Parent Handbook 2024-2025
Welcome to Pipers
If you are new to the School the information included in this Parents’ Handbook should help both you and your child to become familiar with some of the aspects of life at Pipers. For our existing parents we hope that it will serve as a useful reference tool should you have any queries about day-to-day school life.
In addition to general information about the school including school rules and policies, you will also find a number of useful names and telephone numbers. We would urge you to contact us if you have any queries.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Helen Ness-Gifford Headmistress
Section 1 | About the School
Mission statement
To provide an inspiring environment in which each student is encouraged to discover themselves and maximise their potential.
Aims of the school
We aim to:
• Know each student as an individual and identify, develop and support their talents and strengths.
• Provide an environment where personal development is as important as academic success and every student is stretched as much outside as inside the classroom.
• Employ inspiring staff who utilise exceptional and flexible approaches that cater for a wide ability range.
• Create a community based on Christian values, tolerance and service whilst encouraging sensitivity to the beliefs and convictions of others.
• Continuously invest in the School’s facilities and resources to ensure that students benefit from an exceptional learning environment.
Create valuable partnerships with families, local and wider communities.
School Moto
The school motto “Sicut Aquilae Surgent” is Latin for “they will rise like eagles”. It is a reference to a passage in Isaiah chapter 40, verse 31:“But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.”
The School year
We would like to draw your attention to the two compulsory Saturdays in our school year when all students are expected to be in school. These are:
• Open Day | Saturday 5 October 2024
• Speech Day | Saturday 5 July 2025
These days are valuable opportunities for our school community to be together and it would be appreciated if you could note these in your diary now to ensure that no conflicting events or activities are planned.
Autumn Term 2024
New Student Induction Day | Wednesday 4 September
Term begins | Thursday 5 September | 0830 hours
Open Day | Saturday 5 October | 1000-1300 hours
Half-term begins | Thursday 17 October | 1600 hours
Half-term ends | Monday 4 November | 0830 hours
Christmas Fair | Saturday 30 November | 1000-1300 hours
Term ends | Tuesday 17 December | 1600 hours
Spring Term 2025
Term begins | Tuesday 7 January | 0830 hours
Half-term begins | Thursday 13 February | 1600 hours
Half-term ends | Monday 24 February | 0830 hours
Term ends | Friday 4 April | 1600 hours
Summer Term 2025
Term begins | Wednesday 23 April | 0830 hours
May Bank Holiday | Monday 5 May
Half-term begins | Friday 23 May | 1600 hours
Half-term ends | Monday 2 June | 0830 hours
Term ends: Speech Day* | Saturday 5 July | 1630 hours
*This is a compulsory school day)
All of the term dates can be found on the School website:
Year groups
Form groups are denominated by a number and letters. The number is the year group and the letters are the initials of the Form Tutor e.g. U6SWe would be Mr Webber’s Year 13 Form.
For core subjects year groups may be put into sets.
In Year 7 and Year 8 students are streamed according to their ability in certain subjects and put into sets for English and Mathematics. In Year 9 students follow their pre-GCSE options choices but are set for core subjects.
Pre-Prep Department
Reception | 4 -5 year olds
Year 1 | 5 -6 year olds
Year 2 | 6 -7 year olds
Prep Department
Year 3 | 7 -8 year olds
Year 4 | 8 -9 year olds
Year 5 | 9 -10 year olds
Year 6 | 10 -11 year olds
Senior School
Lower School
Year 7 | 11 -12 year olds
Year 8 | 12 -13 year olds
Year 9 | 13 -14 year olds
Upper School
Year 10 | 14 -15 year olds
Year 11 | 15 -16 year olds
Sixth Form
Lower Sixth | 16 -17 year olds
Upper Sixth | 17 -18 year olds
The School Day
Breakfast Club
This service is available for students to use on an occasional or regular basis. Students in Year 3 upwards may be dropped off at the Arts Centre Café between 0730 and 0815 hours. Please note that for health and safety reasons, students are not allowed in any other areas of the School before 0815 hours. Breakfast items and hot drinks will be available for a small charge in the Arts Centre Café between 0730 and 0800 hours.
Students in Pre-Prep (Reception to Year 2) are also welcome to make use of Breakfast Club, however
students in these year groups must pre-book to use this facility at a standard charge of £3 per day which includes breakfast. A member of staff assists and sits with the Pre-Prep children and then walks with them to the Pre-Prep Department at 0815 hours. If you wish for your child to attend Breakfast club, please book using the SOCS system, accessed via the Parent Portal by selecting the Enrichment Activities icon. The £3 cost will be added to the end of term bill.
Crèche is available for all Pre-Prep students on an occasional or regular basis and runs between 1545 and 1800 hours. It takes place in the Pre-Prep Department and a range of activities are available. A sandwich is offered at 1645 hours. Crèche is supervised by a teacher who is assisted by a Sixth Form student. There is no charge for this facility; however, late fees will apply should any parents not
collect their children by 1800 hours. Parents will be notified in advance if Crèche is unavailable. If you wish for your child to attend, please book using the SOCS system, accessed via the Parent Portal by selecting the Enrichment Activities icon.
The School day changes depending on which year your child is in. A breakdown is listed below.
Pre-Prep Department
0815 hours Morning Activities
0830 hours Registration
0840 hours Assembly and Period 1
0920 hours Period 2
1000 hours Break
1020 hours Period 3
1100 hours Period 4
1145 hours Prepare for lunch
1155–1315 hours Lunch
1315–1320 hours Registration
1320 hours Assembly or Period 5
1440 hours Period 6
1520 hours Storytime
1530 hours End of the day
Prep Department
0840 hours Period 1
0920 hours Period 2
1000 hours Break
1020 hours Period 3
1100 hours Period 4
1140–1145 hours Movement time
1145 hours Period 5
1225–1330 hours Lunch
(The Prep timetable does not include a Period 6)
1330 hours Period 7
1410 hours Registration
1420-1440 hours Form Time/Assembly
1440 hours Period 8
1520 hours Period 9
1600 hours End of the school day
Senior School
0830 hours Registration
0840 hours Period 1
0920 hours Period 2
1000 hours Break 1020 hours Period 3
1100 hours Period 4
1140–1145 hours Movement time
1145 hours Period 5
1225 hours Period 6
1305–1410 hours Lunch (Year 7 lunch is at 1300 hours)
1410–1420 hours Registration 1420 –1440 hours Form Time/Assembly
1440 hours Period 8
(The Senior timetable does not include a Period 7) 1520 hours Period 9
1600 hours End of school day
A termly programme of after-school and lunchtime enrichment activities will also be in operation. Details will be provided at the beginning of each term (see page 17).
