Xtra Vancouver #528

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#528 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013


To Svend, with

love The authorized biography of Canada’s first openly gay MP E14



E 10


Exploring: never stop Single Tablet Regimens (one pill, once a day) are a step forward in HIV treatment. Explore more at exploreHIV.ca

2 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 XTRA!

While they’re not a cure, these treatment options are designed to be effective and convenient. If you’ve been exploring different HIV treatments, talk to your doctor about Single Tablet Regimens too. It’s good to know what is out there.



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4 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 XTRA!


Published by Pink Triangle Press PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Brandon Matheson

#528 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013




EDITORIAL MANAGING EDITOR Robin Perelle STAFF REPORTER Natasha Barsotti COPY EDITOR Lesley Fraser EVENT LISTINGS oitc.vancouver@dailyxtra.com CONTRIBUTE OR INQUIRE about Xtra’s editorial

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Reconnecting, note by note Rainbow Concert Band members appreciate their eclectic mix E17

SPONSORSHIP AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Erica Bestwick, erica.bestwick@dailyxtra.com

Printed and published in Canada. ©2013 Pink Triangle Press. Xtra is published every two weeks by Pink Triangle Press. ISSN 1198-0613 Address: 501–1033 Davie St, Vancouver, BC, V6E 1M7 Office hours: Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm Phone: 604-684-9696 Fax: 604-684-9697 Website: dailyxtra.com Email: info.vancouver@dailyxtra.com SUBSCRIPTIONS $55 for one year (26 issues);

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PINK TRIANGLE PRESS Founded 1971 DIRECTORS Jim Bartley, Gerald Hannon,

Editorial West End recognition By Robin PerelleE6 Feedback E6 Xcetera E7

Upfront Shorter ban still unfair: critics Canadian Blood Services grilled at Gay Men’s Health Summit E9 Gay health beyond HIV Summit looks at life through a generational lens E10 City staff suggest $7M to Qmunity Community amenity contribution tied to Burrard St rezoning application E11 Still QQ Toward a shared identity By Kevin Dale McKeown E12

Cover Story Svend’s legacy Svend Robinson’s new biography mixes personal tales with principled drama E14

Glenn Kauth, Didier Pomerleau, Ken Popert, Gillian Rodgerson HONORARY DIRECTOR Colin Brownlee PRESIDENT & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ken Popert CEO, DIGITAL MEDIA David Walberg CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Andrew Chang

Out In The City Jewish studies in sexuality What makes us gay, what women want and why some men fake it E18 Blitz & Shitz The best of our queens By Raziel Reid E20 What’s On E21 Xposed Queens Care VI By Sean Gregor E22 Real Estate E23 Xtra Living E24 The Brotherhood By Tyler Dorchester E25

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E Anal tests in the Arab world

cell 7 7 8 9 9 9 5 3 2 8

E Montenegrin gay activist seeks asylum in Canada

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E Uganda: Gay activist and house guests detained MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM

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XTRA! NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 5


The outcome that we seek is this — gay and lesbian people daring together to set love free. Xtra is published by Pink Triangle Press, at 2 Carlton St, Ste 1600, Toronto, M5B 1J3.

Robin Perelle is the managing editor of Xtra Vancouver.

6 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 XTRA!

Yup, just what this community needs: another youth-obsessed campaign to highlight that once you’re over 30 your measure of importance as a community figure diminishes [“Top 30 Under 30,” Xtra #525, Oct 10]. I wonder if any of these 30 Under 30 even know what the significance of Feb 5, 1981, is or know when the second (Canadian) Stonewall occurred? Don’t get me wrong. I think we should highlight the good works done by the youth of our community. I just think it needs to be balanced with the real picture of this community — which is more often than not obsessed with being and staying at all cost young. I just hope that these Top 30 Under 30 never have to experience the scorn and ridicule perpetrated by those under 30 towards those over 30 . . . ERIK COLLINGS (VIA FACEBOOK)

Priape’s popper troubles When you think that every other gay man uses poppers and the number of poppers bought over the year, the cost is significant, but I still find it hard to imagine that poppers could bring down an enterprise such as Priape [“Priape closes all four Canadian stores,” dailyxtra.com, Oct 21]. It sounds like the company had credit problems long before Health Canada banned the sale of poppers. I hope that the employees of Priape were given severance pay as many of them will be unemployed.

#527 NOV 7–20, 2013




Youth-obsessed culture

Doing it

Prairie style

Linda Fillmore’s Fowl Supper E10



Is there any way the community can fight the Health Canada ruling? Considering the high demand for poppers I’m surprised that entrepreneurs aren’t making them as they are quite easy to make. PETER IVESON TORONTO, ON

I think the poppers ban by Health Canada was only one of the reasons Priape got into financial difficulty and had to permanently close their stores in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. Another reason is that there are a number of gay websites in the US and Europe that sell the same products that were formerly offered by Priape but at a fraction of the cost — even when you add in taxes and shipping costs. These mail-order websites were able to do so since they don’t have all the costs of a storefront location, like high rents in local gay ghettos, and can employ fewer people in processing and shipping the online orders. Today, you can buy lube, sex toys, leather fetish items, etcetera online from these websites. KEVIN B TORONTO, ON

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What a difference a quarter century can make. The City of Vancouver’s last West End plan, completed in 1986 for its commercial areas and 1987 for its residential areas, never even mentioned the word gay. The plan covered what kinds of commercial developments to encourage and how to ensure they’re compatible with the area’s residential needs. It talked about the area’s demographics, its seniors and families with children, and even spared some concern for its low-income households. But it remained shockingly silent on one of the area’s most important demographics: its sizeable gay community. Of course, the last plan was drafted in the late 1980s, when politicians and city planners would have been deeply reluctant to acknowledge, let alone address, gay issues, and the community itself was only just beginning to find its political voice. The new West End draft plan, in contrast, contains so much recognition of the gay community’s presence, historical and cultural connection to the Davie Village that it’s almost embarrassing.

Just six lines into its contextual introduction — after a brief description of the area’s physical parameters — the plan acknowledges the Davie Village as “traditionally a hub for the city’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community.” And it doesn’t stop there. Page 7 says the West End, and particularly the Davie Village, “has long been recognized as home to Western Canada’s largest LGBTQ community. This makes for a unique community identity, vitality, and vibrant social diversity.” Page 16 proudly displays photos of the new plaza and rainbow crosswalks and page 32 offers a rainbow-riffic dreamscape of Davie and Bute streets. Page 30 again identifies the Village as a “hub for the LGBTQ community” and describes it as a “vibrant district catering to locals and visitors alike during the day and late into the evenings.” The plan promises to “strengthen and enhance” the Village as an area for local business and nightlife. “Its distinct flavour as the gay village will be recognized and celebrated through the use of colour and lighting, and enhanced as a space for local celebration, events and gathering. Community events and programming will be encouraged and supported.” We’re even mentioned in the plan’s heritage section, which describes the




gay community’s roots in the West End “going back as much as 80 years.” The contrast between this plan and the last is nothing short of incredible. What a difference time and especially a strong political voice and a seat at the decision-making (and advisory committee) table can make. Having allies in government and a supportive city staff with the political will and public backing to assist gay people helps too. Strengthening and enhancing the Davie Village as a gay hub and entertainment district is cited in at least two policy sections of the plan, as is the city’s intention to help BC’s queer resource centre find a new home. Qmunity’s current facility is “small, aging and lacks wheelchair accessible options,” the plan says. “The West End would benefit from a purpose-built facility for Qmunity,” the plan concludes, promising to explore opportunities to help create a new queer community centre in the Davie Village as part of its public benefits strategy. Unbelievable. City planners have already followed up on that promise with a recommendation to city council to approve Jim Pattison’s latest Burrard Street rezoning application, contingent on, among other community amenity gifts, a $7 million contribution to Qmunity’s new home. Council is scheduled to begin considering the Pattison proposal on Nov 19, as Xtra goes to press. The West End draft plan goes to council for a vote the next day. So far, it seems likely to pass. Fingers crossed.

