink fell on Carly Feldman's lap; a picture fell on Bryce Bloom’s head; we watched liberty kids for hours and memorized the theme song. In fifth grade, we showed the school that we had responsibility while singing to the Black Eyed Peas.


That’s called talent. In seventh grade we experienced compliment Thursdays. A teacher tripped, backpacks were prohibited from class, chaos ensued. In the 954, memories were made as well. We will never forget our Kindergarten show, where, like every class before us, we sang the story of Thanksgiving. We grew together, adding new classmates along the way. And in third grade, we celebrated Great Americans' day. Time passed and we were already at the end of Lower School on our Washington trip. It seemed like we had finally made it to the top, and then, we were back at the bottom. In Middle School, our teachers loved the Class of 2017 so much that they proceeded to call us the “crunchy apples.” And then suddenly we were in Upper School. Squads merged, squads didn’t merge, we gained the freshmen 15 (thanks Mary Ellen), lived through a tumultuous election, watered some legumes, and got to know some amazing teachers. And we did it all together. Here’s to calling Pine Crest home for the last fourteen years; here’s to being proud to call ourselves lifers.

|lifers| 153


154 I seniors |

Seniors seem to be masters of disguise on Halloween. The Class of 2017 has a gourd time because when you’ve got it, haunt it.



IHalloween | 155



Max Marchetto

“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday." - Don Marquis

Christopher Marzouca

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."-Maya Angelou

Michael Mattone

"Mind over matter. I don’t mind and you don’t matter."- Nicki Minaj

Zachary Mazer Hailey McEwan

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful" - Joshua J. Marine

Samantha Meade

“Go fast enough to get there, but slow enough to see." -Jimmy Buffett

Jason Meisel

"The cheese touch has been transferred.” - Basketball Group Chat

Gabrielle Meli

“The carousel never stops turning.” - Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

Brian Meller

“Just be yourself, there is no one better." - Taylor Swift

Emily Mims

“How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren’t Real.’’-Jaden Smith

Aviva Mishkel

"Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.” - John Lennon

Rachel Mondshine

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Camila Morales

“A hero always arrives late.” - Naruto

Joseph Murciano

“Life is too short to be serious all the time. So if you can’t laugh at yourself... call me and I’ll laugh at you." - Adam Ellerstein

Sarah Neumann

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." - Saint Augustine

156 I seniors |

Emma O’Byrne Hugh O’Neil

“Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself" • Harvey Specter, Suits

Evan Oaks

“Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there." -Bo Jackson

Danielle Obolevitch

“If I say, ‘ I’m the coolest guy in the world.' And I believe I'm the coolest guy in world then suddenly I become the coolest guy in the world.” - Mr. Rosso, Freaks and Geeks

Justin Oletsky

“Are those the dog treats?!? Oh, i kinda like the dog treats." Bryce Bloom

Adam Osman

“Where is my Super Su it?” - Frozone, The Incredibles

Mariana Paez

“Love what you do. Get good at it. Competence is a rare commodity in this day and age. And let the chips fall where they may.” -Jon Stewart

John Page

“I think about more than I forget / But I don't go around fire expecting not to sweat.” - Lil Wayne

Wilbert Pariguana Daza

“I never say something I cannot do. And I always will do more than I can say.” - Richard Nixon

Joao Vitor Pereira

“You won’t put the next thing you hear as your senior quote, you won't.” - Anonymous

Sofia Perez

“We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.” Malala Yousafzai

Leopoldo Pernia Hernandez

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the 'present'.” - Master Oogway

Katherine Poppiti

“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you might find..You get what you need." -The Rolling Stones

Hunter Potak

“Do you think God stays in Heaven because he too lives in fear of what he has created." - Steve Buscemi, Spy Kids II

Juliette Pozzuoli

“You sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve." -J.K. Rowling



|marchetto//pozzuoli | 157


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158 I seniors |

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Iseniors 1 159

Hannah Printz

"I’ve always maintained that the greatest obstacle in life isn't danger, it’s boredom.” - Dexter Morgan, Dexter

Jacqueline Procacci

“If music be the food of love, play on." - Shakespeare

Amanda Rabin

“Have some fire. Be unstoppable. Be a force of nature." Cristina Yang, Grey’s Anatomy

Andre Radensky

“Hunter, did you go paintballing last weekend?" -Everyone

Kamran Rehmatullah

“If I can’t scuba then what’s this all been about? What am I working toward7 ” - Creed Bratton

Lindsey Robertson

“Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.” - Kurt Vonnegut

Christian Robinson

“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.” Muhammad Ali

Michael Rothenberg

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

Evin Rothschild

“Make the most of today; the clock is running." - Samantha Kadis

Max Rubinoff

“Wait, so do you actually play?"- Everyone

Rachel Rutstein

“To laugh often and much; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Caroline Sachse

“Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

Hannah Saecker

“I don't know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” -David Bowie

Carolina Salazar-Paranhos

“Remember, no matter where you go, there you are." - Earl Mac Rauch

Arjun Sandhu

“My mother said to m e,' If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope’ , Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso." - Pablo Picasso

160 I seniors |

throw it

Iprintz // sandhu // TBT| 161



MEMES: The seniors spend most o: nFacebook inthese witty captioned photos. MYAPAPAYA: Onlyashort drive away, this healthyoption FIESTYMIKEY: Nobody messes with family. STRANGERTHINGS: This thrillingNetflix-original drama set inthe 80s capturesITgrbupof friends who unravel aseries of extraordinarymysteries involvingsecret government experim? unnervingsupernatural forces, andaveryunusual little girl who loves Eggos. PRESIDENT Who will get ridof their cards first?Just don’tbe left witha two at the end. TASTY: Sped-up. sub-one-minute videos, inwhichanoverhead shot shows two disembodied hands creatingadelicious dish. Snack-sized videos andrecipes you'll want to try.

162 I seniors |


Through thick and thin, Whale-y inflated our hearts m p m n rip c ;



164 I seniors |

Rebecca Schecter

“Our minds are all we have. They are all we ever had. And they are all we can offer others." - Sam Harris

Jordan Schulefand

“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretsky

Tara Schulman

"Life is not all sunshine and rainbows, but a lot of it actually is.” - Unknown

Owen Scrudders

“A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself.” - Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller's Day off

Scott Shanbom

“I can, I shall, and in the future, I will have done!" - C. Montgomery Burns, The Simpsons

Chase Shea

“You create your own happiness." - Jodie Kahan

Ivanna Sheinberg

"To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity."- William Arthur Ward

Samuel Shershevsky

“You can’t be common, the common man goes nowhere. You have to be uncommon.” - Herb Brooks

Brittany Shore

“Be positive, be patient, be petty.” - Joanne the Scammer

Brooke Siegal

“Life is too deep for words, so don't try to describe it, just live it." -C.S. Lewis

Allison Silitsky

“A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink." -Gina Carey

Richard Silverman

“You have to think anyway, so why not think big?" - President Donald J. Trump

Devyn Simon

“Fortune favors the bold." - Aristotle

Leah Simon

“If you want to know where your heart is, look to where your mind goes when it wanders." - Unknown

Morgan Simonson

“Your heart is stronger than your head."- Red Hot Chili Peppers

| silly selfies // schecter simonson 1165 I I

Jacob Singer

"There may be people who have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do." Derek Jeter

Jordan Smith

"The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey

Benjamin Snyder

Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it7 We both have layers.”- Shrek

Christian Soderberg

"Cheese and crackers, Christian!’’-Coach Jay Fitzgerald

Samantha Solomon

"If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it then how bad of a decision can it really be?" - Anonymous

Andres Soto

“Even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.” RFK

Matthew Stein

“If you never did you should. These things are fun, and fun is good.” -D r. Seuss

Jack Steinberg

“High school was legen - wait for it...’’Barney Stinson, Howl Met Your Mother

Daniel Stephany

“You’ve gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelette." - Alberto Espaillat

Noah Stollman

“...and I hope you're not lactose intolerant 'cause the second half of that word is-dary. Legendary! "-Barney Stinson, How I Met Your Mother

Thomas Sullivan

“Me think, why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick7 " -Kevin Jaye Malone, The Office

Rohan Sundararaman

“How can the sky be the limit if there are footprints on the moon7 " - S ir Robert Bryson Hall II

Danielle Swords

“If you believe your only purpose in life is to serve yourself, then you have no purpose.” - Paul Blart, Pout Blart Malt Cop 2

Stephanie Taylor

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." -J.K. Rowling

Charles Tobin

“See you dudes at the high school reunion.” - Charles Tobin

166 I seniors |

Alison Todd

"Enjoy the little things in life for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."- Anonymous

Madeleine Turner

“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground." Theodore Roosevelt

Simone Vreeland

“It's not the length of life, but the depth of life." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Henri Vrod

“Henri. I want to be like you when I grow up." - Mr. Spitzig

Sarah Walker

“It is while we are young that the habit of industry is formed. If not then, it never is afterward.”- Thomas Jefferson

Riley Ward

“If a man has no sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can be lost in the sauce.” - Gucci Mane

Jared Weisberg

“I once ate a twix bar with the wrapper on it.” - Andy Dwyer, Parte and Recreation

Sydni Weisberg

“How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?" - Jack, Fight Club

JoAnn Wood

“That’s when my life begins!” - Rapunzel, Tangled

Sam Wurth

"Good players inspire themselves, great players inspire others.” -Mike Krzyzewski

Lisa Zheutlin

“Human rights are women's rights... and women’s rights are human rights!" - Hillary Rodham Clinton

Jacob Zipper

“I never get any credit for anything I do in robotics, yet I get all the credit I deserve."- Gabriel Aguiar

Jamie Zipper

“Extra! Extra! Read all about it!”- Newsboys

Lyle Zucker

“May your heart be your guiding key."-Master of Masters

|singer//zucker | 167

Isuperlatives 1 169 i

170 I seniors |

Story [ Jodie Kahan

he Class of 2017 refuses to be categorized as just one thing: we are artists and athletes, socialites and brainiacs, procrastinators and work-a-holics. Perhaps the one common thread that weaves through everyone is a feeling of transition. Complacency is not this c la ss’ style. We’re always reaching, exploring new territory, on the cusp. There was the cusp of standardized testing: The old SAT and the new SAT. Oh, and we can’t forget the cusp of the college application: we got to choose between the Coalition AND the Common App. This class even pioneered a transition in fashion: mom jeans are back; those chokers we wore in 2nd grade are cool again. The transition has been quite the journey for the Class of 2017. We were a group who started our Pine Crest careers unafraid and unashamed. This is best evidenced by our freshman class t-shirts, which boldly stated, “ HELLO MY NAME IS FRESHM AN.” But even without the bright blue t-shirts, we were hard to miss. This is a class that made blue the color of dreaming and spirit, the color of beautiful failure and remarkable achievement. Perhaps this class can be summed up by our elected Homecoming mascot: an inflatable blue whale. The simile here predicts that like this blow-up whale, we are sometimes deflated. However, we are never deterred. We are quickly inflated again and ready to be loud, proud,


and forever blue. Or maybe there’s no metaphorical resonance at all, and the legacy of the Homecoming whale serves to show the whimsical and spirited side of our crazy class. It has not always been easy: this class struggled to remain in dress code to say the least. But again, this group has always been the one to express itself loudly and unapologetically. There were fights with friends that taught us about what it means to be selfless, humble; some of us fell in love, got a few splinters in our hearts and came out with storiestoshare; we learned about integrals, Shakespeare, soil horizons, John Van Eyck (master of the woodcut, duh). And even stronger than this is perhaps the memory of Dr. Wu vocalizing her annoyance about the effects of senioritis during that lesson on integrals, Mr. Lemole writing snarky comments on a Macbeth essay, Mrs. Vatland gushing about legumes, Mr. Ames drumming on the smartboard at 8 am, raving about Renaissance artists. So along the way, perhaps this class came across a realization that to transition does not mean to leave the past behind in favor of starting over. It means remembering what we’ve learned and moving forward. It means reaching for the horizon, not in spite of knowing we cannot reach it, but because we know we cannot reach it. It means embracing each other and the cusp we’ve created for ourselves.

Iseniors | 171

divider) 173

1 7 4



Pine Crest student artists reach for their paints and colored pencils to create works of art, creativity.

Bryce Emanuel

Alexa Marcus

artl 175

P h o t o g r a p h y | N a n c y B aker S to r y | J o d ie K a h a n


e band

The Pine Crest Band is always in tune with the melody.

1. HERE COMES TREBLE! During first period, the band perfects their talent

2.OUTSIDE IN THE BREEZEWAY. Honors Jazz Band shares the holiday spirit in the form of music. 3. PUMPING UP THE CROWD, the band knows how to rock’n roll during the Pep Rally. 4. DRUMMING UP A BEAT, the section gets in tune with the music during practice 5. ROCKING ON THE XYLOPHONE. Gailitis (11) participates in the redition of holiday songs. 5. WE'VE GOT SPIRIT! The sax players in the Pep-band jam during their Homecoming performance

BAND Salma Abuhamda Alexis Adornato Juan Beaufrand Danielle Bejar Frank Belette Noelia Boldizsar Anthony Bridges Elizabeth Brown Michael Cabral Carsen Coggeshall Adam Cohen Jacob Couture Charles D’Ambra Mikayla D’Ambra Lauren DawsonScully Ryan Ding Ryan Dudak Lucien Duprey Isabel Fabre Robert Fatovic Noah Fischer Jacqueline Fogel Alexandra Folleco Lauren Fromkin Marissa Gailitis Dane Gailitis William Gershman Joshua Grover Justin Guilfu Bryce Hackmeyer eginning in fourth grade, people at The Pine are offered the opportunity to join band. As an impressionable tween, this seems like an exciting possibility-- almost mystical. So after half the class joins band, most people realize that in order to play an instrument well, it takes an incredible amount of discipline. While some people drop out and stop playing, the brave warriors among us stick with it, growing to be incredible musicians with incredible talent. One such talent is Sofia Perez, senior flutist who has recently also picked up the piccolo. To her, making music is not only hard work, but also


Kevin Harvey Ruby He Bill Hung Henry Ingham John Jones Ryan Karp Sabine Katsoulos Jason Kelman Benjamin Kelsky Jaimin Khakhria Gabrielle Khoriaty Melody Khoriaty Ronald Knezevich Ethan Lewis Jake Lieberfarb Brooke Luckman Kyle Malove David Mannis Mackenzie Manofsky Drew Morris Richard Morse Matthew Mulhall Julian Naranjo Nikhil Narwani Hayden Norris Sachet Paharia Wilbert Pariguana Daza Sofia Perez Derek Pfeffer Ian Pollock Lauren Pollock

Christian Prestegard Nicholas Prigoda Jacqueline Procacci Sofia Restrepo Muguet Rodriguez Jacob Rosenthal Eve Rosenthal Michael Saltzman Sara Segal Sophie Shapiro Meghna Sharma Avyah Sharma Jonathon Shashoua Zachary Shevin Brooke Siegal Carly Siegel Daniel Stephany Austin Stratt Rohan Sundararaman Allison Trebbi Christian Urbanek Olivia Varughese Honors Jazz Ensembles Alexis Adornato Anthony Bridges Michael Cabral

Adam Cohen Jacob Couture Matthew Dardet Julian Forgues Dane Gailitis Marissa Gailitis William Gershman Kevin Harvey Henry Ingham Benjamin Kelsky Ronald Knezevich Jake Lieberfarb Brooke Luckman Drew Morris Nikhil Narwani Sachet Paharia Wilbert Pariguana-Daza Derek Pfeffer Ian Pollock Jena Rozanski Mark Rozencwaig Michael Saltzman Jonathon Shashoua Austin Stratt Rohan Sundararaman Olivia Varughese Conductor Dr. William Kinne

lots of fun. “ My favorite part is just being able to collaborate with different people who are just as passionate about making music. Also, working really hard on a certain piece and then being able to perform it in front of an audience is an amazing feeling.” From freshman year to now she’s watched herself grow into a serious member of band. “ I’ve taken on more responsibility. As I’ve grown I’ve become more confident in my skills. I’m section leader and I’ve also started playing the piccolo.” She would like to thank her band directors and teachers for giving her an amazing four years in the PC band.

“My favorite part is just being able to collaborate with different people”

Iband 1177





P h o to g rap h y

ready tcl# l|l I ^

From package deals to short films, the anchors, cinematogrpahers, producers, editors, and everyone else involved broadcast their talent.

he m earn s writers’ room has been busy these past few months. In November, the team received $26,000 dollars from Fullscreen to create a five part series about [cyberbu Ilying; now the team prepares to shoot. After fake [screaming at each other, Director Seth Kelman yells, “Tensions are high people, tensions are high!” Ninth periods are never uneventful; with this group of boys, there's always something going on. “We’re makin’ films, yo!” senior Michael Kennedy jjyells. Kelman thinks he’s figured lout the secret to creating their amazing films: ■“Everyone’s really good at their roles. Also we just

have a lot o f fun.” IrTFCTV, the team has been busy this year as well. “Over the past four years we’ve all learned a lot in this program. With weekly shows on Tuesdays, this year we’ve really put our skills to the test. It’s been super fun," senior Rachel Hackman said; Not only has this team thrived at Pine Crest, but across the United States. At the Student Television Network convention, the students flew to Anaheim and learned from professionals in the industry. “STN is always an amazing trip. We all have Mr. Burgess, Ms. Alexanderson, Mrs. Rashbaum, Mrs. Szymanski, and Ms. Porter to thank for this incredible year in PCTV.”

“ Not only has the team thrived at Pine Crest, but across the United States.”

178 Itimeless |

^ i ii i

2. Mason Berger (10) and Simone Vreeland (12) smile for a picture during a sports broadcast. 3. Saagar Jain (11) and Zach Goldstein (9) look down onto the field before a broadcast at FAU. 4. Audrey Louden (12) films a live interview for the weekly show.

5. Before the game started, Zach Berman (12) took pictures for PCTV's social media.

Film Adrian Abedon Burke Bloom Zachary Cooper Caleb Cyr Jimmy Hart Amar Jafri Ben Runsdorf Josh Vlessing Spencer Waldshan Sebastian Bell Sebastian Crist Justin Danzansky Alexander Edep

JTr«» « • * V i .

D a n ie l Bolja Matthfw Buehl J m i i Cholerton Zain Chuadry Matthew C-olien Ryan Dudak . I Alejandra E g 'n c h e a g a * Isabella Faife w Zoe Fermanian^ Grant Fields ; Arielle Ghiloni Sf Samara Ginsberg “ j j a t h g i i Goldman '“Zachary Goldstein SumsuU-fi^tati c^ache! Hackman Morkiis. Haig I Tar/n Herman f Edwin,Hoffman David Iscnbcrg RoboTt Issa Sophia Jafri Saagar Jain Jodie Kalian Elizabeth Kaplan Gabrielle Khoriaty Elvis Kotikovski Caroline Krystoff Raj Kumar Audrey Louden Inti Louis-William^r' Jason Manassa Anthony Mai zonesCnristopher M a r z o n o ^ Isaac Masimorc Madison Mazer Ryan McCue Brian Meller Emily Mims Crystal Navellier Justin Oletsky Hugh O'Neil Jared Orenstein Peter Perri Valentina Pope Tristan Pyle Rjya'rrfolberbaum Elliot Reich §pth Kelman Rafael Salazar-Paranhos Michael Kennedy Sarah Sanda Owen Seiner PCTV Scott Shanbom Danna Martincz-Espcjo Bianca Simons Grant Andreas Ethan Smith Ross Bauman Sydney Tacher Julian Bazo Charles Tobin Steven Becker Simone Vreeland Mason Berger Sharon Yuz Zachary Berman Jordan Zcdcck Alexis Bernstein Lyle Zuckcr Zachary Blostein


Orchestra George Aloia Lorrie Axelrod Rohan Benda P atrick Berne Kaylee Blanchard Bryce Bloom Burke Bloom Rodrigo CastelIon Evan Cholerton Andrew Chund Delaney Dardet Matthew Dardet Taylor Dezell Christian Ehrnrooth Ryan Felberbaum Elizabeth Foltz Jacob Goldberd Samantha Gonzalez Julia Gordon! Marvis Gutierrezl Alaina Elam Elizabeth Ham James Hart Natalia Hauser Joshua Koolik Rhea Kumar Christopher Martinez' Leah Martinez| Daniela Munoz. Adam Osman Jabari Owens! Mariana Paezj Gabriella Pearl Samantha Perlman Juliette Pozzuoli Andre Radensky| Indira Ramgolamj Catrina Reyes Mark RozencwaigJ Benjamin Snyder Demi Snyder Rachel Snyderl Sydney Spectorf Sarah Sukal Rodrigo Torrejon Michael Valdes Simran Wadhwa Vanessa Wildman Conductor Ms.Deena Shapiro

2 . LORD OF THE STRINGS! The orchestra livens 3.

the audience.