Useful contacts
School Office | 01494 718 255 |
Emergency ASP mobile phone: 07858 308706
PA to the Headmistress | Mrs Kerri Absalom | 01494 719 800 |
Deputy Head Pastoral | Mr Andrew McClean |
Deputy Head Academic | Mrs Caroline Derbyshire |
Assistant Head Academic | Mr Andy Codling |
Assistant Head Operations | Mrs Emma Cresswell |
Head of Sixth Form | Miss Kelly Harrison |
Head of Year 11 | Miss Jen Daniel |
Head of Year 10 | Mrs Michelle Shapland |
Head of Year 9 | Mr Phil Macken |
Head of Years 7 and 8 | Mr Scott Cohen |
Head of Pre-Prep and Prep | Mr Ross Urquhart |
Pre-Prep Co-ordinator | Mrs Louise Outten |
Bursar and Clerk to the Governors | Mr Jason Clarke | 01494 719 801 |
For fees and general financial queries:
Finance Manager | Mrs Carolyn Moody | 01494 719 820
School Nurses | 01494 719 819 |
Director of Admissions and Marketing | Mr Guy Ranford | 01494 719 866 |
Registrar | Mrs Zoe Galvin | 01494 719 810 |
Sports Hall Office (All PE Staff) | 01494 719 815
For access and all security matters: Security Officer | 01494 719 817
Communication note: At times when it is necessary to let you have information rapidly, for example a snow day closure, cancellation of Sports Day or late return from a fixture, messages will be sent out in email and text message form (see communication on page 16). Key information will also be posted as an alert on the School website (
Section 2 | School rules
We would like you and your child to be familiar with these school rules which have been developed over time in consultation with students and staff. They outline a set of standards for our community, support the code of conduct and anti-bullying code, and reinforce our commitment to health and safety.
We expect students to look neat and tidy in their school uniform without changing it in any way because of current fashion trends or individual taste.
• Shoulder length hair should be tied back with a red or black band and hair must not be obviously coloured.
• Make-up must not be worn.
• Students may wear one pair of simple stud earrings only, one in the lobe of each ear. This is the only jewellery they are allowed to wear.
• Students are allowed an inexpensive watch of plain design.
• All clothing must be clearly named and students are not allowed to borrow items of clothing which belong to other students.
• Skirts should hang no more than 6cm above the knee.
• School bags are available from our Uniform Supplier, Stevensons. No other bags are permitted.
• Trainer socks are not permitted.
• Patent shoes are not permitted.
• Students are required to wear school uniform, including their blazer/jacket, on daily journeys to and from school on School coaches.
• Sixth Form students must adhere to the Sixth Form dress code.
We expect students to respect other members of the school community at all times, moving quietly about the school and being courteous and considerate at all times.
• Students must not borrow property without the owner’s consent. Buying or selling of property is not permitted.
• Students may not use electronic devices in school unless they have been agreed in advance, for example, a student who has been granted permission to use a laptop or students in year groups where they may bring their own device.
• The School Office phone is available for students to use during short and long breaks in an emergency but never during lesson time.
• Students should not shout or run in corridors and should keep to the left hand side in corridors and on stairs.
• Students may not bring chewing gum, sweets or chocolate to school.
• With the exception of Upper Sixth and Pre-Prep, in fine weather, students may only eat food outdoors or in the Dining Room or Arts Centre
Café, never in Form Rooms or inside other buildings. On wet break days, students may eat at break time only in corridors, but never in classrooms. No food waste is to be placed in classroom bins.
• Light refreshments are provided at short break but you may bring a healthy snack as an alternative
• Drinking fountains are located around the School as we feel it is very important that students remain hydrated. They may bring a water bottle into school which should have a sports top to avoid spillage and should be named. Students will not be allowed to drink from the bottles during lessons but may carry them in their school bags and therefore be able to drink from them during lesson changeover and at break times. Children in Pre-Prep are allowed to drink from their water bottles at any time.
Health and Safety
• All medication, with the exception of EpiPens, asthma preventers and relievers, should be handed in to the School Nurses in the Surgery. All medication for students in Pre-Prep should be handed in to Pre-Prep staff.
• Students are not permitted to bring cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, vaping equipment, alcohol or any illegal substances to school; serious sanctions will be applied if they are found with or using these substances. Tippex and aerosols are also not allowed.
• All property, including pens, calculators and watches, must be clearly marked with a student’s name. They are responsible for looking after their possessions.
• If students travel by one of the school coaches they must always follow instructions from the staff on duty precisely, never approaching coaches until they are stationary and wearing a seat belt at all times when the coach is travelling.
Out of bounds areas
Our primary concern is the safety of students and therefore the following areas of the school are “out of bounds” unless students are accompanied by a member of staff:
• Outside the boundary of the school, the main drive, residential area adjacent to the main gate and staff car parks.
• The woodland behind the Bursary, the Jubilee Orchard and beyond the ‘out of bounds’ signs.
• The grass in front of the Main Building and around the pond.
• School kitchens.
• Workshops and greenhouse.
• The Orchard Pool, Sports Hall, Science laboratories and all Art and Technology Studios.
• Students should not be dropped off at school before 0815 hours, unless they are attending Breakfast Club which will be open from 0730 hours. The students are supervised until 0815 hours.
• There is a staff presence in school from 0815 hours and formal supervision is available from 0830 hours. No students should be dropped off without supervision available.
• Students should never try to adjust radiators, heaters or use electrical equipment unless they are directly supervised by a member of staff.
• Large sums of money should not be brought into school. Amounts up to £5 can be kept in a clearly marked purse which should be kept with the student at all times.
• The play area in front of the greenhouse is for students in the Prep Department only.
• When using the play equipment or exercise trail students must follow the health and safety rules.
• The front door and Terrace Room doors.
• The Prep Department and Prep Department play area for all students in Years 7 to 11.
• Any areas under construction.
From time-to-time these boundaries may change.