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West End recognition

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This World AIDS Day, the Vancouver Friends For Life Society thanks all those we have found and lost along the way.


Today, now, all those who have been invisible will be visible to themselves and the whole world. Governor Neil Abercrombie signed off on a bill that makes Hawaii the 15th US state to legalize gay marriage, Nov 13. Abercrombie said he intended to give the pen with which he signed the document to former Hawaiian Supreme Court Justice Steven Levinson, who wrote the 1993 decision that said it was discriminatory to deny marriage rights to gay couples. That decision, negated after Hawaii’s electorate voted in 1998 to limit marriage to heterosexuals, was cited in the US Supreme Court’s June 2013 ruling that struck down a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act.


— For info on how Friends For Life supports individuals living with serious illness throughout the year, visit friendsforlife.ca

Friends For Life is open to our clients living with HIV/AIDS everyday during the holidays, including Christmas Day.


EURO GAY GOVERNANCE Belgian Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo will soon have other friends of Dorothy to hobnob with in the European Union. Luxembourg is set to have not one, but two, out gay leaders in the persons of prime minister-designate Xavier Bettel (top) and his prospective deputy prime minister, Etienne Schneider (below).

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The latest in technology A proposal by Kuwait to use a screening test to “detect gaysâ€? trying to enter the country set some creative minds to work on a device that could do the job. VoilĂ , Intrusion, the sexuality scanner, brought to you by OppresiTech (aka the good folks at British TV show Mashed). Migrants, tourists and other border-crossing types will have their “groinal areaâ€? probed by a “genital monitoring tentacleâ€? while they view images “designed to stimulate an erotic response.â€? Any gay tendencies will set off an alarm — handy for countries looking to maintain their purity or “a liberal democracy aiming to intimidate and deter asylum seekers,â€? the promo material assures. MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM

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DAILY 8 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 XTRA!



The older men were chastising the younger men who admitted they chose not to use condoms regularly... Phillip Hammack, Gay Men’s Health Summit E10

Shorter ban still unfair: critics Canadian Blood Services grilled at Gay Men’s Health Summit HIV NATHANIEL CHRISTOPHER

HIV activists at Vancouver’s ninth annual Gay Men’s Health Summit challenged Canadian Blood Services’ (CBS) ongoing — albeit shortened — ban on gay men giving blood, Nov 7. Health Canada’s new blood donation policy — which replaced its lifetime ban on men who have had sex with men once since 1977 with a five-year deferral — took effect on July 22. Under the new policy, men who refrain from having sex with other men for five years are now eligible to donate blood. The gay blood ban was implemented in the 1980s after the national blood supply was contaminated with hepatitis C and HIV, infecting more than 1,200 people with HIV and more than 25,000 with hepatitis C. The ban was enacted at a time when HIV testing was less reliable, but new tests can now detect the virus seven to 15 days after infection. While the window period has shortened, it still presents a risk to the blood supply, says Don Lapierre, CBS’s manager of stakeholder relations. “During that window period, if I were just infected today and I went to give blood tomorrow, then all of the recipients of my blood would then also become infected with HIV. But we would not know that because of the technology and the testing measures that are in place right now,” he told the summit. However, Lapierre said, the five-year deferral drastically reduces risk of HIV infection to the blood supply. “On a purely scientific level, we know that a oneyear deferral would equally protect from risk,” he acknowledged. “But we have to move through this in sort of baby steps, if you will, in order to be able to be granted the right to be able to change the policy.” Some audience members were unconvinced. “There’s something about protecting the rest of the population from gay men,” said Len Tooley, who asked if there were any other populations who are excluded based on identity. “We look for travel to areas where malaria may be occurring, for example,” replied Margaret Fearon, CBS’s executive director of medical microbiology. MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM

I’m saying you have this discriminatory policy against gay men because of this fear of them all having HIV... BLAIN BUTYNIEC, GAY MEN’S HEALTH SUMMIT PARTICIPANT

Canadian Blood Services’ Don Lapierre (with left to right: Jennifer Breakspear, Margaret Fearon and Patrick Loftus) admits there isn’t much difference scientifically between a five-year and one-year deferral. NATHANIEL CHRISTOPHER

“We ask about behavioural practices which may put folks at risk for HIV or hepatitis B. We ask whether folks have lived for specific periods of time in the United Kingdom during the variant CJD outbreak, because that may put them at risk for variant CJD.” Jennifer Breakspear, executive director of Options for Sexual Health and co-chair of CBS’s working group on gay men giving blood, said the end goal is a gender-neutral, behaviour-based survey. “The threat is not who you are and who you love; the threat is about how you perform an activity and does that activity threaten the activity of your blood,” she said. “That is where I hope we’re getting, though we weren’t being offered that as an option.” Breakspear said that during the course of discussions she learned that it’s Health Canada — not CBS —preventing gay men from donating blood. “We were told that the best they would accept or consider is a five-year ban, so I see this as incremental progress. And in fact when Health Canada came back accepting this submission they gave a number of conditions they put on Canadian Blood Services that you can do this but you need to do the following things while you are doing it. You need to collect all this data demonstrating the blood supply is still safe. You need to show us that

it brought more young people into your clinics.” “Advocacy and activism needs to continue, and as it has been mentioned already and I’ll just restate it: Canadian Blood Services does not dictate this policy,” said Patrick Loftus, CBS’s medical services coordinator, urging audience members to contact Health Minister Rona Ambrose. However, both Lapierre and Fearon confirmed that a directive to look at a five- to 10-year deferral came from the CBS board of directors; not Health Canada. Blain Butyniec denounced the five-year deferral as “discrimination-light” and accused CBS of advocating for a fear-based policy rather than something rooted in science. “I’m saying you have this discriminatory policy against gay men because of this fear of them all having HIV, and I’m saying that in Manitoba it’s actually only about 20 percent of new cases are from within the MSM community, so should you not be looking at barring heterosexuals from donating in Manitoba?” he asked the panellists. Read the full story on dailyxtra.com

XTRA! NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 9

Gay health beyond HIV Summit looks at life through a generational lens HEALTH NATHANIEL CHRISTOPHER

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In its ongoing attempt to expand the conversation about gay health beyond HIV, the ninth annual BC Gay Men’s Health Summit focused on the courses gay men’s lives take overall, and how they differ by generation. Studying gay men’s actual lived experiences is “vital,” Phillip Hammack, an associate professor at the University of California Santa Cruz, said in his keynote speech, Nov 8. Hammack stressed the importance of intergenerational dialogue, and recalled a particularly interesting exchange from a community forum on HIV prevention that he attended last year in San Francisco. “The older men were chastising the younger men who admitted they chose not to use condoms regularly since they perceived that condoms were a barrier to the intimacy they sought in sex,” he said. “One of the older men said in response to this that ‘every time you do that you are asking to die.’ “So one of the younger men countered, ‘We can’t keep being afraid of sex because you were. We can’t carry the burden of everyone who died before us.’ “Now, members of my generation in our 30s and 40s, we were notably silent during the exchange. We were all sort of looking at each other saying, ‘Oh wait, what are we supposed to say here?’ We could relate to both generations.” Several presenters suggested that a gay man’s ability to connect with community and find social support is at least partially contingent on his age. Andrew Shopland says many of the young men he works with at Mpowerment long for community. Although the YouthCo project is geared towards gay and bisexual men under 30 to expand their HIV awareness through workshops and ongoing peer support, Shopland says very few people come to his groups for health information. “I would say it’s so easy to get communication to all of us but that’s not what guys want . . . Really what we’re looking for is connection and acceptance,” he told the summit. “And at Mpowerment we can create those things.

