Fall 2014 Issue 13

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Habitat for Humanity participants build housing options on Peace Quad, SEE PAGE 2

Volleyball tops UMBC in three sets to jump to second place in the latest conference standings, SEE PAGE 16

PIPE DREAM Tuesday, October 21, 2014 | Binghamton University | www.bupipedream.com | Vol. LXXXVI, Issue 13


Alumni briefed on University progress Stenger talks changes during Homecoming SOTU address Alana Epstein

Contributing Writer

and again and again we will be healthy, we will be more resilient, we will be more productive, we will live longer, we will be happier, we will be

In a Homecoming edition of his State of the University Address, President Harvey Stenger spoke to alumni about the current and upcoming projects underway at Binghamton University. Stenger discussed the new additions to the University, such as the nearly-completed Innovation Technologies Complex (ITC) and the plans for the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, as well as sharing his goals for improvement and growth. The ITC is home to both the START-UP suites and new engineering facilities. The suites hold businesses that are partnered with the University through

See TIER Page 6

See SOTU Page 5

Franz Lino/Photo Editor Michael Finkelstein, MD, moderates an inaugural TIER Talk in the Watters Theatre. The TIER (Talks that Inspire, Educate and Resonate) Talk discussed ways to approach creativity, personal goals, how to create a well-rounded life and taking time off to rest.

In inaugural TIER Talk, alumni encourage fulfillment of outside career goals Madeline Mahon

TIER (Talks that Inspire, Educate and Resonate) Talk focused on finding success Though many Homecoming outside the workplace. events focused around During Saturday’s talk, networking and career which was held in the Watters development, the inaugural Theatre, entitled “Rethinking Contributing Writer

Success: Thriving in the Modern World,” alumni and faculty speakers discussed ways to approach creativity, personal goals, how to create a well-rounded life and take time off to rest.

Professor talks Korean future

“Statistics don’t necessarily show that people value work more than they value other things,” said Christopher Morgan-Knapp, associate professor of philosophy. “Research has shown again

Freshmen debut inventions

Charles Armstrong recalls trip to North Korea Rachel Stearns

Contributing Writer

Lydia Fletcher/Contributing Photographer Charles Armstrong, professor of Korean studies at Columbia University, presents on Oct. 17 in Lecture Hall 9. Armstrong reflected on his international experiences and speculated about the future of North Korea.

One researcher from Columbia University came to Binghamton University to describe his international experiences and speculate on the future of a country known by many as the “Hermit Kingdom.” Charles K. Armstrong, professor of Korean studies at Columbia, spoke on Oct. 17 about the changes in North Korea and the possible future for its people in a lecture titled, “Post Socialist North Korea:

See KOREA Page 4

Activist looks beyond binaries Robyn Ochs debunks misconceptions about gender Zachary Wingate Contributing Writer

Bisexual activist Robyn Ochs spoke in the Old Union Hall Monday evening about gender identities and sexuality. Highlighting misconceptions of both gender and sexual orientation, Ochs brought to light just how complicated identity is. Ochs’ program covered many facets of gender identity

and sexuality. She made a point to show the fluidity between the two by getting the audience involved in a workshop where everyone anonymously placed their sexuality, gender expression and gender conformity on a spectrum. “Identity is subjective and they don’t all mean the same thing to each person,” Ochs said. “If you don’t fit neatly on the line, find a place off the

See OCHS Page 5

Emily Earl/Contributing Photographer Ira Yousey, a sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering; Asiful Chowdhury, an undeclared freshman; Austin Cassidy, an undeclared freshman; and Cara Jozefowski, a freshman majoring in biomedical engineering, sit with their engineering project in the Mandela Room on Monday. The Arduino Expo showcased freshmen engineering projects and was hosted by Binghamton University’s Engineering Design Division.

Arduino Expo showcases first projects Chloe Rehfield

Contributing Writer

Klara Rusinko/Contributing Photographer Bisexual activist Robyn Ochs speak in Old University Union Hall on Monday evening.

The Mandela Room was transformed on Monday into an exhibition full of flashing lights, techno music and flying robots. Binghamton University’s Engineering Design Division, a program at BU designed to help engineering students transition from high school to college with two hands-

on projects, hosted its fifth annual Arduino Expo. The Expo showcased interactive projects built by 74 teams of three to five freshman Watson School students. Contestants were required to build any interactive object using the Arduino board, a micro-controller board that can be programmed to interact with its surroundings. The projects could be creative and incorporate other engineering products and

software, like LED lights and screens, motion-sensors and circuits. Professor Sharon Fellows, who organized the Expo, said the exhibition allowed students to strengthen their presentation and team-building project documentation skills. The projects ranged from reflective disco balls and guitar tuners to motion-censored robots and

See EXPO Page 5

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