You can see an out of bounds map on the last page of this handbook.
Section 3 | Monitoring progress
Assessments and Examinations
School assessments take place once a year for students in Prep and Year 7 twice a year for students in Years 8 to 10. These run alongside GCSE and GCE AS and A2 Level examinations for students in Year 11 and Sixth Form. There will also be mock examinations for Year 11 to Upper Sixth.
Prep students complete informal baseline assessments in September and termly reading and spelling tests. Pre-Prep students complete informal baseline assessments in September and progress checks in the Summer Term.
Year Group
October Year 11
November Year 10
December Year 8
January Year 8
Year 9
Year 11
Lower Sixth Upper Sixth
February Year 11
Lower Sixth Upper Sixth
May Prep (Years 3-6)
Senior School (Years 7-10)
May and June Reception Year 11 - Upper Sixth
* under review
Any changes will be communicated to parents and students.
Type of Assessment
Assessment week
Assessment week
Assessment week (English only)
Assessment week*
Assessment week*
Mock GCSE examinations
Assessment week
Assessment week
Mock GCSE examinations
Mock AS Level examinations
Mock A Level examinations
Assessment week
Assessment week
Foundation Stage Profile
GCSE and AS & A Level examinations
Parents’ Evenings and reports
We very much value the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with you; whilst this will often happen on an individual and ad hoc basis, we also hold regular Parents’ Evenings which we expect all parents to attend.
Your child’s academic progress is monitored throughout the year by the teaching staff, Heads of Year and Senior Leadership Team. Class and prep assignments, tests and examinations also provide information and enable a regular review of achievements to take place.
Reports and Academic Performance Summaries which we publish on the Parent Portal (see page 19) are a record of your child’s achievement in all areas of school life. In each curriculum subject you will receive information about the content of the course, an indication of the level of attainment in specific subject-related skills, examination marks and a comment on your child’s progress.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Parents of students in Reception are allowed access to all written records about their children (except in exceptional cases where data protection laws stipulate it is against the best interests of the child to do so) and, when requested, comments from parents are incorporated into children’s records.
You will receive details of dates for Parents’ Evenings and reports at the beginning of the Academic Year. Dates can also be found on the Parent Portal.
Monitoring progress
The progress of students is monitored regularly. Students receive an Academic Performance Summary each half-term. Students are graded on their Attitude to Learning at the end of each halfterm, and on their Attainment at the end of each term (the Attitude to Learning Descriptors can be found on page 32). The grades are discussed with the Senior students during Form Time.
All students receive written reports twice a year, except Year 10, who receive one report. Senior students read their reports during Form Time before they are issued to parents. They take time to reflect on the comments and targets and review
their progress with their tutor. Any student who performs exceptionally well on a regular basis is praised and rewarded. Any student whose performance slips over time will be counselled and advised. This method of monitoring provides staff with an overview of progress across all subjects and is additional to the monitoring and reporting procedures we use to report to parents.
A copy of the school’s full Rewards, Behaviour and Sanctions Policy can be found on the school website.
Rewards at Pipers include: House Points, badges of office, House Spirit badges, letters of commendation, prizes on Speech Day, sports’ colours, Head of Year certificates for progress and effort, postcards of praise, recognition in school newsletters, work on display, congratulations in assembly, reports and letters to parents.
House Points
House Points are given to students for very good pieces of work, exceptional effort, and attitude to learning, or notable contributions to the life of the School.
The House Points gained by students are recorded by Sixth Form students during House assemblies. Contributions to House activities are logged on an ongoing basis in the House books by House staff and Sixth Form students. On an annual basis House Spirit badges are awarded to just a few students to recognise exceptional service to the House.
Students at different stages of the School are awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold House Certificates for gaining House Points.
The students with the highest House Point totals in Prep, Middle and Upper Schools will be awarded a House Point Cup at Speech Day at the end of the academic year.
Head of Year Certificates
These are awarded at the discretion of the Head of Year for progress or attitude to learning. Certificates progress from Bronze to Diamond Level in Year 7 upwards. In Prep students are awarded Certificates of Special Achievement.
100% Attendance Awards
The Headmistress will award badges to students
achieving 100% attendance in the entire academic year.
All students are expected to come to lessons fully prepared with textbooks, pencil cases, calculators, PE kit and any other specialist equipment that is needed. If students are not fully prepared for their lessons or are late with prep they should bring a note from a parent or guardian, stating the reason. If there is no note with a good reason then there will be sanctions issued by staff. All these sanctions will be recorded by the staff together with attendance, punctuality and assessment marks. Sanctions at Pipers work on a levelled approach:
Prep Department
First sanction offences are to be dealt with by the class teacher. This might include such instances as non-completion of homework or lack of focus in class.
Second sanction offences are to be dealt with by the class teacher in conjunction with the Head of Prep. This might include such instances as repeated failure to complete homework and repeatedly disrupting the learning of others. The student would normally have Reflection time during lunch break. In all cases, misdemeanours will be recorded on the school information system. Parents will be notified as soon as a student is put on behaviour report or homework assistance as a result of concerns.
Senior School
First sanction offences are to be dealt with by the class teacher. This might include such instances as non-completion of homework or lack of focus in class. The student will receive an academic or
pastoral flag depending on the circumstances.
Second sanction offences are to be dealt with by the class teacher in conjunction with their Head of Department or Head of Year (if required). This might include such instances as repeated failure to complete homework and repeatedly disrupting the learning of others. The student will receive a department detention.
Third sanction offences are to be dealt by the class teacher in conjunction with the Head of Department and are issued if a further sanction is required in a half-term. These can also be dealt with by Heads of Year and/or Assistant Head and referred to the Deputy Heads and Headmistress if deemed appropriate. The student will receive a Friday Senior Leadership Team (SLT) detention.
SLT Detention runs at the following times:
• 1600-1700 hours | Year 7 Autumn Term only
• 1600-1800 hours
Departmental Detentions will always take priority over extra-curricular clubs, practices and rehearsals (the only exception will be paid clubs for department detentions)
Uniform infringements
Uniform infringements are recorded on the school system and three uniform flags over a two-week period results in a lunchtime pastoral detention. After three pastoral detentions, their fourth detention will be after-school on a Friday.
This is regarded as a serious matter by the School. Students who are persistently late for no good reason will receive sanctions and in persistent cases of lateness students will be asked to make up missed time.