More than safer sex information, young gay men are looking for community connection, Mpowerment coordinator Andrew Shopland told BC’s annual Gay Men’s Health Summit, held Nov 7-8 at the SFU Harbour Centre in Vancouver. NATHANIEL CHRISTOPHER

I would say it’s so easy to get communication to all of us but that’s not what guys want ... Really what we’re looking for is connection and acceptance. “One of the things I found most surprising was, I thought as a facilitator, I would have to, like, pull teeth to get guys to talk about their feelings and open up about stuff. But it’s actually quite the opposite. As soon as there’s any sort of space for that, it just comes pouring out. There’s such demand for it.” “What about senior gay guys versus young gay guys?” asked researcher Robert Ablenas, who interviewed older gay men in Kelowna, Prince George, Vancouver and Victoria. “Compared to younger gay men, 60-plus gay men

have more challenges to developing and sustaining social support networks based on chosen family.” Ablenas says many gay men over 60 have “outlived many of their potentially supportive peers lost during the early years of AIDS, and are at risk of withdrawal and into social isolation.” Ablenas found that the sexual, mental and social health of older gay men is improved or at least maintained through quality support networks such as participation on a sports team, time with friends, or help with day-today tasks. “There’s greater likelihood these adults can maintain their independence and self-determination into a later age,” he said. “And at the same time you can view this as a form of community capacity building if we’re looking after our seniors in this regard, in that they have the potential to teach the rest of us through what they’ve learned through their personal histories, what can be taught through that, as well the type of mentoring they can provide to folks in subsequent generations who are following in their footsteps and tracing out amazing new paths.” VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS

City staff suggest $7M to Qmunity Community amenity contribution tied to Burrard St rezoning application GAY SPACE SHAUNA LEWIS

Vancouver city staff is recommending that BC’s queer resource centre Qmunity receive $7 million in Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) funds to help the organization find a new home. The recommendation stems from a rezoning application submitted by Jim Pattison Developments and Reliance Properties to redevelop sites on Burrard and Hornby streets. In exchange for city council’s permission to rezone the sites, the developers would give the city more than $15.8 million to be allocated among several community amenities. Qmunity would receive the largest share of the contribution — nearly half. “It’s great news!” says Qmunity vicechair Morgan Camley. “This is a big amount of money that will definitely move us forward.” Qmunity has been searching for a new home for years, as it struggles to survive and continue to provide services in an aging building with high rent. “We’re very, very pleased because the city has really been a great supporter of Qmunity,” Camley says. “We’ve had a lot of very positive dialogue with the city over the last few years.” “I’m pinching myself,” says gay city councillor Tim Stevenson. “This is something I’ve been working for, and have dreamt of, for many, many years and now all the stars have aligned and it’s just amazing.” Finding a new home for Qmunity is listed among the priorities identified in the city’s draft West End plan, slated to go before council for approval on Nov 20. Council will consider staff’s report and recommendations on Pattison’s redevelopment proposal as Xtra goes MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM

“I’m pinching myself,” says gay city councillor Tim Stevenson. “This is something I’ve been working for, and have dreamt of, for many, many years . . .” SHIMON KARMEL

to press on Nov 19. Dean Malone, who sits on the city’s LGBTQ advisory committee and cowrote the “Davie Street Revitalization Report” which helped inform the West End draft plan, calls the community amenity recommendation a “great opportunity for Qmunity.” He says he didn’t expect to see community amenity funds proposed so quickly. “I really think that this [new community centre] will become a focus point for our community,” Stevenson says. “It has the potential to bring sense of belonging and empowerment to our community.” Camley says Qmunity has not yet found a location for a new centre but is working with the city to find a space in the West End and preferably in the gay village. She says it’s too early to discuss what financial contributions Qmunity would bring to the project, or whether it would partner with other organizations in a future space, though she’s not ruling it out. “We don’t now how it’s going to unfold,” she says. “The pieces are falling together quickly but the larger pieces still have to be put in place.” Read the full story on dailyxtra.com


Heaven’s Door opens in old J-Lounge A rumour that an old gay haunt off Davie Street — which formerly housed Jupiter Café and J-Lounge — is cursed isn’t enough to spook the new owner, even though he has never run a gay establishment before. Kush Bhatia says the Bute Street space’s contentious history is the result of management that didn’t know what it wanted and that didn’t want to appeal to the gay community. “What I’ve heard from people and the managers was that the J-Lounge had a little partnership issue,” Bhatia says. “There were too many people making decisions, so they couldn’t figure out ‘Should we keep this as a venue place or should we keep this as a gay bar?’” Bhatia says Jupiter Cafe’s longevity at the site proves the curse to be nothing more than a myth, but he condemns J-Lounge for not embracing the Davie Street culture. “They were in the wrong place if they won’t support the gay community in this place.” The previous owners of Jupiter Café and J-Lounge did not respond to interview requests. Bhatia has already brought back the popular queer improv troupe The Bobbers and plans to feature more live entertainment. Bobbers co-founder David C Jones is optimistic. “They’re not coming in full of hubris and piss and vinegar saying, ‘We know how to make this place work.’ They actually went back to staff who hadn’t worked there in years and said, ‘What went wrong?’” Heaven’s Door’s officially opened its doors on Nov 8, though it’s been running shows off and on since its soft opening for Pride. — Audrey McKinnon

Vice-chair Laurie Larsen (pictured at a meeting in June) says she’s proud of the direction taken by the Surrey school board’s new policy. DAVID P BALL


Safer schools in Surrey The school district that once fought all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada to avoid adding gay-friendly books to its classrooms adopted an anti-discrimination policy that specifically addresses homophobia Nov 14. “Surrey came under a lot of fire a few years ago — the poster district for homophobia,” says activist Ryan Clayton. “Now, they’re ahead of half of BC.” The policy, adopted unanimously by Surrey trustees, says all members of the school community share responsibility for supporting students and staff in addressing the unique challenges faced by queer youth. “Homophobic and/or transphobic comments, discrimination, bullying, and attacks are demeaning to all students, parents or guardians and

employees regardless of their actual or perceived sexual orientation,” the policy says. “The school district will not permit or tolerate any homophobic and or transphobic behaviour such as harassment, intimidation, discrimination or bullying, whether by commission or by failing to act to end such behaviour,” it continues. “It’s a very complex issue and we’ve taken time to ensure it’s decisive and it has depth and it’s workable,” says school board vice-chair Laurie Larsen. “I’m so proud of the direction the board has taken.” The policy covers a range of discrimination but Larsen says homophobia is “the central one and the most needed.” Surrey’s new policy means that 23 of BC’s 60 school districts now have antihomophobia policies or anti-discrimination policies that specifically address homophobia. — Jeremy Hainsworth Read the full story on dailyxtra.com


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dahlconnors.com XTRA! NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 11

Toward a shared identity From faggots and dykes, to gay, to queer to... who are we now? STILL QQ KEVIN DALE MCKEOWN

Long ago, in a simpler time, we were faggots and dykes. In Vancouver, most of us were white. It was the world we had inherited, not made. The dykes and the faggots did not hang out that much. The Vanport was dyke territory. Faces was for faggots. There was some mixing it up at Champagne Charlie’s and Cheerios and that was about it. The 1960s had ended well for us; laws were changed and much else was changing. The details are debatable, but, as I recall, at some point we became “gay” in a tentative move toward a shared identity. That worked out briefly, until feminist theory caught up with us and some women began to feel that “gay” wasn’t working for them. By some invisible process of consensus we became queers.

12 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 XTRA!

