Vision 2030 Jamaica Update

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Popular Version goes to King’s House ... to him at King’s House on Friday, March 21, 2011 by Director General of the Planning Institute of Jamaica, Dr. Gladstone Hutchinson.

Inside this issue: JLS Gets on Board


Community Group Leader on a Mission


Hot Topic


Growth Inducement Strategy Aligned to Vision 2030 Jamaica


TWGs in Action


Are You Spreading the message?


Recent Significant Events


Bite of the Quarter


What’s Happening


Next Steps


Breaking News


DID YOU KNOW? Vision 2030 Jamaica is built on: • A National Vision • 7 Guiding Principles • 4 National Goals • 15 National Outcomes • 82 National Strategies • Sector Strategies and Actions


his is excellent!” declared the Governor General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (above right), as he leafed through the pages of a copy of Vision 2030 Jamaica, Popular Version, which was officially presented

The Popular Version was officially launched on October 8, 2010, and is being distributed to key target groups across the island. It should prove a useful tool for use by Sir Patrick, especially in his "I Believe" series for young people.

Sir Patrick noted that the document would play an important role in helping to instil the values and attitudes and a sense of pride and hope for a brighter future, especially in our young people.

… and to schools across the island


ver 12,000 copies of the popular version of Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, are now in circulation to public and private educational institutions across Jamaica.

Holness said the booklet contained very important information relating to Jamaica's development.

Private schools as well as public and private tertiary institutions are also being Director General of the PIOJ, presented with copies of the Dr. Gladstone Hutchinson, Vision 2030 Jamaica, Popular Above: Minister of Education, Hon. Andrew Holness (left), who officially presented Minis- Version. receives copies of the Vision 2030 ter of Education, the Hon. Jamaica - National Development Plan, Andrew Holness with 10,000 Popular Version from Director General of the PIOJ, Dr. Gladstone copies for public schools, Hutchinson, at the Ministry's head stated that the Vision 2030 office in Kingston, on January 4, Jamaica popular edition would 2011. allow young people to Left: Mr. Richard Lumsden, "appreciate the ways in which Programme Manager, Vision 2030 Jamaica, presents the President of we want our Jamaica to be the Jamaica Independent Schools’ one that is inclusive and one Association (JISA), Dr. Faithlyn that allows for all of their Wilson with copies for private aspirations to be realised." schools. In his response, Minister

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Volume 4, Issue 1

Jamaica Library Service Gets on Board...


he Jamaica Library Service (JLS), monitoring and evaluation of Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan. under the leadership of its Director General, Mrs. Patricia Roberts, is leading the charge among public information institutions, in spreading the message of Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan. Towards this end, the JLS on Friday, March 4, 2011, received over 500 copies of the Vision 2030 Jamaica, Popular Version which has been prepared especially for schools, community groups and the man in the street. The booklets will be available in all Parish Libraries, Branch Libraries, hospitals and prison libraries; and from Book Mobiles. Plans are also being made for the JLS in collaboration with the PIOJ to host annual public forums on the progress being made in the implementation,

Mr. Richard Lumsden (l), Manager, Vision 2030 Jamaica, presents a copy of the Vision 2030 Jamaica, Popular Version to Director General of the JLS, Mrs. Patricia Roberts, at the JLS Tom Redcam Avenue Headquarters, on Friday, March 4, 2011. Sharing in the moment at right, is JLS Senior Director, Mrs. Karen Barton.


Community Group Leader on a Mission...

Vision 2030 Jamaica has four National Goals:

“This is to advise you that as promised, I have been spreading the word on Vision 2030. I was at a CDC Meeting yesterday, and I ensured that a presentation by me was on the agenda about Vision 2030.

1. Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential 2. The Jamaican society is secure, cohesive and just 3. Jamaica’s economy is prosperous 4. Jamaica has a healthy natural environment


“I will do my best in spreading the word as P.R.O. Persons attending were interested in getting further information on Vision 2030. They would like to know if there is a website. One “Mr. Denzil Kerr from the SDC concern expressed however is that they wish they had the was there. This meeting was Ms. Marcia Gayle, above, who the meeting of the Ensom CDC information earlier, however attended the PIOJ/SDC/UNDP they were happy to have it…” which comprises of 11 commuVision 2030 Jamaica, Trainer of nities. I ensure that at the end Regards Trainers’ Workshop for Greater St. of the presentation everyone in Marcia Gayle Catherine, on February 18, 2011, has attendance was able to say become a champion for Vision 2030 Marcia Gayle is what Vision 2030 was. Of 1st Vice President and P.R.O. Jamaica. Not only is she educating course most persons in her community block by block, but attendance were unaware what Eltham View Citizens. Assn. she is taking the message to others & PRO Ensom CDC Vision 2030 was all about. “I will be doing another presentation this Sunday at 5pm in the Eltham View

She may be contacted at:

E-mail sent: March 22, 2011

wherever she goes — church, supermarket, office, on the streets.

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Volume 4, Issue 1

How will we measure our progress from 2009 to 2030 under Vision 2030 Jamaica? National Dashboard of Indicators Vision 2030 Jamaica Programme Manager, Mr. Richard Lumsden, presents the second in our series of Dashboard of Selected Indicators of National Well-being that we are using to track our country‘s progress to 2030, based on areas critical to achievement of the four National Goals. In this issue we highlight the status for the October to December 2010 quarter.

National Goal # 1: Jamaicans Are Empowered To Achieve Their Fullest Potential

National Goal # 2: The Jamaican Society is Secure, Cohesive and Just

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Growth-Inducement Strategy Aligned to Vision 2030 Jamaica... has formulated a new strate- • Build an innovative & competitive J amaica gic framework for achieving robust modern economy of big and small

government and private sector.

The strategic framework was developed by the PIOJ under the leadership of the Director General, Dr. Gladstone Hutchinson and Lead Consultant Professor Donald Harris, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Stanford University, The growth strategies which are in- • Social inclusion through community as well as input from the public and cluded in a report entitled: A Growth- renewal, expanded self-agency and private sectors, civil society organizaInducement Strategy for Jamaica in the equity. tions and International Development Short and Medium Term, were Partners. presented to the public at a Symposium • Proactive partnership between on March 15, 2011, at the Jamaica The Strategic Framework Conference Centre. economic growth in the short and firms by strengthening business netmedium term. This framework is works and removing supply-side conspecifically aligned with the goals of straints. Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Devel- • Modernize and improve the efficiency opment Plan. of government.

Guiding Principles of the GrowthInducement Strategy: • Unleash entrepreneurial dynamism by

unlocking latent wealth tied up in idle assets. • Infrastructure investments as catalyst

for job creation through strengthening resiliency of the built and natural environment. DID YOU KNOW?

Thematic Working Groups in Action...

• Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) have been set up as an important part of the Vision 2030 Jamaica monitoring and evaluation system. • TWG members are senior technical representatives from Government, civil society, private sector and the international d e v e l o p m e n t community. • Each group is chaired by a Permanent Secretary or Senior Government official.

Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change TWG meeting on March 24, 2011. Director General of the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), Ronald Jackson (centre), chairs the TWG.

1. C o n c e p t p r o g r a m m e Hazard Risk Reduction requesting funding, to be and Adaptation to submitted to UNFCCC Climate Change Adaptation Fund Hazard Risk Reduction and Over the quarter January 2011 to Ad a pta tion to Clima te March 2011, the Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to 2. J a m a i c a ’ s N a t i o n a l Change; Climate Change Policy Climate Change Thematic Tourism; 2010 – 2030 Working Group held two Education & Training; and meetings - engaging in the Population More on Page 5 development of the following:

Over the quarter, meetings were held for: •

• • •


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Volume 4, Issue 1

TWG Activities (Cont’d)... To this end, two working groups were established to undertake these activities. The draft concept programme for submission to the adaptation fund has been completed and is currently being revised to enable submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by end of April 2011.

