32 minute read
A r ts & Enter t ainment Ca lenda r

&Arts Entertainment CALENDAR

Cabin Tours Book Signing Sip and Savor
Although conscientious effor t is made to provide accurate and up-to -date information, all events are subject to change and errors can occur! Please call to verify times, costs, status and location before planning or attending an event. JOY OF A RT ST UDIO. Summer Celebrate Your Creativit y. For all ages. Painting, drawing and mi xed media. Of fer ing both pr ivate and small groups with safe distance. Classes are held at Joy of Ar t St udio, 139 E . Pennsylvania Ave., Suite B, Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 528 -7283 or w w w. joyof-ar t.com or w w w.facebook.com/ Joyscreativespace/. R ENT THE SUNR ISE. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Rent the Sunrise T heater for your private event. Sunrise T heater, 250 N.W. Broad St., Southern Pines. Email Mar yBeth@sunrisetheater. com to help you plan your special night out at the Sunrise. SCAV ENGER HUNT. Pick up scavenger hunts at the Given Book Shop, Given Memor ial Librar y or online at w w w.givent uf ts.org /program-and- events. T he scavenger hunt will take you through the Village of Pinehurst, and -there will be multiple themes such as science, shapes, his tor ic buildings and more. Given Book Shop, 150 Cherokee Road, Pinehurst. BOOK SA LE . Stop by and check out the “welcome back ” sale. T his month ’s sale is buy one, get one on animals, gardening, science, spor ts and travel book s. Given Book Shop, 150 Cherokee Road, Pinehurst. Info and tickets: (910) 295 -3642.
Friday, September 3
BBQ FESTIVA L . 5 p.m. T he Pinehurst Barbecue Festival celebrates “A ll T hings Barbecue” in Nor th Carolina. T he event continues through Sept. 5. 6 Chinquapin Road, Pinehurst. Info and tickets: w w w.ticketmesandhills.com. OPENING R ECEP TION. 5 - 7 p.m. T his exhibit is titled “Species . . . f rom the Minds of Sanderson & Conrad.” T he exhibit will be on display through Sept. 23. Ar tists L eag ue of the Sandhills, 129 Exchange St., Aberdeen. Info: (910) 944-3979. FIR ST FR IDAY. 5 - 8 p.m. T his f ree concer t to suppor t the Sunr ise T heater feat ures live music provided by the bluegrass band Fireside Collective. Food tr uck s, sponsors, ref reshments and beer f rom Souther n Pines Brewer y will be -available. No outside alcohol, rolling coolers or dogs per mit ted. Sunr ise T heater, 250 N.W. Broad St., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692-3611 or w w w.sunr isetheater.com. THEATER SHOW. 7:30 p.m. Sandhills Reper tor y T heatre presents America’s Sweethearts. T here will be t wo more shows on Sept. 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Sept. 5 at 2 p.m. Bradshaw Performing Ar ts Center, Owens Auditorium, 3395 A irpor t Road, Pinehurst. Tickets: w w w.ticketmesandhills.com. A RT SHOW. View the ar t exhibit feat ur ing work f rom -members of the Sandhills Photography Club and glassblow er Wayne Manning. T he exhibit will be open through Sept. 24. Campbell House Galler ies, 482 E . Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692-2787 or w w w.moorear t.org.
Saturday, September 4
DROP-IN CR A F TS. A ll day. Children and teens are invited to Drop -In Craf t Days at the librar y to work on craf ts at their own pace. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or w w w.sppl.net. DOCUMENTA RY. 2 and 6 p.m. On Broadway. A s audiences prepare for the ret ur n of live theater af ter an unprecedented absence of 18 months, an all-star cast tells the inside stor y of the last time Broadway came back f rom the br ink. Tickets are $10 per person. T here will be more showings on Sept. 5 at 2 p.m. and Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. Sunr ise T heater, 250 N.W. Broad St., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692-3611 or w w w.sunr isetheater.com.
Tuesday, September 7