But faggots had been queer even longer than they’d been faggots — and certainly long before anyone was gay. So we were just repurposing another term from the lexicon of oppression for a new era. It was confusing even when there were only faggots and dykes, and so a conversation began about who was what and what that meant. It might have been a helpful conversation toward a shared identity, but it was interrupted by a decade in which “community” was defined through crisis and death. Our conversation had to be postponed, and we substituted Gloria Gaynor’s “I Am What I Am” as a philosophical touchstone. It got us through a bad time. Responding to all the breast-beating that went on during this year’s Pride season over who was feeling excluded from the festivities and why, Reg Manning (Empress II Mona Lee) rephrased

the identity question by remarking, “I know who I am. Now I’m wondering what I am?” By the time Manning posed the question, dykes and faggots had become gay, then queer, and now some seem poised to become something else. Maybe.

committees, and community-centre planning if we cannot find that common ground? Are we approaching the end of “queer”? Thinking this was something worth talking about, I contacted a few friends and they agreed, so we are going to get together in the near future to hash it out. I’ll do my best to report back to you. Right now it’s just me; Reg Manning; Vancouver Gay Liberation Front cofounder Gordon Hardy; Kona, a black leatherdyke artist and queer disorga-

It’s worth asking what common ground we can find today for a community whose diversity is becoming increasingly complex. Add bi, trans and gender-variant to the mix and colours of the rainbow that were all but invisible during our formative 1960s and ’70s, and it’s worth asking what common ground we can find today for a community whose diversity is becoming increasingly complex — a complexity seen by some as inclusive and by others as divisive? What all-inclusive label can we agree on for solidarity’s sake? And what does this portend for parades, festivals, public-washrooms

nizer whose co-creation The Queeriodic Table is well worth a Google; artist Pamela Leaman, whose 1969 male-to-female transition in Montreal may have been Canada’s first; and another member of the trans community, spoken-word artist Antonette Rea. This is a less than perfectly diverse group, whose common ground is in all having been called “queer” at one time or another, by themselves or by others, and that I count them among my friends. I’m hoping, and I hope they are

too, that we will build on that to create a more genuinely inclusive conversation that will bridge both identities and, most importantly, generations. With the exception of Kona, we are a pretty mature group, ranging from our late 50s to early 70s. We can talk among ourselves and arrive at our own conclusions regarding the meaning of “community” and “identity” and such. But it is the queers (if that is how they describe themselves) under 35 who are busy creating the world of the future, and the final say in all this must be theirs. Once we’ve had a chance to debate our own views, we’ll have to open the conversation to everyone. If you’d like to contribute to this informal community roundtable, you can start by emailing me any questions or comments you’d like to share. We’ll let you know when this grows to the point where we can open the group to greater numbers. Two or three months of this and I promise regular readers that we’ll get back to our core business of rehashing old gossip from the ’70s. But for now, let’s give a thought to the future. Contact me at stillqq@dailyxtra.com. Kevin Dale McKeown was Vancouver’s first out gay columnist, penning QQ Writes . . . Page 69 for the Georgia Straight through the early 1970s.


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XTRA! NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 13

Svend Robinson’s new biography mixes personal tales with principled drama

SVEND’SLEGACY Not long after Svend Robinson turned himself in to police for uncharacteristically pocketing a ring at a 2004 auction, Little Sister’s bookstore hung a powerful painting of a raven with a gleaming ring in its beak. “Gay men are attracted to shiny objects,” coowner Jim Deva told me at the time, by way of explaining not only Noel Silver’s work that so lovingly mocked Robinson, but also Svend’s jawdropping political suicide. “We’re the ravens of the human world.” Gays correctly love to poke at those among us who rise high, keeping egos checked and irony front and centre. Still, it’s important to note that the raven painting replaced another Silver canvas that celebrated some of the activists and personalities of Vancouver’s lesbian and gay community. Standing tall among them in the original painting, himself the naked and shiny main object of attraction, was Saint Svend. It’s even more important to note that the raven painting came down soon enough, with Saint Svend restored to his rightful place on the wall. Now, nearly a decade later, Robinson’s first authorized biography — Svend Robinson: A Life in Politics, published in October by New Star Books — reveals previously unpublished personal tales and spotlights the constant creativity he brought to the too-often boring Canadian political stage. Robinson was our political drama queen, staging dramatic events to bring attention to issues that were just becoming ripe enough for public consumption. Author Graeme Truelove captures Robinson’s talent for rounding up both activists and average people with emotional personal stories to convince members of parliamentary committees to go further than they ever intended to go — with recommendations for gay rights, for example, in the 1985 report from the subcommittee on human rights. As Truelove points out, Robinson often forged 14 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 XTRA!



I WAS A CONSUMMATE TEAM PLAYER. critical links between activists and the nation’s political establishment. The author grew up in BC, now lives in Ottawa, and has not previously published a book. But Robinson gave Truelove access to his life, his clippings and his friends for the project. Truelove was an intern in Robinson’s parliamentary office from 2002 to 2004, while studying political science at University of Ottawa, then followed in Robinson’s footsteps as a labourer-teacher for the respected Frontier College literacy organization. Still, Robinson was initially reluctant to agree to cooperate with a biographer, Truelove recalls, adding that he

thinks he eventually got access by building trust. “It’s such an intrusive process, digging into things from decades ago and sometimes passing judgment.” Though Robinson skillfully brought public focus to his causes du jour as a politician, he usually tried to keep the focus off his personal life. But Truelove manages to pump a measure of blood into the political skeleton that most of us, previously, had been limited to seeing. We learn how Robinson’s mother far too literally sacrificed herself to an alcoholic husband who clearly never understood her graces and gifts. And we can almost feel young Svend’s pain at the verbal and physical assaults he took from the man who repeatedly uprooted his family, consigning the kids to struggle in a series of new schools. Robinson could have turned out a mess and, in fact, became an alcoholic while studying at UBC, married to a woman yet feeling attracted to men. But he got off the bottle, honourably left the marriage, and seemed to have successfully channelled his demons until the ring incident. To Truelove, Robinson’s mastery of house procedures, his strategic cunning and his capacity for absorbing detailed information allowed him to achieve far more in his 25 years in Parliament than probably any opposition MP in Canadian history. Truelove details how Robinson organized and manipulated his way to a series of changes and additions to the proposed Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the early 1980s; if he’d won everything he wanted, this would arguably be a more fair and just nation. Robinson also managed to focus public and political attention on a series of issues in which he has on the whole already been vindicated by history: abortion, prostitution, police harassment of gays, First Nations inequality and the right to die. Of course, many people remember him best for his powerful coming-out speech in 1988, which encouraged a generation of closeted youth and adults, including his famous former lover, Senator Laurier LaPierre, to step more fully into their own lives.

Top: Svend Robinson in 1988, the year he paved the way as the first MP to come out in Canada. Above: Svend Robinson and Jack Layton during the 1995 NDP leadership race. Layton was a member of Robinson’s campaign team. Above right: As author Graeme Truelove recounts, Svend Robinson’s solidarity mission to Israel and Palestine in 2002 provoked a hostile reaction, both at the Israeli military checkpoint and in caucus back home.