This first meeting was an introductory meeting and provided members with the terms of reference of the TWG as well as the role of the group with respect to the • implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Vision 2030 Jamaica.

youth. This component was being implemented through the Career Advancement Programme (CAP). The PIOJ led growth strategy was presented with special emphasis on the implications for the education/training sector.

The next meeting is set for May 4, 2011 when the work programme for the group will be finalized. A small working group Population TWG Meeting will also be established to finalize the indi- The first meeting of the Population The draft climate change policy is expected cators and targets for the tourism sector. Thematic Working Group was held on to be completed by the end of April 2011 February 23, 2011, at the PIOJ Offices, 16 and will be reviewed at a National Climate Reports submitted by: Elizabeth Emanuel, Sus- Oxford Road. The main agenda items conChange Workshop to be held in early May tainable Development Specialist – Vision 2030 sidered in the meeting included: • the draft terms of reference; 2011. Working group meetings will there- Jamaica • membership of the group; fore take place in April 2011 to facilitate the Education and Training TWG Meeting • frequency of meetings; and achievement of these milestones. The meeting which was held on March 21, • what should constitute a quorum. The next meeting of the TWG is scheduled 2011 at the HEART Trust/NTA in K i n g s t o n Members were given an update on the imfor April 26, 2011 and will involve a final h e a d q u a r t e r s plementation and promulgation of Vision review of the concept programme prior to heard updates on the following: 2030 Jamaica; and advised that a review of the implementation of the first MTF was to submission, as well as a review of the draft • Education Strategic Plan to 2016 begin in late 2011 to early 2012 in collaboraclimate change policy prior to the national The plan has been completed in draft tion with MDAs. Reviews would consider workshop. and is now in the final stages of being priorities for the next MTF. edited for final presentation. The plan Tourism TWG Meeting is fully aligned to Vision 2030 Jamaica. The next meeting of the Population TWG is scheduled for May 25, 2011. The Tourism Thematic Working Group has been established and the first meeting was • HEART Trust/NTA provided an update on implementation of the Reports submitted by Charles Clayton, Social held March 30, 2011. The Permanent SecreVision 2030 Jamaica related activities Sector Specialist, Vision 2030 Jamaica. tary of the Ministry of Tourism chairs this focusing on training for unattached group.

Are you spreading the Message? Let us know what you’re doing!! What have you done, or are doing to inform co-workers or persons outside of your organization (family, church, community members) about Vision 2030 Jamaica and how it links with what you do and what we can all do to make Jamaica the place of choice...? Don’t be left behind … we’ve so far heard from the Administrator-General’s Dept. which included a hyperlink to the Vision 2030 Jamaica website on its email pages: The AGD playing its part in making Jamaica the place of choice…; the Ministry of Justice which erected the billboard at right; and the National Transformation Unit, OPM, which aligns all its activities with Vision 2030 Jamaica.

Seen at the Jose Marti Roundabout, Spanish Town on February 18, 2011.

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Recent Significant Events... January 12, 2011 - January 28, 2011

Left: Social Sector Specialist, Charles Clayton as he introduces the Vision 2030 Jamaica, Popular Version to participants in the Ministry of Education’s Citizens’ Education Programme (CEP) Trainer of Trainers’ Workshop on January 12, 2011.

Members of staff of the National Land Agency (NLA) listen to a presentation on Vision 2030 Jamaica on January 14, 2011, at the NLA.

Right: Mrs. Margaret Bolt, CEP Coordinator explores the document. Vision 2030 Jamaica will be introduced to the school population through the CEP.

