Pipers Corner School Careers Newsletter - Future Forward - July 2023

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Welcome to the final Careers newsletter for this academic year. Its been a busy term of exams, trips and performances, and I'm sure everyone is looking forward to a bit of a rest over the holidays! Its also a great opportunity away from day to day studies to spend some time thinking about the future, for example visiting Careers platforms (suggestions listed on the back page) tp follow up on jobs and industries you wanted to investigate further; or challenge yourself to learn or develop a new skill (eg a language on duolingo, a musical instrument; or learn some coding or how to make a short film on your phone). Its also a great time for work experience to gain employability skills, find out more about the workplace and add to your CV. Ask your family about any opportunities to spend a few days in their organisation, or volunteer with local community events. There are also online work experience opportunities (try Springpod) that you can complete on demand in your own time from the comfort of your own bedroom. So don't forget to make the most of your time inbetween plenty of R&R this summer!

"i never dreamed about success. I worked for it"
Estee Lauder
JULY 2023 ISSUE 04
A recent study revealed that Buckinghamshire students ranked second in the UK for outstanding GCSE results, with more than 35% achieving Grade Seven or above in core subjects We wish every success to all our students who have been busy taking exams this term, and hope they all
achieve what they need to progress to the next stage whatever that may be Meanwhile, you can also read the latest Graduate Outcomes report, which demonstrates that job prospects and earning potential are still higher for students who hold a degree qualification



The UK film industry is thriving and with new studios planned to grow the facilities at Pinewood (making it the biggest studio space in the world!) predictions are that this industry will need another 30,000 people to meet its workforce needs by 2025 - which means tonnes of exciting jobs and opportunities for young people locally!

Futures Festival is the biggest free event for those looking to start a career in the Film & TV industry At the home of super spies, superheroes and galaxies far far away, the festival aims to inspire, engage and encourage students to consider careers in this incredibly exciting and dynamic industry Dates for this year's event are Friday 24 November and Saturday 25 November and you can register for your FREE tickets now Over 4,000 participants including students, teachers and career changers visited Pinewood Studios last year to meet employers and industry professionals, take part in workshops and attend informative panel discussions.



Digital technology refers to electronic devices, systems and resources that help create, store and manage data, as well as the businesses that employ them as their main revenue source From Cyber Security Technician and Data Analyst to Software Tester and App Developer, get the lowdown on the people behind the screens here


With three million digital tech jobs in the UK and a staggering additional 678,000 needed by 2025, the current talent pool is not meeting the demand for tech specialists. Moreover, a lack of digital skills in the current workforce costs the UK economy around £63 billion annually, whilst businesses that adopt digital solutions are up to 25% more productive.

Truly, there has never been a better time to step into the industry


Buckinghamshire is home to over 3,000 Digital Tech businesses, including Softcat, Xerox, McAfee, Telecom, SAS and Citrix, who all together employ more than 11,000 people However, you don’t need to work in a tech sector organisation to get involved: tech skills are in demand in every area of the economy including the NHS, which is currently undoing a digital transformation.


If you’re an analytical thinker with brilliant problem-solving skills and an eye for detail, all that’s missing is relevant A Level, T Level, apprenticeship certificate or university degree Good luck!

JULY 2023



The Ministry of Defence protects the security, independence, and interests of our country at home and abroad As a civil servant working for the Ministry of Defence, you can work alongside colleagues who serve in the Royal Air Force (RAF) Civil servants can be based at RAF locations across the UK and are an essential part of the Air Command workforce, enabling us to deliver a world class, global, modern Royal Air Force

RAF High Wycombe is a major administrative support station and houses the headquarters for Air Command. There are a variety of civil servant roles available at RAF High Wycombe, covering a range of professions: Human Resources, Finance, Data & Technology, Project Delivery, Commercial, Communications You could be working as an Administrator, Occupational Psychologist, Public Relations Manager or Senior Data Engineer – just to name a few! Apprenticeships are also offered as part of many roles, ranging from GCSE to Masters degree equivalent You can apply for current vacancies on Civil Service Jobs. To see the current civil servant vacancies at RAF High Wycombe, search using the postcode HP14 4UF




