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The Free Word on Campus Since 1946
Friday, September 4, 2015 | Vol. LXXXVIII, Issue 2 | Binghamton University | bupipedream.com
Overcrowded dorms create close quarters
81 professors added to BU's ranks in 2015
Super Occupancy Housing in CIW forces over 100 to start year in forced triples
With goal of 150 new profs, University gets spike in tenure-track faculty hires
Zuzu Boomer-Knapp
Carla Sinclair
Pipe Dream News
Assistant News Editor
On their first day of classes, freshmen Tristan Votta, Quentin Hardy and Kevin Wu got ready by maneuvering around a Cayuga Hall double room packed with a bunk bed, a regular bed, three wardrobes and only two desks. Approximately 300 freshmen were assigned to Super Occupancy Housing (SOH) — commonly referred to as a “forced triple” — this semester, which places three students in a room meant for two. “I was pretty bummed out because during orientation when we had two people, I thought the rooms were kind of small already, so I didn’t know how we were going to fit three people into a double,” said Wu, an undeclared freshman. Paola Mignone, the associate director of business affairs for Residential Life, wrote in an email that SOH was created to accommodate an increase in demand for on-campus housing. “Binghamton University experienced an unprecedented increase in the number of students who want to live on our campus,” Mignone wrote. “For this reason, renovations to Cayuga Hall were postponed for one year in order to meet the increased demand for on-campus housing.” Mignone said that more freshmen
See DORM Page 4
October or November and flowers being added in April. Katie Ellis, senior director of communications and marketing for BU, said her department worked closely with physical facilities to help keep the campus well-maintained. “It was always something that needed to be done,” Ellis said. “We didn’t have any particular accident or anything like that but it just is something people have talked about and finally said we have to do something.” Flagpoles bearing the United States, New York state and Binghamton University flags
The freshmen crowding Lecture Hall 1 are not the only unfamiliar faces around campus; the professor at the head of the room may be just as new. Since 2011, Binghamton University has hired 587 tenure-track professors, 81 of whom begin teaching the 20152016 school year. Of the hires since 2011, 120 have been net gains, which means they were not replacing leaving professors. This is part of the “Road Map to Premier” initiative begun by President Harvey Stenger, with the end goal of netting 150 new professors by 2020. The majority of these professors were added to Harpur College, with 82 new professors gained since 2011. Watson has netted 34 new professors, School of Management has netted 17, Decker School of Nursing has netted 6 and the College of Community and Public Affairs has netted 10. The hiring process takes about a year, according to Vice Provost Susan Strehle, and can see 200 applications for a single seat. The key, she said, was standing out both as a professor and a researcher. “We wanted someone who seemed to have a huge amount of promise, both as a scholar and a teacher,” she said. “Someone who would make students delighted and then bring added fame and importance to the department because they would publish work that was really new.” This includes interests in multiple areas. The Transdisciplinary Areas of Excellence (TAE) program features professors who have proven adept at working across fields of study. Assistant Professor of English Surya Parekh said that while the concept was not unique to BU, it is usually limited to the sciences. The ability to apply it to liberal arts drew him to the school. “It’s not as common to see this kind of institutional support,” he said. “A university-wide initiative is much less common. It’s exciting for me to see that there’s funding available for risk-taking projects, that there are a
See BERM Page 4
See HIRE Page 2
Raquel Panitz/Pipe Dream Photographer Binghamton University President Harvey Stenger gives his State of the University address in the Osterhout Concert Theater on Thursday. With a heavy emphasis on the Road Map to Premier plan, Stenger covered topics ranging from the growing student population to initiatives that will help strengthen the Southern Tier.
BU President gives 'State of the University' Stenger reveals plans for Souther Tier, increased enrollment in twice-yearly address Pelle Waldron
Assistant News Editor On Thursday afternoon in the Anderson Center, Binghamton University President Harvey Stenger delivered his biannual State of the University address. With a heavy emphasis on the Road Map to Premier plan, Stenger covered topics ranging from the growing student population to initiatives that will help strengthen the Southern Tier. BU’s Road Map plan has five main points:
improving graduate research, enhancing education, fostering diversity, optimizing resources and enhancing the University’s economic, social and cultural impact. According to Stenger the “20,000 by 2020” plan — an effort to raise enrollment to 20,000 students by the year 2020 — is on track. Enrollment has gone up by more than 2,000 since 2011, and the number of applications continues to rise as well. “It’s a really important goal,” Stenger said. “It has to be done by enhancing our profile as a research institution that
has strong graduate programs as well as naturally recognized undergraduate programs.” Diversity has also increased on campus. According to Stenger, there has been a 36 percent increase in underrepresented minority undergraduate students, and a 58 percent increase in underrepresented minority graduate students. Faculty hiring has also expanded at BU, with an emphasis on hiring professors
See STENGER Page 2
Amidst safety concerns, students vote for new graduation photo spot
Peace Quad, West Gym lead poll for replacement location for flowery berm formerly located near entrance to campus Stacey Schimmel Pipe Dream News
The graduating year flower area at the entrance to campus, known as the berm, is being relocated for spring 2016 commencement. The Binghamton University berm was constructed over 20 years ago to improve the entrance to campus. During commencement ceremonies, many graduates use it to pose for pictures in their caps and gowns. However, because the berm was in a traffic circle and the area became congested during commencement, safety became a major concern.
