Xtra Vancouver #543

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#543 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014




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Haute drag House of Venus celebrates 20 years of Wiggle E12


Exploring: never stop Single Tablet Regimens (one pill, once a day) are a step forward in HIV treatment. Explore more at exploreHIV.ca

2 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 XTRA!

While they’re not a cure, these treatment options are designed to be effective and convenient. If you’ve been exploring different HIV treatments, talk to your doctor about Single Tablet Regimens too. It’s good to know what is out there.


Published by Pink Triangle Press PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Brandon Matheson

#543 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 JAMES LOEWEN



EDITORIAL MANAGING EDITOR Robin Perelle STAFF REPORTER Natasha Barsotti COPY EDITOR Lesley Fraser EVENT LISTINGS oitc.vancouver@dailyxtra.com CONTRIBUTE OR INQUIRE about Xtra’s editorial

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Belle of the Ball

Queens and their courtiers gathered at the Empress Ball to pay tribute to ted northe E11 Editorial Words that haunt By Natasha Barsotti E4 Feedback E4 Xcetera E5

Upfront Vancouver School Board approves trans policy Consultation on these revisions “unprecedented,” trustee says E7 PumpJack doubles capacity Popular Davie Street pub launches new and improved space E8 BC law society reopens TWU vote E8

on dailyxtra.com E Who’s Queer Now:

Xtra to host town hall on identity E Short-handed Dyke March society says party will go on E OUR Spaces folds E Gay and lesbian parents

afraid to send kids to school in Russia MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM

Lapuz’s killer pleads guilty E8 Alleged basher says it wasn’t him E8 ‘Gay’ or ‘queer’? Xtra asked people on the street what word they use to describe themselves E9

SPONSORSHIP AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Erica Bestwick, erica.bestwick@dailyxtra.com

Printed and published in Canada. ©2014 Pink Triangle Press. Xtra is published every two weeks by Pink Triangle Press. ISSN 1198-0613 Address: 501–1033 Davie St, Vancouver, BC, V6E 1M7 Office hours: Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm Phone: 604-684-9696 Fax: 604-684-9697 Website: dailyxtra.com Email: info.vancouver@dailyxtra.com SUBSCRIPTIONS $55 for one year (26 issues); $65 (US) in the US; $100 (US) overseas. subscriptions@dailyxtra.com, 800-268-XTRA

PINK TRIANGLE PRESS Founded 1971 DIRECTORS Jim Bartley, Gerald Hannon, Glenn Kauth, Didier Pomerleau, Ken Popert, Gillian Rodgerson HONORARY DIRECTOR Colin Brownlee PRESIDENT & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ken Popert CEO, DIGITAL MEDIA David Walberg CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Andrew Chang

Out in the City Cover story Wiggle it House of Venus’s annual wearable art festival is not your usual drag soirée E12 Storefront Manscaping This array of products and specialists will have you looking and feeling your best E15 Blitz & Shitz Cherry bombs and aliens By Raziel Reid E16 What’s On E17 Xposed Empress Ball By James Loewen E18 Real Estate E19 Xtra Living E20 The Brotherhood By Tyler Dorchester E21 COVER PHOTO BY ROBERT-JOHN FARROW XTRA! JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 3

The outcome that we seek is this — gay and lesbian people daring together to set love free. Xtra is published by Pink Triangle Press, at 2 Carlton St, Ste 1600, Toronto, M5B 1J3.

Queer Nation were not a “couple of American lesbian academics.� They were righteous, street-level activists from the heart of the community enraged at a growing post-AIDS revival of homophobia and anti-gay activity. They reclaimed the word queer and attached it to a new generation. Now another generation is coming up that is tired of queer and questioning the nature of sexual and gender identity itself. I’m a child of the ’60s and I don’t like the word queer either, but please, Unlearned, get your history straight and also have a little respect for people who, although they don’t share your political point of view, have contributed hugely to the survival and stupendous growth of our community (whatever you call it) through some really tough and perilous times.

Natasha Barsotti is the staff reporter at Xtra Vancouver.

Much to my disappointment, I read that the Pride street party will once again be fenced in [“Fenceless Davie Street Party Unlikely for 2014 Pride,� dailyxtra. com, May 9]. Friends and neighbours derogatorily name this the Cage or the Zoo. This is also coupled with the exorbitant entrance fee of $20. It is amazing that Vancouver is in the same country as Toronto or Montreal. One just has to go to either city to see how they conduct their Pride celebrations. Neither charge an entry fee to the Pride venues, although canvassers are there to invite, not demand, donations. Both usually have headliner singers, as well. In Montreal, minors under 18 (their legal drinking age) are allowed on the premises, although serving them alcohol is prohibited. The proximity of alcohol to minors does not corrupt the morals of minors. One need only look at Western Europe or even south of the American border. Shutting out gays under the age of majority is not a way of being inclusive, and fencing people in or out is the furthest thing from showing pride.



#542 JUNE 5–18, 2014



‘Queer’ unpopular? I think the folks from this discussion group [“‘Queer’ Not So Popular with Xtra Discussion Group on Identity,� dailyxtra. com, June 2] are out of touch with how many of the newer and younger generation refer to themselves as “queer.� I don’t use it but quite like the term. GREG DOWNER FACEBOOK

“Queer� was invented in the 1990s by a couple of American lesbian academics, women who had no experience with how hurtful the word is experienced by gay men. It is nauseating that these radicals force the use of this word not just onto us, but also onto everyone else. UNLEARNED DAILYXTRA.COM


Samuel L Jackson challenged his mortiďŹ ed interviewer, Jake Hamilton, to say nigger, but he just wouldn’t go there. “Try it,â€? Jackson thundered last year after Django Unchained hit the screen, but Hamilton mustered only a meek refusal. So Jackson rightfully refused to discuss the sanitized inlaw of “niggerâ€? — the “N-word.â€? I may have missed that Intro to Slavery and Colonialism elective, but I don’t recall hearing of plantation owners and whip-cracking overseers saying, “Hey, N-word,â€? as they herded, separated, whipped and otherwise abused African people. Watching the squirming Hamilton and the gleeful Jackson was viscerally entertaining — and irritating. It reminded me of an exchange I had in 2009 when I attempted to retrieve my tickets for Berend McKenzie’s one-man show. “Two tickets for Nigger Fag, please.â€? “Easy for you to say,â€? the attendant shot back, after recomposing himself. Yes and no. For one thing, calling the show “N-word, F-wordâ€? is a political-correctness bridge too far,