Join the Routes into STEM virtual experience this summer delivered by the EDT (Engineering Development Trust) and find out all about college, university, apprenticeships and careers in STEM The experience provides a guided learning for you to work through the content flexibly during the course dates, and you will also have a selection of tailor-made STEM projects and activities at your fingertips. A variety of live sessions will give you an opportunity to ask questions to the panels of experts, students and apprentices. (for students aged 13+)

Throughout the duration of the experience you will have a unique opportunity to access content from universities including Cambridge, Birmingham, Brunel and Liverpool as well as specialist colleges, and workshops delivered by industry organisations including Balfour Beatty, BAE Systems and GSK Find out more by visiting here

JULY 2023




Has anyone ever told you you’re a good leader? In other words, you have a knack for organising people to reach a common goal This skill enables you to provide clear instructions, delegate responsibilities, set achievable goals, motivate others and manage deadlines.

Leadership in business is the capacity of a company's management to set and achieve challenging goals, take fast and decisive action when needed, outperform the competition, and inspire others to perform at the highest level they can

Fivereasonswhyleadershipisimportantin theworkplace

improvesmorale engagespeople:providingavisionandplanto achieveit

buildstrustingrelationships inspiresconfidence enablesinnovation

Becauseofleadership,peoplecometogetherto makethingshappen


leader or other position of responsibility where others will look to youfordecisions,motivationanddemonstrationsofconfidence

Duke of Edinburgh awards: taking on a lead role in your group to demonstrateinitiativeandgetthetaskdone

Prefects & subject leaders: demonstrating knowledge and guidance in a subject area you excel at; and inspiring others to achievetheirbestacrosstheschoolcommunity

YoungEnterprise:inSixthFormyoucouldbepartofteamcreating a brand new business, with leadership roles in writing a business plan,sales,HRandoverallbeingtheboss!

Sixth Form/school prefects: part of the senior student managementteam,actingasambassadorsfortheschoolatevents and Open Days, and offering inspiration and positive citizenship to youngerstudents

For any aspiring medics, nurses (with some midwifery) and allied health professionals, NHS Health Education England have funded 2 new Springpod virtual work experience programmes for students aged 14-25 Find out more here

JULY 2023



Logistics (which also includes roles like Supply Chain Management) is at the heart of modern life It’s well-stocked supermarket shelves, the provision of vital medical supplies, complex global trade networks and everything in-between If you are looking for a dynamic career, this sector offers opportunities where ceaseless innovation (think robotics, drones and remotes), international travel, and cutting edge technology are all part of the day job It is also a broadranging industry with opportunities for everybody: you might join at an entry level position straight from school with no formal qualifications; or you might join via a degree apprenticeship programme or as a graduate This sector has a culture of promoting from within, cherishing on-the-job experience and providing opportunities to take your career across a wide range of sectors and industries

Good subjects to focus on at school are Maths, Geography and Business There is not set route into this industry and there are entry points straight from school, through degree apprenticeships, and as a graduate. You can study Logistics at degree level, but many practitioners do not as its very much about applying broad management skills and learning on the job


Project management







www generationlogistics org

www novus uk com

Example logistics degree, offered at University of Bath

Example Logistic degree apprenticeship at Jaguar Landrover


Environment & Sustainability



Customer Care


Digital Tech


Human Resources

Solutions Design


Customs & International Trade


Sales & Marketing

Operational Excellence

JULY 2023 ISSUE 04


After doing my A Levels at Pipers (Economics, Psychology and Biology) I did a Business Management degree at Portsmouth University. My degree was very beneficial in widening my awareness of what business can mean, and allowed metotakemodulessuchasOperationsStrategyandtheSupplyChain Ifoundit really interesting to look further into a business than just the end customer experience,andunderstandthecomplexsystemsandprocessesrequired