and gay politicians, who tend to steer clear of issues of sexual expression and censorship. “I found out gay politicians quite often will be lovey-dovey and say we’re like everyone else,” Robinson says. “But we aren’t like everyone else. I think we need to speak out and celebrate who we are.” To Robinson, sexual expression and exploration is core to what it is to be gay. ”It’s very important that we remember that and celebrate that,” he says. And same-sex marriage “is not the be-all and end-all of who we are.” Though media reports often framed him as a poor team player, Robinson takes the emphasis off caucus relations, when questioned. “I was a consummate team player. The teams I played with principally were the party and the constituency I represented for 25 years, and also the caucus. With all three teams I played fairly and honourably.” In fact, Robinson’s eagerness to prove himself a team player led to perhaps his biggest political mistake — his surprise concession at the federal leadership race in 1995. He caved after the first ballot, thus making Alexa McDonough the early winner. That should have won him huge kudos Above: Svend Robinson, as MP of Burnaby in 1985, warns BC Premier Bill Bennett that gays and other as a team player from the new leader and caucus, minorities will not give up the battle for human but, as Truelove documents, it didn’t work out rights, in spite of Bennett’s dismissal of the BC that way. Human RIghts Commission. The youthful “rainbow coalition” that Robstepped up policing of sexuality far beyond the inson’s leadership run attracted to the party child porn they ostensibly targeted. (“Sven-DP” was their favourite convention chant) It’s not well known how often Robinson was felt betrayed by his early exit from the fight — alone or nearly alone in caucus when standing they wanted their guy to go all the way, even to up for sex issues, particularly prostitution and defeat. Some booed him, some walked out of the the age of consent. Vancouver East MP Libby arena, and many left to join the Green Party or Davies was often the only MP to support him on left electoral politics in disgust. these issues, and later Bill Siksay, who replaced Whether he was the best team player or not, him in Burnaby, carried the torch. Robinson was clearly on the right side of hisThese issues, and other causes, upset some tory on most things — sometimes well ahead of caucus members and even resulted in provincial his time. That’s good activism, if divisive party party leaders trying to intervene. “It got pretty politics. ugly at times,” Robinson tells Xtra but refuses to After the ring incident, Robinson was diagnosed go into detail. as mentally ill and got help. His On most gay issues and his own move to a town outside Geneva, sexual orientation, though, RobSwitzerland, at first glance seems inson says he received “solid and a form of self-exile. But Truelove consistent support” from the moputs it in context: Robinson now ment he stepped into caucus, inputs his considerable political cluding from leader Ed Broadbent. skills and parliamentary knowlBut when, early in his career edge to work for the Global Fund in 1982, he told the audience of to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and BC radio journalist Jack Webster Malaria. And, like a good movie that prostitution should be definale, he got the man — charming, criminalized and the bawdyhouse smart and politically centrist Max laws used against prostitutes and Riveron — and two fluffy white gay bathhouses repealed — the Havanese dogs. official position of the federal His enduring legacy far outNDP — Robinson was publicly shines a single moment with a denounced by one caucus member gaudy piece of jewellery. and demoted from justice critic by “For thousands of Canadians SVEND ROBINSON: A LIFE IN POLITICS Broadbent. “That was a painful who struggled for representation Graeme Truelove experience,” he remembers. in mainstream politics, Robinson New Star Books Robinson remained consisarticulated their vision of Canada tently unrepentant, insisting that with an unflinching precision ungovernment be prevented from intruding into matched by any other political figure,” Truelove people’s sexual expression. Privacy rights go writes. “For others he provoked a visceral loathbeyond the bedrooms of the nation that Pierre ing, not just because of the positions he took, but Trudeau wanted to protect from state policing, also because of the audacious manner in which he he says. sometimes presented his point of view.” “People have a right to be fundamentally free to In any case, he was, perhaps, the longest-lasting be who you want and to celebrate your sexuality. meteor to light up the normally dreary skies of That’s a very precious freedom, and we have to Canadian politics, and the NDP in particular. He continually fight for this.” can take a deep bow. So can Truelove for capturing That openness makes him unlike most lesbian the spirit, as well as the resumé, of the man.

Truelove also documents some of Robinson’s causes of particular interest to the gay and lesbian communities through the years, including passage of his own hate-propaganda bill; his support for marriage equality; his opposition to police harassment of gay bathhouses; his push for sex-trade laws; and his facilitation of presentations by gay activists and sex workers to parliamentary committee meetings. But Truelove largely misses Robinson’s other work for gays and lesbians and others fighting to make their own decisions about what to read and how to use their bodies. Robinson publicly supMORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM

ported Little Sister’s in its fight against Canada Customs’ book seizures and for years worked unsuccessfully to strip Customs of the power to judge what art, literature and erotica should be allowed into Canada. He also notably opposed — and organized opposition to — the Mulroney government’s proposed child-pornography bill that went overboard to target art and other erotica; the bill was pulled. Even after he retired, Robinson spoke out (and lobbied his former colleagues) to kill bills passed by prime ministers Stephen Harper and Paul Martin that raised the age of sexual consent and

XTRA! NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 15





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The author’s saving grace is his undeniable virtuosity in one field of study: dicks. Jewish studies in sexualityE18

Reconnecting, note by note Rainbow Concert Band members appreciate their eclectic mix MUSIC STACY THOMAS

Nora D Randall is no stranger to the stage. She was co-artistic director of the theatre company Random Acts Productions through the late 1980s and ’90s, writing and performing plays and fringe acts all over Canada and the US. But until last year the 66-year-old hadn’t played an instrument since high school, making her upcoming performance in the Rainbow Concert Band’s holiday show all the more remarkable. Randall’s partner and Random Acts’ co-director, Jackie Crossland, was diagnosed with cancer in April 2012 and died less than two months later. After suddenly losing her partner of 24 years, Randall tried to pick up the pieces but found it exceedingly difficult. “It was like a bomb went off in my life,” she says. “I just watched TV. I was just stunned. I didn’t really know how to go on, and I didn’t really want to go on. But I didn’t want to not go on. I was just kind of stuck.” That was when her friend Sherry McCarnan decided to throw out a lifeline. McCarnan plays the French horn in Vancouver’s Rainbow Band, and she knew that Randall had played the trumpet in high school. So she left a trumpet on her grieving friend’s porch with a note saying she’d pick her up for practice. Randall was unsure at first, but soon she was hooked. “I didn’t play a note the whole first time; I just sat there with a trumpet in my lap,” she says. “I went home and I practised, and I was terrible. But the thing is, from the very first moment, the band was very kind. Nobody said anything bad to me; nobody offered me tons of advice or said don’t play. If I asked a question they would answer it, and everyone just thought that I would get it.” And she did. She started taking trumpet lessons, then joined a choir. Then a music teacher from the Vancouver MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM

It brings an element of interest to my life, being able to play with people who otherwise wouldn’t be brought together. MICHAEL FROLICK, SAXOPHONIST

Relearning to play the trumpet with Vancouver’s gay concert band offered Nora D Randall, above, a way to live again after her partner died suddenly last year. ANDREW GILMORE

School Board said he would give jazz lessons to “Just being a gay man and being able to hang out anyone at any level, so she started doing that, too. with other gay people is always great for me,” says Randall says the music gave her a way to recon- 34-year-old saxophonist Michael Frolick. “Having nect with others and helped her find a way to move an eclectic group of people like this, and somebody on and start again. like Nora who hasn’t played her “The whole music thing has been trumpet in 50 years — I think it RAINBOW CONCERT BAND surprising to me; it just happened. brings an element of interest to my CHRISTMAS CONCERT You wander around in the dark life, being able to play with people Sat, Nov 30, 7:30pm trying to find your way, and then who otherwise wouldn’t be brought Vancouver Community College auditorium you find this weird little door to together.” 1155 E Broadway, go through. People like 86-year-old drumroom 2010 “Joining a band is a way of movmer Cornelius Popescu, who has $10 advance at Little ing through the grief, and my life, been with the band for 14 years, and Sister’s, 1238 Davie St; Sophie’s Pet Palace, and not leaving Jackie, because Ken Ariga, the seasoned trombone 1280 Commercial Dr; or we really loved music. So it’s kind player who arrived from Japan just online at rainbowband. of like finding my way but with a four months ago. brownpapertickets.com $15 at the door group of kind people.” They’ve all been integral to Ranrainbowband.ca It’s a common refrain among the dall’s journey. Rainbow Band members. They say “When you’re in a group, and Vancouver’s gay concert band is more than a place you all hit a note that vibrates together, it’s an to play music; it’s an important connection to amazing feeling. It’s healing on a level that’s really others in the LGBT community, especially from profound,” she says. “Really, they’ve been very different demographics and age groups. important to me.” XTRA! NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 17

Xtra and Ghost Light Projects bring you a chance to win a pair of ticket to see

LET’S KILL GRANDMA THIS CHRISTMAS FRIDAY, DEC. 6 @ 7PM To enter, send your name and phone number to contest@dailyxtra.com before Monday, Dec 2. Some restrictions apply. Only winners will be contacted.

