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2.2 The Bible and society
Pentecostal Revival, because many people employ these terms as synonyms‛ . 11 Such remarks however, that the two words are synonyms, cannot be accepted as a watertight argument against a more precise definition of the terms. For it is quite obvious that we have all reason to distinguish between the Pentecostal Revival (the religious contents) and the Pentecostal Movement (the organizational form). In this study I have therefore chosen to use the Pentecostal Movement as a united designation for the Pentecostal Churches in Sweden.
2.2 The Bible and society
In a separate chapter I shall try to reproduce the picture that the Pentecostal Movement gives of itself referring to the Bible. Then there will follow a discussion of the different boards and committees. These boards and organizations must be understood as the response to needs created at that particular time depending on the conditions in the Swedish society, The Pentecostal Movement has therefore had to find solutions to their administrative problems, solutions which correspond to their reasons for belief, their ecclesiology, according to their understanding of the Bible and also to meet the requirements created in the Swedish society. Harald Gustafsson also concedes this to be so. ‚We have something in our Churches which we cannot find any traces of in the New Testament – a juridical board, regulations and administrative meetings. This is something which we have got to have according to the Swedish law system. This is why we own Churches and chapels and real estate. But we do not find any parallels to this in the New Testament. Let us therefore not put any greater emphasis upon this than is absolutely necessary‛ . 12 Gustafson refers to the local Church but in principle, this could also be applied to the different boards and committees in operation within the Swedish Pentecostal Movement. Another Pastor, Helge Brattgård, quotes from a talk given by Lewi Pethrus at the ecumenical national meeting in Gothenburg called G72 which shows, that he too was aware of the influence on the movement in view of the Swedish society. He says ‚I was born a Baptist, and have a Baptists doctrinal view. If I had been
_________________ 11 Den Kristne nr 12 1962, p. 231, 232, Samuel Edestav, ‛Pingstväckelse – pingströrelse‛ . 12 Ordet och tron nr 2 1968, p. 14, Harald Gustafsson, ‛Ledningen av Guds församling‛ .