Restaurant Week Pipe Dreamʼs
Thursday, March 22, 2018 | Vol. XCIII, Issue 16 | Binghamton University |
Allison Detzel
Pipe Dream News
In pursuit of practical solutions to racism at Binghamton University, nearly 70 students, faculty, staff and community members gathered to discuss racial identities and recent events in a public deliberation on Tuesday evening. Held in the University Union, “A Public Deliberation: The State of Race at Binghamton University” was hosted by the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), the Dean of Students Office, Residential Life and Broome Community College’s President’s Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion. Since 2014, the offices have worked in collaboration to foster conversation on racism and put forth policy in an effort to combat it. Lea Webb, diversity specialist for DEI, said the organizers chose to hold a public deliberation because it centers on individual beliefs and experiences. “We take this head-on in this particular structure, but we do it in a way where it doesn’t become a debate,” Webb said. “We’re hoping that you will connect with other folks here in the room, share your experiences, your thoughts and your perspectives.” Two trained facilitators were seated at each table and guided participants through four frames of discussion surrounding race at BU, which originated from the 2015 Campus Climate Survey and past deliberations. The four topics included the psychological impact of racism, the limited knowledge of policies to help stop racism from occurring, the idea that racism arises due to the lack of diversity in staff, faculty, administration and students and the lack of a direct conversation about race relations on campus. The session discussions touched on recent incidents
The Free Word on Campus Since 1946
Toussaint named SA president
Public forum highlights 'State of Race' Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion hosts student, community discussion
See pages 5 to 7
Elections by the numbers First-choice votes 37.78 % Michael Wuest
48.09 % Jerry Toussaint
12.04 % Rachel Anszelowicz
Write-in %2.10
2,855 2017
3,063 22.47 %
20.85 %
Total Voters
2,735 20.27 %
+% of undergraduate votes These results will not be considered official until they are certified by SA Congress on Monday, March 26.
Undergraduate activity fee will remain mandatory Sasha Hupka News Editor
The results are in, and the Student Association (SA) has a new executive board for the 2018-19 academic year. Almost 3,000 students voted in the election, held from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20. Jerry Toussaint, a junior majoring in philosophy, politics and law, will replace current SA President Jermel McClure next fall. Toussaint received endorsements from College-in-the-Woods, Pipe Dream and several multicultural organizations, and currently serves as chief of staff in the SA president’s office. Roughly 48 percent of voters chose Jerry Toussaint as their first choice. His two opponents, Michael Wuest, a junior double-majoring in history and philosophy, politics and law, and Rachel Anszelowicz, a sophomore triple-majoring in philosophy, politics and law, philosophy and classical and Near Eastern studies, received 988 votes and 315 votes, respectively. Except for president, all other positions were uncontested. Michelle Dao, a junior majoring in business administration, will serve as next year’s executive vice
president after garnering 2,218 votes. Kevin Darrell, a junior double-majoring in accounting and mathematics, will assume the vice president for finance position with 2,855 votes, and Andy JeanBaptiste, a junior double-majoring in economics and philosophy, politics and law, won the vice president for multicultural affairs position with 2,310 votes. Courtney Mitchell, a junior majoring in computer science, received 2,260 votes, and will begin his new position as vice president for programming next fall. Out of the uncontested positions, Doug Wehbe, a junior majoring in computer science, had the closest race, winning the vice president for academic affairs position with 1,492 votes. Write-in candidates earned 802 votes — roughly 35 percent. Students also voted to make the undergraduate activity fee mandatory in a referendum. The fee, which funds Student Association groups and businesses such as Off Campus College Transport and Harpur’s Ferry student ambulance, will be voted on again in 2020.
Faculty, staff evaluate final CIO candidates Search committee conducts four public interviews Gillian Kenah News Intern
Sasha Hupka | News Editor Carolyn Singer, a senior majoring in philosophy, politics and law, casts her mock ballot on the Spine at the Democracy Walk.
Students criticize voting laws Roosevelt Institute, NYPIRG partner for Democracy Walk Michael Levinstein Pipe Dream News
As midterm elections draw closer, posters questioning the impact of New York’s voting laws on voter turnout filled the Spine on Wednesday. The posters were part of the Roosevelt Institute’s efforts for voting reform in New York as it hosted its
Democracy Walk. Co-sponsored by the Center for Civic Engagement, the Andrew Goodman Foundation and the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), the walk was a way for members to promote critical issues. The Roosevelt Institute, a policy group on campus for undergraduate students that lobbies for better health care, education and economic development in the Binghamton area, has also advocated for funding substance abuse prevention programs in Broome County and promoting initiatives for
Hinman Production Company updates a classic tale to tackle contemporary issues,
See page 8
student entrepreneurs to remain in Binghamton. Brianna Cea, the president of the Roosevelt Institute and a senior double-majoring in political science and philosophy, politics and law, wrote in an email that lobbying for various issues is extremely important because of the upcoming midterms. Cea is also the Southern Tier district leader for the Let NY Vote coalition, a statewide organization of grass-roots groups that
The search for a Binghamton University’s new associate vice president and chief information officer (CIO) will come to a close within the next few weeks. Over the past week, a search committee has been interviewing final candidates for the position, which was left open after Sharon Pitt, the University’s previous CIO, was named vice president for information technologies at the University of Delaware in late October. Pitt had served as BU’s CIO for almost three years. Curtis Kendrick, the chair of the CIO search committee and the dean of libraries at BU, wrote in an email that the University is looking for a candidate who is experienced, enthusiastic and able to communicate complex technological jargon to nontechnical audiences. “The CIO will be a dynamic leader who combines a service orientation with an energy and enthusiasm towards innovation,” Kendrick wrote in an email. “They should have an interest and knowledge of leading edge information technology and an appreciation of technology’s potential to facilitate teaching, learning and research.” The CIO will be tasked with leading BU’s Information Technology Services (ITS), facilitating effective teaching and cutting-edge research, managing the ITS
budget and collaborating with the SUNY Information Technology organization to take advantage of available resources, according to the University’s job posting. Kendrick said BU needs to fill the CIO position so ITS can begin new initiatives. “The position needs to be filled to not only lead Information Technology Services (ITS) but also help provide leadership and direction University-wide for strategic technology initiatives,” Kendrick wrote. According to Logan Robinson, BU’s communications manager, the University retained Valletta Ritson & Company, a search firm, to find qualified candidates for the CIO position. Robinson said BU has previously used the firm to find possible candidates for the CIO position, as well as other administrative positions within ITS. The University has selected four final candidates who were publicly interviewed. At the interviews, ITS faculty could directly ask candidates their questions. Candidates included Michael Ospitale, who is currently the senior director of Stony Brook University’s Division of Information Technology operations. According to Ospitale, his skill set and past experience could benefit upcoming projects at BU. “I’m excited about your initiatives, the expansion of the health science program, expansion of the campus network, as well as the new data science initiative,” Ospitale said. “All things of which I have had experience with in my past with direct experience in implementing and leading
Stay in shape over spring break with these workouts,
Contributing columnist Sarah Molano calls for publications to take accountability,
Women’s basketball falls to Yale in WBI Quarterfinals,
Softball looks to rebound at UMBC Retriever Classic,
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