Section 4 | School life A-Z
Absence from school
Contacting the School
We thought it might be helpful to clarify the three different forms available in the Parent Portal (MSP). Go into the Parent Portal, navigate to your child, then select:
• Absence form - to report a current absence i.e. for yesterday / today / tomorrow. (A copy will be sent to both the Form Tutor and the School Office)
• Contact School Office form - to get a message through to the School Office (that is not in relation to an absence)
• Leave Request form - for future leave requests, which will then be submitted to the Headmistress’s Office for approval
If a student is unavoidably late arriving in school, or needs to leave early for an agreed leave of absence, she should sign in or out in the appropriate book which is kept by the School Office Manager in the School Office.
Absence notes
We are legally required to keep records of all absences from school keeping separate totals of “unauthorised absences”, i.e. any absence not explained by written communication from a parent or guardian and accepted by the school.
When returning to school following an illness, if an email has not been sent to report the absence, students should bring in a hard copy absence note addressed to their Form Tutor.
Whilst we appreciate the time you take to telephone the School on the first day of an absence, a telephone call does not fulfil the legal requirement. It would be very helpful for Form Tutors if you could include the following details in your note/email:
• The first name and surname of the student concerned. Including the students’ surname is important as it is not always the same surname of the person signing the letter.
• The date of the absence so that it can readily be noted in the register.
The following example illustrates how simple the note/email that is adequate to help us fulfil our legal obligations. Thank you for your co-operation.
[Your Address] [Date]
Dear Form Tutor
Jean Smith was absent on Monday 18 March as she had a migraine.
Yours sincerely Parent Name
Leave of absence for exceptional reasons
Leave of absence may be authorised by the Headmistress at least a term in advance and only in exceptional circumstances where it is not possible to take leave other than in term time, such as for a wedding. Should you need to request leave of absence for your child you must submit an absence request via the Parent Portal.
Holidays in term time do not count as an exceptional circumstance as these can only have a detrimental impact on a student’s education and give the wrong message about the importance of attending school. All such absence, if taken, is recorded as unauthorised and can impact upon a student’s future references. The School makes it very clear that we are not supportive of this, or feel that it is good for the students. We publish the term dates well in advance so that parents can adhere to the dates.
The “Leave of Absence” form can be accessed via the Parent Portal.
After-School Prep
As part of our post-school programme, After-School Prep (ASP) operates from Monday to Friday each week from 1600-1800 hours. All students must be collected by 1800 hours.
For students in Years 3 to 6 ASP is upstairs in the Founders corridor between 1600 and 1700 hours, and parents should collect students at the fire escape next to the drop-off point opposite the swimming pool. After 1700 hours students are taken to the Library and parents arriving after that time should collect them from there.
For students in Years 7 to 11 ASP is in the Library, students in Years 9 or below must be collected from the Library. At 1800 hours a member of SLT will wait with your child in the Library. In an emergency they can be contacted on 07500 081464. Parents should collect students via the door by DT (at the Rainbow Crossing) and up the stairs up to the Library. An additional charge is added to the end of term bill if a child is not collected by 1800 hours.
In an emergency they can be contacted on 07500 081464.
At Pipers we are committed to excellence and innovation in all areas of our catering provision for students. For us to do this effectively we work in partnership with a specialist contract catering company, Holroyd Howe, who run the management of our catering provision.
The food at Pipers is much loved by students and staff alike, but we also know that school catering needs to constantly evolve and develop in order to best meet the nutritional needs of all of our students, from the youngest to the oldest. Holroyd Howe is a market leader in working with independent schools and they bring with them to Pipers a wealth of understanding of producing delicious and nutritious freshly prepared food. They pride themselves on sourcing the finest British produce from local farmers, growers and artisan suppliers. A key aim of Holroyd Howe is to champion the importance of providing children with food containing high nutritional value, as it is central to their healthy growth. Holroyd Howe chefs are trained and encouraged to take a minimum fuss approach during preparation and cooking to keep the natural goodness in food.
As well as a creative approach in the kitchen our partnership allows us to be involved in Holroyd Howe food education classes for children. These can be anything from making fresh pasta, sushi or bread baking to creating recipe cards which help to encourage children to try new types of food, learn about seasonality and the variety of ingredients available.
Lunch always includes a choice of two hot meals, one of them vegetarian, and a comprehensive salad bar, followed by a selection of desserts including fresh fruit. Pipers has adopted ‘Meat-Free Mondays’ – an initiative popular with our students.
We are also keen to ensure that all students have
a sustaining snack during morning break. Students are allowed to bring in fruit, dried fruit, vegetables and savoury sandwiches from home to eat at break time. If, however, you would prefer your child to purchase a snack in school, a variety of options are available in the Dining Room for a small charge. Drinks are provided at morning break and tea is available at the end of the School day for those who are remaining for activities.
The Arts Centre Café is available to Year 11 and Sixth Form students throughout the day and is also open for Breakfast Club for all students from 0730 hours.
The weekly menu can be found on the Parent Portal.
Arrangements for students with allergies
There are a number of students at Pipers with a severe and potentially fatal allergy to peanuts who must avoid contact with even the smallest quantity of them. These students carry EpiPens with them. There are also other students in the School who are allergic to nuts.
In order to ensure the safety of these students, please do not send nuts to school in any form whatsoever – Pipers is nut-free school. In addition to the obvious sources of nuts they are of course also found in some biscuits and cakes which are sometimes sent into schools for birthday celebrations. The safest way forward is for this practice not to happen at Pipers and, should you wish to celebrate an occasion with your child’s Form in some way, please discuss this in advance with their Head of Year.
Almost every year, we see students taken to hospital with allergic reactions to cakes and biscuits brought into school by other students so we would stress that students should not bring in food for group consumption unless specifically discussed with a member of staff.
We also ask that any gifts of chocolate or other sweets are only exchanged between students during the final Form Time at the end of the afternoon at the end of any term and that during that day these gifts are kept secure in lockers.
All parents are invited to join Classlist, a popular school communications platform which parents can use to communicate with other parents in the child’s year. The School can also share more informal communication with parents using this platform.
