PyR Junior2012 Archive at CCCB·Barcelona

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:: What is Punto y Raya Junior? JUNIOR is the first abstract art festival in the world made by kids, and took place on November 10th & 11th 2012 at the CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona) with free admission. This extension of the Punto y Raya Festival follows the same spirit and features the same activities as the “senior” editions. The only difference is that JUNIOR is made BY kids and appeals to family audiences! Three categories according to the ages: · MINI | 6 and 7 years · MEDIUM | 8 to 10 years · MAXI | 11 to 12 years The main goal is to boost the creativity and abstraction capability in our younger audience, focusing on the many artistic and communicational possibilities of these two basic elements. It seeks to explore abstraction and all it has to offer for creation and interpretation through art, science and various playful activities. It also promotes the values posed by Resource Economics through the Sustainable! Program. The deadline for the JUNIOR photography and short film calls for entries was September 30th, 2012 where we have received about 50 films (from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Greece, Spain, United States, Russia and Ukraine), and 460 photographs (adding countries like Brazil, Canada, France, Mexico, Peru, Switzerland and Turkey). Until late October, and thanks to the collaboration of various instituions in Spain, were creating the PyRformances and designing the graphic communication and the set decoration. These workshops include video & animation, photography, fine arts, music, sound visualization and dance. And during the event at the CCCB, have created new contents, learned cool stuff in a collective and interdisciplinary manner, and discovered how the dots and the lines lie at the core of everything we do in our everyday lives. The activities were structured in:

Films submitted to the international call for entries; three special sections curated by MAD, and a guest section curated by Arxiu Xcèntric.

Educational and playful activities, where professionals we introduced us to the dots & lines they employ everyday in their respective practices (fine arts, cinema and animation, live cinema, dance, biology, mathematics...) With this new knowledge, have created collective works.

Live performances created by the participants in the Workshops: audiovisual concerts, dance, optical experimentation, theater...

Dot & line explorations from various approaches: recycled technologies, architecture & design, photography, interactivity...

Punto y Raya Festival explores the creative possibilities of the dot and the line in various spheres of science, art and thought. No representation, only dots and lines as ends in themselves! Under the motto Back to Basics, it studies the essence of form and movement. The proposal is as simple as universal, and in only two years it became broadly recognized by the audiovisual community and the critic; the Japanese press called it “the most abstract festival in the world”, and it’s currently consolidated as a creation, promotion and exchange platform comprising over 35 cities around the globe. It has three installments under its belt: · La Casa Encendida (Madrid 2007) | · Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona 2009) | · Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid 2011) | Including the competition and retrospective sections, installations, conferences, workshops and PyRformances (live AV sessions), there are over 2.000 professionals from 32 countries involved in the project.

:: Follow us : WEBSITE w w w . p u n to y r a y a fe sti v a l . co m : BLOG w w w . p u n to y r a y a fe sti v a l . co m/ b l o g (spanish · english) All the information in the world of abstract art and various technological/scientific applications related to abstraction. : SOCIAL NETWORKS w w w . f a ce b o o k . com/ p u n to y r a y a fe st i v al

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COMPETITION #1, #2 &#3 SECTIONS November 10th & 11th | Auditorium HD · TRT: 30’ x 3 modules The 46 works selected to take part in our short·film competition. They were produced by children from Argentina, Australia, Greece, Spain, USA & Ukraine.