A DULT STORY TIME . 12 p.m. Take a break f rom your busy day and join us for a stor y time desig ned for adults. Br ing a lunch and listen to Audrey Mor iar t y read some of her favor ites. Given Memor ial Librar y, 150 Cherokee Road, Pinehurst. Info and tickets: 910 -295 -3642. CR E ATIV IT Y CLUB. 4 p.m. Creativit y Club celebrates the many ways to be creative, such as drawing, craf ting and -wr iting. T his month, par ticipants will lear n about watercol ors and practice dif ferent painting techniques. For grades K - 5. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or w w w.sppl.net.
Wednesday, September 8
V IRT UA L BOOK E V ENT. 12 - 1 p.m. Join us for a vir t ual author event with Chef Bai (Bailey Rusk us), author of the cookbook Cook. Heal. Go Vegan! Registration required. Organized by T he Countr y Book shop. Tickets and info: w w w.ticketmesandhills.com. WOM A N’S E XCH A NGE OPENING. 10 a.m. T he Sand hills Woman’s Exchange opens for t he fa ll season and t he beg inning of its 10 0 t h year celebrat ion. Stop by for lunch f rom 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or shop in t he g if t shop f rom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sand hills Woman’s Exchange, 15 A za lea R oad, Pinehurst. Info: (910) 295 - 4677 or w w w. sand hillswe.org.
Thursday, September 9
SENIOR TR IP. 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Adults 55 and older are invited to travel with Souther n Pines Recreation & Park s to -Midland, N.C., to tour the Reed ’s Gold Mine. Explore un derground t unnels and lear n the histor y behind the mine. A f ter ward enjoy shopping at the Owl ’s A ntique Mall before heading to lunch. Cost to par ticipate is $17 for residents of Souther n Pines and $34 for non-residents. To register visit Catalog - Souther n Pines Recreation & Park s (rec1.com). Bus will depar t f rom Campbell House playground park ing lot, 450 E . New Hampshire Ave., Souther n Pines, at 7:30 a.m. Info and registration: (910) 692-7376 or https://secure. rec1.com/ NC/souther n-pines-nc/catalog. GATHER ING AT GIV EN. 3:30 p.m. Dolores Muller, wr iter and master gardener, will talk about things you need to attract birds to your yard. Given Memor ial Librar y, 150 Cherokee Road, Pinehurst. Info and tickets: (910) 295 -3642.
Friday, September 10
THE ATER SHOW. 7:30 p.m. T he Encore Center will be per for ming Steel Magnolias. T here are more per for mances on Sept. 11 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., Sept. 12 at 2 p.m., Sept. 17 at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 18 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., and Sept. 19 at 2 p.m. Info and tickets: (910) 725 - 0603 or w w w.ti x.com/ ticket-sales/encorecenter/6154. OUT DOOR MOV IE . 8 p.m. T he Princess Bride. T he movie will play outside the Sunr ise T heater but will be moved indoors in the event of inclement weather. T here will be a second showing on Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person. Br ing a chair or blanket. No outside food or pets. Sunr ise T heater, 250 N.W. Broad St., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692-3611 or w w w.sunr isetheater.com.
Saturday, September 11
SAT UR DAY K IDS PROGR A M. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Join us to explore fall activities and craf ts throughout the librar y. Given Memor ial Librar y, 150 Cherokee Road, Pinehurst. Info and tickets: (910) 295 -3642. COV ER ED WAGON PHOTO. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Take a pict ure with our histor ic covered wagon. Wagon master Rober t Hussey of Robbins will be at the Sandhills Woman’s Exchange with his wagon f rom days gone by. Sandhills Woman’s Exchange, 15 A zalea Road, Pinehurst. Info: (910) 295 - 4677 or w w w.sandhillswe.org. M A R K ETPL ACE ON THE SUNR ISE SQUA R E . 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. A n outdoor market provides shoppers access to numerous ar tisans, small businesses and organizations in a safe, f resh air environment. Pop -up shops are scattered
around the Sunr ise Square park. Dogs are not per mitted. Sunr ise Square, 260 N.W. Broad St., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692-3611 or w w w.sunr isetheater.com. CONCERT ON THE GR EEN. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Singer/ song wr iter Abigail Dowd per for ms. No outside food or dr ink allowed. Food and beer tr uck s will be on-site. BPAC’s McNeill-Woodward Green, 3395 A ir por t Road, Pinehurst. Info and tickets: w w w.ticketmesandhills.com.
