OCT. 6 - 12, 2011 VOL.18
dish10 Flour Power
UNO’s matt white
Pathetic Power
Girl Talk Speaks Volumes
Hockey is here
UNO hockey takes up residence among the nation’s best cover story by brandon vogel
Pinkie Gets Fingered OMAHA JOBS 2
Weird 34
MOjo 40
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Oct. 6 - 12, 2011
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oct. 6 - 12, 2011 USC-ILL-10-115_E USC-PRD-11-176
Moving Forward Summit helps Omaha take an extra step in active transportation planning by Jessica Clem-McClaren
MINUTES INTO THE FUTURE bit.ly/mUdjj3 | OCT. 5, 2011
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orty-two years ago America put a man on the moon, making transportation history. But at that time, Neil Armstrong could not walk safely to work.” Jim Oberstar, former Minnesota congressman and keynote speaker at the 2011 Heartland Active Transportation Summit, set the stage for the importance of safe modes of alternative transportation in front of more than 200 registrants at the Scott Conference Center. The Summit, featuring Oberstar and other planning, cycling and engineering experts, helped show how transportation planning is changing throughout the country. Active transportation modes, such as walking, biking and public transit, are key players in the change. In order to engage and educate the Omaha public about the importance of these healthy changes, the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA) organized the two-day Summit for September 30-October 1st. Friday’s sessions focused on planning improvements and best practices aimed at planning professionals, while Saturday engaged citizens and other community members interested in promoting active transportation. “We’ll spend two productive days looking at the elements and principles of active transportation planning and project delivery,” said the MAPA website. “We will explore what other cities and regions have done and are doing, and forging new partnerships between the public, private and non-profit sectors.” Friday was fast-paced and informative. Paul Mullen, the Executive Director of MAPA, along with Mayor Suttle and Chief of Staff Steve Oltmans, gave the welcome address. In the midst of keyboards, pens and cameras clicking, the first lecture was given by Theo Petritsch of the P.E. Sprinkle Consulting Group. He discussed the importance of safety and liability in active transportation investment. One of the most engaging discussions was an overview of best practices. Representatives from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Kansas City, Missouri and Madison, Wisconsin, shared their planning activities and gave Omaha planners and city officials guidance on how to improve our transportation plan. Minneapolis managed to be named the number one most bicycle friendly city in the nation despite debilitating winters. Kansas City offers healthy public transit. Madison, with its shared bike lanes and bicycling community events, had 7,692 bike commuters in 2010. The discus-
sion was lively and energetic, including good-natured Husker game-day jabs from the Mayor of Madison, Dave Cieslwicz. After showcasing Madison’s impressive efforts to promote bicycling, including 55 miles of bike routes for over 5,000 cyclists, he encouraged Omaha commuters to look at bicycling as a primary method of getting around. “Cycling is not just for the spandex-clad racer,” he said. “But for the mother that needs to get groceries for her family. There need to be accessible modes of commuting.” Oberstar, former congressman and chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, gave the most inspiring speech of the session. With nearly 35 years experience he is an advocate for active transportation. His talk emphasized the importance of “multimodalism” in planning, as well as why it should remain in discussions on a new reauthorization of a Federal transportation bill. The applause kept coming as the League of American Bicyclists presented an award to the City of Omaha. “In honor of your work in making Omaha a more bike friendly city,” said presenter Krista Rettig, Brand Manager of Trek Bicycle, “The League is proud to award you with a bronze level community award.” Omaha was one of 11 cities to be given this award this month. Though Omaha may have some hurdles to cross in making alternative modes of transportation safe and available, the national audience is seeing the strides Omaha is making towards these changes. “I believe all of the ideas will be taken seriously and implemented from the summit,” said city Sustainabilty Planner Ryan McClure. “The engineering, planning and advocacy communities all had a great showing today and will work together to weave the fabric for a sustainable Omaha.” And the work is just beginning. Rows of shared bicycles lining Aksarben Village have seen 350 members logging over 1,000 trips. Twelve miles of on-street bike lanes have been implemented in Omaha, with more on the way. Carlos Morales, the bicycle and pedestrian coordinator, and described by Rettig as “a gift to the Omaha community,” has worked to secure funding for even more bike lanes, trails and other ways to make cycling safer. Omaha may not be at the top yet, but we are on the way to create a sustainable transportation system for future generations. “The Summit featured a lot of research and best practices around the country,” said Dr. Angela Eikenberry. “When you look at the data on safety, health, and economic development, it’s clear that Omaha needs to offer better active transportation options--transit, biking, walking— through design and planning that engages citizens in the process.” ,
OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
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9/13/11 4:13 PM
hockey is here
UNO hockey takes up residence among the nation’s best by Brandon Vogel
ifteen years ago former University of Nebraska at Omaha athletic director Don Leahy and few influential Omahans came up with a crazy plan: Let’s play college hockey in Omaha. It seemed preposterous. Where was the infrastructure of youth teams? Where would the team play? Who would want to coach a fledgling program? Who would want to watch? Fifteen years later, as UNO starts its second season in the most prestigious hockey conference in the country, the issue is not how will the Mavs compete, but how they will deal with expectations. UNO is ranked No. 14 to start the season in the first USA Today/USA Hockey Magazine Men’s College Hockey Poll. Michigan, Yale, North Dakota, Boston College and Boston University. Those are the traditional powerhouses ranked alongside UNO. College hockey hotbeds like Maine, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Cornell are looking up at the Mavs to start the season. After opening last year picked to finish eighth in the ultra-tough Western College Hockey Association, the Mavs were picked by the conference coaches to finish fourth, one spot below where they finished in 2010-2011. That’s the difference between UNO hockey in 1996 and UNO hockey now — the Mavs are good and everyone knows it. When the Big Ten moved ahead with plans to create its own hockey conference, plucking Minnesota and Wisconsin away from the WCHA, the Mavs were good enough to be included in the National Collegiate Hockey Conference. The sport’s newest super-conference will begin play in 2013, but for now the Mavs’ focus is on competing for the WCHA crown and a return to the NCAA tournament. Last year UNO rode stalwart junior goalie John Faulkner and a talented and large freshman class to its second consecutive 20-win season under Coach Dean Blais, and a heartbreaking 3-2 overtime loss to eventual runner-up Michigan in the tournament. This year the Mavs need to find some offense from a relatively young group of players.
opener. “It was kind of surprising that we clicked like that right out of the gate.” Throw in forward Ryan Walters, 11 goals and 23 points last year, and UNO has an exciting frontline to build on. “Those are three real talented hockey players,” Blais says. “We have Walters, Montpetit, who is obviously very talented, and White as a finisher.” Along with Walters, freshman Josh Archibald, one of 10 rookies, could have the potential to lead the second line. The sixth-round pick of the Pittsburgh Penguins scored in his UNO debut, was the second leading scorer in Minnesota’s Class AA high school ranks last season and comes from an established hockey legacy as his father played for Blais at North Dakota. “We’ve got two comfortable lines right now,” Blais says. “The third, fourth and fifth we’ll keep switching around until we get the right combination.” With an average size of 6-3, 205 pounds on the backline the Mavs have some intriguing, and big, options in defense. Junior Bryce Aneloski returns afcoach dean blais ter appearing in all 39 games last season and is UNO’s leading returning scorer among defensemen. Sophomore Michael Young appeared in 37 games for the Mavs in his freshman season, ranking third among defensemen with 17 points last year. Sophomore Tony Turgeon – the biggest of the Mavs’ backline at 6-4, 230 pounds – will add depth and experience. Junior goalkeeper John Faulkner could be poised for a breakout season. Now in his fourth year in the program, Faulkner became the first tion win over British Columbia. Sophomore keeper in school history to start an entire seaforwards Brock Montpetit, Matt White and juson in 2010. He ranks second on the school’s list nior Terry Broadhurst had multi-point games in for all-time wins. Blais will be looking for a little the season opener. more consistency from Faulkner this season. He “Me, Terry and Matt got thrown together recorded 20 of the team’a 21 wins last season, inhere this last week,” Montpetit said after leadcontinued onon page 8 8y y continued page ing the Mavs with two goals and an assist in the photos courtesy uno athletics
john faulkner
josh archibald
Four of the top six scorers are gone from last year; and UNO’s leading returning scorer and captain, senior forward Alex Hudson, has been suspended indefinitely for an undisclosed violation of team rules. But the Mavs may have found a first line that clicks in their season-opening 4-1 exhibi-
cover story
oct. 6 - 12, 2011
y continued from page 7
cluding six shutouts, but allowed at least three goals in 15 losses. “You don’t do anything without good goalkeeping,” Blais says. “We’ve got big, mobile defensemen. We’re good size-wise on defense and our forwards can move, bryce aneloski we’ve got fast forwards.” Fast up front, big in the back, with an experienced keeper in net, could be the recipe for a big season for UNO, although the Mavs have a schedule that will test them week in and week out. The regular season starts Friday, Oct. 7 against Mercyhurst College in the annual Mutual of Omaha Stampede. A week later the Mavs travel to Fairbanks, Alaska for the Alasaka Goal Rush before starting conference play with a series against the University of Alaska-Anchorage and Wisconsin. November opens with a home series against No. 7 Colorado College followed by a road trip to Bemidji State, a team that beat UNO five out of six times last season. A visit to 4th-ranked Denver closes a challenging month.
The WCHA’s unbalanced schedule means the Mavs only travel to No. 3 North Dakota, but they do get defending national champions University of Minnesota-Duluth at home on Jan. 13 and 14. It’s a schedule full of tough games, but that’s why UNO joined a conference like the WCHA. Their early success last year against their new conference foes is why they’ll have a high-profile home for the hockey program two years down the road. And now, with UNO hockey a fixture on the national college hockey scene, what started as a dream for a few hockey fans and UNO boosters 15 years ago is becoming a reality – Omaha might be a hockey town after all. , courtesy uno athletics
UNO takes on Mercyhurst College Friday, Oct. 7 at 7:37 p.m. at the CenturyLink Center as part of the Mutual of Omaha Stampede. The Mavs will play the winner of Colgate-Robert Morris on Saturday, Oct. 8 at 7:07 p.m. Tickets are availabl by calling (800) 745-3000 or visiting omahasteam.com.
Lancers look to make 23rd-straight playoff appearance
courtesy lancers.com
The Omaha Lancers started the season slowly, losing three of four preseason games and dropping their season opener 3-1 to Waterloo. But they are again expected to be among the contenders in the USHL’s Western Conference and return to the Clark Cup playoffs for the 23rd straight season. Coach and general manager Bliss Littler is in his fourth season in Omaha and joined the 300-win club last season. He has a good mix of returning talent and exciting newcomers this season. The Lancers will be led offensively by forwards Jonathan Liau, Ken Babinski and Anthony Hamburg. All three are back from successful seasons. Hamburg, a 2009 NHL draft pick of the Minnesota Wild, is a veteran who had six goals and 15 assists last season. Liau, a Princeton recruit, is the Lancers’ leading returning scorer with 11 goals and nine assists in 2010-11. Omaha has a pair of intriguing options in goal. John Keeney is entering his third season in net but he could be pushed for playing time by rookie Alex Lyon. The Yale recruit stopped all 34 shots he faced in a 3-0 preseason shutout of Sioux City. The Lancers return to the Omaha Civic Auditorium on Friday, Oct. 7 at 7:05 p.m. for a game against the Fargo Force. Two days later they face Sioux City on Sunday, Oct. 9 at 5:05 p.m. Tickets start at $14 and are available at Lancers.com. — Brandon Vogel
oct. 6 - 12, 2011
cover story
n e w
a g e
h e a l t h
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w e l l n e s s
Sunshine Superman
etween the balmy, carefree beats of the Beach Boys and the edgier introspection of the Beatles, showing less grit than Dylan and more mysticism than the Rolling Stones, Donovan Leitch, known simply as “Donovan” then, bounded to the top of the charts in the mid-1960s. With iconic hits such as “Sunshine Superman,” “Mellow Yellow,” “Hurdy Gurdy Man,” “Catch the Wind,” “Atlantis,” and “Season of the Witch,” Donovan led more than one generation to metaphysics-as-music and musicas-mystical musings. His strong anti-war stance and embrace of Transcendental Meditation made him the epitome of peace, love and elevated consciousness. Donovan was rock royalty, shepherding the Beatles and Hollywood illuminati to India to study the ancient traditions of awareness long before “yoga” was an everyday word in America. Trained as a classical musician with roots as deep as the ages, Donovan gathered legendary musicians to play on his records in the ‘60s. The members of Led Zeppelin first played together in the studio on his “Hurdy Gurdy” sessions. Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page were regular guitarists on his hits. But as popular as Donovan became, he remained true to the thread of healing energy that wove through the fabric of his music. Years ago, Donovan and I chatted on the phone about the power of music as an agent of healing. Catching the wind One of the characteristics of Donovan’s music that I always associated with healing was his use of breath and vibrato. He told me about it. “I found myself doing it naturally,” Donovan said. “You can hear it appearing early in my music but it came fairly forward I suppose on “Hurdy Gurdy Man.” It’s a kind of yogic breathing coming from the solar plexus.” Donovan noted other musicians have their own particular pulse and way of using vibrato. “Neil Young has a real slow one, his own particular one,” he told me. “Phoebe Snow has a fast one. My one is of a particular speed, one I would just describe as a soothing feeling. A lot of people thought it was [an electronic] tremelo coming through a guitar amplifier. It isn’t. “The effect of the way I sing, I found I could move the air in certain ways. I found this naturally and only later did I read about it and found that it actually once upon a time was taught in ancient Celtic days as part of the teachings of poetry and how to sing. A fascinating subject. “The trip to India was to rediscover what mantras and meditation techniques had been taken out of the Christian background that I grew up with. I knew there had to be something. The rich, northern European culture that existed before Christianity had it. But where did it go? I knew that the Celtic thing was important. They burned a lot of manuscripts but a few survived. The Celtic bardic tradition is passed on in oral fashion. “When the Druids and bards ended, — and by the way, there were schools of Bardic poetry in 17th cen-
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m i c h a e l
b r a u n s t e i n
tury Scotland, hidden schools — what was lost? Where was that meditation? Where was that healing? Then I realized it was in the music, in the story telling. It was actually projected through story, poetry and song. “As for the healing aspects of chanting, it’s very highly advanced. I became part of the tradition. And when I could move an audience with the sound of my voice, I was using the healing technique of the Celts, of the ancient Druids. They went to school for 21 years, in seven-year periods learning techniques. What were those techniques? Why would you take that long? What were they learning? So there is a whole mystery school that was lost. So that healing aspect of my music I now relate to the techniques that I naturally have inherited from a school that has been lost.” Donovan said that voice and music are related in the tradition of healing. Sound, even that projected vocally by actors and orators, is in keeping with that. “The power of speech remains a part of Celtic tradition. Lennon, McCartney are Celtic names. They come from Irish descent. The powerful actors Sean Connery and Richard Harris, the power of oratory and poetry with Joyce, Yeats, Seamus Heaney — all are examples. “This powerful healing is extraordinarily strong. [Woody] Guthrie is a Celtic name. Pressley (as in Elvis Presley) is a Celtic name. It traces through the bloodline, somehow passed on. I don’t know how. This sort of aspect of the music and the words is very powerful Western magic or healing.” Chakra tones An Eastern aspect many yoga practitioners recognize is the presence of energy centers at areas of the body called chakras. There are seven main ones. Donovan told me certain sounds relate to the varied chakras. He cited the famous sons of Shenandoah, Iowa: the Everly Brothers. “Melody, and harmony are important because they link to chakras,” Donovan explained. “The absolute mastery of melody that the Beatles had was mixed with the absolute mastery of harmonics described by a professor in the ‘60s as Aeolian. And the Everly Brothers harmonies are Aeolian, unusual. I don’t know anyone who has been able to copy the Everly Brothers.” Donovan continues to make music, talk about meditation and work on his art of healing. And he sees himself as both master and teacher, still learning. Keeping the chakras aligned is vital in the view of Eastern metaphysics. Harmony and healing are linked. “They are somehow related. When the harmonies are highly advanced and the sound is highly balanced in rhythm, poetic meaning comes later. Rhythm, harmonics, structure when highly advanced, it harmonizes the chakras. You can realign with certain melodies; go up and down the chakras. That’s a simple answer. I can’t describe it in any other way. Fascinating.” The best way to experience it is to bask in a little Sunshine Superman yourself. Be well. ,
