Tamasha returns to Chamber Hall, See page 7 Monday, February 10, 2020 | Vol. XCVII, Issue 6 | Binghamton University | bupipedream.com
The Free Word on Campus Since 1946
Hackathon emphasizes problem-solving for the future 24-hour coding event connects students, potential employers Hamza Khan
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Rather than sleeping in during the snowy weekend, many Binghamton University students spent their free time coding for 24 hours straight, surrounded by industry recruiters. On Saturday morning, BU hosted the seventh-annual Hackathon in the Innovative Technologies Complex (ITC). The 24-hour event involved a total of 350 students working to make their coding projects a reality. BU’s Hackathon events are organized by HackBU, a Student Association-chartered club that aims to teach students about coding. The Hackathon involves a congregation of coders that form teams with the goal of creating the best type of program based on a preset theme within a set time period, according to HackBU’s website. Participants can also gain valuable networking opportunities by interacting with the various sponsors present. Colin Fiutak, president of HackBU and a senior double-majoring in computer science and history, described this year’s Hackathon as BU’s biggest yet. “There are some sponsors that we didn’t have before,” Fiutak said. “JPMorgan Chase [& Co.] is new and Capital One is new as a sponsor. We also raised $10,000 more this year. Our previous record for sponsorship money raised was $35,000 in 2017. This year we’ve reached
see hackathon page 3
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More than 300 students participated in a 24-hour Hackathon competition while surrounded by industry sponsors and recruiters.
Chester celebrated FlixBus to offer new Local bar by students, faculty routes in Binghamton to host science discussion Milton Chester remembered as advocate for men of color at BU Valerie Puma & Jacob Kerr pipe dream news
sistant dean of students for off-campus programs and services at Binghamton University, at a memorial service held on Saturday in the Anderson Center. Chester, who died in his home of natural causes in January, began working at BU in 2000, launching his career
Students, faculty and staff celebrated the life of Milton Chester, as-
see chester page 4
Bus company aims to provide sustainable transportation Kimberly Gonzalez digital editor
With a four-day weekend coming up in March, students could potentially
benefit from a new transportation company coming to Binghamton this week. FlixBus is a German-based transportation company in Europe that expanded to the United States in 2018, and it will soon start offering routes
see flixbus page 3
20:1 program removed from orientation
Jacob Kerr news editor
The usual conversation at Lost Dog Cafe is probably not filled with talk of amphibians and ecology, but on Tuesday night those topics will be the spotlight. The bar and restaurant is hosting “Science Pub BING: Pollutants, Parasites & People,” bringing in researchers from Binghamton University to have a casual conversation about science over drinks and food. According to its Facebook page, the event aims to connect scientific ideas with nontechnical audiences in an engaging way. “[It is] [i]ntentionally informal, designed for both folks who classify themselves [as] ‘not really into science’ as well as science enthusiasts,” a flyer on the page read. Kristine Kieswer, a freelance writer who lives in Montrose, Pennsylvania, is one of the “Science Pub BING” organizers. She previously lived in Richmond, Virginia, and attended similar events called “Science Pub RVA.” She said she wanted to organize one in Binghamton because of the growth she noticed at the University. “[‘Science Pub RVA’] was always a favorite activity and I thought it might work in Binghamton as well,” Kieswer said. “I’ve been away for a few years and was really impressed to see how much
Students say program is essential for newcomers Nicole Kaufman pipe dream news
Binghamton University’s restructuring of this year’s freshman orientation will result in the elimination of 20:1, a program designed to educate students on sexual assault awareness and prevention. The 20:1 program was named in dedication to the approximately 20 women per hour who are sexually assaulted in the United States and has educated thousands of students since its conception at the University 15 years ago, according to its official website. The program uses a peer-to-peer model where students on campus educate other students on the topic of sexual consent. Their website states that they place an emphasis on educating young men involved in Greek life and athletics. “The main goals are to: raise awareness of what constitutes sexual assault, define and explore consent, challenge perspectives and deeply held biases, challenge victim blaming and rape myths, explore and encourage bystander behavior,
see removal page 3
Jessica Hua to speak on research over drinks, food
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see science page 3
Movies to snuggle up to this Valentine’s Day,
Find out what your professors are listening to,
Contributing columnist Sophie Miller dissects the “Call Her Daddy” podcast,
Dan Schaffer competes in the prestigious Millrose Games,
Women’s basketball drops tight contest against Maine,