Physical facilities’ design team began discussing a relocation two years ago. For years, Timothy Faughnan, Binghamton University chief of police, has voiced concern regarding the risk of having the berm in ongoing traffic. “I don’t think there was really ever any question that it was going to move,” Faughnan said. “It’s much safer for students, for motorists, for everyone.” Faughnan said that the spot should be more easily accessible to people in wheelchairs or with mobility issues, as it previously had no pedestrian walkway. He said the berm also created a distraction for drivers.
The Campus Appearance Task Force, which consists of landscapers, architects, physical facilities and marketing, looks to improve campus with signs and safety regulations. It came together about a year ago to plan a campus-wide contest to determine where the new berm would go. Students can vote on the University website until September 14 for where the berm should be relocated. Options include the Peace Quad, University Union, University Union North, West Gym and the Alumni Building as well as a write-in option. The Peace Quad is currently in the lead. The final decision will be made at the end of September, with work beginning in
$20 million federal grant to fund flexible electronic manufacturing BU, Cornell-operated lab to continue work for Center for Advanced Microelectronics Manufacturing (CAMM) Alana Epstein
Pipe Dream News
John Babich/Pipe Dream Photographer Students board the newly rerouted Downtown Center Leroy bus in front of the Old Union. Off Campus College Transport (OCCT) announced many changes in the fall 2015 schedule, including revisions to old routes as well as new additions. One of the biggest changes is the Downtown Center Riverside switching to the Downtown Center Leroy.
OCCT unveils revamped routes, new buses DCL, formerly DCR, moves to Leroy St due to construction and passenger feedback Alexis Hatcher Pipe Dream News
In an effort to revamp campus commuting, Binghamton University’s Off Campus College Transport (OCCT) unveiled service additions and improvements. Students can see plenty of changes in the fall 2015 schedule, including revisions to old routes and the additions of new ones. Out of all the schedule modifications, one of the biggest is the transformation of the Downtown Center Riverside (DCR) bus route to the Downtown Center Leroy (DCL) bus
route. The DCL now services Leroy Street instead of Riverside Drive. According to OCCT Public Relations Coordinator Tim Redband, in the past, construction on Riverside Drive caused the DCR to make frequent detours down Leroy Street. Additionally, the DCL route runs closer to where a majority of riders live, as more students reside closer to Main Street than Riverside Drive. “This change will also help with safety at night as we will drop students off closer to their homes and cut down the walking distance from the bus stop,” Redband wrote in an email. The Leroy South Side (LRS) line will
remain the same. Redband said that when the DCR ran on Leroy last year, the new scanners on the buses showed that more students utilized it. Another change OCCT is implementing is the creation of a new express bus that travels directly between the University Downtown Center (UDC) and the University Union. The UDC shuttle was developed for numerous reasons, including feedback from passengers and to alleviate crowded buses heading inbound to BU. “In the mornings a lot of people get on
See OCCT Page 2
Last week, $20 million in federal funding was awarded to a Binghamton University-affiliated project that works on the development of high-tech flexible electronics. The Center for Advanced Microelectronics Manufacturing (CAMM) is located in Endicott. CAMM is a partnership between BU, Endicott Interconnect Technologies, Cornell University and FlexTech Alliance. Developed in 2005, the Center has scientists and engineers working to design and develop flexible electronic manufacturing. Mark Poliks, the technical director of CAMM, said flexible electronics are extremely small and often flimsy, but can perform the same jobs that larger electronic devices do. “Flexible hybrid electronics use flexible substrates like thin polymer films,” he said. “They use printed electronics to sometimes make circuits, and very small pieces of silicon chips for processors that have the performance and flexibility so we can make these hybrid devices.” According to Robert Malay, a graduate student in the systems science and industrial engineering department who has been working at CAMM for two years,
the research done at CAMM covers a variety of fields. “While all the research remains under the flexible hybrid umbrella, we’ve done different projects ranging from electronic device manufacturing, like antennas, electronic switches and pixel displays, to materials characterization for battery components, to assisting in prototyping different materials and devices for our research partners,” Malay said. The interdisciplinary nature of the initiative allows many students to get involved. “I took a polymer chemistry course with Dr. Poliks while I was an undergraduate, and a mutual acquaintance of ours got us back in contact when he was looking to take on more students,” Malay explained. “I did a semester of undergraduate research with him and enjoyed the field so much that I wanted to continue.” Poliks helped write the proposal for the award, and said he hopes that the money will allow them to expand their product development in new FlexTech Alliance labs across New York, as well as broaden research opportunities for students. “We’re hoping to engage and develop products not just here in Binghamton, but in our partnering companies all over New York state,” Poliks said.
See TECH Page 2