Fall 2014 Issue 21

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Don't feed the plants! Students stage “Little Shop of Horrors”

We deserve to know what’s in our food, SEE PAGE 6


Top of their class Three Bearcats take home end-of-theyear awards SEE PAGE 8

PIPE DREAM Friday, November 21, 2014 | Binghamton University | www.bupipedream.com | Vol. LXXXVI, Issue 21

For ride home, As contract end looms, Sodexo faces criticism traffic starts Rally for Real Food petitions for sustainable practices, GMO labeling at ticket line Gabriella Weick Staff Writer

ESCAPE, Greyhound under pressure to accomodate students Alana Epstein

Contributing Writer Jackie Himelfarb arrived at the Mandela Room in the Old University Union for the ESCAPE Bus Thanksgiving ticket sale, only to see a line stretching to the Marketplace. With less than a week until Thanksgiving break, students are scrambling to find a way home. “I can’t justify waiting on such a long line and wasting two hours that could be spent studying,” said Himelfarb, a freshman majoring in geography. “I’d rather just buy a Greyhound or College Express ticket online.” As the number of Binghamton University students continues to increase, more are running into trouble getting home for the

See HOME Page 2

Neil Seejoor/Contributing Photographer

David Zatyko, a sophomore majoring in English, explains the key points behind the Real Food Challenge (RFC) to Daniel Sandler, a senior majoring in medieval studies. Groups including I.D.E.A.S. and the Student Culinary Council gathered signatures on petitions; one petition, created by I.D.E.A.S., urges BU to negotiate with Sodexo to sign up for the RFC, a national organization that works with institutions to look at the source of their food.

In fashion show, models prove real men wear pink Performance raises over $800 for breast cancer awareness, survivor

Franz Lino/Photo Editor

Michael Castellucci, a sophomore majoring in industrial engineering, takes off his pants on the stage in the Old Union Hall as a model in “Real Men Wear Pink: All Male Fashion Show.”

Madeline Mahon Contributing Writer

Greek organizations teamed up to fight breast cancer and break stereotypes at Thursday night’s “Real Men Wear Pink: All Male Fashion Show.” Pi Delta Psi and Chi Phi fraternities worked with sorority Sigma Lambda Gamma in Old Union Hall to raise $800 toward treatment expenses for Fiorella Aller, a breast cancer survivor. Fiorella Aller, diagnosed 11 years ago at the age of 20 with breast cancer and stage 4 metastatic papillary thyroid cancer, is undergoing her final rounds of chemotherapy for breast cancer and may undergo treatment again for her thyroid cancer. Along with performances by a cappella group Rhythm Method, members of the fraternities modeled a variety of looks for the cause, including BU spirit, causal and professional attire, and escorted women from Sigma Lambda Gamma down the runway.

Brandon Diaz, a sophomore majoring in economics and a model at the event, said the event was a fun way to work together for a good cause. “The atmosphere of the show and energy of the audience was amazing,” Diaz said. “Coming together with the girls at the end was a perfect way to end the show too. It was like we had united together to support cancer awareness.” Nelia Rodriguez, a senior majoring in environmental studies and secretary of Sigma Lambda Gamma, said they wanted to provide Aller with whatever help she needed. “We chose her because she’s a friend of one of my sorority sisters,” Rodriguez said. “We just thought it would be a great thing to donate to an actual person as opposed to a foundation, so it goes directly to someone that needs it.” Rodriguez said the novelty of the event served the larger purpose of breast cancer awareness.

See PINK Page 2

With Sodexo’s contract up at the end of the year, students rallied in the Glenn G. Bartle Library entrance hall in hopes of convincing Binghamton University campus officials to adapt healthier and more ecologically sustainable food options. Groups including Intellectual Decisions on Environmental Awareness Solutions (I.D.E.A.S.) and the Student Culinary Council (SCC) gathered signatures on two petitions Thursday afternoon. The first petition, created by I.D.E.A.S., urges BU to negotiate with Sodexo to sign up for the Real Food Challenge (RFC), a national organization that works with institutions to look at the source of their food. The four main pillars of the RFC are that food should be environmentally friendly, ethically sound, community based and produced with humane treatment of workers and products. Event organizers said now was the time to hold the rally and

See FOOD Page 2

Campus hears final Ombudsman candidate Mauricio Ramos presents goals, plans for position Kanchi Chandwani Contributing Writer

The third and final ombudsman candidate, Mauricio Ramos, spoke to campus on Tuesday to conclude the ombudsman presentation process. Ramos graduated from the Pepperdine University School of Law, and currently works for Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California. He has worked in dispute resolution for 19 years, five of them as ombudsman at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he said he guided students and staff by presenting them with options for conflict resolution and community support. The first candidate to present for this position, Bernard Anderson, is the current ombudsman for Kennesaw State

University. Bathabile Mthombeni, the second candidate, previously held the position of associate ombudsman for Columbia University. The talk followed the same format as the first two candidates’, where Ramos was asked to speak about the ombudsman’s view for the “University Roadmap to Premier.” “I like to tell people to think of me as a navigator,” Ramos said. “I help people go from where they’re at with conflict to where they could be with conflict, and I help them manage that situation.” In his speech, Ramos said that if he were chosen for the position, one of his immediate goals would be to increase student and faulty awareness of the services the ombudsman’s office has to offer. “We’re always constantly getting

new students every semester, so I plan to connect with students and staff by doing everything from getting a new ombudsman table at the Union, to going to Residential Life and connecting with them,” Ramos said. When Anderson spoke, he said his focus would be educating campus on conflict resolution, and aiming to improve connections within departments. Mthombeni said that the most important part of the job was offering students impartiality and complete confidentiality. Timothy Faughnan, the chief of police for the University Police Department, said he joined the search committee because the ombudsman’s office is a very important aspect of the University. According to him,

See OMBUD Page 2

Wall Street veteran shares secrets to success Banker Ben Carpenter stresses persistence and practice Emilie Leroy

Pipe Dream News Though Ben Carpenter is a successful businessman, it took several years before he understood how to make the most of his career. With over 20 years of experience on Wall Street he is working to prepare students to become successful in their careers right out of school. As part of his tour promoting his book “The Bigs,” Carpenter came to the Binghamton University Admissions Center on Wednesday to discuss his ideas with 100 attendees. According to Carpenter, who is now the vice chairman of CRT Capital Group, he realized students should start preparing for the competitive world during school when he saw that his daughter, a recent college graduate, was unprepared for the demands of a post-college career.

He explained that being ready includes students being able to recognize their talents and find careers that utilize their strengths. Carpenter said traditional academics do not give students enough experience to find their strengths which, according to him, begins with understanding how companies operate and discovering if that particular career is a good fit. “You just got to look in the mirror,” Carpenter said. “If you really sit down, look inside yourself, ask yourself ‘what is it that I enjoy doing, why do I enjoy doing it, am I good at it?’ I think you’ll have an idea that can lead you to an industry or job.” Once students are sure of the career they would like to pursue, they must be able to demonstrate during interviews that they will be a valuable addition to the

See BIGS Page 2

Michael Sugarman/Contributing Photographer

Ben Carpenter, the vice chairman of CRT Capital Group, speaks about his book, “The Bigs,” a guide for living a successful life.

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