Jewish studies in sexuality What makes us gay, what women want and why some men fake it IN PRINT NIKO BELL

Joseph Schwartz was gay from the beginning. He flounced about the house in a feather boa, lisped happily, enjoyed musical theatre and once referred to the Turkish king Saladin in a school project as a “fabulous Muslim leader.” Nobody told Joseph how to be gay; he just was. Joseph’s story, as told by his father,

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18 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 XTRA!

John, in Oddly Normal: One Family’s Struggle to Help Their Teenage Son Come to Terms with His Sexuality, recalls one of the most important unanswered questions in the study of human sexuality: what is innate and what is not? We know with some certainty that gay people don’t choose to be gay, but which of Schwartz’s classically “gay” characteristics were born along with him? And what exactly does his gayness have to do with the crushing depression and social pressure that caused him to try to take his own life? In Why Men Fake It, Oddly Normal is one Abraham Morgentaler (son of Canada’s of three books at Vanabortion hero) argues couver’s Jewish Book that men have been Festival that dive into painted unfairly questions of intrinsic as inconsiderate, human sexuality: gay or unfaithful animals. JCC JEWISH BOOK FESTIVAL straight, male or female. In What Do Women Want? Adventures in the Science of assaults gender cliché in sexuality — Female Desire, author Daniel Bergner this time on behalf of men. asks what, behind the curtain of traMorgentaler, a urologist and surditional scientific assumptions, drives geon (and, coincidentally, the son female desire. He argues, based on the of Canadian women’s health hero research of half a dozen scientists in Henry Morgentaler), argues that the nascent field of human female men have been painted unfairly as sexual psychology, that most psy- inconsiderate, unfaithful animals. chologists have been getting women’s Instead, he would like us to see men sexuality drastically wrong. as delicate, sensitive creatures who Rather than the passive, asexual, just want to please their ladies, as emotionally needy creatures of Vic- proved by the eponymous anecdote torian fantasy, Bergner’s research in which a patient fakes orgasms to repaints women as complex, sexually make his wife happy. voracious and often driven by raw lust. Morgentaler has less to say about Even for those happy to concede gay men, a topic he approaches with that women can be highly sexual, awkward unfamiliarity. In fact, for a Bergner still raises powerful and dis- doctor writing a book about sexuality, turbing questions. Why Morgentaler is awkward JCC JEWISH do women say they are about quite a lot. The auBOOK FESTIVAL aroused by one thing but thor’s saving grace is his Sat, Nov 23– show physiological reacundeniable virtuosity in Thurs, Nov 28 jccgv.com tions to another? Why are one field of study: dicks. women’s sex drives so alBy his estimation, he lergic to monogamy? Why do nearly frequently examines upward of 50 half of women fantasize about rape? penises a day, and it shows. Once he Why is female sexual orientation so begins talking about dicks and how impossible to pin down? they work, approximately 100 pages Bergner’s research confounds both in, the book suddenly comes to life. traditional and progressive visions of Read the full story women and offers no easy answers. on dailyxtra.com. Like Bergner, Abraham Morgentaler, in Why Men Fake It: The Totally Unexpected Truth About Men and Sex, VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS


XTRA! NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 19

The best of our queens


Jaylene Tyme What I love about Queens Care is that every queen got tipped like crazy, which is especially great since they participated in the charity show out of the goodness of their hearts. Jaylene, who does the most elegant little spin on stage that makes her look like a rotating doll inside a music box, got so many tips that she had to enlist a cash-holding assistant. Which is what I call my boyfriends.

Giving back and being fabulous BLITZ & SHITZ RAZIEL REID

mother’s totally retiring there. Devana performed Paramore’s “Still Into You” and honey, we are. BEST HAIR Robyn Graves

Queens Care VI The divas took to the stage at Celebrities Nov 9 for Queens Care VI, raising funds for Friends For Life while entertaining Vancouver with the biggest, sparkliest and raunchiest drag extravaganza of the year. Here are my picks for the best of the night: BEST EJACULATION

Ivana Phoque Something tells me that Ivana, who is as tall and lean as a model, is used to making things explode. The queen’s performance climaxed with a double load of confetti which shot so far I got some in my eye (and yes, I’m used to it). BEST RETURN Devana DeMille

She was in town from the Okanagan, where I assume she moved for all the wine because why else would someone move to the Okanagan? My drunk

The bigger the hair the closer to God, and I’m not just talking about Robyn’s bush. The blonde coiffure on her head was all sorts of divine. But her bush got its fair share of attention too. The lyrics to her song included, “Love your vagina, that special place inside ya — downtown dining and entertainment district.”


A toast to Diana Rose Joan-E invited everyone in the entire club to raise their glass in memory of the late Diana Rose, who was a faithful participant in the fundraiser for many years.

Friends For Life


Mandy Kamp as Bette Midler This was a tough choice. Myria Le Noir’s Cher was on point and included two costumes, both of which would’ve had Bob Mackie’s seal of approval. Coco as Diana Ross was everything (she was also a contender for best hair!). And of course Carlotta Gurl’s Gaga routine was complete with cute twink dancers and choreography, glove tits (which is very much a thing now), and nudity. As Joan-E said into the mic, “Carlotta, you could be performing for Queen Victoria and still manage to get naked.”

Raziel is flanked by Queens Care VI hostesses Carlotta Gurl (left) and Joan-E, who proposed a touching toast to Diana Rose, Nov 9 at Celebrities. SEAN GREGOR

But it was Mandy Kamp’s Bette which won my heart because her set started with spoken dialogue with the Divine Miss M, and the Divine Miss K’s sync was flawless. BEST LEGS

We have a tie! Raye Sunshine and Peach Cobblah I once read a Facebook status of Raye’s which said when she’s in a bad mood it means a leg day at the gym. “I have lots


of leg days,” she wrote. Well Miss NotSo-Sunshine, it shows! And I would be remiss not to mention Peach Cobblah’s thighs. Although, by the way my underwear stuck when I tried to take them off at the end of the night, perhaps I should’ve given her Best Ejaculation? BEST DRESSED Lady Jem

Wearing Betsy Johnson, the label lady was simply pink perfection.




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Friends For Life continued to show its devotion to helping those battling lifethreatening illnesses at the 20th annual Art For Life gala at CBC Studio 40 on Nov 16. The event combined our city’s artists and art lovers with a high-rolling auction. There were performances by Nathalie Heath and Mackenzie Green from So You Think You Can Dance Canada accompanied by DJ Calhoun and Melody Courage of the singing group Vivace, but it was Ethiopian artist Yared Nigussu — creating a masterpiece in the reception room inspired by live musicians — who truly amazed. To witness his creative process is to see magic. I had my fingers crossed that I’d meet a rich, hot daddy at the gala — and I did! But when I hinted that I wanted Bill Bragg’s painting titled “Strut,” he didn’t bid on it for me so, unfortunately, I couldn’t give him my number. I still strutted home, though, with an extra bounce in my step, thinking how it’s these friends for life that make it worth living.

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The Ryan and Amy Show — The Junction, Tues, Nov 26

Garcon: House Music For The Gays A no-top-40 night produced by Dean Parnham and Del Patrick, featuring DJ/producer Michael Carrera (LA). 10pm–3 am. Red Room Ultra Bar, 398 Richards St. $12 advance at Little Sister’s, 1238 Davie St, or more at the door.

