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Bertil Carlsson’s investigation of the organizations and decision making processes within the Swedish Pentecostal Movement was presented in the spring of 1973 as a double certificate paper at the senior lecturer Göran Lindahl’s seminar on political science at Stockholm’s university. The paper was printed as a book in 1974. After a Pentecostal research conference in The Hague in 1978 Bertil Carlsson had a summary of the paper translated into English as a reaction to what he thought was the incorrect portrayal there of the Swedish Pentecostal Movement’s organization. The English summary was sought after by foreign researchers and a translation of the whole survey was given out at the end of the 1980s with the title ‚Organizations and Decision Procedures within the Swedish Pentecostal Movements‛ .
In this publication the headings, bibliography and some enumerations have been given new layouts, the contents list has been placed before the foreword, notes have been changed to footnotes (which have been revised and numbered in sequence) the bibliography has been revised, titles of magazines and books have been written in italics, and a few linguistic corrections have been done as well as changing the paper size. These changes have resulted in the page grouping differing from the first edition. A list of denominations and abbreviations in English and Swedish has been added at the end of the book. This publication has even been published on the internet at www.pingst.se.
The ‚collection foundation‛ for Pentecostal research was founded by the Pentecostal Pastor Bertil Carlsson and his wife Anna-Britta Carlsson in 2004. The purpose of the foundation is to promote academic research of the Swedish Pentecostal Movement and is managed by the Pentecostal Church’s school and course activity (Pingstförsamlingarnas skol- och kursverksamhet, PSK).
Copyright: Bertil Carlsson, 2008 Publisher: Insamlingsstiftelsen för pingstforskning Cover: Eric Ekman Cover picture: Participants in the first Bible study week at Korsberga, Västergötland, in 1916. Most of the leaders in the growing Swedish Pentecostal Movement were there.
ISBN 978-91-977626-1-8 ISSN 2000-0006
Printed: Stema Print AB, Forserum, Sweden, 2008 E-Publication: www.pingst.se