Fall 2015 Issue 19

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | Vol. LXXXVIII, Issue 19 | Binghamton University | bupipedream.com

The Free Word on Campus Since 1946

Equality for genders lies in education

Psychologist considers ethnic norms

CCE hosts panel to dissect stereotypes of masculinity in society

Stanley Huey stresses observing differences in mental health treatment

Michelle Kraidman

Zachary Wingate

Men can play a larger role than that of quiet bystander in the fight for gender equality, and Binghamton University students and faculty are trying to get them to realize inequality can hurt men just as much as women. “Capturing Passion — Masculinity & the Cycle of Violence: Engaging Men as Allies” was held on Monday evening in the Old University Union and was the first event of a two-part speaker series. Melina Martin, the faculty student scholar for the Center for Civic Engagement and a senior double-majoring in biology and English, organized the event to incite a discussion on the effects of the unequal standards of masculinity that society has relayed unto young boys and men. “We wanted to open up a discourse about the issue of gender equality,” Martin said. “Too many times it’s presented as a women’s issue and men are told they’re either not allowed to participate or they don’t have any input and that’s really counterproductive to the goal. The whole point is to have equality between the two genders and if you can’t involve a whole half of that equation, you’re not going to get anywhere.” The organizers presented two videos on the perceptions of masculinity and the damage that definition can have on all members of society. It was followed

Keeping with the title of the student speaker application process, “The Pitch,” Gill said that they were hoping to both pitch their business and expose the public to the importance of virtual reality. “What most people think of virtual reality isn’t true,” Gill said. “They think

A one-size-fits-all approach to mental health treatment might not be the answer for ethnic minorities and one researcher is looking to bring cultural competency into the field of psychology. Stanley Huey, a psychology professor at the University of Southern California, spoke to a crowd in Lecture Hall on Monday evening about culturally sensitive mental health treatment. He drew from his experience with psychological and behavioral studies that encompass many things, including studying psychotherapy effects of juvenile gangs and youth in foster care. Ray Romanczyk, a professor in psychology and an organizer of the event, said part of the reason Huey was chosen was his research is based solely on clinical research, as opposed to philosophies. “What Dr. Huey is doing, and this is the key part, is evidence-based treatments,” Romanczyk said. “A lot of people are doing a lot of things out there concerning questions on how to help people. But what’s the evidence?” Huey discussed his research on the effectiveness of mental health treatments in ethnic minorities versus white Euro-Americans, and



Pipe Dream News

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Franz Lino/Photography Editor Kyrin Pollock, a sophomore majoring in biomedical engineering, and Matthew Gill, a sophomore majoring in electrical engineering, pose inside the Engineering Building. The pair were selected to be TEDxBinghamtonUniversity’s student speakers and will present about their virtual reality start-up Enhance VR to debunk what they believe are negative associations people have with virtual reality technology.

TEDx selects student speakers

Undergrad entrepreneurs will talk importance, applications of virtual reality Alexandra Mackof News Editor

At this year’s TEDxBinghamtonUniversity event, two students will take the stage to tell attendees why they should embrace virtual reality technology. Sophomores Kyrin Pollock and Matthew Gill will be speaking together

about Enhance VR, their virtual reality start-up that is housed under the Binghamton University department of research and entrepreneurship. Their talk will focus both on explaining their business and research, and debunking what they believe are negative associations people have with virtual reality technology.

Teeth tell story of ancient Paleo diet

Peter Unger, '85, analyzes dental fossils to learn more about early hominins Haley Silverstein Pipe Dream News