Heartland Healing by Michael Braunstein examines various alternative forms of healing. It is provided as a source of information, not as medical advice. It is not an endorsement of any particular therapy, either by the writer or The Reader. Access past columns at HeartlandHealing.com
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Oct. 6 - 12, 2011
Flour Power
by Summer Miller
cation with student mentorship and camaraderie. The class accepts 30 students, 20 from Creighton and 10 high school seniors from the Avenue Scholars Foundation, to attend a four-hour class every Monday night. Creighton students will earn college credit and Kelly hopes to have the paperwork in place for high school students to earn college credit for UNO, Creighton and Metropolitan Community College by the beginning of next semester. Each class is divided into two hours of business
n a world where reality television shows portray 20-somethings with as much depth as a flip-flop and compassion that rarely goes beyond a mirror someone like Steve Kelly is a refreshing beam of hope. The 24-year-old’s potpie business turned cookie business turned non-profit baking classroom is something worthy of envy, replication and support nationwide. Fresh out of college along with two others, Kelly founded The Educated Baker, a company with a social mission to help teach at-risk youth about business through baking. Originally the company intended to sell cookies and scones through retail and grocer outlets such as Hy-Vee, then use that money to support the mentoring program. But when the trio was spending more time baking than teaching they Steve Kelly and Kate Linden decided to make a change. Two of the original members moved onto other projects and Kelly turned the business into a full-fledged non-profit with education where teachers and students discuss how a food-based business can create social change and two a teaching mission. “I love everything about baking and cooking. I hours of hands on baking. Only four weeks into the class Kelly has already knew one day I wanted to have my own company. There are youth in the community that have the same passions, witnessed changes in the students. “Think about what it was like to be in high school. but not necessarily the same upbringings,” Kelly said. “If you don’t have parents who can be available to you, All you want to do is stay quiet and fit in, whereas in for whatever reason, you can get involved in potentially college it’s the opposite. You want to stand out benegative situations — drugs, alcohol or even watching cause you want those good jobs and internships, so four hours of TV every night. I just want to provide them the high school students are learning a lot just from being partnered with their college students. Already the opportunity to do something better.” Kelly partnered with Kate Linden, assistant director they are much more vocal. We have these amazing of Academic Initiatives at Creighton University, to create discussions,” Kelly said. “Kate and I can’t believe this a college level course that pairs business and bakery edu- is happening after only four classes; but then we have
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oct. 6 - 12, 2011
to tell ourselves, these are Creighton students and Avenue Scholars, we shouldn’t expect anything less.” In Kelly’s original business plan selling baked goods funded the teaching/mentoring component. When the bakery was reconfigured from a manufacturing kitchen to a teaching kitchen that option wasn’t available. Kelly had to develop a new way to support his efforts to support his community program; so, he and other baking experts will teach community baking classes for kids, young adults and adults. Classes for all three levels include beginners, intermediate and advanced baking classes, priced from $20 to $50. Of course, like any non-profit, The Educated Baker welcomes donations at any time. Those interested can sign up for classes at The Educated Baker website. Kelly said part of his passion for creating change came through experience. In high school he started a bakery out of his parent’s house. His mom was an accountant and managed the books. His father often stayed up late to help him finish orders. He didn’t realize how fortunate he was until he went to college and realized many people weren’t given the same opportunities or support. “All of the baking and the business skills can fall by the wayside,” Kelly said. “I really hope that we inspire people to be more. Don’t just be a gardener; if that’s your talent, own the gardening business.” Kelly said part of inspiring change is realizing the reciprocal nature of relationships. Enhancing Omaha isn’t about identifying a problem and saying, ‘I know how to fix it,’ Kelly said. “Sometimes it’s not about changing at all,” said Kelly. “Sometimes it’s just about how to live in love and community with one another.” Hardly something you would hear coming out of Snooki’s mouth. , Courtesy The Educated Baker
Creating Community Through Baking
To contact the writer, email Summer at miller.summer@gmail.com
Nebraska Non-Profit Organizations Receive Free Vehicles: Last week three Nebraska non-profit organizations received free vehicles courtesy of Toyota’s “100 Cars For Good” national program. The celebration at Performance Toyota of Lincoln included Lincoln-based Food Bank of Lincoln and Lighthouse After School Program, as well as Arbor Day Farm of Nebraska City. The much-publicized “100 Cars For Good” program is responsible for awarding 100 vehicles over the course of 100 days to deserving nonprofit organizations across America, based on votes from the public. The Food Bank of Lincoln works with the Center for People in Need to sponsor mobile pantries at five sites each week in Lincoln. Called Neighborhood FOOD, it is held at community gathering places in some of Lincoln’s poorest areas and currently serves approximately 1,300 families per week. Foodbank of Lincoln has selected a Highlander Hybrid as their vehicle. The Lighthouse After-School Program offers academic support to middle and high school kids, evening meals and enrichment/recreational activities during non-school hours, Monday through Friday, yearround. It has also chosen a new Highlander Hybrid. The Arbor Day Farm is a 260-acre public destination that features an array of natural attractions and amenities. With conservation at its heart, Arbor Day Farm enables visitors to engage the environment in enjoyable ways, while educating them on the wonders and complexity of the natural world. Arbor Day Farm will receive a Sienna minivan. CRAVE Celebrates Anniversary: Crave at Midtown Crossings will celebrate their first full year by hosting a party Tuesday, Oct. 1,1 from 5 to 9 p.m. offering complimentary champagne and food, while supplies last. Crave will also host an all-day happy hour Saturday, Oct. 15, from 11 a.m. to midnight, which will includes $3-$5 food and drinks. — John Horvatinovich Crumbs is about indulging in food and celebrating its many forms. Send information about area food and drink businesses to crumbs@thereader.com
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OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
8 days TOPTV “Living in the Material World: George Harrison”
Wednesday & Thursday, 8 p.m. (HBO)
When you tick off George Harrison’s achievements, he sounds like a titanic figure in rock history: the Beatles’ brilliant lead guitarist, the writer of classic songs like “Something” and “Here Comes the Sun,” the creator of the big rock charity concert, the man who popularized Eastern music in the West and brought spirituality to pop. And yet Harrison was overshadowed by John Lennon and GEORGE HARRISON Paul McCartney during the Beatles’ 1960s heyday, just as he has been since. That makes him a ripe subject for a two-part documentary treatment by Martin Scorsese, who is able to tell us all sorts of things we didn’t know about one of the 20th century’s most famous people. What is really enjoyable, however, is discovering that Harrison embodied Beatle virtues to the end of his life. —Dean Robbins
oct. 6 - 12, 2011
t h e r e a d e r ’ s entertainment picks O ct . 6 - 1 2 , 2 0 1 1
THURSDAY06 Oct. 6-7
Spotlight on Islam & Muslims
University of Nebraska at Omaha 6001 Dodge St., unomaha.edu, FREE
All week at the University of Nebraska at Omaha a weeklong program entitled “Spotlight on Islam & Muslims” has been taking place. This event has been put on by The Muslim Student Association and has included a variety of activities including an ethnic food sale, a screening of the movies Moozlum and Out of Cordoba, and a discussion of Sharia Law let by Dr. Nimat Barazangi, a Research Fellow at Cornell University. Although a lot of exciting things have happened, this event isn’t over. Three exciting events that spotlight Islam & Muslims remain. First, on October 6 at 12 p.m. at Harper auditorium and Mall, Sharif Liwaru will present a lecture entitled “Roots of Islam in America!” Liwaru is Board President of the Malcolm X Memorial Foundation. Second, on October 6 at 6:30 p.m. in UNO’s Bootstrapper Hall, authors and editors Mariam Sobh and Zahra Suratwala will discuss the book I Speak For Myself: American Women on Being Muslim, a collection of short essays by 40 unique American Muslim women that Publishers Weekly called “a very useful and welcome contribution in an understudied area.” The week closes on October 7 at 11:30 a.m. in the Skutt Center Ballroom with a panel discussion on “What is common among us?” featuring representatives from the Trifaith initiative of Omaha: Rabbi Aryeh Azriel, Temple Israel; Nizam Qassem, American Institute of Islamic Studies and Culture; Rev. Ernesto Medina, Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska. Prof. John O’Keefe, Creighton University, will moderate the panel. — Paul Clark
aura Dern joins the list of brilliant actresses (Edie Falco, Laura Linney, Toni Collette) who have made cable TV an exciting place to be. Dern created and produced “Enlightened,” a new drama about — sorry, there’s no other way to put this — life. She stars as Amy, a corporate executive who spectacularly loses it in the office after her affair with a married coworker goes bad. Amy has makeup-melting intensity, but also a thirst for serenity. That’s why she heads off to a Hawaiian retreat that teaches unhappy people to “Flow Through Your Rage.” Amy returns home blissed out, flashing a beatific smile at her skeptical mother (Diane Ladd) and drug-using ex-husband (Luke Wilson). But clearly, the makeup-melting intensity hasn’t gone away. It’s bubbling right below the placid surface as Amy desperately tries to get control of her life. Dern puts a real human being on the screen – a woman who exists somewhere between the comic and the tragic, like a lot of us. Amy is not terribly bright, not terribly perceptive about her problems. But her search for enlightenment can’t help but endear her to us. “You can walk out of hell into the light,” she says in meditation mode. “You can wake up to your inner self.” I don’t think Amy’s going to wake up to her inner self anytime soon. But her hit-or-miss attempt to do so will keep me glued to “Enlightened.” — Dean Robbins
laura dern
Mondays, 8:30 p.m. (HBO)
FRIDAY07 October 7
Jill Rizzo: Love
Dundee Gallery, 4916 Underwood Ave. Reception 6-9 p.m. Exhibit through Oct. 23, FREE Dundeegallery.com, 505.8333 Artist Jill Rizzo names her creative inspirations as travels to California and Colorado, relationships, memory, sound, losses, gains and how her mind processes makes sense of it all. The ethereal images of animals, plants, and other nature symbols and imagery are dreamy and expansive from, rich colors to intricate patterns and textures. Said the artist, “The main threads running through are
about relationships, the relationships between animals and their environment … and the emotional state of these characters.” The mix of pieces from past and present will show a variety of colors and issues she has not previously explored. —Sally Deskins
Oct. 7
MSSNGR: Functional Art Works: Steve Gordon, Jr. aka RDQLUS
The New BLK Gallery, 1213 Jones St. Opening reception 7-10 p.m. exhibit through Oct. 23, FREE After hours, House of Loom, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Thenewblk.com, rdqlus.com, houseofloom.com Brand designer, creative director, author, strategic thinker, fashion designer and artist Steve Gordon of
t h e
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RDQLUS Creative, is taking his influential “Dropshots” to a new level with the MSSNGR exhibit at BLK. He displays large and small format design on canvas, multimedia pieces and selections from his “Dropshot” series of photography shot from his iPhone. Gordon, who has worked for such national agencies as ABC/Disney, T-Mobile and Phenomblue, will be creating a collaborative piece that night, and invites viewers to participate. “Help me out, bring your mobile devices, let’s record a video that night,” said the Omaha native. “See if we can capture a show-on-the-go. Everybody is welcome.” There will be a centrally located spot for people to drop-off their videos. Every contributor will get credit, Gordon says on a vimeo video. Gordon then continues with MSSNGR: BAG treating guests to his hand-selected tunes at House of Loom. —Sally Deskins
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Portugal.The Man w/Alberta Cross The Waiting Room, 6212 Maple St. 9 p.m. Tickets are $15. www.onepercentproductions.com
The Beatles and Wu-Tang Clan are surprisingly John Gourley’s biggest musical influences. As the lead guitarist and singer for the Portland-based quartet, Portugal. The Man, Gourley’s wide range of styles clearly stems from being well-versed in all types of music. Born and raised in the vast nothingness of Alaska, he had plenty of time to imagine and create. “I had so much space to get away from everything,” Gourley says. “On those long, long drives, I’d have lots of time to let my mind wander.” And it shows. From 2008’s Censored Colors to the recent In The Mountain In The Cloud, Portugal. The Man’s catalog plays with blues, soul, funk and indie-rock making it an interesting conglomeration, to say the least. Bringing it to the stage is an entirely different experience from recording in the studio. “Live, we strip everything away and do a lot of jamming,” Gourley says. “We let it go where it needs to go rather than where its supposed to go.” —Kyle Eustice
oct. 6 - 12, 2011
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Barn’s Bug not pleasant but powerful
by Warren Francke
cially the lighting design by Carol Wisner and the sound design by Martin Magnuson. Before we meet Agnes in her motel room, her sad life style there is low-lighted by an unseen neon sign which flashed red on and off outside her closed venetian blinds. We learn early that her bleak existence requires cokesnorting with a little help from her lesbian biker buddy, R.C., perhaps the healthiest per-
eeing four plays in less than a week was my autumnal pleasure, but it turns out I’m reviewing the least pleasant of the bunch, Bug at the Blue Barn. Not that there’s anything wrong with being unblue barn’s bug pleasantly provocative. If I want pleasant, I can walk my dog and savor the fall colors. If I want to think about the redeeming value of a provocative drama by Tracy Letts, I can watch director Susan Clement-Toberer draw memorable performances from a powerful cast. But that’s not unqualified praise for a play that held an opening night audience almost breathless in its grip. Its power diminished as the two main characters, Kim Gambino as the lonely waitress and Brian Zealand as her ultra-paranoid motel guest, spiral downward into crack-pipe craziness. Until that latter stage, one could be spellbound by their fears: her worry over the return of her abusive ex-con ex-husband Goss, played with great menace by Kevin Barratt, and Zealand’s politicized paranoia that makes all the noises in the night an ominous manifestation of some conspiratorial “machine.” Once we’re convinced their Agnes and Peter have deteriorated beyond repair, however, it becomes a painful process that’s only partially compensated for son in the story, played by Erika Zadina. by the power of their acting and the question of In this case, mental health means denying how Letts will take it to a shocking climax. The the existence of unseen bugs that Zealand’s Peconclusion doesn’t disappoint, but our admira- ter claims are eating him. After ingesting enough tion, especially for guest star Gambino’s grueling illegal substances, Agnes stares into his microportrayal, isn’t enough to make Bug as satisfying scope and sees them, too. as the Barn’s recent treatment of Edward Albee’s In short, she’s drawn to him in her loneliness Three Tall Women. and soon shares the problems he blames on the But that was arguably the best theater done government’s treatment of his wartime postin Omaha last season, so falling short of its stan- traumatic stress, which in his case is a euphedard is hardly a complaint. Bug is remarkable for mism for psychosis. It’s a tribute to Letts’ script so many reasons, including the technical prow- and Clement-Toberer’s treatment of it that we’re ess one expects in this Old Market space, espe- tempted to believe there might really be nasty
insects in their sleazy motel room which soon hangs with flypaper strips. The playwright alleviates the dark intensity with light touches of humor. And it helps that their bare-naked pursuit of biting aphids is dimly lit, making it easier to focus on action rather than anatomy. No offense to Gambino and Zealand, but you can be sure there’s not a whiff of eroticism when they appear unclothed, especially in the climactic scene. Their more-pathetic-thantragic fate becomes palpable when Dr. Sweet (Nick Zadina) enters the motel room and engages in an arch dialogue with Agnes while Peter hides in the bathroom. He first tries to get her to see how farfetched Peter’s paranoid delusions are, but then pretends he’s part of the conspiracy. When he seems ready to indulge in their crack, Agnes warns him about lighting up where a sheet covers two big red gasoline cans. This less-than-subtle bit of foreshadowing allows the quipheavy Dr. Sweet to note that he doesn’t see a jet ski anywhere. The motel room has changed considerably since the start, when the blinking sign lights an unmade bed and a table laden with liquor bottles was the other focal point in a set designed by Martin Scott Machitto. While Magnuson’s sounds early gave a sense of a noisy world outside, the sounds grew louder and more ominous as if we heard the “machines” that threatened Peter. The encounter between the paranoid patient and the doctor, a final mad monologue about a queen bug and the inevitable climax earn the drama’s label as a “psycho-thriller” long after its comic relief has been left behind. If you need an antidote after it ends, note that the program contains three bug-fighting pest control ads. , Bug runs Sept. 29-Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m. ThursdaysSaturdays, 6 p.m. Sundays at the Blue Barn Theatre, 614 S. 11th St. Tickets are $25, $20 students and seniors. Call 402.345.1576 or visit bluebarn.org.
