1645 Central Avenue Albany, NY 12205 800-494-9144
Phone Hours: M–F 9am–5pm Eastern
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CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PipesandCigars.com © 2011. Printed in USA. PipesandCigars.com does not sell tobacco products to minors. Most offers in this catalog are valid from 11/15/11–1/15/12. Prices are subject to change without notice. PipesandCigars is a registered trademark of Habana Premium Cigar Shoppe.
• All blending components available • Personal advice from our experts • Win a free trip to Richmond, VA! • See pipesandcigars.com for details
With the All-New Fusion Lab
Master Blender Become the World’s Next
From the world leader in pipes and pipe tobacco C ollector ’ s E dition $6.95 H oliday 2011
Hearth & Home
Blend Name 10 to Midnight Admiralty AJ's VaPer Ambassador Blend American Heritage Anniversary Kake Armada Berry Nice Beverwyck Capitol Stairs Classic Burley Kake Daybreak Distinguished Penguin Egg Nog Frenchy’s Sunzabitches Grandma's Kitchen Hall of Fame House of Lords Larry’s Blend Latham Circle LJ Heart Burley LJ Heart Virginia Louisiana Red Manor Height Marble Kake
1.5oz tin 8oz tin $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $25.99 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $25.99 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $11.99 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $11.99 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99 $25.99 $25.99 $10.29 $25.99
1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
Blend Name 1.5oz tin 8oz tin Marquee Black House $10.50 $39.99 Marquee Magnum Opus $8.95 $34.99 Marquee Sweet and Savory $8.95 Mohawk River $11.99 $25.99 Mt Marcy $10.29 $25.99 Namaste $10.29 $25.99 Obsidian $10.29 $25.99 Old Companion $10.29 $25.99 Old Kinderhook $11.99 $25.99 Old Tartan $10.29 $25.99 Patroon Island $11.99 $25.99 Rolando's Own $10.29 $25.99 Saratoga Summer $11.99 $25.99 Stockade $11.99 $25.99 Stogie $10.29 $25.99 Strikeforce $10.29 $25.99 Sunjammer $10.29 $25.99 Sycaway $11.99 $25.99 Victorian Stroll $10.29 $25.99 Virginia Spice $10.29 $25.99 Vischer Ferry $11.99 $25.99 Bag Lakeland Brickle 8oz $17.50 Lakeland Brickle Fortissimo 4oz $9.75
dett... store igars.com, in his first dC an es ip I first m et SHacbaonattPrBemen /P pe op Sh ium Cigar sm all store, and
e the owner of the he had done with th t ha w ed lik I . lked about NY any, r tim e, Scott and I ta ve O in a m all here in Alb . ch oa pr ap s iou ious. with his gregar l over 20 years prev al m e m sa e th Scott impressed m e in e stor ere worked in a tobacco lar becaus e peop le w pu po ry ve the fact that I had as w at th ith the a blend that we had was very fam iliar w I at th He asked m e about m hi ld to I as m y old r all thos e years. to him, which I did, it ve askin g him fo r it afte gi d ul co I if o d recipe. He aske m y cigars and tobacc r fo y pa e m t blend and knew the le t n’ ou ld ork fo r nce clos ed. Scott w n I wou ld com e to w he w e m g employ er was long si kin as s hi gan the custom of .B.). that day, and that be (he’s a pers istent S.O d di ly al tu en ev I him, which ore. was m anagin g the st on so d an , or flo il ta old d, I worked on the re at I had done in the th ng hi et After com in g on boar m so do d ss. I put asked m e if I coul unique to our busine be ld After a whi le, Scott ou w at th ds en To pipe tobacco bl fo r the guys to try. g tin ee m ub cl store- m ake up som e pe pi our we and brought them to ent over very well, so w ds en bl e together six m ixtures th e, ris rp a steady I think, to Scott’s su shor t tim e, we had y el tiv m y satisfact ion, and, la re a In . le was bo rn. tobacco bar fo r sa and Hear th & Hom e , te put them out on our si eb w e th on had us put them fo llowin g, so Scott the began writ in g about le op pe w fe a , om e’ve g on PipesandCigars.c the last six years w In . off Shor tly after debutin ok to e lin t uc inia and rum s and the prod m arom at ics, to Virg fro blends on various fo ut m ga e tir en e our ds, coverin g th year we introduced st la e th In . added 44 m ore blen ion at go riz y som e that defy cate a strong fo llowin g. M as l el w as Latakia blends, and d an m ai Show. has won critical accl e Chicago land Pipe th at n M arquee S eries that w do ow hr T n Lab also won the 2011 introduced our Fusio ve ha Black Hous e blend d an os cc ba e to and add new n blend. We’re not th ow ur yo ng pi lo We cont inue to grow ve de by blends to get in on the fun of the best received e m so t go concept to allow you e e’v w t ns and to t the best known, bu s, requests and concer ea id ur biggest and we’re no yo to n te lis th & Hom e sm all enough to about and give Hear g in on the m arket. We’re lk ta en be ve ha what peop le resp ond to them. S ee ck fo r m ore. e’re sure you’ll be ba w ; try a os cc ba to pipe
Russ Ouellette Master Blender at Pipesandcigars.com
er Russ Ouellette, blend
*All-New Blend*
Angler’s Dream My dad loved to fish, and he was good at it too. When he had a line in the water, he would also have a pipe in his mouth loaded with one of the old “foil pouch” blends. This is my tribute to those solid, reliable smokes - light, pleasant aroma, easy on the palate and tongue. Angler’s Dream takes it a step further by using higer quality tobacco, delicate flavors while keeping the price affordable. Enjoy!
