Fall 2014 Issue 9

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Trey Songz to headline fall concert , see page 6

PIPE DREAM Tuesday, October 7, 2014 | Binghamton University | www.bupipedream.com | Vol. LXXXVI, Issue 9

Astronaut touches down on campus NASA's Jeanette Epps recounts undersea explorations, zero-gravity training Emilie Leroy

Pipe Dream News Astronaut Jeanette Epps came to Binghamton University’s Center of Excellence to speak about her experience during training and on NASA missions. Epps, originally from Syracuse, has a bachelor’s degree in physics from LeMoyne College and a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from the University of Maryland. Prior to being selected as a candidate for the 2009 astronaut class, Epps worked as a smart materials researcher at Ford Motor Company and as a technical research officer in Iraq at the Central Intelligence Agency. She said that she had dreamed of being an astronaut since childhood, but she encouraged those who would like to apply to the Astronaut Corps to also pursue other interests. “Do what you love,” Epps said. “Do what you’ve always wanted to do, and then think about how that could further space expedition.” She entered an online application process in which 3,500 applicants with backgrounds in biological science, physical science, engineering or math and research experience vied for a spot as an astronaut.

B-line separated into news, calendar

Daily online updates now filtered through B-Engaged Zuzu Boomer-Knapp Contributing Writer

“You get to know each other really well, and once you do that, you kind of get to know yourself as well,” Epps said. “You can explain yourself to other people.” Epps trains and goes on missions such as the NASA Extreme Environment Mission

Starting today, Binghamton University will change how students receive daily online announcements. On Oct. 7, B-Line will be divided into two separate entities, B-Line Calendar and B-Line News, according to members of the Communications and Marketing department, the Student Affairs Assessment and Strategic Initiatives office (SAASI) and the Student Association (SA), who were behind the change. According to Kate Ellis, Binghamton University’s senior director for Communications and Marketing, the current B-Line will now be filtered through B-Engaged. Students will not have to take any additional action besides submitting their event to B-Engaged in order to publicize events.

See NASA Page 6

See B-LINE Page 5

Franz Lino/Photo Editor Astronaut Jeanette Epps gave a talk on Monday, Sept. 29 in Binghamton University’s Center of Excellence. Prior to being selected as a candidate for the 2009 astronaut class, Epps worked as a smart materials researcher at Ford Motor Company and as a technical research officer in Iraq at the Central Intelligence Agency.

Epps completed training and became an astronaut in November 2011. Training included learning to pilot a T-38 jet, operating robotic arms aboard spacecrafts, learning emergency medical procedures and studying foreign languages. For Epps, the most difficult component of training was

the Spacewalk at the Neutral Buoyancy Lab in Houston, Texas, where candidates were dressed in full spacesuits and practiced working on the exterior of a fullscale model of the International Space Station that is submerged in a pool. “It’s so physical; we’re in the suit for six hours,” Epps said.

BU incubator breaks ground

“Even getting suited up is a challenge.” Outside of the technical aspects of training, Epps and her peers also completed a 10-day long hike to hone skills working as a team. Epps said that learning how to work with crew mates was vital for a successful mission.

Bubble soccer bounces to campus 24 intramural teams kick off inaugural season Alana Epstein

Contributing Writer

Ben Grobe/Staff Photographer President Harvey Stenger speaks at the ground-breaking of the Southern Tier High Technology Incubator on Thursday. The event featured dozens of politicians speaking about the importance of the START-UP NY.

Politicians, educators welcome start of construction Joseph Hawthorne Assistant News Editor

Binghamton University furthered its reach into the Downtown area on Thursday morning by breaking ground for a $19 million, 35,000-square-foot project. United States Sen. Charles Schumer, among dozens of politicians and other guests, presided over the start of construction on the Southern Tier High Technology Incubator,

a facility that will partner private companies with nearby colleges and universities. The incubator, which is less than five blocks from the University Downtown Center, will provide free offices and lab space to companies that are part of the tax-exempt START-UP NY program. “We hope to be doing things that are scientifically based and have manufacturing possibilities,” BU President Harvey Stenger said. “New materials and new devices in health care as well as new

materials and new devices in energy harvesting and storage.” Schumer explained that the incubator would temporarily support companies until they could afford their own space to work, and then it would invite new companies to move in for at least a few years. “It keeps going and going, it’s not a one-time deal,” Schumer said. “The companies that will be here when it opens in 2016 will eventually leave and establish

See TECH Page 5

Bubble Soccer bounced into the spotlight as Binghamton University’s newest intramural sport on Tuesday. In this game, each player enters a plastic bubble which covers everything but his/ her legs. Both teams start on opposite sides of the gym and run towards each other on the ref’s whistle in an attempt to kick a soccer ball into their opponent’s goal. Upon arriving at the West Gym for a Thursday night encounter, teams named United FC and the Brewskis strapped themselves into the bubbles and prepared for battle. “The name got me excited, I’ve played soccer since I was a kid so I was excited to try another type of soccer,” said Leshatho Moshakga, a graduate student studying geography and player for the United FC. Students poured into the West Gym on Thursday to watch their friends play and see what Bubble Soccer was all about. As the competitors fought to a 0-0 tie, John Shadwick, an

undeclared sophomore on the Brewskis, said there were other things other than scoring on his mind. “You forget you’re even playing soccer, everyone’s just running around with big bubbles on them,” he said. Bumping into teammates took place of the traditional celebratory high five. “It’s like bumper cars,” said Evan Rubin, a junior majoring in biology. “Except with people in bubbles.” But according to some, the falling was the best and only part of the game. “It’s hard to do everything, all you can do is really hit your

opponents,” Moshakga said. “It’s hard to kick, harder than regular soccer but it’s fun to see everyone knocked down.” Dona Tungyuz, a graduate student studying computer science, said that the bubbles posed difficulties beyond mobility. “It was so hot inside. I feel like I’ve already lost two pounds,” said Tungyuz, a player for United FC. Intramural coordinator Ben Wagner got the idea to introduce Bubble Soccer as an intramural sport here at Binghamton after seeing

See BUBBLE Page 4

Emily Earl/Contributing Photographer Students participate in a game of bubble soccer in the West Gym on Thursday evening. The sport was introduced this year as the latest intramural sport following its popularity at Rec Fest.

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