n The Shelterbelt promises that Shelterskelter 16 opens Oct. 6 with “a great mix of creepy, spooky and darkly humorous” plays, including one by Omahan Jeremy Johnson, the other eight by playwrights from New York to California. They run right through Oct. 31 with the “definitely not for little kids” caveat. While tickets generally cost $15 and $12, opening weekend and some other occasions offer a $10 ticket. n The review on this page of Blue Barn’s Bug mentions it was one of four shows seen in less than a week after my return from four months in Colorado. That string started with the final Sunday matinee of Jersey Boys, which gave me a look at two men I’d enjoyed interviewing: Joseph Leo Bwarie as Frankie Valli and Preston Truman Boyd as Bob Gaudio of the Four Seasons. Boyd had been hidden here in green face as the Monster in Young Frankenstein with his singing confined to a guttural “Puttin’ on the Ritz.” So it was new to see the big light-haired kid from Minnesota and hear his vocals as the song writer behind Valli’s hits. And Bwarie’s soaring falsetto on “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You” made it obvious why Omaha couldn’t take its ears off of his 27 songs. Next up for Omaha Performing Arts: Spamalot in November. n Nothing’s a safer bet for the price of a ticket than the John Beasley Theater doing an August Wilson play. Radio Golf, the final 1990s piece of his 10-play cycle, features a lovable portrayal of Elder Joseph Barlow by Beasley himself and a laidback lead role for Tyrone Beasley as Harmond Wilks, the developer faced with a moral crisis as he tries to redevelop Pittsburgh’s Hill District while running for mayor. Raydell Cordell III as his hard-driving partner and TammyRa’ as his ambitious wife set the early tone of Wilson’s final play, but John as “you can call me Ol’ Joe” Barlow brings the humanity that always makes the great playwright’s work as endearing as it is revealing. n Finally, if you want pure farcical fun on stage, rush to catch The Government Inspector at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Ben Beck is hilarious in the title role, with D. Scott Glasser as the corrupt mayor and Katlynn Yost as his seductive wife. Director Doug Paterson sports a cast featuring such standouts as Josh Ryan and Nathan McCarty as twins named Seamus, Noah Diaz as Beck’s snotty servant and Cathy Hirsch as a postmistress who seldom delivers an unopened letter.
Pathetic Power
—Warren Francke Cold Cream looks at theater in the metro area. Email information to coldcream@thereader.com.
OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
SEVEN AD 5 x 5
n Current Bemis Center artists in residence Quynh Vantu (installation), Shannon Rankin (installation/collage/sculpture), and Gwenessa Lam (painting) lead the First Thursday Art Talk Oct. 6, 7p.m. n Rebecca Skloot, author of the New York Times bestseller, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, speaks at the 21st Women & Health Lecture Oct. 6 at the Orpheum Theatre. Guests will hear the story of Lacks, a poor black woman who died of cervical cancer in 1951 and whose tumor was taken without consent to create an immortal cell line that is still critical to medical research. Guests will also receive art created by Kent Bellows Studios’ students, their mentor Alex Myers and Omaha based artist Cale Oglesby. After five recreations the artists produced 200 resin and plaster models inspired by the HeLa cell story. Coinciding, Kent Bellows Studios opens Multivariate, a mentor exhibition, Oct. 7 at the Hardware Gallery. n Peerless Gallery opens Breathing Room Oct. 7, a group exhibition featuring video, paintings, drawings, assemblages and specimens by Bethany Kalk, Caleb Coppock, Daphne Eck, Cora Rasp and Cale Oglesby. Source materials were gathered from spaces where the artists “breathe easy.” “Aggregate 01 (Breathing Room).” is a collection of more than 9,000 tiny pieces of sand, rock and shell and other ephemera glued to pinheads and installed on the wall in the shape of a
five-foot circle. “This Strange Phase,” a video and sound installation will be shown in the windows next door to Peerless Friday and Saturday evenings in October. n Also opening October 7, Perceptions, at the Artists’ Cooperative Gallery, featuring new work by painters Jerry Jacoby and Glenda Musilek, photographer Dale Shenefelt and sculptor Pete Wroblewski. Anderson O’Brien Fine Art in the Old Market opens Between Bones and Words, sculpture, installation and vessels by Eric Knoche the same evening. At the Garden of the Zodiac, German artists Gerhard Kassner and Christian Rothmann open their show, Portraits, offering their distinct perspectives on the human subject. 9 on 10th featuring work by nine local artists in sculpture, paintings, fiber and graphic art, opens Oct. 7 at Bancroft Street Market. n If you’re in Lincoln, check out Project Mercury, an experimental live performance, October 7 at Clublu, a nontraditional art space. The event starts at 8 p.m. and includes six University of Nebraska-Lincoln art students concerning loss, domestication, and the cyclic nature of things. — Sally Deskins
— Sarah Lorsung Tvrdik
Sarah Lorsung Tvrdik is a stylist, costumier, wife and freelance writer based in Omaha, Neb. Her style blog can be found at fashflood.com.
3117 N. 120 ST // OMAHA, NE 68164
cation review those selected will participate in the next step of the application process, interviews with a panel of independent industry professionals. Interviews will take place Oct. 19-20, with times and locations to be announced. Applicants must be available to interview on these dates in order for their application to be considered. The panel will make their final decisions based on these interviews and designers with the highest scores will be chosen to present their collections at the March 2012 shows. Designers can go to omahafashionweek.com for more information and all applications must be submitted by midnight Oct. 15. Middle and High school students interested in fashion should be on the lookout for educational opportunities added as part of the March 2012 shows, with additional information to be announced online soon.
Hair and makeup by Seven Salon // three2three photography
Fashion on Target: While the swift sellout of the 400-piece Missoni for Target collection was a disappointment for many Omaha shoppers (the 72nd and Dodge Street store was all but cleared in five minutes), the newest designer collaboration announced by Target this week is quite unassuming in comparison. The Taiwanese American, Brooklyn-based designer known as Jason Wu built an early fan base in celebrities such as January Jones and Reese Witherspoon and is known as one of First Lady Michelle Obama’s favorite designers. Target released several clues via Twitter (@TargetStyle) before announcing the designer’s name in a teaser video including first looks at the upcoming collection. Wu told Women’s Wear Daily, “The exciting thing about this limited edition collection of affordable women’s wear and accessories is that it allows me to reach a wider audience and bring my designs to people who may not have been able to purchase them before.” The designer’s official twitter account (@MissWu_NY) tweeted that the collection will be released at Target Feb. 5, 2012. Attention local designers: There are less than two weeks left to submit an application to participate in the March 2012 Omaha Fashion Week shows. Upon appli-
Mixed Media is a column about local art. Send ideas to mixedmedia@thereader.com.
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Multimedia performance work explores new ways to frame music
Presented with the support of
by Leo Adam Biga
ast month a New York City audience embraced the world premiere of the multimedia concert piece, Portals, and now the work’s come back to its other home, Omaha’s KANEKO, for performances October 5-6. As creative director, acclaimed violinist Tim Fain has integrated music by Philip Glass and other noted composers, including Pulitzer Prize winners Aaron Jay Kernis and William Bolcom, with the words of Leonard Cohen, choreography by Benjamin Millepied, visuals by Kate Hackett, and his own virtuosic playing. KANEKO, whose TIM FAIN Open Space for Your Mind mantra invites projects to explore creative boundaries, is a co-producer. The 1111 Jones Street venue’s bow truss space is where Hackett, a Los Angeles-based filmmaker known for multimedia work, did some principal taping-filming. KANEKO is also where Hackett, Fain and pianist Nicholas Britell presented a preview of Portals last April. “Portals is really a celebration of music that epitomizes what I love and what I think is worth sharing, and the presentation of that music is meant to push what’s possible in a performance and bring it into the digital age in a way that does justice to the music and also to our times,� says Fain. At its core is a new seven-movement partita Glass composed for Fain. “This piece has as its inspiration one little moment from Philip’s (song-cycle) Book of Longing, where the whole stage went black except for a spotlight that came down on me as I launched into a two-minute, really intense piece for unaccompanied violin.� Fain also wanted to “recreate that feeling as a performer where you walk into a hall before the performance and nobody else is around. It’s just you and the stage ... The lighting is golden and beautiful. There’s this almost seductive feeling of
OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
privacy, intimacy and communing with the music. All leading up to sharing it with the audience ...� Portals is a “fluid collaboration between music and film� Hacket says. “There’s going to be sort of three prongs to this evening, three different feels, all of which come together. All of the pieces are going to be interconnected by spoken-word text. The films accompanying those pieces will have a Webcam feel as they show a day-in-the-life sense of the different collaborators going about their daily business. We’ll get the feeling they’re speaking to each other via Webcam and Skype.� “The second prong will have a much more produced feel, where Tim will be on stage playing and projected behind him will be films of a violinist and a pianist playing,� she says. “The idea is these players have come together in the Webcam-Skype world and now they’ve created a concert together that only exists in their head space. The third prong is the dance films Benjamin created in New York to accompany the Philip Glass piece. Those films additionally feel like a collaboration that happens through these different portals.� “The whole idea behind Portals,� says Fain, “is really to ... make the multimedia and film element not only something cool and exciting to look at but also a very necessary part of the experience. Musicians and dancers and the audience will all in a sense be signing on to collaborate in an artistic expression through the digital medium.� At certain intervals, Fain seemingly becomes part of the images projected around him. He hopes this melange creates “something meaningful and beautiful and human.� This convergence of forms and ideas is what KANEKO seeks, says executive director Hal France. “This as a collaborative project is perfect for us. It’s cross disciplinary. It has a purpose.� The outside-the-box merging of live and virtual performance creates a new kind of immersionensemble experience, he says, sure to provoke dialogue. That’s the point. , For tickets to the 7:30 p.m. shows call 402-341-3800 or visit www.thekaneko.org. Read more of Leo Adam Biga’s work at leoadambiga.wordpress.com.
AMERICAN LANDSCAPE Contemporary Photographs of the West Through January 8, 2012 This exhibition presents work by fourteen photographers who have explored the geography, history, and culture of the West over the past three decades, creating a direct and clear-eyed appraisal that incorporates the entire landscape – picturing not only its topography, but also the evidence of exploration, settlement, and development.