ALL ABOUT THAT BASS. The Pine Crest bassists know how to keep the beat.

4 . UNITED IN HARMONY. These muscians make magical music for the crowd 5 . EVERYONE PLAYS A PART. For members of the orchestra, harmony is key. 6 . THEY'VE GOT STRING SKILLS.The orchestra sounds sharp during the annu; 7. STRINGS THAT SWING. The music soars for these muscians.

Photography | Nancy Baker Story | lodie Kahan

The Pine Crest Orchestra knows how to to each performance.

1 Concentrating on her performance. Kaylee Blanchard (12) is on point during the holiday


^V ~

attracts students wnose forte (get it?) is music. These students dedicate the first period in their day and lots of practice to play their instrument. Led by senior section

LBin orchestra„ is extraordinary. . .

analogous events from which to choose) would have to be performing a “ Phantom of the Opera” compilation during my first year in orchestra... I have since played highly variegated music at many different venues," yet still this performance! remains as one of the! most unforgettable.”! Although Dardet plans? to continue playing, the bass in college, hisl experience in the high| school orchestra wil always remain special. “ definitely miss starting each morning with goodl musical vibes as well as all the great people I have! met through the orchestra.”

“These students dedicate the first period in their day and lots of practice to play their instrument.”

(s e n io r member and bassist (M atthew Dardet explained, ( “Seniority j i n orchestra ^provides a great chance (to inspire others while (sim ultaneously bettering my ^ leadership abilities. "Afterfour ffy e a rs as a member of orchestra, Dardet remembered |one performance as a freshman particularly fondly. “ My favorite memory (although there are many

^orchestral 181

The Pine Crest Debate team prove their in a successful season.

P h o to g rap h y | Pedro D am a sc e n o S to ry | S y d n i W e is b e r g

ebate IS a sport. In fact, Josh Jacobs, co­ head with them after hours of practice. The team is so captain of the PC debate team alongside Jacob thankful for all that Mr. Lewis has done to make this Couture, feels very strongly about this, and will season as successful and fun as it was. If Josh could argue with anybody who is a give one piece of advice to his willing to meet him at the podium. younger teammates, it would Although they only rank the top 25 be to “strike a balance-- do debate teams in the nation, Josh your schoolwork and hang out believes they’d place somewhere with friends, but make sure to within the top 50 this season, as he put in a lot of effort in debate.” individually received a vote to be in He believes that the upcoming the top 25. Jacobs has reached the generation of PC debaters has elimination rounds in tournaments a bright future, and he hopes at Wake Forest, Glenbrooks, and that they qualify for “the most Blake. The debaters love that being prestigious annual debate a part of the debate world gives them the opportunity tournament,” known as the Tournament of Champions. to meet kids from around the globe, and face head to


182 | timeless

...being a part of the debate world gives them a oppertunity to meet kids from around the globe...”


DEBATE 1. Josh Jacobs (12) proves you can make a point and have fun doing it.


Emily Tomchin (11) practices her craft in front of her teamates.

Seniors Jacob Couture Joshua Jacobs

3. Benjamin Stahl (10) brainstorms stragies to win big.


OFF TO A G Jack Rubenstein (11) nails his speech before the competition.

5. ARNING FROM THE MASTER. Zach Vlessing (11) gets some pointers from Mr. Lewis. 6. Sachet Paharia (11) takes in all the information to strengthen his argument.

Juniors Chase Finney Samantha Gould Sachet Paharia Rohan Rajan Jack Rubenstein Emily Tomchin Zach Vlessing Sophomores Eli Couture Julian Daszkal Joseph Gray David Morales Eric Shagrin Benjamin Stahl Freshman Lucas Abrams Joseph Angel la Aashay Badgamia Harold Bergner Jack Bressler Elizabeth Buehl James Dudgeon Omer Erez Noah Ferber Clayton Finney Stefano Galebe Brooke Gilbert Samara Ginsberg Graham Gotlieb Jared Gould Jason Jacobs Lauren James Brandon Karp Jaimin Khakhria Ezra Mishkel Justin Perelman Connor Tomchin Allen Yang Jordan Zietz Clarissa Zisman

debate | 183

the researc Launching a top secret investigation to put the seniors in science research under the microsocope. Name: Jared Geller

Sex: M

Instrum ent: Calculator

Side Kick: W olfram Alpha Bio: Solved m a th by developing a m a th /c ry p to g rp a h y algorithm.

Name: Andre "Doctor Dre" Radensky

Sex: M

In stru m en t: M ouse Cell Culture

Side Kick: Red Bull Bio: Found synorgistic benefit to tw o day drug cocktail u n p ro te c tin g cells in stroke model.

Name: Carsen Coggeshall

Sex: M

In stru m en t: C o m p u te r

Side Kick: Artifically Intelligent M achine Bio: Created a m a c h in e learning/artifical intelligence Iprogram. Played w ith virtual reality consoles.

Name: Juliette "Jules" Pozzuoli

Sex: F

Instrum ent: Syringe

Side Kick: M ouse 18 Bio: Studied synthetic c o m p o u n d a n d its effects on co ca in e addiction.

184 Itimeless |


Name: Evin "Evi" Rothschild

Sex: F

Seniors Carsen Coggeshall Matthew Dardet Jamie Flores Jared Geller Alec Gugel Juliette Pozzuoli Andre Radensky Evin Rothschild

Instrument: Pipette with a Sharp Tip

Side Kick: Jenny from the Block Bio: "Cured cancer" with yeast and turf.

Juniors Rachel Auslander Caroline Adkins Katrina Delvisco Saagar Jain Jordan Moldow Zach Shevin Rodrigo Torrejon Tristan Wille

Sex: M

Name: Matthew "Mateo" Dardet


Instrument: High-Throughput Drug Screening Machine

Side Kick: Fruit Flies Bio: Developed an electroconvulsive assay using fruit flies that screens novel antiepileptic compunds.

Side Kick: Garrick and Ivan

Sophomores Rodrigo Castellon H. Christian Ehrnrooth Hank Ingham Kofi Meighan Drew Morris Clara Nguyen Christian Prestegard Rosie Rothschild Meghna Sharma

Bio: Analyzed early development of shoulder instability and pain in adolescent swimmers

Advisor Ms. Gordinier

Name: Jamie "J-Flo" Flores

Sex: F

Instrument: Goniometer

Name: Alec "Alee" Gugel

I Sex: M

Instrument: Drums

Side Kick: Sake, my cat Bio: Made a bionic hand to strangle my enemies.

|science research IT 8 5

hitting the >• A

r ^ .








Our talanted students


as part of the PC Chorus.

P h o t o g r a p h y | N a n c y B aker S to ry | A s h ly n J o n e s


arisol Beaufrand, a senior, has definitely Marisol will be leaving Pine Crest, she still has high had a great experience being a part of hopes for the new members and wants them to chorus throughout her high school years. enjoy their experience in chorus like she has these “ My favorite memory is when we went past four years. “Some of my best experiences with to Candlelight this year. We got to sing with Neil my friends have been in Chorus. I want them to Patrick Harris and spend , r enjoy spending time making u t two days in Disney!” She P 3 T T OT 3 music with their friends and started out as a freshman in to always aspire for more.” chorus and is now a leader Chorus has taught her many in this musical group. “As things, and she will definitely a freshman, I looked up to be able to use these skills all of the upperclassmen in in the future. “ It has taught 7 77 the chorus and wanted to me that every member work hard so that I could be is important, but more helpful to the group. Now as a senior, I continue to important than that is how each of the members work hard so that I can help lead the chorus with the interact and help each other. Being part of a chorus rest of the seniors, and so that I can encourage the is about making beautiful music as a group, a feat underclassmen to work hard as well.” Even though that would be impossible with only one person.”

Being of a chorus is about making beautiful music as a group.

186 I timeless |



the entire chorus gives a lovely performance during the

holiday season.




Will Prevor (9) gives a spectacular solo performance. The entire group is all smiles for

the camera.


the great PC singers represent us well at All State


5. 6


they head to Disney.

Mr. Testa conducts the chorus to perfection, the chorus gets in one last practice beofre

Sofia Alkon Amanda Anderson Brian Anderson Chase Anderson Silvia Ballivian Marisol Beaufrand Danielle Bejar Rachel Bell Rohan Benda Kaylee Blanchard Gabriel Blanco Bryce Bloom Burke Bloom Noey Boldizsar Kolin Boorom Benjamin Brody Cameron Brody Sofia Caro Hailee Cono Caleb Cyr Katirina Delviscio Kylie DiCarolis Ryan Fiedler Zachary Fiedler Elizabeth Foltz William Gershman Jacob Goldberg Anastasia Golovkine Amanda Gomez Samantha Gonzalez Elizabeth Ham Deanna Hennelly Heaven Infinity Henry Ingham Connor Jones Chelsea Jubitana Benjamin Kelman Ethan Leifert Isaac Leifert Victoria Lemigova Brooke Luckman

Hannah Maister Leonardo Malhado Madison Mazer Brian Meller Athena Myers Sarah Neumann Caroline Nouhan Kaitlyn Ockerman Arianna Pantalone Cayleigh Pine Brence Platner Lauren Pollock Hunter Potak Juliette Pozzuoli William Prevor Hannah Printz Samantha Printz Zachary Printz Indira Ramgolam Sarah Rodriguez Eve Rosenthal Jacob Rosenthal Mark Rozencwaig Sebastian Rukes Caroline Sachse Tara Schulman Zachary Shevin Jacob Silberman Richard Silverman Savannah Stocker Thomas Sullivan Dani Swords Stephanie Taylor Rodrigo Torrejon Nicholas Tosello Michael Vega Alexandra Venegas Henri Vrod Simran Wadhwa Noa Weiner Conductor Mr. Michael Testa

Ichorus 1187





llp p

P h o t o g r a p h y | C a r o lin a S a la z a r & B r itta n y S h o r e S to ry | H a ile y K a r te n

Representing the high school is not the easiest ■ job. Our Student Council pulls it off seamlessly. i

ithout the Student Council, many of the events that make the Upper School so special would not take place. The gym would not be set up for the Homecoming dance, the cookie exchange would have no cookies, and Feb Fest would never even happen. However, with the great amount of work that STUCO does, the student body is able to participate in the festivities made possible by the amazing students involved. Members are involved in different committees: the executive board leads and helps with most of the planning, the steering committee is rather like an all-star pep squad, judiciary is in charge of creating rules for STUCO and clubs, and the other members are representatives


from the different sponsored clubs of the Upper School. Working together, these groups make up the largest organization of students at PC. Along with all of the hard work, executive board member and head of steering Dani Swords says she has “ learned a lot through student council, such as how to work well in a group and how to be a part of the huge community that student council is.” Vice President Zack Shevin adds that being a part of Student Council and planning events gives him the opportunity to bring the student body together. The Student Council would like to thank their sponsors Mr. Weinberg and Ms.Theoharris for all that they do to help them throughout the year.

“Working together, these groups make up the largest organization of students at PC.”

188 Itimeless |



Jake Lieberfarb (12). Upper School President,

pumps up the crowd at the pep rally.

2. ELLO JELLC Zack Shevin (111 pats Ben Badnani (11) on the back for his valient effort in the jello slurping competition. 3. PRESIDENTIAL STANCE Brian Meller (12). Senior Class President, looks on. supporting the seniors. 4. HOT CHOCOLATE & SMILES Ana Simon (11) smiles as she hands out hot chocolate to the student body .

5. SERVIN' UP SOME HOT COCOA. Evin Rothschild (12) keeps the crowds warm with hot cocoa. 6 . SCOOBY DOOBY DOO1 Henri Vrod (12) cleans up after a minute to win it food games.



^ 11


Executive Board Jake Leiberfarb Zack Shevin Alan Bary Rachel Hackman Evin Rothschild Henri Vrod Jamie Zipper Christian Robinson Dani Swords Judiciary Josh Jacobs Hannah Cohen Daniella Gomez

Rhea Kumar Noah Fischer Harrison Freedman Jared Gould Frank Belette Senior Class Board Brian Meller Jubin Gorji Jodie Kahan Alec Gugel Madeleine Turner Chase Shea Junior C la ss Board Stefy Grau

Isabella Maharaj Rodrigo Torrejon Matias Litewka David Bell Alexa Marcus

Brandon Karp Blake Kravitz Jordan Zietz Natalia Hauser Brence Platner

Sophomore Class Board Christian Garvin Julian Daszkal Derek Pfeffer Blake Gilbert Rose Rothschild Jonathan Shah

Steering Alyssa Dern Kylie DiCarolis Ivanna Sheinberg Sydni Weisberg Erin Carr Ali Todd Ana Simon Miles Polley Kennady Smith Rebecca Kay Sophie Sanda Carly Schulman

Freshman C la ss Board Katie Sullivan

Natalie Klar Ally Feldman Hailee Cono Lauren Pollock Gillian Cohen Julia Engelhardt Salome Slatkoff Vanessa Wildman Kate Heatzig Elizabeth Potter Taryn Herman Yasmina Issa Advisors Ms. Theoharris Mr. Weinberg

Istudent council 1189

A yearbook carries a big responsibility of being a timeless keepsake for high school memories. These memories have to be precisely captured and displayed for you to enjoy. I could not do this task on my own. There is a little room in the union where all the magic happens. Where dance parties and delicious foods are found and Yerdz are hard at work. In that little room we grow both individually and together as a staff. We have mourned the death computers and laughed till we cried (c.f. PhotoBooth on computer 2). Shaped and molded by talented and dedicated writers, photographers, and designers, this book can be presented to you. I truly appreciate all of your help in bringing this book to life. TO THE EDITORS WHO CAME BEFORE ME: Even if you are no longer here, you are all the reason I am here. Thank you for taking the time to teach me and allowing me to grow. Working with you gave me the courage to do this. I could not have my yearbook without all of yours. Your baby yerd is all grown up! TO MY STAFF: Your efforts are the reason this book is not just a pamphlet. Even the smallest contribution is noticed. I love the participation at Tuesday staff meetings that carried throughout the year. TO MY PHOTOGRAPHERS: Without your photos, the pages would not be able to come alive. I am always blown away by your talent to capture the essence of Pine Crest. From the fields, to the gym, to the stage, and the classrooms, you have perfectly captured a moment of time. I am so proud to call you my photographers and making the book beautiful. TO MY WRITERS: Whether you are part of the actual yearbook staff or not, you have all conquered the difficulty of journalistic writing with poise and ease. You add an intangible layer to the book that gives context to every captured moment. I value your help and work that went into every single word. TO MY AURASMA PEOPLE: Thank you for adding another dimension to this book. I know it was something new and different but your extra work makes this yearbook even more special. Special thanks to Rachel Hackman, Brian Meller, Audrey Louden, Carolina Salazar, Isabel Faife, and Ms. Porter for helping me in the process. Recording, editing, uploading, and linking footage could not have been done without all your gracious efforts. PEDRO: Your photos are raw and capture the true beauty of passing time. You go for the shots and you always score big. The addition of your photos has been exceptional and incomparable. I know that yearbook photos may not always be the edgy portrait or frame you want, but I am increasingly impressed with your eagerness to succeed in any scenario. Thank you for all your hard work. I know you will go far in anything you put your mind to. GIGI: The next generation of Yerdz will be in capable hands with you leading the way. The Index and dealing with senior ads are not the easiest jobs, but you seemed to always do it with a smile on your face. Both are extremely vital parts of the yearbook and without you, these final pages would not be complete. I don’t care if you are the chicken nugget or the chicken tender, but you are a star in my eyes. Your dedication to this book (and crossfit) is unparalleled. I will miss you and cannot wait to see what you do in years to come in and outside of the yearbook room. TO ALL OF MY FRIENDS: I love you all. I know you may not have all chosen the yerd life but I chose you. Thanks for great snuggles, pretending to diet with me as we eat everything, lessons on snootitude, and just always being there for me. You are the greatest. We make it GADEV every day. I could not have asked for a better support system or a better group of friends. TO BRITTANY: Your photos are unbelievable. The time you put into capturing a single instant is evident in the final product. Since the day you set foot in yearbook, your talent has been incredible. Your level of photography and editing is something many people (including me) could never accomplish. Seeing the notification that your photos have been uploaded to dropbox is always a sigh of relief because they are always picture perfect. TO CAROLINA: You have proven yourself time after time. For your dedication, enthusiasm, reliability, and willingness I am sincerely grateful. Our ranting and gossip-filled car rides are a plus. The caliber of your work on a camera and even the Go- Pro make this yearbook. You have abounding talent. You poured your heart into everything and anything you could do to help me make a deadline. You are amazing and your photos are stunning. You helped entrench every event, sports game, performance into every student's memories. You should be proud of yourself because I know I am proud of you. TO JODIE: This yearbook would not have a complete sentence if it wasn’t for you. Your managerial and writing skills came together to make every page that much better. Your undeniable passion for writing has been evident since you joined yearbook (and probably since you came out of the womb). Your talent with words sets you apart and inspires me to be better. You are there for me even when you don’t need to be. You made every caption a masterpiece, every article a tour de force, and the Jared Lemole spotlight your true magnum opus. I have no doubt that you will succeed as long as you don’t forget to be awesome.

190 Itimeless |

TO BRIAN: Even though you couldn’t enjoy the food or always participate in the dance parties, having your positivity radiating through the room is more than enough. Although captions may not be your favorite, you do them anyway. You always work with your best efforts on a page or finding me the next up-and-coming song. The beautiful full page picture spreads do not come close to how beautiful you are as a person. Thanks for being you. TO IVANNA: To my day one yerd, thank you for taking this journey with me. From start to finish you have had a keen eye for design. You may not always wake up flawless but your pages seem to always turn out to be. Thanks for being my right hand and always putting up with me. I am so proud of you for your growth as a yerd and as a person (guess you don’t need your boyfriend pillow anymore). Weekend Chipotle and Starbucks runs may not have been as fun as stickering every single yearbook; but I got to share every experience with you. There is no other person I would rather laugh at ourselves with. TO HANNAH: To the sweetest, most patient, and kind person I know. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every Schoology post, every motivational talk, and every moment you have supported me. I don’t care if you were the one who dropped the grape because in my eyes you can do no wrong. I know the club pages and making my abstract ideas come to life are tedious, but you handled them with leadership and ease. Thanks for being a ray of sunshine every second of every day, Hani bunches. TO MRS. METZGER: Thank you for always being there for me in yearbook crisis or just in general. I don’t just go into your office for the candy, I truly value all your opinions and expertise. Our Bitmoji conversations will always be my favorite. Thank you for putting yearbook as a priority in your very busy schedule. You helped me through every obstacle the yearbook was confronted with. Your open door makes me always feel welcome. Thank you for being a voice of reason, the calm when there seemed to be a storm. TO MRS. JARAMILLO: I am so grateful of all your time and effort you have invested in the book and me. Although sometimes your To-Do List seemed endless, your organization and managing skills always kept me on track. Stress balls, lavender oils, and all, you have been by my side. We have laughed and cried. We proved that we are the “Power of Two" and can solve all problems so that they become “Least Complicated.” With you, the endless technology mishaps, late night calls to Walsworth support, and junk food munching make the malfunctions “Closer to Fine.” I would not have our work days or this book any other way. x o x , H

e b e c c a

Iyerdz 1191

IHillH!jkl SF” i«s?