Comments and suggestions
Comments and suggestions from parents are very much welcomed. There is a comments and suggestions box located in the Main School Office. Should you wish, parents can also email their comments to or send a letter marked for the attention of the PA to the Headmistress. Parents can also bring their suggestions to the Parent Forum meetings which occur each term. Students are able to make comments and suggestions through Smart School Council and many other opportunities.
Communication with Parents
At Pipers we use an electronic system called Pipers Mail to communicate with parents directly by email rather than sending paper-based information home with the students. We find that this system enables us to ensure that parents receive information from us in a reliable and efficient manner. These communications are sent weekly on a Friday at 1000 hours. There are certain occasions when important information is shared at different times.
On the rare occasions when we need to contact you at short notice to let you know, for example, that the School will be closed due to snow or that a sports fixture has been cancelled at the last minute, you will also receive a text message as well as an email. If your details change at any time it is important that you update your contact information on the Parent Portal so that you do not miss out on any important communications.
Complaints procedure
Our school community welcomes suggestions and comments from parents and takes any complaints and concerns seriously.
The purpose of the complaints procedure is therefore to ensure that any parent wishing to make a complaint or express concerns knows how to do so, and to explain our intention to respond within a reasonable time and efficiently and to take action as appropriate.
A complaint may be made about the School as a whole, about a specific department or about an individual member of staff. A complaint is likely to arise if a parent believes that the School has done
something wrong, or failed to do something that it should have done or acted unfairly.
If you do have any concerns about the curricular programme or pastoral care that your child is receiving, or about the standards of behaviour or discipline in the School, it may be best to start by raising the issue with the person most closely concerned; for example, pastoral matters with the Form Tutor or Head of Year and academic concerns with the Subject Teacher or Head of Department.
In many cases the matter will be resolved immediately. If not, it may be necessary for the member of staff to consult a Head of Department, Head of Year or the Deputy Heads.
We actively encourage parents to approach the School directly if they have a concern, rather than going via another parent or a Form Representative. If, unusually, you are unable to resolve matters satisfactorily as outlined above, please write to the Headmistress and make an appointment to discuss the problem. Finally, if you feel the matter is still not addressed satisfactorily, you may of course write to the Chairman of the Board of Governors.
Please let us know if you have concerns about any aspect of your child’s life at Pipers, or if there are (out of school) problems/achievements which you would like to share with us.
A copy of the School’s full Complaints Policy can be found on the School website.
Dogs on the School site
In the interests of safety and hygiene, parents and other visitors are asked to avoid bringing dogs onto the School site; if it is unavoidable, then dogs must be kept on a lead at all times and, as is the legal obligation, any dog mess must be removed from the site in a suitable bag immediately. In particular, dogs may not be brought to sports fixtures, other school events or taken onto the playing fields, even on leads.
Dog owners are responsible for their own damage and liability insurance.
All items of equipment brought into school must be clearly named.
Students will require:
• A small packet of tissues to be kept in the desk.
• One sensible size pencil case.
• An ink pen and cartridges or Berol handwriting pen (students use these once awarded their pen licence.
• Four ordinary pencils, one ordinary rubber, one pencil sharpener (with case).
• A 15cm ruler and a 30cm ruler (rulers should be transparent and not bendy).
• Coloured pencils and one highlighter.
• Sharp scissors, a small roll of sellotape, glue sticks (a spare in your desk).
• A purple and red biro.
• Basic earbud type headphones.
• Felt-tip/gel pens are not permitted.
• Protractor (Years 5 and 6)
It is also a good idea to have a duplicate set of stationery at home.
Senior School Mathematics
There are several items we would expect students to have in Mathematics lessons, including a calculator.
Essential equipment:
• Casio Scientific Calculator model fx-991CW or similar
• A geometry set which includes a protractor, a pair of compasses, eraser, pencil and sharpener.
• Highlighter pen
• Glue stick
• A pair of scissors
• 30cm ruler
• Black/blue whiteboard pen
Senior School English
All students should have a dictionary on hand at all times to check spellings and meanings of words. We recommend a small dictionary which will fit easily into a school bag. We also recommend that students read First News and The Week Junior.
All students are expected to have a personal reading book available during English lessons.
Senior School Modern Languages
The Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) department advises students from Years 7 to 11 to have their own MFL dictionary appropriate to the languages they are studying. Particularly recommended are the Collins Easy Learning Dictionaries.
Enrichment Activities
We encourage all students to participate in the
clubs and activities programme which takes place during lunchtime and after 1600 hours, Monday to Thursday. A wide variety of opportunities are available, details of the current schedule is available on SOCS via the Parent Portal. For students in Years 3 to 8, parents sign up for activities at the beginning of each term. Students in Year 9 and above sign up for their own activities.
Financial problems
If you have a financial problem that may affect your ability to settle fee invoices on time, please contact the Bursar at the earliest possible opportunity.
Forest School
Forest School is part of the Pre-Prep and Prep curriculum. Through Forest School the students will be participating in a range of motivating tasks and activities in the woodland surrounding the School. They will learn about the environment, how to handle risks, use initiative to solve problems and learn to co-operate and work as a team. Information about kit requirements is sent out to relevant year groups at the beginning of the year.
Homework is a vital part of the process of education - a means of consolidating and extending the learning which takes place in the classroom and supporting development as independent learners. Your child will receive a homework timetable which is recorded in their Student Planner.
Students in the Prep Department should record homework tasks in their planners. More details on each piece of work set can be found on Google Classroom
Students in the Senior School should record the subjects in which homework is set and the deadline for completion. Detailed information about each task can be found on Google Classroom.
We would encourage parents to monitor their child’s homework routine and inform their Form Tutor if you have any concerns. We ask parents to note whether students are spending an appropriate length of time on their homework. If students are spending far too long please sign the work and note the time spent so that their teacher is aware of the problem. The type of task and the duration of each subject
set for homework will change as your child grows through the school. If your child is in the Pre-Prep Department, for example, you will be given a homework timetable, detailing the subject areas and the tasks that need to be carried out. The allocation of the tasks will depend on your child’s stage of development. As students move up to the lower forms of the Prep Department, tasks will be more structured and will require more time. We aim to encourage students to develop sound study habits and to acquire good time management skills for their life-long learning.
A homework timetable is provided to students in Years 7 and 8 during the first week of the academic year. For students in pre-GCSE, GCSE and A Level years (Years 9 to 13) homework timetables are compiled by the students, with input from their teachers, depending on their optional subjects.