and I had no intention of crossing it. For another, nggrfg is meant to inspire discussion about words and people’s experiences with their power. Or, I should say, the power we give the words we use and how that perceived power continues to evolve. After covering a white pride march in Vancouver a few years ago, I found a photo of myself labelled “Aunt Jemimaâ€? on the website of a white power activist. I couldn’t stop laughing. That was the best he could do, all these eons after that image was slapped on a pancake-syrup bottle? And yet, I did feel the sting of insult because his intention was to hurt, denigrate and dismiss me. He would have that power only if I let his intention seep into my blood and rattle my sense of self, which he knew nothing about and didn’t care to know. “There’s nothing wrong about language. It’s what people do with language that hurts and incites panic and fear and anger and resentment and hatred. It’s the people behind the language,â€? McKenzie once told me. However inammatory the words nigger and fag are, they are an intrinsic part of our heritage that still resonate with and affect us. Trying to make them innocuous by refusing to name and confront them makes




them more sinister than they should be — and increases their power to injure and incapacitate. Many of us call ourselves gay, but there are students walking school corridors who recoil when they hear the putdown “That’s so gay.â€? It won’t stop us from calling ourselves gay — at least, I hope not. We have bent, shaped — reclaimed, if you prefer — the words we use to name our desires, declare our presence and describe who we are. Fag, queer, queen, bitch, slut, nigga, dyke, she-male, tranny — all have been slurs and, for many of us, still are, even as some of us embrace them. You may decide all this “reclamationâ€? is not up your alley. Nothing wrong with that. I’m not particularly fond of “niggaâ€? or “Hey, nigga, what up?â€? and I don’t foresee adopting them. But others have, and I’m okay with that. It’s in their comfort zone, context, maybe even identity — like queer, and even fag, have become for others, who may eventually decide they don’t ďŹ t anymore. We have queer ďŹ lm festivals, queer arts festivals, queer resource centres, the activist group Queer Nation and — wait for it — the contentious Queers Against Israeli Apartheid. We have slut walks, dyke marches, and I remember a pub that had Fag Fridays. I get that we can be an incohesive, cantankerous community, passionate — often offensively dismissive — about our disagreements, but we have more urgent issues to tackle at home and internationally than getting bogged down, snippy and snarky over names and labels.


Comment Words that haunt

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Who’s watching you? Government surveillance and the bill that keeps coming back to haunt us E10

Davie Street party cage

@6<9 )90+., 6=,9 ;96<)3,+ >(;,9: 0 M `V\ ULLK H WLYZVUHS PUQ\Y` SH^`LY PU =HUJV\]LY [OL (JJPKLU[Z HUK 7LYZVUHS 0UQ\Y` 3H^ KLWHY[TLU[ VM 5VY[O :OVYL 3H^ WYV]PKLZ H M\SS YHUNL VM SLNHS HK]PJL PU HSS HYLHZ VM WLYZVUHS PUQ\Y` SP[PNH[PVU >L VMMLY H MYLL JVUZ\S[H[PVU 5V SLNHS MLLZ HYL WH`HISL \U[PS `V\Y JHZL PZ ZL[[SLK 796<+3@ :,9=05. ;/, 3,:)0(5 .(@ )0:,?<(3 (5+ ;9(5:.,5+,9,+ *644<50;0,:

[O Å VVY >LZ[ ,ZWSHUHKL c 5VY[O =HUJV\]LY )* = 4 1 ;LSLWOVUL! c -H_! c ;VSS MYLL! 4 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 XTRA!






59% Portion of Americans against letting transgender people choose the bathroom or locker room they wish to use. Women (at 29 percent) are slightly more receptive to the idea than men (23 percent). The CBS poll of 1,016 adults across the US was conducted by telephone in March 2014.

That was done in the Old Testament under a law that came directly from God, and in that time there it was totally just. It came directly from God. I have no plans to reinstitute that in Oklahoma law. I do have some very huge moral misgivings about those kinds of sins.

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—Oklahoma Tea Party candidate Scott Esk (#SultanofBrunei), on the question of killing gays. GOD NOH8 FAGS


LIB-ERTY Libby Phelps (second from left), who parted ways with her grandfather Fred “God hates fags” Phelps’s Westboro Baptist Church in 2009, has become the first-known family member to pose for the NOH8 campaign, an image-based protest initiated by photographer Adam Bouska in response to the passage of the since-overturned Prop 8, which banned gay marriage in California.

Xtra and the Queer Arts Festival bring you a chance to win a pass valid for entry to four shows at

QAF 2014: ReGenerations July 23 to Aug 9 at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews. To enter, send your name and phone number to contest@dailyxtra.com, with “Contest: Queer Arts Festival” in the subject line, before Monday, July 7. Some restrictions apply. Only winners will be contacted.



XTRA! JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 5


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6 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 XTRA!



When your religious belief turns into action that discriminates against me, that’s when you cross the line. lawyer barbara findlay E8

VSB approves trans policy Consultation on these revisions ‘unprecedented,’ trustee says

It’s going to make the world such a better place because the students are going to learn not to be transphobic or homophobic or queerphobic or terrible people.


The boardroom of the Vancouver School Board (VSB) erupted with deafening cheers, shouts of joy, hugs, high-fives and dancing as trustees approved revisions to the district’s anti-homophobia policy June 16 to make schools more welcoming to transgender students. “I am ecstatic and so happy we passed this policy,” said Vancouver Technical Secondary student Roan Reimer, who spoke in favour of the policy at a hearing on May 14. “It’s going to make the schools so much safer for students, families and staff who identify along the LGBTTQAI+ spectrum, and it’s going to make the world such a better place because the students are going to learn, and we’re going to learn, not to be transphobic or homophobic or queerphobic or terrible people, and then we’re going to graduate and all the homophobia, transphobia and terrible things will slowly be filtered out of the world!” All trustees except for Sophia Woo and Ken Denike — who were expelled from the Non-Partisan Association (NPA) June 13 for failing to “share the same level of sensitivity and understanding of the LGBTQ+ community” — voted in favour of the revisions. “I think this policy is doing exactly what we are already doing, and I think we do a fine job in Vancouver. And I want to make that very clear — that parents don’t need to be too concerned about what is happening with your sons and daughters,” NPA trustee Fraser Ballantyne said. Ballantyne’s support for the policy amendment further distanced the NPA from Denike and Woo, who were expelled following a press conference in which the pair claimed the amendment MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM


Vancouver School Board trustees Ken Denike and Sophia Woo were expelled June 13 from the Non-Partisan Association for failing to share the party’s “level of sensitivity and understanding of the LGBTQ+ community.” NATHANIEL CHRISTOPHER

could negatively affect the enrolment of international students and West Side students in public school. In his opening remarks, Vision trustee Ken Clement denounced Woo and Denike’s earlier comments as “irresponsible” and “unconscionable.” “The commentary only reaffirms the need to strengthen the LGBTTQ+ policy, which fosters inclusion, acceptance and tolerance,” he said. “Perpetuating homophobic hate towards the LGBTTQ+ community is totally unacceptable in this day and age.” Several trustees stressed that it was time to take leadership and vote on the issue, rejecting suggestions from some opponents that further consultations were needed. “I danced on my first float in my first Pride parade in 1994, 20 years ago, so I

really don’t want to debate the pros and cons of updating this policy anymore,” trustee Cherie Payne said prior to the vote. “I myself am ready to vote, and I’m proud to be voting yes.” Several Vision trustees, including vice-chair Mike Lombardi, said the consultations around these policy revisions were among the most thorough and comprehensive in memory. “The consultation process that we used to develop this policy has been unprecedented,” Lombardi said, citing two years of consultation with the school board’s Pride advisory committee, as well as three public meetings with nearly 100 speakers and several hundred written submissions. The VSB’s Pride committee comprises teachers, administrators, district and support staff, community members and rep-

resentatives from the District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC). DPAC, which represents 110 PACs with more than 40,000 parents, initially expressed “very serious concerns” about the proposed revisions, including a lack of clarity with respect to the role of parents. But in a June 13 letter, DPAC chair Monica Moberg reversed that position, saying DPAC’s concerns had been addressed and the council now fully supports the policy revisions. VSB chair Patti Bacchus said the policy revisions provide some of the most comprehensive protection and support for transgender students in BC. “I’ve never heard so much feedback, so much input on anything we’ve done at this board,” she said. “We’ve done a lot of hard stuff. When we started this, I didn’t think we would be making his-

tory. I thought it was fairly straightforward. I thought it was common sense. Of course we’re going to do what we need to to make kids feel safe, but I’m happy to be part of making history, and I’m really happy to be on the right side of history.” In 2004, Vancouver became the second school district, after Greater Victoria, to implement an anti-homophobia policy in BC. Trustee Allan Wong expressed pride in being part of the board that adopted the initial LGBT policy. “I, once again, am proud to be part of this lengthy consultation process. A long, open discussion is a good thing for both sides of the debate, and the trustees all have enough information to make a sound, educated deliberation and decision tonight,” he said. The revised policy addresses topics such as washroom and change-room accessibility, proper use of pronouns, access to physical education and sports, as well as a commitment by schools to reduce or eliminate sex-segregated activities. Support, however, was not universal. Several opponents of the revisions, who refused to speak to Xtra, held up signs at the meeting, booed trustees who spoke in support of the motion, and shouted insults, including “liar” and “dictator.” Read the full story on dailyxtra.com. XTRA! JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 7

PumpJack doubles capacity Popular Davie Street pub launches new and improved space GAY VILLAGE SHAUNA LEWIS

One of the Davie Village’s few remaining gay pubs has bucked the trend and more than doubled its capacity. After nine months of renovations, a revamped and expanded PumpJack Pub launched its new look June 13. Vince Marino, who co-owns the pub located at 1167 Davie St, says the popular gay venue doubled in size after taking over its neighbour’s space last August, most recently operated as the Cho Pain bakery. The expansion increases the pub’s seating capacity from 107 to 244 seats, along with a 19-seat patio, Marino says.

“We heard quite a bit from the community constantly asking us if we were ever going to take the space next door or would we expand,” Marino says. “We heard that people were looking for something a little bit bigger, a place to dance and sort of a games area, and we felt we could do that,” he says, noting that “the gay spaces have been becoming fewer and fewer.” Marino says the idea to expand was “10 years in the making.” The renovations include new bars, a large new dancefloor, an integrated pub and club space, a new liquor off-sale area, a new sound system, a games area, a new patio in the back for summer lounging, more washrooms and an accessible bar.

PumpJack Pub co-owner Vince Marino (left, with manager Harvey Carey) hopes the new and improved space will help give back to the community. SHAUNA LEWIS



BC law society reopens TWU vote

Lapuz’s killer pleads guilty

Members of the Law Society of British Columbia passed a resolution, by a vote of 3,210 to 968, at a special general meeting June 10 urging the board to reverse its previous approval of Trinity Western University’s (TWU) proposed law school. While Section 13 of BC’s Legal Profession Act says that a resolution at a general meeting is not binding on the board, a statement from the society says directors will give the resolution serious and thoughtful consideration. The board could vote on TWU again as early as next month. “More than 75 percent of the members who registered and voted [at the meeting] have asked us to change our decision,” law society president Jan Lindsay said. Lindsay thinks the question will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court of Canada, since several legal actions have already been launched — one challenging the BC government for approving TWU’s school and another challenging the Ontario and Nova Scotia law societies for rejecting the school. Lawyer barbara findlay received a standing ovation when she urged her colleagues to overturn the board’s April decision to accept future TWU graduates. For admission to TWU, students

Charles Jameson “Jamie” Mungo Neel pleaded guilty June 9 to manslaughter in the Sept 29, 2012, death of January Marie Lapuz. Neel, 21, was initially charged with second-degree murder in connection with the fatal stabbing in Lapuz’s New Westminster home. “Mr Neel pleads not guilty to the charge of murder but pleads guilty to the included charge of manslaughter,” defence lawyer David Tarnow told BC Supreme Court Justice Frits Verhoeven. Neel was supposed to begin standing trial by judge and jury on June 9. Prosecutor Rusty Antonuk told Xtra in June 2013 that the Crown would not be seeking a hate-motivation designation in the case, in the event of a conviction or guilty plea. A hatemotivation designation — assigned at sentencing if the Crown prosecutor can prove that the crime was fuelled, for example, by homophobia — generally carries with it a stiffer penalty. Antonuk would not discuss the guilty plea outside court. The RCMP told Xtra at the time of Neel’s 2012 arrest that hate did not appear to be a motive in the case. Neel’s sentencing hearing will take place Oct 2. Lapuz, a well-loved member of Vancouver’s trans and South Asian gay communities, was 26 years old. — Jeremy Hainsworth

8 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 XTRA!