PIOJ/SDC/UNDP Trainer of Trainers’ Workshop Portmore, St. Catherine January 24, 2011

Above: Mrs. Esther Tyson, Principal, Ardenne High School makes a point following a presentation on Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan at a meeting of the Jamaica Association of Principals of Secondary Schools (JAPSS), on January 28, 2011 at the Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston. Below: JAPSS members in attendance.

Top left: Explaining the Objectives of the Workshop to participants. Top right: A mother introduces her young son to Vision 2030 Jamaica through the visual elements of the popular version. Bottom left: Community group leaders proudly display their tools for use in educating community members. Bottom right: Some participants pose in their Vision 2030 Jamaica message glasses following their participation in the Vision 2030 Jamaica Quiz Competition.

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Volume 4, Issue 1

Recent Significant Events... St. Elizabeth - February 10, 2011

PIOJ/SDC/UNDP Trainer of Trainers’ Workshops February 7, 2011 - February 22, 2011...

St. Mary February 7, 2011

SDC Field Officers - Quiz winners Community Group leaders use the Popular Ve r sion to develop community strategies.

Left: Young Community Group Leaders participating in the workshop Right: Two participants present their group’s work Kingston & St. Andrew February 14 & 22, 2011

Left: SDC Facilitator Andre McLarty, assists participants with group work. Right: SDC Field Officers use edutainment to communicate Vision 2030 Jamaica. Centre (l) A community group leader explains a key Outcome of Vision 2030 Jamaica to other participants. Centre (r): Community group leaders planning how best to incorporate Vision 2030 Jamaica into their community plans. Below: Participants pose wearing their Vision 2030 Jamaica message glasses at the end of the Workshop. Clarendon - February 16, 2011

Getting ready to answer questions in the buzzer section of the Quiz. Standing is PIOJ Corporate Communications and Marketing Mgr (Actg), Mrs. Karen Sancko, who recorded the scores.

Hanover - February 11, 2011

Above: SDC Facilitator Ralston Francis, helps participants plan strategies for communicating the message to their communities. Below: Participants pose at end of the Workshop.

St. Catherine - February 18, 2011 Community group leaders (l & r) from across Greater St. Catherine participate in the Workshop.

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Volume 4, Issue 1



Bite of the Quarter

Thematic Working Group Meetings Ongoing meetings with MDAs on alignment with Vision 2030 Jamaica

"Development is not just a plan, it's not just an idea, it is a frame of mind, and we have to get our teachers and our students in the frame of mind for development…This [Popular version] will certainly [be] a good frame in which to place their minds. ”

Continue to make presentations to key stakeholders on Vision 2030 Jamaica

Breaking News… Ministry of Education Special Education Unit, translates Vision 2030 Jamaica, Popular Version into Braille!!

Minister of Education, the Hon. Andrew Holness on receiving copies of the Vision 2030 Jamaica, Popular Version for distribution to public schools.

What’s Happening EVENTS


Presentation to entrants in the 2011 Jamaica Festival Queen Contest

Friday, April 8, 2011 Northern Region Port Maria, St. Mary Saturday, April 9, 2011 Central Region Cecil Charlton Hall, Mandeville Saturday April 16, 2011 Eastern Region Louise Bennett Garden Theatre, Kingston

COMING SOON!!! Vision 2030 Jamaica, Popular Version in

Talking Book format

• Western Region Tourism Centre, Montego Bay Presentation of Braille translated Vision 2030 Jamaica, Popular Version

April 20, 2011 Various organizations at the Jamaica Society for the Blind

Production of Vision 2030 Jamaica Information Video

April 7, 2011 - May 17, 2011

Presentation to Teachers’ Colleges

April 8, 2011 - May 12, 2011

Contact us at: Planning Institute of Jamaica 16 Oxford Road, Kingston 5 Tel: 935-5150; 960-9339;906-4471/2 Email:

Meeting with Jamaica Youth Ambassadors

April 29, 2011 and on:

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