Admission Ambassadors Presidents | Hailey Karten & Kylie DiCarolis Board Members | Nicole Phillips, Alexa Silfen, Arielle Ghiloni Sponsor | Mr. Kranstover


Anti-Bullying Club Presidents | Kaitlyn Ockerman & Rachel Bell Board Members | Juanita Garcia Sponsor | Ms. Rushing

Beta Club - Freshmen Presidents | Matthew Dardet & Sammy Koolik Board Members | Jamie Flores & Andre Radensky Sponsor | Ms. Jenkins


Beta Club - Sophomores Presidents | Matthew Dardet & Sammy Koolik Board Members | Jamie Flores & Andre Radensky Sponsor | Ms. Jenkins

Beta Club - Juniors Presidents | Matthew Dardet & Sammy Koolik Board Members | Jamie Flores & Andre Radensky Sponsor | Ms. Jenkins

194 I clubs |

Beta Club - Seniors Presidents | Matthew Dardet & Sammy Koolik Board Members | Jamie Flores & Andre Radensky Sponsor | Ms. Jenkins

Black Student Association Presidents | Chelsea Jubitana & Kaylee Blanchard Board Members | Cari-Jade Douglas, Maddie Fowler, Chase Finney, Christian Robinson, Erykah Tomlinson, & Jabari Owens Sponsor | Ms. Owens & Mrs. Clark

Business Club President | Jubin Gorji & Jason Meisel Board Members | Parsa Hoghooghi, John Jones, Markus Haig, & Jason Kelman Sponsor | Mr. Perez

Cancer Awareness Club President | Madison Leon Board Members | Samantha Perlman, Sydney Popkin, Jacob Singer, Noah Stollman, Max Rubinoff, & Sophie Glassman Sponsor | Mrs. Rashbaum

Club Couture President | Valentina Pope Board Members | Madison Gorn, Alyssa Higgins, & Kassidy Angelo Sponsor | Ms. Szymanski

Iclubs 1195

Computer Science Club President | Julian Billini Board Members | Andre Radensky, Michael Kennedy, Benjamin Kelsky, & Benjamin Snyder Sponsor | Mr. Perez

Creative Writing Club Presidents | Indira Ramgolam & Gabriel Ortega Board Members | Mark Rozencwaig, Hank Ing­ ham, Cayleigh Pine, Simran Wadhwa, Elizabeth Brown Sponsor | Ms. Worrell

Debate Presidents | Jack Rubenstein & Sachet Paharia Board Members | Chase Finney, Parsa Hoghooghi, Julian Daszkal, Ashley Heiblum, & Julian Daszkal Sponsor | Mr. Lewis

DECA Presidents | Harris Gevinson & Ethan Berman Board Members | Joshua Lehrman, Robert Issa, Jacob Wallberg, Blake Gilbert, Hannah Saunders, Omer Erez Sponsor | Mrs. Venne

Drama Club Presidents | Hannah Printz & Marisol Beaufrand Board Members | Deanna Hennelly, Zach Shevin, Tara Schulman, Noey Boldizar, Sammy Koolik, & Cayleigh Pine Sponsor | Mr. Mellone

196 I clubs |

Environmental Action Club Presidents | Matthew Jordan & Mariana Giraldo Board Members | Emily Aronson, Rebecca Kay, & Alana Kosches

eSports Club President | Lyle Zucker Board Members | William Gershman, Avyah Sharma, Scott Shanbom, Cameron Brody, Daniel Bolja, & Sebastian Rukes Sponsor | Mrs. Everett

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Presidents | Simone Vreeland & Tommy Sullivan Board Members | Matias Litewka, Owen Scrudders, John Page, Grace Luciano Sponsor | Coach Hibbs

French Club President | Lisa Zheutlin Board Members | Benjamin Brody, Henri Vrod, Noey Boldizsar, & Jackie Procacci Sponsor | Mr. Guanire

Gay-Straight Alliance President | Juanita Garcia Board Members | Rachel Bell, Rebecca Kay, Shari Stenglein, & Lola Nedic Sponsor | Ms.O’Brien

I clubs 1197

Geo-History Club Presidents | Ron Knezevich & Erin Carr Board Members | Katherine Jovanovic, Sarah Walker, Drisha Gwalani, Matt Stein, Jake Lieberfarb, Lucien Duprey, Sofia Restrepo, & Olivia Varughese Sponsor | Mr. Snyder

German Club President | Caroline Sachse Board Members | Leopoldo Pernia, Sarah Walker, Kaylee Blanchard, Hank Ingham, & Chelsea Jubitana Sponsor | Ms. Leps

Get Reel (Film Club) President | Alex Edep Board Members | Seth Kelman, Henri Vrod, Jena Rozanski, Michael Kennedy Sponsor | Ms. Alexanderson

Habitat for Humanity President | Molly See Board Members | Marissa Gailitis, Ishani Singh, Marissa Brannan, & Alexandra Meszaros Sponsor | Ms. Gomez

Health, Nutrition, & Fitness Awareness Club President | Meghna Sharma Board Members | Sebastian Martinez, Jabari Owens, Mikayla D’Ambra, Sarah Rodriguez, Saumya Jain, Shayne Pollock, Lauren Fromkin, & Salma Abuhamda Sponsor | Coach Hibbs

198 I clubs |

Hessed Forum Presidents | David Lederman & Ryan Berman Board Members | Emily Blaze, Rachel Zietz, Sophie Glassman, Rachel Rader, Deborah Ades, Samantha Perlman, & Jack Steinberg Sponsor | Mr. Friedman

Hip Hop Club Presidents | Tiffany Blanco & Lilliana de Souza Board Members | Carolina Salazar, Erykah Tomlinson, & Evin Rothschild Sponsor | Mrs. Bass

Indian Heritage Club President | Drisha Gwalani Board Members | Rhea Kumar, Meghna Sharma, & Saumya Jain Sponsor | Ms. Hernandez

International Relations Club President | Hiba Ismail Board Members | Kamran Rehmatullah, Juanita Garcia Sponsor | Mr. Snyder

Karaoke Club Presidents! Richard Silverman & Leo Malhado Board Members | Jeanne Blaison, Chris Dunne, Katherine Poppiti, Matthew Becker, & Michael Rothenberg Sponsor | Mr. Testa

I clubs 1199

'Jld im


NEHS gjst-etfective solution to global energy


Pine Crest NEHS shows that their year was all booked with great events. P h o t o g r a p h y & S to ry | Mr. A a r o n Gillego

he purpose of NEHS is to celebrate the high achievement of its invited members in their study of the English language and literature. NEHS membership at PC isn’t just honorific. With membership comes privileges, opportunities, and responsibilities so that the honor society becomes an active cocurricular club. Our annual events include the Fall Induction Ceremony, a triptothe Miami Book Fair International and Perez Art Museum Miami, our very own TEDxPineCrestSchool event, a trip to the Actor’s Playhouse, and our end-of-year Ice Cream Social. This year we also added Poetry Out Loud, a poetry recitation contest, which we co-sponsored


with the Creative Writing Club. This event on February 8th featured 26 student performances. First place: Pedro Damasceno ‘ 18; Second place: Rayna Gordon ‘20; Third place: Bryce Emanuel ‘ 19. NEHS conducts the nomination process for the NCTE Achievement Award in Writing every year. All Junior NEHS members submit their writing and the Senior members read and rate the submissions blindly. Through this process, NEHS indentifies our two nominees for the NCTE Achievement Award, and these nominees are adjudicated at the State level. The process has yielded consecutive winners of the Award, the most recent of whom is Lilliana de Souza ‘ 17.

“With membership comes privileges,opportunities, and responsibilities...”

200 I clubs |

[n a place where doctors are saving lives,

daniella’s D

’h o t o g r a p h y & S to r y | A le x a n d r a F o lle co

aniella’s Journey Healing through the Arts Community Service Project was established in 2010 by Daniella’s classmates from PC’s class of 2013 as a community service project; a partnership with Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital was created. The goal of the project is to bring to hospitalized children an hour away from their hospital room, a break for the caretaker, or the opportunity for siblings to create themed fun crafts as we engage in conversations about their hospitalization, or their

lives outside of the hospital. If a child cannot leave the room, Daniella’s Journey members have the opportunity to make the craft at the child's . ... . bedside, or some members will spend the hour playing a game with a child in his or her room. The opportunities to make v a difference in the lives of the children and families is endless. As we work with the children, we all grow in very different ways. We are touched by the children’s strength, resilience, and appreciation for what we bring to them.

The opportunities to make a difference in the lives of the children and their families are endless.

Inehs// daniella’sjourney 1201

Kiva Club President | Evin Rothschild Board Members | Tessa Gulley, Brian Meller, Carolina Salazar, Dani Swords, & Brooke Siegal Sponsor | Mrs.Ortega

Libertarian Club President | Hugh O’Neil Board Members | Jared Geller, Joshua Berger, & Andre Radensky Sponsor | Mr. Kashdan

Math Club President | Jared Geller & Andre Radensky Board Members | Jamie Flores, Bryce Hackmeyer, & Tristan Wilie Sponsor | Mrs. Hernandez

Mock Trial Presidents | Brittany Shore & Devyn Simon Board Members | Hailee Cono, Jubin Gorji, Will Gershman, & Mackenzie Snyder Sponsor | Mrs. Bass

Model Congress Presidents | Brittany Shore & Devyn Simon Board Members | Parsa Hoghooghi, Will Gershman, Jubin Gorji, Hailee Cono, & Mackenzie Snyder Sponsor | Mrs. Bass

202 I clubs |

National English Honor Society President | Jubin Gorji Board Members | Anastasia Golovkine, Ruby He, Noelia Boldiszar, & Adam Osman Sponsor | Mr. Gillego

Our Shared Shelf President | Fatima Minhas Board Members | Cayleigh Pine, Simran Wadhwa, Gabriel Ortega, Athena Meyers, & Rachel Bell Sponsor | Ms. Worrall

PCCF President | Lauren Britton Board Members | Stephanie Taylor, Sarah Rodrigues, Ethan Grove, Ashyln Jones, Sofia Caro, & Danielle Bejar Sponsor | Mr. Fitzpatrick

Photography Club Presidents | Pedro Damasceno & Carolina Salazar Board Members | Haydn LeMay, Sara Kirschner, Isaac Leifert, Maddie Driscoll, & Amanda Gomez Sponsor | Mrs. Theoharis

Pine Crest Junior Classical League President | Alexa Jacques Board Members | Matt Shore, Reagan Riley, Elaina Kokinakos, & Gabriel Ortega Sponsor | Mr. Ricard

I clubs 1203

Prom Committee Prom Chair | Haydn LeMay Sponsor | Mrs. Rashbaum

Rho Kappa Board Members | Evin Rothschild, Amanda Rabin, Erin Carr, & Jack Steinberg Sponsor | Ms. Nisman

SADD Club President | Jena Rozanski Board Members | Kylee Opperman, Emily Perelman, Taylor Logue, & Genue Wilkins Sponsor | Ms. Bresnahan


The Scribbler Editors | Hiba Ismail & Marvis Gutierrez Sponsor | Mrs. Dailey

SEDS President | Michael Gabe Sponsor | Mr. Mahoney

204 I clubs |

Spanish Club President | Ana Simon Board Members | Alan Bary, Juanita Garcia, Ivanna Sheinberg, Eduardo Hauser, & Matias Litewka Sponsor | Ms. Lichtenberg

Spirit Club Presidents | Abigail Schwartz & Sydney Sullivan Board Members | Tara Perez, Julie David, Caroline Shrock, Rachel Rader, Sara Kirschner, Olivia Schwartz, Emily Blaze, & Jenna Olefson Sponsor | Mr. Greenhut

Student Book Club President | Nikki Kone Board Members | Samantha Printz, Katherine Poppiti, Alana Kosches, Alexa Marcus Sponsor | Dr. Turnbull

Students Against Animal Cruelty President | Andie Weinberg Board Members | Haydn LeMay, Hailey Karten, Juanita Garcia, Julia Karten, Evin Rothschild, & Sophie Sanda Sponsor | Mrs. Rashbaum

Students for Gender Equality President | Rachel Auslander Board Members | Hannah Burnstein, Noey Boldiszar, Bella Maharaj, & Juanita Garcia Sponsor | Mrs. Ortega

Iclubs 1205

Students for Organ Donation Awareness Presidents | Samantha Tartell & Katherine Poppiti Board Members | Gabi Meli & Juliana Kislin Sponsor | Mrs. Harrigan

Table Talk President | Lauren Britton Board Members | Michael Kennedy, Sabrina Wittich, Amanda Gibson, Karlie Pollock, Skylar Pollock, & Evin Rothschild Sponsor | Mr. Fitzpatrick

Teen Patriots President | Hailey McEwan Board Members | Nicole McEwan, Charles D’Ambra, Taylor Logue, & Christian Robinson Sponsor | Mr. Curran

Teenage Republicans President | Ariana Altieri Board Members | Charles D’Ambra, Jacob Zipper, Emily Ferrando, Cameron Pine, & Matthew Shore Sponsor | Mrs. Bass

Type One Co-Editors-in-Chief | Jodie Kahan & Samantha Meade Managing Editor | Lisa Zheutlin Editors: Brian Meller, Amanda Rabin, Rachel Hackman, Sydni Weisberg, Zach Shevin, Jack Rubin, Jack Rubenstein, Rachel Rutstein, Jack Steinberg, Annika Polatsek, Ana Simon, Madeleine Turner, & Sabine Katsoulos Sponsor | Mrs. Jaramillo

206 I clubs |

Women in Stem President | Crystal Navellier Board Members | Jackie Rubin, Rebecca Kay, & Danielle Bejar Sponsor | Mrs. Harrigan

Young Democrats Presidents | Jacob Couture & Lisa Zheutlin Board Members | Joshua Jacobs, Jake Lieberfarb, Ben Stahl, Rosie Rothschild, & Nina Couture Sponsor | Mrs. Bass

crest I clubs 1207


fa c u lty !

Idivider 1209




departm ent

210 I faculty |

not d a not d P h o t o g r a p h y 1 C a r o l in a S a la z a r S to ry | J o d ie K a h a n ^

Dr. Wu sits at her desk with a bag of thin Cheetos in her hand and a smirk on her face that reads, “ I cannot believe I’m being interviewed for th is...” Q: When did you become interested in Math?

A:Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed math; its logic and simplicity. To be honest, I just plain enjoy learning (unlike some of my students, I enjoy using my brain).

mission to instill math competency (through time and practice) instead of this math DNA ideology people have. At that moment I realized that this to me was more important than, say, something I did in the office. I felt like even if they walked away from my class and never mastered fractions, I was still helping them, and there was a connection. To this day I still see them. You don’t get that anywhere else. So, moral of story? Even when you think you’ve chosen your path, it’s not always roses; you still need to work at it, but the difference is that even on your most tiring days, you wouldn’t choose anything else.

Q: How did you get from engineering to teaching?

A: I was an engineer for a few years, but I was always helping students on the side. Then one day there was a friend that said, “Why don’t you become a teacher?” To me, it’s always about enjoyment. I started to teach on the side and I enjoyed it. It was a gradual thing; it didn’t happen overnight. Q:Was there ever any pressure to not be a teacher?

A: A lot of people told me not to be a teacher. People thought of it as a step down for me, I think. They would say, “if you’re gonna teach, why don’t you become a university professor?” They basically looked down on it.

Q: If you could talk to someone living or dead, who would it be and why?

A: It would probably be one of my ancestors (not Genghis Khan). I would like to know how they lived and how they were, so that I could better understand where I came from. I’m not interested in any famous historical figures. One afternoon having dim sum with Bruce Lee could be interesting too.

‘“ One afternoon having dim sum with Bruce Lee could be interesting too.

Q: If you could decorate the entire classroom in a pattern, what would it be?

A:I don’t believe in lots of decoration; I think bareness is underrated.

7 77

Q: How did you overcome that?

A:l don’t really care about all that. Ultimately, it is indeed my life. I think I knew myself well enough to know what would make me happy and fulfilled. I don’t think people can make decisions like this for you; if you let them, of course they will. Bad idea, though. Q: Was there one moment you can remember when teaching that made you think to yourself, “this is what I want to be doing”?

A: I started my teaching career in an inner city middle school, and again, many people thought that would be the end, that I couldn t handle it. No, it wasn’t easy; initially, yes, the kids didn't really listen to me... but I still had an affection for them. Eventually I toughened up and I won them over when they knew I truly cared. It also became my

Q: Unibrow or sweat ketchup

A: Like there’s literally red stuff oozing from my body?! I guess that’s more surface area, so I’d say unibrow. Q: What would you say to the senior class, any words...

A: Life is not one long straight tangent line; life is meant to be the curve. It’s not some checklist either. You may not like it at the time, but those inconvenient, possibly painful, detours will eventually give your life the richness and spice you would’ve missed if you stayed on your safe narrow path. Don’t worry, inevitably life will hand you its "gifts''. Finally, I would say always be brutally honest with yourself. Don't ever lie to yourself, or make your endless excuses; you’ll never own your life if you do. And trust me, the one thing you do want to own, is your life, and one you can be proud of, too.

| computer science & mathematics // faculty spotlight 1211




department 212 Ifaculty |



Iscience // english // social science 1213

214 I faculty |




|superlatives 1215




216 I faculty |


artment 1




camera shy: Jane Andeson Phil Gratwick Ezequiel Guanire

Megan O’ Brien Dagmara Podkoscienly

I world language // athletics // visual & performing arts 1217

|\ D



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218 Ifaculty |

(faculty 1219


220 Ifaculty |

Ifaculty 1221

222 I senior ads |


Dear Mariana. We learned what true love is at the moment we first saw you. Every second with you has been a precious moment and a privilege, bringing us so much joy and happiness. We feel so proud of all your amazing achievements over the years, but we feel especially blessed and grateful for the extraordinary person you are. Since you were a little girl, you have amazed us with not only your intelligence and work ethic, but also your sweetness, kindness, humility, and compassion. We know that you will accomplish important things, and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. We love you Mariana, and we wish you so much happiness and success in this new chapter of your life. We will always be by your side, loving you unconditionally and supporting you in everything that you do. God bless you always! We love you! Mami. Papi, and Ronald

224 |Paez|

Congratulations!! We are so proud of the young man you have become. All you have accomplished, all the knowledge, experiences and memories you have stored are going to be the tools to help you through this new chapter of your life. Be wise, be happy, and enjoy. The best years are ahead of you. We will always be here to support you and love you. DTB y guie . Te queremos muchisimo, Tu familia

| Pernia 1225


We are not only incredibly proud of you on your graduation, but we are in awe of your accomplishments and determination. You are the smartest person we know, and your passion and perseverance will continue to take you wherever you want to go. Wherever that is, our love and support will always be with you. Love Mom, Dad, and Dylan (and Bob, Bruno & Bella)


226 I Geller |

Jamie, On October 20,1998 our family was blessed and completed by your arrival. We have watched our sweet little girl grow into the lovely young woman before us. Your dedication to school, athletics, community, friends and family is exemplary. Our pride grows daily as you navigate your way through the many difficult choices before you. You fulfill a variety of roles- daughter, sister, granddaughter, auntie, niece or friend- and you excel at each one. Your kindness and caring shines through in all that you do. Congratulations on your graduation and the best is yet to come. Love, Mom, Dad, Jared, Brandon, Harrison, Vicki and Hayden

iZipper) 227

Sabine Sabine, Since September 21, 1998 the sun and moon shine brighter. Happy Graduation! With lots of love, Mom, Dad and the entire Katsoulos and Gharibian Families

228 I Katsoulos |


Our Dearest Son David, the man you have become is truly a blessing. Your sense of humor and carefree personality are contagious so being with you is pure joy! Stay curious and continue to enjoy your passions. Climb each mountain for your future is sure to take you places filled with love, laughter and accomplishment. Stay driven to achieve your goals and remember that you will always miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so take the shots! Be happy and always help those that need it. We love you and are proud of you. Take care of your twin sister. Love Mom and Dad

Our Beautiful Daughter Ronni, you are so special and caring that the world is already a better place. Your love of family and loyalty to others is rare and that makes you a unique treasure. Your determination and drive to pursue your passions will serve you well, never stop following those rainbows-dream big. We are so excited for you. You are so full of life and imagination we know the next journey will include love, laughter and accomplishment. Follow your heart and be happy! We love you so much and are proud of you. Take care of your twin brother. Love Mom and Dad


|lsenberg| 229

Ashlyn Dear Ashlyn, We are so excited for you. You are beginning another phase of your life. Your father and I are so proud of you for all your accomplishments you have achieved in your seventeen years. We were blessed when you came into our lives. We watched you grow into a beautiful, loving, and caring young woman. As you set your goals for the future know that your father and I will always be there for you. You are so loved. Mom, Dad, and Taylor

Matthew, Our hearts are filled with pride and joy as you graduate. We admire your motivation, tenacity and perseverance you have shown throughout your high school years in both your academic and athletic accomplishments. Pursue your passions in the journey ahead and may it be filled with health, love and laughter. We love you! Mom and Dad

230 |A.Jones/M.Cohen|


Congratulations Michael, We are extremely proud of all you have accomplished so far! We can’t wait to see where the future takes you. You never cease to amaze us with your perseverance while running cross country, track, and in the classroom. You are a caring young man, smart and have a great sense of humor. We love cheering you on, and will always be there for you. Continue to work hard and follow your dreams! Love you, Mom, Dad, Courtney & Benjamin

| Kennedy 1231

mm Congratulations Rachel! Words can't begin to describe how proud we are of you and all that you have accomplished. We love you so much and thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness into our lives each and every day. We know that the next chapter of your life will be amazing! As Kerry Washington said, "Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead ofyou is your journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential." So, draw outside the lines, dream big, laugh often, and enjoy every moment! Love Always, Mom, Dad, and Lexie

Rache 232 I Hackman |

Dearest Brooke, Congratulations on your graduation. We are so proud of all you have accomplished so far in your first 18 years. We look forward to watching you mature from a beautiful teen into a wonderful and caring adult. You have given us so many wonderful memories watching you grow. Always remember that we love you and will always be there for you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Evan

|Siegal| 233

Dear Andrew, Your "life" at Pine Crest has gone by in a flash - from pre-K to a senior in high school, you have always made us proud. The friendships you have made, the things that you have learned and the character that you have developed will stay with you forever. As you move on to your college years, continue to work hard and make good choices. The foundation that you have built at Pine Crest will serve you well. Always maintain your bright smile and your warm, caring personality. We know that you are ready for the challenges ahead and are excited to see where the next stage takes you. As always, we will be here, cheering you on.


