Working positively with people with autism!
Developing an
Adult Autism Strategy for Stockport Council
Offerton Community Centre Mallowdale Road, Offerton Stockport SK2 5NX
Friday 25 January 2013 9.30am to 12.30pm
Stockport Council, NHS Stockport, the National Autistic Society and other partners are developing a three year Adult Autism Strategy for Stockport. Following the passing of the Autism Act in 2009, the Secretary of State responded by publishing ‘Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives - the Strategy for Adults with Autism in England’. The Strategy sets out a number of key actions and recommendations for central Government as well as for local authorities, the NHS and Jobcentre Plus, focusing on five key areas: Increasing awareness and understanding of autism Developing a clear and consistent pathway for diagnosis Improving access to the services and support people need to live independently within the community Employment Enabling local partners to develop relevant services to meet identified needs and priorities. In 2011 and 2012, we consulted people with autism and their families to find out which issues concerned them most; and how they want to be involved in designing and delivering services. We now want to bring agencies and organisations in Stockport together to decide: What makes an agency autism friendly? What information and resources do organisations need to become more accessible to all adults with autism? How we can work together to develop a wide ranging Adult Autism Strategy for Stockport?
Please put this date in your diary. We will circulate information about how to book your place in early January. Friday 25 January 2013, 9.30am to 12.30pm Offerton Community Centre Mallowdale Road, Offerton Stockport SK2 5NX
If you would like this information in large print, Braille or audio format, or in an alternative language please contact 0161 474 4614 or minicom 0161 217 6024 for a copy.