December 09 Pine Needle

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The Pine Needle Volume XCI

December 2009

Richmond, Virginia

Number 2

Class Cup Is Not Dead

By Jason Pacious ’10 Editor-in-Chief

Economic Concern p. 2

Blocking It In

St. Christopher’s will move to semesters and modified block schedule By Wells Baylor ’11 Junior Contributor

Alumni Spotlight: Matthew Mathiasen p. 3

The Moores p. 3

Next year will mark major changes at St. Christopher’s with a switch to semesters, a new modified block schedule and a revamped Minimester program that will include all students, grades 9 through 12. The administration said that the changes, which are three years in the making, stem in part as a reaction to a changing world in which many services can be imported across the globe. To ensure that students are well prepared for an increasingly global economy, St. Christopher’s will increase class time to focus on the “why” and not just the “how”. “The questions we asked were, ‘What are we teaching and how we are teaching it to prepare

the next generation for a world that we don’t even know what will be like?’,” said Mr Szymendera, Upper School head. Creating new skill sets to allow students to “think, communicate, problem solve, adapt and create for whatever comes your way in the 21st century” is one of the driving forces behind the schedule change. Flexibility was one of the reasons behind the move to a modified block schedule, which has longer classes two days a week. The extra time will promote “different teaching strategies and styles.” Students should expect more hands-on approaches. The longer class period will also allow teachers creative flexibility in designing lesson plans. Mr. Szymendera described the change in schedule as a move to create “more lab-type situa-

tions in all classes.” Part of the move to longer classes, explained Mr. Szymendera, was a move toward more “depth over breadth.” However, no schedule is perfect and “there is no such magic bullet.” Instead, the new schedule will allow more flexiblity in how each class is structured. It will “force us to rethink what we do and how we do it.” Minimester will be linked to humanity classes for all underclassmen. The change in schedule resulted from practical and ideal reasons. “Small changes were needed to fix inconsistencies in the current schedule and improve some weaker areas in our schedule,” said Mr Szymendera.

See Page 8 for more information

The St. Christopher’s Bell Tolls for Thee By Kyle Wittenauer ’10 Senior Editor

Swine Flu p. 4

River City Crew p. 6

At the beginning of this school year many students were perturbed by a major change: the absence of the annual Class Cup. In recent years the Class Cup has become an integral part of the school community and its nonappearance has raised questions. “The major reason it has not happened yet it is just time constraints,” said Mr. Billy Abbott, dean of students. “We used to have many open afternoons, but now they have been filled up by other student activities.” With the recent schedule changes that accommodate more three-day weekends, it has been harder to fit in other activities. Still the administration plans to hold competitions during several long lunches. For example, when the underclassmen took the PSATs last year, the remainder of the day was given to Class Cup competitions. These included the epic Ultimate Frisbee rivalries and capture the flag battles. This year, however, all students returned to classes following the tests and movie (for seniors). Also, the administration is trying to limit students’ time out of class. “In past years, the Class Cup has been haphazard, so we are figuring out ways to organize it better,” said Mr. Abbott. “We are also looking for students to take greater ownership of their activities.” He added that students are welcome to submit ideas for the Class Cup consideration. “We like fun,” he said, “There is just not a lot of time for it.”

It’s 7:55 a.m. on a cold Monday. The familiar loud, yet simultaneously calming intonations emanate from the Upper School chapel bell and hang in the air before settling on the dew-covered practice fields off in the distance. The early morning chatter that escalates with the arrival of each additional student dies down as the gathering crowd files into the chapel. The entire Upper School body recognizes the sonorous ring that resonates as the clapper strikes the inside of the big brass bell, but how many have taken the time to learn of its origins or have even taken more than a glance at the bell itself? Since around 1914 -- the same year the chapel was built -- the Upper School bell has been a symbol of St. Christopher’s. The bell that beckons students into chapel each morning was formerly located in the old Middle School building. That building -- located between the bookstore and Herrington Hall -- was torn down in the 1970s with the completion of the new Lower School building. Whether or not students actually enjoy its morning ringing, most recognize the bell’s iconic significance. It was relocated to the bell tower in 1965 when the tower was donated by Dr. Thomas Murrell, Jr. ’34 in memory of his father and in his words “to the glory of God.” Tommy Mur-

The bell quietly witnesses a century of gentlemen.

rell III followed his granddad and dad to St. Christopher’s and graduated in 1967. Upon his death in 1993, the Murrell family donated money to renovate the bookstore which was subsequently renamed the Murrell Bookstore. Then, a few years ago, the class of 1975 generously preserved the bell and its tower when the edifice was suffering from some outward signs of age. A close examination of the bell, whose belly is about the diameter of a beach ball, reveals corrosive, barnacle-like bumps all over its exterior. These are evidence of its many years of exposure to elements, and they are symbolic of the daily work it does in service to St. Christopher’s Upper School. On this particular Monday

morning, and like many others, Upper School Head Tony Szymendera pulls the metal handle as the heavy contraption tips the bell making the clapper hit the inner wall. The bell sounds. It was a long, fun-filled weekend. Indeed, many students (and perhaps a few teachers) dread this start to the week, but none of them are truly loathe to the ritual of the ringing bell. As the bell sounds, it conjures different reactions from all. “When I was a junior, all I used to think when the bell rang was, ‘Man, I sure have a long run from the Junior Lot,’” said senior Christopher Delaney. “’I better hurry, if I don’t want to be late.’” But for others, this signal of the start of school prompts a more enthusiastic response. “It’s the most exciting time of

day,” said occasional bell ringer Mr. Billy McGuire, science department chair. “It means it’s time for school to start. For me, it’s like what the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ is for athletes. It means it’s time for the fun to begin!” Old but not weary, heavy but not inefficient, the bell is prominently important in our community. Aside from its daily announcement at the start of school, the bell is rung on very rare, special occasions. “We did ring the bell when the state held its special moment of bell ringing and prayer in memory of the individuals killed at Virginia Tech,” said Headmaster Charley Stillwell. Mrs. Alice Flowers recalls that the bell was rung “once when a well-beloved English teacher, George Squires, died before the end of a school year, and we were all summoned to chapel for the sad announcement.” So, next time you hear the chapel bell’s rich tones ring forth, don’t just bemoan its immediate message. Remember it is steeped history and its dedication in memory of Dr. Murrell and to the glory of God. After all, it encompasses that which binds the St. Christopher’s community each and every day. But even with all the hype, one of St. Christopher’s sages, Mr. Jim Boyd, prefers to see the bell in a less sentimental light. After all, as he puts it, “It’s just a bell.”

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