Curator Gallery Talks Thursdays @ 6:30 pm; Oct. 27 & Jan. 5 Prints in Landscape: 3-Film Series @ Film Streams Tuesdays @ 7 pm: November 1, 8, 15 Artist Panel Discussion Sunday, November 13; 1–3 pm MAJOR SPONSORS Douglas County
Contributing Sponsor
Additional Support provided by: Joslyn’s Bodmer Society Joslyn’s Contemporary Art Society
Martin Stupich, Parker Dam, Colorado River, California and Arizona, 1988, ink jet print, courtesy of the artist
www.joslyn.org | (402) 342-3300 | 2200 Dodge St. | Omaha, NE
OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
THE 815, 815 O St. Suite 1, (402) 261-4905. THE ART OF AUTISM: New work presented by Art Planet, opens Oct. 7, 6 p.m., through Oct. 31. 9 MUSES STUDIO, 2713 N 48th St., 9musesstudio@gmail.com. NEW WORK: Realistic and surrealistic paintings by Maureen Ames, opens Oct. 7, 6 p.m. AGAINST THE WALL, 6220 Havelock Ave., (402) 467-3484. LINCOLN ARTISTS GUILD PRESENTS: 3 OBJECTS PROJECT: Members of the Guild used the same three objects to create a piece of art, opens Oct. 7, 6 p.m. ANDERSON O’BRIEN FINE ART OLD MARKET, 1108 Jackson St., (402) 884-0911. BETWEEN BONES AND WORDS: New work by Eric Knoche, opens Oct. 7-23, reception Oct. 7, 6 p.m. ARTISTS’ COOPERATIVE GALLERY, 405 S. 11th St., (402) 342-9617. PERCEPTIONS: New work by Jerry Jacoby, Glenda Musilek, Dale Shenefelt and Pete Wroblewski, opens Oct. 5-Oct. 30, reception Oct. 7, 6 p.m. BANCROFT STREET MARKET, 2702 S. 10th St., (402) 6806737. NINE ON 10TH: Featuring new work by nine Omaha artists, opens Oct. 7-22, reception Oct. 7, 1 p.m. BEMIS CENTER - CONTEMPORARY ARTS, 724 S. 12th St., (402) 341-1122. 13TH ANNUAL AUCTION EXHIBITION: A celebration of contemporary art, Curators and Artists tour Oct. 6, 6 p.m. FIRST THURSDAY ART TALK WITH QUYNH VANTU, SHANNON RANKIN AND GWENESSA LAM: Artists-in-residence discuss their work, opens Oct. 6, 7 p.m. BOURBON THEATER, 1415 O St., (402) 477-4776. HOMEGROWN FILM FESTIVAL: Film festival featuring the work of local filmmakers, opens Oct. 11, 8 p.m. CRESCENT MOON COFFEE, 8th & P St., (402) 435-2828. FIRST FRIDAY ARTWALK: Art displayed by photographer Brian Watt, opens Oct. 7, 8 p.m., featuring music by Swing 105. EISENTRAGER-HOWARD GALLERY, Stadium Dr. & T. St, (402) 472-5522. YOU ARE MAKING ME UNCOMFORTABLE: An exhibition of photographic work that addresses issues of intimacy and sexuality from a woman’s perspective, opens Oct. 10, 5:30 p.m. GRAND MANSE GALLERY, 129 N. 10th St., (402) 476-4560. NEW WORK: The 815 at The Grand Manse presents new work by Becky Rea and Tim Frisch, opens Oct. 7-Oct. 31. GREAT PLAINS ART MUSEUM, 1155 Q St., (402) 472-0599. PASSING AMERICA: New work by V....Vaughan, opens Oct. 7-Dec. 11, reception Oct. 7, 5 p.m. HARDWARE GALLERY, 1801 Vinton St., (402) 216-1008. MULTIVARIATE: THE KENT BELLOWS STUDIO MENTOR EXHIBITION: This exhibit highlights the unique artistic qualities of each extraordinary mentor at The Kent Bellows Studio, opens Oct. 7-21, opening reception Oct. 7, 6 p.m., closing reception Oct. 21, 7 p.m. IMAGEWERKS COLLECTIVE, 5723 S. 137th St., (402) 8806294. BLACKMARKET CUPCAKE’S TASTING PARTY: An afternoon dedicated to tasting the many varities of cupcakes and desserts that blackmarket cupcakes has to offer. THE INK SPOT, 1410 O St.. BUILD A STRONGER NEBRASKA TOGETHER: A poster show benefitting Nebraska Appleseed featuring art from Paul Berkbigler, Doe Eyed, Ella Durham + Sam Rapien, Justin Kemerling, Peter Morris, Oxide Design Co., Cathy Solarana, Jake Welchert, opens Oct. 7, 6 p.m. CAFÉ RACER: A show depicting the Café Racer, a type of motorcycle as well as a type of motorcyclist, featuring work by Great Plains Cycle, Weston Chrisman, Clara Kucera and Princess Baeza. INTERNATIONAL QUILT STUDY CENTER AND MUSEUM, 1523 N. 33rd St., (402) 472-7232. YVONNE WELLS: QUILTED MESSAGES: New work by Yvonne Wells, opens Oct. 7-Feb. 26. JOSLYN ART MUSEUM, 2200 Dodge St., (402) 342-3300. FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA: CURRIER & IVES PRINTS FROM THE CONAGRA FOODS COLLECTION: Nathaniel Currier and James merritt Ives offered affordable color prints that remain a vivid picture of nineteenth-century America, opens Oct. 1-Jan. 15. KIMMEL HARDING NELSON ARTS CENTER, 801 3rd Corso St., (402) 874-9600. NEW WORK: New work by Nicole Gustafsson, through Oct. 20. LUX CENTER FOR THE ARTS, 2601 N. 48th St., (402) 466-8692. THE SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: Comic book art by nationally known artist Bob Hall, opens Oct. 7, 5 p.m., continues through Nov. 26.
OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
MILO BAIL STUDENT CENTER, 6001 Dodge St., (402) 5542383. DIVAS OF DIVERSITY DRAG SHOW: Presentation features a sharing of stories of discrimination and acceptance, a powerful drag show performance and time for questions and answers, opens Oct. 12, 12 p.m. MODERN ARTS MIDWEST, 800 P St., (402) 477-2828. ONE TRICK PONY: New work by Watie White, opens Oct. 7-Nov. 12, reception Oct. 7, 6:30 p.m. OLD MARKET ARTISTS GALLERY, 1034 Howard St., (402) 346-6569. WELCOME BACK MY FRIENDS TO THE SHOW THAT NEVER ENDS: New work by Frank Costanzo, opens Oct. 7-31, reception Oct. 7, 6 p.m. OM CENTER, 1216 Howard St., (402) 345-5078. STILL WILD: HORSES OF THE BIGHORN CANYON: New work by Christine Reed, opens Oct. 12, 5 p.m., in conjunction with Old Market Gallery Walk. OMAHA CLAY WORKS, 1114 Jones St., (402) 346-0560. FIRST FRIDAY: Fourteen ceramic artists are featured, opens Oct. 7, 6 p.m. PASSAGEWAY GALLERY, 417 S. 11th St., (402) 341-1910. HARVEST OF COLOR: New work by Pam Cates, opens Oct. 7-30, reception Oct. 7, 6 p.m. PEERLESS, 3517 Farnam St., Ste. 7108, contact@wearepeerless.com. BREATHING ROOM: New work by Bethany Kalk, Caleb Coppock, Daphne Eck, Cora Rasp and Cale Oglesby, opens Oct. 7, 6 p.m., continues through Oct. 29. PERU STATE COLLEGE ART GALLERY, 600 Hoyt , (402) 8722271, kanderson@peru.edu. BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND A DAY JOB: New work by Andy Acker, opens Oct. 3-Nov. 5. STUDIO [101], 1324 S. 6th St.. PROJECT: ELEMENT[S]: Group show featuring art works that interpret elements, opens Oct. 8, 7 p.m. UNO ART GALLERY, 6001 Dodge St., (402) 554-2796. ALMUTANABBI STREET STARTS HERE: Exhibition features letterpress broadsides, artists’ books and a documentary film made to honor the book center of Baghdad, which was destroyed by a car bomb in 2007, opens Oct. 6, 4:30 p.m. SELECTED WORKS ON PAPER AND VIDO: PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRACOW: New work by faculty and students from the University of Cracow Fine Arts Department. Curator Rafal Solewski, chair of art theory and art education for the department, selected the works to highlight the schools range, opens Oct. 6, 4:30 p.m. W. DALE CLARK LIBRARY, 215 S. 15th St., (402) 444-4800. NEW WORK: New work by Doyle Howitt, Kenneth Heimbuch, Tom Sitzman and J.K. Thorsen, opens Oct. 7-22, reception Oct. 7, 5:30 p.m., discussion Oct. 12, 4 p.m.
BIRDHOUSE COLLECTIBLE, 1111 N. 13th St., Suite 123, biz@ birdhouseinteriors.com. AND HE LABORED TO REALIZE THE ENDLESSNESS OF THE SKIES: New work by Caolan O’Loughlin, through Nov. 5. DURHAM WESTERN HERITAGE MUSEUM, 801 S. 10th St., 444.5071, durhammuseum.org. GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER: The life and work of an extraordinary man, through Oct. 30. EL MUSEO LATINO, 4701 S. 25th St., (402) 731-1137. GRAPHICS OF LATIN AMERICA: Group show exploring the graphics of Latin America, through Dec. 28. HISTORIC GENERAL DODGE HOUSE, 605 3rd St., Council Bluffs, 501.3841, dodgehouse.org. IN MEMORY OF... THE ART OF MOURNING: Examines a family’s response to loss and mourning in the late Victorian period, this show continues through Oct. 23. INTERNATIONAL QUILT STUDY CENTER AND MUSEUM, 1523 N. 33rd St., Lincoln, 472.7232, quiltstudy.org. ELEGANT GEOMETRY: AMERICAN AND BRITISH MOSAIC PATCHWORK: Through Jan. 1, 2012. JOSLYN ART MUSEUM, 2200 Dodge St., (402) 342-3300. AMERICAN LANDSCAPE CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE WEST: Featuring the work of fourteen photographers, through Jan. 8 KIECHEL FINE ART, 5733 S. 34th St., Lincoln, 420.9553, kiechelart.com. CONTEMPORARY SUMMER SHOWCASE: Group show, through Oct. 7. KIMMEL HARDING NELSON ARTS CENTER, 801 3rd Corso St., (402) 874-9600. NEW WORK: New work by Nicole Gustafsson, through Oct. 20. KRUGER COLLECTION, UNL Architecture Hall, 10th and R, Lincoln, 472.3560, krugercollection.unl.edu. DESIGN PROCESS:
art/theater listings
check event listings online! Explores the steps a designer takes, runs through Mar. 16, 2012. LUX CENTER FOR THE ARTS, 48th and Baldwin, Lincoln, 434.2787, luxcenter.org. TREELINE: NATURE’S ICONIC FORM: Group show that pays homage to the noble stature and presence of trees, through Nov. 1. RECLAIMED: ART MADE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS: Group show that examines and questions the state of our throw-away culture/society, featuring new work by Jake Balcom, Elizabeth Frank, John Garrett, Daphnae Koop, Jennifer Maestre and Conrad Quijas, this show continues through October 29. MORRILL HALL, 307 Morrill Hall, Lincoln 472.3779, museum. unl.edu. AMPHIBIANS VIBRANT AND VANISHING: Photographs by Joel Sartore, through Nov. 30. FIRST PEOPLES OF THE PLAINS: TRADITIONS SHAPED BY LAND AND SKY: This modern exhibit explores the enduring traditions of Native American cultures of the Great Plains. OMAHA’S CHILDREN’S MUSEUM, 500 S. 20th St., 342.6163. ocm.org. DINOSAURS DAWN OF THE ICE AGE: Stomping and roaring robotic dinosaurs are invading the museum, through Jan. 8. SHELDON ART GALLERY, 12th and R, UNL, Lincoln, sheldonartgallery.org. HISTORIES: Works from the Sheldon Permanent Collection, through Jul. 15, 2012. WORKSPACE GALLERY, 440 N. 8th St., workspace.gallery.lincoln@gmail.com. POSTMORTEM: A STUDY IN DECOMPOSITION: New work by Darryl Baird, this show continues through Nov. 3.
theater oPENING
THE GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR, Weber Fine Arts Building, 6001 Dodge St.. Opens Oct. 12, 7:00 pm, $15; Seniors: $10; UNO Students: FREE CHICAGO, Omaha Community Playhouse, 6915 Cass St., (402) 553-4890. Opens Oct. 5, Oct. 6, Oct. 7, Oct. 8, Oct. 9, Oct. 12, 7:30 pm, Adults: $40; Students: $24 A DOLL’S HOUSE, Haymarket Theatre, 803 Q St., (402) 4772600. Opens Oct. 6, Oct. 7, Oct. 9, 7:30 pm, $18; Seniors: $15; Students: $10 RADIO GOLF, John Beasley Theater, 3010 R. St, (402) 5025767. Opens Oct. 6, Oct. 7, Oct. 8, Oct. 9, 7:30 pm, $27 SHELTERSKELTER 16, Shelterbelt Theatre, 3225 California St., (402) 341-2757. Opens Oct. 6, Oct. 7, Oct. 8, Oct. 9, 8:00 pm, Adults: $15; Seniors and Students: $12. BRIGHT IDEAS, 215 Temple Building, 402-472-2072 . Opens Oct. 9, 7:30 pm, $16; Seniors: $14; Students: $10 BUG, Blue Barn at The Downtown Space, 614 S. 11th St., (402) 345-1576.Opens Oct. 6, Oct. 7, Oct. 8, Oct. 9, 7:30 pm, $25; Students and Seniors: $20 OTHELLO, Lincoln Community Playhouse, 2500 S. 56th St., (402) 489-7529. Opens Oct. 6, Oct. 7, Oct. 8, Oct. 9, 7:30 pm, $18; Seniors: $15; Students: $10. One of Shakespear’s greatest tragedies. NOW YOUR ARE DEAD: A PICK YOUR PLAY ADVENTURE, Blue Barn at The Downtown Space, 614 S. 11th St., (402) 345-1576. Opens Oct. 7, Oct. 8, 10:45 pm, $10. Inspired by the secondperson narratives of our youth, the audience becomes the protagonist.
poetry/comedy thursday 6
34TH ANNUAL GLOBAL STUDIES CONFERENCE, Milo Bail Student Center 6001 Dodge St., (402) 554-2383. 12:00 am, FREE. Visit http://world.unomaha.edu/twsc/ to download and view the entire conference program. 36TH ANNUAL EUROPEAN STUDIES CONFERENCE, Milo Bail Student Center 6001 Dodge St., (402) 554-2383. 12:00 am,
FREE. Visit http://world.unomaha.edu/twsc/ to download and view the entire conference program. JAKE RUBIN, Kaneko 1111 Jones St., (402) 341-3800. 3:00 pm, N/A. Author will discuss his work as a writer and adaptor of Leonard Cohen’s poetry on Portals. LYNNE KOPLITZ, Funny Bone Comedy Club 17305 Davenport St., (402) 493-8036. 7:00 pm, $13. BEAU BEAUSOLEIL, Milo Bail Student Center 6001 Dodge St., (402) 554-2383. 7:00 pm, FREE. Keynote address. REBECCA SKLOOT, Orpheum Theater 409 S. 16th St., (402) 444-4750. 7:00 pm, FREE with Registration. Author of “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.” ENCYCLOPEDIA SHOW VI: VICE PRESIDENTS, OM Center 1216 Howard St., (402) 345-5078. 7:30 pm, $5. BACKLINE IMPROV, Studio…Gallery 4965 Dodge St., (402) 660-0867. 8:00 pm, $5. COMEDY SURPRISE NIGHT, Mojo Smokehouse & Ales 2110 South 67th St., (402) 504-3776. 10:00 pm, FREE.
FOOD SECURITY AND THE FAMINE IN THE HORN OF AFRICA, Milo Bail Student Center 6001 Dodge St., (402) 554-2383. 10:30 am, FREE. Group lecture. LYNNE KOPLITZ, Funny Bone Comedy Club 17305 Davenport St., (402) 493-8036. 12:50 pm, $15.
THE SHERLOCK HOLMES BOOK CLUB, The Bookworm 87th & Pacific St., (402) 392-2877. 10:00 am, FREE. Group will discuss “The Greek Interpreter” from The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Group meets every second Saturday. LYNNE KOPLITZ, Funny Bone Comedy Club 17305 Davenport St., (402) 493-8036. 12:50 pm, $15. LISA EPPERSON, The Bookworm 87th & Pacific St., (402) 3922877. 1:00 pm, FREE. Book signing with author. POETRY SLAM, OM Center 1216 Howard St., (402) 345-5078. 7:30 pm, $7.