14oz Tub - $25.99 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
SUTLIFF PRIVATE STOCK THIRTY-SIX FLAVORFUL BLENDS All blends available in 1.5 oz tins with limited availability in 8 oz tins Blend
8 oz tin MSR
8 oz tin SALE PRICE
Alexander Bridge
Barbados Plantation
Black Swan
Blue Danube
Country Estate
Maple Street
Molto Dolce
Moulin Rouge Navigator Blend
$6.99 $6.99
Old Vienna
South Seas
St. Georges
Tobac Noir
Taste of Summer
Top Shelf
BRG Mixture
CD Blend
French Quarter
Great Outdoors
Man’s Best Friend
Balkan Luxury Blend
Bosphorus Cruise
Field Master
Golden Age
Blend 5
Sunrise Smoke
$11.60 $11.60
Roma Vita
Kentucky Planter
English Style
1.5 oz tin 1.5 oz tin MSR SALE PRICE
4 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
AROMATIC In the true tradition of providing the market the best tobaccos available for over 160 years, Our premium aromatic mixtures are often a Burley/Virginia blend of tobaccos with a mix of Black Cavendish that are highly flavored with cherry, vanilla, rum, and whiskey to create unique flavors. This style of tobacco is one of the most popular among pipe smokers.
NON-AROMATIC Several traditional old-style blends have been brought back to life by Altadis USA under the brand name of Sutliff Private Stock. Non-Aromatic blends are commonly made with Virginia and Burley tobaccos and contain little to no additional flavorings. These blends smoke beautifully by themselves.
ENGLISH STYLE English-style tobaccos are flavored with ONLY different types of tobaccos and NOT additional flavoring. Generally, these blends use Latakia, Perique, and Virginia tobaccos and are best suited for the more experienced pipe smoker.
Pipe Tobacco
McClelland Travel back over the past two decades with us to revisit some of the most sought after blends ever made. We have gone back to our old formula book and worked to recreate in exacting detail these long unavailable blends. Are you down to your last can of an old favorite that you’re afraid to smoke? Fear no more, they’re back. Take a stroll down memory lane and pick up a tin or two from the Levin Pipes International.
In addition, we have created, with the help of pipe clubs from around the country, an almost overwhelming assortment of Pipe Club Tobaccos designed by pipe smokers, for pipe smokers. They’ve done all the work, you get all the enjoyment! Each Club has 6 blends of their own for your choosing. The Pipe Clubs represented are: Chicagoland Pipe Collector Club (CPCC), Conclave of Richmond Pipe Smokers (CORPS), Greater Kansas City Pipe Club (GKCPC).
McClelland Tobacco Company specializes in truly high end pipe tobaccos. Individually hand blended recipes that have stood the test of time and proprietary processes set them apart from the rest. They offer a wide range of tobacco in both tins and bulk forms. PipesandCigars.com is proud to carry every blend they offer. Levin Pipes International Flavor Profile Designation MSRP P&C Brindle Flake Soft, Eleganct & Sweet Virginia $11.64 $9.08 Old Church Deep & Rich Aromatic $11.64 $9.08 Old Dog Dark, Cool & Smoky Latakia $11.64 $9.08 Pebblecut Nutty & Savory Virginia/Perique $11.64 $9.08 Sovereign Elusive & Smoky Latakia $11.64 $9.08 Chicagoland Pipe Collectors Club (CPCC) Scottish Woods Lively & Full Bodied Latakia $12.17 $9.49 Epitome Sweet & Mellow Virginia $11.39 $8.88 New Century Rich & Spicy Latakia $12.17 $9.49 Caramel Rush Caramel & Fragrant Aromatic $10.58 $8.25 Rich Virginia Ribbon Sweet & Zesty Virginia $11.39 $8.88 Samovar Exotic & Soothing Oriental $12.17 $9.49 Conclave of Richmond Pipe Smokers (CORPS) Sophisticate Rich Sweet Virginias Virginia $11.39 $8.88 Full Balkan Reserve Smooth Deep Balkan Latakia $12.17 $9.49 Cyprian Star Sweet & Cool Latakia $12.17 $9.49 Quantum Deep & Savory Virginia $11.39 $8.88 Vanilla Ice Mellow Vanilla Aromatic $10.58 $8.25 Ringlow Syrian Reserve Smooth & Serious Latakia $12.17 $9.49 Greater Kansas City Pipe Club (GKCPC) Boston 1776 Rich & Bold Virginia $11.30 $8.81 Syrian Star Cake Aged Virginias Latakia $12.17 $9.49 Beacon Extra Dark Sweet & Smooth Virginia/Perique $12.17 $9.49 English Woods Zesty & Complex Latakia $12.17 $9.49 Chocolate Silk Chocolate & Nougat Aromatic $10.58 $8.25 Nocturne Profoundly Rich Latakia $12.17 $9.49 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com 5
Pipe Gift Set Packs
Whether you’re just starting to enjoy the hobby of pipe smoking, or looking for a gift for the smoker in your life, our inventory and variety can be overwhelming. For that reason, we’ve put together these great packs to give any smoker all the tools they need to get started. We start with some of the most popular and well contstructed pipes we carry. Next we include a selection of premium tobacco, again from among the most popular blends we carry. We finish off these packs with all the accesories needed to round out the smoking experience. Don’t worry about continuing to shop or forgeting something, just wrap one of these gift sets up, tie on a bow and you’ll have everything you need!
