Get saucy with Release
Columnist Michael Rulli talks lube, SEE PAGE 7
The iPhone 6 isn’t the only new apple popular this fall — try our recipe, see page 11
PIPE DREAM Tuesday, September 23, 2014 | Binghamton University | www.bupipedream.com | Vol. LXXXVI, Issue 7
BU groups join march on UN IDEAS, NYPIRG, College Democrats attend climate change rally in NYC Garret Shor and Jesse Darsinos
Contributing Writers This past Sunday, Binghamton University student groups and Binghamton residents helped constitute the over 311,000 participants walking in the People’s Climate March. The rally took place in New York City two days before the United Nations Climate Summit. The event began at 11:30 a.m. in midtown Manhattan and lasted over four hours. BU students walked with the “We Have Solutions” branch of the march, which advocated that people could make a difference if political leadership agrees to address climate change. Grace Clark, a freshman majoring in philosophy and a member of Intellectual Decisions on Environmental Awareness Solutions (I.D.E.A.S.), said that the protest was successful with an impressive turnout. “I had never seen such a large, diverse group come together for a common cause,” Clark said. “There were anarchists and socialists
lost 36 to 60 cubic miles of Ice per year from
sea levels have risen
17 centimeters
in the past century, BUT THAT RATE
the past 12 years have seen the
10 warmest in history.
lost 36 cubic miles of Ice per year from
Corey Futterman/Assistant Design Manager
marching right next to each other — two opposite ends on the political spectrum united in an effort to change the way we treat our planet.” According to Eleazer Weissman, a junior majoring in philosophy, politics and law and the president of New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), the students wanted to show solidarity with the movement to increase
Artists to compete in 48-hour contest
awareness for future elections. “We are really making it known to those who make the laws, so they can finally make a change,” Weissman said. Jon Mermelstein, a junior majoring in history and a member of Binghamton College Democrats, stated that the event had a diverse turnout, with faith groups ranging from Hillel to the Presbyterian Church. According to the
New York Times, the march featured everything from scientific advocacy groups to Franciscan monks. Harris Weiss, a junior majoring in political science and president of Binghamton College Democrats, said he believed that the march would bring results. “Whether they listen to us is one thing, but they will definitely hear it and they will
be held accountable if they don’t do anything, ” Weiss said. Weissman said he believed that BU is taking steps to improve its environmental outlook. He cited signs of progress as buildings with platinum environmental ratings and the BU Acres program, which grows organic food that is used in the College-
See MARCH Page 4
Teachers look to adopt tech
Binghamton Film Initiative, BTV set to host competition Chloe Rehfield and Rachel Sterns Contributing Writers
This October, Binghamton University students and alumni will have the opportunity to join the ranks of international filmmakers as they compete in a two-day production challenge. BTV and the Binghamton Film Initiative (BFI) are collaborating to host BU’s first ever 48 Hour Film
Competition. The contest is based on the 48 Hour Film Project, a competition hosted in cities all over the world that gives teams of five-to-10 people 48 hours to write, shoot and edit an original film. Founded last year, BFI is a website where students who are interested in acting, filmmaking or writing can showcase their talents and find other artists. According to Jared Biunno, BFI co-founder and a
See FILM Page 4
Lydia Fletcher/Contributing Photographer Candace Black, a French teacher from Eastridge High School in Rochester, New York, speaks at the Conference on Foreign Language. Binghamton University’s second annual Conference on Foreign Language Teaching highlighted new advancements in teaching, with new instruction methods to technology in the classroom.
Foreign language classes to see changes Michelle Kraidman and David Zeiger Contributing Writer
Franz Lino/Photo Editor Jared Biunno, BFI co-founder and a senior majoring in cinema, and Michael Hickey, president of BTV and a senior double-majoring in computer science and history, are collaborating to host BU’s first ever 48 Hour Film Competition. The contest is based on the 48 Hour Film Project, a competition hosted in cities all over the world which gives teams of five to 10 people 48 hours to write, shoot and edit an original film.
Binghamton University’s second annual Conference on Foreign Language Teaching highlighted new advancements in teaching, from new instruction methods to technology in the classroom. Saturday’s event featured more than 30 workshops, including some promoting cultural awareness and using
graphic novels and technology in the foreign language classroom. The conference was held by the department of Romance Languages and Literature, with assistant professor Chesla Ann Bohinski as conference chair. It aimed to show teachers from middle school to graduate school new ways to teach foreign language. Bohinski said the goal of the was conference to help teachers on every academic
level improve the way they teach language. “The attendees here are not only from Binghamton [University],” Bohinski said. “Students are not going to want to take languages here if they didn’t have a good background and a foundation in high school.” According to Katharine Krebs, the vice provost of international education and
See TEACH Page 5
In first meeting, staff talk diversity Organization aims to create support system for minorities Alexis Hatcher
Contributing Writer On Thursday evening, faculty and staff of color gathered in the University Union Undergrounds to discuss the mission and purpose of one of Binghamton University’s newest organization. This inaugural meeting of the Faculty and Staff of Color Association (FSCA) was led by facilitators Nolana Quince, a pre-law advisor and Tanyah Barnes, a fellow for the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. According to Quince, though the FSCA is new to BU, it has branches on campuses around the country, like Lehigh University and Washington State University. She said that the association aims to create a support system for faculty and staff of color, who make up a minority on many campuses. “When I felt a little bit isolated, I started to reach out and just look at what other schools were doing,” Quince said. “Once I saw this type of association, I just knew that I wanted to start it. I started
Long term, I want this group to be a force to be reckoned with on campus. The main goal is to have it be something... bringing a little bit of color, a little bit of culture — Nolana Quince FSCA facilitator
See FSCA Page 5