Portfolio Archive (2014-1016)

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PORTFOLIO ARCHIVE (2014 -2016) proposals




A Project Proposal Stating Goals And Purpose

< 03 >

Windows Into The Future : 2O16 Calendar

< 09 >

Risograph Printing Notebook X Tools To Liveby

< 10 >

Unfinished Daydream

< 11 >

Good Old Days Letter Writing Set

< 12 >

2015 Risograph Printing Calendar

< 13 >


< 14 >

False Appearance

< 15 >

artist profile



< 16 >


< 17 >

First Ideas Concerning An In-Lab


Point And Line Through Surface, Breaking With Reflection.

< 04 >


< 05 >

O.OO NBSŠ The Experimental Exhibition The Experimental Notebook - Dot Study Notebook

< 06 >

If Not Now, Then When?

< 07 >

Imperfection booklets : Risograph

< 08 >


Born in 1989, Ihwa Lu is currently based in Taiwan. odotoinfo@gmail.com + 886 973 173 642

She is taking Masters in Communication Design while working as a graphic designer at O.OO Risogrpah & Design Studio, which she has founded.





A Project Proposal Stating Goals And Purpose

< 03 >

Windows Into The Future : 2O16 Calendar

< 09 >

Risograph Printing Notebook X Tools To Liveby

< 10 >

Unfinished Daydream

< 11 >

Good Old Days Letter Writing Set

< 12 >

2015 Risograph Printing Calendar

< 13 >


< 14 >

False Appearance

< 15 >

artist profile



< 16 >


< 17 >

First Ideas Concerning An In-Lab


Point And Line Through Surface, Breaking With Reflection.

< 04 >


< 05 >

O.OO NBSŠ The Experimental Exhibition The Experimental Notebook - Dot Study Notebook

< 06 >

If Not Now, Then When?

< 07 >

Imperfection booklets : Risograph

< 08 >


Perhaps it is because of the fast pace of life in asia, the depth of creative development for every O.OO projects, client-based and personal, has been less than satisfactory. With a slower pace at Van Ecyk, I hope to revisit and expand on our existing projects. More importantly, I have always wanted to use risograph to create an animated book that inspires readers to interact with it. I really admire the graphic design culture in Netherlands and I look forward to be inspired in Van Ecyk for this project. I also intend to collate the year’s learnings and research at Van Eyck into a publication. I would like to bring these creations from Van Ecyk back to showcase in Taiwan in July 2017, as a continuation of O.OO NBS© The experimental exhibition, which was held this September 2016.

< 03 >

I look forward to be inspired by the different cultures and environment at Van Ecyk in my one-year stay. I am immensely interested in the Charles nypels lab as I have always wanted to learn more about different print mediums and utilise them in my projects. I simply can’t conceal my excitement at the thought of it! The teaching resources and equipment for vintage stencil in Asia is almost non-existent and is difficult to obtain in Taiwan. So in addition to my personal projects, I look forward to learning this age-old craft. This would be the most meaningful part of the trip for me and I hope to share what I have learnt with my fellow designers back in Taiwan. I firmly believe that this would revitalise Taiwan’s design scene.


As a graphic designer, I feel that the mastery of a craft aids the creative process of design. With my passion for risograph printing, I have dwelled in which for over the past 2 years and founded my own studio in Taiwan. Invested in every project, I realised that the printing industry in Taiwan is rather wasteful. As such, I would like to reimagine the wastepaper from risograph as daily functional objects. Through the process of papermaking, I am curious to find out if it is possible to retain the special coloured textures of risograph scraps by avoiding dye and bleach. Also I would like to see how the paper pulp can be moulded into sculptural objects or useful household items such as benches and storage boxes. The vibrant scraps from risograph would add on to the aesthetics of these paper products, and recycled

< 04 >

paper products may no longer be limited to earthy colours! Risograph is already a more economic and environmentally friendly printing option as it uses soy based inks and uncoated paper stocks. However, recycling the risograph scraps further reduces the environmental impact. The idea that I have currently is fairly rough, and I am hoping to find a suitable space for the experimentation and collaboration on this project. I look forward to have industrial designers and material researchers on board to explore the fullest potential of reusing risograph scraps. I also believe that this journey to Netherlands and the cultural difference would inspire me to bring this idea to greater heights!

Point And Line Through Surface, Breaking With Reflection. O.OO NBSŠ The Experimental Exhibition

Exhibition, Installation Art > material_ Wood, Motor, Acrylic, Plastic Bag, Paper size_ Installation 200*88*5cm year_ 2016

Video source_ https://vimeo.com/183299771

< 05 >

The passage of time gives life to all things and all things come to an end along with it. The next second replaces the previous second and becomes the past. We can never capture the beauty of the present, but only to recall it at heart. Its passing is signified by the moment we notice it.