Students may also choose to extend their learning by reading, watching or listening to appropriate programmes or by visiting places. This extra work can then be shared with their teachers.
House system
When your child arrives at Pipers, they become a member of one of four Houses whose names all have a local historical association:
• Hampden
• Mandeville
• Milton
• Penn
The Houses are run by senior students and are made up of students from all year groups, and give an extra dimension to the social structure of the School.
The Houses play a significant role in the life of the School. Students from Year 3 upwards meet in Houses on Wednesdays. Throughout the year a variety of Inter-House competitions are organised. There is, for example, Inter-House Music, debating and games competitions. Sports Day is the culmination of the Inter-House sports calendar and always opens with the Houses parading round the track with their cheerleaders, banners and colourful bunting.
The Houses participate vigorously in the School’s work for charity, usually organising at least one fundraising activity each term such as cake sales, raffles, treasure hunts, quizzes and sponsored events. Harvest Festival and Christmas gifts for the elderly are also collected.
Each House has a member of the teaching staff as House Co-ordinator in a supervisory role, but responsibility for the running of each House lies with the Sixth Form Head of House, Vice-Captain, Sports Captain, Charity Representatives, Sixth Form House members and Junior House Captains. This is one way in which students experience leadership opportunities.
The students develop a sense of commitment to their House and enjoy the friendly rivalry during the Inter-House competitions. They identify and integrate with other age groups with the same loyalties and feel part of a unit beyond their immediate peer group.
Leadership opportunities
All students are encouraged to regard the taking on of responsibilities positively and to enjoy these and a variety of opportunities for personal development.
Your child may for example:
• Be elected for a term as the Form Captain or Vice-Form Captain of their class.
• Be allocated or volunteer for a variety of duties within their Form group including:
- Collecting homework.
- Organising a charity initiative either as an individual project or on behalf of their Form.
- Give service to their House by participating in an enormous variety of Inter-House activities and community service projects.
Opportunities for leadership grow throughout your child’s time at Pipers. When they are in the Sixth Form, all students take on a number of responsibilities such as supervising the lunch queue, showing visitors around the School and helping to entertain them at a variety of social occasions, taking on posts of responsibility within the House system and helping to organise and run clubs and activities.
Some students in Lower Sixth are appointed as Prefects for their Upper Sixth year. Decisions are made in a democratic process where all students, along with members of staff, vote for candidates.
In Years 9, 11 and Upper Sixth, students apply for Subject Leader roles in all areas of the curriculum.
Mobile phones
Prep students
Prep students are allowed to bring in a non-internet
enabled mobile phone, if they are travelling on school coaches. Students must hand their devices into the Prep Office when they arrive in School and then collect from the Prep dismissal point at the end of the School day. Students who are brought to School by car do not need to have a phone in School.
Senior students
Students are allowed to bring mobile phones into school. If they choose to do so it is on the understanding that they agree with the following limitations on its use:
Students in Years 7 and 8 should not have an internet-enabled phone in School, they are permitted to bring in a ‘dummy‘ phone which they must hand in to the School Office.
Whilst student in Years 9 and 10 are permitted to bring in internet-enabled phones they are also required to hand their phones in to the School Office on arrival at School.
Years 11 to 13 students
• Mobile phones must be switched off at all times during the school day, including break and lunchtimes, and remain off whilst students are on the School premises. It is not acceptable for phones merely to be put on silent.
• No student may take a mobile phone into a room or other area where examinations are being held.
• The security of the phone will remain the student’s responsibility in all lessons including PE/gym lessons.
• If asked to do so, content on the phone (e.g. messages, emails, pictures, videos, sound files) will be shown to a teacher.
Mufti Days
Mufti days are held throughout the year to raise money for the various school nominated charities.
The following dress code applies to all mufti days, excluding those with a clearly advertised “theme” such as World Book Day, Founder’s Day and Children in Need.
• No fancy dress, onesies or extreme fashion statements (except on Children in Need).
• No thin leggings or leggings designed to be worn to the gym.
• Shoulders and midriffs should be fully covered
• Tops should reach at least the belt line.
• Students in Years 10 and above may wear discreet make-up if they wish to.
• Face paint is not allowed at any time.
• Hair should remain tied back if shoulder length, with no colour added.
• Short shorts, or very short skirts are not permitted.
• No flip flops should be worn.
• Jeans (with the exception of ripped jeans) may be worn.
Students are expected to adhere to all necessary health and safety requirements for practical lessons and in Science laboratories.
Students not wishing to participate in “themed” mufti days should wear normal school uniform, wearing “ordinary clothes” is not acceptable.
Parent Portal
The Parent Portal is a useful online tool through which we communicate important academic information to you. Reports and Academic Performance Summaries are published throughout the academic year which you will be able to access through the Portal from any smartphone, tablet or computer at:
At Pipers we do not issue printed versions of these grades and reports so parents are required to view them via the Portal.
You can also use the Parent Portal for a wide range of other functions including information pertaining to academic and pastoral matters, School policies and all forms required within School. All parents have an individual Parent Portal account, and parents new to Pipers will be issued with login details shortly before their child joins the School.
Parent Representatives
The School has for many years, benefited from a special relationship with the parent community, who have worked tirelessly to organise a wide number of events not only to build community spirit but also to raise money for areas of the School which income from school fees does not stretch to. In recent years, parents have worked with the Marketing and Events departments as well as the Estates and Catering team to organise flagship school events such as the Christmas Fair. The School is always keen to work with a group of
parents either from particular year groups or parts of the School to bring together the wider School community. We would ask if there are any parents who are keen to get involved to contact the PA of the Deputy Head Pastoral.
The Parent Forum meets once a term for general matters for discussion, not for those individual to a child.
Each key transition year, where we welcome new students and their families, parents are asked to complete an online form consenting that their details are shared with that years’ parent representatives.
Parents also often like to have Form Representatives within year groups in order to co-ordinate actions round social gatherings out of school, for example, or for special events to which parents contribute such as the Christmas Fair.
Pastoral care
There is a clearly defined pastoral structure in the School. Your child’s Form Tutor will see them on a daily basis and monitor her progress. Any concerns/ communications may be referred to the Head of Year who liaises with the Deputy Head Pastoral. Any serious matters are also communicated to the Headmistress. More details about which can be found on the Parent Portal.