Lawyer barbara findlay urged the BC law society June 10 to reconsider its approval of Trinity Western University’s law school. JEREMY HAINSWORTH

must sign a covenant agreeing to uphold Christian biblical teachings, including no premarital sex and no homosexuality. “I support freedom of religion,”

findlay said. “You have every right to believe I am a sinner, but when your religious belief turns into action that discriminates against me, that’s when you cross the line.” — Jeremy Hainsworth

Alleged basher says it wasn’t him Alleged gaybasher Sunjeet Singh Minhas professed his innocence to a Vancouver judge June 12 and 13 and testified that he would never use homophobic slurs and that the charges against him are a case of mistaken identity. Minhas is charged with one count of assault with a weapon and one count of uttering threats in connection with the alleged Oct 9, 2011, Davie Street gaybashing of Travis James Johnston. Minhas testified that he arrived on the scene after the assault and that he was only trying to prevent a fight between his friends and another group of men. Crown prosecutor Bernie Wolfe asked Minhas why he didn’t tell police about Wali Rahnumah, the man Minhas now claims he was mistaken for, on the night of his arrest. Minhas said that he didn’t have all the facts then, since he wasn’t present at and didn’t see the assault. Judge Jodie Werier heard final testimony and closing submissions in the case more than a year after the trial began in May 2013. The trial was to continue in October 2013, until Minhas’s defence applied for and was granted an adjournment. Werier expects to hand down her decision June 30. — Matthew DiMera For more on these stories, go to dailyxtra.com. VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS



In preparation for our community town hall on June 18, Xtra asked people on the street what word or words they use to describe themselves. TEXT & PHOTOS BY SHAUNA LEWIS

Mischa Irwin

Erin Deshong

Natasha Adsit I’m not gay or queer. I’m a male-to-female transsexual and I date primarily men, so that would make me a heterosexual woman. First I am a woman, then I have a trans identity.

Rikki Rebantad I would just say gay; that’s it, pretty much. That’s how I would describe myself if people asked.

I don’t use a word to describe my sexual orientation. I like to sleep with lots of folks, and gender doesn’t primarily factor in to my choice. I sleep with dudes, I sleep with girls, I sleep with folks who identify all inbetween, and I haven’t found a good word that covers that yet.

Ryan Johnson I’m gay. It depends on the setting that I’m in. If I’m around people that I’m comfortable with and feeling looser, I will say funnier things. But, other than that, in a serious setting I prefer “gay.”

Robert Weiss

Janine Fuller

I’m gay. I’ve always known I was gay, but I try to stay away from labels because I’m more than that. I’ve been trying to be more present in my life, and in order to be present and to find peace and joy, you need to stop thinking and labelling, judging and analyzing.

Over the evolution of my being, I’ve gathered many different names along the way, but the one that I most identify with, really, is the word queer because I really think it encompasses all of the diversity and all of the changing complexities of what our community is.

I usually use “gay.” It’s the word I’m most comfortable with and that I’m fond of. WHO’S QUEER NOW: AN XTRA TOWN HALL ON IDENTITY Wed, June 18, 6:30–8pm Fountainhead Pub 1025 Davie St Live on dailyxtra.com

Dan Savage's





XTRA! JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 9

10 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 XTRA!


Out in the City

There was body painting, and for one guy that included his brain, which he was wearing on the outside of his head. Raziel Reid E16

From ted to eternity Queens and their courtiers gathered at the Empress Ball to pay tribute to ted northe STILL QQ KEVIN DALE MCKEOWN

It was the night of a thousand drag queens. Well, maybe not a thousand. That would be too frightening. Let’s round it down to about 100. On Saturday, June 14, a throng of title holders and their courtiers, nearly 200 in all, partied beneath the dome of the Vancouver Art Gallery rotunda, the former courthouse. They came to honour the memory of ted northe and to celebrate the coronation of his successor, Empress of Canada II Avaughna Sanoir, in a gala evening produced by Q Hall of Fame founder Paul Therien. There was rich symbolism in the venue and in the group photos taken on the Georgia Street steps. It was there in 1958 that a young ted northe stood in full drag and proclaimed to the city that “we” were human and would not be denied our rights. Thus did northe launch a lifetime of gay rights leadership, leaving many legacies, including the Canadian Empress Courts, with empresses reigning from Victoria to Halifax. That and the Empress of Canada Foundation will be his lasting memorial. Our beginnings were well represented at the June 14 Empress Ball by Empress I Charity, who still makes a scene-stealing entrance; Empress II Mona Regina Lee, who opened the coronation rites; Empress X Oliv, who, as is her wont, made a fabulous entrance, stayed exactly as long as she wanted, then vanished. We paid court to empresses XIII Easter, XXI Imelda Mae, XXVII Adrien, XXXIV Vivian and XXXV Jaylene. Of emperors there were XXIV Crema, XXIX Bruce, XXXIII Buster Cherry, XXXV Glen and XXXVI Mike. Other dignitaries included Empress of Surrey Erica St-Asia Divine; Della Devine and Celestial Seasons, who have both held the title of Ms Gay Vancouver; Calgary’s anti-bullying activist MZ Rhonda; 1990s stage diva Stephanie Blaze; and the Queen of East Van, Isolde N Barron. Other mustmentions were Avaughna’s consort Bruce Sanoir, who crowned the new empress; northe’s sister and nephew Katie and Derek England; former BJ’s star John Taylor; Marilyn Moss (the former male stripper agent Marilyn O); Rose Rowell; stately Nina Tron, of Calgary; and Little Sister’s manager Janine Fuller. And on and on! I’ve had to leave out so many, and I will pay dearly for it! We were certainly entertained. Conni Smudge, co-MCing with Barb Snelgrove, showed an amazing energy on the floor (standing, sitting and kneeling!) MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM

Just imagine the spectacle of two-spirit elders and youths, drag queens and kings, and courtly retainers joining hands in a traditional circle dance amidst the colonial splendour of the old courthouse. Empress of Canada II Avaughna Sanoir is crowned by her consort Bruce Sanoir, June 14 at the Empress Ball. For more photos, turn to page 18. PHOTO CREDIT: JAMES LOEWEN

that took me back to the ’70s drag antics of Dee Dee Ambrose and Bobbie Callicoatte. Eighty-year-old Bill Munroe contributed three fast-stepping numbers, reminding us that 40 is fabulous the second time around and demonstrating some high-kicks that would have rivalled Charity’s in her heyday. Two beautiful female vocalists, NiQ and Shannon McKillop, added their gifts to the evening. NiQ’s rendition of “Goldfinger” was the filthiest fun — let’s just say there was a dildo involved. Always important to northe was his relationship with the two-spirit community. He would have been proud to see the evening’s proceedings open with a procession of First Nations drummers led by Chief Silver Coyote Al (Chad Xix) Houston. Later in the evening, when Chief Al and the elders presented our new empress with a ceremonial drum and blanket, Avaughna assured him that the drum would be “heard loud and proud” throughout her

