PinJu Chen 2013 / 2014 Portfolio

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PinJu Chen Portfolio

2012 to 2014



PinJu Chen 陳品如

Contact 聯絡方式

Education 學歷 +886(0)921500414

September 2013 – September 2014

Portfolio 線上作品集 Work In Progress 部落格

英國金斯頓大學 傳達設計 : 平面設計 碩士 Kingston University London Communication Design: Graphic Design MA September 2009 – June 2013

國立台灣藝術大學 視覺傳達設計學系 學士 National Taiwan University of Arts Visual Communication Design BA

Experience 工作經驗

Design Experience 設計經歷

英國 Wallpaper* City Guides 設計編輯助理


Wallpaper* City Guides Design and editorial assistant

主視覺設計 Kingston University MA Graduation Show Visual identity design

校內總審 英國金斯頓大學出版社 插畫與設計接案 Kingston University Press Illustration and design freelance

第三名 Gradaution Show 3rd prize

台南新人獎 風格設計藝術有限公司實習生 Styleplus Art & Design (Taiwan) Studio full time internship

入圍 Tainan Freshman Award Nominee

台藝大畢籌會 長榮國際文化事業部 攝影組工讀生 EVA Air Press (Taiwan) Photography assistant part time

Skills 技能 Adobe Creative Suite InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop Motion Graphics After Effect, Premiere Pro, Flash, Final Cut Pro, 3D Modeling SketchUp


NTUA Graduation Exhibition Art directior 牽你的手 電影主視覺設計 Butterfly Kisses Visual identity design

國立台灣藝術大學在職學分班 招生廣告平面設計 National Taiwan University of Arts Course Brochure design

Other 其他 Languages 語言 中文 ( 母語 ), 英文 , 台語 Mandari n (nati ve), Engl i sh (fl u ent ) , Taiwanese Interests 興趣 Piano, table tennis, independent movies.

Visual Communication Design


Font Book 2014 字的三態

"Font Book" is a self-initiative project demonstrating three forms of type "Regular", "Italic" and "Bold". I use three signs to symbolize the forms: sun and moon show up regularly (periodically); the fluidity of italic font is similar to water; the bold fonts are as stable as mountain. The whole stationery set includes three notebooks and three pencils settled in one laser-engraved box.

"Font Book 字的三態 " 是一個欲藉由書的裝禎形式仿 擬字體的三種樣式 : 正體 (Regular)、斜體 (Italic) 和 粗體 (Bold) ; 加上三個符號 : 日月、水、山,日月 的恆常規律形同正體,斜體的流動性如水,而粗體則 穩若泰山。

Dressing The Screen (D&AD New Blood Award brief) 2014 The brief is to design a visual identity for British Council's fashion film exhibition "Dressing The Screen". I created Ms. Screen and Mr. Screen as the virtual characters to endorse the exhibition.

"Dressing The Screen" 是英國文化協會 (British Council) 舉辦 的時尚影片巡迴展,此展即將在俄羅斯舉辦,所以設計挑戰點 是將英、俄文同時安排在版面上。主視覺中的一男一女分別是 Ms. 和 Mr. Screen,取字面上的含意 "Dressing The Screen" ( 為 螢幕治裝 )。

Concept Sketch 概念草圖

iNostalgia 2014 The inspirations of this project­–“iNostalgia” were initially given by the video “A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work,” which indicated how digital technology strongly affected an one-year old child’s behavior. I assumed that within 50 years, the intelligent phone will be totally replaced by more advanced devices, even the currently most popular iPhone will be almost extinct as same as typewriters, floppy disks and compact cassettes. 研究所的畢業製作,主題是關於在未來時刻 的數位懷舊。假想一個 50 年後(或許更近) 的未來,智慧型手機被一個更先進的裝置 取代,那如何讓未來的人們懷念、記憶現在 這個有智慧型手機的時代呢?於是我設計了 這個文具組合,將智慧型手機上的基本功能 app 實體化為紙張,用復古的方式呈現未來 的一日將被淘汰的科技。

Sausage Clock 2014 The project is inspired by Mengenlehreuhr (German for "Set Theory Clock") in Berlin, which indicates the time by the illuminated and coloured fields. By using different flavours of sausages and salami to imitate the system of Mengenlehreuhr, I try to form a new way of telling the time by arranging the food into a certain pattern.

