Spring 2018 Issue 11

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Thursday, February 22, 2018 | Vol. XCIII, Issue 11 | Binghamton University | bupipedream.com

SA Congress votes to postpone elections Deadline for submissions pushed to March 20 Sasha Hupka News Editor

Shawn Fleming/Pipe Dream Photo The new member classes of Panhellenic sororities at Binghamton University rush to greet their sisterhood. While these sororities go through a fourday formal recruitment, fraternities in the Interfraternity Council go through an informal process.

Standards vary across Greek life Formal structure defines Panhellenic recruitment Jillian Forstadt

Assistant News Editor

This past weekend, nearly 400 students participated in the Binghamton University Panhellenic Council’s formal sorority recruitment — the largest recruitment the council has ever seen. In the weeks prior, BU’s Interfraternity Council (IFC) chapters held their informal recruitment week, welcoming the second-largest new member class in the past five years.

While both councils aim to recruit new members in a safe environment, the differences between their processes shape two very different recruitment weeks. About 15 percent of students at BU are involved in Greek life organizations across the seven councils, which include multicultural, professional and social organizations. Two of the councils — BU’s IFC and Panhellenic Council — have wide variations in structure that stem from differences in each council’s national governance: the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC). At BU, formal Panhellenic recruitment

SA groups accepting Venmo face punishment Use of third-party payment systems violates BU policy Gillian Kenah News Intern

Thanks to a warning from the Student Association (SA) Executive Board, some groups selling food around campus might be less willing to take Venmo. The SA warned groups earlier this month that using mobile payment services like Venmo, Apple Pay and Square could lead to serious consequences, including having their bank accounts frozen. Under Binghamton University policies, payment services that are not payment card industry compliant cannot be used. Payment card industry compliance is a list of requirements that merchants are held to by companies like Visa and Mastercard in order to protect the customer’s credit card information when making a payment, according to Stephen Duseau, assistant director and payment card industry compliance officer for the University’s Office of Risk Management and Administrative Compliance. Currently, all schools in the SUNY system follow these guidelines. Duseau said the University can only be truly compliant if student groups abide by Requirement 12 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Guide. Requirement 12 states the third-party vendor, Venmo, must


is held each spring. While Panhellenic Council Executive Boards organize and determine the rules for recruitment operations at BU, the NPC also offers its own set of rules, outlined in its Unanimous Agreements, which ensure fairness and equality between the organizations during recruitment procedures. For the NIC, there are no comparable contracts. Most of the fraternity rush process is based in longstanding chapter traditions. Men can choose to attend recruitment week events at a number of fraternities or just one, limiting the breadth of their familiarity, and


The Student Association (SA) Student Congress voted to push back campuswide elections for the 2018-19 SA Executive Board in a meeting on Monday night. The election, originally scheduled for March 15, will be postponed to March 20. Sweeps were planned for Feb. 27, but are now scheduled for March 13. Letters of intent will be due on Feb. 26 by 5 p.m. Bryana Snyder, the SA Congress speaker and a senior majoring in human development, said the decision came after Congress representatives voiced concerns about the election’s promotion. “Tonight, Congress voted to change the election timeline,” Snyder wrote in an email. “This was due to the fact that Congress representatives believed the information about running was not advertised sufficiently.” Four candidates would have been running uncontested for the vice president for finance, vice president for academic affairs, vice president for multicultural affairs and vice president for programming positions in the election. Harry Bittker, an SA Congress representative and a junior majoring in political science, said he thought the original election

date worked, but could also see why Congress chose to move it back. “If Congress hadn’t come to the consensus that it was absolutely necessary, I would have been comfortable with the original timeline,” Bittker said. “But Congress deemed that because the advertisement never made it to SA Line, not enough students had the opportunity to consider running, so we had to push it back.” SA President Jermel McClure, a senior majoring in political science, said he supports the decision and hopes to see more participation in the election as a result of the extension. “I support the congressional representatives’ decision to extend the election timeline,” McClure said. “Allowing representatives more time to promote the election is a great way to foster more participation in the election. I look forward to a great election season, and I can’t wait to see who our campus elects.” The SA will heavily advertise the new deadline for letters of intent and aim to reach more students, according to Bittker. “We’ll be advertising the extended submission period throughout the next week through a variety of media, including SA Line, additional flyers, social media and through our respective community governments,” Bittker said. Students who wish to run must submit a letter of intent and a petition with 250 valid signatures to the SA office by 5 p.m. on Feb. 26.

IT Services showcases progress of six projects Department holds spring briefing on developments Karen Benitez

Pipe Dream News

Binghamton University’s Information Technology Services (ITS) directors presented upcoming projects to students, faculty and staff on Wednesday morning. In 2016, ITS instituted its Project Management Office to manage and develop its project portfolio and evaluate project requests. In fall 2017, the PMO held its first project briefing, which spotlighted projects from Jan. 1, 2017 through July 31, 2017. Throughout 2017, ITS received 107 project Rosalie Coschignano/Contributing Photographer requests, which are ideas for new technology Information Technology Services directors and project leaders present on upcoming improvements, including their Identity and Access Mandate, which aims services or programs submitted by the to consolidate multiple email addresses for one person into one account. University community, and completed 81

of them. After a project is selected for development, it will have a technology lead and a sponsor. A sponsor oversees the development of the project and will manage any obstacles that may arise. The technology lead will be the technology expert for the project from ITS. According to Logan Robinson, communications manager for ITS, the briefings provide transparency on the projects ITS is developing. “This venue provides an opportunity for feedback and discussion around the highlighted projects in the presentation,” Robinson wrote in an email. Wednesday’s brief highlighted six projects in development. The six projects funded by the University include the identity and access mandate; Microsoft system


Community solar offers energy alternative BlueRock Solar looks to expand to Broome County

the benefits of their subscription-based community solar program, which could help customers save 10 percent on their New York State Electric and Gas Hannah Walter Corp. (NYSEG) bill while also helping Pipe Dream News the environment. Michael Francis, the general The world is going more green, and manager of BlueRock Solar, gave a Binghamton is a prime market for solar presentation explaining how the system energy. works and the new infrastructure In an information session held at the that BlueRock is building in order to Koffman Southern Tier Incubator on expand its reach. The company, which Tuesday, BlueRock Solar representatives is based in Syracuse and is the newest discussed their intention to expand division of BlueRock Energy, a provider into the Binghamton area and touted of electricity and natural gas services,

builds large solar farms in upstate New York. Customers can purchase a percentage of the energy produced at the farms. “For each customer that signs up for a certain percentage of the energy that’s produced, they receive credits on their bill for the share of solar power that is produced,” Francis said. In doing so, the customer lends the solar energy they own to NYSEG, and in return, NYSEG pays back the participant through their energy bill, which is around 10 percent cheaper than the usual amount.

According to the National Association of Realtors, the average cost of solar panel installation is around $18,500. Houses must have a certain type of roof or shading that can support the infrastructure. If one of the panels breaks, it is also the owner’s responsibility to fix or replace it. Because customers are not responsible for maintaining the solar panels in community solar projects, these factors do not impact them in the same way they might if the customer installed






“The Liar” brings confusion and comedy to Watters Theater,

Groove for a good cause at Cyber Cafe West Fest,

Contributing columnist Sarah Molano criticizes Trump’s proposed changes to SNAP benefits,

Men’s lacrosse remains winless after narrow loss to Canisius,

Steve Schneider reflects on his wrestling career,

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