Sunday, September 12
POP UP IN THE PINES. T he Mini Market Ser ies, organized by Mar ie & Marcele Boutique. Hatchet Brewing Co., 490 S.W. Broad St., Souther n Pines. Info: mar iemarcele@ gmail.com. W R ITING GROUP. 3 p.m. Interested in creating fiction, nonfiction, poetr y or comics? Connect with other wr iters and ar tists, chat about your craf t and get feedback on your work. A ll levels are welcome. T he session will meet at the librar y. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: lholden@sppl.net. CA BIN TOUR S. 2 - 4 p.m. Come tour the Br yant House and McL endon Cabin and lear n about the histor ical and cult ural significance of these str uct ures. T here will be a second tour on Sept. 26. Br yant House, 3361 Mt. Car mel -Road, Car thage. Info: (910) 692-2051 or w w w.moorehis tor y.com.
Monday, September 13
LIT W ITS BOOK CLUB. 4 p.m. T his club is per fect for third- through si xth-graders who enjoy talk ing about book s and meeting new f r iends. Each month, multiple copies of the chosen book will be available for checkout at the librar y. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or email: k stockdale@ sppl.net.
Thursday, September 16
LUNCH ‘N’ LE A R N. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Our first Lunch ‘n’ L ear n for the fall season feat ures “T he Hope Diamond.” Dorothy Gibson will help the Sandhills Women’s Exchange celebrate its centennial diamond year with her talk, which will be limited to 32 par ticipants. Cost is $25 per person and includes a delicious lunch f rom Chef K atr ina Taylor. Sandhills Woman’s Exchange, 15 A zalea Road, Pinehurst. Info: (910) 295 - 4677 or w w w.sandhillswe.org. -AUTHOR E V ENT. 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Join an in-person au thor event with Ger vais Hager t y talk ing about his book, In Polite Company. T he event is f ree but registration is required. CCNC, 160 0 Morganton Road, Pinehurst. Info and tickets: w w w.ticketmesandhills.com. R E A D BET W EEN THE PINES. 5:30 p.m. SPPL’s book club for adults meets to discuss this month ’s book. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. To join email: mhoward@sppl.net. CIV IL WA R ROUND TA BLE . 6:30 p.m. T he speaker for this meeting will be retired Lt. Col. Harold K nudsen, with a presentation on “T he Confederacy’s Most Moder n General: James L ongstreet and the Civil War.” Meeting star ts at 7 p.m. Open to the public. Civic Club, cor ner of Pennsylvania and A she St., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 246 0452 or mafar ina@aol.com.
Friday, September 17
MOV IES IN THE PA R K. 7:30 p.m. Frozen 2. Join Souther n Pines Recreation & Park s for an outdoor movie. Downtown Park, Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692-7376.
Saturday, September 18
DROP-IN CR A F TS. A ll day. Children and teens are invited to Drop -In Craf t Days at the librar y to work on craf ts at their own pace. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or w w w.sppl.net. BLUEGR ASS MUSIC. 3 - 8 p.m. Come hear the music of Nefesh Mountain at L aurelyn Dossett’s music bar n, T he R amble on Big Creek, 2741 Lynchburg Road, Westfield, N.C. Info and tickets: w w w.ticketmesandhills.com. BOOK E V ENT. 4 - 5 p.m. Nathaniel Philbr ick joins T he Countr y Book shop to discuss his book, Travels with George: In Search of Washing ton and His L egacy. Hannah Center T heater, 330 0 A ir por t Road, Souther n Pines. Info and tickets: w w w.ticketmesandhills.com. SOCI A L DANCE . 6 p.m. Carolina Pines Dance Club invites you for an evening of f un, music and dancing. Dance lessons begin at 6:30 p.m. Dancing until 9:30 p.m. Swing, shag, ballroom, L atin and line dancing. Beginning and exper ienced dancers, couples and singles all welcome. Cost is $15 cash at door. National Athletic Village, 201 A ir Tool Dr ive, Souther n Pines. Info: 724- 816 -1170.
Sunday, September 19