此專案靈感來自於德國柏林的 Mengenlehreuhr,它是一座 以亮燈來表示時間的鐘。我以德國享有盛名的德式香腸來翻 玩這個鐘,並佐以介紹文字和時鐘圖案。

Sausage Clock GIF 2014 Please visit: to see the original GIF.

延續 Sausage Clock 專案所製作的 GIF 動畫, 由柏林市代表動物柏林熊和德國香腸出演。

Kingston University MA Graduation Show Visual Identity 2014

英國金斯頓大學碩士班 畢業展視覺設計

Butterfly Kisses 2013 牽你的手 電影主視覺設計



"Gone Fishing" Book Cover Design 2014 According to the given topic "Gone Fishing", I did an illustration which depicts a scenery of using a pen as a fishing rod to angle an hugry fish. 為 Kingston University 文學碩士班作品合輯 "Gone Fishing" 所繪製設計的封面。以筆為竿,墨為線,在文 學的海洋中感受文字生命。

"Writing Better Essays" Internal Mind Maps and Diagrams Illustration 2014

After discussing with Professor David Rogers, I re-drew the mind map and diagrams showing the structures of essays. "Writing Better Essays" 書籍內頁 Infographic 繪製

The Doors 2013 This is my first project in Kingston University. I attend to creat a new reading way of the storybooks: there is always a square cut in the middle of each page which coud be turned to the next page. The illustration is about a story of a boy and a floating door that he couldn't reach. The story describes the three ridiculous ways that the boy used them to approach the door.

這是一個自編的童話故事,書中男孩嘗試了三種方法想 打開漂浮在空中的門。方法中結合了「小飛象」和「傑 克與魔豆」童話,以及潘洛斯階梯 (Penrose stairs)。 最後小男孩發現,與其汲汲營營於漂浮的那扇門,不如 在地面上打造一扇屬於男孩自己的門。

Re-Info Experimental Zine (Group Work) 2012 – 2013

媒感實驗誌 ( 團隊作品 )

This is my final project finished last year during my undergraduate study. "Re-Info Experimental Zine" is an experiment log, reflecting how public media twist and exagerate the facts, which resembles the process of the chemists doing their experiments in the lab.

我的大學畢業製作作品。這是一本記錄實驗過程的雜 誌,以時尚的視覺作為包裝。團隊嘗試以科學實驗來 譬喻現今媒體扭曲事實的過程。

Imposition scheme 雜誌落版單草圖


In YODEX Exhibition 新一代設計展現場

DESIGNER Magazine Inner typography design 2013 設計人雜誌 內頁版面設計

Graphic Design


Typogrqphy 2013 標準字設計

Book Cover Design Practice 2014

Sport Is War Minus Shooting 2014

Look For Scorpions In Your Shoes 2014

SHUNGA Exhibition Invitation card practice 2014 春畫 展覽邀請卡設計練習

Christmas Card Design 2014 聖誕卡片設計

Achilles And The Tortoise 2013 阿基里斯與龜 電影海報設計練習

Chinese Character Poster 2013 漢字海報設計



Get Rrelaxed (series) 2013

pencil, acrylic / 37.5 X 52.1 cm

Murdering Site 2013

fine liner / 59.4 X 42 cm

Murdering Site (Series) 2013

fine liner / 29.7 X 21 cm

Art, Nature, Revolution 2014

Tanks for your attention. 謝謝您。

PinJu Chen 陳品如 +886(0)921500414

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