Sunday 9
BOOKS AND BAGELS, The Bookworm 87th & Pacific St., (402) 392-2877. 11:00 am, FREE. Group will discuss The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Group meets every second Sunday. LYNNE KOPLITZ, Funny Bone Comedy Club 17305 Davenport St., (402) 493-8036. 7:00 pm, $13.
monday 10
48-HOUR OUTDOOR BOUNCE-A-THON, University of Nebraska at Omaha 6001 Dodge St., (402) 554-2800. 12:00 am, FREE. Fundraiser for Omaha Food Bank. MARY MARTIN MCLAUGHLIN MEMORIAL LECTURE, Great Plains Art Museum 1155 Q St., (402) 472-0599. 5:30 pm, FREE. Margot Fassler will present “Playing at the Center of the Cosmos: The Meaning of Hildegard’s ‘Ordo Virtutum.’” TERRANCE OBERST AND JAMES CREWS, Crescent Moon Coffee 8th & P St., (402) 435-2828. 7:00 pm, FREE.
tuesday 11
OPEN MIC POETRY, Indigo Bridge Books 701 P St. Suite 102, (402) 477-7770. 7:00 pm, FREE. FIVE DOLLAR COMEDY NIGHT TUESDAY: MICE IMPROV, Pizza Shoppe Collective 6056 Maple St., (402) 932-9007. 8:00 pm, $5. SHOOT YOUR MOUTH OFF III, The Hideout Lounge 320 S. 72nd St., (402) 504-4434. 9:00 pm, FREE.
Wednesday 12
WEDNESDAY WORDS WITH KATIE F-S, Fred Simon Gallery at the Burlington Building 1004 Farnam St., (402) 595-2334. 11:45 am, FREE. PEOPLE’S FILM FESTIVAL: INSIDE JOB, McFoster’s Natural Kind Cafe 302 S. 38th St., (402) 345-7477. 7:00 pm, FREE. MISSOURI VALLEY READING SERIES, Milo Bail Student Center 6001 Dodge St., (402) 554-2383. 7:30 pm, FREE. Featuring Sarah McKinstry-Brown and Bill Trowbridge. SCOTT RUSSELL SANDERS, Milo Bail Student Center 6001 Dodge St., (402) 554-2383. 7:30 pm, FREE. Author reads from his book, “A Conservationist Manifesto.” BARRY C. LYNN, Holland Performing Arts Center 1200 Douglas St., (402) 345-0202. 7:30 pm, FREE. Lecture: “Are Monopolies Destroying America?” THE MIDWEST POETRY VIBE, Arthur’s 222 N. 114th St., (402) 393-6369. 9:00 pm, FREE.
oct. 6 - 12, 2011
Rapid Risers The Head & the Heart worked their own path to indie rock success
by Chris Aponick
“It was kind of ramshackle. We made our own shirts with block printing,” Johnson says. That was the first step towards a self-made rise for the Head & the Heart. The CD-Rs were eventually replaced by a professional run of the self-released self-titled album, which had blockbuster sales at Sonic Boom and Easy Street Records in Seattle. KEXP in Seattle embraced the band, eventually rotating every song on the album through the station’s play list. The band that had only played 10 or so Seattle-area shows when their album first came out in the summer of 2010, began playing every two
Josiah Johnson is still stoked on the response his band, the Head & the Heart, got at their Omaha show in June. The Seattle-based band was in the middle of a run of dates opening for Iron & Wine. The crowd at the Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St., seemed to keep cheering and cheering after Johnson and his band mates finished The head & the Heart the final song of their set. “It was mind-blowing,” he says. “There was an energy that shouldn’t have been there for an opening band.” Now the band will return to Omaha, playing a sold-out show at the Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St., as part of their quick rise from two songwriters in Seattle to the hottest new band on Sub Pop Records roster. Johnson moved to Seattle some three years ago and started playing an open mic night at a pub. He quickly met Jonathan Russell, who had recently moved from Virginia, and the two started playing on each others songs. As they met other people, they formed a loose collective of musicians. “There wasn’t really a lineup,” Johnson says. “The focus was on songwriting weeks or so for about five months. The crowds kept growing. and not really being a band.” “They didn’t get tired of us, which is a pretty However, during the course of about a year, guest musicians like Charity Rose Thielen be- good thing,” Johnson says. Once the album became a fixture on Sonic came regular contributors, adding their personalities to the songs instead of just playing along, Boom’s best sellers list and on KEXP’s play list, the band started fielding calls from managers Johnson says. They had tons of songs written by the time and record labels. A booking agent got the band they were ready to play shows, so they recorded gigs opening for Vampire Weekend and others. right away. They recorded songs with plans for They eventually signed with local legend, Sub an EP and a subsequent tour. They recorded a Pop Records. It kept growing, with more and more amazfull album, then burned copies onto homemadeing things happening, Johnson says. sleeved CD-Rs for the tour.
oct. 6 - 12, 2011
“Because it came out of nowhere, every step along the way was a surprise,” he says. “I keep being wowed at how well it’s gone.” By the time Pitchfork decided to issue a weak-kneed criticism of the disc, the band had gotten in front of enough people that word-ofmouth drowned out the mercurial indie website’s review. Johnson says the review was kind of a badge of honor and proof that the band’s music would stand on its own. “They trashed our album, we must be doing something right,” he says. Now that the band mates have settled in with each other; and having had an exciting dose of success, the songwriting process has turned from being the product of two separate songwriters to being much more collaborative. The band gathers snippets of songs written by both members and works them into whole songs, often eschewing the typical verse-chorus-verse format. “We almost write like puzzle pieces,” Johnson says. It’s a fun process to cull together songs as a group, he says. After their fall touring they plan to resume writing. There are tons of parts, but Johnson wants to write some at home as well, so the band will have more than songs from the road. It’s been nearly two years since they recorded most of the songs on their debut, which Sub Pop re-released earlier this year, and the band already has a lot of new song options. However, they won’t be quite ready to jump into the studio to write a second album. “We don’t have a batch of fully written songs,” Johnson says. “There’s a growing list of those puzzle pieces.” , The Head & the Heart w/ Thao & the Get Down Stay Down and the Devil Whale play the Waiting Room Lounge Sunday, October 9th at 9 p.m. The show is sold out. For more information, visit onepercentproductions.com.
n CD and vinyl copies of the Envy Corps’ It Culls You was released Oct. 3 on the band’s own label, Tempo Club. The Des Moines band, which played this year’s MAHA Festival, will celebrate the release in Omaha Saturday, Dec. 17, with a show at the Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St. The band released a Love Drunk video for “Ms. Hospital Corners” in conjunction with the album’s physical release. n Love Drunk Studio also directed a video for violinist Kaitlyn Maria Filippini, who performs as Mia Maria. Filippini performed a medley of Lady Gaga songs, after Gaga personally asked Filippini to put together an audition video for her. The video can be found on lovedrunkstudio.com. n The Nebraska Jazz Orchestra will join singer/songwriter Kelley Hunt for a concert at the Cornhusker Marriott, 333 S. 13th St. in Lincoln, Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 7:30 p.m. The big band arrangements will tackle jazz standards as well as some of Hunt’s own compositions. Tickets are $25 for adults and half-price for students. n Mat Kearney played a concise, fun set at the Sokol Auditorium, 2234 S. 13th St., Sunday night. The major label singer-songwriter proved his catalog already runs deeper than hits like “Closer to Love” and “Undeniable.” New single “Hey Mama” stood out with its sea of handclaps and a memorable memory. Kearney works best when he lets his anthems carry a rock arrangement, but there’s also strength in his songs that ride on programmed beats. too. n The Omaha Area Youth Orchestras will present an all-orchestra concert Sunday, Oct. 23, at the Holland Performing Arts Center, 1200 Douglas St., at 6:30 p.m. It will be the first concert featuring new associate conductor Brandon Brown. n The recently-announced Smashing Pumpkins show Tuesday, Oct. 11, at the Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St., sold out in a matter of minutes when tickets went on sale Saturday morning. Plenty of the show’s $50 tickets have popped up on third-party ticket websites like Stubhub, billy corgan with asking prices starting at $100 and climbing from there. So just how much is a show featuring Billy Corgan and a host of people who weren’t even within spitting distances of the band’s classic work worth?
— Chris Aponick Backbeat takes you behind the scenes of the local music scene. Send tips, comments and questions to backbeat@thereader.com.
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OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
9/23/11 4:07 PM
Girl Talk Speaks Volumes
by Kyle Eustice
irl Talk (real name Gregg Gillis) is a phenomenon. Who knew this one-time biomedical engineer would breathe fresh life into the mash-up movement? Although pioneers such as Z-Trip and Kraftwerk were blending samples long before Gillis stepped onto the scene, for some reason, the Pittsburgh-native was able to give new meaning to “digital sampling.” After all, his fifth studio album on the Illegal Art imprint, All Day, uses 372 overlapping samples — from Herbie Hancock to Rick Ross. Two and a-half years in the making, it’s amazing he was able to finish it considering he’s been touring incessantly since Girl Talk exploded. In fact, Gillis was accused of actually “breaking the internet” the day the album dropped because of the number of people downloading the free album. “MTV said I broke the internet so I did apologize for that. I did want to apologize to the fans because a lot of people had problems downloading the album that first day or even that first week,” he says. “It’s still kind of a mystery to me because, on purpose, we put in no public-
Oct. 6 - 12, 2011
ity, no advertising about Girl Talk it and I tried to not even talk about it. I wanted it to be a surprise. I figured that would just generate its own hype, just coming out of nowhere. Like I was saying there was no real high level of anticipation. The response was overwhelming.” Whether or not Gillis is some sort of internet pirate, his career has skyrocketed since the release of 2004’s Unstoppable. And unstoppable he has been. However, considering he’s already put out five mash-up albums, it’s possible he’s a one-trick pony and it makes sense to wonder if that’s all he can really do. Gillis is determined to prove otherwise and has several more projects in the works involving more than his laptop. Gillis himself is worn out from the often tedious process of making one album, not to mention the endless touring. “I think it would be cool to take six months off of touring and just fool around with music and not have to make music for a tour. If that’s what was going on, then I think it
would sound different. I don’t want to make it sound like it’s a chore. Everything I make, I enjoy, but I’m definitely making it with a crowd in mind,” he explains. “I was working on a beat for a hip-hop artist recently. It wasn’t for the world of Girl Talk live shows. I was just cutting up samples and making a traditional hip-hop beat. It was really enjoyable. I really like the way it came out. It’s really distant from the world of Girl Talk.” That’s not to say Gillis is over making mash-up records or done with touring. After all, his shows have become famous for allowing hundreds of people on stage while he performs (and often strips down to his underwear). It’s a hot, sweatbox of a dance party with enough club bangers to keep the audience jumping up and down throughout the entire set. If you haven’t been to a Girl Talk show, it’s definitely a unique experience, far from the typical concert, though it’s not as crazy as it used to be. The days of having his equipment destroyed are over. paul sobota
Mash-up artist not responsible for breaking the internet
“We always want that to be an element of the live show, but we’re doing it a little differently this time around. It’s a little more controlled,” he assures. Currently on tour (again), the hard-working artist brings his energetic live show to the Omaha area this Thursday, perhaps for the last time. That is still unclear. “I’m not really concerned with sustaining a career out of this. That has never been my goal. Being able to live off of doing this and being able to quit my job came as a big surprise. It’s awesome and one of the best things to ever happen to me,” he says. “But at the same time, when that happened, I tried to make decisions not based around how I can make this last the longest or how I can make the most money. I always try to think in terms of the project and how far can it go creatively and how far can it go in terms of the listening audience.” “Putting out the record for free seemed like the best way to get it out to the widest audience possible and to get it out as efficiently as possible,” he adds. “Right now, I sustain off touring, but again it’s something that I put a lot of time and effort into. Obviously, money coming back is cool. I like money and I like being able to spend money, but that’s never what it’s been about.” , Girl Talk performs Thursday Oct. 6 at Stir’s Concert Cove, Council Bluffs, at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25. Visit www.harrahscouncilbluffs.com for more information.
Preview Party!
Dirty Girl
Monday, October 17, 7pm TICKETS: filmstreams.org or 402.933.0259
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Director Abe Sylvia, Producer Jana Edelbaum, and Actor & Omaha native Nicholas D’Agosto all in person at the Ruth Sokolof Theater! An exclusive Q&A screening and party with the filmmakers. Food & drinks provided, courtesy of Omaha Steaks & Upstream Brewing Co. Special support provided by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. SPECIAL THANKS TO:
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OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
lazy-i T H E
Does size matter? Lincoln Calling, Pt. 8
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OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
e live in a culture where “bigger” is always perceived as being “better.” Some might argue that this concept is The American Way. Well, Jeremy Buckley, the impresario behind the annual Lincoln Calling Music Festival, isn't concerned about getting “bigger.” On the surface, one might look at this year’s festival — the 8th Annual, an achievement in and of itself — and say that it's a step backward. There are no significant national touring acts on the 100-plus-band 16-DJ (so far) roster whose schedule is spread over five nights at 10 venues in downtown Lincoln. Financial support was cut in half for ’11, thanks to a tsunami that not only devastated Japan, but also washed away sponsorship dollars from Toyota. But a glance at the schedule shows (which you can view at lincolncalling.com), this year's event may be the best ever. Buckley, as you can imagine, agrees. "Each year is a different beast,” he said between football games last Sunday afternoon. “Last year the sky was the limit. We had an assload of money from sponsors and a perfect storm of national touring bands that just happened to be coming through at the right time. This year it was doing what we could with what we had, and I think we put together something great.” Though the festival’s organization falls exclusively on Buckley’s shoulders — and that's the way he wants it — this year he loosened the reins oh so slightly and got input from folks who asked to be part of the fun. The result is a more varied lineup that spreads the festival's genres beyond its usual indie-only focus. “I guess I tried to put an emphasis on making other people do my work,” Buckley said.” “Quite a few aspects of this year’s festival came from people asking to help out.” For example, Buckley received a Facebook message from Corey Birkmann asking why so few punk and metal bands were involved in the program. Buckley's reply: “I don't know much about punk or metal, so I don't know the difference between the good and bad bands.” Birkmann offered to help by booking a show a day at The Spigot that was metal and/or punk-oriented. “So I said, ‘Roll with it.’” Buckley quipped. As a result, 12 Lincoln punk and/or metal acts are booked Thursday through Saturday at The Spigot, including Dust Bled Down, Ten Dead and Beaver Damage. “So this year, metal and punk are getting some love,” Buckley said. KZUM talent Hilary Stohs-Krause, host of radio show “X-Rated Women in Music,” asked
Buckley if she could curate a showcase that featured women musicians in an MTV Unplugged-style setting.“I told her to roll with it,” Buckley said. The two-hour Friday afternoon program will take place in the art gallery above Duffy’s. Called The Parrish Project, it will feature student artists from the LPS Arts and Humanities Focus Program under the tutelage of Mezcal Brothers’ Gerardo Meza. Then there’s music website hearnebraska.org (which Buckley helped develop), that will host a Saturday afternoon program that includes musicians merch booths at The Bourbon Theater. And DJ Spencer Munson a.k.a. $penselove, who pulled together a posse of DJs who will perform at clubs throughout the festival, including the all new Mix Barcade, a venue in the old Bricktop space that will debut as part of Lincoln Calling. While all that help is “making things a lot less stressful” for Buckley, the festival’s primary attraction continues to be its overall line-up. No, Lincoln Calling didn’t attract many Saddle Creek bands this year, but it did draw the cream of the crop of the non-Creek acts, including Ideal Cleaners, Conduits, Digital Leather, Eli Mardock, Gus & Call, Icky Blossoms, McCarthy Trenching and Pharmacy Spirits, The Show Is the Rainbow, SoSo Sailors, UUVVWWZ, Machete Archive, Talking Mountain, Son of 76, The Whipkey Three, Matt Cox, and even some out-of-towners. They include the always amazing The Photo Atlas, poorly named Gauntlet Hair and Nebraska adoptees Cowboy Indian Bear. Glancing at the line-up, there were a lot of acts that I flat-out didn’t recognize. Buckley even has an answer for that in the form of a massive 47song digital download available for free from the Lincoln Calling website. Like like every real festival, all bands are receiving some sort of compensation, whether it’s a guarantee, a cut of the door or an all-access pass to all five days of the event. Helping defray costs were donations from the Downtown Lincoln Association, Guitar Center and Lincoln's Young Professional Group. The particulars: The festival kicks off Tuesday, Oct. 11, with the Homegrown Film Festival at The Bourbon Theater at 8 p.m., a listening party at Duffy's at 10 p.m. and an acoustic open mic night at The Zoo bar at 9 p.m. The real stuff gets rolling Wednesday, Oct. 12, and runs through Saturday, Oct. 15. All access passes for the full festival are $30, one-day passes run $10 to $12, or you can pay the door at each venue, which runs from free to $8. So no, Lincoln Calling isn’t as big as it was in 2010, “and I’m OK with that,” Buckley said. “I know there are 5,000 people who will go to this and have a good time, and the bands will have better crowds than on any given Friday night.” ,
LAZY-I is a weekly column by long-time Reader senior contributing writer Tim McMahan focused on the Omaha music scene. Check out Tim’s daily music news updates at his website, lazy-i.com, or email him at lazy-i@thereader.com.