Repetitive graphics and rhythmic mechanisms were adopted in the installation. Seemingly repetitive, yet the shapes present a different picture with the rotation of time, forming unique and ever-changing patterns. The aim of this project was to utilise the simplest shapes to create something that is

dynamic. It is an attempt to have a breakthrough by assigning ourselves not to create new rules but to extend the possibilities from most basic frame. 2016.09.09 - 2016.10.16 at Not Just Library (Songshan Cultural and Creative Park)

The Experimental Notebook - Dot Study Notebook

Notebook, Stationery > material_ Paper, Plastic Cover size_ 105*180mm 288 pages year_ 2016 Limited Edition

< 06 >

The Experimental Notebook series is specially created with a considered selection of paper and printing methods. It hopes to inspire users to think out of the norm. Within each each notebook are pages of dots and grids in 4 different sizes and

are printed on alternate pages for handwriting to fall thoughtfully on the right side of the spread. Its design allows for pages to be conveniently torn for making collages and origami. Using what is conventionally used for food packaging, the

pages of greaseproof paper hopes to encourage users to contemplate the usage of the everyday things around us. Each design in the series comes in a limited quantity of 200 pieces.

If Not Now, Then When?

Installation Art > material_ Wood, Acrylic size_ 420*297*20mm year_ 2016

< 07 >

The clock gave time a unit so that very minute and every second becomes a countable and meaningful reality. The amount of time spent becomes an estimation of value. However, time may not be the standard measure of value as different people have

different perception of what is meaningful and important to them.

beautiful second as it is not something that is can waited upon.

The artwork is constantly in motion. It changes its appearance with every minute, but yet it is complete in every instance. It is upon luck to capture it in the most

The passage of time makes every perfect moment exist in the past and incomparable with the next.

Imperfection booklets : Risograph

Booklets, Publication, Editor, Copy Writer, Graphic Design > material_ Paper size_ 176*240mm 2 Books with attachments year_ 2016

< 08 >

Risograph printing creates micro imperfections, spontaneous by nature, and could even be comparable to how improvisation in jazz creates unexpectedly pleasant results.

the studio as a theatre of sorts - as the stage for printing narratives to unfold.

I’m writing this book, beacause for the last two years I have been witness to so many different situations and stories with customers, that I have come to see

We feel that Risograph, with all its imperfections and difficulties, has the most personality and is the most fun of the printing processes, yet has the potential to be

The aim for this booklet is to act as a guide for those interested in Risograph printing.

the most frustrating. We chose the name of this booklet for the nuances and trademark imperfections that make Risograph printing so charming. The experiences we’ve accumulated over the past two years have been distilled into this ‘Riso roadmap’, to show you that printing this way can be an easy, creatively stimulating and fun experience not an intimidating one.

Windows Into The Future : 2O16 Calendar

Stationery, Calendar, Art Direction > material_ Paper size_ 135*192mm year_ 2016 Limited Edition

< 09 >

A calendar is an object that takes up many roles in time; it is a reminder, and also a scenery on a desk. Our calendar for this year attempts to introduce narratives while retaining functionality. Our new partner, Jones, illustrates dynamically in his still works, as though each illustration is a frame to an animation.

Every scene and objects depict the different views on time, where the illustrations for every two months correspond with each other. Jones shares his personal perspectives on time through his illustrations, but the narrative is very much up to one’s interpretation. All 11 colours available in the studio have been utilised for this calendar

and by conveying the illustrative strokes through risograph, the calendar provides an all-rounded sensory experience through touch, sight and smell. Regardless if it is placed on a desk, stuck on a wall, slotted under a table mat, or retained as a zine, it all serves as a unique scenery.

Risograph Printing Notebook X Tools To Liveby

Stationery, Notebook, Art Direction > material_ Paper size_ 135*192mm year_ 2016 Limited Edition

< 10 >

Upon receiving the invite from Tools To Liveby, we set out to design and produce the first ever risograph notebook. We matched the special colours of risograph ink with common Taiwanese packaging paper as inserts of the notebook. As for the cover, we selected natural Japanese paper for its coarse and grainy texture. The paper draws the user closer to the notebook as it weathers

with age, creating personalised marks for the individual. The lines within the pages are faintly printed, inspired by the thin and translucent packaging paper. By printing the lines on the surface that is folded in, the prevents the print from smudging and retains the unique characteristic of the risograph print. The pages shift around while writing, with the hand gliding and guiding the

printed lines to dance. This dance makes the writing experience unlike any other. In order to fully utilise the space in the notebook, we used a special binding method that allows for the notebook to lay flat. Also, as the inserts are created with packaging paper, the pages can be easily torn to be used as a letter paper or a gift decoration.

Unfinished Daydream

Stationery, Illustration, Poster, Postcard > material_ Paper size_ Poster 250*178mm Postcard 109*158mm year_ 2015

< 11 >

Good Old Days Letter Writing Set

Stationery, Graphic Design, Letter Writing Set > material_ Paper size_ 158*110*20 mm year_ 2015 Limited Edition

< 12 >

This stationery set brings us back to the good old days. Due to the unique characteristics of risograph printing, we were met with many challenges for

this project. However, we understand the preciousness of handwriting and were very particular every step of the way, making considered selections of

paper, colour and printing methods. That is why the stationery set is limited edition, just like how every wonderful moment of the good old days should be treasured.