Irish Silver Gift Set Bent Gift Pack Includes: • Peterson Aran Bent Pipe • 2 Tins of Sutliff Private Stock Tobacco • 1 Bundle of BJ Long’s Pipe Cleaners • 1Czech Tool • 1 Box Wooden Matches • 1 Cork Knocker
MSRP $110.99 - P&C $85.95
Irish Silver Gift Set Straight Gift Pack Includes: • Peterson Aran Straight Pipe • 2 Tins of Sutliff Private Stock Tobacco • 1 Bundle of BJ Long’s Pipe Cleaners • 1Czech Tool • 1 Box Wooden Matches • 1 Cork Knocker
MSRP $110.99 - P&C $85.95
We have even more gifts sets not pictured here! Visit www.pipesandcigars.com to see them all! 6
1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
Pipe Gift Set Packs Italian Silver Gift Set Bent Gift Pack Includes: • Savinelli Trevi Sand Blast Bent Pipe • 2 Tins of Sutliff Private Stock Tobacco • 1 Bundle of BJ Long’s Pipe Cleaners • 1Czech Tool • 1 Box Wooden Matches • 1 Cork Knocker
MSRP $100.00 - P&C $74 .95
Italian Silver Gift Set Straight Gift Pack Includes: • Savinelli Trevi Sand Blast Straight Pipe • 2 Tins of Sutliff Private Stock Tobacco • 1 Bundle of BJ Long’s Pipe Cleaners • 1Czech Tool • 1 Box Wooden Matches • 1 Cork Knocker
MSRP $100.00 - P&C $74 .95
Wellington Gift Set Straight Gift Pack Includes: • Wellington Sand Blast Straight Pipe • 2 Tins of Sutliff Private Stock Tobacco • 1 Bundle of BJ Long’s Pipe Cleaners • 1Czech Tool • 1 Box Wooden Matches • 1 Cork Knocker
MSRP $70.99 - P&C $47.95 1-800-494-9144www www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com 1-800-494-9144 .PIPESANDCIGARS.com
Marks the Spot! Captain Black pipe tobaccos have been the number one selling brand in the U.S. for decades now, and more people are discovering them each year. These blends started a whole new trend in American pipe tobaccos- the full aromatic. Richly flavored and fragrant, these tobaccos deliver more taste and fill a room with amazing aromas, but without tongue bite. See for yourself why Captain Black has been so popular for so long.
Captain Black Pipe Tobacco
Blend Name Cherry - 1.5oz Pouch Gold - 1.5oz Pouch Gold - 12oz Can Light - 1.5oz Pouch Regular - 1.5oz Pouch Regular - 12oz Can Royal - 1.5oz Pouch Royal - 12oz Can Gold Regular Royal
1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
MSRP As Low As $7.58 $5.83 $7.58 $5.83 $49.50 $32.67 $7.58 $5.83 $7.58 $5.83 $49.50 $32.67 $7.58 $5.83 $49.50 $32.67 As Low As $1.63 per ounce! $1.63 per ounce! $1.63 per ounce!
f you have ever experienced the luxury of Wessex Pipe Tobacco or enjoyed a Wessex Brand Pipe, you already have an appreciation for the concept of quality meeting affordability. As a manufacturer of fine luxury tobaccos, Wessex continues to deliver exacting standards, near perfect burning characteristics and flavors that can only be found in leaf that has been hand blended for the Wessex name. Virtually all flavor spectrums have been covered, and with PipesandCigars.com pricing, you’ll have an easy time finding one that fits your taste preference and your wallet.
Flavor Profile Smoky and Pungent Deep and Clean Sweet with Fruit Tones Tangy Cider Curly Cut, 3 Nuns-esque Tangy, Sweet, Prunes Nutty Zesty, Full bodied Black Cavendish, Hazelnuts Tangy, Wine-Like True English Style Rich Tobacco Flavor Mild, Molasses Rum, Pralines, and Maple Burley and Cavendish Vanilla and Figs Smoky Latakia and Virginias
Tin Size 1.75oz 1.75oz 1.75oz 1.75oz 1.75oz 1.75oz 1.75oz 1.75oz 1.75oz 1.75oz 1.75oz 2oz 3.5oz 7oz 7oz 7oz 7oz
MSRP $16.20 $16.20 $16.20 $16.20 $18.80 $17.20 $17.20 $17.20 $16.20 $17.20 $16.20 $13.00 $24.00 $21.90 $21.90 $21.90 $21.90
P&C $10.94 $10.94 $10.94 $10.94 $12.69 $11.61 $11.61 $11.61 $10.94 $11.61 $10.94 $8.78 $16.20 $14.78 $14.78 $14.78 $14.78
1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
9 9
Sir Walter Raleigh Sir Walter Raleigh tobaccos are among the most legendary American-style pipe tobaccos available. The original and aromatic versions are made of quality Burley and Virginia tobaccos with other great components. The use of flavoring is subtle, and the flavor is smooth, satisfying and consistent with both types. Enjoy a taste that has kept American pipe smokers happy for decades.