COMPUTER PROGR A M. 2 - 3 p.m. Stop by the librar y for “Computers: How Do T hey Work ?” T his program is intended for absolute beginners and will teach the basics of using a computer, like navigating a keyboard and mouse. Br ing your questions and get answers in a welcoming environment. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or w w w.sppl.net.
Tuesday, September 21
BINGO. 1 p.m. Adults 55 and older are invited to come play 10 games of bingo. Pr izes given to the winners. Cost is $2 for Souther n Pines residents and $4 for non-residents. Space is limited to 24 par ticipants. Douglass Communit y Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info and registration: (910) 692-7376. CR E ATIV IT Y CLUB. 4 p.m. Creativit y Club celebrates the many ways to be creative, such as drawing, craf ting and -wr iting. T his month, par ticipants will lear n about watercol ors and practice dif ferent painting techniques. For grades K - 5. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or w w w.sppl.net.
Friday, September 24
ST UFFED ANIM A L SLEEPOV ER . 4 p.m. Have you ever wondered what happens in the librar y when it’s closed? Drop of f your st uf fed animal for a sleepover at the librar y. Par ticipants and their st uf fed animal f r iends are invited to join us at 4 p.m. for stor y time and a craf t. T hen, pick up
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your f r iend Sat urday, Sept. 25 f rom 10 - 11 a.m. and enjoy a special break fast treat. T his event is open to children ages 3 - 9. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or w w w.sppl.net.
Saturday, September 25
RUN FOR R ECOV ERY. 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Join Dr ug Free Moore Count y in celebration of those who are living in recover y f rom dr ug and alcohol addiction and help to raise awareness of the obstacles that stand in the way of recover y. T he Run for Recover y is a 5K f un r un/walk event. Moore Re- Creations - Communit y Recover y Center, 105 E . Bar rett St., Car thage. Info: w w w.ticketmesandhills.com. COMMUNIT Y CLE ANUP. 9 a.m. T he nonprofit group Sustainable Sandhills will be doing a volunteer litter sweep -with Keep Moore Count y Beautif ul. L ocation to be deter mined. Info: (910) 484-9098. FLUT TER BY FESTIVA L . 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Celebrate butter flies and other pollinators with a day of family f un and educational activities. T here will be ar ts and craf ts, tours, live music and more. Village Arboret um, Pinehurst. Info: w w w.villageher itagefoundation.org. BOOK E V ENT. 12 - 1 p.m. Join us for an author event with Wiley Cash and his book W hen Ghosts Come Home. Free event. Registration required. T he Countr y Book shop, 140 N.W. Broad St., Souther n Pines. Tickets and info: w w w. ticketmesandhills.com.
Sunday, September 26
JA ZZ BRUNCH. 11:30 a.m. Join us outdoors on the Weymouth grounds for live jazz and a boxed br unch. T he first per for mance is at 11:30 a.m. and the second per for mance is at 1 p.m. Weymouth Center for Ar ts & Humanities, 555 E . Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info -and tickets: w w w.weymouthcenter.org or w w w.ticketme sandhills.com. SIP A ND SAVOR . 1 - 5 p.m. Join in for an af ter noon of w ine tasting and sma ll bites f rom loca l chefs. T here w ill a lso be live music and a silent auction to benefit loca l char ities. Sandy Woods Far m, 540 Sandy Woods Far m, Aberdeen. Info and tickets: w w w.ticketmesandhills.com. STE A M. 2 p.m. L ear n about topics in science, technolog y, engineer ing, ar t, and math. Elementar y aged children and caregivers are invited to par ticipate in STE A M projects and activities. T his program will be held outdoors and advance registration is encouraged. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 6928235 or w w w.sppl.net. W R I T E R S AWA R D S. 3 - 5 p.m. C e r t i fic at e s a nd pr i z e s w i l l b e aw a r de d du r i ng t he Mo or e C ou nt y Wr it e r s’ C omp e t it ion Aw a r d s C e r emony. Fr e e ad m i ssion. We y mout h C ent e r f or A r t s & Hu m a n it ie s, 555 E . -C on ne c t ic ut Ave ., S out he r n P i ne s. I n f o: w w w.we y mout hc ent e r.or g.