Your child is always welcome to discuss matters with their Form Tutor, Head of Year, School Counsellor, Nurses, Head of Wellbeing or indeed with any member of staff with whom they feels comfortable. We encourage you to communicate with the School if you are concerned in any way about your child’s progress.
We very much hope that students feel able to approach family, friends or teaching staff for advice or help. Where additional support is required, students may make confidential appointments with our qualified counsellor.
For information regarding the taking of photography in School please refer to our “Taking, Storing and Using Images of Pupils Policy”, a link can be found on page 23.
The School will also welcome an external photography company on site approximately 60 times a year. This company will capture candid photos and videos of students throughout the year. Through facial recognition, this will be available to parents throughout the year.
Smart School Council
We are keen to hear our student’s voices and empower them to raise and discuss matters which are important to them and their peers. One of the ways we do this is through a Smart School Council; a platform giving students the tools to use their voice to lead change through democracy.
Smart School Council exists to:
• Provide a way in which students are able to bring matters they feel are important to the notice of the Headmistress and staff.
• Help maintain good understanding, co-operation and trust between staff and students.
• Provide students with the opportunity to experience committee procedures and to be involved in decision-making.
• Allow students to be involved in strategic planning for the future, such as discussion forums regarding new builds.
Spiritual Life
Our Chaplain, The Reverend Mark Meardon, supports the spiritual life of our community by leading a team of local ministers who take assembly and services on a regular basis
Student Planner
Students in Years 3-13 receive a Student Planner at the beginning of the academic year. The planner contains useful reference information and guidelines and is used to record homework assignments which work alongside Google Classroom. Please ask your child to show you its contents on a regular basis
Students in the Prep department are encouraged to demonstrate independence and speak directly with Prep staff whenever possible, however there are
instances where parents will wish to communicate directly with Form Tutors, this can be done via email, but please note that a teacher may not be able to check email during the school day. For urgent same day messages please direct them to Mr Urquhart’s PA Mrs Wandrag
In the Senior School, Form Tutors check the students’ planners less regularly and therefore any urgent or vital communication should be sent in to the Form Tutor by email.
School coaches
The School currently provides 14 coaches to help with the journey to and from School.
The routes, each with a number of pick-up and dropoff points, are as follows:
Route A: Aylesbury
Route B: Farnham Common/Beaconsfield
Route C: Bourne End/Penn
Route D: Chalfont St Giles Direct
Route E: Chalfont St Giles/Penn
Route F: Chesham
Route G: Gerrards Cross
Route H: Haddenham
Route I: Holmer Green
Route J: Little Chalfont
Route K: Danesfield/Marlow Spinfield Lane/ Lane End
Route L: Marlow Oxford Road/High Wycombe
Route M: Monks Risborough
Route N: Seer Green and Jordans
This service is run and managed by Kura. To discuss the transport offering, please contact them through the Parent Portal.
Kura contact details:
Telephone number: 0203 967 0867
Parents should be aware that coach travel is not supervised by members of staff, although every coach has at least one nominated senior student as bus prefect. However, they may not be on the coach for the whole duration of the journey.
It is not permitted for Pre-Prep aged students to use the coach service to travel to school. Please note that a terms notice is required.
At the beginning of each school year, all students
travelling on school coaches agree to abide by a code of conduct. This clearly outlines expectations of behaviour and requires procedures for embarking on coaches.
Car sharing
Parents who wish to share the school run with other parents might like to use Year group communications platform Classlist to discuss sharing of the School run.
Traffic management and parking
The following arrangements are in place regarding traffic on the School site. A map for guidance can be found on page 35.
• A one-way route is in operation at morning drop off and after school collection. Follow the blue directional arrow at the Main Gate; the one-way route operation is dictated solely by the position of the blue directional arrow.
• Coaches enter by the Main Gate and must use the Coach Park.
• Pre-Prep parents should use the Pre-Prep Car Park to drop-off and pick up.
• Prep parents should drop their children off in the zone opposite the swimming pool in the morning and park in the area behind the pond opposite Reception to collect them.
• Senior parents should drop their children off in the zone opposite the swimming pool in the morning but note the following arrangements for afternoon collection:
- Years 7 and 8: parents should not park to collect their children but drive through to pick them up at 1600 hours from the zone opposite the swimming pool, ensuring a continuous flow of traffic.
- Years 9 and above: students are to be collected from outside the main reception area. Students will be asked to wait on the grass opposite Reception. Parents should not park but follow the one-way system and pull up to collect their children.
• No parking is permitted on the Main Drive.
• Any Prep or Senior School parent arriving early for pick-up will be required to circulate through the one-way system until such time as their child is ready, following the usual traffic flow turning left before the Main Gate, down Boss Lane and along the Main Drive. Parking will be available behind the Chapel.
• The buff-coloured area near the Chapel is a pedestrian priority zone – all drivers must exercise extreme care in this area and not enter it if pedestrians are crossing.
• A one-way system will operate turning right
before the Chapel (where parking will be available) and then following the track round past the tennis courts and back round past the Main Building to exit. Please wait behind the speed bump if the marshal indicates you to stop.
• Prep parents needing to collect their children should walk through the School past the Arts Centre to the Prep Department door. Senior school parents wishing to park for after school collection should wait for their children to walk over and join them in their cars.
• The Main Drive is a No Parking zone at all times.
• Parents collecting students after 1630 hours should follow the same procedure as outlined above and the one-way system past the Chapel will continue to apply.
• Please make sure that you observe the 5mph speed limit throughout the school site. Speeds on Pipers Lane should be below 30mph – there is an increase in pedestrian traffic on the lane during the Summer Term.
• You are required to follow the signals and directions given by teachers or traffic marshals who are there to protect the safety of students and help ensure a smooth flow of traffic.
• Please be vigilant to the heightened risk of distracted students who may wander or run across roads.
• Threatening or aggressive driving will not be tolerated from staff, visitors or parents – please be courteous when driving around the School
Trips, Visits and Events
Pipers uses Operoo to manage trips, visits and event processes within school. Parents will need to access Operoo to fill in forms (known as eForms within Operoo) and make payments. Access to Operoo is via the link on My School Portal: Trips & Visits System (Operoo). You will be notified of any trips, visits or events via email directly from Operoo. New parents will be able to access Operoo at the beginning of the Autumn Term, or earlier if there is a trip available for sign-up.