Name Aromatic Tin Aromatic Pouch Regular Tin Regular Pouch
Flavor Profile Mild and Sweet Mild and Sweet Mild and Lightly Sweet Mild and Lightly Sweet
As Low As $29.34 $4.08 $22.72 $3.00
Package 12oz Can 1.5oz Pouch 14oz Can 1.5oz Pouch
Villiger Villiger has been known for their great baked cigars for years. Now that they’ve teamed up with Peter Stokkebye and Orlik, they’ve begun producing some topflight original blends and ones reminiscent of tobaccos from days gone by. The knowledge of the people involved in development of the blends is apparent in the end result. Let the quality of Villiger 1888 speak for itself; give ‘em a try!
SAVE 10%
on Villiger Pipe Tobacco By Using Coupon Code
Blend Name After Dinner Cocktail Hour Early Day Late Night Mid Day
Flavor Profile Smooth, Complex Pineapple, Chocolate Classic English Irish Whiskey Vanilla, Exotic Fruits
10 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com 10 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
Package 50g Tin 50g Tin 50g Tin 50g Tin 50g Tin
MSRP $10.00 $12.50 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20
As Low As $6.60 $8.25 $5.87 $5.87 $5.87
extraordinary tobaccos for the discriminating pipe smoker PLANTA pipe tobaccos of the year blended by hand
2006: A sweet pear mixture Each year, PLANTA Tabak-Manufaktur of Germany introduces a Noble Black Cavendish, nutty Burley and Virginia flakes new limited-edition tobacco mixture for its tobacco of the year series. rounded off with the natural sweetness of the Williams Christ Expertly formulated, hand blended and conscientiously tested, these pear. Extraordinary taste experience blends represent the very best in their categories. Only PLANTA’s reputation and influence allows it to find the supreme pinnacle of 2007: Black and mellow, aromatic and for smooth ach year, PLANTA Germany introduces a new limited-edition tobacco mixture its tobacco of the yea quality leaf fromTabak-Manufaktur various crops to use in of its special-edition blends. Black Cavendish with the aroma of thoroughly matured bilberries. A delightful experience pleasing to in thetheir tonguecategories. eries. Expertly formulated, hand blended and conscientiously tested, these blends represent the very best 2008: An exotic mixture
Only PLANTA’s reputation and influence allows it to find the supremeVivacious pinnacle of quality from various to use yellow Virginiasleaf and contrasting Blackcrops Cavendish andin it
pecial-edition blends. Available at fine tobacco shops.
brown Burley with exotic fruit extracts. An exquisite smoking experience 2010: After dinner mixture
Blend Name Sold In As Low as Full of contrast but also harmonic, 2010 features honey-colored Planta MMIX Tobacco of the Year 2009 - Nordic Mixture 100g Tin $22.70 Virginia grades and Black Cavendish with the gentle aromas of 006: A PLANTA sweet Pipe pear mixture Tobacco Anno MMXI - 2011 Caribbean Mixture Ounces $2.65 chocolate and smoky Scottish whisky. Full pleasurearomas for PLANTA Pipe Tobacconutty ANNO Burley MMVIII and Virginia flakes Ounces $2.65 Virginia Noble Black Cavendish, grades and Black Cavendish withbodied the gentle o relaxing moments PLANTA Pipe Tobacco ANNO MMVI Ounces $2.65 chocolate and smoky Scottish whisky. Full bodied pleasure for ounded off with the natural sweetness of the Williams Christ PLANTA Pipe Tobacco Anno MMX - 2010 Ounces $2.65 ear. Extraordinary taste FULL experience PLANTA Pipe Tobacco ENGLISH Ounces $3.12 relaxing Sansmoments Souci: Fruity with caramel, smooth and sweet PLANTA Pipe Tobacco MILD ENGLISH Ounces $3.12 Bright and mellow mixture of high-quality Golden Virginias, PLANTA Pipe Tobacco MMVII Ounces $2.65 Burley and Blackwith Cavendish. Fascinating and full sweet of taste Sans Souci: Fruity caramel, smooth and 007: Black and mellow, aromatic and smooth PLANTA Pipe Tobacco SANS SOUCI Ounces $2.65 lack Cavendish with the aroma of thoroughly matured bilberPresbyterian Mixture 50g Tin $10.68 Bright and mellow mixture of high-quality Golden Virginias, Mild English: Exclusive, aristocratic, typically English Original Danish Black Vanillapleasing Mixture to the tongue 50g Tin $11.54 Burley and Black Cavendish. Fascinating and full of taste es. A delightful experience High ratio of Latakia from Syria and Cyprus and broad cut Holger Danske Tin - Black and Bourbon 50g Tin $11.54 Virginia grades Holger Danske Tin - Daily Mixture 50g Tin $11.54 008: AnHolger exotic mixture Danske Royal Navy Flake 50g Tin $11.54 Mild English: Exclusive, aristocratic, typically English Holger Danske Tin - Mangoand and Vanilla 50g Tin $11.54 High ratio Full English: Traditional, smoky and and very English ivacious yellow Virginias contrasting Black Cavendish of Latakia from Syria Cyprus and broad cut Holger Danske Tin - Original Mild Orange 50g Tin $11.54 Originally Syrian Latakia rounded off with various Virginia
nd brown Burley with exotic fruit extracts. An exquisite smok- Virginia grades grades and a touch of full bodied Java tobaccos Note: For full flavor profiles and descriptions, please visit our website. ng experience 1-800-494-9144 wwwand .PIPESANDCIGARS. Full English: Traditional, smoky very English com 11 010: After dinner mixture Originally Syrian Latakia rounded off with various Virginia
Lane Limited
sold by the ounce
he worlds #1 selling tobaccos and it's not even close. Chances are, if you smoke a pipe you've already tried one or more of these tobaccos and you may not even know it. For nearly a century, smokeshops have carried these blends and have re-named them to the fit and feel of their shop or geographical location. But, If you're in the mood to try something new and none of these look familiar you simply cannot go wrong. In volume they out sell every other pipe tobacco we carry almost 10 to 1.