b l u e s ,
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a m e r i c a n a
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Surf, roots and rock
ick Dale brings his virtuoso surf-rock guitar to The Waiting Room Thursday, Oct. 6, at 9 p.m. Lincoln’s Mezcal Brothers open. Zoo Bar Music: Lincoln’s Zoo Bar highlights include the return of Billy Bacon this week plus several cool early shows coming up. It’s a Billy Bacon & The Forbidden Pigs reunion weekend with Justin G. Jones and Jerry “Hot Rod” DeMink joining Billy again. The band plays 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, and plays after 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 7 and 8. On Monday, Oct. 10, catch acclaimed roots multi-instrumentalist David Lindley, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. The Zoo’s Wednesday, Oct. 12, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. show spotlights the twangy, swampy roots-rock of Oregon’s Too Slim and the Taildraggers. The Zoo is one of the hosts of the annual Lincoln Calling multi-band, multi-venue event that kicks off Wednesday, Oct. 12. See Lazy-i this week on the opposite page for more information and zoobar.com for the schedule that includes both happy hour and late shows. Sunday Roadhouse News: Acclaimed roots musician Robbie Fulks plays the next Sunday Roadhouse concert, which is actually Thursday, Oct. 13, at 7:30 p.m.
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h u c h t e m a n n
at The Side Door Lounge. Dean and Gary also have a very cool show coming Sunday, Oct. 30, when Austin’s Gurf Morlix brings The Blaze Foley documentary to town. See sundayroadhouse.com for details. Bruce Katz Returning Soon: Boston-based keyboard virtuoso Bruce Katz plays the Zoo Bar Wednesday, Oct. 19, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Omaha folks make note that Katz gigs at Gator O’Malley’s coming Thursday, Oct. 20, after 9 p.m. Katz has been splitting his time between solo work and touring with Gregg Allman. He hits the road to Nebraska after completing a short tour run with Delbert McClinton. Katz’s soulful style cooks on everything from soul and funk to New Orleans-style jazz. Hot Notes: The always magical Gillian Welch and David Rawlings play a special show at Lincoln’s Rococo Theatre on Thursday, Oct. 13, 8 p.m. A notable early warning includes Robert Randolph at Slowdown Wednesday, Oct. 19. The Nace Brothers bring their entertaining roots-rock and blues to The 21st Saloon Thursday, Oct. 6, 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Too Slim & The Taildraggers are on tap at The 21st on Thursday, Oct. 13, 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Soul-blues singer E.C. Scott is set for The 21st Thursday, Oct. 20, at 5:30 p.m. ,
Hoodoo is a weekly column focusing on blues, roots, Americana and occasional other music styles with an emphasis on live music performances. Hoodoo columnist B.J. Huchtemann is a Reader senior contributing writer and veteran music journalist who has covered the local music scene for nearly 20 years. Follow her blog at hoodoorootsblues.blogspot.com.
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OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
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SEND CALENDAR INFORMATION — including addresses, dates, times, costs and phone numbers — to The Reader’s calendar editor. Mail to or drop off information at P.O. Box 7360 Omaha, NE 68107; email to listings@thereader.com; fax to (402) 341.6967. Deadline is 5 p.m. the Thursday prior to issue date.
thr 10/06/2011
Auditorium mAverick productions presents: mike posner And the brAin trust show @ 8:00 Auditorium we cAme As romAns w/ miss mAY i, oF mice & men, teXAs in JuLY, And cLose to home show @ 7:00
thursday 6
THE NACE BROTHERS, (Blues) 5:30 pm, 21st Saloon, $8. TR UNDERGROUND, (DJ/Electronic) 9 pm, Bar 415, FREE. MARK TEWES, (Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 7 pm, Crescent Moon Coffee, FREE. LITTLE JOE AND BIG TROUBLE, (Blues) 9 pm, Gator O’Malley’s. RAY WILLIAMS, (Blues) 7 pm, Havana Garage. GIRL TALK UNOFFICIAL AFTERPARTY W/ DJ NATER, EMA MARCO, SPENCELOVE, (DJ/Electronic) 10 pm, House Of Loom, FREE. TIM JAVORSKY, (Jazz) 6 pm, Jazz, A Louisiana Kitchen. CLAY HUGHES, CHANCE PRESTON, GREAT PLAINS MASSACRE, (Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 9 pm, Knickerbockers. CHRIS SAUB, (Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 9 pm, Myth Martini Bar, FREE.
fri 10/14/2011
sun 10/16/2011
fri 10/21/2011
the niGhtmAre pArAdoX w/ kAkArot, words Like dAGGers, whAt dweLLs within, verendus, in seArch oF AtLAntis, A chokinG meLodY, And more! show @ 6:30 AFton presents: nick mcGee & Guests show @ 6:30 AFton presents: trAFek, diGGA dJ & biG d, the south omAhA boYZ, LiL Jo, Fresh sQuAd ovo cLick, And more! show @ 6:30
ROGUE VALLEY, (Rock) 9:30 pm, O’Leaver’s Pub, $5. BACKERS BLUES BAND, (Jazz) 6:30 pm, OzoNE Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, FREE. SARAH EYTALIS, JOSH COLLINGSWORTH, (Folk/Singer- Songwriter) 8:30 pm, Pizza Shoppe Collective, $5. TWO DRAG CLUB, BROTHERS TANDUM, ROCK PAPER DYNAMITE, (Rock) 9 pm, Shamrock’s Pub & Grill. WALK THE MOON, QUITE CORRAL, (Rock) 9 pm, Slowdown, Advance: $8; DOS: $10.
MIKE POSTER, THE BRAIN TRUST, (DJ/Electronic) 8 pm, Sokol Hall & Auditorium, $27; UNO Students: $10. OJC, (Blues) 7 pm, The Glo Lounge. DICK DALE & BAND, THE MEZCAL BROTHERS, (Rock) 9 pm, Waiting Room, $20. THE DAMNWELLS, HARPER BLYNN, CARLEY TANCHON, (Rock) 9 pm, Zoo Bar, Advance: $8; DOS: $10. BILLY BACON & THE FORBIDDEN PIGS, (Blues) 6 pm, Zoo Bar, $6.
LEMON FRESH DAY, (Cover Band) 9:30 pm, Arena Bar & Grill, FREE. HUTSADY, GARRICK, (DJ/Electronic) 9 pm, Bar 415, $5. FIZZLE LIKE A FLOOD, THE WHIPKEY THREE, AT LAND, UNDERWATER DREAM MACHINE, (Rock) 9 pm, Barley Street Tavern, $5. TAKING BACK SUNDAY, THE MAINE, (Rock) 7 pm, Bourbon Theater, $25. THE LABELS, (Cover Band) 9 pm, Brewsky’s Park Drive, FREE. THE PENROSE STAIRS, (Rock/Cover Band) 9 pm, Chrome Lounge. RAT BRAIN, (Rock) 10 pm, Dinker’s Bar, FREE. DOWN TO HERE UNPLUGGED, (Cover Band) 9 pm, Firewater Grille, FREE. CHESHIRE GRIN, (Cover Band) 9 pm, Gator O’Malley’s.
OMAHA SYMPHONY POPS SERIES: LEANN RIMES, (Pop/ Classical) 8 pm, Holland Performing Arts Center, $15- $80. OMAHA FIRST FRIDAY WRAP PARTY W/ RDQLUS, (DJ/ Electronic) 9 pm, House Of Loom, FREE. R & B ZONE, (Jazz) 6 pm, Jazz, A Louisiana Kitchen. DUSK BLED DOWN, KILL IT WITH FIRE, EMCEE KAIN, (Rock) 6 pm, Knickerbockers. BOSS, (Rock) 9 pm, Knickerbockers. CHRIS SAUB BAND, (Cover Band) 9 pm, Loose Moose. CHUCK BROWN AND THE BASEMENT DEVILS, (Blues) 9 pm, McKenna’s Booze, Blues & BBQ.
OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
music listings
BLUE OCTOBER, SISTER SOLEIL, IAMDYNAMITE, (Rock) 8 pm, MidAmerica Center, $8.97. SAUDI ARABIA, DEAD RINGERS, SWAMP WALK, (Rock) 9:30 pm, O’Leaver’s Pub, $5. HI-FI HANGOVER, (Cover Band) 9 pm, OzoNE Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, FREE. CACTUS HILL, (Cover Band) 9 pm, Red9. TREVOR SCOTT, DEFIANT, BONEYARD PICKERS FEAT. ZELLA LEE, (Rock) 9 pm, Shamrock’s Pub & Grill.
JET EDISON, ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DINOSAURS, SOLID GOLD, (Rock) 9 pm, Duffy’s Tavern. ROCKABILLY NIGHT W/ THE WILLARDS AND THE HOT TAIL HONEYS, (Rock) 9 pm, Gator O’Malley’s. BABY TEARS, 400 BLOWS, DIM LIGHT, PLACK BLAGUE, (Rock) 9:30 pm, O’Leaver’s Pub, $5. BLOWOUT: THE MUSIC OF JAN BACH, (Classical) 3 pm, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, $15; Seniors: $12. KATIE LOGAN, (Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 2 pm, Soaring Wings Vineyard, FREE.
ROCK PAPER DYNAMITE, MIKE GOT SPIKED, THE ABSTRACT, (Rock) 8 pm, The Sandbox, $8. THE HEAD AND THE HEART, THAO, GET DOWN STAY DOWN, THE DEVIL WHALE, (Indie/Folk/Singer Songwriter) 9 pm, Waiting Room, $15. AUDITION NIGHT, (Cover Band) 7 pm, Whiskey Roadhouse (Horseshoe Casino), FREE.
MICHAEL LEE FIRKINS, GERALD LEE JR., (Folk/Singer- Songwriter) 9 pm, Slowdown, $8. JEFF TOMES, (Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 7 pm, Soaring Wings Vineyard, FREE. THE MATADOR, (Rock) 9 pm, Stir Live & Loud, $5. K9 SUITE, EVICTED, DECKER, (Cover Band) 8:30 pm, The Grove, FREE. STEDDY P, ILL INTENTIONS, RUSH ONE AND DUBBSIXX W/ PLAYA J, LYRICAL FRONT, SAINT MIC, (Hip-Hop/ Rap) 8 pm, The Hideout Lounge, $5.
SONGWRITER SHOWCASE AND OPEN MIC, (Folk/Singer- Songwriter) 9 pm, Barley Street Tavern, FREE. OVO, WIZARD RIFLE, WICKERS, (Rock) 7 pm, Bourbon Theater. MELT BANANA, INDREAMA, FLESH EATING SKIN DISEASE, (Rock) 9 pm, Waiting Room, $12. THE ZOO BAR HOUSE BAND, (Blues) 9:30 pm, Zoo Bar, $3. DAVID LINDLEY, (Blues) 6 pm, Zoo Bar, Advance: $14; DOS: $20.
OFF THE GRID, (Rock) 8:30 pm, The New Old Bar, FREE. AARON WATSON, NASHVILLE REJECT, (Country) 9 pm, Uncle Ron’s, Advance: $15; DOS: $20. FUNK TREK, (Rock) 9 pm, Waiting Room, $7. MOON JUICE, (Cover Band) 9 pm, Whiskey Roadhouse (Horseshoe Casino), FREE. BILLY BACON & THE FORBIDDEN PIGS, (Blues) 9 pm, Zoo Bar, $8. HALZ & OATE, (Rock) 7 pm, Zoo Bar, $3. FAC WITH THE MEZCAL BROTHERS, (Rock/Blues) 5 pm, Zoo Bar, $5.
VIC NASTY, (DJ/Electronic) 9 pm, Bar 415, FREE. NEBRASKA JAZZ ORCHESTRA WITH KELLEY HUNT, (Jazz) 7:30 pm, Cornhusker Marriott, $25; Students: $12.50. TONY CHURCH, (Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 7 pm, Crescent Moon Coffee, FREE. PASSAFIRE, VIBENHAI, (Reggae/Island) 9 pm, Knickerbockers. CREEPERSIN, (Rock) 9 pm, Louis Bar and Grill. JESSICA ERRETT, KELSEY NORD, (Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 6:30 pm, OzoNE Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, FREE.
MOON JUICE, (Cover Band) 9:30 pm, Arena Bar & Grill, FREE. BIG AL BAND, LOVE TECHNICIANS, ARMY OF 2600, (Rock) 9 pm, Barley Street Tavern, $5. POST GAME REGGAE, (DJ/Electronic/Reggae/Island) 9 pm, Bourbon Theater. CULTIVAROKE, (Cover Band) 7 pm, Cultiva Coffee, FREE.