reign. And just imagine the spectacle of two-spirit elders and youths, drag queens and kings, and courtly retainers joining hands in a traditional circle dance amidst the colonial splendour of the old courthouse. Out in Schools coordinator Jen Sung remarked at a recent gathering that we spend a lot of time in our community “calling each other out” about one perceived offence or another. Sung encouraged us to instead hold events that “call each other in” to help heal old wounds and create the bonds that will help us stop repeating the mistakes of the past. That describes the proper work of the drag courts. To entertain, to uplift, to amuse, to bewilder at times and to always be there when the need is greatest to shake their booties and pass the hat to support the cause. There is work to be done, and we have a new generation willing and ready to do it. Shall we join them? XTRA! JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 11


rable a e w l a u n n a ’s s oirée s u n g e a r V f d l o a e u s s u u o r H ot you art festival is n

t i e l g g i W ID BY RAZIEL RE

hey say the higher the hair, the closer to God, which makes Wiggle a night of divinity. Wiggle, which originated in Windsor, Ontario, 20 years ago, is an annual wearable art festival created by the House of Venus to celebrate the creative genius of local performers, artists and designers. “We started [House of Venus] because we were doing different events in Windsor and then in the Detroit club scene,” house mother Michael Venus says. “We wanted to form a collective where we could do our crazy parties and our art functions and our genderbending. We would go to New York a lot for inspiration. We were really inspired by club kids and the different drag and fashion houses.”

The artists’ collective named itself House of Venus because its members “wanted to do something that symbolized love and positive energy,” Michael says. “We really felt like there was so much negative energy in our world, and there still is, so that’s why we picked Venus. It’s about beauty and love. We’re really into trying to change the world.” After making its debut in Ontario, Wiggle came to Vancouver in 1996, where it planted the sequined seeds that have since grown into an annual extravaganza. “When we did it [in Vancouver], we had tons of different fashion designers, and it really became more dragfocused,” Michael notes. “We had a lot of the quintessential drag queens involved, and there was a lot more focus on it, as well as beautiful headpieces

and wigs and all that stuff, but there was definitely a stronger drag element.” It’s not the drag you’d ordinarily see in Vancouver’s clubs, though. “When people do drag at Wiggle, it’s not just your typical Beyoncé number,” Michael explains. “Usually, they dig a little deeper and do something a little more alternative to the alternative. Our philosophy has always been ‘Just because I’m gay doesn’t make me cool.’ There are other elements.” The whimsical event has been so embraced by the Vancouver community that Michael, who now divides his time between Toronto and Vancouver, didn’t have to think twice about where to host its landmark 20th anniversary. “Wiggle is definitely a Vancouver tradition, which is why I had to do Wiggle 20 here,” he says. “Wiggle is home in

On this page and opposite, examples of headpieces from past Wiggle festivals.

House of Venus created Wiggle to celebrate local performers, artists and designers.



12 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 XTRA!


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Vancouver. It’s really the only event of frontman of rock group Toilet Böys. its kind in Canada — or in the world, During Wiggle 9, none other than for that matter. This is where we made Deborah Harry was spotted in the audiWiggle become the huge thing that it is, ence. When Harry came backstage, Miso I’m very loyal to our Van City peeps.” chael offered her a bottle of water from The innovation bubbling on the West his own label, called Cotton’s Fountain Coast is why the bi-coastal House of of Youth, after his drag alter ego, Cotton Venus (at least part of it) dug in its Venus. Having the Blondie legend drink stiletto heels here. Although Michael from a bottle of water with his mug on has considered taking the packaging was one Wiggle back to Ontario, of his most memorable WIGGLE 20 Presented by the he says he’s still drawn to moments of the past 20 House of Venus Vancouver’s visionaries. years, he says. Sat, July 12, doors at 8pm “Vancouver is a small“Year after year, it’s Fox Cabaret, 2321 Main St er city, and I’m always so about seeing what these Search “Wiggle 20” on Facebook shocked because there is hairstylists and artists always such amazing, in— and people who just novative talent, comparable to big cities have a glue gun and like being creative — like LA, New York, London, Montreal,” come up with,” Michael says. “The real he says. “Our populace is obviously a lot amazing thing is seeing what fucked-up smaller, so to me it’s always inspiring shit they create.” to see what comes out of this town.” Wiggle 20 will be a weekend of celIt isn’t just local talent that has ebration, with a preview on July 11 at helped shape Wiggle. Hosts of the show the Vancouver Art Gallery, followed by have included Lady Bunny, the legend- the show on July 12 at The Fox Cabaret. ary New York City queen and creator “The magic continues; the saga goes of Wigstock; Candis Cayne, the first on,” Michael says. “It’s emotional and trans woman to have a recurring role overwhelming to see something last so on prime-time television; and Miss Guy, long . . . Dreams do come true.” MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM

XTRA! JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 13

Xtra brings you a chance to win tickets to TOTEM from Cirque du Soleil on Wednesday, July 2 at 8pm. To enter, send your name and phone number to contest.vancouver@dailyxtra.com, with “Contest: Totem� in the subject line, before Monday, June 30. Some restrictions apply. Only winners will be contacted.

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14 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 XTRA!

Robson at Hornby 604.696.5506 VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS


MANSCAPING Whether you’re looking for the hottest new hairstyle, a traditional flip, an impressive array of male grooming products or a chemical peel, these specialists can help you look and feel your best.

If you want a great selection of men’s grooming products, look no further than Masc on Davie Street.


East Van’s High Fidelity specializes in traditional with a twist.

High Fidelity Hair While a traditional shave and a haircut might seem a little dated to some, old-school hairstyles — think solid parts, slicked-back hair and pompadours — seem to be in vogue right now. And few capture traditional-with-a-modern-twist better than the East Van bastion of cool that is High Fidelity Hair. Whether you’re a guy, a gal or elsewhere on the genderqueer spectrum, High Fidelity is committed to giving you the look you want at a reasonable price. 1035 Commercial Dr highfidelityhair.com

The first thing you notice when you walk into Masc is the sheer volume of product on the shelves. Whether it’s the latest beard oil or the futuristic-sounding nanofibres for those who might be a little folically challenged, this store is brimming with everything you need to look your best from head to toe. But don’t let the selection scare you. Store owners Patrick and Jamie are like walking encyclopedias when it comes to keeping up with the trends and are there to ensure that you look good and feel great. 433 Davie St shopmasc.com

The Vanity Lab


There’s something a little cheeky about a medical aesthetics clinic that uses vanity in its name, but when you’re as fresh as The Vanity Lab, you can get away with a little sass. And while the traditional road to success is not normally paved in lasers and chemical peels, The Vanity Lab team knows that a winning attitude includes looking your best. As the slogan says, these are treatments “for beauty that doesn’t wash off.” With weekly specials that include Tighten It Up Tuesdays and Weekend Recovery, it’s easier than ever to incorporate otherwise pricey treatments into your anti-aging régime. But what’s a guy to do with all these options? The Vanity Lab makes it easy, with its equally audacious Life Changing Package that rolls four months of treatments into a single, cost-effective package. 1118 Homer St, Unit 111 thevanitylab.com


Trust the stylists at Stratosphere to lift you to new heights.