Golden Cavendish blend but with a hint of fire-cured blended in provides a scintillating taste and flavorful aroma.
Blended with just the right proportion of Golden Virginia and Burleys, the basic blend of Toasted Cavendish tobaccos gets better as you smoke it.
LL-7 Name 1Q BCA BLWB HS-3 LL-7 MV 1000 RLP-6 TK-6 Very Cherry
TK-6 Flavor Profile Scintilating Vanilla Black Vanilla Toasted Almonds Roated Hazelnuts Cherry Cavendish Subtle Fragrance Smooth Tobacco Flavor Cherry Zinger Ultra Cherry
1-800-494-9144 ď ł www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com 1-800-494-9144 ď ł www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
1oz. $4.06 $4.06 $4.06 $4.06 $4.06 $4.06 $4.06 $4.06 $4.06
MV 1000
Very Cherry 4oz. $8.64 $8.64 $8.64 $8.64 $8.64 $8.64 $8.64 $8.64 $8.64
8oz. $15.68 $15.68 $15.68 $15.68 $15.68 $15.68 $15.68 $15.68 $15.68
16oz. $29.44 $29.44 $29.44 $29.44 $29.44 $29.44 $29.44 $29.44 $29.44
80oz. $130.40 $130.40 $130.40 $130.40 $130.40 $130.40 $130.40 $130.40 $130.40
Scotty’s Personal Blends A. Blueberry Pancakes - I would argue that breakfast $2.08 Per Oz.
$1.63 Per Oz.
is the greatest meal of the day. I would also argue that blueberry pancakes made from scratch are at the top of most lists.
TESTSDTJSLKEJ SDf B. Butternut Burly - Scotty’s Butternut Burley is faintly reminiscent of Lane’s 1Q or RLP-6 aromatic offerings, yet in a class all its own.
C. Stonewall - Toasted Cavendish, Burley and Golden Virginia season with just enough Cyprian Latakia to produce a cool - smoking, sweet full-bodied, slow-burning tobacco. $2.31 Per Oz.
$2.92 Per Oz.
D. Old Red - Dark stoved Virginia and fiery red Virginia mixed together in one of our most popular blends. E. Milk and Honey - Another house favorite. Loaded with the finest black cavendish and a single malt highlight. Perfect for the cool Night. F. English Stout - Latakia, Latakia, Latakia... This blend
$1.87 Per Oz.
$1.87 Per Oz.
reeks of a campfire on a very cold night. This is a very heavy blend.
HPCS Adirondack Series A. Old Lodge - A blend of the finest grade Latakia’s
combined with stoved Virginias, and a hint of Balkan. This is a heavy blend perfect for cold nights with a snifter of fine port.
B. Trout Stream - This is a mixture of Golden Cavendish
$1.87 Per Oz.
$1.87 Per Oz.
$1.87 Per Oz.
$1.87 Per Oz.
Slices mixed with a sweet Black Cavendish.
C. Pine Grove - Reminiscent of the smells of a quiet morning stroll through a dew dampened old pine forest floor. This blend is made to be shared with yourself and the noises of early rising creatures. D. Owls Head - A mild yet full bodied mixture of Blended Turkish Ribbon, Latakia, with a touch of Perique.
University Series
A. The Dean - A stronger tobacco reminiscent of an old fashioned English. Hand blended with Virginias and heavy Latakia, this is a perfect after dinner smoke.
$2.10 Per Oz.
$2.10 Per Oz.
$2.10 Per Oz.
$2.10 Per Oz.
B. Student - A careful blend of Virginias, Burley and Cavendish make this blend perfect for the “student” of the pipe. This tobacco has a wonderful aroma and has pleased many pipe smokers. C. Professor - Inspired by an old Professor, this tobacco is an excellent entree into a fine English tobacco blend. Hand blended with latakia, among others, this is a tobacco that has a smokey taste. D. Graduate - A potpourri of Matured Virginias, Latakia, Perique, and a Special Flake to add mellowness.
1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com 1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
13 13
Brebbia Pipe Tobacco
In 1947, Enea Buzzi, founder of Pipe Brebbia, began manufacturing fine Italian pipes. Pipe Brebbia soon became quite well-known throughout the world as a premier pipe company. The Brebbia name was synonymous with fantastic quality, great design, and expert craftsmanship.
Brebbia Robert Lewis
Today, Pipe Brebbia is under the administration of Enea's son, Luciano Buzzi. The family tradition has continued for over 55 years. Luciano has painstakingly developed six wonderful pipe tobacco blends under the Brebbia name. We are very proud of introduce these very fine tobaccos which have been expertly crafted to provide the pipe smoker with the best possible smoking pleasure.
Reiner Pipe Tobacco
Reiner Pipes are well-known for their beauty and craftsmanship, and have been the cornerstone of their German shop for many years. These pipes now have a equal with the Reiner Pipe Tobaccos. Virginia, Latakia and aromatic blends comprise this series, all made with high-quality components and attention to detail.