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Monday, September 27
TEEN W R ITING CLUB. 5:30 p.m. Are you a teen wr iter interested in creative wr iting and stor y telling? Ready to share your work, hone your craf t, or just hang out and get inspired with other young wr iters? Join us for the first interest meeting of Teen Creative Wr iting Club. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or email: bdavis@sppl.net.
Wednesday, September 29
SUPPER ON THE GROUNDS. 5 - 7 p.m. Enjoy an evening in the gardens of Weymouth Center, feat ur ing a far m to table menu catered by Scott’s Table of Souther n Pines, beers f rom Souther n Pines Brewing Company and music by Stone Dolls. Weymouth Center for Ar ts & Humanities, 555 E . Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: w w w. weymouthcenter.org or w w w.ticketmesandhills.com.
Thursday, September 30
DOUGL ASS CENTER BOOK CLUB. 10:30 a.m. Multiple copies of the selected book for the month are available for checkout at the librar y. Douglass Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or email: mmiller @sppl.net. CR E ATIV IT Y FOR W ELLNESS. 5:30 p.m. L ear n more about how an ar tistic practice can benefit your mental health at the Creativit y for Wellness ser ies this fall. T he first session will feat ure a g uest speaker. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or email: lholden@sppl.net. ZOOM TA LK. 7 p.m. T he L eag ue of Women Voters of Moore Count y presents a Zoom call on “Reproductive R ights in the United States and Nor th Carolina Today.” T he talk is presented by Dr. Car r ie Baker, professor at Smith College. To join the meeting go to https://us02web. zoom.us/j/87360476422.
UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday, October 2
MUSIC SER IES. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Join BPAC’s Troubadour -Ser ies with this month ’s band, T he Contenders, and open ing act, A aron Burdett. Bradshaw Per for ming Ar ts Center, Owens Auditor ium, 3395 A ir por t Road, Pinehurst. Tickets: w w w.ticketmesandhills.com.
Tuesday, October 5
FR IEND TO FR IEND E V ENT. 7 p.m. Fr iend to Fr iend is hosting their annual “Take Back the Night” candlelight vigil to br ing awareness to domestic violence and honor those who have lost their lives to violence. T here will be g uest speakers, music and ref reshments. Downtown Park, 145 S.E . Broad St., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 947-1703.
Thursday, October 7
SA LE AND R A FFLE . 2 - 6 p.m. Come shop the annual W hite Elephant Sale and R af fle for gently used f ur nit ure, ar t, jewelr y, baked goods and more. T he sale will continue Oct. 8 f rom 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Oct. 9 f rom 8 - 11 a.m. Proceeds benefit Moore Count y organizations. Sponsored by Women of Sacred Hear t and the K nights of Columbus. Founders Hall, next to Sacred Hear t Church, N.C. 211 and Dundee Road, Pinehurst. Info: (910) 295 - 0704.
Saturday, October 9
FA IR . 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Come to the 13th A nnual Shaw House Her itage Fair & Moore Treasures Sale. T his f ree all- day event is a f undraiser for the nonprofit Moore Count y Histor ical A ssociation. T he Shaw House museum will be closed for September. Shaw House, 110 Morganton Road, Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692-2051 or w w w.moorehistor y. com. GA R DEN PA RT Y. 4 - 6 p.m. T he L eag ue of Women Voters of Moore Count y w ill host a Wey mouth Center -Garden Par t y. T his w ill be a 1920s theme par t y celebrat ing the voting r ights of women. Enjoy live music and g reat food. Info and tickets: (910) 692 - 8839 or email: moorecelebrate10 0 @g mail.com.