THE SMASHING PUMPKINS, FANCY SPACE PEOPLE, LIGHT FM, (Rock) 8 pm, Slowdown, $50/SOLD OUT. POGO, THAT 1 GUY, (DJ/Electronic) 9 pm, Waiting Room, $15. ACOUSTIC OPEN MIC HOSTED BY GERARDO MEZA, (Folk/ Singer-Songwriter) 9 pm, Zoo Bar, FREE. THE JAZZOCRACY, (Jazz) 6 pm, Zoo Bar, FREE.
LOUD WITH DESIGNER DRUGS AND MASARIS, (DJ/ Electronic) 8 pm, House Of Loom, $15. JIMMY HOOLIGAN, SKATTERMAN, (Hip-Hop/Rap) 9 pm, Louis Bar and Grill, Advance: $12; DOS: $15. ECKOPHONIC, (Cover Band) 9 pm, OzoNE Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, FREE. DOUBLE ZERO, (Cover Band) 10 pm, Shamrock’s Pub & Grill. FAMILY PICNIC, CYMBAL RUSH, DADS, (Rock) 10:30 pm, Slowdown, $7. VITOSUS, PROJEKT LUNA, (Rock) 9 pm, Stir Live & Loud, $5. WIN LANDER, (Cover Band) 9 pm, Whiskey Roadhouse (Horseshoe Casino), FREE. BILLY BACON & THE FORBIDDEN PIGS, (Blues) 10 pm, Zoo Bar, $6.
LEFTMORE, I AM THE NAVIGATOR, (Rock) 9 pm, Barley Street Tavern, $5. GREEN TREES, STRAWBERRY BURNS, DIGGER THOMPSON’S KIDS, (Rock) 6 pm, Black Market, FREE. LARRY AND HIS FLASK, THE KILLIGANS, LIONIZE, CORNERSTONE DUB, (Rock/Reggae/Island) 9 pm, Bourbon Theater, $8. BEARS OF BLUE RIVER, MCCARTHY TRENCHING, THE SO-SO SAILORS, SOUTH OF LINCOLN, (Rock/Folk/ Singer-Songwriter) 9 pm, Duffy’s Tavern, $5. THE MIGHTY FINE, HEART TO HEART, (Rock) 9 pm, Knickerbockers. CAP GUN COUP, CARTRIGHT, PALEO, HONEYBEE & HERS, (Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 9:30 pm, O’Leaver’s Pub, $5. JOHNNY RAY GOMEZ, (Cover Band) 6:30 pm, OzoNE Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, FREE. THE DEAD SHIPS, (Rock) 9 pm, Slowdown, $7. PORTUGAL. THE MAN, ALBERTA CROSS, (Rock) 9 pm, Waiting Room, $15.
SUNDAY GOLD W/ GREG K, (DJ/Electronic) 9 pm, Bar 415, FREE. PAPER DIAMOND, (DJ/Electronic) 9 pm, Bourbon Theater, Advance: $12; DOS: $14.
THE SHOW IS THE RAINBOW, ALEXIS GIDEON, DOUBLE DOUBLE Z, (Rock) 7 pm, Clawfoot House, $5. SOUTH OF LINCOLN, ARCHEOLOGY, SMITH’S CLOUD, (Rock/Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 6 pm, Duffy’s Tavern.
Wednesday 12
LESS TALK MORE POLKA, (Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 9 pm, Zen’s Lounge, $2. ROCK PAPER DYNAMITE, FIERCE BAD RABBIT, TIE THESE HANDS, (Rock) 9:30 pm, Zoo Bar, $5. TOO SLIM & THE TAILDRAGGERS, (Blues) 6 pm, Zoo Bar, $8.
VENUES Ameristar Casino, 2200 River Rd., Council Bluffs, ameristar.com Arena Bar & Grill, 3809 N. 90th St., 571.2310, arenaomaha.com BarFly, 707 N. 114th St., 504.4811 Barley Street Tavern, 2735 N. 62nd St., 554.5834, barleystreet.com Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O St., Lincoln, 730.5695 Duffy’s Tavern, 1412 O St., Lincoln, 474.3453, myspace.com/ duffystavern The Hideout, 302 S. 72nd St. Knickerbocker’s, 901 O St., Lincoln, 476.6865, knickerbockers.net LIV Lounge, 2279 S. 67th St. livlounge.com Louis Bar and Grill, 5702 NW Radial Hwy., 551.5993 McKenna’s Blues, Booze & BBQ, 7425 Pacific St., 393.7427, mckennasbbq.com New Lift Lounge, 4737 S. 96th St., 339.7170 O’Leaver’s Pub, 1322 S. Saddle Creek Rd., 556.1238, myspace. com/oleaverspub
Ozone Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, 72nd and F, 331.7575, ozoneclubomaha.com. Pizza Shoppe Collective, 6056 Maple St., 556.9090, pscollective.com Qwest, 455 N. 10th St., qwestcenteromaha.com Side Door, 3530 Leavenworth St., 504.3444. Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St., 345.7569, theslowdown.com Sokol Hall, 2234 S. 13th St., 346.9802, sokolundergound.com The Sydney, 5918 Maple St., 932.9262, thesydneybenson.com Stir, 1 Harrahs Blvd., Council Bluffs, harrahs.com Venue 162, 162 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, 712.256.7768, myspace.com/venue162 Waiting Room, 6212 Maple St., 884.5353, waitingroomlounge.com Whiskey Roadhouse, Horseshoe Casino, 2701 32nd Ave., Council Bluffs, whiskeyroadhouse.com Your Mom’s Downtown Bar, 1512 Howard St., 345.0180 Zoo Bar, 136 N.14th St., Lincoln, zoobar.com
The Smashing Pumpkins have created one of the most acclaimed bodies of work in musical history and sold over 30 million albums. Formed in Chicago in 1988, they released Gish, their influential (and platinum) debut in 1991.
TueSday, 10/11/11 8:00PM @ SLoWdoWn
w/ Fancy Space People & Light FM
ThuRSday, 10/06/11 9:00PM @ The WaiTing RooM dicK daLe & Band
ThuRSday, 10/06/11 9:00PM @ SLoWdoWn WaLK The Moon
FRiday, 10/07/11 8:00PM @ The Mid-aMeRica cenTeR BLue ocToBeR
FRiday, 10/07/11 9:00PM @ The WaiTing RooM FunK TReK
FRiday, 10/07/11 9:00PM @ SLoWdoWn MichaeL Lee FiRKinS
SaTuRday, 10/08/11 6:30PM @ SoKoL audiToRiuM We caMe aS RoManS
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OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
oct. 6 - 12, 2011
Brighton Rock does the crime and takes its time
brighton Rock
by Ryan Syrek
lthough writer/director Rowan Joffe’s Brighton Rock, the second attempt at a big-screen adaptation of a 1938 Graham Greene novel, never introduces us to the parents of its sociopathic main character, it’s safe to assume that they sucked at child rearing. Maybe genetics alone determined that their offspring would become a brain-bashing, knife-wielding savage, but naming him Pinkie Brown couldn’t have helped. Brighton Rock is all about Pinkie, played here by Sam Riley, who sort of looks like a paler, younger Michael Bublé. We’re introduced to him precisely at the moment he goes from no-good to evil, when he decides to up his game from petty thug to murderer. Unfortunately, a bookish waitress named Rose (Andrea Riseborough) becomes an accidental witness. When Pinkie introduces himself to her in an attempt to keep her from ratting him out, the two fall in love…ugly, stupid, inexplicable love. The only explanation we’re given as to why Rose would be ensorcelled by Pinkie’s knife-gashed Bellflower First-time writer/director Evan Glodell will have to try harder next time.
Bridesmaids (ON DVD) A Come for the vomit, stay for the love. That’s the strangest summary statement ever. Contagion B It’s definitely worth catching, so long as you bring Purell.
face and complete absence of charm is that he’s “bad” and she’s “good,” so they’re drawn to each other. This is a remarkably bad foundation for a romantic union. While Pinkie faces off against the violent advances of a competing mob boss (Andy Serkis), he gets drawn deeper into the vile relationship with the deeply religious Rose. Despite the best efforts of the friendly Ida (Helen Mirren) to protect her, the young lass ties Pinkie like a human albatross around her neck. Drive Ryan Gosling is one unflappable cool cat, until he gets flapped too hard.
Fast Five (ON DVD) The box office for this series increases in proportion to the bro-tastic sexual tension.
Moneyball Less of a home run, more of a ground-rule double.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes A re-imagined reboot that uses real imagination.
Brighton Rock is a discordant and dour thing, despite being set in Britain in the 1960s during the height of the Mods versus Rockers conflict. From start to finish, the film is relentlessly dark and foreboding, taking place in a world where the only decisions that are made are bad ones. It helps that the actors sell the material so urgently, from Riseborough’s doe-eyed, simpleminded damsel in self-made distress to Riley’s baby-faced brutality. Mirren, as usual, lends an air of credibility to the whole proceeding, even if her character is fairly useless. Joffe’s methodical pace joins with some honest, unflashy cinematography to compose an underworld tragedy that may not be transcendent but is far from limp. Oddly enough, the biggest gripe is the funereal score, which pumps copious amounts of macabre into nearly every single scene. It all becomes a bit too heavy, even while the film remains largely compelling. And so long as we’re nit-picking, around about the thousandth time Riseborough calls out Pinkie’s name, one feels compelled to make a risky drinking game out of it. Without knowing how much justice it does to the surely great source material, Brighton Rock is an infrequently captivating minor work buoyed by a few rich performances. It is hell-bent on morbidly driving towards an expectedly ugly conclusion. It’s the sort of film that nobody is likely to watch twice, but few will regret watching once. , GRADE: B-
B y
r y an
s y re k
n Depending on your tastes, consider the following a suggestion or a warning: Twilight is taking over Aksarben Cinema (askarbencinema.com) during the month of November. Every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. throughout the month, the theater will screen a past installment of the fangs and fornication series for just five bucks a pop. If you’d rather Twi-hard all at once, for just $25 you can catch a marathon of the three previous flicks starting at 4 p.m. Nov. 17 and culminating with the premiere of Breaking Dawn Part I at midnight. Be warned: That may be too much pastyskinned, sparkly soap opera-ness for anyone to consume in one sitting. n Prior to November’s Twi-splosion, Aksarben Cinema is doing something everyone will agree is awesome. In conjunction with “Food Day Omaha,” Sunday, Oct. 23, at 1:30 p.m., Aksarben Cinema will screen Good Food, a documentary about sustainable food production. Starting that day and for every Sunday going forward, anyone who brings in a nonperishable food item between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. will receive a coupon for a free small popcorn, redeemable that day. So you get to help others, chow down on some tasty kernels and ponder a documentary about a vital subject. That’s a win, win, win, and those don’t come around often. n Moses is calling for Steven Spielberg. Actually, Warner Bros is calling Spielberg about Moses, as the studio is determined to make an epic about the seasplitting, beard-blessed religious figure. Whether or not Stevie will answer the call is unclear. That said, it may be hard to resist creating cinematic version of Moses played by someone other than a man whose primary commandment involved “cold, dead hands.” — Ryan Syrek
Pinkie Gets Fingered
Cutting Room provides breaking local and national movie news … complete with added sarcasm. Send any relevant information to film@ thereader.com. Check out Ryan on Movieha!, a weekly half-hour movie podcast (movieha.libsyn.com/rss), and also catch him on the radio on CD 105.9 (cd1059.com) Fridays at around 7:30 a.m. and follow him on Twitter (twitter.com/thereaderfilm).
OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
oct. 6 - 12, 2011
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OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
t h e wo r l d g o n e f r e a k y b y c h u c k s h e p h e r d w i t h i l lu s t r at i o n s b y t o m b r i s c o e
Bacteria chat
rlando-area cosmetic surgeon Jeffrey Hartog inaugurated Liquid Gold, a storehouse for patients’ frozen liposuctioned fat, charging $900 to safekeep a coffee-cup-sized portion and $200 per year storage (in case the fat is needed later, as for smoothing facial wrinkles). A Massachusetts General Hospital physician shook his head, telling the Orlando Sentinel, “(F)rozen fat doesn’t hold up as well as fresh fat.” (2) German biochemist Peer Bork told the journal Nature in September that he and his partners built the not-forprofit MyMicrobes.com social network so that people with similar stomach bacteria can commiserate over diet and gastrointestinal woes. The $2,100 signup fee includes a full gut-bacteria sequencing.
The Continuing Crisis
Wild Things: Motorist Clyde White of Corbin, Ky., was charged with attempted murder in August after police finally collared him following a road-rage chase that reached speeds of over 100 mph. White, who had repeatedly rammed his two siblings in their vehicle, is 78 years old, and in that other vehicle were his brother, 82, and his sister, 83. According to a recent report from Britain’s Office of National Statistics, there are 297,000 households in the country in which no adult has ever held any kind of job. The number of individuals who thus may never have developed the “habit of work,” and who instead have grown accustomed to the country’s generous welfare payments, might total 700,000. (In an example cited by the Daily Mail, one such couple in their late 30s, and their children, “earn” the equivalent of almost $1,100 per week in income support and disability payments.) Chicago massage therapist Liudmyla Ksenych, testifying for the prosecution in August in a sex-trafficking
Oct. 6 - 12, 2011
weird news
trial, happened to notice from the witness stand that the defense lawyer, Douglas Rathe, was formerly a client of hers. The judge immediately declared a mistrial. Rathe later said he visited Ksenych four times in 2009 but that “nothing inappropriate” happened.
Fine Points of the Law
(1) What Year Is This? In August in Lubbock, Texas, Carl Wade Curry, 44, was sentenced to 99 years in prison for cattle rustling. (Said one of the victims, Curry tried to be a smoothtalking, handshake-dealing cattle seller, but “he wasn’t capable.”) (2) In Jackson, Minn., in March, Andrew Espey was sentenced to 90 days in jail for improperly shingling the roof of his house. Complained Espey, “(A) drunk can drive down the highway and get a lot less (of a sentence).” (He had affixed new shingles without first removing the old ones.)
Oops! Larry Stone, jailed on property crimes in Tavares, Fla., because he could not make the $1,250 bail, posted the bond in July by earning $1,300 in telephone-company money after discovering a management error that credited his jail account $46 for every international call he pretended to make. (The company figured out the problem a day later and recovered all the payouts from the accounts of Stone and 250 other prisoners who had learned of the glitch. Stone’s bond was revoked, of course, and he was returned to lockup.) “Sorry, Honey. I Was Aiming at the Dog”: (1) Betty Walker, allegedly firing at the pit bull that she saw lunging at some children, hit the dog with one shot and her husband, 53, with a second shot, killing him (Jackson, Miss., July). (2) Brent Bader, allegedly firing at the family dog, instead hit his wife once in the head, killing her (Twin Peaks, Calif., February). (3) Samuel Campos, 46, allegedly firing to put away the family Chihuahua after having inadvertently continued on page 36 y
oct. 6 - 12, 2011
COPYRIGHT 2011 CHUCK SHEPHERD. Visit Chuck Shepherd daily at NewsoftheWeird.blogspot.com or NewsoftheWeird.com. Send Weird News to WeirdNewsTips@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 18737, Tampa, FL 33679. Illustrations by Tom Briscoe (smallworldcomics.com).
y continued from page 34
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wounded it the day before, instead hit his girlfriend, 41, killing her (Willits, Calif., March).