James J Fox
James J Fox Pipe Tobacco James J. Fox Pipe Tobacco started in one of the most well-known of all London tobacconists. These exquisite blends use natural tobaccos, including Perique, top-notch Virginias, earthy Burleys, fragrant Latakia, rare Oriental/Turkish strains and even Cuban seed cigar leaf. Try a taste of old London.
Solani Pipe Tobacco In 1997, R.L. Will introduced the Solani line of pipe tobaccos. The Solani name was derived from the Latin work "solanum", which means nightshade plants. In developing the Solani line, he wanted to offer the pipe smoker very mature tobaccos with as little additives as possible. The tobacco blends have been a huge success because of the great taste, fantastic room aroma and master blending ability of R.L. Will.
Robert Lewis Pipe Tobacco Robert Lewis, founded in 1787, is the longest established tobacco merchant in London and one of the oldest in the world. Christoper Lewis, a Welshman, originally started his retail tobacconist business at 14 Long Acre in Covent Garden. Robert Lewis, a relative of Christopher Lewis, later became the administrator of the firm. As the buiness flourished, the firm moved several times and finally located at 19 St. James's Street, where it is trading today. In 1997, Rovert Lewis received a Royal Warrant of Appointment to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. We are very proud to introduce the Robert Lewis "Special Tobacco Blends". Until now, these fine tobaccos were sold exclusively at the Robert Lewis shop on St. James's Street. The wonderful mixtures are the finest available and are expertly blended from only the very best tobaccos. We thank you for looking, and if you have not tried Robert Lewis tobaccos, try them now as we are confident that you will experience total enjoyment as many have for over a century. Editor’s Note: The label on the Robert Lewis tobaccos contains a drawing of St. James Palace - the home of Prince Charles which is 100 yards from the shop.
1-800-494-9144 ď ł www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
Solani Solani
Tin Size Style MSRP 763 White & Black 50g English $17.50 Aged Burley Flake #656 50g Burley $17.50 Blend 127 Light Natural Sweetness 50g Virginia, Cavendish $17.50 Blend 131 Scotch Whiskey 50g Virginia, Burley, Cavendish $17.50 Blend 369 Sweetness of Perique 50g Virginia, Burley, Cavendish $17.50 Blend 633 50g Virginia, Perique $17.50 Blend 779 50g English $17.50 Sweet Mystery X 100g Aromatic, Cocoa $31.50 Sweet Mystery X 50g Aromatic, Cocoa $17.50 Silver Flake Blend 660 100g Virginia, Kentucky $31.50
Tin Size Style MSRP Golden Label 100g Virginia, Burley, Perique $31.50 Green Label 50g Virginia, Burley, Nutty $17.50 Red Label 50g Light English $17.50 Copper Label - Professional 100g Virginia, Hickory, Fruits $31.50 Yellow Label 50g Cavendish, Rum, Vanilla $17.50
James J Fox
Tin Size Style MSRP Campanile 50g Virginia, Orientals $18.00 Dorisco Mixture 50g Perique $18.00 Provost Mixture 50g English $18.00 Squires Mixture 50g Turkish $18.00 Hibernia 50g Virginia, Burley, Perique $18.00 Bankers Mixture 50g Cigar Leaf $18.00
Robert Lewis
Tin Size Style MSRP Orcilla Mixture 50g Oriental $17.00 123 Mixture 50g Cigar Blend $17.00 Tree Mixture 50g Engllish $17.00 Wingfield Mixture 50g Virginia $17.00
Balkan Adagio Allegro Romanza Sinfona Preludio Quartetto Latakia Flake Classic English Mix No 70 Classic English Mix No 80 Calvados
Tin Size 50g 50g 50g 50g 50g 50g 50g 50g 50g 50g 50g
As Low As $12.25 $12.25 $12.25 $12.25 $12.25 $12.25 $12.25 $22.05 $12.25 $22.05 As Low As $23.29 $12.92 $12.92 $23.29 $12.92 As Low As $13.29 $13.29 $13.29 $13.29 $13.29 $13.29 As Low As $12.90 $12.90 $12.90 $12.90
Style MSRP As Low As Balkan $16.50 $11.79 Pistachios $15.50 $11.79 Virginia, Burley, Mango $15.50 $11.79 Virginia, Fruity $15.50 $11.79 Virginia, Cavendish, Plum $15.50 $11.79 English $15.50 $11.79 Mild English, Fruits, Herbs $15.50 $11.79 Virginia, Latakias $16.50 $11.79 Classic English $15.50 $11.79 Latakia, Burley, Virginias $15.50 $11.79 Virginia, Burley, Brandy $15.50 $11.79
G.L. Pease G.L. Pease artisanal pipe tobaccos have a unique and strong tradition. Gregory Pease has had over thirty years of experience blending tobaccos, starting at the esteemed Drucquer & Sons Ltd. in San Francisco. Over the last decade or so, Greg has worked with Cornell & Diehl to make some of the most acclaimed blends on the market. Armed with an acute palate, he has the ability to create one of a kind blends that have captured the imagination and tastes of pipe smokers everywhere.