Fresh and refined: The Vanity Lab offers “beauty that doesn’t wash off.”

Step into the Stratosphere hair salon and you’ll immediately feel a positive vibe, leaving little doubt that Stratosphere’s team of skilled and playful stylists enjoy what they do. But it’s not all fun and games: when it comes to getting the look you want, this team is all business. Whether you’re booking a stylist visit to get the latest look or an appointment with an aesthetician for a bit of manscaping, the Stratosphere team will take you, and your hair, to new heights. 1259 Granville St stratospherehair.com

XTRA! JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 15




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Cherry bombs & aliens New monthly parties launch in East Van BLITZ & SHITZ


To all promoters, effective immediately: if you would like me to review your parties (aka get wasted and gossip about you in the paper), then please send a limousine for me and my drag queens. Jane Smoker, creator of new monthly Cherry Pop at The Fox, with DJs Trevor Risk and Cherchez La Femme, may look like a cheap hooker, but she’s all class. When the

cherry popped, we bled in style. Somehow I managed to weasel my way into a limo Jane sent to 1181 for Cherry Pop’s guest performer, the Queen of East Van, Isolde N Barron, and her baggage. I’m not just talking about Peeka Boo; I mean literally, Isolde’s drag suitcase is so big that when Nicki Minaj started playing through the limo’s speakers I almost expected Peach Cobblah to jump out and lip-sync. Along for the ride were selfprofessed legends Valynne Vile,

Shanda Leer, Anna Propriette, Lady Jem, Celestial Seasons, Peter Breeze, Daniel Pitout and Joey Vanity. All I have to say is thank god the drunk driver shared his bottle of vodka! When we got to The Fox, we went up to the balcony that overlooks the dancefloor and stage. There was a bar and enough space for the entire Cobalt family to pile in their sequins and support one of their own. Jane’s drag career started as a “one-time thing” parodying Lindsay Lohan on The Cobalt’s stage. It didn’t take her long to realize she loved drag, and she has since risen as a celebrated host and performer with a diverse fan base spanning from Davie Street to queer East Van to the straight hipsters of The Biltmore’s Glory Days. Jane was also the host for rapper Le1f’s return to Celebrities Nightclub

way, but maybe that’s because I was feeling quite wobbly myself at the time. That driver, I’m telling you. Hire him! The Cobalt family has invested in real estate, spreading the dynasty to include The Fox and the Astoria Pub, where Junita Werk, Anna Propriette and Shanda Leer launched Brain Candy with DJs Daniel Pitout and Jef Leppard. Brain Candy is a night of grindhouse nostalgia and “sexy alien babe lap dances.” The party’s name stems from the movie Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy, which features an antidepressant that gets you stuck in your happiest memory. The crowd was mixed at the inception, with costumed ravers on the dancefloor and unsuspecting regulars, who had just planned on shooting some pool, finding themselves in an alien odyssey. What else would you call a B-52s drag number? There was body painting, and for one guy that included his brain, which he was wearing on the outside of his head. My alien eyes kept toppling over and hitting my real eyes. It was so an-

Shanda Leer, Anna Propriette, Raziel and Junita Werk contribute to the weird and ethereal vibe at Brain Candy. TALLULAH

on June 6. Le1f gave a tight performance but has flatlined with his sophomore album. I found Matt Troy and Erica Lapadat-Janzen’s visuals more compelling than the show. In-demand queen Jane, who makes Brooke Candy seem demure, worked the pole during her performance of “Cherry Bomb” at The Fox. But it was photographer Scott Loudoun who popped his cherry debuting in drag as Solange Farewell, my new favourite drag name that took me way too long to get. If you’re as e-tarded as me, try singing it. Every month at Cherry Pop, a virgin queen will give it up to the stage. Solange was entertaining in a wobbly 16 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 XTRA!

noying. But I decided to dress up for this party because not only do I happen to think I’m a Pleiadian descendant, but I smoke a ton of weed while watching YouTube videos about how the royal family are shape-shifting reptilian humanoids. So I dig the weird and ethereal vibe that Brain Candy is attempting to induce. I’m just not sure if the Astoria’s dive-bar magnetic field will attract the desired UFOs. Although from what I’ve heard of the spooky basement (complete with a locker room and shower that look like they could be a horror-film set), I definitely think some unidentified shit could take off down there. What do you say, earthlings? VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS


Hershe Bar — Red Room Ultra Bar, Mon, June 30 FLYGIRL.COM


Wed, June 18 Xtra Town Hall Are you gay? Are you queer? Xtra will host a community town hall to discuss the words we use and why they matter. 6:30–8pm. Fountainhead Pub, 1025 Davie St. No cover. The town hall will also be streamed live on dailyxtra.com.

Thurs, June 19 Butch: Not Like the Other Girls Photo-based artist SD Holman launches her book on female masculinity. 7pm. Little Sister’s, 1238 Davie St. littlesisters.ca Rainbow Support Group BC’s Alzheimer Society offers a support group for LGBT caregivers and those caring for LGBT people with dementia. Call 604-675-5153 or email kturner@alzheimerbc.org. Timberline Vancouver’s countrywestern dance group meets every Thursday. Dancers of all levels are welcome. 7pm. St Paul’s Anglican Church, 1140 Jervis St. $10 donation partially benefits A Loving Spoonful. timberlinedance.org

XOXO World Cup Celebration Big Roger Events celebrates the World Cup with the tribal samba beats of DJ Ana Paula (Brazil). 10pm–3am. Rain Ultraclub, 66 Water St. Tickets $20 at showclix. com. bigrogerevents.com Tomboy DJ Kasey Riot spins at this monthly sports-themed grrrl party. 10pm–2am. Heaven’s Door, 1216 Bute St. $5. Search “Tomboy” on Facebook.