With all our love, Mom, Dad and Jonathon


234 I A. Bell |

Noah, Congratulations on your Pine Crest graduation! You are a strong and determined person and your success over the years at PC has made for an amazing journey. We are very proud of the swoll-man you have become. Continue to be the loving, caring and sensitive person we know and never stop believing in yourself. The future is yours for the taking. We love you always and forever. Loves to you, Mom. Dad and Rachel

|Stollman| 235

Mi key It's been a wonderfully crazy ride. We are so proud of you and your many accomplishments. Remember to be the man you want to be and don’t ever lose sight that happiness should be your life's goal. Your future success is something we’ve never doubted. Congratulations Mikey on your graduation! We love you so very, very much. Mom, Dad and Kyle

236 I Mattone|



t has been wonderful to watch you grow as a daughter and student during your journey through school. You've harnessed and developed all the :ools to succeed during your next chapter in life, fou are smart, funny, passionate, thoughtful, hard­ working, and at your core anchored by a wonderful soul. All this makes you special - as a daughter, sister, and friend to many. We are so proud of you and excited for the new experiences that lie ahead af you. Live your life with purpose, passion, love, aughter and without fear of failure. We love you and will always be there for you.

Ml our Love, Mommy, Daddy and Isabelle

ITurner 1237


Emily, Our golden girl Always remember to: lead, inspire, and make the world a better place. Let the Lord write the music that dances to." Psalm 30: 11-12 Congratulations Emily! We love you. Mom, Dad, Jackson, Isabelle, and Blu

238 I Ferrando |

. WZ,.-.HUH

Gabrielle, You have brought joy, love,belly laughs, pride and happiness to our lives. What feels like the end is only the beginning. We are so excited to see all that you will become! Love Mom, Dad, Michael, Ava and Mia


To Henri, our cherished son and brother,

Everyone has witnessed your meteoric growth from baby to the man you have become. We are so proud of your journey wawstt and know that you are destined for great things. You are an amazing, son, brother, friend and all around person. We wish you the best in all future endeavors in college and beyond. We adore you. Mom, Dad, Isabelle, Juliette and Charlotte

I Meli/Vrod 1239

Hold the door, say "please", say "thank you" Don't steal, don't cheat, and don’t lie I know you got mountains to climb But always stay humble and kind When the dreams you're dreamin’ come to you When the work you put in is realized Let yourself feel the pride But always stay humble and kind- Tim McGraw

We love you to the moon and back, to the stars and beyond and all the grains of sand on all the beaches! 1-4-3 Forever! Mama, Gregger, Daniel (Coby, Katie a n d Hanley too!)

240 I Fine |

Dear Ky, You are an incredible person-brains, beauty and poise. From your fierce determination to your endearing silliness we love everything about you. We know that your sweet smile, loyal heart and sharp mind will continue to bring you a happy and exciting life! Follow your dreams. We are here for you always and are so very proud to call you our daughter and sister. Congratulations and thank you for all the happiness you bring to our lives! Love, Mommy, Dad and Sean

|DiCarolis| 241


Rachel. You are our heart, the core of our joy. You changed our world from black and white to color and continue to bless us daily with unimaginable happiness. For eighteen years, you have inspired us with your courage, creativity, integrity, patience, perseverance, balance, kindness, and caring. Your future is bright, as within you is all you will ever need to live the full and fulfilling life you so richly deserve. On your journey, we will be with you, forever, cheering you on. May your life be filled with as much goodness as you have brought, both into our lives and the lives of so many who will never know your name. We could not be prouder of you, more excited for you, or love you more. With our unconditional love. Mom, Dad, Daniel and Zoe (Jeffery and Sammy too)

242 I Rutstein |




Jacob, We are so very proud of your accomplishments. You have noble character. You have dignity, a clear sense of what is right, you are honest, compassionate and empathetic. You are enthusiastic and excel but not at other’s expense, and you always try to make others happy. You are emotional, kind and sensitive. Always remember who you are and let that guide your path. And be nice to your sister (Eli too). We love you!

| Couture 1 243


Carly, Continue to follow the same path that you have for the last 18 years. Your confidence, determination, independence and passion for everything you do will take you to great heights. Follow your dreams, your heart and always believe in yourself. "Your off to Great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so... Get on your way! Dr. Suess We love you and are so proud! Mom. Dad and Ally Congratulations to you and the Pine Crest Class of 2017!

Ali, Be bold enough to use your voice, brave enough to listen to your heart and strong enoguh to live the life you've always imagined. We are so very proud of you! Love you always and forever, Mom, Dad, Michael, Jordan & Riley

244 | Feldman/Todd |

Leo, Congratulations on your Graduation! Your charisma inspires! You brought joy into our lives since the minute you were born. The smile on your face brightens our day. Your intelligence motivates. From the classroom to the field you are well-rounded and have come a long way. We are proud of the wonderful, caring and hard-working young man you have become, and may those values continue to touch lives of those around you. Our love for you is immeasurable and we wish you a world of happiness and health as you continue your journey. We will always be there for you and cheering every step of the way as you set forth to follow your dreams and passion! All our love!!! Mom, Dad, Joao Pedro, Carolina, Talita, and your entire family

| Malhado| 245


Bryce 246 I Bloom |

You have always been the sweetest person with the biggest heart. It is hard to believe that our little Brycie-Boo is graduating High School and moving onto College. We are confident that you will continue to be that wonderful person who considers others and cares deeply about your family and friends. Your smile is tremendous and lights up a room. You are the funniest person we know and you always keep us laughing. You are a great brother and great son. It’s sad for us to see you leave Pine Crest, but you are going onto bigger and better things and will be a success in whatever you do. WE LOVE YOU FOREVER! Love, Mom, Dad, Bronsen and Burke

"To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE" — Hannah, we love you, to the moon and back, infinity and beyond, xo Mommy, Daddy, and Gigi

|H. Cohen 1247

Felicidades!!! Congratulations!!! ti om the beginning you were a gift, always smiling and striving to accomplish everything. Now you are a bright young woman that has bloomed beautifully, full of interests and achievements. You are concluding a stage in your life that will be the foundation to reach your personal, academic and professional goals. You have an inner light and wisdom that radiates through our lives. Thank you for being our special gift and for adding many funny and wonderful moments to our life. i i i Te queremos muchisisismo!!! Love you with all our hearts!!! Mami, Papi, Ionso & Jeannine

248 iSheinbergl

Our little poops is going to college, She is off to explore and get more knowledge. Our three pound preemie with a heart of gold. Has evolved into a woman who is unique and bold. You’ve always been a fighter and never stop at no, We are so proud of how far you will go. You are beautiful and kind to all that you meet. We know in life you will never miss a beat. W E LOVE YOU. Mom, Dad and Ben

iSchecter 1249

To our baby girl and Bubba: What an honor it has been for us to watch you both grow into such amazing young adults. Words cannot express the love we have for you. Always remember to believe in yourselves, follow your dreams and enjoy life! Our wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small; You never need to carry more than you can hold, And while you’re out there getting where you're getting to. We hope you know we love you! Love, Mom and Dad

250 iWeisbergl

Every day has been an adventure with you. Listening to you sing and play different instruments, watching you dance, play soccer and lacrosse. Your determination in everything that you do will pave the way to your success. You brighten the lives of everyone around you with your compassion and hysterical sense of humor. May all your wishes come true. Love you Mom, Dad, Nicole & Maggie

|Swords 1251

Dearest Lisa: To our late in life baby, the daughter we always wanted and an all around amazing person, and let's not forget - our favorite feminist. Graduating from high school really is a milestone in your life, and you’ve made us proud every step of the way. This particular PC graduation, the last one of three in this PC lifer family, is bittersweet for us. We now have to say goodbye to this wonderful school where all three of our children have been educated from Pre-K onwards. It's been 23 years for us as PC parents and we just want to say thank you to every teacher, coach, administrator and staff member who has enlightened our children. With love and appreciation, Jodi. Michael, David (2007) and Alex (2011)

252 I Zheutlin |

Congratulations Brian and the Class of 2017! It has been great fun watching you all grow up. We look forward to hearing great things about you in the the future. Love, Mom, Dad, Marc, Eric and Moppy




We love you, Ryan! It seems like just yesterday you were toddling around the house with that mischievous twinkle in your eyes! We have loved watching you grow and mature over the years into the amazing son, brother and friend that you are. You truly live life to the fullest, taking advantage of every opportunity afforded to you, and we marvel at your ability to find happiness no matter what situation you are in. You have never been afraid to just be you. We are so proud of you today and every day, and we can’t wait to see what your next adventures will be! Keep singing, keep smiling, and always keep that twinkle in your eyes. We love you up to the moon and higher! Love and kisses, Mommy, Daddy. Ben, and Zach (aka Judy, Lev, Ken, and Jack)

254 I Fiedler |

M m »


Dear Evin, You have been a joy from the moment you were born. Your warmth, kindness, and silliness make you one of a kind. We love you very much and wish you a lifetime of health, happiness, and success in whatever you choose to do. We are so proud of you today and every day. Love always, Mom, Dad, and Rosie

Carse Congratulations on your graduation. Wishing you continued happiness and success. Always remember how very much we love you. Love, Mom, Dad and Christian

|Rothschild/Coggeshall 1255

Amorzinho. The day you were born seems like yesterday. What a day! Time is such a relative concept! We are so proud of seeing you become this beautiful, principled and focused young woman. Continue to work hard to achieve your goals. We are confident you will be successful in whatever you decide to do. We love you from the bottom of our hearts. Mil beijos e abragos! Mami, Papi e Rafa.

256 I Salazar |

Valeria Vale, We are proud of you. Love you!! Mom, Dad, Augusto and Daniella

|DeLas Casas1257

Bryce. We are so proud of all your accomplishments and the man you have become. As you continue to excel academically and as a person, may you always stay true to the essence that defines you and makes you an individual. YOU ARE AWESOME!!! We love you very much and look forward to witnessing your continued success. With much love, respect, and admiration, Dad. Mom. Sydney, and Zoe

258 |Hackmeyer|


Gabriel, You've reached a huge milestone. We're so excited for you! You're about to strike out on your own to find your place in the world. We'll always be here for you. We'll always support your dreams. We’ll always be proud of the person you are, and of the person you’ll become. Never stop reaching, dreaming, or believing. Your journeys just begun. Love you to the moon and back, always and forever. Mami, Papi, Tomas, and Coco "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss

IG. Blanco | 259 i

Our Dearest Larissa, Off you go, on your next journey. Be Kind-- Never Stop Learning-- Work Hard-- And Always Be You— Remember, the best is yet to come! Te queremos con todo nuestro corazon, Mami, Daddy, Gabriela, y Benjamin

260 IAlboucrek|


I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance Never settle for the path of least resistance Living might mean taking chances But they’re worth taking Lee Ann Womack Justin, Since the day you were born you have brought us joy, love and laughter. Your easy going and fun loving nature will take you far in your life’s journey. We are so proud of you and the person you have become. You are fearless, hard working, a loyal friend, and always willing to help others. We know you will succeed in whatever you set your mind to do. Always remain true to yourself. Congratulations! All our love always, Mom, Dad, Jeremy, Jake. Cookie, Luke and Jovi

|01etsky| 261 i

Dear Ariana, We are so proud of all you have achieved in your 4 years at Pine Crest. You have grown into a beautiful, intelligent and passionate young woman. You have excelled both in the classroom and in the sport you love so much, volleyball. We know it wasn't easy, it took a lot of hard work and discipline to balance your studies with your sport. What we’re most proud of, is when faced with adversity you find ways to overcome and succeed. We take comfort in knowing that with the traits you ve developed, have prepared you for success and happiness in life. What more can a parent ask for! We love you! Mom, Dad and Anthony

262 IAltieri |

Evan, We are so very proud of you and all that you have accomplished Your future is so very bright and we are blessed to have you as our son. Love, Mom, Dad and Ethan "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Charles, Seventeen years flies by in the blink of an eye. We are so proud of you and your determination when you set your sights on a goal. As you continue life’s journey, set your bar high, be happy, do good, and live your dreams. Make every chapter in your life’s story count! Life is a journey. Live it well! Love, Mom and Dad

I Oaks/Tobin 12 6 3 i

Sebastian Congratulations Sebastian! We couldn't be more proud of you every day, all day, in every way! Always aim high, go big and reach for the stars!

264 IS.Bell|

Dear Brett, You have such a zest for life and we couldn't be more proud of the person that you have become. Your countless interests and creativity have helped us see life through a different lens. You are bright, loving, kind, talented and driven. Keep following your passions and all of your dreams will come true. We can’t wait to see what the next chapter brings. Get ready world... here comes Brett Koolik! We love you so much! Mommy, Daddy, Lindsey and Justin

I Koolik 1265

Dearest Markus, Congratulations! The moment you have worked so hard for is finally here. We are going to have a hard time letting you go. We will miss your humor, hugs and humility. Continue to work hard, be resilient and kind and the rest of the world will see why we are so proud of you. Have fun, laugh a lot and create memories you will come home to share with us - often. Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you. --Walt Whitman We love you the mostest! Mama, dad, Christian, Erik and Sophia

266 IHaig|


Dear Ruby, Congratulations! You are such a joy to us. You are our sunshine and gift. We are so proud of the women you have become. You are beautiful, kind, funny, and talented. Always follow your heart and believe in yourself. We love you forever and will always be here to support you! May all your dreams come true! Love, Mom & Dad

|He| 267

Dear Zachary, You are a young man of the highest character and integrity. You are kind and considerate, wise beyond your years, and filled with empathy for others. You have never compromised the values that are such a part of who you are. We know that you will have the strength to face all of the challenges that life presents. Have confidence in your abilities, and faith in yourself. As you embark on this new chapter in your life, we pray that you have health in body and mind, peace in your soul, contentment in your life, and success in all your endeavors. It would be impossible for a parent to be prouder of their child than we are of you. We love you. Mom, Dad, Ethan, Charlie, Grover, and Olive

268 IZ. Berman |

Dear Erin, You have become a beautiful young woman before our very eyes. We are so proud of you. You are dedicated, intelligent, and committed. But most of all you are brave. Once you commit to something, it does not matter what obstacles are put in front of you, you have the ability to persevere and overcome them. We know this will serve you well as you begin the next phase of your life. Love, Mama, Daddy, Alexandra and Sebastian

I Carr | 269

Think youve seen it all? Think again. Outside those doors, we might see anything. We could find new worlds, terrifying monsters, impossible things," The Doctor Melody, We are proud of you, but proud is a small part of how we feel. Happiness is what we feel for you when your hard work and perseverance lead to success. Joy is what we feel when we share in you accomplishments. Love is what we feel when you selflessly do for others. Excitement is what we feel when we think about your future. Congratulations! We love vou! Mom, Dad, Gabrielle, Matthew, and Einstein

270 I Khoriaty |

Devyn, What lies behind us and what lies before us is small compared to what lies within us. - Emerson Dad, Mom, Suttyn, Daltyn

| D. Simon 1271

Matthew, We couldn’t become proud of you and what you have achieved. Since the day you were born you have filled our world with love and our hearts with pride. You constantly impress us with your huge heart and your dedication to all you hold dear. We know that there big things ahead of you and are so excited to watch you on this incredible journey. The sky is the limit! We couldn't love you more. Mom, Dad, Andrew and Danielle

Dear Ryan, It is hard to believe that you are graduating high school! The time has flown by. We are so proud of all of your hard work and all you have accomplished. As you close this chapter and move on to the next, know how much we love you! We are always here for you as you continue your journey! There are so many great memories... with many more to come!! Love, Mom, Dad, & Brandon

272 |Asnis/R.Berman|

D ear Cailyn, It is so hard to believe that your high school graduation is already here. It seems like only yesterday that we were walking you in to your first day of pre school. We are so proud of the amazing young woman you have become and we are so excited to see where your next chapter takes you. Remember to always be true to yourself, and take advantage of all that life offers. Dream big, and always aim for the stars. Your strength and determination will take you far. and nothing is beyond your reach. We love you to the moon and back! Congratulations Cailyn and the Class of 2017! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Taryn, Camryn and Buster xoxo

|Herman| 273

Jackie We are so proud of you Little J! We love you and are excited for the next chapter in your life. Don't forget to eat lots of CHAW-CLATE! Love, Julie, Alex, & Baby G ZOMG Jackie! We are so unbelievably proud of you! Love, Mikey, Ev, & Wes Congratulations, Jackie! Were so very proud of you. (Frankie is too!). The best is still to come enjoy it! Love, Vince, Amy, & Frankie Jackie, we are so very proud of the beautiful person you have become. Continue to work hard, have fun & help others as life is a wonderful journey. Love always. Mommy, Daddy, & PJ

274 | Procacci |

"Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good tool' (Yogi Berra) Dear Jacob, From the day you were born you have never ceased to amaze us. Somehow you are always able to exceed not only our expectations but the goals you have set for yourself as well. We admire your passion for life, your family and friends, and of course, baseball. As you start this next chapter of your life, remember to keep that passion alive and stay true to yourself. Let your kindness, strength, and sense of humor guide you through the incredible journey and don’t miss ANYTHING! We are so proud to call you our son and we will always have your back. Go get em kid!! All our love. Mom & Dad


ISinger 1275

Congratulations to you on your graduation! We are so proud of all that you have achieved on and off the field at Pine Crest. You are an amazing young man, a wondeiful son, and loving brother. Your integrity, loyalty, courage and compassion define who you've become today....qualities that will serve you well on life's journey. \Ve ate excited tor you as you continue your education and baseball career at Emory University. We are grateful that you have learned the importance of having a strong faith and work ethic; becoming someone willing to do the work that matters most to develop your mind, body, and spirit when no one is watching. May all your hopes and dreams come true! Much love and blessings, Dad, Zack, Luke and in loving memory of Mom!

