Volume XCIII
THE PINE NEEDLE St. Christopher’s School, Richmond, Virginia, November 2007
Tidbits from Teddy
Bring your cans to Saturday football game against Collegiate pg. 2
Sports pg. 3
Faculty shows off automobiles by Robert Allen ’09 The drive-thru in front of Chamberlayne Hall has seen a variety of cars from across the automotive spectrum. These cars range from 1926 to 2006 models with top speed anywhere from 43 mph to an electronically restricted 155 mph. From a gas-sipping hybrid to a 13mpg diesel truck and hot pink wire wheels to 20-inch chrome rims and everything in between. Here we look at three of the most extreme faculty cars and their owners. Many of the aforementioned statistics belong to the Mercedes-Benz S500 of Mr. Bolling. His car is clearly the most powerful, luxurious and extravagant faculty car at St. Christopher’s. Mr. Bolling has
had a lifelong passion for cars. “My father said I was vaccinated with a spark plug.” he said. In his life, Mr. Bolling has owned roughly a dozen Porsches along with several MercedesBenzes and BMWs. He even autocrossed years ago with his Porsches; however, he insists those days are over. “I can’t do the little sports cars anymore,” he said. This is one reason Mr. Bolling went with the S class Mercedes. “It’s easier to get in and out of,” he said. He also likes its style and the statement it makes. “It makes a positive statement as opposed to an ‘I want a geezer car,’” he said. So what’s next for Mr.Bolling? Not surprisingly, he is interested in the Mini Cooper. Meanwhile, Dr. Sharp’s 2006 Toyota Prius is a very different
machine. “We wanted a hybrid for gas mileage, plus Toyota makes some of the best and most reliable cars on the market,” the Upper School biology teacher said. Dr. Sharp recalls a trip in his Prius from Charlotte, N.C. to Richmond, a distance of about 350 miles, in which he used just six gallons of gas. That’s 57 mpg. Dr. Sharp is obviously very practical about his cars. In addition to gas mileage and reliability, he enjoys the comfort, interior space and many cool features such as keyless ignition. But to Dr. Sharp, his Prius is more than just a practical, cost-saving car. He also bought his car to do his part in making the world a better place. “It says I care about using less gasoline for
See Automobiles page 5>
Reveley returns to STC
by Kurt Jensen ’11
Boese, King: Homecoming float contest pg. 4
More faculty cars pg. 6
No. 2
Mr. Nelson Reveley has long given up his childhood dream of digging for dinosaurs as an archaeologist. A 13-year Saint of the class of ’01 and a 2005 Princeton graduate, Mr. Reveley now sets his sights on becoming a Presbyterian pastor. He decided on his career path in his sophomore year of college, majoring in religion. Currently in school at Union-PSE, he needs only two internships to graduate: one under a pastor in a church and one under a chaplain. This fall he is interning under Chaplain Melissa Hollerith to fulfill his requirements.
(Above) An enthusiastic class yearns for Mr. Reveley’s attention ( Left) Reveley’s Senior Portrait ‘01 He spends his time teaching a New Testament studies class, leading a chapel service once a month and helping to coach the Cross Country team. I asked Mr. Reveley how today’s St. Christopher’s is different than it was during his days as a student. He replied, “It’s a lot fancier. We definitely didn’t have the huge flat screen TV’s.” He went on to talk about the community
saying, “Everything is pretty steady as far as the community goes and the school producing well-rounded gentlemen.” Mr. Revely is popular in his sixth period biblical studies class, one student saying, “I’d give him an eight (on a 10-point scale) based on pure coolness. He’s a ‘beast.’” – A beast indeed. Another student said, “He’s an 11 on an awesomeness scale,.”
Due to popular demand, “tidbits” has returned to bring you up to date on all the latest news and gossip from around campus. ***** I feel it is appropriate to begin by welcoming the newest member of the St. Christopher’s community. At 6:52 a.m. on the morning of Sept. 26, John Asher Green was born at St. Mary’s Hospital to proud parents John and Vicky Green. The second child of our venerable English sage will apparently be called Asher. “Quite frankly, he looks like a garden gnome,” said Mr. Green. We at The Pine Needle wish to extend our congratulations to the Green family on their newest addition. ***** In my last column, I informed you of Coach Tune’s arrival in the Upper School as head disciplinarian, taking over the position from our beloved Mr. Abbott. I caught up with Coach Tune and asked him how he likes his new job. “It is what it is,” he said. “I can’t fill in Mr. Abbot’s shoes, just can’t replace him.” According to Coach Tune, repeat offenders of school rules include T.D. Hoover ’08, Jimmy Meadows ’08, and Paul Ferramosca ’08. He has noticed that a good majority of the troublemakers also happen to be seniors. I then asked Coach Tune if the allegations are true that he is calling students’ cell phones to see if they are turned on, an action that many would label as entrapment. “Possibly” was the brusque reply, and then the interview was over. ***** We also celebrate the marriage of Ms. Ryan Miller to Mr. Gregory Peirce of Utah. Mr. Peirce, whom Ms. Miller (now Mrs. Peirce) met at church, currently attends medical school and plans to enter the army as a doctor after he graduates. The Peirces will wait until Christmas to take a honeymoon, when they will travel to the Dominican Republic. That low, droning noise you hear in the background is probably Mrs. Peirce’s physics and chemistry classes emitting a collective groan. Speaking about her new married life, Mrs. Peirce said, “It has not been awkward or weird, just really comfortable and like it was meant to be. The hardest part is now sharing my bathroom.” We wish to congratulate Mrs. Peirce on her big day. ***** Alas, the brutal ordeal that is summer reading testing has finished. While it took
See Tidbits page 2>