While the paleo diet may seem like nothing more than a modern-day fad, one Binghamton University alumnus is studying its roots through the evolution of human teeth. Peter Ungar, a professor at the University of Arkansas who graduated from BU in 1985 with a B.A. in anthropology, addressed students and faculty Monday night as part of the EvoS lecture series. His research focuses on the evolution of the human diet, and according to him, will help explain humanity’s relationship with the

environment. “Diet is in fact the single most important parameter underlying the behavioral and ecological differences among living primates,” he explained. Ungar said that tooth size is the simplest way to study the human diet throughout time. According to him, large teeth would be useful to process rough, low quality foods such as vegetation, meaning that in theory herbivores should have large teeth. But in reality, he found that leaf eaters had short jaws and smaller teeth to increase bite efficiency. But he also said that tooth size alone is not the most telling way to study human ancestors’ diets. Molar enamel thickness,

the outer hard surface of the teeth, could say more. According to Ungar, enamel originally developed for savanna or ground living. The enamel can lengthen the lifespan of the tooth in an abrasive ground environment or strengthen the tooth against breakage from hard brittle foods like nuts, roots, seeds and dried fruits found in an open savanna. Tooth shape may also be an indicator of diet, Ungar said. Hemispherical, blunt cusps are ideal for hard vegetation foods, while meat eaters required a different design.


Gallery owner stresses reflection

Local artist Anthony Brunelli, '92, tells students to follow their passions Stacey Schimmel Pipe Dream News

Harpur College alumnus Anthony Brunelli came to campus Friday to speak to students about the importance of living in the moment and of embracing their thoughts and emotions — even if it means going against the grain. Brunelli, who graduated in 1992, makes photorealist oil paintings which have been shown in museums in Paris, Florence, Prague and more. Photorealism is a type of art in which the artist recreates a photograph as realistically as possible using another medium. Brunelli opened his own art gallery, Anthony Brunelli Fine Arts Gallery, on State Street in 2003 and manages it with his brother John. “I wanted to be an artist,” Brunelli said. “It was always a dream and a passion and I said from a young age I was going to die trying. It didn’t

matter what I was doing, I was always going to try being an artist.” Brunelli said he has been painting since age three. He creates his paintings by photographing a scene from different angles, stitching the images together using Photoshop and then painting the digital image on canvas. The entire process takes him anywhere from four months to a year to complete. Brunelli’s talk did not focus on his art, however. He said that he wanted to delve deeper and help students understand the importance of honoring their passions. He encouraged students to make time to reflect on their lives and constantly ask themselves why they are here and what they can do. “This is the time to go after your dreams and succeed because this is when you have the energy,” Brunelli



The Oblivion Project brings Ástor Piazzolla’s Nuevo Tango to the Roberson Museum,

See page 4

Kevin Paredes/Contributing Photographer Kim Kirkpatrick, a professor of psychology at Kansas State University, speaks at BU as part of the Harpur College Dean’s Speaker Series in Psychological Sciences.

Visiting professor studies causes of impulsive choices Kim Kirkpatrick studies why one may choose immediate gratification over long-term reward Jeffrey Bagg

Contributing Writer

Kevin Huaman/Contributing Photographer Anthony Brunelli, ‘92, makes photorealist oil paintings which have been shown in museums in Paris, Florence, Prague and more.

Wait one minute and get a free sandwich, or wait 20 minutes and get two sandwiches with a drink? What someone picks might reveal more than just how hungry they are. Many believe that one’s ability to wait for a greater reward depends on one’s tendency to be impulsive. Someone who is impulsive would choose the free sandwich after waiting one minute, and someone who is less so would wait the 20 minutes for the bigger meal. Kim Kirkpatrick, a professor of psychology at Kansas State University,


Pipe Dream reviews new albums from Ellie Goulding, Sara Bareilles and Grimes

See page 5

The Editorial Board discusses recent events at Missouri and Yale and how they relate to BU,

See page 10

said the motives behind seemingly impulsive choices are not as clear-cut as they may seem. During her talk at Binghamton University, part of the Harpur College Dean’s Speaker Series in Psychological Sciences, she discussed her research on the multiple pathways that lead to decisions. She found that there are a variety of factors that affect impulsivity, and that determine how a person acts. Kirkpatrick categorized them as distal or proximal factors. Distal factors are predetermined, like one’s genetics and environment while



Volleyball defeats UMBC and Stony Brook,

See page 13

Men’s soccer advances to AE semifinals,

See page 14

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