IBÉRICO ‘13 Living la vida loca
What is iBéRiCo? Ibérico is a mee4ng between Spain and Portugal but also for our interna4onal friends!
What is it for? Ibérico is a four-‐day weekend full of different ac4vi4es, sessions, laughter and friendship between these amazing 2 countries!
Ibérico is taking place between the 5th un4l the 8th of December. It’s important you arrive between 3pm-‐8pm to the campsite. Also, on the 8th you are not supposed to leave before 2pm-‐3pm since no transporta4on will be guaranteed.
For the first 4me in more than TEN YEARS we are pleased to tell you, that for the FIRST 4me this amazing mee4ng is going to take place in BARCELONA!
But where exactly?
INOUT hostel in BARCELONA. Only 15min away from the center!
INOUT Hostel Our campsite will have an amazing feature that will involved us in the more human and social branch of diversity. At INOUT Hostel, 90% of the employees is in some way disable. How awesome and challenging is that? ‘’INOUT Hostel, opened in 2005, makes an important task of social and labor integration. It is the first European catering service where 90% of its workforce is made up of workers with disabilities, primarily mental.’’ (http://www.inouthostel.com/en/welcome.php)
What should you bring? - FORMS: yes, this is VERY IMPORTANT. - TWAL (if you are under 21, make sure it has your parent’s signature) or ALIF (if you are 21 or more) - HEALTH FORM (signed by a doctor). - A sleeping bag - a towel - warm clothes - pajamas - pillow -Money: You will need to pay Ibérico when you arrive so bring enough cash to this occasion. Plus, we will also have Camp Shop for any chocolates, sodas.. So be sure you’ll bring enough! - costume party! So costumes! Woop woop.
How much? For people FROM Barcelona: 75€ For people FROM all the other places (Madrid, Galizia, Portugal and Interna4onal): 65€
So, as some of you may know, we are star4ng 2013 with a new theme and this year we are star4ng off with: DIVERSITY. We decided to shake things up a lidle bit this year and we’ll be having different themes for each day! We are not going to tell you more about this (yet) but it’s going to be AWESOME.
OPEN SPACES: this is your space for sharing and working. Do you have any Idea of a project you want to develop?
During the open space you are going to have 4me to run your own session and to go to other ́s sessions too. Just send us an email to njr@es.cisv.org or njr@pt.cisv.org with your name and the content of your session and we will put it in the schedule! These open spaces are an hour and a half ac4vity where we will have parallel sessions (run by you!) of half an hour each.
These two Senior NJR are loved all
around the globe for their kindness, good vibes and their good looks. Nico is studying Medecine and doing Erasmus in Lyon and Joao is studying Electronics Engineering. They will definitely be your party buddies and stay up un4l the sun comes up. Enjoy them while you can because they will soon leave us!
Gianluca and Pipa
The junior NJRs from the Ibérico Península are two lovely people! If you'd meet them like a family, you'd say Pipa is the mother and Gianluca is the crazy uncle!! You'll love to meet the awesome communica4ons skills that Pipa has and how good is Gianluca's spirit and will to live life!! This two funny people have a lot to show and tell you! Dare to try it
FORMS Also you must send us your travel form as soon as possible. The last day to send it will be the 15th of November, and aker that day, if we have not receive yours, we will understand you are not coming and we will give your spot to the following in the list. We are sorry about it, but every year we have people who say they are coming and at the end they don’t, and we don’t want people in the wai4ng list to stay home while another who got a spot is not coming at the end!
You’ll be handling the rest of the forms (ALIF/TWAL depending on your age) AND the Health Form when you arrive at the campsite. Do not forget them!
CONTACT US If you have any ques4ons, doubts, or you just feel like talking, don’t hesitate on talking to us! We would love to hear from you! njr@es.cisv.org (Spanish NJR’s) and njr@pt.cisv.org (Portuguese NJR’s). See you in a month!