WOR KOUTS. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Adults 55 and older are invited to get their workout on. Open Monday through Fr iday. Cost for si x months: $15/resident; $30/non-resident. Douglass Communit y Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info and registration: (910) 692-7376. Info: (910) 692-7376. INDOOR WA LK ING. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Improve balance, blood pressure and maintain healthy bones with one of the best methods of exercise. Classes are held at the same time Monday through Fr iday. Ages 55 and up. Cost for si x months: $15/resident; $30/non-resident. Souther n Pines Recreation Center, 210 Memor ial Park Ct., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692-7376. BR IDGE . 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. For adults 55 and older. Enjoy games of br idge with f r iends. Douglass Communit y Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info and registration: (910) 692-7376.
BA BY RY HMES. 10:30 a.m. Baby R hymes is specially designed for the youngest lear ners (bir th- 2) and their caregivers. Dates this month will be Sept. 7, 14, 21 and 28. T here will be a duplicate session at 11 a.m. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or w w w.sppl.net. GA ME DAY. 12 p.m. Enjoy Bid W hist and other cool games in the company of great f r iends. For adults 55 and older. Douglass Communit y Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692-7376. SPA R K STORY TIME . 2:30 p.m. T his Spark Stor y time at Fire Station 82 is for ages bir th through 2 and the k ids will have a chance to see fire tr uck s. Dates this month will be Sept. 7, 14, 21 and 28. Fire Station 82, 50 0 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or w w w.sppl.net. TA BLE TENNIS. 7 - 9 p.m. Enjoy playing this exciting game ever y Tuesday. Cost for si x months is $15 for residents of Souther n Pines and $30 for non-residents. For adults 55 and older. Douglass Communit y Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692-7376.
FA R M TO TA BLE . Join Sandhills Far m to Table Co - op by order ing a subscr iption of local produce to suppor t our local far mers. Info: (910) 722-1623 or w w w.sandhillsfar m2table. com. TODDLER T UNES. 10:30 a.m. Does your toddler like to move and groove? Join us for Toddler Tunes to get those wiggles out. Dates this month will be Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29. T here will be a duplicate session at 11 a.m. on Sept. 11. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or w w w.sppl.net CH A IR VOLLE Y BA LL . 1 - 2 p.m. For adults 55 and older. Get fit while having f un. Free to par ticipate. Douglass Communit y Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info and registration: (910) 692-7376. BR IDGE . 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. For adults 55 and older. Enjoy games of br idge with f r iends. Douglass Communit y Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info and registration: (910) 692-7376. SANDHILL S FAR MER S M A R K ET IN PINEHUR ST. 3 - 6 p.m. T he market will feature local farmers, bakers, craf ters and a N.C. fishmonger so locals can purchase f resh fish that is 24- 48 hours f rom wave to plate. Fishmonger only comes on Wednesday. Tuf ts Park, Pinehurst.
MOOR E COU N T Y FA R MER S M A R K ET. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. T he year-round market feat ures “producer on ly” vendors w it hin a 50 -mile radius prov iding f resh, loc a l and seasona l produce, f r uits, past ure meats, eggs, pot t ing plants, cut flowers and loc a l honey. Market is loc ated at t he A r mor y Spor ts C omplex, 60 4 W. Morganton R oad, Sout her n Pines.