REEL Las aventuras de un punto | Adventures of a Dot Los 5 pinceles · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'59'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Temps | Time Joel Llebot & Alejandro Martín · Institut Escola Costa i Llobera 1'00’’ · vídeo comp. · color 2012 · Barcelona, Spain Las 4:15 Las 4:15 · Colegio Palermo Chico 0'48'' · stop·motion · drawing· b&w 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Un mundo sin rayas ni puntos es un caos | A World without Lines or Dots is a Chaos · Honorable Mention: Most original technique Abel Jiménez Serna 1'17'' · cgi · color 2012 · Segovia, Spain Randomness Zach White, Jordan Mak & Jewel O’Campo · St. Thomas More 1'20'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · San Francisco·CA, USA El garabato | Scribble El garabato · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'32'' · stop·motion · drawing · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Parents and Children · First Prize MAXI EcoAnima · EcoAnima 4'16'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Argiz beteriko zuloa | A hole full of light · Second Prize MAXI Bilboko Udalekuak 1'15'' · stop·motion · op·art · color 2012 · Bilbao·Bizkaia, Spain Danza Esmeralda | Emerald Dance María Guadalupe Carreira 0'58'' · drawing · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Pinball Zoe Taylor · St. Thomas More School 1'16'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · San Francisco · CA, USA Pintart Pintart · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'21'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina El Patufet | Thumb El Patufet · Biblioteca Vilapicina i la Torre Llobeta 0'30'' · vídeo comp. · color 2012 · Barcelona, Spain The other side of the world Los abstractos · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'12'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Where Dots and Lines meet Gaby Freedland & Isabel Sanchez · St. Thomas More School 0'41'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · San Francisco·CA, USA El Punto, la Raya y la Lluvia I y II The Dot, the Line and the Rain I & II El punto, la raya y la lluvia · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'36'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina swhbgkquehduish -- zas! · Third Prize MAXI Colectiv Flipbooks · Biblio X. Benguerel, Vila de Gràcia & Zona Nord 1'40'' · stop·motion · drawing · color 2012 · Barcelona, Spain

REEL Tenim la fòrmula (1)! | We've got the formula (1)! Iago, Joan & Nur · Institut Escola Costa i Llobera 1'08'' · vídeo comp. · color 2012 · Barcelona, Spain Los 5 colores | The 5 colors Los 5 colores · Colegio Palermo Chico 2'02'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Puntibaile | Dotdance · Second Prize MEDIUM Mar Reverter Rosado 1'45'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Sant Boi de Llobregat · Barcelona, Spain El Punto Final | Period Mark Manchas negras en la luz · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'30'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Cometa punto mayor | Major Dot Comet Marc Volpe Prignano 0'13'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Madrid, Spain

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Firework Shapes Chloe David · St. Thomas More School 0'39'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · San Francisco·CA, USA El transcurso de una vida | A lifetime Rampa Amarilla · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'13'' · stop·motion · drawing · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Sinkin’ Shapes SIMIO, AWG · Animation Workshop Group (ASIFA) 2'30'' · stop·motion · drawing · color 2012 · Syros, Grecia Los Borbotones | The Gushes Los Borbotones · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'42'' · stop·motion · drawing · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Argi elastikoak | The Gushes Bilboko Udalekuak 1'52'' · stop·motion · op·art · color 2012 · Bilbao·Bizkaia, Spain He aquí las formas | Here are the shapes · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'10'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Un llibre sense paraules | Wordless book · Audience Award Barcelona 2012 Flipbooks Pau Vila · Escola Pau Vila 1'54'' · drawing · color 2012 · Barcelona, Spain Pin 8 Pin 8 · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'48'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Building Bradley Campos · St. Thomas More School 0'51'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · San Francisco·CA, USA The Balloon Friends The Balloon Friends · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'39'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina

REEL Koloreen leherketa | Color Explosion Bilboko Udalekuak 1'20'' · stop·motion · op·art · color 2012 · Bilbao·Bizkaia, Spain Bubblegammers Bubblegammers · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'06'' · stop·motion · b&w 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina

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El viaje del punto subm arino | The Voyage of the Underwater Dot First Prize MINI Marc Volpe Prignano 1'16'' · vídeo comp. · color 2012 · Madrid, Spain Los creativos saltarines | The jumping creatives Los creativos saltarines · Colegio Palermo Chico 1' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Floral Wonder Elyssa Nicolas · St. Thomas More School 2'24'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · San Francisco·CA, USA Lo que el arte se llevó | Gone with the Art Lo que el arte se llevó · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'55' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Opera abstracció | | Gone with the Art Honorable Mention : Best Soundtrack Cinta, Paula & Sofía · Institut Escola Costa i Llobera 1'23'' · vídeo comp. · color 2012 · Barcelona, Spain Morning, Day, Night Prep to Year 6 · Pyramid Hill College 2'39'' · stop·motion · drawing · color 2012 Australia PopiPepi Popi Pepi · Colegio Palermo Chico 00'57'' · stop·motion · drawing · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina La unió fa la força | Together we stand Units · La Capsa de Colors 0'30'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Barcelona, Spain The crazy ball The crazy ball · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'21'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina The Random Dots and Lines Matt Nuris & Rainier De La Cruz · St. Thomas More 1'44'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · San Francisco·CA, USA Los 5 Quiques | Together we stand Los cinco Quiques · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'25'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina Forma magikoak | Magic Forms · First Prize MEDIUM Sopelanako Udalekuak · Sala de Cultura de Sopelana 1'11'' · stop·motion · op·art · color 2012 · Sopelana·Bizkaia, Spain El circulito y la galaxia | Little Circle and the Galaxy El circulito en busca de la galaxia perdida · Colegio Palermo Chico 1'08'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Buenos Aires, Argentina 7 · Punto y Raya Junior




Parents and Children EcoAnima · EcoAnima 4'16'' · stop·motion 2012 · Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Argiz beteriko zuloa | | A hole full of light Bilboko Udalekuak 1'15'' · stop·motion · op·art 2012 · Bilbao, Spain

swhbgkquehduish -- zas! Colectiv Flipbooks Biblio X. Benguerel, Vila de Gràcia & Zona Nord 1'40'' · stop·motion · drawing 2012 · Barcelona, Spain




Forma magikoak | Magic Forms Sopelanako Udalekuak 1'11'' · stop·motion · op·art 2012 · Sopelana, Spain

Puntibaile Mar Reverter Rosado 1'45'' · stop·motion · color 2012 · Barcelona, Spain

El viaje del punto submarino Marc Volpe Prignano 1'16'' · vídeo composición 2012 · Madrid, Spain

Honorable MENTION Audience Award

Original Technique

Best Soundtrack

Best Producer

Un llibre sense paraules | Wordless book Flipbooks Pau Vila Escola Pau Vila 1'54'' · drawing · color 2012 · Barcelona, Spain

Un mundo sin rayas ni puntos es un caos | A World without Lines or Dots is a Chaos Abel Jiménez Serna 1'17'' · cgi · color 2012 · Segovia, Spain

Opera abstracció Abstraction Opera Cinta, Paula & Sofía Institut Escola Costa i Llobera 1'23'' · vídeo comp. 2012 · Barcelona, Spain

Colegio Palermo Chico Buenos Aires, Argentina

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The 307 selected photographs taking part in our international call for entries. The works were submitted by children from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Greece, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Switzerland, Turquey & USA. FIRST Prize MAXI



topos | Dots 1 ESO A 2012 · Reus, Spain

Nueva pizarra | New blackboard Grupo 2-b 2012 · Madrid, Spain

El puntet d'Or | Golden little Dot Cursos 5è i 6è 2012 · Alcàrras, Spain




Sin título | Untitled Andrés Santamaría Moreno 2012 · Valverde de Mérida, Spain

Sin título | Untitled Luca Volpe-Prignano Sueiro 2012 · Gijón, Spain

Ciudad del futuro | City of Tomorrow Mar Reverter Rosado 2012 · Bahía de Rosas, Girona, Spain




El museo visto por afuera | The Museum as seen from the outside Alberto Ortiz Ruiz 2012 · México D.F.

Mar revuelto según Van Gogh | Turbulent Sea according to Van Gogh Marc Volpe-Prignano 2012 · Madrid, Spain

Sin título | Untitled Anna Costa 2012 · Barcelona, Spain

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A n i a G ł o w i ń s k a [1982 · Poland] She currently works in Poznań as a program coordinator for International Animated Film Festival ANIMATOR. She curated screenings for various festivals including NO WOMEN NO ART (Poznań), Le Grand Salon de la Microédition (Lyon) and KinoPOSLKA (Berlin). She also acted as a juror for festivals like KolorOFFon and ZOOM.