East Side Pride Join the Vancouver Pride Society for its annual tribute to the Stonewall riots. 11am–6pm. Grandview Park, corner of Charles Street and Commercial Drive. Free. vancouverpride.ca Gear Saturday: VML Join the Vancouver Men in Leather at their monthly get-together. Dress code: leather, rubber and fetish. 9pm. PumpJack Pub, 1167 Davie St. No cover. pumpjackpub.com Spice Gurls Drag Show Vancouver drag queens bring Spice World to life. Doors 11:30pm, show midnight. Rio Theatre, 1660 E Broadway. $12 advance or in costume, $15 door. riotheatretickets.ca

Sat, June 21 Vatican the IV Club 8x6 hosts a fetish dance for men. 8pm–2am. Club 8x6, 1775 Haro St. Tickets $20 at Little Sister’s, 1238 Davie

St; pupluvyvr@gmail.com; thevaticanparty.com; or at the door. The Gay Agenda The Gay Agenda now celebrates glitter, skin and no attitude the third Saturday of every month. 9pm–2am. The Cobalt, 917 Main St. $9. thecobalt.ca

Sun, June 22 Redneck Sunday Shanda Leer hosts a new Nashville-inspired weekly party. 9pm–midnight. The Bourbon, 50 W Cordova St. $10. thebourboncountry.com Ensoul Nicki Ravange and DJ G Luve celebrate deep, soulful house and R&B. 10pm–3am. Cabana Lounge, 1159 Granville St. $5. cabanavancouver.com

Andrew Christian Underwear Show The man behind one of the hottest underwear lines makes an appearance alongside model Pablo. 10pm–3 am. Celebrities, 1022 Davie St. Tickets $10 at celebrities. electrostub.com.

Mon, June 23 The Bobbers Vancouver’s queer improv troupe brings comedy to the Village. 7–9pm. Heaven’s Door, 1216 Bute St. No cover. heavensdoor.ca

Fri, June 20

Tues, June 24

You’ve Got Talent Pinoy Pride Vancouver celebrates its fourth anniversary with a talent show. The winner will be PPV’s Mabuhay ambassador for Pride. 7pm–2am. Heaven’s Door, 1216 Bute St. $10. Search “Pinoy Pride” on Facebook. A Screaming Weenie Cabaret The frank theatre company presents a cabaret dedicated to opera diva Maria Callas, with performances by Rachel Iwaasa, Joel Klein and Kim Villagante. 7–10pm. Heartwood Community Café, 317 E Broadway. $10. thefranktheatre.com

Freedom Friday Freedom Cabaret’s new showcase of local and international DJs has a cleaner, sexier look and a focus on love, respect and tolerance for everybody. Midnight. Lux Lounge, 1180 Howe St. $10. luxlounge.ca

Sat, June 28

Queer Prom 2014 An alcohol- and drug-free evening for queer and trans youth aged 14–25. 8pm– midnight. Heritage Hall, 3102 Main St. Entrance by donation, but no one turned away for lack of funds. qmunity.ca PCAN Naked Heaven The Pacific Canadian Association of Nudists hosts a monthly naked dance for men only. 8pm–2am. Club 8x6, 1775 Haro St. $15, includes locker. p-can. org/events

1661 Napier St. For more info, contact generations@qmunity.ca.

Men on Men A weekly discussion group for men who love or have sex with men. Every Tuesday, 6:30pm. Gordon Neighbourhood House, 1019 Broughton St. checkhimout.ca

The Gay Agenda — The Cobalt, Sat, June 21 DANNY GRAY FOX

Shame Spiral Peach Cobblah brings East Side debauchery to her favourite West End cocktail lounge for a night of drag, perverse games and true shame spiral stories. 9:30pm. 1181, 1181 Davie St. No cover. 1181.ca

Wed, June 25 Gay & Grey Join this group of gay senior men every Wednesday for friendly, supportive discussions. 7pm. Roundhouse Community Centre, second-floor boardroom, 181 Roundhouse Mews.

Man-Glam and Rough Trade Tran Apus Rex and Shanda Leer join forces to honour Freddie Mercury in this post–East Side Pride event. Prizes for best mustache. 9pm. Fox Cabaret, 2321 Main St. $10 advance at eventbrite.ca; $12 door. foxcabaret.com

Bingo for Life Joan-E hosts this weekly Friends for Life fundraiser, with prizes, cheap drinks and snappy drag queens. 8–10pm. Celebrities, 1022 Davie St. $10 donation at door for bingo cards. celebritiesnightclub.com

Victoria Pride The celebration, including the parade and the annual drag softball game, runs until Sunday, July 6. Full list of events and times at victoriapridesociety.org.

Thurs, June 26

Mon, June 30

Gay Poz 30-Something Positive Living hosts a discussion group for 30-something, HIV-positive gay men every Thursday. 6:30–8pm. Positive Living, 1107 Seymour St. Free. positivelivingbc.org

Hershe Bar DJs Riki Rocket and Miss M spin at this popular women’s party. 10pm–2am. Red Room Ultra Bar, 398 Richards St. $15 advance at Little Sister’s, 1238 Davie St; Kokopelli Salon, 2052 Commercial Dr; and flygirlproductions.com.

Fri, June 27 AJ’s Café Join other HIV-positive gay men every Friday for this free social support group sponsored by Positive Living BC. 3–6pm. The Junction Pub, 1138 Davie St. positivelivingbc.org Queer Women on the Drive This crafts-based get-together for women meets the last Friday of each month. 7pm. Britannia Community Centre, Seniors’ Lounge,

Sun, June 29

Tues, July 1 CruiseyT CruiseyT kicks off the summer season with its floating dance party and Canada Day fireworks cruise, featuring DJs Zach Shore and Mattilda Ho, with performances by Iona Whipp and Conni Smudge. Boarding 7pm, cruise 7:30–11:30pm. 501 Denman St. $30 advance at Little Sister’s, 1238 Davie St; thisispride.ca; or cruiseyt.com.

Submit your event listing to oitc.vancouver@dailyxtra.com. Deadline for the July 3–16, 2014 issue is Tues, June 24.


JUL 23 - AUG 9, 2014


Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre, Vancouver


We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia. Photo by Andrew Kounitskiy: Leonid in Red Square


XTRA! JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 17





EMPRESS BALL The Empress Ball paid tribute to ted northe June 14 and crowned his successor, Empress of Canada II Avaughna Sanoir. Read the full story on page 11.


1E Empress of Canada II Avaughna Sanoir 2E Imelda Mae & Allen Or 3E Desree Niismiou, HazZzel dePontiac & Harvey McGillivary 4E Dino, Empress II Mona Regina Lee, Empress I Charity & Avaughna Sanoir 5E Peeka Boo, Empress X Oliv, Dave Decarlo & Isolde N Barron


5 18 JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 XTRA!


Xtra and Dan Savage’s Hump! Tour bring you a chance to win a pair of tickets to Vancouver Hump! at the Rio Theatre, 1660 E Broadway, for either Friday, July 4 or Saturday, July 5.


