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V Conclusion
veloped in his opposition to Viktor Rydberg’s understanding of Christ. Throughout his writings one detects Rydberg’s presence when Christology is being discussed. A spirit-Christology of the classical sort is related to kenotic Christology, which in LP’s version has a modern ring to it. Finally, the question is put as to whether his ideas are to be traced to monotheism or to trinitarianism. It is self-evident that monotheism dominates his conception, whilst Trinitarian theology is marginal.
This thesis has shown that, if one takes the idea of man as a startingpoint, one soon realizes that both the idea of God and that of society come into play. There is no strict separation here. These realities can only be completely distinguished in abstracto. Since the section summaries have been relatively comprehensive, I here offer a general summary which underlines the basic features uniting the ideas of man, society and God. However, it is impossible to fit his concepts into a single theological model. The following basic features in LP’s idea of Christianity are briefly and critically discussed: 1. Creation and the natural knowledge of God. 2. The apocalyptic frame. 3. Instrumentalism. 4. The context of the idea of Christianity. 5. A New Testament Christianity?
Translation: Christopher Meakin
Förkortningar m.m.
Ed., ed. = editor EH = Evangelii Härold f. = följande (singularis) ff. = följande (pluralis) GHT = Göteborgs Handels och Sjöfartstidning ibid. = ibidem, dvs. på samma ställe KB = Kungliga Biblioteket KDS = Kristen Demokratisk Samling KSA = Kristet Samhällsansvar LP = Lewi Pethrus SOU = Statens offentliga utredningar sp. = spalterna [kursiv] = kursiverat av författaren