Z a l o a I p i ñ a B i d a u r r a z a g a [1986 · Spain] Emerging multidisciplinary artist working mainly with photography, serigraphy, sculpture and animation. She's had various solo exhibitions and has recently been granted a residency from the Bilbao Arte Foundation.

D a n i e l P i t a r c h [1980 · Spain] Teacher, researcher and musician. He's a professor at the Art & Design School of Tarragona and a guest teacher at the Open University of Catalonia. His research areas are the writings of Jean Epstein's, the cinematographic theories in interwar period, the early cinema period, experimental animation cinema and optical toys. R e n é R í o s [Lausanne, Switzerland] Visual artist. BA in fine arts from the University of Tucumán (Argentina). He also studied architecture and urbanism at the same University. He is an active member of Visarte, an Architects & Visual Artists Society in Switzerland. Cultural mediator at Creaviva, Zentrum Paul Klee (Berna · Switzerland) Professor at the Swiss Design Center (Interior Design and Architecture School) in Lausanne. His work has been shown in various solo and collective exhibits in Switzerland, France, Spain, Argentina & Japan.

S e l e c t o r M a r x [1975 · Spain] BA in Journalism, he's a professional photographer. His work is focused on photojournalism and the music & fashion scenes. He's created covers for major magazines such as Rolling Stone, Interviú, Hip-Hop Life Magazine, Tattoo Fest and Enlace Funk, among others. Collaborator of websites and online platforms like Myspace Spain, Urban Music Online and more. M a t e o B a g á O n t i v e r o s [2004 · Spain] Hi! I'm Mateo, I'm 8 years old and attend the Mallorca School in Barcelona. I like to play tennis, play the piano and play with my parents' iPhone and iPad. I like to rap.

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J ú l i a E l v i r a G a r c í a [2004 · Spain] Hi there! My name is Júlia, I'm 8 years old. I'm from Barcelona and everyday I ride my bike to Mallorca school. Ever since I was little I've enjoyed listening to music with my mum and painting with my dad. I like plants, dancing and now I want to learn to play the piano. I LOVE THE CORREFOCS, those devils playing with fire at Catalonian festivities.

L e i r e R a b e n b e r g [2002 · Spain] My name is Leire and I'm ten years old. I live in Barcelona and attend fifth grade. I love to read, I also like stepping on a stage, it's very funny. I'm a daydreamer, but I can focus if I want to.


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ESPECIAL SECTION: November 10th & 11th | Auditorium HD · TRT: 30’ Devoted to short films, which use analog techniques to either capture reality in an abstract way, or abstract expressions immersed in the real world. An amusing journey through our everyday reality, which is full of dots & lines everywhere we go! Against the Grain Jonathan Chong_Dropbear 3'23'' · stop·motion · color 2011 Australia Wave Trish Scott 1'11'' · vídeo comp. · color 2009 · Siglufjordor, Islandia Pedal Tom Jobbins 1'13'' · vídeo comp. · color 2012 · London, UK L'Art de la Fuga | The Art of the Fugue Daniel Pitarch Fernández 3'18'' · vídeo comp. · color 2009 · Barcelona, Spain ParadoX 2.0 Bruno 3'16'' · vídeo comp. · color 2010 · London, UK Landing Anne Lister_annemmu 1'17'' · vídeo comp. · color 2011 · Wilmslow, UK Videolightwork nine Clemente Calvo Muñoz 1'19'' · vídeo comp. · color 2011 · San Mateo de Gállego, Spain Grafógrafo | Graphograph Sanoja Pedro_Pangramas 1'10'' · stop·motion · color 2010 · Barcelona, Spain Legomotion Matthew Laznicka 1'00’’ · stop·motion · color 2009 USA


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SPECIAL SECTION: VISUAL MUSIC #1 y #2 November 10th & 11th | Auditorium HD · TRT: 30’ x 2 modules These short films explore the tight relationship between image and sound, and how these boost each other (through balance, contrast, synchrony, counterpoint...). Some have participated in our senior calls for entries, others are screened for the first time at Punto y Raya.