276 | Kessinger|

Meagan, Congratulations to our pride and Jo y ! You exude strength and confidence, and bring a sense of passion and warmth to all you do, and everyone you touch. We can't wait to see all the wonderful things you will do in life! We love you so much. Love always. Mom & Tony, Dad & Cara, and Matthew

| Kronengold | 211

You did it Chase! What a privilege it is to be on this journey with you. Your enthusiasm, determination and wisdom are reflected in all aspects of your life. As you venture into your destiny always stay true to yourself. You are a true friend, caring sister, and a loving daughter. We know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, so dream big and enjoy the journey. We love you Mom, Dad, Kylee, Remi

Chase 278 I Shea |

Dear Jeanne, Congratulations!! We are so proud of you and your achievements. Continue to pursue your dreams and your passions!! Keep your values for the next journey, they will be the key to your success. Remember, whenever you need, you know where home is... We love you. Bisous. Mom, Dad And Audrey.

Chris, It has been an incredible joy watching you develop into the fine young man that you are today. What a fantastic ride it has been! We are proud of your accomplishments on and off the lacrosse and football fields. Your perseverance to achieve academic and personal goals will serve you well in the future. Your devotion and loyalty to friends and teammates will no doubt be rewarded with life-long relationships. We love you son, and are so very excited for your next chapter. Mom and Dad Thank you big brother for being an amazing friend and role model. Love, Kelly

I Blaison/Dunne 1279

D ear Hailey, Congratulations on reaching this wonderful milestone. You have grown into a beautiful young woman who is guided by integrity, strength of character, determination, and perserveration to reach any goal you set for yourself. You have always set a high bar and we know that there is no limit to what you can acheve. Words cannot express how proud we are of you. Enjoy the amazing journey that lies ahead and know that we are always here to supprt you and cheer you on. We love you to the moon and stars and back. XO Mama. Dada. and Jules

280 I Karten |

"The Man Who Thinks He Can" (Walter D. Wintle) If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't. If you’d like to win, but you think you can't, It is almost a cinch that you won't. If you think you'll lose, you're lost; For out of the world we find Success begins with a fellow's will It's all in the fate of mind. If you think you're outclassed, you are; You've got to think high to rise. You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win the prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man; But sooner or later the man who wins Is the one who thinks he can! Michael, we love you and believe in you. Good luck in the journey ahead, Love Mom, Papi, and Joseph

| Cabral 1 281

Congratulations Kylie!! We are going to miss you so much! Watching your grow into this beautiful and wise soul has been such a joy. We have enjoyed every minute of it! I remember back in Middle School when you said to me that you wanted to play volleyball for a D1 program. We loved watching you follow your dream with such passion and dedication. We are so thrilled and proud that you are about to live your dream! We hope that you always shoot for the stars Kylie and follow your dreams! We will ALWAYS love and support you. The house will be empty without you, but our hearts will always be filled with love for you! We cant wait to watch you play in college. But we are also so excited to see where your passions take you in life! Congrats Kylie-Bear! We are so proud of you.... Love You TONS, Mom & Dad

282 |Binder|

"Go and set the world on fire." -- Ignatius of Loyola

)earest Sofia, We are so proud of all that you are and all that you ave accomplished. Always know how loved and cherished ou are. Love, Dad. Mom and Miguel

ICarol 283

Amanda, We have always admired your work ethic and kindness for others. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments and quest to travel the world. Amanda, you have a bright future ahead of you and you will go far in life. Know you are loved very much and remember to enjoy the journey and treasure this moment of success! We know you will do great things. We love you very much! Love Mom, Pop, Hannah & Hayden

Amanda 284 I Gibson |

Congratulations Class of 2017 ! Jason, you are a diligent and passionate person on life's journey continuing to make the world a better place. You are a great human being; all of us are fortunate to have such an inspiration in our lives. You have learned to value your strengths and have incredible insights. You know how to express your warmth and humor. You understand the meaning of friendship. You have the courage to be yourself. We are proud to have you as our son and brother. You are ready for college ! With love, Mom, Dad and Daniel

|Meisel| 285

Dear Maya, Congratulations on reaching this milestone! We are proud of everything you have achieved. You are ready for the next phase of your life. We know you will face it with the same determination and will as you have done before. As you venture into the wide worldremember stay true to yourself, believe in yourself and make a difference! No matter what, we will always be here for you. Love forever, Mom, Dad and Simone

Nick, you have made your family so proud! You have successfully made it through all the difficult changes and transitions youve been through, and with flying colors. You have always been your own unique person, following no one. with laugh that is contagious to all who are lucky enough to know you. We hope you forever stay true to that person, and light up the world. Many dreams come true and some have silver linings. Though the course may change sometimes, rivers always lead to the sea. Enjoy the journey. W E LOVE YOU! Mom, Dad, Timmy, Patches

286 |Anand/Child

Our dearest Ariel, Congratulations, you did it! We are so proud of you and all your hard work. You continue to amaze us with your affinity to show kindness for others, your willingness to take on challenges and along with the perseverance to fight on. You are a force to reckon with and never doubt it! We look forward to your next adventure. Remember, Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover." - Mark Twain We love you always & forever, Mom, Dad & Bella

Ariel I Casaretto 1287

"Give a boy address and accomplishments and you give him the mastery of palaces and fortunes where he goes." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

EthanYou have accomplished and experienced much; there is much ahead to be mastered and many more challenges yet to come. Your adventurous spirit, determination, inquisitiveness and common sense, along with the unyielc; love and support of your family make all things possible. We are incredibly pi 0f the fine young gentleman you’ve become along the way! Mom, Dad Sr Hayden

288 I Grove |

Dearest Emily. Lots of Love to you. as you move on to the next chapter of your life. Remember that there are no limits what you can do. Wishing you all the Success & Happiness in Life. May all of your Dreams come True. Love you Sweetheart!

I Mims 1289

Jake, We admire your positive attitude, energy and spirit of adventure. With your strength, fierce determination and boundless commitment, we know that you will create great opportunities for yourself and others. Always stay passionate and true to your convictions. We are so proud of the man you have become. Love, Mom, Dad, Caleb & Rosie

290 I Kauppinen |

Josh, You are the most considerate, enthusiastic, optimistic person we've ever met. For 18 years, you’ve been a beacon of light to our family, and now we have the privilege to share you with the rest of the world. The world is lucky to get you. Be yourself, follow your instincts, utilize your steadfast integrity and prepare for all the success that will come your way. We wish for you a life full of love, happiness, health, and fun. Go get 'em! We love you. Mom, Dad, and Jason


Dear Lilliana. What an extiaordinary journey you have had thus far in your life! You have taken the many opportunities that have been offered to you and flourished with them! You are multi-talented and well-rounded and have used this to accomplish great things in art, athletics, theatre, academics, hip-hop, and writing. We are incredibly proud of all of your accomplishments! Every challenge that life has presented, you have "persevered" and succeeded magnificently. You are a very special person, always with a beautiful smile, and a friend to so many!

292 I de Souza |


Alexandra, Since the day you came into our lives, you have brought us endless love, joy, and laughter. What a gift it has been watching you grow into the wonderful person that you are. As you begin the next chapter in your life, follow your heart, pursue your dreams, seize opportunities, and remember that we will always be here for you. We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you. Mom and Dad

Dear Dane, It seems like just yesterday your smiling face entered our lives. We are so proud of the confident incredible young man you have become. We know you will be a shining star in the bright future that lays ahead of you. Keep reaching for the stars and dream big! We wish you all the love, success and happiness in the world! Congratulations on all you have achieved. Love Dad, Mom, Marissa and Peter

|Folleco/Gailitis | 293

Congratulations Noey-do! My most intelligent, beautiful, fearless and remarkable daughter! From the first day I held you so tenderly in my arms so fragile and delicate, through your toddler yearsou! sweetest of hearts, through the tumultuous, topsy-turvy tweens, to now, as you have blossomed into a passionate, exceptional and stunning young woman. You have honored your very special Grandparents and me through the years and you have made us so extraordinarily proud. Always love yourself, always dream, and always wonder. Be bold, be courageous and always be your best! This above all: To thine own self be true. - Shakespeare For my Noey is mine! xoxoxo Mom.

294 fBoldizsar|

Parsa, As you set out to start another chapter of your life after high school, our advice to you: believe in yourself, respect your surrounding (people, places, and your teachers), never let fear rule your actions, stay am bitious but humble, never lose sight of w here you are headed, and live life to its fullest. As Bubba M ansour used to say: "You are destined for greatness," go and explore your dream s and make a difference! Love you m uch, Dad, Mom, and Huny

|Hoghooghi| 295

Alexander, Batman, Pokemon collector YouTube star, weightlifter, filmmaker, and aspiring director: your transformation through the years has been amazing. Through it all, you have carried yourself with inner calm, self worth, and a touch of humor. We hope you never lose these qualities: they will serve you well in the years and the life adventures to come. We are so proud of you for everything that you have done, and that you are. We are excited for the next chapter of your life as you pursue your dreams. We love you very much, and we will always be here for you. Save us a spot on the red carpet. Love. Mom, Dad, Alina, Louise, Bella, and Bam Bam You shouldn't dream your film, you should make it!" Steven Spielberg


296 |Edep|

This is Jodie We like her Jodie doesn’t like much She does like a McFlurry, lava cakes and fried chicken! She also like us, sometimes We are proud of her! Everyone should be like Jodie! Love, Her parents that she "likes" a little

This is Justin We love him Justin loves everything He loves weight lifting, playing golf and filming movies! He loves us all the time We are proud of him! Everyone should be like Justin! Love, His parents that he "loves" a lot

| Kahan/Danzansky 1297

Dear Max, We are so proud of you and of everything you have accomplished so far! We can't wait to see what the future holds for you. You can achieve anything that you desire, and we will always be your biggest fans and supporters. We love you the whole wide world! Love, Rober, Daver and Sam


298 |Rubinoff|

Alii Gabby, From the time you were just 2 years old, teachers described you as amazingly well rounded and engaged in whatever you did. Dad always said you had a special power, your intuition. We so admire your never give up attitude, the high bar you always set for yourself, and the leadership you exhibit in all you do. Always be true to yourself, trust your intuition, live in the moment and enjoy every day, every adventure and every challenge as that is what builds character and the special wonderful person you have become. You have everything you need right inside your heart and soul: Let it lead you and remember our love for you is unconditional and always will be. Oh, and don't forget to perhaps practice a little meditation every day as a reminder of how being present is a precious gift. We love you so much and are so proud of you! Mom, Dad & Matthew


* 2 U * * * . „ . ............

Drisha Thank you for teaching us how to love absolutely, stretch beyond the limitations of our experience and imagine a different world. Your hard work and accomplishments bring us tremendous pride but what far surpasses that is the person you’ve become! The big heart, the giving soul and the aspirations you have that are completely yours. Know that you are always loved and supported, in all that you dream and all that your heart desires. If you believe in yourself half as much as we believe in you, you will make miracles happen! Papa, Mama and Bhaiya



Congratulations! We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in 18 short years: from the days of delivering mail on the Segway in Mom’s office at 10. to starting a company at 12, to flying solo before driving solo at 16. Your character, wittiness, and drive will take you very far in life, and we know you will continue to exceed all our expectations as you always have. The sky’s the limit! We love you Huey! Mom, Dad, Nial, Gabrielle, & Abby




IO’Neil 1301

In the blink of an eye, you’ ve gone from an adorable little girl with blond corkscrews and a mischievous smile to a thoughtful, funny, bright, and beautiful high school senior. It’s been our privilege to witness every step along the way. Let your love of life, strong moral compass, and generous spirit guide you going forward. We hope you’ll continue to travel the globe and pursue all that your heart desires. We couldn’t be prouder of you, sweet girl! May your life be filled with all of the joy you have given us these past 18 years. We love you always. Mom, Dad, Kerry, & Luke

Yaya, We are so proud of you! You are our first child to graduate from high school. You have paved a solid path for your siblings to follow and have done a fantastic job. Watching you grow has been such a joy. Your dedication, your beautiful smile and your giving heart are just a few attributes that will make your future opportunities endless. You are truly a beautiful sole. Thank you for all the pleasure you have brought to our lives. We wish you all that life has to offer. Love, Mom, Dad, Jake, Biddi, Rocco & Sunny

302 | Farlie/Solomon |

Dearest Chris. We can't believe our first baby boy is graduating from high school. We are so proud of the young man you have become. Without a doubt, you are a shining star. We are in awe of all the amazing things you have accomplished over the years and we know, for you, the sky is the limit. Always follow your dreams and know God will be there to guide your paths. We love you more than words could ever express and will miss you dearly when you go off to college and start a new chapter in your life. Congratulations son. Love Always, Mommy, Daddy, Tony and Alicia

IMarzouca 1303

Ron, Congratulations! We have enjoyed watching you grow and change through the years. We are very proud of the young man you have become. Pursue your dreams; they will bringyou success, satisfaction, love, and family. Our love always, Mom, Dad, & Austin

304 |Knezevich|


Your childhood went by faster than we could have imagined but we could not be more proud of the young woman you have become. You are kind, bright and beautiful and we wish you much love and happiness for the future. Love, Mom, Dad and Elizabeth.

|Poppiti| 305

We all have our own life to pursue, our ow ">d °* dream to be weaving, and we all have the jwer to make wishes come true, as long as we ke< p believing.Louisa May Alcott Adam, you filled our hearts with joy, our minds with laughter, and made all our wishes come true. May God bless you the same Love Mom, Dad and Kareem

306 I Osman |

"It is important to remember we all have MAGIC inside us." J.K. Rowling Juliette, Our inquisitive, introspective, opinionated, and funny little girl. There's so much magic inside of you! Always full of life, and always full of surprises. Congratulations on all of your amazing achievements. We admire your drive and perseverance, and the grace with which you handle every challenge. Believe in yourself and continue to make good choices--after all, our choices show us who we truly are! Wishing you a future filled with love, laughter, and magical moments! Love you more, Mom, Dad, Michael, and Elizabeth

I Pozzuoli 1307

Aviva, Congratulations baby girl! We have witnessed your growth into such an incredible woman; smart, loyal, compassionate, kind, determined, beautiful, and creative. You have incredible gifts, including the ability to find beauty in the littlest things, surmounting obstacles with grace and ease, and having the empathy and a joie de vivre to sustain you through life. Know that we will be by your side, every step of the way, as you embark on this next chapter. We are your strongest supporters, and are so proud of you. We love you always and forever, Mom, Dad, Jonah, Ezra, and Orly

308 I Mishkel |

Dear Jamie, You have always been our independent,

adventurous girl. From the days of Grandpa’s purple cat and your insistence on the college butterfly, to your remarkable achievements in the classroom, pool and outside, you have always wanted to go fast. Now is the time for you to spread your beautiful wings and fly. We are so very, very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Adam, Sam and Ethan

Miles, We are very proud of your accomplishments and know there are many more ahead for you. Continue to be the intelligent, thoughtful, sensitive and beautiful person that we treasure and love very much. Enjoy the amazing journey that lies ahead of you. May your light always shine bright, so that you never lose your way. We wish you confidence and optimism to pursue your dreams. All our love. Dad, Mom & Jillian

Miles I Flores/Castoro 1309

Our most beautiful Amanda, Well Amanda, you did it!!! You accomplished an incredible goal using your intelligence and your athleticism to get you to a tremendous college. But what else would we expect? Youve always put in the hard work to achieve your goals, whether on the field, the court, the classroom, or in your personal life. We can wish you good luck but we know that you know luck plays no part in it. You are our dream come true daughter and your future is so bright you're going to need some good sunglasses. With all our love- Mom, Dad, and the Boys (and Minnie)

Amanda 310 IAnderson |

Christian Dear Christian, It seems like only yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital. You have amazed us ever since, in big ways and small. And while we are certainly proud of your outstanding academic achievements, we are even more proud of the young man you have become. We are looking forward — with great anticipation -- to following you during the next phase of your journey. Your biggest fans, Mom, Dad & Dylan

I Robinson | 311

Dearest. s T A E S N S A Y C I c u


E M P O w E R E D






N I Q u I

s I T I V E




I N D E P E U N s D E N T H U M O R O




These are but a few of the qualities that thread the rich tapestry which is your person. We are very proud of the young adult you have become. Congratulations on your graduation! Love pour toujours, Mom, Samantha, Papa

Jordan He came into this world swinging his right arm. As a boy, the only thing he wanted to do was throw everything he could get his hands on. This little boy with blonde hair, green eyes, and a smile to melt your heart, clearly had a golden arm. Baseball and football became his passion and path. A ball in hand, a target to throw, we sat back and watched the show. Iordan, you have a clear and focused journey to greatness; as an athlete and leader with a human spirit that lifts a room. I adore you VIDA! Love Momma

312 I Hirsch/Schulefand |

Little boy with big green eyes that see beyond the surface. Old soul, big heart, brought to this earth to leave a mark on all. Your wisdom overtakes you as your mind plays catch up to your spirit. Misunderstood by some....... yet others left in awe. So much to learn, so much to share through the chaos we call life. Hang on tight. I’m right here with you My one and only son.

Grant Congratulations Grant! We are so incredibly proud of you and your accomplishments. We are excited to see the success and happiness that your future will bring. We love you! Dad, Mom. Reed, and Owen


IAndreas 1313

Congratulations on your High School Graduation!!! You have worked so hard and we are so very proud of you!!! You have surpassed every goal that you have set for yourself and continue to accomplish great things. You are smart, loving, caring, and determined in everything that you do. Continue working hard towards your future goals and realize that success is always within your reach. Most importantly, be happy, enjoy life ,and strive for greatness!!!! We love you forever, Mom, Dad, Lucas, and Alexa

314 | B. Kelman|

We couldn't be more proud, or love you any more, Emma Bird. You are extraordinary. XOXO Love, Mom, Dad and Conner

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, You never need to carry more than you can hold, And while you’re out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too. Yeah, this, is my wish. —Rascal Flatts She’s my kind of crazy --Emerson Drive A little glitter can turn your whole day around. --Barbara Park, Junie B., First Grader From the day we arrive on the planet And, blinking, step into the sun There’s more to see than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done There’s far too much to take in here More to find than can ever be found But the sun rolling high Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round --Lion King It’s as common as something that nobody knows That her beauty will follow wherever she goes --Jack Johnson

| O’Bryne 1315

We are so very proud of you Lauren! You have already accomplished so much and continue to amaze us with your creativity and artistic talent. You are so kindhearted and compassionate and willing to work hard to accomplish the things that are most important in life. Your character, integrity and perseverance are incredible. You have been a shining example to your sisters and you continue to inspire them more than you know. Congratulations Lauren! We love you so much and cant wait to see you live your dreams!

