Spring 2018 Issue 18

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Five of the best graduation day restaurants around Binghamton Monday, April 9, 2018 | Vol. XCIII, Issue 18 | Binghamton University | bupipedream.com

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The Free Word on Campus Since 1946

University seeks new ResLife director Suzanne Howell to remain associate dean of students Michael Levinstein Pipe Dream News

The Office of Residential Life will be getting a new director by next semester, and students are seeking improvements in housing policies with the changeover. Suzanne Howell was made Binghamton University’s associate dean of students and director of ResLife and housing in 2016, but according to BU Dean of Students April Thompson, the responsibilities of the positions have made it clear that a separate director is necessary for ResLife. The director of ResLife manages the residence halls on campus and the staff within them. Responsibilities include overseeing the room assignment process, developing the housing budget each year and outlining renovation plans for BU’s residence halls. Howell will leave her role as director this semester and will work with the new director to ensure a smooth transition. She will continue her duties within the Office of the Dean of Students, which aims to provide services to support students through situations impacting their personal lives and academics. Additionally, the office leads the Student Conflict and Dispute Management Program, which mediates student conflicts between roommates or peers, or within organizations or teams. Thompson spoke highly of Howell’s career in the ResLife Office. “[Howell] has done incredible work over the past 30 years in residential life at Binghamton,” Thompson wrote in an email. “As an example of her talented leadership, [Howell] organizes and leads the move-in day process so that parents have help unloading all of those cars. This


Kevin Paredes | Photography Editor Binghamton University is seeking a new director for the Residential Life Office.

Matt Smith | AP Photo

Pony Up Former NFL quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow began playing with the Binghamton Rumble Ponies, a Mets Double-A affiliate, just last week. But his drawing power for the Mets seems to be related more heavily to short-term profits than his prospects as a professional baseball player. So was the signing worth it?

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Local officials talk gun control at town hall Despite invitation, Tenney declines to attend forum Orla McCaffrey

Pipe Dream News

Two weeks ago, 2,000 community members took to the streets of Downtown Binghamton, joining the national March for Our Lives movement. On Saturday, inside the United Presbyterian Church of Binghamton on Chenango Street, a much smaller group of activists gathered with the same goals. On the altar sat three local representatives: State Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo, Broome County Executive Jason Garnar and Bob Weslar, Broome County legislator for the 13th District, which includes parts of the First Ward and West Side. Each representative emphasized the need for adequate mental health resources in schools and communities while they addressed the crowd at the

“It can’t be just about safety, per se, in terms of the law enforcement aspect — it’s also got to be about mental health,” Garnar said. During the conversation, Lupardo mentioned New York’s passage of the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, which bans all assault weapons except those purchased before January 2013, in response to the 2012 massacre in Sandy Hook. New York is one of seven states, plus the District of Columbia, that have bans on assault weapons. Although these guns can’t be legally sold or bought, they can be found at some venues when events like gun shows take place. Additionally, assault weapons can be legally purchased in Pennsylvania, Orla McCaffrey | Pipe Dream Photographer which borders Broome County. The state Activists gathered inside the United Presbyterian Church of Binghamton on Chenango line is just south of Binghamton — less Street to examine gun control legislation and the March for Our Lives movement. than 10 miles away. Lupardo said more beginning of the meeting. Garnar pointed of caseworkers from the Department universal regulations must be enacted by to the Broome County Promise Zone, of Social Services in the Binghamton national leaders. which offers mentoring and counseling City School District since last year as to young people, and the employment effective tools. SEE HALL PAGE 2

Graduate programs see rise in rankings, applications US News and World Report ranks eight programs in top 100

annually ranks graduate schools in approximately 40 areas of study. The programs with the largest enrollments, including business, education, Gillian Kenah engineering, law, medicine and nursing, News Intern are ranked by statistical data and expert evaluation, according to the U.S. News and Every year, different publications rank World Report website. colleges and universities throughout the The statistical data analyzed is made up country. In the 2019 U.S. News and World of input data, which reflects the caliber of Report rankings for graduate schools, students, faculty and resources within the eight of Binghamton University’s graduate school, and output data, which measures programs ranked in the top 100 best how well the institution prepares students graduate schools in their respective fields. for postgraduate endeavors, such as The U.S. News and World Report passing the bar exam or being offered a


high-paying job. Additionally, the ranks are based on assessment data, which comprises surveys from those involved in academia and practitioners in each profession. Respondents rate programs they are familiar with from one to five. BU’s graduate business program saw an increase in rank from 2017, from No. 88 to No. 76. Its program is tied with the University of Oklahoma’s. The graduate business program was not the only program that saw a rise in rank at BU. The University’s graduate public affairs program ranked at No. 59 — tied with Brigham Young University,

Cleveland State University, University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Vanderbilt University — an increase from last year’s rank of No. 63. Brianna King, the director of admissions and student services for BU’s College of Community and Public Affairs, said the master’s in public administration (MPA) program has doubled in size since 2014. King wrote in an email that students are attracted to the program for its job opportunities. “Many of the projects that MPA faculty pursue include opportunities for student involvement,” King wrote in an email.


New calzone restaurant to open Downtown,

“Ready Player One” mixes’80s culture with future technology,

Contributing columnist Georgia Kerkezis discusses the benefits of community gardens,

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“Our faculty work on community issues close to home, as well as nationally and internationally. Because of our alumni network, which is over 500 people deep, our students are offered amazing internship and job opportunities around the world.” BU’s graduate program in mathematics is ranked at No. 86 for 2019 in the U.S. News and World Report ranking. According to Qiqing Yu, a professor of mathematics at BU, the program has seen a recent increase in applications.



Men’s lacrosse downs Hartford,

Baseball sweeps UMass Lowell,

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