Blend Name Abingdon Ashbury Barbary Coast Blackpoint Cairo Caravan Charing Cross Chelsea Morning Cumberland Embarcadero Fillmore Haddo's Delight JackKnife Plug Kensington Key Largo Lagonda Laurel Heights Lombard Maltese Falcon Meridian Montgomery Odyssey Piccadilly Quiet Nights Robusto Samarra Stratford Telegraph Hill Triple Play Union Square Westminster
Package 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin 2oz Tin
MSRP P&C $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $14.10 $9.79 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $14.10 $9.89 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55 $13.80 $9.55
1-800-494-9144 ď ł www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
All-Time Favorites
he All-Time Favorites are time-honored pipe tobaccos that are still popular today. These are the good, honest, no-frills blends that Dad and Grandpa used to smoke. Most are made primarily of Burley and Virginia, and most have a mild flavor. Brands like Half and Half, with its formula of “Burley and Bright”, the straightforward goodness of Prince Albert and Carter Hall, and the uniqueness of Mixture No. 79 characterize this category. For millions, these tobaccos have exemplified good solid value at a fair price. There’s obviously a reason why these blends are still popular after decades on the market. Check out one of the largest selections of these legendary American tobaccos available anywhere.
Mixture 79
Carter Hall
Middletons Cherry
14oz Can MSRP $37.00 –
As Low As $29.54
14oz Can MSRP $41.00 12oz Can MSRP $38.00 –
As Low As $27.99
Half and Half
As Low As $27.62
14oz Can MSRP $37.00 –
As Low As $21.64
14oz Can MSRP $40.00
As Low As $21.64
All-Time Favorites
Borkum Ruff
14oz Can MSRP $40.00
As Low As $30.60
7oz Can MSRP $32.50
1.5oz Pouch MSRP $8.40 –
As Low As $21.45
As Low As $5.54
Prince Albert 12oz Can MSRP $44.00
As Low As $28.99
Mild Kentucky Club
14oz Can MSRP $40.00 –
As Low As $30.60
1.5oz Pouch MSRP $8.00 –
As Low As $5.60
14oz Can MSRP $40.00
As Low As $30.31
Davidoff Pipe Tobaccos MSRP As Low As Danish Mixture (50g tin) $12.50 $11.62 Mild aromatic Danish of Virginia, Burley, and Toasted Cavendish Flake Medallions (50g tin) $14.30 $13.46 The finest Virginia and Perique tobaccos with Black Cavendish. Scottish Mixture (50g tin) $12.50 $11.62 A light blend of Virginia, Burley, Kentucky, with Scotch Whiskey. Royalty (50g tin) $12.50 $11.62 A classic English blend with Mature Virginias and Orientals. English Mixture (50g tin) $12.50 Virginia, Burley, Latakia, and Perique.
avidoff pipe tobaccos represent the same outstanding quality as their legendary cigars. Made of some of the finest tobaccos available, and blended with flavor, aroma, ease of smoking and balance in mind, there’s a blend for just about any palate. If you’re not a cigar smoker, you can still see for yourself why the Davidoff name stands tall in tobacco.
Alsbo Gold
Alsbo pipe tobacco was, for a time, a very popular Danish aromatic blend that had quite a following in the U.S., but it disappeared. A little while ago, a number of boxes were discovered and offered to us. We bought everything that was available. If you remember this blend fondly, get it while it lasts. 1.5oz Pouch - MSRP $10.00
P&C Blowout
Best of the Rest Call it what you want- Hoover blend, floor sweepings, etc., our Best Of The Rest exemplifies our slogan- “We spill more pipe tobacco than most stores sell!” When we have spillage on the bench, the tobacco is swept into a container to become Best Of The Rest- able to leap tall billiards in a single bound, and at a bargain basement price. Just one thing- don’t expect the same blend the next time around.
$13.99/per pound
Dr. Grabow Pipes B
r. Grabow pipes have been American Classics since 1943. Beside the broad selection of styles, sizes and shapes, Dr. Grabows feature their 6mm filter which removes much of the tars and excessive moisture from the smoke and their exclusive pre-smoking process in which a specialized machine actually smokes each pipe to give you a head start on breaking in. Try the largest selling brand of pipes in the US and see why they’re still so popular.
“The Doctor Is In” Gift Set Gift Set Includes: A Dr Grabow Pipe 2 Pouches of Premium Pipe Tobacco 1 Bundle BJ Long's Medium Pipe Cleaners 1 Czech Pipe Tool 1 Box Wooden Matches Bent or Straight Pipe MSRP $37.99 – P&C $33.99
H Pipe Name Pipe Size A Omega Bent Standard B Cardinal Standard C Grand Duke Standard D Freehand Standard E Riviera Standard F Lark Bent Small G Golden Duke Standard H Royal Duke Standard I Redwood Standard J Full Bent Standard K Duke Small L Royalton Standard M Savoy Standard N Big Pipe Large
Available Shapes Bent Straight Straight Bent Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Bent Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Bent Bent or Straight
MSRP P&C $32.70 $26.16 $33.60 $26.88 $28.00 $22.40 $35.50 $28.40 $28.00 $22.40 $25.20 $20.16 $31.40 $25.12 $30.80 $24.64 $37.30 $29.84 $31.90 $25.52 $26.40 $21.12 $36.00 $28.80 $31.90 $25.52 $48.10 $38.48
1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
America's leading value pipe! These are bargain-priced beauties that smoke like much more expensive pipes. Handpicked in partnership between Scotty and an industry veteran with 40 years experience, these pipes are the perfect entrée to pipe smoking. Made in Italy, these briars offer a nice variety of shapes, styles and finishes. If you’ve avoided imported briar pipes because of a tight budget, you don’t need to do so any longer. Try a Barracini…it won’t be your last one.