316 I Briggs |

Conno Connor, We are so proud of you and want to congratulate you for all of your accomplishments, both in and out of school. We are looking forward to the next chapter of your life and want you to remember: Keep finding the humor in things. Keep being curious and interested. Stay confident and strong. Know we've got your back. Keep being you... ROW WITH IT! Most importantly, know you are a blessing to us. Our love and support always, Mom, Dad, Ethan and Punk

Tara Congratulations to our beautiful Pine Crest Lifer. PROUD isn’t a strong enough word to describe how we feel about this wonderful accomplishment of yours. Our wish for you is that all of your dreams will come true. We love you very much, Mom, Carly and Leah, Dad, RoRo and Papa, Granddad and Gerri

|C. Jones/Schulman | 317

A lyssa Dear Alyssa, Congratulations to you and the Class of 2017! You have grown into such a beautiful young woman with a strong sense of yourself and what is right; never lose this. High school graduation marks the end of an amazing chapter in the book of your life. You are about to embark on an exciting new chapter full of blank pages for you to write the next part of your story. Know that we are so proud of you - today and every day. Always follow your heart and never be afraid to try the things that don’t come easily. Nurture your mind, respect your values and know that we will always be by your side on whatever path you choose. We love you! Mom, Dad, Sam and Ollie

318 |Dem|

Samantha, We are beyond proud of you! Your achievements at Pine Crest in the classroom and on the field astonish us every day. As you enter the next chapter of your life, we know you will have great success. You have been blessed with many things, but most important are your kind heart, quick humor and sense of self. Always remember... girls can ski faster than boys and a little dark chocolate always helps. Never lose sight of how special you are to us and how much we love you. Your future is limitless so keep "doing you." Love always, Mom, Dad & Alex



Dear Julian, We are so proud of all iard work and accomplishments have been an inspiration to mar d you light up our world in ways unimaginable. We are confident that you will continue to excel in your future endeavors and anything you set your mind to. May God Bless you. Love, Dad, Mom, Gabby and Buffy ;-)

320 I Billini |

Congratulations Kyle! We are so proud of the man you have become. May your journey continue to bring you happiness and success. You are destined for great things and we can't wait to watch the next chapter unfold. Always stay true to your heart and believe in yourself, be open to explore new places, have fun, make fantastic mistakes, live large, and be proud of all your accomplishment. Take time to appreciate all the world has to offer and rememberStep to the beat of your own music; however, measured or far away. Shine on you crazy diamond! All our love, Mom, Dad, and Spencer

|Malove 1321

Dear Andre, Congratulations! It’s hard to believe the baby of the family is already off to college. We are so proud of you and will continue to be proud of all you do. Your kind heart, infectious (and often randomly prompted) laugh, and knowledge-hungry spirit bring us immeasurable joy. Now it's time to enjoy the fruits of all your hard work and dedication! We wish you all the luck and happiness in college. We love you!!! Love, Mom, Dad, and Missa

Dear Scott We are so proud of the man that you have become. You excelled at school in all of your classes, activities, and STN. You are a role model for your brothers. You are kind to all those around you and always caring about your friends and family We will miss you so much next year. Good luck at college! Congratulations on your graduation! Love, Momma, Daddy, Zach, Matthew, Oreo, and Lucy

322 | Radensky/Shanbom |

Brittany, We love and admire the young woman you’ve become. As you prepare to leave for college to pursue your dreams, we would love to share a few thoughts: - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - Be humble and open-minded - Be generous and kind - Be respectful - Be accountable - Be empathetic - Never compromise your ethics We’ve marveled at your commitment to excellence and your drive to succeed. Try to remember that true success is not measured by titles and compensation, but measured in happiness and fulfillment. Follow your dreams! Congratulations on your graduation, Class of 2017. Love, Daddy, Mommy, Matthew, Cookie & Snickers

IShore 1323

Dear TiffanyCongratulations! We are so proud of the person you have become. You are a remarkable young woman and a truly good person. You are strong, persistent, determined, loyal and never let anything stop you from achieving your dreams and goals. Follow your dreams because your potential is unlimited. You have filled our hearts with pride and joy. Always know that wherever your journey takes you, our love and support will always be there. We love you so much, Dad, Mom. Grandma, Brigitte and Coco

324 IT. Blanco |

D ear Sam, "Play, Eat, and Sleep, that's just how it goes, and that’s how it will be the rest of my life" — your words that so capture your innocence at age 10. That innocence has transitioned into maturity, 5th grade into college, play into work, and sleep into study as inescapably as day turns into night. Along the way, you have etched our memories with pride and joy, be it in the classroom, the baseball diamond, or while you’re coaxing out Coldplay on the ivories, but ultimately, it is the young man you have become that makes us most proud. You treat others with kindness and consideration, harbor malice towards none, and your big smile lights up any room. So embrace your next journey with grit and determination, dream of greatness, and remember that the real purpose of life is to be happy being you. We are going to miss you more than you will ever know. Love, Mom, Dad, Ella, and Patrick


326 | Beaufrand |

Well done, Marisol! Now go and rock the world! Love, Mom, Dad, Eugenio, Francisco, and Juan



We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You have grown into an amazing, smart and beautiful young lady. Your hard work and dedication will continue to serve you well as you move onto college and beyond. Enjoy the next chapter of your life and know that we love you and will always be there for you. With all our love, Mom, Dad, Sam and Zach

iPrintz 1327

David, Next year same time, you 11 be in college, and we will miss you so so much... we we we we we we we

will will will will will will will

miss miss miss miss miss miss miss

your concerts in the car on our way back from soccer tournaments, your constant humor around the dinner table, beating you at Rumi Cube, hearing you sing every morning in the shower, watching you ''chill" in front of the tv 24/7, your never ending hugs and kisses, the famous B-O-B,

W E W ILL MISS YOU....SOOOO MUCH!!! Never forget the best times at home, Papi, Mami, Roy and Yael

328 I Lederman |

Hailey, We love you with all of heart, Hailey. May your future bring you happiness, success, and peace. Follow your dreams and always listen to your heart. "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."— Proverbs 3:6 Trust in God and the use the gifts He has given you. All of our love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations Garon! You bring so much joy to our lives. We are so proud of the young man you have become and know you will make the best decisions possible. We will miss you so very much but are excited for the next chapter in your life. Stay true to yourself and know we are always here for you! With all our love, Dad, Mom, Gabriel and Lukey

I McEwan/Joannou 1329

Anastasia, The day has come and you are graduating high school. We are extremely proud of you! Your enthusiasm, intelligence, and desire to accomplish your goals will lead you to success in your life journey! Never give up, and know that we will always do what we can to help you! We love you so much! Congratulations! Mama, Papa, Maxim, Babushka, Marat

330 I Golovkine |

Dear Jason and Seth, In a blink of an eye one wonderful chapter ends and a new adventure begins. You’ve brought immeasurable joy and fun to our lives. Congratulation Jason and Seth! we are so proud of your accomplishments. As you head on to college with complete faith in your ability to accomplish whatever you set your mind to, know our love is always by your side. Dream big, love learning, grab opportunities, demonstrate kindness and enjoy the journey! Lots of love. Mom and Evan

IS. &B. Kelman 1331

Lyle. Watching you grow into such a wonderful young man has been one of the greatest gifts your family could ever ask for. You've shown us every day that you are kind and thoughtful, smart and unique, humorous and strong. We can’t wait to watch you enter into these next chapters of your life and find happiness and success no mater where life leads you. You have made us so very proud!! We love you!! Congratulations! Your Family

332 | Wood/Zucker|

You have made us so proud beyond words. Your drive and discipline has made you an excellent student and state champ! Your adventurous nature for trying new things will broaden your horizon and open up many opportunities. You will accomplish great things. We will miss your warmth, companionship, and sharp wit when you move on to the next chapter in your life. We love you dearly. Be happy, do what you are passionate about, enjoy life! Love always, Mom, Dad & Derek

|Logue 1333

O u r d e a re s t s o n Kevin, There is no manual on how to raise a man. It may start with a wooden carved sling shot, a bicycle, fishing rods and evolve into motorcycling, diving or flying a plane. It may come from driving your sister to school, walking your dog or learning to play piano. It may come from immersion into life of a foreign family or volunteering your effort for the good of others. The most important of all is to teach you skills and to be able to learn and experiment throughout your life. Wherever life takes you from now, we will always be there for you. Your loving family


334 | Borisiak |

Rachel, We are so proud to see what a mature, independent, creative young woman you have become. You are truly beautiful inside and out, and you make the world a more beautiful place. You are a gifted student and a gifted artist; this combination will no doubt bring you far. We look forward to seeing all that you will do in the future. As you head off to college, let your creativity continue to grow, work hard and always have confidence in yourself. You are amazing! Congratulations on your graduation. We Love You, Mom, Papa, Aaron, Jordan and Josh

To our DeannaWe are so proud wa >g Y°u grow into a beautifi spirited, independent, determined and confident young lady. We know you will go on to do great things in your life and we will be here to cheer and support you every step of the way. Remember to stay true to your heart and be proud of the person you have become. You are a blessing in our lives and we will miss you more than you will ever know. You will always be our princess! All of our love, Mom, Dad, and Daniel


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336 |Hennelly|

Congratulations Tommy! We are so proud of the young man you have become and look forward to the next chapter in your life. We love you, Mom, Dad, and Katie

Dur dearest Kylie, longratulations on this milestone towards your future. We ire so proud of all your accomplishments. We know you will succeed in your life and you will make a difference in this vorld beyond yourself. We love you with all our hearts! mve, Vtommy, Daddy, Kyra, Cole, and Coco

iSullivan/Jovanovski 1337

Cameron, With a blink of an eye, you have transformed from a child into an intelligent, motivated, and unique individual adult. It seems like just yesterday when you came into our lives. Time goes by so fast, make sure to treasure every moment of life, as we have with you. We are all so very proud of you. Congratulations on your graduation and all of your accomplishments! All our love. Mom Dad and Jordanna

311 338 I Brody/Taylor|

Stephanie, As I reflect on your 18 years of life, I marvel at the kind, sensitive, hard-working child you were and the extraordinary young lady you have grown to be. So great was your determine to grow and learn. You were never content to sit on the sideline and watch. As you move on to this next phase in your life, I know your spirit to achieve and your desire to improve will serve you well in your college experiences at Emory. We will always be there in your corner as your loyal cheerlearders, believing in you and being so very proud of the young lady you have become. Loving you always, Mom. Dad, and Samantha

.- U t K S C A c K O b S t


Our Dear Baby Audrey, If your memory serves you well, you will remember the warm household in which we raised you. If your memory serves you well, you will remember the love we felt for you. And now that you are moving beyond the realm of memory, progressing toward your future--remember the foundation of love from which you came and in which you can always find yourself. You will forever be our Joy bug We Love You, Dad, Mom, Geoffrey and Madeline

I Louden 1339



Congratulations Riley! We are so proud of you for all your achievements! We love you to the moon and back. On to the next chapter... All our love, Mom. Dad, Denae, and jack. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You re on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go. -Dr. Seuss

Congratulations Ryan! We are so proud of the caring, hardworking person that you have grown into. Dream big and hope all your dreams come true. Keep smiling and enjoy all the milestones that you accomplish on the way towards achieving your dreams. We love you and will always be there for you. All our love, Mom, Dad & Alyssa

340 |Ward/Mahatme|

Dear Leah, To have you in our lives is truly a blessing! It seems like only yesterday that you were our little princess with orange curls, already showing us your strength, intelligence, and determination. We have watched you grow and mature into a beautiful, kind, and confident young woman with amazing artistic abilities. We are so proud of all your accomplishments, and we know that with your wonderful character, big heart, and sense of commitment, you can achieve anything you desire. Congratulations on your graduation, and remember that you will always have our love and support. May all your dreams come true! Love, Mom, Dad, Logan, and Luna

IL Simon 1341

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new" -Albert Einstein "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined" - Henry David Thoreau Jackson, We are so proud of you, and wish you all the best that life has to offer. We love you forever, Mom and Dad



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342 I Krauss|


Will, We are extraordinarily proud of you and the young man you are becoming. Your generous heart continues to amaze us and is reflected in everything you do. We wish you luck and love as you continue your journey in the next chapter of your life. We love you buddy - always stay humble and kind. Love Mom, Dad and Hayley

Simone, Like a beautiful butterfly the time has come for you to spread your wings and enter into a life to liw e more in alignment with your authentic truth. Your ability to chagne and grow in a joyful manner are just some of your magnificient qualities. You have proven so much in your young life already. Your graduation brings transformation and endless potential for you to experience the wonder of life. We could not be more proud of the young woman you have already become. Congratulations! We love you, Mama, Syndey, Daisy, Papa's spirit always


| Buchholz/Vreeland 1343

] shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference --Robert Frost Maddie Always choose to take the road less traveled. Don’t be afraid to stand apart, if you are standing for what is right. Follow your heart and embody integrity and excellence. Be light in this dark world and be a healer to those who are hurting. We are so proud of you and we are excited about this new chapter of your life that is just beginning! Go change the world. You can do it! Love, Mom & Dad

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Dear John, Time has flown by too quickly! We pray that you will always be happy, full of energy and keep the zest for life that is such a part of you. Your capacity for love and compassion are endless. Always continue to work hard, dream your big dreams, and never lose your sense of humor. Congratulations on your achievements! We are so proud of you and will always be with you wherever you go and whatever you do. We love you, Mom and Dad

John _


I Page 1345

Our Dearest Lindsey, We are so incredibly proud of you and all of your accomplishments throughout your time at Pine Crest. The time has come for you to begin your independent life, a new chapter, and we know that with whatever you may choose you will find success. You are a smart, kind, loving and selfless person who never fails to teach us something everyday. Take advantage of the opportunities that life has to offer. The perseverance, passion and determination that you have shown will take you farther than you can imagine. We can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish. Have fun, work hard, and remember challenges are opportunities to grow. Love you infinitely. Dad, Mom, Cassidy & Riley

346 I Robertson |

Joseph, We are so orgullosos of the amazing person you have convertido. An incredible son. hermano and friend. You are the perfect big brother, always there for Allan and Judith, funny and full of energia. Never a dull moment with you, either estas en el soccer, in your room, playing X-Box or attending every single party anyone thinks about throwing. We wish you the best of luck in college, we know you will pasarla muy bien and will make a useful time out of those four years. Te queremos muchisimo. Papa, Mama. Allan, Judith y Zorro

Owen We have been constantly inspired by you since you were a small child. You are kind, compassionate, genuine, thoughtful, and hard­ working. We could not be more proud. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments in high school! Keep doing what you're doing— it’s the recipe for success and happiness. We love you! Mom, Dad and Jonah

|Murciano/Scrudders 1347

Hiba. It seems like yesterday when you became a part of our lives. You have now grown into a beautiful woman and filled our hearts with pride. You are one of the most creative and gifted people, and there are no limits to where your talents can take you. Be sure to remember all of the important things we taught you over the years, and hold on to your traditions no matter how small they are. We love you very much and will always be there for you no matter the circumstance. Congratulations baby! Love, Mom, Dad, Haroon, Mishaal and Hasan

Jack Dear Jack, We are so proud of the young man you have become. We cannot wait to see what happens on the next leg of your journey. We love you, Mom, Dad, and Alana

348 I Ismail/Steinberg|

Sofi, You have made all the right choices to get here and we cannot be more proud of you. Now you take the next step. Work hard, follow your dreams, believe in yourself and be fearless. Be kind, humble, loyal and inclusive. Be honest and grateful for the opportunities. You have the potential to change the world with your actions and words. Try to be part of something bigger than yourself. We can’t wait to see you leave a mark in your world. Wherever you are, you will always have our support. Love you forever! Dad. Mom, Tomas and Billy

I Perez 1349


Amanda, Congratulations on your high school graduation. We are incredibly proud of the young lady you have become. Your kindness and determination will take you far. Wherever your journey takes you we will be there to support you. We love you very much. Love, Mom, Dad and Mark


350 I Rabin |

r /

Kolin, Over the last four years, All of your accomplishments both in and outside the classroom have made us very proud of you but what we have come to treasure most is your character, integrity, passion for learning, and enthusiasm for life! You have brought this family so much joy, laughter, and Love and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! Always Remember to keep God first, your family close, and reach for the stars! Love, Mom, Dad. Christian, Ibis and Shelby

iBoorom 1351


352 I Stein |

Dear Matt, We don't say often enough how proud you m a k e You are smart, athletic and most of all a really ^od friend, brother and son. We have been so lu have you in our lives and have enjoyed so man it times together. We are excited for you as you step into this next chapter of your life. Take pride in all you do, be confident in your skills and accomplishments, enjoy the little things every day... and don’t forget to call home sometimes. All our love, Mom, Dad and Caroly

Joshua OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO! Today is your day, you've graduated. Let's get on with the show! You’re quite brainy, And handsome and fun. We couldn’t have asked For a better first son. We are proud. Of all you’ve done. The grades, awards, A fine young man You’ve become. And as a big bro, You’re the best. Helping sibs in school And teasing in jest. Embrace every adventure That life throws your way Make the most Of every single day. Seize each moment. New high school grad We are so proud Love, Mom and Dad.

Jake, "Parents hold their child’s hand for a little while but their hearts forever." We love you very much and are so proud of what you are and so excited for your future. All our love, Mom, Dad. Harrison and Abby

| Berger/Lieberfarb 1353

There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind, - CS Lewis

Words cannot express how proud you make us every day. Love you always. Mom, Dad, Matt, Ari and Daisy


Dear RichardIt has been our greatest pleasure and joy watching you grow into the man you quickly became. We are so very proud of YOU! Your passion for life is amazing! You exude a charismatic energy that everyone is instantly attracted to! You are kind, compassionate and loving. We admire your incredible inner strength, confidence, perseverance and selfdetermination! Richard, whatever you set your mind to you will achieve! We are so excited for you to embark on this new journey! May all of your wishes, dreams and goals always come true! We love youMom, Dad

3541 Rothenberg/Silverman |

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill Dearest Max, May the twinkle in your eyes never dim. Remember wherever you go and whatever you do, be happy, and never stop believing in yourself. Congratulations on your graduation. We are so very proud of you. A bright future full of possibilities awaits you. We love you, Mom, Dad and Jack

|Marchetto 1355

356 I Morales |

Sarah You have reached one more goal that you have set for yourself! We are very proud of you for this major achievement in your life yet most of all for the wonderful, fun, strongwilled, kind and loving person that you are. There are just not enough words and (space) to express our happiness for you! We love you! We will always be there for you wherever you are. We wish you a wonderful start on your next chapters of the fabulous book of your life. Love, Papi, Mami, Mathias and Andreas

iNeumann 1357

And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed) KID, YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS!" Dr. Seuss


Zander, It has been an honor to be your mom Stay true to your strong, sarcastic self, it has served you well. Love you forever and always, MOM

Alex, Congratulations! I know you’re going to do great things. Thank you for growing up and sharing memories with me, putting up with me, and always making me laugh. You're the best brother anyone could ask for. Tae Nut, You’re my number 1! I am so proud of you. I love you, Jess

358 I Estape|

From an adorable baby to the incredible young man you have become, we are so proud of you! We love you and wish that all your dreams come true! Love, Mom, Dad, Josh and Frankie

Dear Benjamin,


Your thirteen years at Pine Crest have gone by in a flash. We have watched you mature into a fine young man with a caring heart, great integrity, and a curious mind. Your years of hard work and many accomplishments will serve you well as you continue into the next phase of your journey. Follow your dreams and aspirations and always know that you have our unconditional love and support. We love you always and forever, Mom, Dad and Rachel

|Kelsky/Snyder 1359


Danny Congratulations on your graduation! You are our shining star and we are so incredibly proud of all that you have accomplished. Wherever you go and whatever you do please know that we will always be there for you and support you. We love you! "Mother", Dad. and Jenna


360 I Kessler/Stephany|


Dear Matthew, Your smile is infectious, and your positive energy is contagious. Never have we known someone so humble and kind — someone who is so true to himself. To know oneself so well at a such young age is a gift. These qualities, combined with your humor and intellect, will take you far. Know that anything is possible. We are behind you 100% and cannot wait to see where life leads you. Te queremos mucho y por siempre, Papi, Mom, Delaney, Abuela, Poppa, and Nana

We are incredible proud of you and all you have achieved continue to aim high, work hard, follow your dreams and be true to your self. May this graduation be just the next step in your incredible life ahead. With all of our love Mom, Dad, Carolina, Eddie. Carlos and Mia.

| Dardet/Soto 1361

Congratulations Blake! You fill our hearts with joy. Love always, Mom, Dad, Grant, and Grandmother

362 | Kushner |

Dear Christian, We are extremely thankful to the Lord for your life! You are a young fellow after God’s heart that will do all that He wants you to do (Acts 13:22). You have proven yourself in being outstanding academically, a true victor in swimming, and an extraordinary son and brother. We wish you a brilliant future overwhelmed with joy! Always remember the wellspring of all your happiness in Psalm 37:4, which says: "Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart." We love you endlessly! Mom, Dad, & Bro

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|Soderberg/Little’s Photography! 363

