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6.10 The Pentecostal Mission’s International Literary Centre (PIL
6.10 The Pentecostal Mission’s International Literary Centre (PIL)
‛The circulation of Bibles, parts of the Bible, journals, tracts and other Christian literature‛ has taken place ‛everywhere‛ where ‛the missionaries have been.186
At the missionary conference in Alingsås in March 1962 the missionary Martha Lagerström suggested that a tract centre with international coverage, should be established. The recommendation was accepted and the conference made' a statement signed by the presidency. This statement was published in the press of the Pentecostal Movement.187
At the preachers meeting in the Philadelphia Church in Stockholm in December 1970 ‛a renewed initiative was taken in this great work. ‛ 188 A committee of 32 persons ‛was appointed at the preachers conference‛ , reports Olle Johansson in the Evangelii Härold.
189 According to the recommended working policies for the PIL's work it says that they ‛were encouraged‛ … ‛to form a committee.‛ The period for that mandate should be ‛four years‛ at the most. Board meetings ‛ought‛ to be held ‛at least twice a year‛ . The chairman is appointed ‛at every meeting. ‛ Each year at the first meeting ‛an executive committee is appointed consisting of seven individuals. The chairman is chosen by the working committee.‛
Between the two meetings held by the working committee, the latter ‛takes care of‛ ‛the concerns for the working committee‛ and is ‛responsible to the working committee‛ for its actions. ‛The Philadelphia Church in Stockholm for foreign mission is responsible for the accounts that are to be looked into by the Churches accountants.‛
The working policy describes the assignment of the PIL to be: 1. ‛Encouraged to prayer and sacrifice for this work in all mission fields.‛ 2. ‛To collect means.‛ 3. ‛To buy Bibles and Christian literature.‛
_________________ 186 Administrative reports, ’Pingstmissionens Internationella Litteraturcentrum’, 1971. 187 Carlsson 1963, p. 37 ff. 188 Administrative reports, ‘Pingstmissionens Internationella Litteraturcentrum’, 1971. 189 Evangelii Härold 24.2.71, Olle Johansson, ‛Pingstmissionens Internationella
Litteraturcentrum‛ .