Mtf information brochure

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Medium Term Themes, Priority National Outcomes and Priority Areas of focus— Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) 2012 – 2015

Medium Term Themes, Priority National Outcomes and Priority Areas of focus (Cont’d)

Did You Know? Information Brochure Produced by the: Vision 2030 Jamaica Secretariat Planning Institute of Jamaica 16 Oxford Road, Kingston 5 Tel: 935-5150; 960-9339; 906-4471/2 Email: Website:

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at: @ndp_2030

Towards Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development

MTF 2012–2015


ision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan— the country’s first longterm strategic development plan— is being implemented through a series of Medium Term Socio- Economic Policy Frameworks (MTFs). These identify the priority outcomes, strategies and actions for each three-year period from 2009 to 2030. MTF 2012–2015 is the second of the series of MTFs, with MTF 2009-2012 being implemented during the first three years.

MTF 2012-2015 – National Priorities The Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) 2012 – 2015 is based on four (4) broad strategic areas or Medium Term Themes, which are aligned to the four (4) National Goals of Vision 2030 Jamaica. Under MTF 2012– 2015, these four Medium Term Themes will move Jamaica: Towards Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development The four Medium Term Themes being addressed under MTF 2012–2015 are:    

this alignment, the eight prioritized national outcomes are:        

A Healthy and Stable Population World Class Education and Training Effective Social Protection Security and Safety Effective Governance A Stable Macroeconomy An Enabling Business Environment Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change

Development and Protection of Human Capital National Security and Justice Economic Stability, Competitiveness and Employment Environmental Resilience and Climate Change Response

As with Vision 2030 Jamaica–National Development Plan and MTF 20092012, stakeholders across the island collaborated in the preparation of MTF 2012-2015. This framework sets out the priority national outcomes, strategies, programmes and targets for the three-year period FY2012/ 2013 – 2014/2015 towards the achievement of the long-term goals of Vision 2030 Jamaica.

Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of MTF 2012-2015 Implementation involves a wide range of stakeholders, including MDAs, the private sector, trade unions, civil society and IDPs. However, management and supervision will remain largely within public sector entities. The four Medium Term Themes are directly aligned to eight of the 15 National Outcomes, under the four National Goals of Vision 2030 Jamaica. By virtue of

The Vision 2030 Jamaica Technical Secretariat, located within the PIOJ will be the main coordination mechanism for implementation of MTF 2012-2015.

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