News of the Self-Indulgent While too many children in Third World countries die from starvation or lack of basic medicines, the preschoolers of the TLC TV channel’s “Outrageous Kid Parties” reality show celebrate birthdays and “graduation” (from or to kindergarten) with spectacular events that may cost their parents $30,000 or more. Typical features, according to an August ABC News report, included a Ferris wheel, a roller coaster, a dunking booth, animal rides and a cotton candy machine, as well as the obligatory live music and limo or horseback (for grand entrances).
Redneck Chronicles (1) Lon Groves, 40, was arrested in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., after a brief standoff with police in July following an incident in which he allegedly held a handgun to the head of his wife in an argument over which of their granddaughters was the wife’s favorite. (2) Pastor Daryl Riley of the New Welcome Baptist Church in St. Elmo, Ala., was tased, allegedly by the church’s music minister, whom Riley had just fired in August (which led another parishioner to pull a knife and begin stabbing wildly in a melee). Said the music minister’s mother, “He done cut (me) before anything started.”
Recurring Themes
Strategies: (1) Alicia Bouchard, 41, was arrested in Jackson County, Fla., in August, accused of hatching a plot with her husband to impregnate a 12-year-old girl for the purpose of producing a baby that would eventually earn an additional welfare check. (2) In August, the Japanese construction firm Maeda Corp. ordered its 2,700 employees to adopt standard, short hairstyles (a “bob” for women with a longer fringe that could be swept to the side, and a routine short-backand-sides cut for men with a slightly longer cut on top). Maeda said it was responding to the government’s plea to reduce energy usage (less water, less hair dryer time).
Anecdotes have surfaced over the years about an alleged sexual fetish of purposely pumping air into the rectum, and the Snopes.com “urban legends” website accepts that at least one instance has been reliably reported (in 1993 in Thailand, although that involved not self-gratification but a prank that got out of hand, resulting in the death of the victim). In July 2010, in Hull County, England, electrician Gareth Durrant, 26, was the victim of a prank that mirrored the 1993 case except that a quick-acting colleague removed the air hose, which had been inserted by co-workers as Durrant lounged on a break. Durrant said his body felt like it was inflating. In August 2011, as his lawsuit went to Hull Crown Court (as he has been unable to work ever since), he said that he still suffers headaches and stomach pains.
People Different From Us
A News of the Weird Classic (March 2006)
Bright Ideas
(1) Travis Keen, 28, was arrested in Ouachita Parish, La., in August and charged with indecent exposure while driving around the parking lot at a Walmart. According to the police report, Keen explained that, based on experience, “when he comes to Walmart, he gets aroused.” (2) William Falkingham, 34, was warned by police in Idaho Falls, Idaho, in August that he’d better stop wearing his large, black bunny-rabbit suit in public. One resident complained that his son had been frightened and that others were “greatly disturbed,” and besides, Falkingham sometimes wore a tutu with the bunny outfit.
Because perhaps hundreds of Japanese Yakuza gangsters are nearing retirement age, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has drafted rules for the former gambling, loan shark and protection workers to qualify for benefits, according to a March dispatch from Tokyo in The Times of London. Since organized gangs avoid paper trails, ex-mobsters must supply a letter acknowledging retirement from their crime boss in order to sign up, although local governments are expected to accept as provisional proof criminal records, gang tattoos and demonstrations of missing fingertips (traditional Yakuza punishment for mistakes). ,
Happy Hour
Mon thru Fri 2-7 try our WorLD FAMouS Bloody Marys 4556 Leavenworth st. • 402-551-4850 36
OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
weird news
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OCT. 6 - 12, 2011
sports Perplexing Problems Husker defense continues to struggle, particularly in the secondary
Things here in Huskerland have gotten a little bigger, well, I guess to use the preferred parlance that would actually read; B1Gger. The Big Ten season has begun and Nebraska has, without a doubt, the toughest slate of games of any team in their new conference. The Cornhuskers will be the Belle of the Ball every Saturday with all the additional media coverage that is sure to come with their new digs, they will also be wearing the biggest target. For better or worse the Huskers were touted throughout the preseason as a favorite to win a title in a conference they had yet to play a down in and it would be foolish to think that went unnoticed on campuses in places like Columbus, Ann Arbor, Madison, East Lansing or State College. Those traditional Big Ten powers are all going to want to make their mark in the first chapter of the new matchup with Nebraska. No one wants to lose to the new guy. I hardly think that they’re alone in that. Bo Pelini can rev up his team each and every week of the Big Ten conference schedule with virtually the same presentation. “Who wants to lose the first game Nebraska ever played against the Wolverines/Spartans/Buckeyes/etc.?!” 3 to 5 years down the road each of these games can be broken down on tangibles, stats, matchups and who brings what to the table. This year it’s all about pride, all about swelling up, all about getting bigger, er, B1Gger. I’ve read plenty from local members of the media about the Big Ten being an inferior conference to the Big 12 and I think that’s a misguided assumption (and not just because it’s silly to have made a statement like that so early in the year). This Husker team has a monumental (see: B1G) task in front of it in preparing for so many new opponents in one single season. Not only that but they have to do it with not just the traditionally unrealistic expectations from Big Red Nation but with national expectations of a championship as well. Add to that the misplaced assumption that they’re doing all of this against inferior competition and what happens if the trophy doesn’t find its’ way to Lincoln this year? There are three teams in this conference that finished with 1 loss in the regular season last year and none of them are just going to roll over to a new foe or cede to a “down year” in the conference. The job is big enough for Big Red, no need to make the hill any steeper. Also lost in the pre-emptive conference analysis is something that a good deal of Huskers fans should truly embrace – history. The Big Ten is a conference with some of the most storied (and in terms of football the most successful) programs in the history of college athletics and here is a level of credibility that you just cannot approach with that kind of heritage. 4 of the 10 winningest programs and the winningest program in college football history can all be found in the Big Ten (#7: Penn State, #5: Ohio State, #4: Nebraska & #1: Michigan). That’s the kind of history that’s bigger, did it again, B1Gger than a seasonal ups and downs that all conferences in college football go through. When all is said and done Nebraska fans can take some comfort in the fact that this move to the Big Ten is a fantastic piece of growth for both the Nebraska Cornhuskers and the Big Ten Conference. The B1G gains a fantastic school with heritage, history and a football team that is to be contended with right now in 2011 and only more so in years to come. Nebraska gets to take a place in a conference built not just on athletic achievement but the highest scholastic standards and some of the most storied brands in all of academia. Everyone involved gets an opportunity to experience and embrace new rivalries, new destinations and new traditions. Now that the conference season has begun football fans from Pennsylvania to Nebraska can all sit back and enjoy the fact that we all just got a little bit B1Gger. l
Oct. 6 - 12, 2011
by Mike Babcock
ew, if any, saw this coming: Wisconsin 48, Nebraska 17. Yes, the oddsmakers gave Wisconsin more of an advantage than expected for a game involving undefeated teams, ranked seventh and eighth nationally. But a 31-point margin of victory for the No. 7 Badgers? Who could have imagined such a Big Ten debut for Nebraska? Perhaps the most perplexing aspect of the Huskers’ lopsided loss was the continued problems on a defense that coordinator Carl Pelini said prior to spring practice had the potential to be the best during his time at Nebraska. “It’ll be interesting how it all comes together,” he said. With All-America candidates at all three levels of the defense – tackle Jared Crick, cornerback Alfonzo Dennard and linebacker Lavonte David – providing leadership, which “lends itself to good chemistry,” said Pelini, “we’re limitless in terms of how good we could be, I think.” That was in early March, however. After the Wisconsin loss on the first day of October, he was asked if he had ever dealt with such uncertainty so far into a season. “At Nebraska? Yeah, it reminds me of year one, sad to say. But that’s what it reminds me of,” Pelini said. His first season as Husker defensive coordinator was 2008, when Nebraska ranked 55th nationally in total defense, 80th in scoring defense, 82nd in pass efficiency defense and 89th in pass defense. Its strength, statistically, was rushing defense, ranking 21st. Wisconsin was able to attack on the ground and through the air. Junior running back Montee Ball rushed for 151 yards and four touchdowns, and senior quarterback Russell Wilson completed 14-of-20 passes for 255 yards and two touchdowns. Even more to the point, Wilson completed 12-of-16 in the first half for 233 yards and both touchdowns. In the second half, he mostly handed off to Ball and James White. Wilson, who was named the Davey O’Brien Quarterback of the Week for his efforts, was clearly in a rhythm, but “I would say his rhythm was because guys were running wide open,” Pe-
lini said after the game. “I could have made some of those throws.” “He’s a good quarterback; I’m not taking anything away from him,” Pelini said. “But a lot of quarterbacks could have made those throws. He was finding wide-open receivers. We weren’t executing.” Nebraska’s secondary, and cornerback in particular, is unsettled. Dennard missed the first three games because of injury, and the Huskers’ young corners have struggled. Josh Mitchell started at corner against Washington and wasn’t included on the travel roster for either Wyoming or Wisconsin, and Corey Cooper, who started opposite Dennard at Wyoming after being moved from safety to corner just five days earlier, didn’t play a down at Wisconsin. “It was a different game plan,” coach Bo Pelini said Monday of Cooper’s not playing. “He’s coming and was available. We just didn’t go that way.” Mitchell and Cooper are redshirted freshmen. Ciante Evans and Andrew Green, the others who have started at corner, are sophomores. “But it’s not just the corners. It’s at the safety position, too,” Carl Pelini said after the game. “We’ve got a lot of issues we’ve got to address as a defense.” Bo Pelini put a positive spin on the situation. The secondary is “not real far off,” he said. “There are some little things. To me, playing well comes down to the little things, the fine details. It’s about technique, fundamentals and your eyes. It’s about playing disciplined football. To play great defense, you need to hit on all cylinders, and we didn’t do that.” Nebraska’s problems at Wisconsin weren’t just defense. After a quarter and a-half of solid play, the offense unraveled, with quarterback Taylor Martinez throwing interceptions on the final two possessions of the first half and the first possession of the second. Wisconsin converted each of the three into touchdowns. The Huskers were expected to experience growing pains (although not that severe) on offense, what with a new system and coordinator in Tim Beck. But the defense was supposed to be dependable if not dominating, potentially the best under the Pelinis. And that would mean the best in nearly a decade. ,
Michael Gray
Purdue illinois northwestern iowa nebraska 38-17
Petey Mac
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Purdue illinois iowa Michigan nebraska 28-10
Purdue illinois iowa Michigan ohio 37-28
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Purdue illinois iowa Michigan nebraska 24-17
Purdue illinois iowa Michigan nebraska 24-17
Purdue illinois Michigan Penn st nebraska 35-21
Purdue illinois iowa Michigan nebraska 31-20
Minnesota illinois northwestern iowa nebraska 36-17
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oct. 6 - 12, 2011
planetpower w ee k l y
h oroscopes
he Sun is on its descent as we enter the twilight of the year. One more Moon ’til, once again, Scorpio’s dark night chill shall reappear. Does love mean more amidst the/such twilight? Years, fears and those we hold dear take on added meaning as we watch the setting Sun and experience the moment’s equilibrium. “In a circle of magique. In a circle ’round the Sun. In a circle of love, while the Sun and Moon are one. With the planet of love ascending, forever rising to its zenith, in a circle never ending, Let Venus come between us.” From the 2012 release of “The Zodiac,” for Libra: “Let Venus Come Between Us.” —MOJOPOPlanetPower.com g LIBRA (9.23-10.22) Wow! Full Moon in Aries around sunset on Tuesday, October 11th. Read on! h SCORPIO (10.2311.22) Ka boom! Here comes Venus into your sign (starting this Sunday) ’til Halloween, catand-mousin’ ’til finally hissing and kissing with Mercury and truckin’ with any luck in the end of October, Rover. How’s that for rappin’, Captain? Love (lust?) is in the air (Libra), and you’re breathing in your share, if you dare. It’s a jungle out there! How does the MOJO know? Back to work you go, with your new health regime starting with the Aries Full Moon dream. i SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.21) Meditate facing east after sunset at 9:45 p.m., each day as Jupiter rises, and pray that Yule feel like Tiny Tim on/by Christmas Day (as Jupiter moves direct). Yeah, I know, patience isn’t your greatest virtue… Tell Santa. j CAPRICORN (12.22-1.20) Oh! Jesus! Don’t panic(!), but the Full Moon’s (gonna be) a mother(!) for you! The Sun conjuncts your ruler Saturn in the middle of its sign of exaltation, Libra, in opposition to the warlike, fiery Full Moon in Aries. Hold on tight or hang low and study yoga as though your future/life depended upon it. Guess what? k AQUARIUS (1.21-2.19) If your favorite colors are either grey, black, forest green,
oct. 6 - 12, 2011
b y
mo j opo
snow white and/or earthy black/brown (or all of ’em), please read Capricorn. If you prefer an electric light-blue hue, then this is for you: Light blue and cardinal red create lavender, the color of selfless healing. Start now on where and what you see your scene to being on New Year’s, 2019, and ask Michael P. how did the MOJO know? See ’ya there… MOJOPO. l PISCES (2.20-3.20) Hey! Did you guys all get/send the same emails, or what? You’re all flipping out! I’ve never seen sooooo much seeming(?) unity amongst any of you throughout my whole life. The rest of us must seem really boring to you. Oh yeah, the money comes with the Full Moon. Well, wasn’t that in the email? a ARIES (3.21-4.20) Happy half-birthday next Tuesday, the 11th. The Full Moon in your sign is opposite Saturn (the planet of maturity, accomplishment and responsibility) in Libra. Yeah, I thought that might prove to be over your head? Check out Capricorn and see how they’re handling it… b TAURUS (4.215.20) Please read Sagittarius. The Full Moon’s gonna kick your ample bootie, cutie. c GEMINI (5.21-6.21) Please read Scorpio, just for the literary enjoyment. You’re going to have to deal with a good many Scorpios ’til Halloweenie, Jelly Beanie. They’re everywhere! (Even the paranoid are right once in awhile… [Don’t tell no one!]) d CANCER (6.22-7.22) Please read Aries. You’re somewhere in between the two. You’re the referee at home, this week, ’til once again we speak… e LEO (7.23-8.22) The Full Moon’s gonna affect you “sideways.” Your brothers and sisters present responsibility situations which compel a usually loyal compatriot to show his or her true colors. You can/will play either part. It affects a vacation or some type of education. f VIRGO (8.23-9.22) Please read Gemini. There’s a fight for your father’s money. Just a guess…,
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DISCLAIMER: All real estate advertising within this publication is subject to the fair Housing Act, which makes it unlawful to publish any advertisement that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or family status. The Reader will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. If you believe you have been a victim of housing discrimination you should contact the Fair Housing Center of Nebraska at 934-6675 or the U.S department of Housing and Urban Development at 402-492-3109.
oct. 6 - 12, 2011