Linhas e Espirais | Lines and Spirals Diego Akel 2'16'' · drawing · color 2009 · Fortaleza, Brasil Drawn 0.0 Solange Morello Z. 1'02'' · drawing · b&n 2007 · Barcelona, España Mushroom Tea Max Martin 1'51'' · stop·motion · color 2011 · UK Boy Steven Subotnick 2' · drawing · color 2011 · Providence, USA Pencil Dance Chris Casady_Tile Nut 2'48'' · color 1989 · USA Delusional Sculpture Kazuhiko Kobayashi 1'16'' · cgi · color 2011 · Yokohama, Japan Neón. El fuego en las ciudades | Neon. The fire in the cities Lisi Prada 3'14'' · vídeo comp. · color 2011 · Madrid, Spain ZKO Rollercoaster Michael Klein 1' · cgi · b&w 2011 · Germany Argyle Kabuki Dax Norman 1'39'' · cgi · drawing · color 2009 · Austin, USA Herbstlaub | Autumn Oliver Vogel 3'03'' · cgi · color 2007 · Ludwigsburg, Germany

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Tinto_1.0 Daniel Schulze 1'40'' · drawing · b&w 2007 · Barcelona, Spain 1:1 Richard Roger Reeves 2'30'' · scratch · color 2001 · Pender Island·BC, Canada Music Interaction | Interacción musical Ashley Willess 2' · cgi · color 2010 · Richardson·TX, USA Divide Matt Abbiss 1'33'' · drawing · color 2011 · London, Cairo, UK, Egypt AE Marcin Gizycki 3'15'' · drawing · color 2011 · Warsaw, Poland Vortex Eneko Amezaga Angulo_Dormonorov 0'44'' · drawing · color 2011 · Bilbao, Spain Harmonics Diana Reichenbach 2'00'' · stop·motion · color 2008 · Los Angeles, USA Argia ezta ikusten? | Can't you see the light? Zaloa Ipiña Bidaurrazaga 0'31'' · stop·motion · op·art · color 2008-09 · Bilbao, Spain Edinboro Improvisation Charles Bandla 2'00'' · drawing · color 2008 · Edinboro, USA


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Xcèntric GUEST SECTION · “Free Radicals” November 10th & 11th | Arxiu Xcèntric SD · TRT: 30’ A selection of abstract films curated by the CCCB Documentation Archives especially for Junior 2012. The films run on a loop starting every 30'. The screenings are complemented with some on demand videos by various authors working with abstraction. Studie n.5 Oskar Fischinger 3' · drawing · b&w 1930 · Germany Colour Box Len Lye 3'44'' · drawing · op·art · color 1935 Super-8 Girl Games Ursula Pürrer 2'32 · video composition · scratch · color 1985 · Austria Cubica Michael 4'00’’ · cgi · b&w 2001 · Austria Hoppity Hop Norman McLaren 2'00’’ · scratch · color 1946 · Canada Autumnal Stan Brakhage 3'42'' · op·art · color 1993 · USA Arabesque for Kenneth Anger Marie Menken 5'00’’ · video comp. · color 1961 · Spain - Austria Dots Norman McLaren 2'00’’ · scratch · op·art · color 1940 · Canada Komposition in Blau Oskar Fischinger 3'49'' · stop·motion · drawing · color 1935 · Germany

curated by:

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S o u n d p a i n t i n g a n d P a i n t s o u n d i n g · Centre de Música i Escena Xamfrà Saturday, november 10th | 1.00 - 1.30 pm | Auditorium This proposal explores the concept of “InterArts” (music-dance-fine arts), where the children and youngsters from Xamfrà perform creative and experimental dialogues between dots and lines in various artistic disciplines.