I am now on the Lidl Logistics Graduate Scheme. This is a two year program which has several rotations For the two years I am based in the Regional Distribution Centre (RDC) in Peterborough Currently I am in Goods In and will be for the next few months This department's main focus is getting products into the building, storing them correctly and having them ready and organised for selection. As we intake thousands of pallets a day the department is very processfocused

Whilst the process side of the job is interesting I have also really enjoyed the team side. As part of the graduate scheme I am in a training Assistant Team Managerrole ThismeansIhavelearntalotaboutmanagementand the complex dynamicsofateam Whilst it can be overwhelming at times it is so rewarding to be part of a large team and see this develop The role has also allowed me to put a lot of the theory knowledge I have gained from education into practice and seehowforexampleHRprocessesandrequirementsactuallywork

During my graduate scheme I also had a rotation within Process My large project was to re merchandise the ambient area of the RDC This was a massive task as it required me to consider over 1,000 products which could be moved. A re-merchandise involves altering the flow of the warehouse and the order products are picked Some considerations include the store layouts, the product types, as well as packaging sizes and colours The project utilised skills such as organisation,planning,communicationandworkingtodeadlines.

The thing I most enjoy about my job is that every day is unique One day I could be doing interviews for new employees and the next I could be in a scissor lift doing inventory checks in the racking, so there are plenty of opportunities to learnanddevelopskills

The advice I would pass onto current students is to not limit your options or think you have to plan your entire life now Considering what career you want at school can be really daunting, but try and remember that especially in the climate we are in currently there arealwayschancestopivot.ThisisonereasonwhyIamextremely happy I did a Business Management degree, as it allowed me to complete a wide variety of modules, and gain more knowledge in each area. Over the three year course I slowly learnt what I found more interesting and it helped to filter potential careers I wanted todo,whichmadeapplyingforgraduatejobsfarlesschallenging.

JULY 2023 ISSUE 04
ANNA ROLLIT LOGISTICS PROJECT MANAGER AT LIDL There are different pathways into a career in logistics, so we are showcasing two Pipers alumnae students to demonstrate different routes in and the diversity of roles across this dynamic industry


IstudiedatPipersbackinthe1980sandthenmovedtoAHStocomplete mytimeatschool IwentontoGlasgowUniversitytostudyPsychology,I but didn’t really know what I wanted to do afterwards. After seeing a posterfortheUniversityAirSquadrononeday,Iapplied,thinkingthatit would be great to learn how to fly, and 3 years later found myself applying to join the RAF (who sponsor University Air Squadrons around thecountry) Irealisedquitequickly,however,thatIwasn’tanaturalpilot anddecidedtopursueacareerasaRAFLogisticsOfficer,whichIchose becauseIwantedtoworkwithpeople


As a Logistics Officer in the RAF, you need lots of skills like critical thinkingandexceptionalorganisationalandprojectmanagementskills, butthemostimportantskillyouneedistobepeople-focussed,asyouare responsible for leading airmen and airwomen to provide the logistics supportrequiredtokeepRAFaircraftintheairallovertheworld Ireally lovethediversityofLogisticsandespeciallyofmilitaryLogistics:youcan expect to manage elements of the whole supply chain including the purchasing and storage of equipment, weapons and fuel; logistics IT managementsystems;globaldistributionbyroad,seaandair;theairlift ofequipmentandtroopsworldwideandcateringandhospitalityservices, bothintheUKandoverseas,andonoperationsandexercises.