Sun, Nov 24


Cruisey Cinema Sundays Vancouver’s newest gay sex club offers a new way to spend Sunday afternoons: hang out with other porn-loving guys in a safe comfortable porn space. 2–8 pm. Club 8x6, 1775 Haro St. $10 cover or $5 each with a buddy. 8x6.ca

Mon, Nov 25 The Bobbers Vancouver’s favourite queer improv comedy troupe is back in the Davie Village with a new weekly performance. 7–9pm. Heaven’s Door (formerly J-Lounge), 1216 Bute St. Free admission. Hominum This informal discussion and support group to help gay, bisexual and questioning men with the challenges of being married, separated or single meets every Monday in locations around the Lower Mainland. 7:30-9:30pm. For meeting places in Vancouver, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Surrey, and to register go to hominum.ca/

Tues, Nov 26 The Ryan and Amy Show The popular duo returns for nearly back-tobackcomedysketchshows,tonightand Thurs, Nov 28. Show 8pm both nights. The Junction, 1138 Davie St. $10 at door. Ryanandamyshow.com GLBT Adoption Info Night Adoptive Families Association of BC and Qmunity invite people from the GLBT community to an adoption information session. 7:15–9:15pm. Roundhouse Community Centre, Room B, 181 Roundhouse Mews. Free session. Register at eventbrite.com/ event/8291603409

Wed, Nov 27 Thurs, Nov 21 Boys In The Band Ghost Light Projects brings back this iconic play about gay men at a birthday party in the 1960s. Runs until Nov 30. 8 pm. The Havana Theatre, 1212 Commercial Dr. Tickets $1545 at brownpapertickets.com Gay Mingler: Holiday Shopping List House wine presents its first event specifically for gay men. Try 12-14 wines based on the evening’s theme while you socialize and nibble on cheese. 6-8pm. Stewart Stephenson Modern Art Gallery, 1300 Robson St. $45 at housewine.ca Stuck In The Middle With You Sponsored by Herstory Café, Dr Bidisha Ray’s talk will explore the history, controversies, current politics and popular myths surrounding India’s oldest transgender community, the


Hijras. 7–8:30 pm. Simon Fraser University, Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, 515 West Hastings St, room 1425. Free. Herstorycafe.ca Lipstick Jungle This month’s party for the “cosmopolitan lesbian” and her friends features country singer Patrick Masse from 8-10pm, then dancing with DJ Miss Angel until 2am. Ginger 62, 1219 Granville St. $6 cover. Kimberly Caldwell Celebrities nightclub & TFD Presents bring in the former MTV host and singer to perform. Doors open at 10pm. Celebrities, 1022 Davie St. Advance tickets $15 at Little Sister’s, 1238 Davie St, or celebritiesnightclub.com

Spoonful presented by Bank of Montreal, with MC Jonny Staub and keynote speaker Alana LaMalice. 11:30am–2pm. Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings St. $180 at alovingspoonful.org

Sat, Nov 23 Hardon: Live Porn Shoot Don’t miss this unique opportunity to watch or possibly participate in the making of Flyin Ryan’s live porn video shoot produced by Midnight Club Productions. Want to be a porn star? Send an email to: MidnightClubProductions@ outlook.com 9pm–5am. Club 8x6, 1775 Haro St. $40 limited advance tickets at Little Sister’s, 1238 Davie St. 8x6.ca

Gay & Gray A weekly discussion group for seniors regarding retirement,housing, health, dating, self-image and more. 7pm. The Roundhouse, 181 Roundhouse Mews. ahbbl@shaw.ca Bingo For Life Joan-E’s weekly fundraiserfeaturingbrilliantprizes,cheap drinks and snappy drag queens has, to date, raised more than $300,000 for FriendsForLife.8-10pm.Celebrities,1022 Davie St. $10 donation at door for bingo cards. celebritiesnightclub.com Gab Youth Drop-in This fun, inclusive drop-in group for LGBT youth and their allies meets at 4pm on Wednesdays, 7pm on Fridays. Qmunity, 1170 Bute St. gabyyouth@qmunity.ca

Thurs, Nov 28 The Sundown The Cobalt hosts a laidback clubhouse feel for queer women and their allies every Thursday night. 9pm. The Cobalt, 917 Main St. $36. thecobalt.ca Timberline Vancouver's country Western dance group meets every Thursday. Dancers of all levels are welcome. 7pm. St Paul’s Anglican Church, 1140 Jervis St. $10 donation partially benefits A Loving Spoonful. timberlinedance.org

Fri, Nov 29 Voices of Hope Since 2008, The Dr Peter AIDS Foundation has partnered with Montreal's Maison du Parc and Toronto’s Casey House to collaboratively produce concerts for World AIDS Day. Performers at tonight’s concert include Bodhi Jones, Jasper Sloan Yip, Warren Dean Flandez and Top Line Vocal Collective.7pm.ChristChurchCathedral, 690 Burrard St. Admission by donation. drpeter.org Naked Heaven The Pacific-Canadian Association of Nudists offers gay and bisexual men a chance to socialize naked together. 8pm–2am. Club 8x6, 1776 Haro St. Cover $15. P-can.org Girl-Girl Speed Dating Lez Hookup presents speed dating for shy lesbians. 8-11pm. Heaven’s Door, 1216 Bute St. $27 includes appys at lezhookup.com

Sat, Nov 30 Gear Saturday: VML Vancouver Men in Leather’s monthly get-together is for everyone from the curious to the serious. 9pm. PumpJack Pub, 1167 Davie St. No cover. meninleather. homestead.com Search For Mr Ruff 2014 MN events and RodRozen Designs present the search for Mr RUFF 2014, featuring $750 in cash prizes from RodRozen Designs. 10pm–2am. Pumpjack Pub, 1167 Davie St. No cover. Mnevents.ca

Tues, Dec 3 Men On Men A weekly discussion group for men who are into men. Every Tuesday, 6:30pm. Gordon Neighbourhood House, 1019 Broughton St. checkhimout.ca A Christmas Carol In Gay Apparel Vancouver’s Leaping Thespians women’s theatre company brings back its take on the holiday classic.8pm.The Cultch,1895 Venables St. Tickets $20 at tickets.thecultch.com or 604-251-1363. Runs until Sat, Dec 7. Leapingthespians.ca

Wed, Dec 4 Sex Tape Davie Street’s newest, dirtiest, weekly dance party features celebrity sex tapes, spin the bottle, dirty dice,occasional strippers and the Wet N Wild Contest. With DJs Adam Dreaddy, Lisa Delux, and hosted by Joey Vanity. 9pm. Oasis Ultra Lounge, 1240 Thurlow St. No cover. oasisondavie.com/

Fri, Nov 22 World AIDS Day Luncheon An elegant fundraiser for A Loving

Submit your event listing to oitc.vancouver@dailyxtra.com. Deadline for the Dec 5-18 issue is Wed, Nov 27.

Mayor Rob Ford offered LGBT sensitivity training

dailyxtra.com XTRA! NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 21

Dr. David Lee, D.C.

Downtown Chiropractic Clinic Chiropractic as it is meant to be

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world aids day december 1

Remember how far we’ve come. United we can do more. randall garrison, mp esquimalt – juan de fuca 250-405-6550 randall.garrison@parl.gc.ca 22 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 XTRA!




Queens Care VI Vancouver’s finest drag queens once again donated their time and passion to raise money for Friends for Life and to pay tribute to the late DJ Jules and Empress Diana Rose, Nov 9 at Celebrities. 1E Conni Smudge and Myria Le Noir. 2 E Derek Bugden, Patrick Phillips and Rami Mikhail support the queens. 3E Paul Smale, Tom Coleman and Sydney Malcolm enjoy the show. 4E Bambibot Barron and Jaylene Tyme. 5 E Cohostess Joan-E, with Mike Smith from Friends for Life. 6E Milan struts onstage. 7E Raye Sunshine. 8E Co-hostess Carlotta "Lady Gaga" Gurl and her fabulous dancers.