2015 Risograph Printing Calendar

Stationery, Calendar, Graphic Design > material_ Paper size_ 160*300mm year_ 2014 Limited Edition

< 13 >

In this year’s calendar, we experimented with several riso printing techniques such as adjusting the print angle, density and playing with overlapping colours. We also explored various

paper selections and eventually settled with four that felt gentle to the touch. The conventional calendar hooks are removed for users to display the calendar however they wish to.

The illustrations can be torn off every two months as keepsakes or used , leaving curious shred marks along serrated tear line.


Publication, Booklet, Exhibition Design > material_ Mirror, Glossy Paper size_ 420*297mm year_ 2015

< 14 >

The world wide web is limitless and we fall into the seemingly harmless online world. We indulge in showing off ourselves while we hide under an umbrella of anonymity. As our indulgence grow, we gradually lose our true selves and model parallel ideal versions of ourselves virtually. Many people take to the Internet to reinvent themselves, secretly hoping to make themselves more attractive and popular in real life. On the contrary, establishing all

these virtual identities are merely means to escape one’s reality. The selfie book was placed within a space that was covered with mirrors on all 3 sides. The exhibition invites visitors to step into the confined space as though stepping into the boundless world wide web from a computer. Visitors are trapped within the tight space, but yet they see infinite reflections of themselves. It's just like how we create and

curate numerous virtual identities of ourselves but these identities are mere facades and are not our true selves. Facebook, the social platform we often use, has been materialised into the selfie book in the exhibition. As we flip through the pages, we browse and like our curated ideal selves. Phrases were deliberately preceded with hashtags to passively engage readers to take photos with their phones and share on the various social platforms.

False Appearance

Installation Art, Video Art > material_ Acrylic, Projector, Fabric size_ Fabric 400*90cm Box 290*180*20mm Video Art 2"45 Year_ 2014

< 15 >

Riding on the prosperous culture and technology built by the generations before us, we have become so fragile on such solid foundations. We are living but at the same time, dying every minute. We are a generation that has been constrained by the information and technology around us. We have become accustomed to this framework where are our

every move and thought is judged upon and we have no signs to rebel. Yet our minds are full of ideas, with no outlet for us to express them. However, living on this earth, we must always carry a personal point of view. One should not only live, but live life to the fullest. One should attempt to understand that life should not only be complete but also unique.

I, accept the family which I cannot choose, the inability to replace my family background and circumstances I, accept that the society is silently depriving me of living space, leaving me bare I, am aware of my awareness


Ihwa Lu ( Pip Lu )

< 16 >

Ihwa Lu is a graphic designer and visual artist based in Taipei. She founded O.OO Risograph & Design Studio in 2014 while she was still taking masters in communication design at Shih Chien University. She studied 3D animation in university, but due to her liking of mixing mediums and graphic design, she went on to self-teach after graduating. She chanced upon Risograph printing during her travels. Never having come across this unique printing method in Taiwan, the encounter broke the traditional impression of printing. This challenged her sense of aesthetic as a fresh graduate and inspired her to take on a personal learning journey.

For the past 2 years, O.OO has progressed from formally practicing graphic design to later incorporating risograph printing in the mix. Merging risograph printing with product design makes the unique characteristic of the O.OO brand. I believe that with every new project and challenge, we can uncover solutions and discover new possibilities of Design and Risograph printing. Aside from providing graphic design services, O.OO regularly holds workshops at XueXue Institute. Our works have also been featured on It’s Nice That, Victionary Publishing, Computer Art, Brand D and more.

Event / Exhibition

Press / Interview / Award

Workshop / Class



< 17 >


Point And Line Through Surface, Breaking With Reflection. O.OO NBS© The Experimental Exhibition, Not Just Library



BIOS monthly, interview, 31 August

Experimental Seminar Imperfect Is The Most Perfect, TNH Center

Hanzi . Kanji . Hanja by Victionary, project selected my plus+ Issue 50, Interview, 10 June

Internet Yami-Ichi, Lololol.net

UndTv Art channel, interview

Hometown Photography Exhibition Crowdfunding Project, Flying V


Risograph orientation workshop, XueXue Institute

have A nice, interview, 15 December

Weekend Pop-Up Store, Eslite Bookstore

Make your notebook risograph printing workshop, XueXue Institute Looking back at print through design – Lectures, National Taiwan University

NEW RETRO by Victionary, project selected, 2016

Imperfection Project, A Day Cafe Meowomen Collaborative Exhibition, Eslite Bookstore

It’s Nice That, The Imperfection Booklets by O.OO explain the nuances of Risograph printing, 24 June 2016

the collction of PIN! workshop, XueXue Institute


Have A nice x O.OO Handmade Crafts Workshop, Huashan1914 Creative Park Risograph notebook workshop iii , XueXue Institute

Yam people, interview,15 April

Youth and future - Ministry of Labor, Youth Employment Lecture Series, Minghsin University of Science and Technology

Computer Art issue85, interview

Risograph notebook workshop II, XueXue Institute

Computer Arts, project design, August

Creative process and methods - Lectures, National Chiao Tung University Risograph Duotone Workshop I, XueXue Institute

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