Fall 2014 Issue 8

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Volleyball serves its way to victory Volleyball defeats conference-rival Albany in five sets to start 1-0 in conference play, see page 10

Paint & Drink

Check out Binghamton’s newest center for fine wine and fine art, SEE PAGE 7

PIPE DREAM Monday, September 29, 2014 | Binghamton University | www.bupipedream.com | Vol. LXXXVI, Issue 8

Pharmacy school planned for Johnson City Governor Cuomo, President Stenger on hand to unveil location of 70,000 square foot facility Nicolas Vega News Editor

Tycho McManus/Assistant Photo Editor Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks in the Events Center in March. On Thursday, Sept. 25 he announced that Binghamton University’s new pharmacy school will be constructed on the site of the old Endicott-Johnson Shoe Factory in Johnson City.

Binghamton University is extending its reach into Johnson City, with the announcement that its planned $60 million, 70,000 square-food pharmacy school will be built on the site of the former Endicott-Johnson Shoe Company. On Wednesday afternoon, New York state Gov. Andrew Cuomo visited campus to announce the location of the pharmacy school. BU President Harvey Stenger as well as N.Y. state Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and Sen. Thomas Libous also spoke at the press conference, which was held at the Innovative Technologies Complex. “At Binghamton University, we’ve always recognized that an education should lead to great employment,” Stenger said. “It should be linked to the opportunities of the future as well as today. “The dream of the school of pharmacy matches that vision. Pharmacy is probably the fastest growing profession in our country today.” According to Stenger, the school will be integrated into

In meeting with JFK, prof. found inspiration Sandro Sticca shares passion for English language, teaching Alexandra Mackof Assistant News Editor

Surrounded by stacks of papers and walls of novels and reference books, professor of French and comparative literature Sandro Sticca’s academic environment seems to consume his slight frame. Sticca was born in Italy and moved to the United States just after he finished high school. He knew almost no English, but studied Greek, Latin and French growing up. Before college, Sticca was drafted by the U.S. Army to serve during World War II. “I was a riot since I didn’t know the language,” Sticca said. “They would tell me I had basic training at two o’clock, and I’d come out with a broom instead of a rifle.” After his service, he enrolled at Syracuse University and was determined to become an English professor despite his limited grasp of the language. Ignoring doubts from the department, Sticca graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1957 with a degree in English literature after three years. “I find that I can say more things in English than I can in Romance languages,” Sticca said. “English has 750,000 words, French only has 350,000. You can express yourself and

say more. It lends itself to being spoken, to communication. I learned it as a second language, to me it is sacred.” President John F. Kennedy was campaigning at the time and spoke at the commencement ceremony. “He spoke about the future, and told us to be all that you could possibly be,” Sticca said. “He told us, ‘When all is done and you go out into the world, the only thing that counts is what you leave here’ and pointed to the library.” Sticca was given the opportunity to speak with Kennedy personally, describing their communication as “effortless,” saying, “It was as if Cicero was standing in front of me.” The two took a photo, which Kennedy later signed. Sticca’s passion for the English language impressed Kennedy, and the two kept up a correspondence over several months. Kennedy’s secretary invited Sticca to have breakfast with the president once he returned from Dallas in 1963. “But of course, tragically, he never returned [from that trip],” Sticca said through tears. Sticca frequently receives offers to buy his autographed photo, which he says he finds disturbing. “It has such an unimaginable

the University’s START-UP NY framework and will pursue solutions for global health problems while continuing to support local, regional and statewide economic growth. “The building will add space and locations for companies that will develop pharmaceutical products, drug-delivery systems, and health care analysis methods,” Stenger said. Lupardo said that she foresees BU becoming a leading figure in the pharmaceutical field. “The field of pharmacy is evolving,” she said. “This is going to be able to tie in to the new developing field of biotechnology. And advances in science are going to allow us to help develop the medicines of tomorrow.” According to Libous, the construction of the Downtown Center in Binghamton helped pave the way for Johnson City’s pharmacy school. “A lot of businesses have built around it and we have seen Downtown Binghamton grow,” Libous said. “And so we said we want to see that same excitement in Johnson City. We have a worldclass hospital there in United Health Services. We’d like to build

our pharmacy school in Johnson City.” Cuomo said that the construction of the pharmacy school will usher in an era of economic prosperity for upstate New York. “This project brings the whole story of Binghamton upstate New York full-circle,” he said. “The school of pharmacy, it’s not just about a school. It’s a school and an economic engine for the future.” The school is slated to officially open in the fall of 2018, and, according to Libous, will have an inaugural class of 250 students.

This project brings the whole story of Binghamton upstate New York full-circle — Andrew Cuomo Governor of New York

Professor remembered for research, protests Bruce McDuffie, who taught at BU from 1958-1988, passes at 93 Joseph Hawthorne Assistant News Editor

Franz Lino/Photo Editor Professor Sandro Sticca poses with a picture of himself and President John F. Kennedy taken in 1963. Sticca was given the opportunity to speak with Kennedy personally when he graduated from Syracuse University Magna Cum Laude.

value, that the meaning will last me a lifetime,” Sticca said. “I have to make a pilgrimage, like Chaucer’s from London to Canterbury, and visit Arlington to see where he is buried.” After receiving his Ph.D. from Columbia University, Sticca

achieved his dream of becoming a professor. He also followed Kennedy’s advice, leaving his mark on libraries everywhere by publishing over 46 books. “When a topic interests me,

See JKF Page 4

Bruce McDuffie, analytical chemistry professor at Binghamton University from 1958 to 1988, died Sept. 12 at his home in Chattanooga, Tennessee after battling dementia for several years. McDuffie, who was 93, is survived by his wife, Winifred Groover McDuffie; his children John, Susan and Judie; three grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. He made headlines in 1970 when he tested a can of tuna from his home and found high levels of methylmercury. “It was an exciting time and he got a lot of coverage,” said his son, John McDuffie. “Life Magazine actually came to do a feature on him and he went to speak at conferences around the world.” After the discovery he would often bring his work home with him, according to Susan McDuffie, one of his daughters. “He’d always be picking up roadkill to test it,” she said. “You’d open the fridge and never know what to expect. I’m sure there was a flying

squirrel in there one time.” According to McDuffie’s wife, his friendly demeanor disguised his strict grading policy. “He was a tough, tough grader,” Winifred said. “He was nicknamed the ‘smiling assassin’ and also the ‘velvet harpoon’ because he was so good at smiling while giving you a bad grade.” Winifred said that political activism was important to him during his stay at BU, exemplified when he helped


Photo Provided Bruce McDuffie, former professor of analytical chemistry at BU, passed away on Sept. 12 at his home in Chattanooga, Tennessee. McDuffie received national recognition in 1970 for discovering high levels of methylmercury in a can of tuna.

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