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E indexdirectory.ca

Health Care Services

Pacific Coast Massage Therapy – Christopher Robins RMT 604-687-4078

Mail Box Plus 604-683-1433

Vancouver Coastal Health 604-736-2033

Rick Girardeau, RMT rickgrmt.com



STOP HIV/AIDS Team 604-838-1331

Vivo Media Arts vivomediaarts.com

Dr Joachim Sehrbrock, Registered Psychologist 604-366-3112

Hearing Aids

Men’s Services

Sound Hearing Clinic 604-687-1488

BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse (BCSMSSA) 604-682-6482

Sound Hearing Clinic 604-687-1488

Home & Garden Eden Accents 604-523-3433


Boat Cruises & Charters

Felicity Webb 604-721-7537

Waterway Houseboats 1-877-WATERWAY


Business & Professional Organizations

Orchard Recovery 604-947-0420

AIDS/HIV Resources AIDS Vancouver 604-893-2201 AIDS Vancouver Island 250-384-2366 1-800-665-2437 ANKORS 1-800-421-2437 Dr Peter AIDS Foundation 604-608-1874 Positive Living 604-893-2200 Vancouver Coastal Health 604-736-2033 STOP HIV/AIDS Team 604-838-1331

Alternative Health Ignite Smoke Shop 778-786-0977 Medicinal Cannabis Dispensary 604-255-1844 My CannaMeds mycm.ca

West End Business Improvement Association 604-696-0144

Chiropractors Downtown Chiropractic 604-685-9444

Cleaning & Maid Services The Maids 604-987-5651

Clinics Travel Clinic 604-736-9244

Community Groups & Services

Counselling BC counsellingbc.com


Iosono Counselling Services – Ron Paviglianiti, RPC 604-290-1445

Capreit caprent.com

Archives Vivo Media Arts vivomediaarts.com

Art Galleries Vivo Media Arts vivomediaarts.com

Audio Visual Equipment Vivo Media Arts vivomediaarts.com

Bakeries Andy’s Bakery 604-251-5667

Willow Tree Counselling 604-521-3404



Enchante 604-669-9166

Mail Box Plus 604-683-1433


Dental Services

Mr. Mattress 604-255-2113

Aarm Dental Group 604-647-0006

Studio Space Scotiabank Dance Centre 604-604-6400

Xtra (Ottawa) 613-986-8292


Laundry Services

Pet Care

Richmond Funeral Home 604-273-3748

Xtra (Toronto) 416-925-6665

Laundry Valet 604-568-2020

Kitty Kare 604-813-4239

Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival bardonthebeach.org

Real Estate Agents

Transportation Harbour Air 604-274-1277

Dahl & Connors 604-687-8752

Pet Stores & Supplies

Darryl Persello 604-306-1340

iRepair.ca 778-987-2571

Valley View Memorial Gardens 604-596-7196


Education & Instruction

Ian Eggleton, RE/MAX 604-773-1443

Helijet International 800-665-4354

Martin Brothers Funeral 778-330-7799

Barbara Findlay 604-251-4356

Dog Country 604-558-1995

Vancouver Elementary School Teachers’ Association 604-873-8378

North Shore Law LLP 604-980-8571

Lyn Hart, Macdonald Realty Ltd 604-724-4278

Travel British Columbia


Pets First 604-590-7387

Vivo Media Arts vivomediaarts.com


Dr Langston Raymond 604-687-1008 Redtree Dental 604-873-3337

Device Repair

Entertainment Ballet BC 604-732-5003

The Dance Centre 604-604-6400

Financial Services DeVie Business Solutions 604-298-4148

Instant Bedrooms 604-270-BEDS(2337) Safeway Davie: 604-669-8313 Robson: 604-683-6155 Urban Fare (Bute Location) 604-975-7556

Hair Stylists & Barbers Enchante 604-669-9166

Libraries Vivo Media Arts vivomediaarts.com

Liquor West End Liquor Store 604-689-3100

Marketing C&C Communications 604-664-8995

Farmer’s Markets


Vancouver Farmers’ Markets 604-879-3276

Dr. Aaron VanGaver BSc ND 604-629-1120

Massage Certified/ Registered Linda Duncan, RMT 604-630-0101

The Maids 604-987-8181 Tisol 14th & Main St: 604-873-4117 12th & Arbutus: 604-730-1768 Grandview Hwy: 604-436-3001 Gilley Ave, Burnaby: 604-434-2812

Physiotherapy & Rehab Andrea Martens, BScPT, CAFCI Urban Active Sport Therapy Clinic 604-669-8233

Printing East Van Graphics 604-568-1206

Susan Cameron 604-266-1364

Black Rock Oceanfront Resort 877-762-5011

Renovations & Restorations

Tourism Harrison 604-796-5581

Maison D’Etre Build Inc. 604-484-4030


Mr Build 604-732-8453

Restaurants & Cafes

squirt.org squirt.org twospiritwolf.com 604-688-6648


Gallery Cafe & Catering. 604-688-2233

2 Dears and a Queer 604-306-1340

Joe’s Grill 1031 Davie St, Vancouver: 604-682-3683 948 Denman St, Vancouver: 604-642-6588

Yoga YoGuy Men’s Yoga 778-995-1970


Gastown treasures Gearing up for winter The Drive’s organic soul The heart of gay Vancouver

Lehmann Counselling Service 604-614-8121

Tricia Antoniuk, MSW, RSW 778-378-2633

Freeway Mini Storage/U-Haul 604-251-2017

Xtra (Vancouver) 604-684-9696

Joe Ramirez Integral Counselling 778-227-9423

Monique Silverman, MA, RCC, CCC 778-228-8456


Bruce Eyewear 604-662-8300


YoGuy Men’s Yoga 778-995-1970

Pink Triangle Press 1-800-268-9872

twospiritwolf.com 604-688-6648

Rodrozen Designs 604-558-4443

Community Organizations

Maison D’Etre Build Inc. 604-484-4030



Interior Design

PlayLand Amusement Park 604-253-2311


C&C Communications 604-664-8995

squirt.org squirt.org

Valley View Funeral Home 604-596-8866

Dr Dean Wershler 604-688-4080

Museum of Vancouver 604-736-4431

Vivo Media Arts vivomediaarts.com

Optical Services

Public Relations


Abasa Optical 604-687-3937

West End Seniors Network 604-669-5051

Community Based Research Centre 604-568-7478

Amherst Funeral and Cremation Services Inc 604-831-3023

Maison D’Etre Build Inc. 604-484-4030

Edward Sandberg, Counsellor/Therapist 604-728-6569

Poncho’s Restaurant 604-683-7236



Funeral Services

Motorcycle World 604-582-9253


NOV 2013–APR

Harbour Air 604-274-1277

Daher Orthostyle – Dr Sam Daher 604-662-3290

Home Improvement & Repairs

Motorcycles & Scooters

Minuteman Press 604-572-8558

2061 West 4th Ave, Vancouver: 604-736-6588 3048 Main St, Vancouver: 604-879-6586


Book your ad now!

604-684-9696 advertising.vancouver@dailyxtra.com



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24 NOV 21–DEC 4, 2013 XTRA!





Re-opening practice in Vancouver, Sally Shamai, M.ED.

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Registered Clinical Counsellor. Over 22 years experience with our communities. Individuals and couples. Trauma, recovery, personal transitions. Call 604-313-1794 or email sbshamai@gmail.com

REAL ESTATE HOMES/ACREAGE FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL EAST FORT LAUDERDALE Mobile Home Park (not your grandfathers trailer park) located East of 95 minutes to Wilton Manors and Beaches. Currently has 2 Bedroom 2 bath homes available for purchase starting @ $28,000.00 Call Chris @ 954-522-7478 email: sblauderlakes@bellsouth.net



NEXT AD BOOKING DEADLINE: NOV 27 @ 4PM NEXT LINE CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINE: NOV 29 @ NOON To place an ad, call 604-684-9696 or email classifieds.vancouver@dailyxtra.com


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Move in/out, one-time, spring clean, regular weekly, biweekly, monthly service. A one-of-a-kind home cleaning plan, customized to your needs. Our premium products, advanced equipment and quality processes allow for an unmatched caliber of clean. PROUDLY SERVING OUR COMMUNITY SINCE 1997 Consumers choice winners for 9 years. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you’re unhappy with any area we’ve cleaned, just call within 24 hours and we’ll come back and reclean it free of charge. maids.com 604-987- 5651

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