F pipesandcigars.com
Pipe Name A Ascot Lucite B Smooth C Ascot Vulcanite D Baccara Lucite E Rustic #1 F Tulip G Tulip
Finsih Brown Rustic Dark Brown Brown Rustic Rustic/Smooth Dark Brown Rustic Rustic Smooth
MSRP $39.50 $31.50 $33.50 $39.50 $27.00 $57.00 $57.00
1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
P&C $31.60 $25.50 $26.80 $31.60 $21.60 $45.95 $45.95
G H Pipe Name H Exotic I Exotic J Smooth K Baccara Vulcanite L Rustic Mahogany M New Smooth N Smooth Dark Walnut
Finsih Sandblast Smooth Orange Contrast Rustic/Smooth Red Rustic Cognac Contrast Dark Walnut
MSRP $57.00 $57.00 $31.50 $37.00 $27.00 $31.50 $31.50
P&C $45.95 $45.95 $25.20 $29.60 $21.60 $25.20 $25.20
Yello-Bole Pipes BURLEY
any of today’s briar pipes require certain attention when they are smoked for the first time. The break-in period requires you to smoke, rest, smoke, rest and so on. This is done to build up the pipe tolerance for the repeated heat you are going to apply over time. The building up of a “cake” on the walls of a briar pipe provides this protection. Yello-Bole, a leader in innovation, addressed this issue years ago when they launched the Yello-Bole line of pipes manufactured with a material they call Brylon. This requires no break-in period, smokes dry, and is easily cleaned. Many customers have these pipes in their rotation for a number of reasons. They are great pipes to use when you are trying a new blend, standing in the middle of a fishing stream or on your boat, or working in the shop. All Yello-Bole pipes have a push bit with a scoop.
Yello-Bole Tobacco Pouches Vinyl Tobacco Zipper Pouch - Black Vinyl Tobacco Zipper Pouch - Brown Roll Up Pouch - Black Roll Up Pouch - Brown
MSRP 8.39 8.39 7.79 7.79
P&C 6.39 6.39 5.65 5.65
Name Burley Line - Bent Burley Line - Straight Ebony Line - Bent Ebony Line - Straight Nova Line - Bent Nova Line - Straight Spartan Line - Bent Spartan Line - Straight Standard Line - Bent Standard Line - Straight
MSRP 20.95 20.95 18.95 18.95 19.95 19.95 22.95 22.95 21.95 21.95
P&C 16.99 16.99 14.99 14.99 15.99 15.99 18.99 18.99 17.99 17.99
1-800-494-9144 www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
Missouri Meerschaum Corn Cob Pipes L A
C C1
F Missouri Meerschaum Corn Cob Pipes A General B McArthur C Mini Pipe - Natural C1 Mini Pipe - Varnished D Diplomat E Pony F Country Gentleman G Great Dane - Spool H Great Dane - Egg I Legend Bent Pipe J Ozark Hardwood - Cherry J1 Ozark Hardwood - Maple L American Patriot K Washington
Available In Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Straight Straight Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Bent or Straight Bent Straight Bent or Straight Bent or Straight
1-800-494-9144 ď ł www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com
MSRP As Low As $9.59 $8.25 $17.00 $12.80 $2.49 $1.99 $2.49 $1.99 $9.59 $8.00 $4.49 $3.59 $9.59 $8.00 $9.59 $10.00 $9.59 $10.00 $5.39 $4.75 $5.29 $4.25 $5.29 $4.25 $9.59 $8.00 $6.99 $5.59
issouri Meerschaum Corncob pipes have been an American staple for the pipe smoker since 1869. These sweet-smoking pipes have been made in Washington, Missouri for the past 142 years, having sold millions and they’re still going strong. For a nice smoke at an affordable price, every collection needs a few cobs.
Brigham pipes are unique in that they use a special rock maple filter which removes moisture from the smoke without decreasing flavor. Available in a variety of shapes and finishes, at very reasonable prices, many people smoke Brighams exclusively. Now they’ve added a series of cigar accessories- precision cutter and humidor gear to keep your cigars in optimum condition.
A B Brigham Pipes A The Muskoka
Highlights Freehand Rustic
MSRP $169.99
P&C $135.99
B Acadian
Natural Matte Finish - Highest Grade
C Klondike
Golden Amber High Polish
D Heritage
Smooth Walnut - Elegant
E Chinook
Black Sandblast - Silver Band
F Mountaineer
Deep Red - High Polish
G Algonquin
Deep Brown Amber High Polish
H Voyageur
Rusticated Deep Walnut
The Boardroom - Natural Briar
Freehand Smooth Natural
The Country Club
Freehand Smooth Natural
The Helm
Freehand Smooth Walnut
Brigham Cigar Accessories
Blue Cigar Cutter
Double Blade Black Oval Cigar Cutter
Black Cigar Cutter with Logo
16oz Humidification Solution
8oz Humidification Solution
Humidification Device (Good for 50ct)
Humidification Device (Good for 100ct)
Humidification Device (Good for 250ct)
Crystal Humidification Jar
Digital Round Hygrometer/Thermometer
Digital Rectangular Hygrometer/Thermometer
Analog Hygrometer
1-800-494-9144 ď ł www.PIPESANDCIGARS.com