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B o d y a n d a b s t r a c t i o n · Dansalut + Trémolo Play and motion Saturday, november 10th | 5.00 - 5.30 pm | Main Hall The basic elements of this performance were created during workshops at Dansalut and Trémolo, Formació Musical schools in Barcelona. The dancers experimented with the "Dot" and the "Line" as ideas, as objects in space, and as feelings that can be expressed through the body. The choreography is the result of such exploration, and moves between two spaces: one is personal and intimate, the other is collective and open everybody's participation at the CCCB.

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I m p r o v i s a . S o u n d A n i m a t i o n s 路 Cristina Casanova & Andrea Contino Turn listening into a creative process Saturday, november 10th | 7.00 - 7.30 pm | Auditorium The Improvisa application is an intuitive tool that allows you to generate imagery and sound in real time, using the computer keyboard as if it were a piano. This PyRformance will be created during the IMPROVISA WORKSHOP, and will conclude with a presentation in front of our audience, using three simultaneous projectors in order to create a super-panoramic composition.

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P o c k e t B i g B a n g · Laboratorium & Víctor Sastre Cosmic Magic without a telescope Saturday, november 10th | 8.00 - 8.30 pm (workshop starts at 6.30 pm) | Main Hall Optical games and other discarded artifacts will help us recreate the origin of the Universe in a very non-scientific way. The devices we will experiment with are: Lumirama, kaleidoscopes, phenakistoscopes with paper discs and turntables to make them spin, etc... This PyRformance begins with an hour and two hour workshop by Laboratorium, where we'll explore the magic of analog “low-tech” devices and create the contents collectively. The soundtrack will be performed live by Institut Escola Artistica Oriol Martorell students.

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C l o s i n g A u d i o v i s u a l C o n c e r t 路 Pioneer Dj Kids & Xarlene Soundscapes Sunday, november 11th | 7.00 - 7.30 pm | Main Hall This session was created by the Pioneer Dj Kids during various workshops taught by Rosa Amuedo and Xarlene. The starting point is exploring soundscapes in search for more abstract narrations. Using computers, the visualists designed the imagery in direct relation to the music.

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E x p l o r e t h e c e l l + f l i p b o o k w o r k s h o p · Mar Carrió & Mónica Rodríguez Cervera + Rafa Castañer & Pepón Meneses Amazing voyage to the microcosmos Sunday, november 11th | 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm | Main Hall This activity seeks to stimulate the scientific curiosity and artistic creativity. We’ll start with a fantastic voyage through the world of the Cells, those little building blocks structuring our bodies. During our Flipbook Workshop, you’ll start from a single colored dot to create your own cell and bring it to life thanks to the magic of animation.

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M a t h e m a t i c a l A d v e n t u r e s · Museu de las Matemàtiques de Catalunya Odyssey in various dimensions Sunday, november 11th | 5.00 - 6.00 pm | Main Central These ingenious activities, devised to learn while having fun, propose the exploration of dots and lines in various dimensions. Starting from the plane (2 dimensions), we’ll discover how certain optical games can mislead the eye completely.

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I m a g i n e d S p a c e s 路 Arquikids Imagination is the limit Saturday and Sunday, november 10 th | 12.00, 1.30, 4.00 & 6.00 pm | Main Hall This installation invites the kids and their families to develop their perception and understanding of Space, researching the relation between volume, form and matter. It seeks to stimulate the senses and boost the imagination and creativity by exploring and transforming the surrounding spaces.

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R e c y c l e d T e c h n o l o g i e s 路 l'Orquestra dels Luthiers Drapaires

seat availability: 20 kids

november 10th & 11th | all day | Main Hall Interactive installations exploring the relationship between dots, lines and sound through instruments built from technological waste. Interactive visual music for all ages.

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Vintage Videogames november 10th & 11th | all day | Main Hall It's hard to believe, but when they were kids, your parents spent long hours playing the Atari or Magnavox Odyssey classic games, where all graphic elements were nothing but dots and lines. This space, dedicated to the first video games in history (before the invention of the microprocessor), proposes a intergenerational and playful meeting point, seeking to recapture the essence of what renders a game "a true classic".

