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First Friday
T he blueg rass band Fireside Collective per for ms on the First Bank Stage at Sunr ise Square to benefit the Sunr ise T heater, 250 N.W. Broad St., Souther n Pines, f rom 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fr iday, Sept. 3. T here will be food tr uck s, ref reshments and beer f rom Souther n Pines Brewer y. No f ur r y f r iends or rolling, walk ing or crawling coolers, please. For more infor mation call (910) 692-3611 or go to w w w. sunr isetheater.com.

Flutterby Festival
Celebrate butter flies and all God ’s pollinators at the F lutterby Festival at the Village Arboret um in Pinehurst on Sept. 25 f rom 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. E ducational activities include presentations on the lifecycle, mig ration and plight of the monarch butter fly. Feed and bef r iend hundreds of monarchs in the Mag ical Monarch
Butter fly Tent. You can even tag and release a monarch for its flight to Mexico. For more info go to w w w.villageher itagefoundation.org.
Sweet on Songs
T he Sandhills Reper tor y T heatre presents America’s Sweethear ts, the intr icate har mony and dance moves of a da zzling tr io of women, in three per for mances at the Bradshaw Per for ming Ar ts Center, O wens Auditor ium, 3395 A ir por t Road, Pinehurst. T he musical selections include ’50s pop, ja zz and Broadway hits. Opening night is Fr iday, Sept. 3, at 7:30 p.m., followed by a per for mance on Sat urday, Sept. 4, at 7:30 p.m., and a final matinee on Sunday, Sept. 5, at 2 p.m. Tickets are available at w w w.ticketmesandhills. com.

100 Years and Counting
T he Sandhills Woman’s Exchange opens for the fall season — and the beg inning of its 10 0th year celebration — with its traditional lunch of fer ings on Wednesday, Sept. 8, at 15 A zalea Road, Pinehurst. T he g if t shop opens at 10 a.m. and lunch is ser ved f rom 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For infor mation call (910) 295 4677 or visit w w w.sandhillswe.org.
Outdoor Flicks
It’s like the dr ive-in, except you’re on foot. T he Sunr ise T heater will show T he Princess Bride outdoors on Sunr ise Square at 8 p.m. on Sept. 10 and again on Sept. 11 at the same time. Tickets are $10. In the event of inclement weather, the movie will be show n inside the theater, 250 N.W. Broad St. Br ing law n chairs or blankets, but leave the food and pets at home, please. For additional info call (910) 692-3611 or go to w w w.sunr isetheater.com. A s an encore, Souther n Pines Recreation & Park s will show Frozen 2 at the Dow ntow n Park, Souther n Pines, on Fr iday, Sept. 17. For additional infor mation call (910) 692-7376.
Fall’s in the Air
Enjoy a late September evening on the g rounds of the Weymouth Center with music by Stone Dolls, supper catered by Scott’s Table and beers f rom the Souther n Pines Brewing Company, on Wednesday, Sept. 29, f rom 5 – 7 p.m. at the Weymouth Center for Ar ts & Humanities, 555 E . Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. For additional infor mation go to w w w. weymouthcenter.org or w w w.ticketmesandhills.com.
T he Pinehurst Barbecue Festival, presented by Pinehurst Resor t, US Foods and Business Nor th Carolina, will spice up the village of Pinehurst on L abor Day weekend f rom Sept. 3 through Sept. 5. T here are four main events: Music on Mag nolia; “Q” School Gr illing Classes; Bourbon & Bites; and the E d Mitchell Pitmaster Invitational. Individual tickets are available or you can go “W hole Hog” and swallow the lot. For more infor mation visit w w w.pinehurstbarbecuefestival.com or go to w w w.ticketmesandhills.com. Get saucy.

Doin’ the Charleston
Exper ience the ar t, architect ure and cuisine of the low countr y in a four- day celebration of Souther n elegance presented by the Ar ts Council of Moore Count y. T he week ’s events open with an exploration of the unique architect ure of Charleston, South Carolina, feat ur ing Charleston architects Chr istopher Liberatos and Jenny Bevan, along with ar tists Jill Hooper and Patr ick Webb, at the Sunr ise T heater at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 28. T hat’s followed by a low countr y cook ing presentation by acclaimed author Nathalie Dupree and Sandhills Communit y College’s A ngela Webb at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 29, at SCC’s Little Hall. T here will be a low countr y luncheon at 195 on T hursday, Sept. 30. T he cost is $55 per person, and all proceeds benefit the Ar ts Council ’s children’s ar ts prog ram. T he week wraps up with a presentation and book sig ning by Dupree at 10 a.m. on Fr iday, Oct. 1, in the Moore Montessor i Communit y School auditor ium and, at 6 p.m. that evening, the Campbell House will host a galler y opening feat ur ing the ar t work s of Evelyn Dempsey, Mark Hor ton, Carol Ezell- Gilson and Ron Rocz. In addition to the above events, all f ree with the exception of the luncheon, acclaimed children’s author Kelly Starling Lyons will be visiting Moore Count y schools on T hursday, Sept. 30. For more infor mation call (910) 692-2787. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) You’ve seen the cymbal-banging monkey — eyes bulging while relentlessly slamming brass cups together. Virgos are wound tighter than most. And when you consider that they are, indeed, Ear th signs, you begin to realize what an enigma these strong-willed, tragically tender creatures actually are. T his month, astrologically, is a bit of a perfect storm for you, Virgo. But here’s a mantra that might help: I control nothing. Tr y repeating this silently to yourself throughout the day, especially when you feel the over whelming desire to fi x what’s not yet broken. T here may be a gif t in it for you.
Tea leaf “fortunes” for the rest of you:
L ibra (September 23 – October 22) Perspective is ever ything. You’re only a fish out of water until the rain star ts. T hink about it. Scor pio (October 23 – November 21) Spoiler aler t: T he world won’t end. It’s time to stop bank ing on it.
Sagittar ius (November 22 – December 21)
T here’s a Bill Withers’ song that comes to mind. You know the one. And you know just what to do. Capr icor n (December 22 – Januar y 19) A ghost f rom the past wants your attention. But what do you want? Focus on that. Aquar ius ( Januar y 20 – Febr uar y 18) T hings are in motion this month. Like, warp speed. Tr y sitting still. Pisces (Febr uar y 19 – March 20) No need to reshuf fle the deck. Just play the cards. A r ies (March 21 – Apr il 19) R adical tr ust. You don’t have it. But do you actually want it? Taur us (Apr il 20 – May 20) You can’t have the sweetness without the sting. And you wouldn’t appreciate it other wise. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Ever tried talk ing to the moon? Good. Now tr y listening. Cancer ( June 21 – July 22) W hat is meant for you will come to you. You’ll be ready — but not a moment too soon. L eo ( July 23 – Aug ust 22) “No mud, no lotus.” You’ve heard that before, right? Keep the faith. PS
Z ora St ell an o va h a s be en div ining w ith t e a l e ave s sin ce Gam e of T hron e s’ St arb u ck s cup mish ap of 2019. W hil e sh e’s n ot e x a ctly a m e dium, sh e’s far from average. Sh e live s in th e N.C. fo othills w ith h er Sphy n x c at , Lyl a.

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