During my career as an RAF Logistician, I have specialised in Air Movements– planning and executing the movement of equipment and peoplearoundtheworldandIhaveworkedallovertheglobe-inGreat Britain,NorthernIreland,Germany,theUSA,Afghanistan,Iraq,theUAE, Kuwait,IndiaandCyprus TherolesthatIhavemostenjoyedhavebeenin direct support of military campaigns around the world, organising and planning airlift, and reacting to, and resolving, short notice issues and operations,eitherinanoperationalheadquartersordirectlydeployedon operations

InmycurrentroleasOfficerCommandingLogisticsatanRAFbasein Cyprus,Ileadalogisticsunitof430personnel(RAF,ArmyandCypriot civilians),andamresponsibleforrunningthemilitaryairportandseaport, managing the supply of equipment, explosives and fuel to troops and bases across the Island, providing a postal service, and managing and maintaininganextensivevehiclefleet

I would recommend a career in Logistics to anyone who wants to work with people and who would enjoy the challenge of planning, managing and organising a variety of different types of operations and equipment And I would recommend a career in military Logistics to anyone who would love the excitement of supporting realtime military operations around the world

JULY 2023 ISSUE 04



What years were you at Pipers?

I was at Pipers from 2011 to 2018, which took me from Year 6 to Year 13

What subjects did you study at A Level?

Psychology, History, Religious Studies and AS Biology

What did you do after you left?

I studied a BNurs in Adult Nursing at the University of Birmingham, and then a Level 7 Advanced Burns Care course at the University of East Anglia.

What are you doing now?

I am currently a Band 5 Staff Nurse in the Burns Uni at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham

What do you enjoy the most about your job?

I am able to help those people who have been through sometimes life changing injuries and help them to get better. As a nurse I am in a very privileged position to support some vulnerable individuals and it is something I wouldn’t ever change

Was there any particular inspiration that led you to this career?

There was no particular inspiration that led me into Nursing it was always something I was naturally drawn to. I loved watching programmes like Casualty or 24 hours in A&E and I admired the staff that dedicated their time to helping others and I knew that was something I wanted to do.

What kind of skills does your job involve?

Communication is key, both with patients and with my colleagues. Alongside that, teamwork, proactivity and of course compassion

What advice would you give to any students thinking about a career in Nursing?

Gaining work experience in the field you have an interest in is really important, especially when considering a career such as nursing. It’s important to get an understanding of what the role will entail before embarking on the career as it can sometimes be very intense, but incredibly rewarding, nonetheless.

JULY 2023 ISSUE 04


If you presumed a career in ICT is sitting in front of a computer all day or working and repairing desktop PCs, you'd be wrong The field of Information Technology is a wide, diverse sector with the highest abundance of job opportunities in many parts of the world. As the world continues to thrive in the digital age, the demand for professionals with the ability and computing skills has increased exponentially and the emergence of technology has made the computing industry a lucrative career pathway In a fast-paced world, the reliance on technology has been paramount to the success of businesses, organisations and all walks of everyday life Whilst a graduate career as an IT Technician, Support Assistant or Data Analyst is a successful pathway, the opportunities for further specialisms can lead to advanced salaries. Specialist areas such as biotechnology, nanotechnology and even robotics can double average salaries to well in excess of £60,000 Another benefit of pursuing a career in the IT industry is the hands-on, practical work that the sector demands If you are an individual who does not thrive in a static office environment or oppose to endless theory, there are plenty of opportunities within the IT industry to apply your knowledge in a practical, changing work environment



The best way to get ahead is to do your research! There are lots of really useful information sites out there for you to find out more about different jobs and industries and work out what you need to do to get to there.

Try some of these:

BBC Bitesize/Careers


Morrisby Creative Careers

Bucks Skills Hub

You can also arrange a one to one advice meeting with the school Careers Advisor, Mrs Rogers by sending an email or ask your form tutor to arrange a meeting

Ada Lovelace, created the first computer program Mark Zuckerberg, Meta founder Jimmy Fallon, Saturday Night Live host Liam Neeson, actor Carol Shaw, one of the first female video game designers
"What would happen if we encouraged all women to be a little more ambitious? i think the world would change"
Reese Witherspoon
JULY 2023 ISSUE 04

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