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Photography Exhibit Instant visions november 10th & 11th | all day | Main Hall Exhibit on paper, digital frames and slideshows of the photos in the Punto y Raya Junior 2012 competition. Permanent exhibit in various formats of the photographs in the official competition, and the resulting works from the workshops carried out at Pati Llimona and Casa Sagnier Civic Centers in Barcelona.

Painting with light Centre Cívic Pati Llimona Cameraless photos Centre Cívic Casa Sagnier

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R e i n v e n t e d S p a c e 路 Anita Garc铆a_alehop! + Fab Lab Kids Reinvent the world Saturday and Sunday, november 10 th | 12.00, 1.30, 4.00 & 6.00 pm | Main Hall This space refers to the economy of resources, the vindication of the use of the hands and its muscles, and the search for the voice and the weight of the materials. Here, you will also be able to customize your Superhero outfit using a bioplastic made of recycled potato and corn, and intervene the space through two major collective installations: S.O.S H2O y TechDome.

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S u p e r h e r o e s · Lup Producciones Design your superpowers... and we’ll make the true november 10th & 11th | all day | Superheroes ZONE Have you ever dreamed of having superpowers? Start by customizing your superhero outfit using a bioplastic and other recycled elements. Design your special powers on a sheet of paper and step into the mysterious Black Box, where we’ll make them true thanks to the magic of Light Painting! The superhero photos will be available for free download from our FLICKR profile.

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C r y s t a l W a l l · Jordi Ferreiro november 10th & 11th | all day | Pati de les Dones This installation proposes the creation of a big collective mural on the many windows of the Pati de les Dones. We will cut out abstract forms in colored Aironfix (self-adhesive plastic films), which will allow us not only to intervene the windows, but the hall’s interior as well, drawing shadows and translucent silhouettes in space as the sunrays shine through.

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chill-out Zone Hands down... feet up! november 10th & 11th | all day | Chill-out Zone You were searching for it... well, you found it. This is a space to sit down, relax and browse books about abstract art or play with the original flipbooks we have created through our various workshops.

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Game Area no restrictions november 10th & 11th | all day | Pati de les Dones IES Severo Ochoa students will coordinate outdoor games for all ages, recuperating some vintage classic’s and devising new ones during the workshops by Agostina Piñeiro López.

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:: Sustainable Program! Aiming to promote the Sustainable Conscience and the interdisciplinary teamwork, to minimize costs and maximize rentability, and to associate Punto y Raya Junior and its collaborators with the notion of Sustainable Creation, alehop! has developed the Sustainable Program! is based on the co-financing of the various stages in the cycle of prime matter creation - design - confection - implementation & promotion of the materials used at the festival. It proposes recycling techniques and multidisciplinary tools for the workshops and all other JUNIOR activities during the year.

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:: Who organizes it?

MAD is a non-profit association based in Barcelona. For over nine years we've been working on cultural engineering through projects development involving art, science and technology. We curate experimental cinema & animation screenings, as well as live cinema performances at various venues in Spain and abroad. We also develop social projects such as the Sound Library for the “Digital Alphabetization Plan at the Catalonian Penal Centers”, coordinated by the Justice Department. : we devise new ways of maximizing technologic resources and applications in various contexts. : we digitally release documents/works through the development of a creative and collaborative platform addressed to all audiences. : we facilitate the access of minority groups to various resources and tools through the organization of workshops and the development of new technological applications. : mad is based on the Internet, where it keeps record of its various projects and actions. MAD are: Ana Santos. BA in Graphic Design and Photography. She works as a freelance art director and web designer. Founder member of MAD. Nöel Palazzo. Feature film and animation serial's writer. She also writes narrative, mostly scifi and gothic fantasy novels. She has a couple of internationally awarded films and occasionally lectures and writes articles as a film critic. Since 2008 she's been a member of the iotaCenter’s Advisory Council (Los Angeles, CA) and coordinator of the Spanish speaking community at the Visual Music Village. | with the support of:

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