Our uniform supplier, Stevensons, visits school during the year for your convenience and we publish the dates in our calendar. You can also visit their retail premises in St Albans to purchase uniform:
131-139 Victoria Street, St Albans, AL1 3XS
Telephone | 01727 853262
A complete uniform list can be found on the School website.
Nearly New Uniform
The School has, over the years acted as a conduit for the sale of unwanted used uniform. The need and desire for parents to access the stock outside of the normal working hours of the School. Parent list and sell second-hand uniform on Uniformerly - an online selling platform through which parents can buy and sell uniform, that can be accessed by selecting the following link | Uniformerly.
Credit cards and large sums of money (more than £5) should not be brought to school. In the Senior School, students in Years 7 to 9 should secure items of value in lockers which are assigned at the beginning of each year. Year 10 have access to ‘day lockers’ which they are required to empty at the end of each day. If an exceptional circumstance arises and your child has to have a large amount of money in school, please make sure that she hands it to her Form Tutor, or to the School Office for safe keeping.
Designer, expensive or internet enabled watches are not permitted in Years 9 and below, and neither are internet enabled devices. All calculators and other expensive items should be indelibly marked with your child’s name.
We discourage the exchange of gifts in school, especially those of some value, unless this happens at the end of the last day of any term. During the day, these gifts should be kept secure in lockers, or passed to a member of staff for safe keeping.
Weekly Menu
The menu for all year groups is available on the Parent Portal, this is subject to change at short notice.
Section 5 | Policies and Procedures
This section provides an overview of some of our policies and procedures. Please note that although correct at the time of printing this information is subject to change as policies are regularly updated. Copies of complete policies are available on request.
Please click on the boxes below to view each policy. A selection of our policies can also be viewed on the School website:
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Health and Safety Policy
Homework Policy
Acceptable use of ICT
Data Protection and Privacy
Rewards, Behaviour and Sanctions
Safeguarding and Promoting Children’s Welfare
Relationship and Sex Education
Smoking, Alcohol and Misuse of Drugs and Substances
Taking, Storing and Using Images of Students
Teaching and Learning Policy
Section 6 | Attitude to Learning Descriptors
The Prep guide below is handed out to all students up to Year 6 to give them an idea on how they can reach ‘outstanding’ in their attitude to learning.
I am always enthusiastic in class and seek greater challenge in my work I always work well with others and provide constructive feedback I always look for ways to improve my work independently before asking for help Homework is completed independently, to the best of my ability, handed in on time and I sometimes complete extra work I always have the correct equipment
I am often enthusiastic in class and seek greater challenge in my work I often look for ways to improve my work independently before asking for help I often work well with others and provide some constructive feedback Homework is completed independently, to the best of my ability and handed in on time I always have the correct equipment
Good Needs Improvement
I am sometimes enthusiastic in class and seek greater challenge in my work I sometimes look for ways to improve my work independently before asking for help I sometimes work well with others, providing some constructive feedback Homework is completed independently and handed in on time I usually have the correct equipment
I lack enthusiasm in lessons My effort in class is inconsistent and I do not always work well with others Homework lacks effort and is not always handed in on time I often forget items of equipment
I need encouragement to participate in lessons I make little or no effort to work independently I need to be reminded to bring in my homework and have equipment ready for the lesson
Limited Attendance
Attitude to Learning encompasses the following key areas:
• Approach to study within and beyond the classrooms.
• Ability to be an independent and reflective learner.
• Intellectual curiosity beyond classroom/specification.
• It is expected that all students at Pipers Corner will always behave in a manner that allows both themselves and their peers to learn effectively.
Best Fit Approach:
Grade Level Description
Outstanding attitude to learning
Excellent attitude to learning
This grade is rarely awarded and it should not necessarily be expected that it will be maintained for every Academic Performance Summary. In this level the student will: Show a real passion for the subject and is exemplary in their approach to all aspects of their work.
Always consolidate their understanding between lessons and they are able to independently identify and self-assess areas for development.
Continuously seek to extend their learning above and beyond the requirements of a set task or specification.
This grade is occasionally awarded, although may not be maintained in every progress check. In this level the student will:
Show a real and sustained enthusiasm for the subject and is highly positive in their approach to all aspects of their work.
Frequently consolidates between lessons and is often able to independently identify and self-assess areas for development.
Regularly seek to extend their learning above and beyond the requirements of a set task or specification.
Good attitude to learning
Requires Change in attitude to learning
This grade is the most frequently awarded. In this level the student will:
On the whole contribute positively to the class environment and completes the required tasks set and shows engagement with them.
With support be able to reflect on their own learning and identify how to improve and develop – usually they are able to act upon targets and show a willingness to do so.
Occasionally show initiative and interest in exploring materials beyond the task/ specification requirements.
This grade is awarded to students who generally contribute towards the class environment; however, one or more areas are beginning to cause concern and require change. These could be:
Due to missing homework deadlines.
Requires prompts from the teacher to engage with tasks. Does not always maintain focus on the task at hand.
In Sixth Form limited independent study beyond the classroom.
Unacceptable attitude to learning
Limited Attendance
This grade is awarded to students whose Attitude to Learning fall short of expectations or who are ‘coasting’ and show a reluctance to proactively improve. This grade can be awarded even if some work has been of a good standard. In this level the student will:
Almost always be passive in lessons – frequently doing the minimum required, this is also the case with homework tasks, which may show a lack of detail and/or be frequently late. Be over-dependent on teachers to understand how to improve their work and often makes little if any attempt to consolidate their understanding or to act on teacher advice/targets. Show little if any engagement with the subject matter beyond the set tasks/specification requirements.
This grade will be given to students when attendance in a class is particularly low and the teacher is unable to accurately comment on the student.
Bursary and HR
Estates Office
Chapel & Music Annexe
Pre-Prep Department
Please note: If you are using Sat Nav to find Pipers Corner School, please input “Pipers Lane” as the post code will take you to the wrong location.
Out of bounds
Out of bounds without member of staff
Pipers Corner School, Great Kingshill, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP15 6LP 01494 718255 | | | @PipersCornerSch
Pipers Lane, Great Kingshill, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP15 6LP 01494 718 255 |
Updated July 2020