Badgamia, Aasliay 14,183 Billini, Julian 135,196, Badnani, Ben 107,189 320 Bajares Quintana, Elias 78, Blaison, Jeanne 72,89, 79,96 135,136,143,154,158, Baker, Elizabeth 48,54, 199,279 130 Blake, Carley 43,54 Ballesteros, Maria 72,96 Blanchard, Kaylee 74,75, Ballivian, Silvia 54,76,, 112.187 181,187,195,198 Abedon, Adrian 41,54, Ballou, Johnathan 36,96, Blanco, Gabriel 135,187, 179 114,126 259 Abrams, Lucas 14,114, Ballou, Shannon 134 Blanco, Tiffany 135,152, 183 Banta, Gavin 14,79,126 155,199,324 Abuhamda, Salma 54,72, Barbar, Kelsey 14 Blandford, Derek 14 114,177,198 Barr, Julia 14,76 Blattner, Marc 107,128 Ades, Cesar 14,24,36, Barrett, Abigail 134 Blavatnik, Anna 14,24, 79,83 Bary, Alan 96,189,205 128 Ades, Deborah 54,83,199 Batta, Sarika 14 Blavatnik, Mia 14 Adkins, Caroline 96,112, Bauman, Ross 54,64 Blaze, Emily 8 3,93 ,9 6, 185 Bazo, Julian 54 199,205 Adornato, Alexis 48,96, Beaufrand, Juan 14,177 Bloch, Aaron 54,121 177 Beaufrand, Marisol 30,46, Bloom, Bryce 32,36,37, Aguiar, Gabriel 54,167 48,49,84,130,131,134, 114,126,135,152,157, Alboucrek, Lance 96,126 136,187,196,326, Alboucrek, Larissa 134, Becker, Emily 112 187,246 137,170,260 Becker, Matthew 37,111, Bloom, Burke 14,111, Alkon, Sofia 14,187 134,152,159,199 179,180,187 Aloia, George 96,128, Becker, Steven 54,79 Blostein, Lauren 14 180 Bejar, Danielle 48,72,96, Blostein, Zachary 41,54 Aloia, Lola 14 116,117,177,187,203, Blyer, Jonathan 96,111 Altieri, Ariana 43,81,134, 207 Blyer, Michael 96 164,170,206,262 Belcher, Hanna 83,96 Boldiszar, Noelia 46,48, Alvarez, Isabella 96,114 Belette, Frank 14,128, 49,130,131,135,142, Amunategui, Andrew 14, 177,189 151,159,177,187,196, 36,71 Beleznay, Maya 14,41, 197,203,205,294 Anand, Maya 134,143, 114 Bolja, Daniel 46,54,79, 152,168,286 Bell, Andrew 79,109,121, 179,197 Anderson, Amanda 31, 134,138,143,151,152, Boorom, Kolin 36,135, 112,134,139,187,310 159,163,234 187,351 Anderson, Brian 36,54, Bell, David 96,189 Boothe, Niles 54,78,79, 71.126.187 Bell, Matthew 179 114 Anderson, Chase 48,83, Bell, Rachel 96,187,194, Borisiak, Julia 48,54,128 197,203 Borisiak, Kevin 128,135, Andreas, Grant 134,313, Bell, Sebastian 9,36,51, 334 361 7 5 ,78 ,7 9,89 ,9 1,93 , Boulay, Shaynah 38,96, Angella, Joseph 14,36, 114 122,123,134,138,143, 111,183 152,179,264 Brannan, Marissa 34,96, Angelo, Kassidy 43,54, Benda, Rohan 14,48,79, 198 195 128.180.187 Brannan, Tiana 14,34 Anglin, Brianna 81,96, Benson, Camille 96 Brattli, Austin 11,53,54 114 Berger, Joshua 134,152, Bressler, Jack 14,128, Arboleda, Ana Maria 9, 202,353 183 134,138 Berger, Mason 54,126 Bridges, Anthony 96,114, Aronberg, Sydney 96 Bergner, Ella 14,38,72, 115,177 Aronson, Emily 83,96, 74,75 Briggs, Jacqueline 76,96 197 Bergner, Harold 14,114, Briggs, Lauren 34,135, Asnis, Andrew 41,54,79 183 316 Asnis, Matthew 41,134, Berman, Ethan 54,196 Britton, Lauren 76,96, 139,272 Berman, Ryan 32,36,79, 112,203,206 Auslander, Rachel 96,185, 134,139,143,163,193, Brody, Benjamin 41,83, 205 199,272 122,123,135,151,187, Axelrod, Lorrie 14,41, Berman, Zachary 135,268 197 114,180 Brody, Cameron 152,187, Berne, Patrick 96,180 Bernstein, Alexis 14 197,338 Bernstein, Benjamin 53, Brody, Samuel 71,83,96, 54,79 98,121 Brown, Elizabeth 43,54, Bilello. Jack 96,119

Index A


364 I index |

76,114,177,196 Bruder, Kylie 42,43,81, 114,132,135,170,282 Buchholz, William 36,135, 343 Buehl, Elizabeth 14,112, 183 Buehl, Matthew 14,114, 179 Burnstein, Hannah 83,96, 205

179 Correa, Grace 4 8 ,8 3 ,9 8 Couture, Eli 56,183 Couture, Jacob 177,182, 183,207,243 Couture, Nina 56,128, 207 Crissy, Jack 98,128 Crist, Sebastian 48,130, 140,179 Cyr, Caleb 16,36,121, 179,187


Cabral, Michael 41,114, 137,140,177,281 Can, Layla 14 Canedo, Jorge 96 Caro, Sofia 3 6,4 6 ,8 0 ,8 1 , 112,113,137,140,170, 187,203,283 Carr, Alexandra 14,83, 114 Carr, Erin 87,114,140, 159,189,198,204,269 Carrera, Dominic 44,54 Casado, Ana 16 Casaretto, Ariel 140,152, 287 Cascarano, Giuliana 16, 112

Castellon, Rodrigo 56, 180,185 Castoro, Miles 44,140, 152,309 Catanese, Christian 96, 122,126 Cawley, Quinn 98 Cepero, Raul 16,36,121 Child, Nicholas 140,286 Cholerton, Evan 16,114, 179,180 Chuadry, Zain 98,106, 179 Chung, Andrew 16,180 Ciesla, Marta 34,140 Clark, Ashleigh 56,76, 114 Clarke, Avita 44,56 Coggeshall, Carsen 114, 140,150,159,177,184, 185,255 Cohen, Adam 3 4,46 ,9 8, 128,177 Cohen, Gillian 56,76,93, 189 Cohen, Hannah 7,113, 140,151,152,155,158, 161,189,247 Cohen, Matthew 34,128, 140,179,230 Conklin, Catherine 56,112 Cono, Hailee 56,187,189, 202 Cooper, Zachary 16,111,

D D’Agostino, Diego 56,79 Damasceno, Pedro Henrique 98,126,182 D’Ambra, Charles 98,126, 177,206 D’Ambra, Mikayla 81,98, 112,177,198 Danzansky, Justin 7,44, 45,126,127,140,143, 152,161,179,297 Dardet, Delaney 16,81, 128,180,181 Dardet, Matthew 48,140, 152,168,177,180,181, 185,194,195,361 Dash, Evan 56,71,128 Daszkal, Julian 56,183, 189,196 David, Juliana 98,205 Davidovic, Emily 16,76,

111,141,199,279 Duprey, Lucien 56,177, 198

E Edelson, David 98,122, 126 Edep, Alexander 141,152 179,198,296 Egocheaga, Alejandra 48, 56,179 Egozi, Michael 71,98 Ehmke, Konrad 36,56, 121

Ehrnrooth, H. Christian 56 180,185 Eisenfelder, Scot 53,56, 71 Elias, Peyton 98 Elpert, Brett 36,98,114, 126 Emanuel, Bryce 56,114, 175,200 Engelhardt, Julia 56,112, 189 Erez, Omer 11,16,112, 183,196 Eskenazi, Jordan 36,98, 111

Espejo, Danna Martinez 20,124 Estape, Alexander 36,114, 126,141,152,358 Estrin, Maxx 98,121


Dawson-Scully, Lauren 16, 128,177 De Las Casas, Valeria 43, 72,117,138,140,257 de Souza, Lilliana 141, 155,159,199,292 Dear, Austin 56 Dearman, Madison 56,112 deFaria, Jared 98,108 Del Viscio, Katirina 98, 114,185,187 Dern, Alyssa 43,133,141, 142,152,163,189,318 Dezell, 13,16,43,128, 180 DiCarolis, Kylie 31,76,77, 139,141,152,187,189, 194,241 Ding, Ryan 56,177 Douglas, Cari-Jade 28,81, 98,114,195 Dreval, Daniel 141 Driscoll, Madeleine 98, 114,203 Dudak, Ryan 16,76,114, 177,179 Dudgeon, James 16,114, 183 Dunne, Christopher 36,

F Fabre, Isabel 81,98,112, 177 Faife, Isabella 84,114, 141,170,179 Farlie, Kai Isabela 41,87, 89,141,152,302 Fatovic, Robert 36,107, 114,126,127,177 Faulhaber, Emily 16,41, 114 Feeney, Alexandra 38,98, 175 Feijoo, Amanda 81,98, 128 Felberbaum, Ryan 98,179, 180 Feldman, Allyson 56,76, 89,189 Feldman, Carly 124,141, 142,152,159,161,244 Ferber, Noah 16,36,114, 126,183 Fermanian, Zoe 16,179 Fernandez-Guckes, Alex 56,128 Ferrando, Emily 41,72,89, 141,143,150,206,238

Ferrando, Jackson 41,56, 128 Ferrara, Nicolas 3 4,35 ,9 8 Fiedel, Michael 67,121 Fiedler, Douglas 110 Fiedler, Ryan 26,31,32, 48,49,110,111,136, 141,152,159,161,187, 254 Fiedler, Zachary 16,128, 187 Fields, Grant 17,128,179 Fine, Matthew 27,121, 141,152,161,163,240 Finkelberg, Bailey 36,37, 79,89,99,114,126 Finkelberg, Samantha 17, 74,75 Finney, Chase 99,183, 195,196 Finney, Clayton 17,36, 114,126,183 Fischer, Camryn 17,83 Fisher, Noah 57,177,189 Florencio, Diana 11,74, 75,81,99,117 Flores, Jamie 34,35,141, 152,168,185,194,195, 202,309 Fogel, Jacqueline 17,177 Folleco, Alexandra 87,141, 152,159,177,201,293 Foltz, Elizabeth 34,99, 180,187 Forgues, Julian 107,177 Fowler, Madeleine 43,57, 195 Freedman, Harrison 57, 189 Friedman, Jessica 144 Fromkin, Lauren 57,81, 128,177,198

G Gabe, Michael 99,119, 204 Gailitis, Dane 34,35,144, 177,293 Gailitis, Marissa 34,81, 93,99,114,177,198 Gale, Daniel 57,124 Galebe, Stefano 17,79, 183 Garcia Uribe, Juanita 83, 98,99,194,197,199, 205 Garvin, Christian 53,57, 111,189 Geller, Dylan 57,79 Geller, Jared 144,184, 185,202,226 Gellman, Joshua 17,114 Gelman, Michael 144 Genovese, Robert 17,124

Gerard, Anthony 17,36, 71,111 Gershman, William 99, 177,187,197,202 Gevinson, Harris 57,67, 196 Ghiloni, Arielle 43,57,67, 179,194 Gibson, Amanda 76,77, 144,152,206,284 Gibson, Hayden 57,71 Gilbert, Blake 57,71,189, 196 Gilbert, Brooke 17,183 Gingold, Joseph 57,128 Ginsberg, Samara 17,114, 179,183 Giorno, Alexandra 57 Givens, Regiie 36 Glassman, Sophie 48,99, 195,199 Glatt, Dylan 17,111 Goff, Alan 17,41,114 Gold, Ashley 17,43 Goldberg, Jack 99 Goldberg, Jacob 17,36, 114,126,180,187 Goldfarb, Ryan 107 Goldman, Nathan 57,114, 179 Goldstein, Zachary 17, 114,115,179 Goldstone, Ava 99 Goldstone, Liza 17 Golovkine, Anastasia 9, 1 1 ,3 2 ,4 8 ,7 5 ,8 9 ,9 1 ,9 3 , 126,139,144,158,187, 189,203,330 Golovnev, Sergey 57,124 Gomez, Daniela 34,93, 99,189 Gomez-Rivera, Amanda 48,49,130,131,144, 187,203 Gonzalez, Samantha 41, 48,56,57,114,180,187 Gordon, Julia 17,43,180 Gordon, Rayna 18,48, 128,200 Gorji, Jubin 144,189,195, 202,203 Gorn, Madison 57,195 Gotlieb, Graham 18,78, 79,183 Gould, Jared 18,121,183, 189 Gould, Samantha 99,112, 183 Gozdanker, Michelle 99 Grau, Stefanie 98,99, 112,189 Gray, Joseph Mitch 57, 121,183 Greenberg, Max 144 Greenfield, Brooke 18 Greenfield, Joshua 99 Greiner, Alexis 83,144,

152 Gross, Danielle 99,103, 128 Gross, Jessica 57 Grove, Ethan 119,126, 144,152,158,170,203, 288 Grover, Joshua 18,114, 177 Gugel, Alec 41,114,144, 154,174,185,189 Guido, Megan 43,57,64, 128 Guilfu, Justin 18,71,122, 177 Guillaume, Blake 99,122 Gulati, Sumeet 57,84,179 Gulley, Theresa 76,99, 106,112,202 Gutierrez, Marvis 99,180, 204 Gwalani, Drisha 41,143, 144,198,199,300

H Hackman, Rachel 142, 144,152,155,161,164, 179,189,206,232 Hackmeyer, Bryce 143, 144,163,177,202,258 Haeffner, Andrew 70,71, 128,145 Haeffner, Brett 71,128, 145 Haeffner, Kaitlin 43,99 Hage, Madeline 38,39, 74,75,145,344 Haig, Markus 79,145, 150,161,179,195,266 Ham, Alaina 18,180 Ham, Elizabeth 18,180, 187 Hancock, Sarah 43,48, 57,72 Harbaugh, Michael Gabe 18,71 Harrison, Ashlyn 18,72 Hart, James 18,34,179, 180 Harvey, Kevin 18,71,111, 177 Hasan, Mian 57 Hashemi, Lily 18,76 Hauser, Eduardo 36,99, 205 Hauser, Natalia 18,40,43, 48,77,80,180,189 Hawthorne, Madison 48, 83,99 Hawthorne, Paige-Tatum 18,48,112 Hayes-Macaluso, Lyle 34, 99,107 He, Ruby 11,44,45,145,

159,170,177,203,267 Heatzig, Katherine 18,81, 114,189 Heiblum, Ashley 100,196 Heller, Samantha 18,76 Hennelly, Deanna 48,49, 130,131,145,152,187, 196,336 Herin, John 44,57,122 Herman, Cailyn 137,145, 273 Herman,Taryn 18,112, 179,189 Higgins, Alyssa 18,195 Hill, Isabelle 12,18,43 Hirsch, Sterlin 145,152, 312 Hoffman, Edwin 18,128, 179 Hoghooghi, Parsa 124, 125,145,154,168,195, 196,202,295 Hollander, Kenna 38,59 Hollo, Audrey 59,119 Holt, Travis 71,100 Honig, Jacob 28,59 Hung, Bill 18,79,114,177 Hutzler, liana 18,115

1I Infinity, Heaven 18,48, 114,187 Ingham, Henry 48,59, 130,177,185,187,196, 198 Isenberg, David 145,179, 229 Isenberg, Ronni 145,163, 229 Ismail, Hiba 36,72,89, 90,143,145,151,155, 163,199,204,348 Issa, Robert 59,71,179, 196 Issa, Yasmina 12,19,38, 72,74,75,189

11 J

Jacobs, Jason 19,183 Jacobs, Joshua 145,152, 169,182,183,189,207, 291 Jacques, Alexa 59,80,81, 128,203 Jafri, Amar 59,179 Jafri, Sophia 25,179 Jain, Rhea 19 Jain, Saagar 100,114, 179,185 Jain, Saumya 59,174, 198,199 James, Lauren 19,124,

183 Joannou, Garon 79,145, 329 Jones, Ashlyn 45.120, 125,145,203,230 Jones, Connor 128,148, 187,317 Jones, Ethan 19,111 Jones, Hadley 81,100,114 Jones, John 148,177,195 Jordan, Matthew 40,41, 100,114,197 Jovanovic, Katherine 93, 148,198 Jovanovski, Kylie 32,137, 142,148,337 Jubitana, Chelsea 148, 187,195,198



Kahan, Jodie 8,48,142, 148,152,155,158,161, 165,170,171,179,206, 297 Kaplan, Elizabeth 19,112, 179 Karamanaga, Samuel 59 Karp, Brandon 19,128, 183,189 Karp, Ryan 19,177 Karten, Hailey 9,51,82, 8 3 ,8 7 ,8 8 ,8 9 ,9 1 ,9 3 , 148,152,159,164,188, 189,194,205,280 Karten, Julia 59,83,205 Katsch, Kadin 36,59,71, 114,126 Katsoulos, Sabine 148, 152,170,177,206,228 Kaufman, Ethan 36,52, 59,126 Kauppinen, Caleb 59,79 Kauppinen, Jacob 79,148, 152,290 Kay, Rebecca 81,100, 128,189,197,207 Keenan, Kaitlyn 19,76 Keenan, Ryan 52,59,108, 121 Kelman, Benjamin 27,126, 143,148,151,159,187, 314 Kelman, Jason 114,148, 177,195,331 Kelman, Seth 148,152, 179,198,331 Kelsky, Benjamin 148, 177,196,359 Kennedy, Michael 40,41, 89,114,142,148,152, 169,170,179,196,198, 206,231 Kessinger, Jacob 109,121, 143,148,163,276

Kessinger. Luke 36.59 Kessler. Grant 139.149, 152,360 Khakhria, Jaimin 19.79. 177,183 Khoriaty, Gabrielle 19. 177,179 Khoriaty, Melody 81,128, 149,152,177,270 Kirkpatrick. John 59.79 Kirschner, Sara 100,203, 205 Kislin, Juliana 59,124. 206 Klafter, Amanda 59,124, 128 Klar, Natalie 59,76,77, 189 Klayman, Amanda 19,76 Knezevich, Ronald 41,114, 149,152,155,177,198, 304 Kokinakos, Elaina 48,100, 203 Kone, Nicole 100,116, 117,205 Koolik, Brett 46,79,149, 159,265 Koolik, Joshua 19,41,114, 180 Koolik, Samuel 48,83,87, 100,130,194,195,196 Kos, Alexander 59 Kos, Peter 149 Kosches, Alana 100,128, 197,205 Kotikovski, Elvis 19,34, 35,179 Kotite, Christopher 100, 124 Koval, Juliette 19 Krauss, Jackson 148,149, 160,342 Kravitz, Blake 19,121, 189 Krigger, Paul 59,79,111 Kronengold, Meagan 149, 154,159,277 Krystoff, Caroline 19,179 Kumar, Raj 18,19,124, 179 Kumar, Rhea 44,100, 124,180,189,199 Kupchik, Anabella 19,74, 75 Kushner, Blake 42,43,81, 142,149,159,362

1 L

Lalwani, Madhuri 19,81 Lavin, Mary 19,124 Lederman, David 79,143, 149,192,199,328

I index 1365

Lehrman, Joshua 59,111, 196 Leifert, Ethan 19,41,114, 187 Leifert, Isaac 100,187 LeMay, Haydn 94,100, Lemigova, Victoria 59,187 Lenner, Eli 44,100 Leon, Madison 38,74,75, 100,195 Lewis, Ethan 100,126, 177 Lieberfarb, Jake 9,89, 114,138,149,152,177, 189,198,207,353 Lins, David 19,124 Litewka, Matias 101.126, Logue, Taylor 81,114, 143,149,152,204,206, 333 Lopez, Matthew 59,128 Louden, Audrey 31,149, 159,163,179,339 Louis-Williams, Inti 19,36, 114,126,179 Luciano, Grace 43,101, 197 Luckman, Brooke 48,101, 114,177,187 Lyn, Annabella 34,101