To enter, send your name and phone number to contest@dailyxtra.com, with “Contest: Hump” in the subject line, before Monday, June 30. VANCOUVER’S GAY& LESBIAN NEWS

Some restrictions apply. Only winners will be contacted.

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XTRA! JUNE 19–JULY 2, 2014 19

Health – Fitness & Exercise

E xtralivingvancouver.com

Massage – Certified/ Registered

Body Energy Club 604-697-0466

Linda Duncan RMT 604-630-0101

Health Foods & Nutrition

Rick Girardeau, RMT rickgrmt.com

The Vancouver Health Show 888-999-1761

Massage – Erotic Handsome Hands handsomehands.ca

Hearing Aids

Men’s Services

Sound Hearing Clinic 604-687-1488

THE BEST OF GAY & LESBIAN VANCOUVER Accommodations – BC Quality Hotel Vancouver 604-682-0229

Accounting Services Felicity Webb 604-721-7537

Addictions Orchard Recovery 866-233-2299


Dental Services

Downtown Chiropractic 604-685-9444

Dr Langston Raymond 604-687-1008

Cleaning & Maid Services

Redtree Dental 604-873-3337

The Maids 604-987-5651

Education & Instruction


Vesta 604-873-8378

Travel Clinic 604-736-9244


Community Groups & Services

Ballet BC 604-732-5003

AIDS Vancouver 604-893-2201

West End Seniors’ Network 604-669-5051

Playland Amusement Park 604-253-2311

AIDS Vancouver Island 800-665-2437

Vancouver Prime Timers 604-564-4783


Community Organizations

Dr Peter AIDS Foundation 604-608-1874

Community Based Research 604-568-7478

Health Initiative for Men 604-488-1001


Positive LIving 604-893-2200

maison d’etre design build 604-484-4030


Cosmetic Services

Harbour Air Seaplanes 604-274-1277

Daher Orthostyle – Dr Sam Daher 604-662-3290

Alternative Health Ignite Smoke Shop 778-786-0977 Medicinal Cannabis Dispensary 604-255-1844

Antiques 21st Century Promotions 604-980-3159

Apartments Capreit caprent.com

Art Galleries Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art 604-682-3455 Museum of Vancouver 604-736-4431

Automotive Alan Davis 604-308-5545

Home Improvement & Repairs Martin Brothers Funeral 778-330-7799

Grocery Stores Nesters Market 604-682-3071 Safeway Davie: 604-669-8313 Robson: 604-683-6155




Interior Design RodRozen Designs 604-558-4443

Dr Aaron Van Gaver BSc ND 604-629-1120

North Shore Law LLP 604-980-8571

Farmers’ Markets

Health – Men’s

Life Coach

Kitty Kare 604-813-4239

Pet Stores & Supplies Happy Pups 604-782-7337

21st Century Dynamics 778-877-6276

Community Based Research 604-568-7478

Marketing C&C Communications 604-664-8995


Health Initiative for Men 604-488-1001

Relaxation Massage 604-789-0857

Sound Hearing Clinic 604-687-1488

Dr Reuben Dinsmore, ND 604-568-7655

Pet Care

Health Initiative for Men 604-488-1001

Healthcare Services

Dr Aaron Van Gaver BSc ND 604-629-1120

Integrative Healing Arts 604-738-1012

Dahl & Connors 604-687-8752

The Health Shows 888-999-1761

Arbor Richmond: 604-273-3748 Valley View Memorial Gardens: 604-596-7196 Valleyview Funeral Home: 604-596-8866


Quality Hotel Vancouver 604-682-0229

The Dance Centre 604-606-6412

Funeral Services

Motorcycle World 604-582-9253

maison d’etre design build 604-484-4030

Health & Wellness

Your Local Farmers’ Market 604-879-3276

Motorcycles & Scooters

Tisol 14th & Main: 604-873-4117 12th & Arbutus: 604-730-1768 Grandview Hwy: 604-436-3001 Gilley Ave, Bby: 604-434-2812 Market Crossing, Bby: 604-431-8458 #3 Rd, Richmond: 604-276-2254 Richlea Sq, #3 Rd, Rmd: 604-241-7586

Physiotherapy & Rehab Andrea Martens 604-669-8233 Burrard Physiotherapy 604-684-1640

Printing Mail Box Plus 604-683-1433 Minuteman Press 604-572-8558


Joe’s Grill 1031 Davie St: 604-682-3683 948 Denman St: 604-642-6588 2061 West 4th Ave: 604-736-6588 3048 Main St: 604-879-6586 Oasis Restaurant & Bar 604-685-1724 Ten Ten Tapas 604-689-7800

Seniors Vancouver Prime Timers 604-564-4783

Dr Joachim Sehrbrock 604-366-3112

West End Seniors’ Network 604-669-5051


Studio Space

Pink Triangle Press 1-800-268-9872

The Dance Centre 604-606-6400

Xtra (Toronto) 416-925-6665


Xtra (Ottawa) 613-986-8292 Xtra (Vancouver) 604-684-9696

Real Estate Agents

Harbour Air 604-274-1277 Helijet International Inc 800-665-4354

Travel – BC

Darryl Persello 604-306-1340

Black Rock Oceanfront Resort 877-762-5011

Ian Eggleton 604-773-1443

Tourism Harrison 604-796-5581

Lyn Hart 604-724-4278

Travel – General

Susan Cameron 604-266-1364

Renovations & Restorations maison d’etre design build 604-484-4030

Restaurants & Cafés Ciao Bella Restaurant 604-688-5771 Gallery Café & Catering 604-688-2233

Travel Clinic 604-736-9244

Websites Daily Xtra 416-925-6665

Weddings Ceremony Pathways 778-688-5555 2DQ Weddings 604-306-1340

Wine & Spirits West End Liquor Store 604-689-3100

Counselling BC 604-729-6059 Iosono Counselling Services – Ron Paviglianiti, RPC 604-290-1445 Joe Ramirez Integral Counselling 778-227-9423 Lehmann Counselling Service 604-614-8121 Monique Silverman MA, RCC, CCC 778-228-8456 Tricia Antoniuk MSW, RSW 778-378-2633 Willow Tree Counselling 604-521-3404

Couriers Mail Box Plus 604-683-1433

Waterway Houseboats 877-928-3792

Dental Services

Gastown Business Improvement Society 604-683-5650

Health Initiative for Men 604-488-1001


Boat Cruises & Charters

Business & Professional Organizations

Sequoia Thom Lundy 778-786-3677

barbara findlay 604-251-4356

Aarm Dental Group 604-647-0006

MAY—OCT 2014

AIDS/HIV Resources


BCSMSSA 604-682-6482

Langley Bypass, Langley: 604-276-2254 152nd St, Surrey: 604-536-2330


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