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604 W. Morganton Rd (Armory Sports Complex) Southern Pines, NC 28387 9am - 1pm ~ Year Round (Thanksgiving Week, Wed. Nov. 24)
Facility Courtesy of Town of Southern Pines
Downtown Southern Pines SE Broad & NY Ave. So Pines, NC 28388 8am - Noon ~ April 17 - October 30, 2021 (No Market on Oct. 2nd due to Autumnfest)
Facility Courtesy of Town of Southern Pines
www.MooreCountyFarmersMarket.com Questions Call 910-947-3752; 910-690-9520 hwwebster@embarqmail.com SNAP Welcomed Here © 2021 Moore County Farmers Market Facebook.com/moorecountyfarmersmarket

~ Cider with a Sense of Place ~

There’s no better place to experience our artisanal craft ciders made from Southern heirloom apple varieties than our cider garden and bottle shop.
172 US-1 N, Bus, Cameron, NC 910.245.9901• jamescreekciderhouse.com Thurs 4-9pm, Fri & Sat 1-9pm, Sun 1-7pm
GIV EN STORY TIME . 10 a.m. Wonder f ul volunteers share their love of reading. CDC mask ing g uidelines will be followed. Stop by and join the f un. Given Memor ial Librar y, 150 Cherokee Road, Pinehurst. Info and tickets: (910) 295 -3642. CHESS AND M A HJONG. 1 p.m. For adults 55 and older. A ll levels welcome. Douglass Communit y Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info and registration: (910) 692-7376. PR ESCHOOL STOR IES. 3:30 p.m. Ages 3 - 5 and their families can enjoy a session with literacy-building sk ills to help them prepare for k indergar ten. T his session is for your big k id who is ready to stretch, dance, listen and play. Dates will be Sept. 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 6928235 or w w w.sppl.net or email lib@sppl.net.
TA P CL ASS. 10 - 11:30 a.m. For adults 55 and older. A ll levels welcome. Cost per class: $15/resident; $30/non-resident. Douglass Communit y Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info and registration: (910) 692-7376. BR IDGE . 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. For adults 55 and older. Enjoy games of br idge with f r iends. -Douglass Communit y Center, 1185 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Souther n Pines. Info and registra tion: (910) 692-7376.
MOOR E COUNT Y FAR MER S M A R K ET. 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. T he market features “producer only” vendors within a 50 -mile radius providing f resh, local and seasonal produce, f ruits, pasture meats, eggs, potting plants, cut flowers and local honey. Market is in downtown Southern Pines at S.E. Broad Street and New York Ave. and runs week ly until the end of October. SANDHILL S FA R MER S M A R K ET IN PINEHUR ST. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. T he market will feat ure local far mers, bakers and craf ters. Reg ularly feat ur ing 20 or more far ms plus enter tainment and oppor t unities for k ids. Tuf ts Park, Pinehurst.
GENTLE STORY TIME . 3:30 p.m. T his is a sensor y stor y time for families with children on the autism spectr um or with multi-sensor y needs. T he program is for children ages 3 - 8 and will combine book s, songs, movement, and integrative activities. Dates this month will be Sept. 5 and 9. Souther n Pines Public Librar y, 170 W. Connecticut Ave., Souther n Pines. Info: (910) 692- 8235 or w w w.sppl.net PS

Arts & Culture

and my

SEPTEMBER 9-26, 2021
presented by Sunday, September 12th
Tee times beginning at 4:15 • Last tee time at 6:30 The Cradle Course at Pinehurst Resort
$125 per player, entry fee includes 2 drink tickets For more information & to register, visit: sandhillsbgc.org/cradle

Fine Arts Festival Arts Council of Moore County Friday, August 6, 2021 Photographs by Diane McKay

Frank Pierce Darrell Jeffries, Artist Kelly Martin

Jerry & Rene Parker Sue Byrd, Glenn Bradley

Gene Fletcher Jeff Morgan Jeanne Zimmerman

Yana Slutskaya Jenay Jarvis, Frank Pierce, Ayla Young Katherine McWilliams

Maggie, Dennis & Lyn Brophy Meridith Martens, Howard Schubert
Living Histor y Day House in the Horseshoe Saturday, August 7, 2021 Photographs by Diane McKay

Ian & Nia Laton, Carley Sutton, Phillip Laton Tyler Mink, Julianne Herczeg, Theo Mink

Sam Powell, Fred Learned, Don Somers Jacob Whitaker, Frank McMahon, Lynn Bull Hanna Ramey, Anna Neill

Michelle Lanier, Sarah Koonts, Sarah Leonard

Jill Bonacci, Vickie Fesperman
PineNeedler Answers from page 143
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