Mahabeer, Gabrielle 101, 114 Mahabeer, Joshua 20,114 Maharaj, Isabella 72,101, 112.189.205 Mahatme, Ryan 149,340 Maister, Chloe 20,112 Maister, Hannah 48,60, 130,187 Malaga, Isabella 43,60, 114 Malchevskaya, Elena 20, 83 Malhado, Leonardo 36,79, 126,130,137,149,151, 159,187,199,245 Malove, Kyle 149,177, 321 Manassa, Jason 20,128, 179 Mannis, David 60,128, 177 Manofsky, Mackenzie 60, 114,177 Marchetto, Max 36,79, 152,156,355 Marcus, Alexa 101,175, 189.205 Markatia, Adeel 20,79, 122

366 I index |

Marrero, Mallory 20,128 Martinez Espejo, Danna 81 Martinez, Christopher 34, 60,180 Martinez, Leah 20,128, 180 Martinez, Sebastian 60, 198 Marzouca, Anthony 20,71 Marzouca, Christopher 71, 84,138,151,156,179, 303 Masimore, Isaac 101,122, 126,172,179 Mastriana, Francesco 25 Mattone, Michael 6 ,9 ,3 0 , 7 5,87 ,8 9,91 ,9 3,12 6,, 159,162,164,169,170, 179,236 Mazer, Madison 48,60, 114,179,187 Mazer, Zachary 152,156 McCue, Ryan 60,179 McEwan, Hailey 81,143, 156,163,206,329 McEwan, Nicole 38,101, 206 McGinn, Ashlyn 128 McGinn, Megan 20,83, 128 McKee, Taylor Jane 101 Meade, Samantha 41,112, 156,159,206,319 Meany, John 60,121 Medrano, Chase 25,36, 114,126 Meighan, Kofi 56,60,79, 111,185 Meisel, Jason 71,139, 152,156,195,285 Meli, Gabrielle 76,77,152, 154,156,159,170,206, 239 Meller, Brian 4 ,8 ,4 8 ,, 161,168,179,187,189, 202,206,253 Meszaros, Alexandra 34, 60,198 Metz, Madison 20,117 Meyers, Athena 187,203 Mickow, Jack 20,128 Miller, Ross 60 Mims, Emily 139,152, 156,158,179,289 Minhas, Fatima 60,203 Mishkel, Aviva 308 Mishkel, Ezra 21,114, 126,183 Moldow, Jordan 101,128, 185 Molea, Sophia 101,114 Moncau, Gabriel 25 Mondshine, Rachel 72, 143,156,335 Monserratt, Edgar 101

Montgomery, Anna 34, 101 Morales, Camila 156,356 Morales, David 60,79, 183 Mordis, Haley 60,72,89 Morris, Drew 48,60,130, 177,185 Morris, Ryan 25 Morrissey, Julia 34,60 Morse, Richard 41,101, 114,177 Mulhall, Matthew 21,177 Mulkey, Madison 38,74, 75,101 Munoz, Daniela 21,34, 180 Murciano, Allan 60,79 Murciano, Joseph 36,78, 79,156,158,347 Musa, Isabella 101,112 Myers, Athena 61,76,114, 179

N Nakhamkin, Daniel 36,101 Nakhamkin, David 21,111 Naranjo, Julian 67,177 Narwani, Nikhil 21,41, 114.177 Navellier, Crystal 81,102, 128,179,207 Nedic, Lola 81,102,128, 197 Nedry, Jessica 11,21,76 Neumann, Sarah 156,187, 357 Nguyen, Clara 61,84,185 Norris, Hayden 26,71, 102.177 Nouhan, Caroline 67,187 Novak, Antony 34,61 Noyola, Lauren 34,61


Oaks, Ethan 21,128 Oaks, Evan 121,157,263 Obolevitch, Danielle 157, 168 O’Bryne, Emma 83,152, 157,163,315 Ockerman, Kaitlyn 48,83, 102,187,194 O'Hara, Caroline 102 O’Keefe, Morgan 102,117 Olefson, Jenna 38,74,75, 102,205 Oletsky, Jeremy 36,61, 111

Oletsky, Justin 36,111, 157,179,261 O'Neil, Hugh 157,179,

202,301 Opperman, Kylee 102, 114,204 Orenstein, Jared 61,179 Ortega, Gabriel 41,61, 114,115,196,203 Osborn, Jack 102,128 Osman, Adam 128,152, 156,157,180,203,306 Owens, Jabari 41,61,114, 115,180,195,198

P Packer, Julia 6,38,74, 75,102 Paez, Mariana 87,93,139, 143,157,180,224 Pagano, Nicholas 102,121 Page, John 36,37,114, 126,152,157,170,197, 345 Paharia, Sachet 102,177, 183,196 Panchal, Sajani 21,83 Pantalone, Arianna 48, 61,187 Pariguana Daza, Wilbert 157,177 Pearl, Gabriella 61,76, 114,180 Pearl, Shaina 83,102 Peddy, Beckton 102 Pereira, JoaoVitor 34, 114,157 Perelman, Emily 102,114, 204 Perelman, Justin 21,114, 183 Perez, Sofia 68,142,154, 157,177,349 Perez, Tara 38,46,102, 205 Perlman, Samantha 38, 95,102,103,128,180, 195,199 Pernia Hernandez, Leopoldo 11,48,130,151, 157,198,225 Perri, Peter 21,128,179 Perry, Dennis 42,114, 119,122 Petreski, Matthew 34,61 Petricca Lindorf, Alessia 102 Pettee, Grace 21,76 Pettee, Olivia 21,76 Pfeffer, Derek 48,61,79, 114,177,189 Phillips, Michael 21,36, 121 Phillips, Nicole 48,83, 103,194 Philips, Michael 83 Pierce, Benjamin 36,52, 61,114,126

Pine, Cameron 61,206 Pine, Cayleigh 61,130, 169,179,187,203 Pippen, Scotty 61,70,71 Pirani, Zia 48,61,114 Pisani, Ivy 112 Piza, Camila 61 Platner, Brence 21,71, 122.187.189 Pliske, Henry 62,122,123 Pliske, Margaret 34,81, 103,112 Pliske, Maura 21,76,112 Polatsek, Annika 48,62, 130.206 Politano, Dimitri 21,83 Polley, Miles 71,103,114, 122.123.189 Pollock, Chandler 71,103, 114 Pollock, Ian 62,128,177 Pollock, Karlie 76,103, 116.117.206 Pollock, Lauren 62,128, 177.187.189 Pollock, Shayne 62,114, 198 Pollock, Skylar 28,76,77, 103.117.206 Pope, Valentina 62,179, 195 Popkin, Sydney 103,117, 195 Poppiti, Katherine 117, 154,157,199,205,206, 305 Potak, Hunter 48,49,130, 152,157,159,187 Potter, Elizabeth 21,38, Pozzuoli, Juliette 34,35, 148,152,157,161,166, 180,184,185,187,307 Pradines, Enrico 21,128 Prestegard, Christian 62, 128,177,185 Prevor, William 21,48, 187 Prigoda, Nicholas 62,128, 177 Printz, Hannah 48,130, 152,160,170,187,196, 327 Printz, Samantha 103, 112,187,205 Printz, Zachary 21,124, 187 Procacci, Jacqueline 72, 152,160,163,164,177, 197,274 Pyle, Tristan 21,79,179

R Rabin, Amanda 124,152,, 350 Radensky, Andre 84,93,, 180,184,185,194,195, 196,202,322 Rader, Rachel 103,112, 199,205 Radvany-Roth, David 62, 111 Rajan, Rohan 103,183 Ramgolam, Indira 48,103, 180,187,196 Rau, Alice 21,83,128 Rehmatullah, Kamran 160, 199 Reich, Elliot 103,179 Reich, Jacob 21 Reid, Sydney 72,103,117 Relays, Panther 114 Ress, Elliott 62 Restrepo, Sofia 62,112, 177,198 Restrepo-Stier, Samantha 62,76,116,117 Reyes, Catrina 21,114, 180 Riley, Barrett 103 Riley, Reagan 48,62,203 Rios, Alexandra 48,62, 128 Rizzo, Jack 41,62,114 Robertson, Cassidy 43, 62,89 Robertson, Lindsey 83, 152,160,163,175,346 Robinson, Christian 160, 189,195,206,311 Rodriguez, Muguet 103, 177 Rodriguez, Sarah 48,62, 187,198,203 Rodriquez, Muguet 83 Rosen, Jacob 21,36,71, 111 Rosenthal, Eve 62,177, 187 Rosenthal, Jacob 63,128, 177,179 Ross, Cameron 63 Ross, Wyatt 63 Rossnan, Halle 21,112 Rothenberg, Arielle 21 Rothenberg, Michael 26, 120,121,152,160,199, 354 Rothschild, Evin 4,34,81,, 161,163,170,185,189,, 255 Rothschild, Rose 34,63, 76,112,185,189,207

Roy, Emily 21 Rozanski, Jena 47,48, 103,114,177,198,204 Rozenberg, Stan 114,119,

122 Rozencwaig, Mark 46,48, 63,83,130,177,180, 187,196 Rubenstein, Jack 104,183, 196.206 Rubenstein, Natalie 21, 48,83,130 Rubin, Jack 104,206 Rubin, Jacqueline 81,104, 128.207 Rubin, Lisbeth 44,104 Rubinoff, Max 36,71,108, 121,139,143,152,160, 170,192,195,298 Rukes, Sebastian 41,48, 63,114,187,197 Runsdort, Benjamin 63, 179 Russo, Christopher 63, 121 Rutstein, Rachel 44,152, 160,206,242


Sachse, Caroline 93,130, 143,150,160,187,198 Saecker, Hannah 160 Salazar-Paranhos, Carolina 9 ,3 6 ,4 8 ,7 0 ,7 5 ,8 6 ,8 9 , 91,93,125,126,130, 139,143,160,163,168, 179,188,199,202,203, 256 Salazar-Paranhos, Rafael 21,44,179 Saltzman, Michael 63,177 Sanda, Sarah 21,114,179 Sanda, Sophie 104,189, 205 Sandhu, Arjun 36,114, 126,137,160,170 Santander, Andrea 21, 34,35 Sareli, Gabriel 21 Saunders, Hannah 104, 196 Schaffer, Hannah 104 Schecter, Marcie 113 Schecter, Rebecca 32,93, 142,155,159,163,164, 165,249 Schecter, Tara 113 Schueifand, Jordan 36,37, 109,121,137,142,159, 165,312 Schulman, Carly 81,104, 112,189 Schulman, Leah 104 Schulman, Tara 48,49, 83,130,131,152,161,

163,165,187,196,317 Schwartz, Abigail 76,104, 205 Schwartz, Alison 104,112 Schwartz, Amanda 21,41, 114,115 Schwartz, Benjamin 28, 79,104 Schwartz, Olivia 76,104, 205 Scott, Lauren 21 Scrudders, Owen 122, 165,197,347 Seckler, Isabelle 63,76, 114 See, Molly 34,63,198 See, Noah 21,28,36,121 Segal, Sara 104,177 Seiner, Eli 21,79 Seiner, Mia 81,105,128 Seiner, Owen 21,128,179 Selden, Annalise 21 Selesnick, Blake 21,36 Selub, Nathaniel 36,63 Shagrin, Eric 36,63,111, 183 Shah, Jonathan 63,122, 189 Shamie, Lauren 63,83 Shanbom, Scott 48,126, 165,179,197,322 Shapiro, liana 43,63 Shapiro, Jake 105,128 Shapiro, Jolie 21,112 Shapiro, Sophie 72,105, 112.177 Sharma, Avyah 44,105, 177,197 Sharma, Meghna 43,63, 64,177,185,198,199 Shashoua, Jonathon 44, 105.177 Shea, Chase 72,112,113,, 189,278 Shecter, Tara 76,105,112 Sheinberg, Ivanna 6,93, 112,138,143,152,155, 163,164,165,169,189, 205,248 Sher, Eva 34,105 Shershevsky, Samuel 165 Shevin, Zachary 48,105, 114,115,130,131,177, 185,187,189,196,206 Shift, Jacob 105,111 Shift, Shiraz 21,34 Shipulya, Leonid 63 Shore, Brittany 9 ,4 8,70 , 7 5 ,8 0 ,8 5 ,8 9 ,9 0 ,9 1 ,9 3 ,, 179,188,189,202,323 Shore, Matthew 64,203, 206 Shrock, Caroline 105,119, 205 Siegal, Brooke 159,165,

177,202,233 Siegel, Carly 64,177 Siegel, Jestine 22,72,114 Silberman, Jacob 34,64, 187 Silfen, Alexa 64,194 Silfen, Zachary 105 Silitsky, Allison 7,11,72, 116,117,165,299 Silverman, Richard 32,36, 126,130,152,154,159, 165,187,199,354 Simon, Ana Elena 76,105, 189,205,206 Simon, Devyn 84,165, 202,271 Simon, Leah 93,151,152, 165,341 Simon, Nicolas 64,79 Simons, Bianca 43,64,81, 128,179 Simonson, Morgan 32,41, 142,152,158,165 Simpson, Nia 105,114 Singer, Jacob 27,121, 143,166,195,275 Singh, Ishani 11,34,64, 198 Skimming, Paige 44,105 Slatkoff, Salome 22,81, 189 Smith, Ethan 64,128,179 Smith, Jordan 166 Smith, Kennady 72,81, 105,112,113,189 Smith, Madison 64,83 Snyder, Benjamin 87,152, 166,180,196,359 Snyder, Demi 64,124, 180 Snyder, Jonathan 105,111 Snyder, Mackenzie 64, 112,202 Snyder, Rachel 18,22, 83,180 Soderberg, Christian 34, 166,363 Solomon, Jacob 36,105, 108,121 Solomon, Samantha 72, 116,117,137,143,166, 302 Solomon, Sydney 22,112 Soto, Andres 32,36,111, 152,159,166 Southard, Ryan 105 Souza, Lucas 105 Spector, Sydney 22,180 Spey, Eliana 38,74,105, 112 Spyredes, Evanthia 76, 77,105 Srebrenik, Lea 22,83 Stahl, Benjamin 64,183, 207 Stanley, Peyton 22,83 Stanley, Sydney 48,64,

83 Stein, Matthew 41,114, 166,198,352 Steinberg, Jack 139,152, 166,199,204,206,348 Stenglein, Shari 43,105, 197 Stephany, Daniel 152, 166,177,360 Sternthal, Hannah 64,119 Stocker, Savannah 64,187 Stollman, Noah 27,121, 139,142,150,152,161, 166,195,235 Stolzenberg, Michael 105 Strain, Britta 64,114 Stratt, Austin 105,177 Strauch, Alexa 43,64 Sukal, Sarah 105,180 Sullivan, Aislinn 43,64, 76,128 Sullivan, Katherine 22,24, 81,112,189 Sullivan, Ryan 78,79,105 Sullivan, Sydney 38,105, 205 Sullivan, Thomas 9,75, 89,91,93,126,130,131,, 170,187,197,337 Sundararaman, Rohan 84, 87,152,159,166,177 Swords, Danielle 112,113,, 187,188,189,202,251

T Tacher, Sydney 65,179 Taney, Jordan 22,121 Taney, Joshua 65 Tannenbaum, Julia 65,83 Tartell, Samantha 65,206 Taylor, Matthew 22,36, 114,126 Taylor, Stephanie 124, 125,152,166,187,203, 338 Temprano, Erika 22 Thraum, Johnny 22,121 Tobin, Charles 166,179, 263 Todd, Alison 143,151, 152,167,189,244 Tomchin, Connor 22,128, 183 Tomchin, Emily 105,183 Tomlinson, Erykah 38,74, 81,105,114,195,199 Torregrosa, Elizabeth 22, 41,114 Torregrosa, Hutchens 105, 111 Torrejon, Rodrigo 48,49, 85,105,106,130,180, 185,187,189

Tosello, Nicholas 105,187 Trebbi, Allison 65,81,117, 177 Turner, Madeleine 76,77, 143,167,189,206,237


Urbanek, Christian 22, 34,177

V Valad, Alexandra 48,65, 83 Valdes, Michael 105,128, 180 Vale, Nicholas 65 Van Woerkom, Alana 22 Varughese, Olivia 48,65, 177,198 Vega, Michael 65,128, 187 Venegas, Alexandra 48, 65,187 Vertus, Alex 22,71 Virgin, Hannah 34,65 Vital, Jordan 22,112,113 Vitale, Devon 23 Vlessing, Joshua 23,36, 111,179 Vlessing, Zachary 105, 126,183 Volper, Lily 65,114 Vreeland, Simone 40,41, 114,152,167,170,179, 197,343 Vrod, Henri 46,48,84, 130,136,139,152,155, 158,164,167,187,189, 197,198,239


Wadhwa, Simran 65,180, 187,196,203 Walberg, Jacob 196 Waldshan, Spencer 23, 179 Walker, Sarah 41,114, 167,198 Wallberg, Jacob 65,126 Ward, Denae 23,38,72 Ward, Riley 41,114,167, 170,340 Watson, Aliyah 34,65 Weinberg, Andie 10,28, 72,105,117,205 Weiner, Noa 48,74,105, 130,187 Weisberg, Jared 167,250 Weisberg, Sydni 6,138, 155,158,163,164,167, 182,189,206,250

Weisfisch, Danielle 23,34 Weiss, Julianne 65,112 Weymouth, Ashley 65.72 Wiegman, Erin 23.48,83 Wildman, Vanessa 23, 112,180,189 Wilen, Benjamin 23 Wilkins, Genue 79,107, 204 Wille, Tristan 105,185,

202 Williams, Shane 36,105, 121 Williamson Leite, Andres 105 Wilson, Ari 23,124 Winnick, Olivia 23 Wittich, Sabrina 76,105, 206 Wolters, Jenni 83 Wolters, Jennifer 65 Wood, Elisabeth 23,48, 83 Wood, JoAnn 4 8,50 ,8 3, Wurth, Sam 36,109,120, 121,167,170,325

X Y Yang, Allen 23,128,183 Yared, Tsion 23,41,114 Yoldas, Alessandra 83, 105 Yuz, Sharon 65,179


Zedeck, Jordan 23,179 Zelch, Jordan 65,128 Zfira, Sydni 23,128 Zheutlin, Lisa 51,72,143, 152,155,158,161,164, 167,174,197,206,207, 252 Zietz, Jordan 23,128,183, 189 Zietz, Rachel 72,105,112, 199 Zimmerman, John Conor 65,111 Zimmerman, Ryan 19, 23,71 Zipper, Jacob 167,206 Zipper, Jamie 41,114, 142,167,189,227 Zisman, Clarissa 23,183 Zucker, Lyle 48,130,152,

Iindex 1377

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vGftme of T h e C r e s t i a n yearbook was produced as an ;u » r activity at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, srked through four deadlines from October to March. The 5s printed by Walsworth Yearbooks in Brookfield, MO. Editor)ecca Schecter developed this year’s theme, “On the Cusp,” litorial staff expanded on the idea throughout the year. The jresents being between two states and embodies the students of Pine Crest who continue to grow and evolve and are often on of new and greater things.

Vfroj#ka Levine and Tamara Moore were our yearbook representatives.Our jsjfm e r service representative was Lara Kilmer. Senior portraits, senior )a » ra m ic , and senior lifer panoramic were taken by Little’s Photography floated in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Underclass photographs were taken bwLifetouch Photography located in Sunrise, Florida. le cover is a four-color matte lamination with a clear silkscreen on the /ord “Cusp” and Yearbook 3D on the full cover. Editor-in-chief Rebecca rSchecter developed the cover design concept. The cover was sketched and designed by Chuck Szachta of Walsworth Yearbooks. The endsheets were printed on standard white endleaf in full color. T h e C r e s t i a n was designed and produced by the 2016-17 yearbook staff. Tina Jaramillo worked as the yearbook adviser. The 372 page book is printed on 100# Anthem Plus/Legend Gloss stock. The Crestian used four iMac computers and two Nikon cameras. InDesign CC 2015 was used to design the book. The following fonts were used throughout the book: Oswald, News Gothic, and Quatro Centro Roman. Colors and the lines design from the cover were used throughout the book to maintai consistency with the theme. Aurasma and digital media were used to ac |r dimension to the book.There were 875 copies produced at the WalsworE





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